#i like drawin paws a lot tho
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danteinthedevildom · 3 years
Hey y'all how bad is it if I say I'm a lil disappointed w/ the new event
Like don't get me wrong it's good, it's funny, it's a lil heartwarmin - it's got all the good stuff. The story's pretty entertainin too.
But w/ the cards and even the bg of the event I was kinda expectin smthn different? Idk if I 100% expected it to be like "the characters turn into kids" bc that'd just be a lot of new sprites and maybe too much work, but both the cards and the bg suggested smthn like it.
Esp. since the bg usually connects to the event in some way and it legit shows baby older bro hands drawin the younger bros like. You see that, what do you think the event's gonna be?
I haven't finished the "secret route" bc fuckin. Keys. But startin that I was thinkin like oh maybe this'd be smthn real different like the Paws 2 event totally changed how the movie ended and was a sorta good end vs. bad end, right?
But nah. This's like the most minute difference ever. Like they're still doin the same shit and you're still havin the same convos, so it don't feel as worth doin as the Paws 2 event.
I know peeps on Twitter were gettin excited while speculatin and it kinda sucks that a lot of 'em are gonna be disappointed bc it hella ain't what they were thinkin. Like it ain't even close.
Like? I would'a liked this event way more if initial promo stuff didn't suggest so much that it was gonna be smthn it really wasn't.
Why give us the "boys as kids" cards when that's not the point of the event? "Boys as tired caretakers" might've been better (e.g. Sleepin Belphie w/ marker on his face; Asmo, Levi, and Luke practicin the play for a memory card), and would've been just as well received. Or make the kid cards the Nightmare thing, y'know?
That'd be like havin the Paws cards showin off all their animal forms and then the event's like "oh yeah they're chasin after wild animals that escaped from a zoo". The cards've gotta show a lil more of the event legit, not make us think it's gonna be one thing and then oh hey it ain't that at all.
Like!! It's a good event!! I just would'a liked it more if they'd promo'd it/designed the cards more around what it is - the boys bein caretakers - and not around some hypothetical we don't get to see. Bc now the event's like a lil disappointin even tho it's good.
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