#i like it so much more the baby actor who plays Holly this season
terry80 · 2 years
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wisehearts · 22 days
Do you think how one perceived the characters in relation to you plays a role in whether you have cuteness aggression toward will or not and just what you think of byler in general? Just in terms of whether you saw The Party and Will specifically as peers to journey WITH or as someone way younger than you to protect and WATCH grow up. The latter seems to instinctively activate that maternal (or paternal) instinct that the first doesn’t necessarily offer. I never saw him as a “baby.”
I’m not sure if this makes sense. Like personally I’m a few years older than finn and noah, so I’m not in the same exact age bracket as the Party. But I’m def in the same overall generation as the actors. So for me, when I was watching ST in real time for the first time, idk if I ever developed the “cuteness aggression” or anything like that. And I wonder if it’s because I perceived the characters as being my peers rather than being way younger than me, just based on where I was in my self-concept.
Which is not the case for everyone in my age bracket- I know lots of people related more to the older teens, and obviously those way older than me probably related more to Winona and David H! But that’s just how I experienced the show. Now that I revisit the early seasons, yeah it’s obvious how young and innocent and smol Will was, and it puts everything into a new perspective. I don’t know if I feel the cuteness aggression you describe, but I do understand the concept more.
It does create a weird disconnect tho when you see how grown up and hot Finn and Noah are now, in contrast with their “baby roots,” even as they’re still playing characters who haven’t aged much. What are your thoughts?
Hmm, I mean I'm also in the general generation with them and watched ST in real time - but when I discuss the cuteness aggression I have it's only stemming from 2022 onwards when I properly joined the fandom and rewatched, bc I wasn't focused on viewing the party a certain way growing up! Even when I was watching in real time, and holly for example definitely younger than me, I never felt any way about that character.
Yeah watching s4 I knew they were 14 but I could not mentally process them younger than 16 because of their looks 😂 I don't forget that the show only goes for about two years, but I also don't make any of it deep in my head? It's pretty much just when I see pics, or rewatch will scenes, that the squeeing starts. like it's literally just noah for me personally HAHA
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holyhalliwells · 3 years
imo, the show was often unilaterally focused on Piper, but only on what she could do for others (Piper the wife and Piper the mother) rather than who she was as a person. Piper's individual characterization was lost sometime around s5 as soon as she got pregnant, and being a mother and wife pretty much became her sole defining characteristic for the rest of the series. I would be very interested to hear what you define as Piper's mental issues/trauma, bc as you say it doesn't get said enough
this has been in my inbox forever and i’m just getting around to it so my apologies.
but okay. so. yes. i think a lot of tv shows fall into this weird place where like. all of their characters begin with these kinda vague personalities because you’re just getting to know them. and as the show goes on, you pick up more pieces and stuff . and that’s great. that’s interesting and entertaining and it takes you on a journey and all. but often what happens is many shows fall into this pit where writers either get lazy, they change, or whatever, and the actors are tired of playing the part or whatever . and like. the characters become like. caricatures of themselves. and it just gets exhausting to watch because they’re not like. real people anymore.
Piper's individual characterization
so now for the charmed thing. so from the beginning. i have loved piper. like she’s the middle sister, overlooked, quiet, reserved, pessimistic but also realistic, gentle, thoughtful, all that. we see right away that she loves to cook .. she’s so happy her family is back together. she kept in touch with phoebe behind prue’s back. but she’s loyal to the both of them. her first idea was to have a reunion dinner when phoebe came home. she’s literally so cute n she deserves a hug. but no like. as we go on, we see that she wants to be good, she wants a stable life with no more loss, she Loves Love !! like. she wants to just be happy , open her own restaurant n just cook. she’s also so shy .. definitely panicky and anxious. and she doesn’t trust herself. she’s skeptical of everything, and she’s very thoughtful when it comes to big situations. even in the early days with leo and into season 2, she mentioned a few things about like “i’ve been thinking a lot about this...” and you can see she’s good at communicating with people. she’s also got these other dimensions to her like . she is interested in lots of cuisine types, she loves to read (and is a camus fan !!) , she drives a jeep (which i wanna know how she got bc i have questions), when she found out she was a witch her first thought was just . i need to go and see if i am still a good person . and she went to church. prue was surprised to learn that piper enjoys knitting. in the early seasons (especially mid-late season 3) we saw her with her plants and all. she’s just this natural peacekeeper. but like. we literally got a crying scene in the second episode because she was so conflicted about this. and she’s such a deep and complex character that i fell in love with so fast . and like . literally my favourite fictional character to exist . genuinely holly breathed so much life into piper . anyway . so. here’s the thing.
being a mother and wife pretty much became her sole defining characteristic for the rest of the series
like. piper was who i described above. and like . i kinda think . a bit. that like . the writers . especially in s4 . were like . hmm well  . she’s just lost prue, she’s gonna be grieving . and like we need more for her. so. she’s been married to leo for the better part of a year, been with him for like . 3 years. so. let’s maybe consider giving them a kid but not just yet . just Content kinda stuff. so anyway they drop little hints in here and there starting in like . 4x07 i think? which . brain drain really paid the rent . fully just. holly did so well. but like. that ep was just. a neat way of looking into her mind and seeing the horrors of manipulation and gaslighting and everything . and of course holly knocked it out of the park. but at that point, they were kinda like . hmm . kids ? and they started toying with the idea, having piper and leo consider it, talk about it, they had paige and phoebe ask about it , all of that good stuff. as you do. made for some funny tv at some points. and like . i really, really Get It . when piper’s like . ahh the baby wouldn’t be safe around here !!!! like. Girl, Valid . your sister just died and like . you went on forever about how she was The Most Powerful One . The Strongest One . and yet she still died . so she’s like ??? am i next ?? and like obv it doesn’t make sense for her to jump on this train of like . i’m gonna have a kid !!!! so she’s really valid in her thought process there. and like. after having wyatt . i think the writers really . idk. couldn’t do waaay too much with her character anymore because i feel like . to an extent, anything she does will be scrutinized bc i’m not just . saying this . i rlly feel like sometimes piper’s the easiest to hate. like idk why but i loved her. but anyway. if she stays at home with wyatt and doesn’t wanna fight demons n all . then she’s selfish towards her sisters n she’s awful n prue wouldn’t have let her do that !!!! etc . but if she fought demons it’s like . uh sweetie you have a child . really ??? why put yourself in a situation that might have you ending up like patty 2.0 ... bc i could do a Whole post on how patty’s situation messed piper up the most. but anyway.
it’s the way i’m fully rambling so if you’re reading this . i love you . anyway okay . so . i think in a tv show you’ve gotta kinda check boxes. the best tv shows have characters you see yourself in . you relate to them. you hear them and understand their decisions and actions and thoughts. the things they do just makes sense 2 you. so like. with prue, anyone married to their job could relate to her. any oldest sibling could see themselves in her, you know ? she was hard-working, committed, logical, protective. and with phoebe, anyone who couldn’t “settle down” in their early 20s related 2 her, anyone who felt like the outcast of the family, the “screw-up” .. right. makes sense. she was so kind, caring, had-your-back kinda girl. we all love those. paige was like . the new kid, trying to fit in, creative, curious, and definitely a lifelong learner. and then there’s piper who was shy, resistant, really just wanted to be normal. and loved. and i think everyone could kinda identify with at least one of the sisters regardless of where you stood in your own family. so as the show went on, it’s like . they still want you to keep watching and keep being able to identify with them because it’s not like they’re humans with normal lives so they’ve already kinda lowkey got that going against them . so their more “human” and normal lives... we’ve gotta be able to identify with them to be able to invest time. so they had prue always working, having trouble balancing love and work, looking out for her family. we had phoebe kinda living her life, getting her career going, then kinda wanting a family. we had paige learning magic and being super interested and involved and then getting married. and we had piper who had her career pretty early on, got married, and had kids. like. i think the big thing is the marriage and kids. and when you’re a mother . the only mother really in the show, the show lowkey centres around you . like. for starters, the show usually is in the manor, and if you’re a mother, you’re very likely at home, esp with young kids. so i think that alone kinda was like . huh yeah . won’t see piper out waaay too much anymore i guess !!! but no like . there’s That. that’s kinda. the thing that really can’t change with the show . like. piper’s got kids now and a husband and very, very likely . her life will be centred around her home. which. listen she’s wanted that i think - the stability . she’s wanted that forever. and this is the form it came in. but i should stop rambling here and cut to the point .
Piper's mental issues/trauma
disclaimer: i’m not diagnosing her, i’m just speculating based off of my own experiences with mental health
so. okay. very early on. we saw that anxiety. like. yes . she was nervous about like a whole new life experience . or whatever we’re gonna call it when you figure out you’re a witch . but like she was Anxious . like. crying in the attic over being a bad person . needing phoebe to talk her down by telling her she’s such a caring person, she’s always doing things for other people . and then there’s the whole anxiety that comes with. my family’s falling apart because my sisters are fighting so i use really awkward methods of getting out of things . like using humour as a coping mechanism !!! which. gave us some iconic one-liners. but that’s beside the point . anyway. point is. early on, that anxiety was there. there’s an ep in season 1 where she’s literally entering a panic attack in her kitchen and phoebe’s using a menu to cool her down. like. Yikes! and then she’s just. her awkward self around everyone but that’s endearing and is just part of her personality . and i think a lot of the anxiety stemmed from childhood. we heard a few times about how prue and phoebe had boyfriends growing up, were always pretty and popular and all. phoebe was popular, too, just, in the other crowd. but nonetheless, piper faded into the background, doing well in math - well enough to go off and be a banker . and like. she sacrificed a lot for grams. she stayed in san francisco ... we all know the girl had the marks for stanford or something . like. though . still, i think she liked the stability of home and prob would’ve stayed . but in 3x17 she’s all !!! grams !!! the doctor said no caffeine !!! and when grams was taking the pic of them outside and she had an episode , piper was all !!!! shallow breaths !!! like. it was clear piper was the one taking her to the appointments and footing the bill. like. she literally became a banker just bc it had benefits n stuff. like. poor girl really thought . anyway that’s a whole spiral. but no. like she really sacrificed The Most for her family and everyone still thought she was selfish for wanting to move out . when like back then grams was literally ... sick ... and prue was out here moving out and phoebe was nowhere to be found . so. that . definitely would have added to her anxiety about even wanting to do anything for herself because she’ll be perceived as selfish in a heartbeat. even if it’s not Mean . it’s just. she’d never risk it. but there’s the anxiety. there are a few lil things here n there about how she gets nervous n stuff, she represses things (3x07 i think was where phoebe said piper represses her anger n just sucks it up n does whatever) . she literally cancelled her doctor’s appointment Twice . anyway. it still angers me. then in season 7 . patty and victor were like . oh she had night terrors that were so bad we took her to the doctor ! and i just ... honey . baby. she thought she caused the divorce. at 4? 5? she watched victor leave on her 5th birthday, watched a demon attack her, grams, and victor. prue said she didn’t cry at patty’s funeral and i’ll make a safe bet that piper did. and i think growing up without patty was strange for sure. prue had more memories and phoebe had none. and piper had fragments of this person everyone loved . and she was stuck between knowing her and not knowing her. and when patty was sent to her for her wedding day, (as well as in 1x17) . both times when patty hugged them . prue and phoebe hugged her, eyes closed n all. while piper was on the outside, eyes open . looking numb as all hell . and you know. i rlly think she was Giving Them That because phoebe didn’t get her and prue kinda . in a way. lost more of her . if that makes sense ?? and i just. patty really was like . they sent me to You. and 5 seconds later . piper’s like . they sent mom to Us !!! and it’s that idea of sacrifice and never having anything for yourself because she was never just . given anything for herself . everything in her life has been a sacrifice and as a mother, that’s perpetuated. she can assume that role with more of a purpose . like. people won’t really feel sorry for her now as the “forgotten” sister, they won’t try and coddle her or anything. and another thing. control. piper craved stability and control. i think while cooking was something she loved, it also gave her a lot of control . she could control her whole kitchen . even in season 8 .. maybe vaya con leos actually . leo mentioned how much piper craves control. and the control motif makes sense with her powers too. like. piper craved control so much that her powers allowed her to control things down to the atom. so there’s the whole anxiety and needing to control things to ease her anxiety and all. there’s That whole thing.
and then we get to the infamous season 5 fearless spell . ms girl really sat in the attic just writing everything on the wall and it’s the way i screenshotted it and like . zoomed in and tried deciphering it . and like . there’s words like “stop” and i think “sister” is in there a few times, so is “loss” or “lost”. when i watch it next i’ll grab a cap because it’s . disturbing. girl was so scared . literally was writing a spell to get rid of her fears . she also writes Fear . as in. capital F . and like. yeah that’s deep but i do it too like i emphasize words with a capital letter . and like holly marie combs might just have quirky n fun writing but like ... capital F . for Fear. for real . that’s . trauma !!! and she also was having panic attacks at the beginning of season 5. let’s not forget those. which ... we should’ve gotten more of an explanation for . i hope that girl is getting help bc she was Going Through It . and in season 7 when zankou reads her diary . firstly. we Knew this girl kept a diary like . for Sure . she did. and just that little excerpt of when prue died . oops. i’d pay big money to see the rest because again i just think she’s got such a complex mind and like. i’d be so interested to read that. and i think everything re: prue is just Awful for her. like . idk if this is just something quirky i noticed but obv we know prue died in may 2001 . but at the end of 4x03, when piper goes 2 paige’s work 2 bring her muffins !! soft !!! the calendar on one of the desks reads july 2001 ... and i really just. ms girl. i Know they prob just filmed the ep in july but it honestly tracks that she’d be so awfully upset about everything and just . barely able to do anything but cook . for 2 months. like. honey. baby. i wanted 2 just cuddle her bc she was so sad. and like. she tells paige she’s having “good hours” and “not so good hours” . she’s going by the Hour . by the Hour . just. need i say more . i’m so . but no like. if anything like i could see her having like . depression where she’s high-functioning and like just . walking depression i guess ?? like . not even after prue. i think in general. like . she definitely has a melancholic temperament and a type 6 enneagram (the skeptic). that’s For Sure . but i think. just. she’s always just had time to think bc she’s always alone, reading, knitting, cooking, tending to her plants, all that. and i just . think. she has issues. and i think prue knew that. of all people. and i think her knowing that . and then dying. destroyed piper. she lost the last person that was truly a constant in her life . like they shared a roof over their heads forever. and then she was just . gone . and piper was suddenly left to pick up the pieces . and become the oldest sister . and i’m So glad she didn’t fully assume her personality. i’m glad she stayed as piper . just. she’s more cynical and snarky and defensive and cold and that’s okay. she’s hurting. she’s always gonna hurt . and i think it makes her human . she’s pessimistic and sad and has a short fuse at times . but just. again. i love her to bits and i think those issues make her more relatable for me. because while many like to say she became selfish and a negative person and just . awful to be around . i’d say the opposite . i won’t sit and apologize or justify things. also i don’t think piper’s done anything wrong . i just think she’s hurt. she’s been wronged so many times. and she’s .... scared. i think she’s scared . and in season 5 “sympathy for the demon” we learn her true biggest fear is her happiness being stolen away. and like . it’s not that she’s scared she won’t be happy. she’s scared all of the good she’s got will be taken from her . and that’s . terrifying . so . i see why she’s so snarky and bitter and tired and all . she’s terrified of things being taken from her like they have been her whole life. and as i watch the show i really like to just keep that in mind as i get further and further in because yes. she did become a mother and a wife and we saw her arguing with leo a lot and their marriage falling apart and That Whole Era . we saw how it kind of took over her life but i think it happens . i think she even said at one point . i’ve been so many things to so many people, i don’t know who i am anymore . and i think it sums her up perfectly. she doesn’t know who she is because she’s someone to everyone . she’s just. nobody to herself except this scared little girl who just wants Something . Anything . to make sense . some Stability . and her babies, her husband, and her sisters . are all she has for that idea of stability to make sense in her mind. and it was an easy hole to fall into - the Mother - but i think she jumped in. because at the Very Least . nobody could take that title away from her . regardless of how hard they tried .
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withallthingslove · 5 years
the handmaid’s tale s3ep6 thoughts
under the cut because spoilers
honestly...not a lot of thoughts because this episode was hella boring
and confirmed my fears for the show
the last episode was the only “good” episode of this season don’t @ me
idk what the show is trying to do with commander lawrence. i saw a behind the scenes thing where the producers talked about how the dynamic between lawrence and june is so awesome and interesting and i dont see it. bradley whitford is a great actor but the show is out of ideas so they are trying to keep as many characters as possible ambiguous and its dumb
the vibe in d.c. was so creepy
wow i missed rita
fred is in his ~element~ in d.c. that smug bastard
it’s interesting that the d.c. wife went by her first name (that im blanking on) and not mrs. __________. It seems like even though they are higher up they are much more chill as a couple (probs because the husband is GAYY)
the stapled mouths... chills
if aunt lydia is disgusted you know its bad
mmmm nick how i’ve missed you
june and nick’s secret smiles and touches... finally some good fucking content
fred is so INSECURE about nick lolol. He was #shook to see him and then his whole confident commander vibe went away because he knows nick is holly’s dad therefore hypothetically outranking him. When he called nick “son” I almost burst out laughing
okay im sry but the swiss were not trustworthy at all. As soon as june hinted about nick they immediately perked up and were the ones who asked if it was nick who she was talking about. they were there to collect info about gilead and that is all. they weren’t there to actually help the situation. I thought that was plain as day the way the scene was presented. The music, their body language and how they menacingly leaned forward.... 
nick was looking to get some lolol and june was like no baby please focus on the issue at hand
nick’s reaction when june told him about the deal pretty much confirms what i thought. he has been behind the scenes in the government and knows what goes on. he knows they aren’t actually there to help holly, or june, or him. he point blank says they don’t give a fuck about them. i think max did a great job conveying that he wanted to please june and be there for his daughter, even though he knew the risk and that ultimately nothing would be done
lol dat commander is gay for fred
the wife talking about working at a law practice just made me think of john mulaney going “you have your law practice and I have these fucking markers” in one of his specials
im not sure how the conversation with nick and the swiss went down... he obviously showed up to the meeting. I also think it’s pretty clear the swiss knew who he was so they probably already knew he was a “war criminal.” but I don’t know if he gave them info and then they were like “thanks for all of that but we can’t trust you because youre a war criminal” or if they just didnt let him talk at all. who knows
showing him walking in all black through the soldiers was hot af and it was a poor attempt by the show to try and paint him as a villain. 
also im sorry but what did june expect?? i always assumed it was implied nick had at least fought a little bit like in season 2 when he literally ASKED to be sent to the front. 
This revelation really wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Nick still loves june, he still loves holly, he showed up to the meeting despite his past and his reservations, he still has on a mask when dealing with gilead stuff. It doesn’t excuse his complicity when gilead started, but i think it’s pretty clear he isn’t a gilead believer
I also wonder if serena exaggerated how involved he was because if he was that important in the war wouldn’t he have been made a commander? Like if he was ~that~ impressive of a soldier he would have been promoted and not been a low-ranking driver for so many years. Or that’s just an inconsistency with writing (lets face it it’s probably that)
im telling you the show is out of ideas and so instead of moving the plot forward to anything they are just having characters act ambiguous or backslide for the sake of trying to keep viewers on their toes when really we’re just annoyed with the inconsistency
the scene with aunt lydia... i mean give ann dowd all the awards as always. the scene was sweet and weird at the same time. and I think it’s obvious june and janine are aunt lydia’s “favorite” handmaids. I don’t think this was really out of character for aunt lydia, but I don’t think it’s growth either. It’s always been pretty clear that aunt lydia is sadistic but its because she is truly trying to redeem/save the girls. she “loves” them in a fucked up way, but she truly believes she is helping. 
unlike serena who loves nothing and is cold and empty. ive always said that fred is a villain but hes just dumb and not really worth anyone’s time, aunt lydia is delusional but at least believes in what she is doing, and serena is the worst of all because she is smart enough to know that what she is doing is wrong and she does it anyway. 
i LOVED june’s speech to serena like finally. everything she said to her was 100% accurate
can we please have some waterford-less episodes im sick of seeing them
the music that played while june cried by the lincoln memorial was BEAUtiful also
like damn
where will this show go next?? who knows but i dont really care because it’s boring
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macksted-blog · 5 years
6 New Netflix Christmas Movies That Are Just In Time For The Holidays
While we're still in the middle of the spooky season that is Halloween, something much colder lurks around the corner. That's right: brace yourselves, Christmas movies are coming! And we're not just talking a couple of flicks either, as content providers like Hallmark have plans for a record number of yuletide cinematic offerings to be unleashed in the year 2019.
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To compete with that sort of intense competition, one has to act pretty early... which is probably why Netflix has unveiled its holiday movies this very week. In free Time you can check this Netflix Gift Card Code Generator and Generate free Codes.
Not content with letting Hallmark do all the heavy ho-ho-holiday lifting, the streaming giant is looking to get into the game with a lot of movies, shows, and specials that'll warm your heart, as well as your cocoa.
In the middle of that burgeoning lineup are six original Netflix films that plan to win over one and all as the weather outside grows ever so frightful. Everything from sequels to holiday favorites, a long-awaited adaptation, and a couple of other surprises are in store for you lucky viewers.
Put on your hat and gloves, as this list is going to get real frosty real quick. Now let's see what's sledding into the Netflix queue throughout November and December's holiday season.
1. Holiday In The Wild
While you may love Christmas movies like no other genre in the world, you might be sick and tired of watching them all take place in the snow. Well, should you have this very specific demand, Netflix has you covered with our first film, Holiday In The Wild.
Starring Sex and the City's Kristin Davis as Kate, the film shows us a wife who tries to take the edge off of her son's departure for college with a romantic trip with her husband.
Strangely enough, that's right about the time he decides to dump her, leaving Kate to embark on an African safari all by herself. Luckily, Holiday In The Wild has a couple of things to take her mind off of her recent pains.
Thanks to some animal rescue scenarios, and a handsome pilot played by Rob Lowe, Kristin Davis' recently single woman will have a lot to keep her busy in this unconventionally warm holiday movie.
2. Let It Snow
Believe it or not, the film adaptation of the YA Christmas triptych Let it Snow has been in development for almost a decade.
Authors John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle put together an impressive trio of stories that see a cast of teenage characters finding love, friendship, and happiness in one really snowy night in Richmond, Virginia.
Just as impressive as the list of authors involved in Let It Snow's literary incarnation, the movie version has quite a cast of heavy hitters itself. With an ensemble that includes Chilling Adventures of Sabrina's Kiernan Shipka, Spider-Man: Far From Home's Jacob Batalon, and fellow Spider-Person Shameik Moore, he of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse fame, that's just the surface of the spectacular roster of talent that will bring this story to life.
3. Klaus
The legend of Santa Claus is about to get another fresh coat of paint, as Klaus reimagines the story of the beloved holiday figure in an animated comedy with a big heart. In this version of the story, Klaus (J.K. Simmons) is a lonely carpenter who teams up with a less-than-passing postal cadet named Jesper (Jason Schwartzman) to bring holiday magic to a village that's not in a holly jolly mood.
Co-starring Rashida Jones, Joan Cusack, and Will Sasso, Klaus is a Christmas movie that looks to give both kids and adults a new angle on a very classic tale. Not only does this look like a gorgeously animated film, but did we mention J.K. Simmons is playing this story's version of Santa? That feels like something people might be just a little interested in knowing.
4. The Knight Before Christmas
If the Christmas movies on Netflix had a royal court, you could bet that actor Vanessa Hudgens would be sitting right on that hallowed lineup of talent. After scoring a pretty big win with The Christmas Switch, Hudgens has gone back to playing one version of herself with this year's The Knight Before Christmas.
Don't think this is going to be some standard, business-as-usual holiday movie rom-com though, as there's a pretty big catch when it comes to the object of Vanessa Hudgens' affection this time out.
As luck, or misfortune, would have it, Hudgens' character of Brooke is a science teacher who's about to meet a guy from out of town. And by out of town, we totally mean that he's a time traveling knight from the medieval era.
Naturally she'll try to send him back to his own time, but if you know anything about holiday movies like The Knight Before Christmas, you can kind of see where this Christmas movie is going in the most charming way possible.
5. Holiday Rush
Christmas is probably the worst time to lose your job, especially in the world of holiday movies like Holiday Rush. Starring A Million Little Things' Romany Malco as a popular New York City radio DJ, and Star Trek Discovery's Soniqua Martin-Green as his producer, this Christmas movie comedy has Malco almost going off the air for good and his kids looking to get everything on their Christmas list.
As a deal to get him back into the broadcasting game is in the works, one big catch presents itself to Malco and his on-screen family: they have to live much simpler lives. With a story of family togetherness, and the help of the legendary Darlene Love in the role of the protagonist's aunt, Holiday Rush is going to be a race against time to save the day, and get a little bit closer to the ones we love.
6. A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby
If you're one of those fans of Christmas movies who watched A Christmas Prince religiously back when it premiered in 2017, and if you're someone who really enjoyed seeing A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding continue the story of Rose McIver's Queen Amber and Ben Lamb's King Richard, then oh baby are you in for a fun time this year! You totally saw what I did there, as there's nothing better than throwing in a quick joke to announce that A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby is on the way for this December.
For you folks out there who need a little more than a little prince or princess to spice up the sequel plot, how's this for a story? Not only will the king and queen have to restore peace with a foreign country, but if Amber and Richard fail, a curse will fall upon the kingdom of Aldovia. It all comes down to a missing 600-year-old treaty, and a midnight deadline, which only makes A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby that much more of a fairytale for fans of Netflix's holiday movies to enjoy.
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douxreviews · 5 years
Charmed - Season Six Review
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"It helps to be a sister."
With more plot holes than actual plot, some really questionable character arcs, and frustratingly inconsistent mythology, Season Six is undoubtedly one of Charmed's worst years.
Following the downward trajectory that began in the latter half of Season Five, we enter Season Six with the series in a state of confusion. Piper and Leo's separation is, unfortunately, the crux of the season, and the character responsible for all this - Chris - plays a frustratingly important role in the season as well. Portrayed by an actor with the charisma of a dead fish, and written with very little conviction, Chris is probably the worst major character the series ever introduced. As we watch the more familiar and, yes, admittedly bland Leo slowly grow apart from Piper and the sisters, we're forced to endure a very slow, and very odd reveal of Chris' true identity. Episodes like 'Chris Crossed' try to add depth to him, but the general confusion surrounding his place in the series make it more of a baffling watch than a satisfying one.
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Initially coming across as somewhat of a villain, it's obvious that Holy Marie Combs' pregnancy threw the writers under the bus, with Chris' subsequent unveiling as Wyatt's brother raising more than a few questions about what came before it. Like why would Chris kill a Valkyrie with such reckless abandon in the season premiere, and why did he have to go through all the effort of enlisting a demon just to teach the sisters a lesson about their individual wants and desires in 'My Three Witches'? And how the hell did Drew Fuller ever get hired in the first place?
Chris' plan also required him to keep Piper and Leo apart so he could place himself close to Wyatt, but watching the separation unfold is a truly aggravating experience, especially when it felt neither organic, nor appropriate. There are a few parts of the season that try to toy with Piper's role as a single mother, though the inconsistent writing prevents most of these moments from hitting home. There are some admittedly strong scenes that explore Piper's pain over Leo's departure, notably in the premiere where Phoebe's new power of empathy allows her to feel the hurt and betrayal that Piper had been holding back for months thanks to a spell gone awry. Largely, though, the arc is a mess, and it’s a relief when it all comes to an end with baby Chris' birth in the finale.
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Chris' plan to save Wyatt from getting corrupted by evil forces leads us to the show's first major antagonist since The Source; the misguided Elder, Gideon. His motives are flimsy as hell, but the presence of a primary villain is welcome in light of the reversion to a stand-alone narrative last season. The story never quite works, with Gideon's reasons for betraying the sisters and attempting to destroy Wyatt feeling a little unfounded. There are some interesting repercussions to his actions, though. Leo's decision to kill Gideon for betraying him essentially ends his time as a fully-fledged Elder, sending him down a dark path next season.
Outside of Piper and Leo's family drama, there are just as many issues to be found, with Phoebe's plots this season continuing her path to full-on narcissism. Gone are the days of the fun, relatable misfit. Now she's much more concerned with sperm hunting and using, abusing and later losing her new power of empathy to find said sperm. Bar a few fun moments, Phoebe is pretty abhorrent this season. It's hard to feel sympathy for her anymore, and most of the beats her arc hits feel like they're driving her character further and further into the ground. This season also marks the first instance of a tradition that lasts through to season eight; Phoebe's annual love interests. Here, it's a carry-over from last season; Jason Dean. He's mostly fine, though he falls squarely into the same category as most male characters on this series and becomes rather disposable. He eventually departs after finding out Phoebe's secret and he isn't missed.
Paige's decision to quit her job as a social worker last season is still causing her to drift from place to place. But rather than mooching around the manor honing her witchcraft as she did in Season Five, here she takes up temping, giving the writers a chance to throw her into a new and absurd situation each week. Some of these fall flat (hi, talking dog!), but some do lead to some genuinely intriguing situations, most notably in 'Love's a Witch', where Paige is caught in the middle of a magical family feud. The episode is decent enough, though it's more significant for its introduction of Paige's semi-recurring love interest, Richard. Initially appearing as a witch with a magic-averse attitude, we soon learn about his addiction to dark magic. There are some cool, dark little moments for Richard, but in general the plot is never fully realized and his addictions eventually drive him away from Paige. I think the biggest problem with Paige's weekly exploits is that each of them seem to emphasize how uneven she's become. At least her early episodes in Season Four are mostly consistent; you could really get to know her. Here she goes from peace-maker, to busybody, to activist, to floozy to a whole host of other things and it’s hard to get a read on who she is anymore, which is a huge disappointment.
It goes without saying that there are very few great episodes, this season. 'Love's a Witch' is one of them, as is the two-part season finale 'It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World'. The idea of dual realities is something that’s done a lot on other high concept shows, and it's explored in a fun and creative way, in this double lenghth episode. It also gives a choppy and dissatisfying season a remarkably poignant ending, with future Chris' death, and the birth of baby Chris. 'Forget Me... Not' is another highlight that has a lot of fun with a broken timeline, and it also features a cool little mystery that drives the hour to a crazy witch/dragon showdown.
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Rare highlights aside, this season is a total mess. 'Witchstock' is a crock of an episode, where a wasted trip to the 60's feels like more of a chance to poke fun at the visuals of that era more than anything else. It's also completely devoid of any of the emotional resonance of 'That 70's Episode' back in Season One. 'Crimes and Witch Demeanours’ is a dull clip-show, that makes a half-hearted attempt to make amends for the girls' abuse of Daryl, who is at this point a walking, talking plot device. 'Prince Charmed' takes the cake, though (literally). It’s an abhorrent hour that features Phoebe and Paige acting like brain-dead bimbos, while Piper makes some really questionable choices about her love life and role as a single mother. It culminates in an embarrassing food fight that is hard to watch, not just because its an awfully written scene, but because it's hard to see three characters who were once so admirable acting like this. I feel so bad for Holly. She deserves so much better than this sub-par material.
Potions and Notions
The Cleaners pop up this season. Their job is to clean up whenever magic is exposed. Where were they when Prue and Piper were exposed on live TV in 'All Hell Breaks Loose'?
There's a weird separation story line that plays out mid-season when Phoebe and Paige decide to leave with their respective beaus. It wraps up without much fanfare when Phoebe splits from Jason, and Paige leaves Richard.
Spells and Chants
Piper: "Okay, neurotic people, can we get back to my neurosis right now, please?"
Piper: "Come to me and be seduced, I have a girl to introduce. Fall for her, you can't resist her, Trust me, mister, she's my sister."
Chris: "I'm Piper and Leo's son." Paige: "What?" Chris: "They're my parents. I came back to save my family." Paige:"You're serious." Chris: "Yeah. Only now I've gotta save myself. Because if my mom doesn't get pregnant in the next month, there is no me." Paige: "This is all so wrong!" I'm right there with you, Paige.
Best Episode: It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World.
Honorable Mentions: Forget Me... Not, Love's a Witch, I Dream of Phoebe.
Worst Episode: Prince Charmed.
It's a shame that the decision to return to a big bad formula is destroyed by clumsy plotting and hack dialogue. At least Chris' death gives the series the chance to move on from this mess next season and try something new.
4 out of 10 Valkyries.
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Offspring's Kat Stewart: How child's play led to a fabulous career
By Michael Lallo June 21 2017
Kat Stewart is one of our most versatile actors. Her early years explain why.
As a young girl, Kat Stewart would return from school and mimic her British classmates. Sometimes she was a Cockney lass, dropping her H's like Eliza Doolittle. Then she'd switch to an upper class accent, with its bias against vowels. (Notice how a posh Englishwoman blows her nose on a "hndkrchff".)
Stewart spent her first seven years in Bairnsdale, 300 kilometres east of Melbourne. Then her parents took the family on an adventure. Basing themselves in Britain, they explored Europe in a campervan. For a few months, she attended school in London. "Coming from a small country town, it opened my eyes up," says Stewart, who plays Billie Proudman in Ten's hit drama Offspring.
One year later, the family came home. But Stewart's fascination with language persisted. It all seemed like a bit of fun: observing the way others spoke, then imitating them in private. In fact, she was unwittingly training to be an actor. Since her days in the ensemble of Red Stitch, an independent St Kilda theatre, critics have praised her faultless accents. American newsreader, aristocratic Londoner, Aussie battler – she's perfected them all.
In 2008, her star rose with her portrayal of Roberta Williams in Nine's Underbelly. But Offspring made Stewart famous.
On a cold Tuesday in Melbourne, she rehearses her final scenes of the new season. We're in the Union Club Hotel, a 160-year-old pub with a main bar untouched since the early 1970s. To Offspring fans, it's simply "The Union", the location of several pivotal events. Kim (Alicia Gardiner) gave birth on the pool table. In the dining room, Billie married Mick (Eddie Perfect). Today, Nina (Asher Keddie) enjoys a sweet moment with daughter Zoe (Isabella Monaghan).
Stewart stands to side, clutching a flute of soda water with a splash of Coke. (It looks just like champagne on screen.) After a freighted conversation with another character, Billie has a moment of clarity. Her eyes mist over, but no tears are shed.
Describing this in detail would ruin the finale. It's safer to discuss the first episode, with Billie in Melbourne and Mick in London.
"It's tricky, because he's the love of Billie's life," Stewart says. "She's walked over broken glass to be with him. They're leading separate lives. That's a big thing for Billie to deal with."
The week prior, Stewart and I have lunch with two castmates: Keddie and Alexander England, who plays Nina's boyfriend Harry. I fish out Stewart's first Green Guide cover, published nine years ago. "You're just a baby in that photo!" Keddie says.
Afterwards, Stewart reflects on that time, when she co-starred with Shaun Micallef in the SBS satire, Newstopia.
Then Underbelly became a cultural phenomenon. In Victoria, the show was slapped with a suppression order, so as not to prejudice a related murder trial. "It was different for the actors living in Sydney," she recalls. "Up there, they felt the full force of [its success]. It took a while to happen here. In retrospect, it was a real turning point. But it didn't feel that way at the time."
Not least because Stewart isn't one to be swept up in hype. Compared to most of her characters, she is soft-spoken and low-key.
In 2013 she declined to reprise her role as Williams in Fat Tony & Co, which focused on the hunt for Tony Mokbel. Instead, Hollie Andrew took the part. "There wasn't much footage of Roberta at the time; maybe a couple of interviews. Six years later, we knew so much more – how she walked and talked; more of her story.
"I did an interpretation. To play her again, I'd need to include that new information. I felt it should be someone new."
Besides, Stewart had plenty on her plate. In addition to Offspring, she had starred in the Foxtel drama Tangle, then Ten's crime-comedy Mr & Mrs Murder. Guest appearances include Peter Helliar's film It's a Date, and an upcoming episode of True Story with Hamish and Andy. Somehow, she still finds the time for live theatre.
In grade two, her teacher ran a drama session for her class. A spark went off inside the seven-year-old. "It felt right in my bones. I was very shy, but not when I was acting. I never thought it was a career option, though."
Stewart studied arts and marketing at Monash University, then got a sensible job as a publicist for Penguin Books. (Perhaps it's no surprise her publicists say she's a pleasure to work with.) Yet her desire to act remained, and she enrolled in a night course at The National Theatre.
"I was hoping I'd grow out of it," she laughs. "I knew it wasn't a great bet in terms of financial security."
Her hunch proved correct – at least early on. After some decent gigs, she endured "tumbleweeds" for 18 months. "There weren't as many guest roles in those days. You'd do Blue Heelers and Stingers and Neighbours. That was it."
Joining Red Stitch changed everything. As an ensemble actor, she stretched herself in a variety of meaty productions. "I probably care more about what [the other performers] think than anyone else," she says, "because they know my work so well."
Early on she played an abused woman who haemorrhages to death. "That's when I learned that classic thing of not judging your character."
This served her well in Offspring. The series rarely offers up its characters as role models. Nor does it slot them into a "good" or "bad" column. Instead, it makes them interesting. Consider Billie, always throwing herself into a new self-improvement project. Often she makes a hash of things. "And I love that!" Stewart says. "But I also love that she just keeps pressing on. She's got a heart and she'll do anything for the people she loves."
In season two, Billie tried IVF and suffered a miscarriage. Stewart was 38 at the time, married to actor David Whiteley since 2008. "We'd always said, 'One day, we'll have kids'. But that storyline made me think, 'We can't just assume it will happen'." By the end of that season she was pregnant with their son, Archie. Last year she gave birth to Georgia. Not bad for a relationship that wasn't meant to happen.
Stewart had a "no actors" dating policy when the pair met in 2002; both part of Red Stitch's ensemble. It wasn't long before their characters became romantic. "Our first kiss was a pretend one, on stage," she says. "Then I was just a bit strange around him for a couple of years. We didn't get together until 2004."
Last year, Billie began looking after Brody (Shannon Berry), the teen daughter of an estranged friend. Now, Brody has a newborn son. "I love that Billie can explore having children and babies in her life, without actually having her own baby. You don't see that very often.
"Our characters screw up, they hurt each other ... but no one is reactionary or bigoted. Offspring is a really generous show. It celebrates family – not just in the traditional sense, but the family we choose."
WHAT: Offspring WHEN: Ten, Wednesday 8.30pm
Twitter: @Michael_Lallo
SOURCE: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/tv-and-radio/offsprings-kat-stewart-how-childs-play-led-to-a-fabulous-career-20170616-gwskov.html
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hatnews3-blog · 5 years
Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Good Place, Riverdale, Timeless, B99, Resident, Million Little Things, Flash and More
Got a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Send any/all of the above to [email protected]
Question: Got any Riverdale scoop? What’s next for Archie? —Kerri Ausiello: When we last saw Archie in the fall finale, he was dyeing his famous red locks and making a run for the Canadian border. Executive producer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa won’t tell us who he finds when he gets there, but “he is headed into the Canadian wilderness, for sure.” He won’t be seeing his dad Fred in the flesh anytime soon, though: It wasn’t shown on-screen, but the EP confirms that Fred did make it back into Riverdale before the quarantine came down.
Question: Any Million Little Things scoop? My friends and I are obsessed with it and hope it’s back for another season. —Montreal4 Ausiello: Remember how showrunner DJ Nash said that everyone in the group of friends has a secret they’ve kept? Look for Regina’s to come to light in Episode 14.
Question: Any scoop on what to expect when Grey’s Anatomy returns? —Al Ausiello: I will have a special holiday treat for you this coming Monday, so sit tight. In the meantime, I tried to get showrunner Krista Vernoff to share even the tiniest bit of intel about Jennifer Grey’s mysterious character and… I struck out. “I can’t [say anything],” she responded. “Because it would really ruin a twist and turn that I don’t want to ruin.” Hmm… I’m sticking with my initial prediction: She’s Jo’s mom.
Question: Anything on The Good Place? (Janet, specifically.) —Whitney Ausiello: Everyone’s favorite not-a-robot will be forever changed by having the humans materialize in Janet form, creator Michael Schur teases: “The way to really have empathy for people is to walk a mile in their shoes, and she did, like, the inverse of that. A bunch of people walked in her weird body for a decent amount of time… so that is another contributing factor to her evolution.” He adds that the season finale “has some pretty wonderful ‘compare this version of Janet to the one you saw in the pilot’ kinds of scenes.” So enjoy, Janet fans!
Question: I’m glad Dorian finally confronted Kaleb about his feeding problem on this week’s Legacies. Can I stop worrying about MG now? —Susan Ausiello: I don’t think it’s ever safe to stop worrying about MG, but as far as Kaleb goes, it sounds like Dorian’s pep talk was just the beginning. “Kaleb has a lot of really big ideas, and a lot of opinions about how things should work,” series creator Julie Plec says. “Much like in the real world when a hot-headed teenager thinks he can second guess what makes the rules the rules, he’s going to have a rude awakening pretty soon where he realizes he doesn’t know as much as he thinks he knows.”
Question: The ending of New Amsterdam‘s fall finale makes me think that Max’s cancer is progressing quicker than first assessed. Will this affect the clinical trial Dr. Sharpe has gotten him into? —Malasha Ausiello: We brought your query to showrunner David Schulner, and he said: “While we can’t reveal here what happened to Max on that dock, we will in our first episode back January 8. But, you’re right to ask if this will affect Max’s clinical trial. It most definitely will. This setback will change a lot of things in Max’s life. And Dr. Sharpe’s too. Thanks for watching and caring and writing to TVLine about the show.”
Question: Will The Flash give us any more hints about what Nora seems to be hiding? —SSH Ausiello: Now that we know there is some sort of alliance with Eobard Thawne, you should expect “a flash-forward flashback episode” that explains “how all that came to be, which will be a lot of fun,” says showrunner Todd Helbing. “You’ll slowly start to get the pieces of info that you need, but there will probably be one episode where we explain how that all happened to get her to come back [in time].”
Question: Challenge: Make me look forward to the Schitt’s Creek holiday episode more than I am already. — Belinda Ausiello: TVLine’s resident Schitthead Charlie Mason promises me that, no matter how great your expectations are, you won’t be disappointed — the special totally “sleighs.” What’s more, he issues a warning that the episode reveals a potential stumbling block to Alexis and Ted’s rekindled romance that neither she nor we anticipated.
Question: I need to know two things about Timeless: First, will #lyatt have a baby? Two, is Jessica really pregnant with Wyatt’s baby? —Miwako Ausiello: In response to your second question, star Matt Lanter says, “We address that [in the series finale, airing Dec. 20]. We’ll find out.” As for Wyatt, he’s not suspicious of Jessica and her baby news. “We’ve seen Wyatt be blinded by love throughout the last two seasons, though, and this is nothing new for him,” Lanter says. “Inherently, he’s a good person with a good heart, and I think he has a hard time accepting that people he loves or cares about … wouldn’t be good. So I think it’s easier as an audience member to look at Jessica and go, ‘Yeah, she’s lying.’ But I think Wyatt is just more blind to things.”
Question: How many time periods will we see in the Timeless finale? —Amanda Ausiello: “There are two-plus time periods, I will say that, that we have not visited before,” showrunner Arika Lisanne Mittman shares, adding that the historical time trips highlight “ethnic representations that we have not seen before [on the show]. Both of these stories are things that [are about] lesser known historical figures. You get to meet some new people that you’ve probably never heard of.”
Question: I’d love a Resident scoop on Conrad/Nic. —Holly Ausiello: I hope you enjoyed the couple’s honeymoon phase while it lasted, because the back half of Season 2 will be “nothing but obstacles” for the pair, according to executive producer Todd Harthan. “In just about every episode, there’s a new one for them to overcome… and they just start stacking up,” Harthan says, adding that the couple will be especially preoccupied with the health of Conrad’s father and Nic’s sister. “It’s going to be a ‘hold on and hope that they make it’ kind of ride,” he teases.
Question: Any hints on how to solve the Blindspot episode title puzzle for Season 4? —Hannah Ausiello: “Oh man! We finally built a title puzzle this season that is legit very hard to crack,” showrunner Martin Gero answers. “I will say this: The puzzle is an homage to some our favorite TV series and how they title the shows. Figure out which, and you might be a step closer.”
Question: Creek’s death on Midnight, Texas was so awful. Please promise me no one dies in tonight’s episode! —Rina Ausiello: I cannot make that promise. But I can tell you that Mr. Snuggly makes it through OK. So that’s something… right?
Question: Got any red-hot Chicago Fire scoopage, Aus? —Gene Ausiello: I see what you did there and I’m… very amused. Well done. The NBC drama is planning some girls-only bonding time for Sylvie, Stella and Emily. “They’re going to go on a road trip to [Sylvie] Brett’s hometown,” showrunner Derek Haas previews. The episode will air the week of Valentine’s Day, “so we’re calling it the Galentine’s trip.” Before that, though, the show will explore Emily’s “attitudes towards dating, which are different than Brett’s, and I don’t mean LGBTQ,” Haas explains. “I mean more of what [Emily, who is bisexual] considers casual versus what Brett considers casual. All of those dynamics are going to be deepened.”
Question: March is far away. I want American Gods scoop now! —Rob Ausiello: Well, because you asked so nicely… Pablo Schrieber says the “antagonist and ally” relationship between Mad Sweeney and Laura Moon will be tested big time by his allegiance to Mr. Wednesday when the Starz drama returns for Season 2. The leprechaun’s destiny “is tied to [Wednesday], no matter what, but it’s also very thoroughly tied to her,” the actor says. “So Sweeney is walking the line, balancing what he owes Wednesday and what he’s realizing he feels in other places.” Hmm. Sounds a lot like we’ll see Laura kissing the Blarney Stone before the season’s over, am I right?
Question: Can you give us any Outlander spoilers? (Especially involving Brianna’s and Jamie’s meeting!?!) This is my first time doing this — hope I’m doing it correctly! —Carolina Ausiello: You did OK. I’ll send you some notes about how to refine your approach in a separate email. Regarding the question at hand, I turn it over to our resident sassenach, Kim Roots, who has seen the scene in question: “I have rather high standards for the huge moments on this show — the wedding night, the print shop reunion, etc. — and I was incredibly satisfied by how the father-daughter plays out in [episode number redacted according to Starz’s spoiler restrictions]. Fans of the book definitely won’t be disappointed.”
Question: Elizabeth and Henry on Madam Secretary are #couplegoals. Please tell me anything you can. —Mary Ausiello: An upcoming episode opens with the McCords taking a tango lesson. And one of them is significantly more skilled than the other.
This AAnd That… ♦ THE BLACKLIST: As teased in the Season 6 trailer, Red will spend some time behind bars after being double-crossed by a close confidant — but don’t count him out just yet. “He’s really been stripped of his superpowers,” series creator Jon Bokenkamp shares. “He’s disconnected from his resources, he may have friends who will fall away and he’s sort of on his heels, which is new for us.” But Bokenkamp assures fans that “if anyone could embrace the solitude of a cell and the experience of incarceration with open arms, it would be Raymond Reddington. We have really high stakes, but we also have some of the most fun we’ve had, as well.” ♦ BROOKLYN NINE-NINE: There will be one major.hilarious change when the sitcom makes the leap from Fox to NBC in January. “We’re allowed to bleep and blur [now],” series co-creator Dan Goor recently told us. “Fox had a no bleeping and no pixelation policy.” Now the gloves are off. “Some filthy, filthy things have been said,” added Terry Crews. “I had one [joke] where I’m ashamed. I’m actually very, very ashamed. It was so jarring that everyone was like, ‘Whoa,’ and we needed to regroup… But holy cow, we never heard language like that on the show.” ♦ CHICAGO PD: Burgess is not the only one who will have a reaction to Upton and Ruzek’s romance. In an upcoming episode, Jay “responds in a way I think you’d expect Halstead to respond,” showrunner Rick Eid teases, “and I think what’s going on in his head is a little different than what he says.” Eid also adds that Jay’s “relationship [with] Upton is interesting and evolving, so don’t sleep on that.” ♦ HOUSEKEEPING NOTE: This is the last AA of ’18 so happy holidays and all that jazz!
That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments and anonymous tips to [email protected]. (Additional reporting by Kim Roots, Andy Swift, Dave Nemetz, Vlada Gelman and Diane Gordon)
Source: https://tvline.com/2018/12/14/million-little-things-spoilers-season-1-episode-14-regina-secret/
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The Real-life Love Lives Of The ‘Modern Family’ Cast
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Celebrities & Pop Culture This list will also remind you of some of the show's best guest stars and recurring characters! Kate Emswiler 2018-09-17
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Getty Images | Frazer Harrison If you’re a “Modern Family” fan, you’ve likely witnessed all the ups and downs of the Pritchetts, Dunphys and Delgados over the years. Now, take a peek at the offscreen love lives of all your favorite “Modern Family” actors. You may be surprised to find you recognize some of their real-life significant others from other popular shows!
Stephanie Beatriz (Sonia Ramirez)
If you don’t know Stephanie Beatriz as Gloria’s sister, Sonia Ramirez, you may know her as Detective Rosa Diaz on the recently canceled (then quickly uncanceled) “Brooklyn 99.” Beatriz, who is engaged to actor Brad Hoss, identifies as bisexual. Her coming out inspired an epidode of “Brooklyn 99” in which Diaz, Beatriz’s tough-as-nails character, also came out as bisexual. In an essay penned for GQ, the actress clarified that marrying a man doesn’t make her any less queer. “I’m choosing to get married because this particular person brings out the best in me,” she wrote. “This person happens to be a man.”
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Getty Images | Joe Scarnici
Nathan Fillion (Rainer Shine)
On “Modern Family,” Nathan Fillion’s vain character, a TV weatherman appropriately named Rainer Shine, pursues Haley — despite an age difference that makes everyone uncomfortable. Although they are very briefly engaged (five minutes!), Haley and Rainer’s relationship was not meant to last. In real life, the “Castle” star has been romantically involved with several women, most recently actress Krista Allen, though the two appear to no longer be together.
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Getty Images | Dimitrios Kambouris
Elizabeth Banks (Sal)
Elizabeth Banks is easily one of the most memorable and beloved of “Modern Family”‘s many recurring guest stars, as her turn as Cam and Mitchell’s impulsive and vivacious friend, Sal, always breathes some fresh air into the show. Offscreen, Banks is married to producer and sportswriter Max Handelman, whom she met in college when she was 18 years old. The two waited until 2003 to tie the knot and they now have two sons together, Felix, 7, and Magnus, 5.
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Getty Images | Pascal Le Segretain
Kevin Hart (Andre)
Comedian Kevin Hart appeared twice on “Modern Family” as Phil’s friend and neighbor, Andre. When he’s not making audiences laugh in TV shows, movies and stand-up specials, Hart spends time with his wife, Eniko Parrish, and their baby son, Kenzo, along with Hart’s children from a previous marriage, Heaven and Hendrix.
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Getty Images | Frazer Harrison
Chazz Palminteri (Vincent / Shorty)
Chazz Palminteri has a recurring role on “Modern Family” as Shorty, one of Jay’s oldest and dearest BFFs. The seasoned actor, writer and restaurateur has been married to his wife, Gianna Palminteri, since 1992. The couple has two children, Dante and Gabriella, and they live in New York.
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Getty Images | Jemal Countess
Jennifer Tilly (Darlene)
Jennifer Tilly appears in several episodes of “Modern Family” as Darlene, the wife of Jay’s friend Shorty, who moves with Shorty to Costa Rica — much to Jay’s dismay. In a later episode, however, Shorty returns and admits that Darlene left him for another man. Tilly’s real-life romantic partner is Irish-born poker player Phil Laak, whose poker-playing uniform of a hoodie and sunglasses has earned him the moniker “The Unabomber.” Tilly herself is also a world-renowned professional poker champion.
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Getty Images | Mark Davis
Sarah Hyland (Haley Dunphy)
Sarah Hyland plays the ditzy, boy-crazy Haley Dunphy on “Modern Family,” but for more than a year now, in real life she’s only had eyes for one guy: Wells Adams. Adams was a contestant on “The Bachelorette” in 2016, and it looks like his loss at the final rose was a win for everyone, especially Hyland. After Adams’ stint on “Bachelor in Paradise” in the summer of 2017, he and Hyland started dating and they’ve been serving up coupled cuteness ever since.
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Rachel Murray/Getty Images for Entertainment Weekly
Benjamin Bratt (Javier Delgado)
On “Modern Family,” Benjamin Bratt plays Gloria’s hunky, suave ex-husband, Javier, who swoops in occasionally to visit his son, Manny, but never provides any reliable support as a dad. Bratt’s real-life persona couldn’t be further from this character, as he has been married to his wife, actress Talisa Soto, since 2002, and he’s a devoted dad to his two children, Sophia, 15, and Mateo, 12.
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Getty Images | Frazer Harrison
Ed O’Neill (Jay Pritchett)
The blustery “Modern Family” patriarch and closets mogul, Jay Pritchett, is played by Ed O’Neill, previously of “Married… With Children” fame. In reality, O’Neill has been married to actress Catherine Rusoff since 1986. The two share a pair of daughters, 19-year-old Sophia and 22-year-old Claire (just like on TV!).
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Getty Images | Frazer Harrison
Jane Krakowski (Dr. Donna Duncan)
Fans of “30 Rock” and “Ally McBeal” likely recognized Jane Krakowski immediately in the several “Modern Family” episodes that featured her as the passive-aggressive Dr. Donna Duncan, Gloria’s nemesis at Manny’s school. When she’s not playing hilarious roles on sitcoms, Krakowski is likely spending time with her son, 7-year-old Bennett, whom she shares with her ex-fiance, fashion designer Robert Godley.
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Getty Images | Eugene Gologursky
Lin-Manuel Miranda (Guillermo)
You may not have realized it at the time, but if you re-watch the 2011 “Modern Family” episode “Good Cop, Bad Dog,” you’ll notice that the guest star playing the dog trainer who pitches a terrible business idea to Jay, is unmistakably “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda. When Miranda isn’t playing hilarious guest roles or concocting award-winning rhymes, he’s probably enjoying time with his wife since 2010, Vanessa Nadal, who is both a lawyer and a scientist. The two have two sons together, and while delivering his speech at the 2016 Tony Awards (before baby No. 2 came along), Miranda declared, “My wife’s the reason anything gets done. She nudges me towards promise by degrees. She is a perfect symphony of one. Our son is her most beautiful reprise.”
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Getty Images | Bryan Bedder
Keegan-Michael Key (Tom)
On “Modern Family,” Keegan-Michael Key plays one half of a couple that Phil and Claire meet while on vacation. The Dunphys think highly of their new friends and love having dinner with them … except for one thing: They refuse to ever pick up the check. In real life, Key married producer Elisa Pugliese in June 2017. When he popped the question in November 2017, Key gushed on Twitter, “I’m the luckiest man ever. She said yes!”
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Getty Images | Christopher Polk
Rachel Harris (Amelia)
Comedic actress Rachael Harris guest starred on “Modern Family” once, playing Amelia, the owner of a trendy restaurant for which Mitchell and Cam are having trouble getting reservations. They arrange a play date for Amelia’s son and their daughter Lily, in an effort to gain access to the restaurant, but things go awry, as usual. In real life, Harris is married to her second husband, violinist Christian Hebel, and the pair has one child together, Henry, with a second baby on the way!
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Getty Images | John Sciulli
Matt Dillon (Robbie)
Matt Dillon plays a bit of a cad on “Modern Family,” appearing as Claire’s ex-boyfriend from high school who shows up at a party at Claire and Phil’s house — as a date for Claire’s mom, DeDe. Awkward! Offscreen, Dillon has been a serial dater for so long, he’s even made lists of “celebs who have never married.” His current girlfriend, however, dancer and actress Roberta Mastromichele, may just convince Dillon to take the plunge yet.
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Paul Morigi/Getty Images
Jordan Peele (Derrick)
Just like his longtime comedy partner Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele delivered laughs when he guest-starred on “Modern Family.” In the episode “A Fair to Remember,” Peele played a “police officer” whom Jay is grumpily paired up with for a fair charity event. The two had very funny onscreen chemistry, but offscreen, the Oscar-winning Peele has the best chemistry with his wife, comedian and actress Chelsea Peretti, well-known to “Brooklyn 99” fans as the precinct’s sassy Gina. The couple has a son together, Beaumont Gino, whom they welcomed in July 2017.
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Getty Images | Matt Winkelmeyer
Sofia Vergara (Gloria Pritchett)
Gloria, the sexy, loud, loving second wife of Jay Pritchett, is played with hilarious timing and just enough sass by Colombian actress Sofia Vergara. In November 2015, Vergara married “True Blood” actor Joe Manganiello in a lavish Palm Beach wedding that was draped in flowers and oozing with romance. Soon after the wedding (which featured Vergara’s “Modern Family” castmates in attendance), Vergara went on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and said, “It was like a fairy tale. It came out perfectly how I wanted, I have to say.” Vergara also has a 26-year-old son, Manolo, from a previous marriage.
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Getty Images | Dimitrios Kambouris
Ty Burrell (Phil Dunphy)
Devoted dad and loyal husband Phil Dunphy is married to the oft-beleaguered Claire on “Modern Family,” but, in real life, actor Ty Burrell has been married to his wife, Holly, a professional chef, since 2000. The pair has two children, 8-year-old Frances and 6-year-old Greta, and they have strong ties to Utah, where Burrell owns two bars and a restaurant. Family is everything to Ty and Holly Burrell, and Ty told Fatherly that he loves sitting down to dinner with his wife and daughters each night. “We’re very traditional in that way,” he revealed. “My wife and I were both raised in households where you sat down at dinner every night. It is a wonderful rhythm-of-the-day thing.”
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Julie Bowen (Claire Dunphy)
Claire Dunphy enjoys a wacky-but-loving relationship with doofy husband Phil on “Modern Family,” but Julie Bowen‘s real-life marriage has been a bit less smooth lately. Bowen was married to Scott Phillips in 2004 and the couple has three children together, 11-year-old Oliver and 9-year-old twins, John and Gustav. Earlier this year, however, Bowen filed for divorce from Phillips, and Bowen has turned to her castmates and kids for distraction from the situation. “The beauty of having three children is they don’t give you much time for thinking,” Bowen told Us magazine in April. “They’re like a crash course in being in the now.”
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Getty Images | Kevin Winter
Jesse Tyler Ferguson (Mitchell Pritchett)
“Modern Family” viewers get a hilarious, weekly glimpse into the marriage between Mitchell and Cameron — but fans who follow Ferguson on social media can witness his own happy real-life marriage, too. Wed in 2013 (with playwright Tony Kushner officiating), Ferguson and his husband, lawyer Justin Mikita, have a non-profit organization together called Tie The Knot, which sells bow ties as a way of raising funds to support same-sex marriage.
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Getty Images | Dia Dipasupil
Eric Stonestreet (Cameron Tucker)
Eric Stonestreet plays lovable and loving Cam, the sensitive, football-coaching husband to Mitch and father of Lily. But, in real life, Stonestreet is not gay (or, as he put it to Oprah.com, he’s “openly straight”). The 47-year-old actor is currently dating Lindsay Schweitzer, a pediatric nurse, whom he gushed over on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” in September 2017. “She calms me — she calms my nerves,” he told DeGeneres. “I’m a very high-strung person.”
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Getty Images
Ariel Winter (Alex Dunphy)
Ariel Winter’s character, Alex Dunphy, may be dorky and awkward on TV, but the 20-year-old’s offscreen romance with 30-year-old Canadian actor Levi Meaden seems to be effortless, sweet and downright steamy. The two began dating in November 2016 and they have since moved in together. The couple shares three dogs and a bunny, and they even got tattoos for each other (Meaden’s is a picture of a peanut butter jar while Winter’s is a hunk of cheese, symbolizing a combination that doesn’t seem to go together, but somehow totally works).
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Getty Images | Michael Tullberg
Nolan Gould (Luke Dunphy)
Clueless Luke Dunphy is played by the actually quite-smart Nolan Gould (he graduated high school at age 13!), who, at age 19, has basically grown up on the set of “Modern Family.” For that reason, he doesn’t see his co-stars as viable love interests. When asked on the “Allegedly” podcast whether he’d ever date his onscreen sister, Ariel Winter, for example, Gould stated, “I love her but she’s a really good friend. We grew up together … I would never wanna waste that.” Although he reportedly isn’t dating anyone in particular, rumors have swirled around Gould and actress Joey King (pictured below) and model Hannah Glasby but Gould has largely kept his dating life out of the public eye. Or perhaps he has no time for dating, as the actor stays busy with his hit TV show, his passionate work for wildlife and environmental causes, and his worldly travels with his friends.
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Getty Images
Rico Rodriguez (Manny Delgado)
Rico Rodriguez plays a bit of a mama’s boy on “Modern Family” as Manny Delgado, firstborn son of Gloria (Sofia Vergara). In real life, the 20-year-old actor seems just as fond of his TV mom, but there’s no evidence of a serious romance in Rodriguez’s life at the moment. In September 2016, he revealed to ABC News that he was “till single and ready to mingle.” According to his Twitter feed, his greatest loves seem to be sports-related, so he may still be single, or perhaps he simply keeps his private matters private.
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Getty Images | Alberto E. Rodriguez
Fred Willard (Frank Dunphy)
Beloved comedic actor Fred Willard plays Phil’s earnest father, Frank, on “Modern Family,” and it turns out he’s a loving father and husband in real life, too. Willard married his wife Mary, a playwright, in 1968 and the couple had one daughter together, Hope Willard. Sadly, Mary passed away unexpectedly in July 2018 at the age of 71. She and Fred had been married for 50 years.
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Getty Images | Mark Davis
Shelley Long (DeDe Pritchett)
On “Modern Family,” former “Cheers” star Shelley Long plays DeDe Pritchett, mother to Claire and Mitchell and long-suffering ex-wife of Jay. In real life, Long was married and divorced twice, most recently to stockbroker Bruce Tyson. Long and Tyson share a 33-year-old daughter, Juliana Long Tyson, who is an accomplished actress in her own right.
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Getty Images | David Livingston
Nathan Lane (Pepper Saltzman)
Nathan Lane plays the recurring role of eccentric wedding planner Pepper Saltzman on “Modern Family,” though Pepper’s extravagant ideas are often a little too much for Mitchell and Cam to handle. When it came to his own wedding, the Broadway legend chose a far simpler approach. In 2015, Lane married his partner of 18 years, playwright Devlin Elliot, in a quiet ceremony at New York’s City Hall.
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Getty Images | Larry Busacca
Adam DeVine (Andy Bailey)
Jay and Gloria’s affable nanny, Andy (played by Adam DeVine), presented a bit of a romantic problem for Haley on “Modern Family,” as she secretly crushed on the good-natured nerd (who was so similar to her dad!). And while Andy had feelings for Haley, too, their timing was never right. DeVine’s real love life appears to be more easygoing — he has been dating actress Chloe Bridges since 2015 when the pair met while working together on a horror film. In October 2017, a “clueless” DeVine told an Australian radio show that he didn’t realize Bridges might expect a marriage proposal when he whisked her off on a romantic European vacation. “I think she was having some grandiose ideas, meanwhile I’m too dumb to pick up on any clues,” he told the hosts.
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Getty Images | Rachel Murray
Ernie Hudson (Miles)
Ernie Hudson is perhaps best-known for his role as Winston Zeddemore in the “Ghostbusters” film franchise, so nostalgic audiences delight in his role as Jay’s old pal, Miles, on “Modern Family.” Offscreen, he’s been married twice, and his second marriage, to Linda Kingsberg, has been going strong since 1985. The couple has two children together, Andrew and Ross.
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Getty Images | Michael Buckner
Steve Zahn (Ronnie LaFontaine)
Any regular viewer of “Modern Family” knows Steve Zahn as the Dunphys’ obnoxious and hyper-sexual neighbor, Ronnie LaFontaine. Zahn’s TV wife, Amber, on “Modern Family” is played by Andrea Anders, but in real life, Zahn has been married to Robyn Peterman since 1994. The couple now lives in rural Kentucky, where Zahn seems to enjoy a more relaxed way of life. “I met my wife in 1990 when I was on the national tour of ‘Bye, Bye Birdie,'” he told The Irish Times in 2017. “We moved out of the city 13 years ago, and it’s the best thing I ever did. Overheads are lower. I don’t have to work when I don’t want to.”
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Getty Images
Matthew Broderick (Dave)
Matthew Broderick’s brief storyline on “Modern Family” has Broderick’s character feeling romantically frustrated, as he misinterprets Phil’s generally affectionate nature for something more lustful. In real life, Broderick has enjoyed a long marriage with Sarah Jessica Parker. The couple has homes in Manhattan, the Hamptons and Ireland, and they share one son together, 15-year-old James, along with twin 9-year-old girls, Marion and Tabitha.
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Getty Images | Mike CoppolaOriginally published on The Delite. Previous post Taco Bell Was Voted the Best Mexican Restaurant in the Country And People Have A Lot Of Feelings Next post This is the most recent story. Read the full article
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segnalibroblog · 7 years
Stella Sky One - The Perfect Ending ❤️
About 18 months ago, I wrote a post about the end of Stella Season 5, imploring Ruth Jones to bring back the wonderful characters of Pontyberry, when there was doubt as to whether the show could carry on with the death of Stella’s first true love, Rob Morgan. Stella Sky One – My Thoughts and a Plea to Ruth Jones I thought it could. Despite being Team Rob all along (and still am😉), I felt it was the right decision to kill him off and let Stella have a life with Michael. I pondered the idea that Rob could return as a confidante to Stella in ghostly form (so pleased I got my wish!)
After watching this final series, Ruth Jones having made it clear that at this was the end, I have loved seeing Stella and Michael battle over the revelation that Rob was baby Holly’s dad, in a twist that I didn’t see coming at all. I was strangely pleased that Holly was Rob’s (see, always Team Rob) and whilst I never really bought into the idea that Stella and Michael wouldn’t find their way back to each other, the final episode was sheer writing perfection to draw everything to a stunning conclusion that leaves everyone satisfied, though not without it’s drama. I did wonder if Stella would just walk away with Rob, adding a real definitive finality to the series, but I’m glad she didn’t.
I have watched every episode of Stella right from the first episode and I have loved every single minute of it. Ruth Jones is immensely talented, having written a wonderful series and played Stella so beautifully. She has given each and every cast member their own unique identity that even when they play a tiny role in a scene, it gives so much viewing pleasure. A gutteral noise from Auntie Brenda, a gasp from Bobby, a “that’s disgusting” from Nadine, or a “cock” from Rhian adds such humour to a scene, it is impossible not to smile.
There has been lots of laughter over the years, but there have also been tears. Craig Gallivan has made me cry the most. He’s had some harrowing scenes to film over the six seasons and he is a wonderful actor. His “don’t make me into a f**king orphan” speech tonight had me in floods again. To have a show generate such warmth for its characters from its viewers is a wonder to behold and a show that can initiate a myriad emotions in an hour is genius.
I argued for Stella last year that for those who felt it was getting boring perhaps were not seeing the value in the community of Pontyberry as it is. The dynamic between the characters was enough to keep me invested regardless of the plot, although personally I have not felt there has been a dip in the plot anyway. Is now the right time to draw it to a close? Ruth Jones seems to think so. I could have watched more series of it had tonight’s ending not played out as it did.
However, what Ruth Jones did in tonight’s episode was a stroke of genius. She gave Stella the perfect ending. No loose ends, no what if’s (as Rob said, “it’s the here and now that matters” – I might be paraphrasing here), and an ending that leaves the viewer feeling that if there is no more Stella, as Ruth Jones has indicated, there were no unanswered questions to frustrate, as is common in many dramas. 
I’m terribly sad to see it end, but I’m happy in the knowledge that my box sets will be like old friends to comfort and amuse whenever the mood takes me. I have favourite episodes that already I watch again and again. They all have a strong Rob presence, I admit. To name but a few, the one when Luke fights Lenny, when Emma has her baby, when Rob dies, and tonight’s episode will undoubtedly join that list.
Thank you to the wonderful actors who brought these vibrant, funny, multi-layered characters to life. You have, and will continue to make me laugh and cry. Biggest thanks goes to Ruth Jones though, who has written this stunning masterpiece that has the perfect mix of quirky humour and overwhelming poignancy that has left me rather emotional yet again. I look forward to reading the novels that Ruth Jones is currently writing and doing what I normally do on this site and reviewing her books. To date, Stella has been the only TV programme to inspire me to review it. There’s a good reason for that: because I’ve cockin’ loved every minute of it, presh! So long, Stella. You will be missed.
Stella Sky One – The Perfect Ending ❤️ was originally published on segnalibro.co.uk
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