#i like saiyans so i try my best to understand them from the resources we have
sweetescapeartist · 4 years
(But Saiyans have more potential than other races.)
So here's why I disagree with Saiyans being the greatest & strongest race. Many factors have to take place in order for Saiyans to get stronger.
The strongest that full-blood Saiyans could get with the best training is SS3 levels.
Maybe Saiyans could reach higher levels without god ki if we take GT into account, otherwise, SS3 appears to be the max. A Saiyan's max attainable power with the best training could be Vegito levels of power before they get too old & are unable to fight or they die of old age.
But keep in mind that Goku said not even fusion could defeat Beerus.
Goku had to do a ritual & train with an Angel just to attain god ki. (Other races may have something similar to the ritual. Other races could also train with Angels. Like Toppo.)
Most Saiyans weren't pure of heart or righteous. SSG could possibly be achieved by very few, but keep in mind that Saiyans don't have deep training & aren't spiritual as a culture. They would not know how to get as strong as Goku had learned.
Vegeta started training hard during the android saga. His reason for training was because he saw how beneficial training was for a low-class Saiyan like Goku, who became the legendary Super Saiyan before a royal Saiyan elite could.
Its important to note that Goku was raised as an Earthling, learned Earthling martial arts & he developed spiritual insight that Saiyan culture doesn't seem to have. Also Goku trained with 2 gods (Kami & King Kai) and acquired further power to rival Saiyan saga Vegeta. He then surpassed Vegeta in power & far surpassed him in skill because of his Earthling training.
And realistically it would be difficult for most Saiyans to even achieve the Super Saiyan transformation. They would solely rely on the Oozaru transformation. A select few elite warriors/royal Saiyans might get strong enough to achieve Super Saiyan. But from what we know about Saiyan training, it would be a very very long time before they could achieve Super Saiyan. Only the Super Saiyan transformation could even be as far as they could get.
Like I stated earlier, Vegeta was motivated to train after he saw how beneficial training was for Goku (who has Earth training & trained under 2 gods). If Vegeta never met Goku, Vegeta probably would never achieve Super Saiyan. On their own, Saiyans would most likely never see benefits of such training. They are a warrior race that see death-battles as the best training.
Goku who has martial arts training focused on self improvement, godly training, & spirit control training from the Yardrats understood how to train and conquer the Super Saiyan transformation. That's knowledge Saiyans dont have nor would their culture care about.
So lets say we give a few Saiyans the Super Saiyan transformation. I don't think Saiyans would share the knowledge of Super Saiyan with each other. Stronger ones would suppress the weaker ones until Saiyan society collapses or a civil war breaks out that would result in many casualties.
Goku saw the flaws in just buffing up the muscles of Super Saiyan. Vegeta who has a lack of deep training and Saiyan thinking, he did not see the flaws. He isn't trained the way Goku is. Being a martial artist & spiritual gave Goku a huge advantage over every other Saiyan. He was able to use his knowledge to push Gohan (a hybrid with Earthling principles) to reach Super Saiyan 2 even before a full blood Saiyan could.
Yes, Goku more than likely attained Super Saiyan 2 soon after he died. & more than likely, Vegeta attained it a few years after Cell was defeated. Goku was able to discover Super Saiyan 3 only because he was dead for 7 years & was able to train. His understanding of training and not having a physical body helped him achieve the new form.
No other full-blood Saiyan can achieve Super Saiyan 3 because of the training it takes & the toll it puts on the body. Goku barely even uses it in DBS for that reason (also because they are marketing SSG & SSB instead).
Now if we go back to the point of attaining the Super Saiyan transformation, new information has told us that most Saiyans have a low amount of S-Cells; the cells needed in order to become a Super Saiyan.
Their way of life as being warriors who lived to fight all the time is why they could not build up S-Cells. S-Cells that are built up from a gently spirit (most Saiyans lack). Peaceful environments are necessary for this build up of cells. Saiyans naturally thrive for constant battle. The chances of Super Saiyan are even slimmer with S-Cells in mind.
Universe 6 Saiyans are mostly good hearted & live much more peaceful lives than Universe 7 Saiyans. It would appear that the good Saiyans defeated the wicked Saiyans in Universe 6. So how come Cabba is somehow the first Super Saiyan? I guess Universe 6 Saiyans don't know how to train properly either.
And lets be honest, it was terrible writing how Cabba & Caulifla attained Super Saiyan. So you're telling me that not one Universe 6 Saiyan had never gotten angry over losing a close friend or family member while on the battlefield? Sure, whatever. Logically, since Cabba never saw Super Saiyan before, it can be said that Super Saiyan is either non-existent or only royal Universe 6 Saiyans have achieved it & keep it secret.
"But the tingly back thingy!"
If a tingly back was only necessary to attain Super Saiyan, then Goku, a master martial artist, should've taught that to Gohan so that Gohan wouldn't struggle so much during training to defeat Cell.
EDIT: Goku more than likely did teach Gohan the tingly back thing after Gohan became a SS. Mastered SS is not triggered by rage. The tingly back wkrks well if dont like this.
But rage is what Super Saiyan has always been activated from. We are still told that the transformations are emotional. Great anger/rage is how Super Saiyan is triggered
(DBS manga chapter 52 & information guides tell us that Super Saiyan is still triggered by rage.).
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Caulifla not only achieved Super Saiyan within a days or few hours, but she achieved Super Saiyan 2 the next day! Gohan has the most potential out of all Saiyan because he is a hybrid with a good heart & had some of the best training to have. It DOES NOT make any narrative sense from all that we've learned & continue to learn about Super Saiyan transformations. And the way Caulifla got 2 transformation within 2 days belittles the efforts of Goku & Gohan for the sake of "Look! A female Super Saiyan!"
If Caulilfa can achieve Super Saiyan 2 after only having Super Saiyan for a day, why didn't Future Gohan easily tap into Super Saiyan 2 as well & defeat the androids? Such convoluted writing for Universe 6 Saiyans... 😑
Out of Universe 6's three Super Saiyans, only Kale's transformation seems reasonable because it is set up similar to DBZ Broly. Kale controlling her power within a few minutes in the anime was stupid tho... The manga handled Kake better because she never gained control of herself. But... she had enough sense not to kill opponents and drop them out of the arena... So did she have control or not? A berserker is out to kill, not drop you out of bounds so she isn't eliminated. 😓
Nevermind. Both handled Kale's Super Saiyan form wrong in different ways...
(I have a theory that Universe 6 Saiyans may actually be Saiyan/Earthling hybrids. Which is why its easier to get Super Saiyan and they don't have tails anymore. But that's a different discussion.)
So about how strong a Saiyan could become on their own. I was being generous saying full-blood Saiyans could possibly get as strong as Vegito at most. That's more so something only Goku could attain. Saiyan culture & life, heart condition, lack of spiritual connection, & lack of good martial arts knowledge keeps them from growing. If they did train to get stronger then the most they can achieve would be Super Saiyan 2. The Super Saiyan God ritual would be attainable by some, but they could not absorb the power like Goku (thats because of his disciplined training) nor would Beerus allow Saiyans to keep causing havok. He planned to destroy them anyways.
And I'm sure that if one lone Saiyan achieved Super Saiyan on Planet Vegeta, Freeza would destroy the entire race out of fear. If Freeza somehow lost, Beerus would eventually destroy them.
Goku, Vegeta, Broly, & Tarble were lucky and able to live different lives from the average Saiyan, be kinder beings or have their hearts changed (wouldn't happen for most Saiyans). Goku is the 1 in a trillion rare Saiyan that got the best training & he influenced surviving Saiyans to be more like Earthlings.
(But even after all the training Goku did in OG Dragon Ball, Raditz was much stronger than Goku. That means most low class Saiyans were around the same strength as Roshi & ChiChi.)
If we are generous and say some Saiyans could've achieved Super Saiyan 2 and would not try to kill each other, then they still lose to aliens like Piccolo, Krillin, Hit, Jiren, Ribrianne, Cell, or 16, 17, & 18.
Give Hit god ki and give him Angelic training to learn Ultra Instinct. He doesn't even have god ki & yet he can keep up with Goku who needed god ki to reach such power.
Broly would be the exception because he is a Legendary Super Saiyan & in a way a mutation too. But his power is uncontrollable. Imagine Broly snaped & tapped into that uncontrollable, monterous power on Planet Vegeta. All Saiyans there die within seconds.
Saiyans are very strong aliens. But other aliens are stronger or understand how to get stronger.
If anything, Saiyans have some of the best genetics & potential that give them a very high possible advantage. However, that is not a guarantee. But Earthlings & Namekians also have very high potential they can utilize along with knowledge far beyond Saiyans.
Being raised as an Earthling is the secret to Goku's power. Being half Earthling is the secret to Gohan's great power & potential. Its as if an Earthling's potential and training & a Saiyans potential and genetics are the perfect mix for a reason. Like they're branched from the same ancestor & are counterparts in a way. 🤔 (But that part's just another theory of mine.)
Without god ki, Goku loses to almost every opponent & enemy in DBS. Goku even says SSG is a power he couldn't achieve on his own. He was nearly at the peak of his power until he learned god ki.
And like I have stated, either ritual or Angelic training could be something any race could possibly utilize.
That's what I gathered from the info we've been given.
If you disagree that's fine. Disagreements aren't a bad thing. But if you say I'm wrong on something, show or cite evidence within the series (DBZ & DBS in particular) that says or shows otherwise.
All info shows us that most Saiyans would never be strong like Goku. It was luck & circumstance that Goku was not raised as a Saiyan but as an Earthling. Otherwise he would not have been unable to compete with Vegeta or Goku would've been destroyed on Planet Vegeta, killed on the battlefield, or quickly killed by someone stronger than him.
Please don't rebutt by saying things like "Well they're stonger than Earthlings." or "Their god forms are stronger than everyone else."
Those don't work.
If Earthlings trained like Goku (not like Saiyans because Saiyans don't train like that. Its an Earth thing💡) then some humans could surpass Super Saiyan 2. Evidence shows that Krillin & Tien & Yamcha have surpassed Namek saga Super Saiyan Goku. And they aren't addicted to training like Goku does. But when they do train, they make great leaps in power even without transformations.
God ki isn't something every Saiyan can learn (like Goku & Vegeta have) nor is god ki something exclusive to Saiyans. Look at Dende & Uub (DBS chapter 66). Goku being raised as an Earthling, trained as a martial artist, & training with lower gods is what aided his learning of god ki. Vegeta began to train diffetently after seeing a weaker Saiyan's results after training. Plus god ki had to be learned. I doubt Whis or Beerus would teach them if they were evil.
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rollflasher · 3 years
Another Sonic ramble
So once again I’m here with one of my rambles about my incredibly subjective view of how the Sonic series should be handled! *Beat*
So, one of the more recurring opinions on the fandom is that Sonic games should be written by Ian Flynn, I have talked before about the gripes I have with his writing and why I disagree with this but this post is not entirely about him, but rather a more general topic that has been bugging me for a long time.
The other day I was watching a video speculating about the upcoming Sonic Rangers, there’s not much to write home since it was pretty well made but there’s a particular part that inspired me to do this post and talk about it with other fans to discuss it.
See, at one point the video critisized the fact that Sonic Forces was written by a Japanese writer because they have to re-write the script in English and that can cause problems with localization, and that it would be better to have western writers from the get-go since Sonic’s main demographic comes from there, while making an off-hand suggestion that Ian Flynn could be a main choice. While I can see where they’re coming from, my response was a simple:
‘‘Absolutely, not’‘
See, I have a lot of issues with this to put it bluntly and I’ll try to break them down and explain them the best I can since they’re pretty subjective in nature, but I’m bringing this up because I want you guys to share your thoughts as well.
So, why does it bug me so much the idea of Sonic being handled by western creators?
In my case, the main reasons are because Sonic loses a core part of it’s appeal because of this, the fact that SEGA of Japan seems to have a better grasp of the franchise’s tone and characters and there’s the very subjective point that, in my eyes, American versions of Japanese franchises were always nothing more than dumbed down products of the source material.
To start with my first point, whenever someone talks about Sonic’s creation, a lot of people are quick to point out that our favorite blue hedgehog and his games were inspired by western pop culture and cartoons, and that is true, however oftenly they forget to mention a core thing that not only inspired, but also formed part of the core identity of this franchise.
Sonic is very inspired on anime, and at heart this franchise is a shonen.
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(This image by The Great Lange expresses more clearly what I mean)
Generally, the most acknowledgement anime gets on it’s hand on Sonic is the mentions of Sonic being inspired by Dragon Ball, particularly the Super Saiyan, but there’s so much more than that, as Sonic blatantly takes inspiration from Studio Ghibli films specially in games like Sonic 3, which draws a lot of inspiration from Laputa: Castle in the Sky, this great post shows proof that this is not a coincidence.
And it doesn’t stop there, Shiro Maekawa himself has stated that SA2′s story (and in particular, the characters of Shadow and Maria) draw a lot of inspiration from the manga Please Save My Earth.
Even Sonic’s character design resembles shonen protagonists moreso than the main characters of silent cartoons, don’t believe me?
Sure, Sonic has a cartoony anatomy, no one can deny that, but he also exhibits a lot of traits from shonen characters such as spiky hair/quills (?), dynamic posing, a confident, courageous and energetic personality and most importantly, fighting spirit.
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If you compare Sonic’s personality and more specifically, his abilities and moves to, say, cartoon speedy characters like the Road Runner, there’s a pretty big disconnection between him and western cartoon characters. Hell, this disconnection is even just as present if you compare him with a character like The Flash from DC.
Simply put, Sonic acts, moves and more importantly, fights like a shonen anime character. He doesn’t just go Super Saiyan and that’s it. Here’s even a quick comparison if necessary.
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And this is important because this doesn’t apply just to him, but the whole franchise as a whole and when it takes a more western approach, all of these details are kinda lost or more downplayed, of course this depends on the artists and there’s YMMV at hand, but I think my point is clear.
My second point is...SoJ has consistently proven they have a much clearer grasp on how Sonic’s world and characters are compared to SoA.
Hear me out, yes, Sonic 06 and ShtH exist and yes, SoJ is not perfect by any means. But hear me out...when did the characters start to get flanderized and turned into parodies of themselves? In the 2010s...and when did SEGA move from Japanese to western writers in the games?
Of course it was more then that since there’s a whole tone shift that came with this decade and the new writers, but it’s not a coincidence that when writing in Sonic started to decay, western writers also happened to get on board with the games.
Besides that, SoA has a wide history of not getting Sonic’s tone and characters, from how they made media without much of Sonic Team’s input, to altering how characters are seen in the west. (Such as how they amped up Sonic’s attitude in their media or how the English scripts of the games featured things like Sonic seemingly barely tolerating Amy while the JP scripts portrayed this as Sonic just not understanding girls all that well instead, or for more recent examples, the addition of the ‘’torture’’ line in Forces). Not only that, but even ignoring obvious infamous writers like Ken Penders, even the ‘’best’’ writers from the western side of Sonic are still not above of giving us Pontaff-esque gems.
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Like this one.
Or alternatively, I feel like sometimes western writers on Sonic rely a bit too much on their personal vision about Sonic which may or may not be a good thing, clear examples of this are Ian Flynn himself and Pontaff.
By contrast, while SoJ has it’s own share of notorious inconsistencies when dealing with writing (The 2000s era is a big offender), it seems that for them Sonic hasn’t changed much and this is visible not only on the JP scripts of the Modern games which are for the most part better than the ENG ones, but also things like the Sonic Channel comics and the recent one-shots they made with Sonic interacting with the cast show that for all intents and purposes, the Japanese’s staff vision of Sonic is much more clear and consistent compared to the west. Because of this, I’d rather have a good Japanese writer on Sonic games with the localization being focused on being faithful with the original script than have a more western writers dramatically changing the characters. (I don’t mention the tone since either way, SEGA is the one in charge of that and the writers have to follow that)
My last and very subjective point is that, at least for me, everything SoA does with Sonic involving the writing and canon feels like a dumbed down version of the source material. One of the reasons it bugs me so much that in the latest decade Sonic has taken a more western direction is because a lot of what I pointed out gets lost as a result, even if some of those elements are still there, you can tell they’re more downplayed with products like the Tyson Hesse shorts having a more predominant cartoon direction. If any of you have been following my blog for a long time, you should be aware that just because I prefer the Japanese Sonic content doesn’t mean I won’t give the western products a chance, my enjoyment for Mania, the Tyson Hesse shorts and the movie should be a testament of that, but at the same time I can’t help but being sour about the fact that because of these products, we don’t have stuff like a new anime for Sonic or even a serialized ‘’main’’ manga as an alternative for the comics, and my hype for these products is generally more subdued as a result since I’d wish SEGA rather spent that money and resources on more Japanese content than just merchandise.
In particular, because Sonic is a Japanese franchise with a notorious inspiration from anime, what I get from this is a pretty big contradiction. I know Sonic is much more popular on the west but...is it really necessary for his game or products to be handled by western creators to keep their appeal?
For instance, imagine if Dragon Ball’s manga and anime got replaced by western comics and animated series because of it’s world-wide appeal, would that really be the same?
Or imagine the same thing with Fullmetal Alchemist, a pretty aclaimed anime that has a lot of western influence. Would it really not matter at all if it’s Japanese products were replaced with western ones?
At least for me, it wouldn’t.
And what I said about American versions of Japanese franchises being nothing more than watered down versions of the source material? I have that view because of countless examples.
Mega Man and how the English manuals removed a lot of important information about the story of the Blue Bomber’s game and world, causing a lot of plot holes in the process.
American remakes like Godzilla 1998 or Dragon Ball Evolution being an in-name only version of the source material.
Or the many censored anime English dubs from the 2000s, for instance, whenever I see the Yu-Gi-Oh! dubs, I only see a very dumbed down and childish version of a show that was originally a shonen.
And I know that all of these things don’t have to necessarely get lost since every creator is different and there’s franchises like Avatar which are made on the west but draw a lot of inspiration from anime and I’m aware of that, and I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to say that American writers are not allowed to work on Sonic, what I’m trying to say is that inevitably there’s always gonna be some culture dissonance and clash when writers from another culture handle a foreign franchise. And even with examples like ATLA, I think being made by one culture while being inspired by the other is actually a big part of these franchises appeal and it’s something that can’t simply be replicated by handing it to creators from that specific culture they draw inspiration from.
I think James Rolfe’s quote about the same thing with the Godzilla franchise sums up how I feel about this.
‘‘It’s like champagne, anybody can make their own and call it champagne, but unless it’s from Champagne France, it’s not real champagne’‘
So, this last part was very subjective, but I think this post in general sums up why I dislike so much the idea of Sonic having western writers specifically in the games or just focusing more on that side in general.
But what do you guys think? I guess I am too biased so that’s why I wanted to ask for opinions and discuss this topic.
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sevenstarsinning · 4 years
Invasion Ch. 12
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Description:  A planet conquering race of Saiyans invaded Earth and deemed it worthy of habitation. After bringing the humans to their heels, they set up a new society where humans had one role, to serve. You found yourself in the unlucky faction of being bought and sold as a human pet. With absolutely no interest in owning a human but no way out of having one, Kakarot made a bid on you at the urging of his brother. It was only a matter of time before you were either killed or forced into obedience.
You can find previous chapters in this link: Ch.11 or you can read it here on my AO3
A routine developed for you, wake up, eat, meet with Gine to train, eat lunch, train more, eat dinner, heal any bruises and scrapes in the healing pod, then back to the palace. Bulma had left you alone for the most part, which was good because you really didn’t feel like explaining to her where you were going and what you were doing. That morning you finished your breakfast and opened your door to head out, but you ran smack into the one person you were just trying to avoid.
“Shit, sorry, Bulma.” You said as she took a step back.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” She asked the question you were trying to avoid.
“Um, just out. I need some fresh air.” You lied.
She pushed her way into your room, “yeah, I understand that completely. Today is not going to be fun for anyone.”
You turned to face her with your brow furrowed, “why not?”
She stared blankly and confused at you, “you- today’s the trial for Kakarot. Did you forget?”
“Fuck. I didn’t even- I knew it was coming up, but I didn’t realize it was so soon.”
“Are you okay? You’ve been a little off lately.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Um, the trial, you’ll let me know what happens?” You hoped to distract her from more questions.
“You do know that you’re expected to be there, right?” She continued to regard you as if you had a second head or something.
“Me? Why? I didn’t have anything to do with it.”
“Because Vegeta wants to show us off to his father and from now on you’re required to attend any event in the palace. But besides all of that, you love Kakarot, I thought you’d want to be there?”
“Loved,” you corrected, “he made it abundantly clear that it was just great sex.”
“I’m- I don’t know what to say here. You seem so careless about this?”
“No, I cared, I cared too much and ended up hurt. I can’t hold onto those feelings when they meant nothing to him. I’ll go to the trial because the last thing I need is Prince Dickhead angry at me, but I’m not going because of any assumed loyalty to Kakarot.” You felt bad for snapping at her, but you honestly didn’t have the capacity to show any sympathy anymore.
A heavy silence fell over the two of you as you stood there for a moment, “is there anything else I need to know?”
“Just be ready within the hour to meet with the King before the trial and I’d change your clothes if I were you. Also, Vegeta says we don’t speak unless spoken to and even then we probably shouldn’t speak.” Her expression had dropped from concern to one of sadness as she left the room.
You let out a frustrated sigh, wishing you’d said more to her or done something else to make her understand, but it was all too overwhelming and you honestly wanted to just forget everything and move forward, whatever direction that actually was.
Picking out a decent dress shouldn’t have been as hard as it was, but there you were with too many choices and honestly, not enough motivation to care. You grabbed the one that didn’t make you feel completely exposed, black silk with a low cut back. You threw your hair up in a semi-presentable bun and headed down to where you assumed Bulma and Vegeta would be.
You descended the stairs to the main hall to see the two of them standing next to one another as they waited a few feet away from the door.
“Cutting it close, human.” Vegeta snapped as soon as you were within earshot.
“Sorry, dresses aren’t my thing.” You shrugged.
“Clothing isn’t your thing, breeding isn’t your thing, if we weren’t so pressed for time, I’d love to hear what your thing actually is.” He grabbed your arm and pulled you around to his other side.
You peered over to Bulma who looked absolutely flawless in a long, strapless, red dress that hugged her curves almost as if it was her own skin. Vegeta was also apparently wearing his best, his armor was adorned with gold around the seams, a cape flowed behind him, and his emblem was embossed on his breastplate. They really did look like a royal couple and then there was you, looking like you’d rolled out of bed just moments before.
“I’d rather not go on the assumption that she told you this already, but you will not speak, no utterance of even a syllable If you’re spoken to, you’ll answer with a nod of your head. Understood?” He seemed even more tense than literally any other time you’d seen him.
“Got it. No words.” You wondered if Gine was going to make an appearance. She probably didn’t even show for training that morning, especially if she knew about the trial being that day.
“When this is over, there is still the matter of your use to be discussed. Don’t think I’ve forgotten.”
Before you could respond with some half thought out comeback, the large doors opened, and you immediately felt a tenseness building in your stomach.
The second you laid your eyes on the King, you knew what all of the hype was about. His demeanor alone was demanding of respect as he carried himself without an ounce of carelessness or patience. The scowl he held on his face seemed like a permanent fixture, at least you’d seen Vegeta with a little more range.
“Father.” Vegeta nodded with a slight bow of his head.
“Don’t be so familiar in front of others. Have you already forgotten all of your etiquette?”
“I apologize, King Vegeta.”
You held back any facial expression you wanted to give in the moment about his name being the same as Vegeta’s and their entire planet. Vegeta didn’t seem like the ‘junior’ type.
“Allow me to introduce my humans, this is Bulm-“
The King waved his hand dismissively, “I have no interest in knowing either of their names. My concern only goes as far as the abomination of their blood mixing with a saiyan’s.”
“Our race has bred outside of our line in previous years, they’re the most compatible to-“
“You’re doing nothing but chasing a myth with this hybrid idea of yours. I’m only allowing this rouse to continue because this planet has resources we can exploit and the humans seem to keep the morale up for the lower class saiyans.” The King seemed to sneer at the two of you with a glance that barely lasted one second.
“Of course, sir. I apologize for suggesting their usefulness expands beyond that.” Vegeta cowering was an odd sight to see.
“We need to discuss the sentencing before the trial begins. Where can we speak privately?” He made no move to look at the either of you.
Vegeta snapped his fingers at one of the saiyans standing to the side, “show the King to the study, I’ll be along shortly.”
“Do not keep me waiting, Prince Vegeta.” He shot him a warning glance before following the saiyan.
You waited a moment before relaxing a little. Your entire body had been tense that whole time and it was exhausting.
“Go to the throne room and wait for the trial to begin.”
“Do I have to be there?” You asked.
A thick silence lingered for a split second and you noticed the Prince’s jaw tense before he turned to you and clamped his hand over your throat.
“I’ve suffered your insolence for long enough, if you truly wish to be excused from this then I’ll be more than happy to end your involvement now.” He tightened his grip, his fingers digging into your skin and cutting off any air supply you had.
You grabbed at his forearm, struggling to breathe as your vision blurred, “p-please-“
“I’m not in the habit of repeating myself.” He released your throat and left you gasping and choking for air as he headed in the same direction the King had gone.
You held your throat as you inhaled sharply and filled your lungs with air once more, your eyes watering.
“Let’s go.” Bulma placed her hand on your back and guided you with her, offering nothing else for comfort.
After a moment of walking with her, you were finally able to breathe normally and felt like the color had returned to your cheeks.
“He won’t hesitate to kill you, especially not with the King around.” Bulma finally spoke as you walked.
“Maybe that would be better than this?” You rubbed your neck, knowing bruises were already forming.
Bulma stopped suddenly and turned to you, “if you want to keep toying with your life, then do it when I’m not around. This isn’t a perfect life and it’s by no means the life I wanted for myself, but it’s what I have and I enjoy waking up everyday knowing I’m still alive because I’ve seen what happens to the others who weren’t as lucky, who didn’t get the same opportunity as me.” The tears in her eyes remained there, never falling and staining her cheeks.
“Bulma, I-“
“Just stay on his good side when I’m around, please?” She didn’t wait for you to respond before she returned to her path and walked ahead of you.
You felt bad for putting her in any kind of harm’s way. You could tell she was just as frightened as you, but there was something more to it than that. There was still a lot of unknown bits to how Bulma ended up where she was. You never really asked and she never really offered the information freely. Of course there was the curiosity, but you assumed it wasn’t the same as yours. She always seemed so much more capable and put together, and less likely to end up in an auction. She had a genuine fear that doesn’t come from just hearing about something bad, it comes from experience.
You followed her in silence, wanting to reach out and apologize for being selfish, but you couldn’t find the right words that didn’t make you sound like a complete jackass. You entered the throne room, which had been altered a bit for the trial. Two thrones sat at the far end and a cement post had been placed in the center with what looked like an iron fixture on it.
Bulma took her place next to one of the thrones, obviously knowing which one was for the Prince and which was for the King. You stood next to her and fought with yourself on an apology before deciding on how to say what you needed to say. You grabbed her hand suddenly and squeezed it slightly, pulling her gaze directly to you. She offered a small, fleeting smile before turning away again, but she made no move to take her hand from yours.
You stood there together for what seemed like hours. Either time had stopped or it was just going by so slowly due to the anticipation. You felt anxiety sitting like a rock in the pit of your stomach, not just about the trial, but seeing Kakarot again. You hadn’t seen him in what felt like months but had only actually been a few days. You flexed your freehand, feeling the ache still settling in your fingers from the last session with Gine. You didn’t have the full time in one of the healing pods so there were still bruises and aches that remained. As a few other saiyans entered the room to stand in witness of the spectacle, you thought about how far you’d come since your first time take a step into the palace. You were overshadowed by Kakarot, all of it seeming so daunting in the moment.
The second Vegeta and the King entered the room, Bulma released your hand and seemed to stiffen. Her demeanor changed completely, but you assumed she was more accustomed to this sort of thing than you were. You silently chastised yourself for not asking her what to expect at the trial, how it would go down and what would happen afterward. A few moments passed after they took their positions in the thrones, then the large double doors at the end of the room opened, several saiyans entered, surrounding Kakarot. He was restrained almost in overkill. He was adorned with a collar similar to the one you had, only this one was thicker and probably had a lot more stopping power in it. They even had his tail restrained and pinned down around his waist. You couldn’t help but smirk at the black eye Turles was wearing, it made you feel a little better knowing Kakarot was most likely the one who gave it to him.
“Kakarot.” Prince Vegeta spoke first, drawing attention from everyone in the room.
“Prince Vegeta. King Vegeta.” He offered barely a nod at them while he glanced at you.
Just his gaze alone sent a shiver through you. You still felt that pull to him, regardless of what he’d said before. The pain and hurt was still there, but seeing him again made your feelings grow complicated. Your eyes met his in a split second and you wanted two things, to hit him and make him hurt the way he’d done to you, and then kiss him.
“Let’s begin. You’re being tried for murdering seven elite warriors and conspiring to overthrow myself and the Prince. These are treasonous charges, how do you plead?” King Vegeta said with as much disinterest as he could.
“Not entirely guilty.” Kakarot said.
“Explain.” The King urged.
“I’m only guilty of some of it. I did kill the elite warriors, I take the full sentencing for that, but my motives were my own. I had no plans to unseat you or the Prince.”
A lull of gasps and muttering spread throughout the room from the other saiyans. You noticed Gine and Bardock standing towards the front of the crowd with Raditz near. You wondered if they would stay after the trial, mainly Gine.
“You admit to slaughtering seven saiyans without provocation?” The King questioned.
“I admit to killing them, but it wasn’t without reason.” Kakarot continued to steal glances at you.
“Out of my own curiosity, I will grant a less severe sentencing if you share your reasoning behind murdering your fellow elite warriors.”
There was a silence that fell over the room as everyone froze with intrigue, wanting to hear his explanation. You were also extremely interested in why he would do such a thing, especially when he made such a point to be in defense of his brother and the other saiyans. Kakarot looked back at his family, his gaze meeting Gine’s in that moment before he turned back around.
“I can’t do that.”
“Can’t do what exactly?” The King pressed.
“I can’t share my reasoning.”
“Kakarot, please!” Gine called out, but was quickly silenced by Bardock pulling her back and placing his arm around her.
The King seemed to grow annoyed as he sat forward, “and why not? Are you protecting someone? An accomplice?”
“I acted alone. I’d like to request my sentencing now.” He seemed to be in a hurry to get it over with.
You looked over to Vegeta who had remained quiet. His hand gripped the arm of his chair to the point where his fingers were digging into the wood itself. There was more to this than Kakarot was letting on and Vegeta seemed to have answers.
“You’re forfeiting a right to a fair trial? Without sufficient evidence to discount the charge of treason you will be taking on all charges, regardless of your plea.” The King explained.
Kakarot gave you one last glance, “I plea guilty to all charges then.”
Your heart sank as more muttering erupting throughout the room. Gine turned towards Bardock and buried her face in his chest. Kakarot remained calm and stoic, giving no emotion away as he awaited his sentencing.
“Why is he doing this?” You whispered to Bulma.
She turned her head towards you, “I-I don’t know. I’ve never seen a trial like this before. Normally they have witnesses to their character, their actions, someone to defend them, but he’s giving up all of that.”
“You leave me no choice but to continue with your sentence. Since you are under the Prince’s orders, I’ll allow him to deliver the ruling.” The King sat back in his throne.
“As an elite warrior you pledged your allegiance to protecting all saiyans under the rule of myself and the King. You broke that allegiance when you took the lives of those you swore to protect. We find you guilty of all charges of murder and treason, for which the sentencing is death.” Vegeta spoke with little emotion, his hand still holding a death grip on the arm of the throne.
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imahungrynacho · 5 years
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The room was tense.
She held a brush tentatively over her lips, making sure to pucker so as to prevent any mistakes and cause her to start all over again. This was her third attempt. She brushed along her bottom lip-
“Careful.” Came a voice from her right- she seemed almost as tense as she was.
“Be a real shame if you had to start over” quipped a voice from the left, Kida scoffed in response.
“Thanks, Alix, really reassuring.”
“Just saiyan.” She could hear the smirk across her face.
She felt Charu fidgeting nervously- at least someone was being helpful and trying to provide some advice. Her hand suddenly shot out in front of the mirror- causing Kida to flinch and drop the brush onto the gold table below. Charu’s big brown eyes were large and her mouth was open.
“NO! Stop! Perfect! OW!” Kida had knocked her elbow into the other woman’s stomach, she was looking at her furiously-
“Damn it- the hell, Cher! I almost got it on my cheek!” She hissed. The two of them could hear the low, harsh chuckle from Alix.
“See, this is why I hate makeup. If ya mess up, you gotta work extra had to make it all blend together.” Both Kida and Charu rolled their eyes.
“Yeah right, the only reason you don’t wear makeup is because of that one time where you used eyeliner on your lips and we called you out on it.” Charu pointed accusingly at the magenta-haired dominatrix. “And you hate being made fun of.”
Alix turned her nose up and sniffed, straightening her vest as she did so. Kida began to ignore them and began to look for other areas where she could improve on the makeup, wondering if she should add some eyeshadow- the palette was just <i>there</i> sitting and waiting for her to do something with it. But tonight did not call for that kind of makeup, after all, she wasn’t going to a ball or anything. Hell, at this point- she hadn’t known why she even bothered to try to fix herself up at all.
‘S’not like he notices’ she thought irritably. Alix noticed the small frown on her face and her friend stared at the reflection in the mirror, her dark green eyes studying before she nodded.
“Yup, you’re right. Too much.”
Kida shook her head and turned to her, “No- it’s not that- wait- is it too much!?” For a moment she panicked, but then she remembered who she was talking to. Charu made a sound and pointed at the mirror.
“Too much!? More like too little! Put some mascara on, and some eyeshadow! Maybe he likes ladies who wear lots of makeup? I’ve seen him with his done.”
The silver haired maiden scowled and began to clean the brush. “It doesn’t matter what I do or what I put on, that son of a bitch doesn’t notice it either way. Besides I’m not doing this for him. I’m doing this for me.” She declared, taking a pencil and defining her lips more evenly and cleanly. The two other women stared at her as she began to apply- Alix looked amused, Charu looked unconvinced.
She could see the doubt in their eyes- Kida never felt pity over herself, she usually just got her confidence up by having other men worship the ground she walked on, but usually that meant she had to attract a man. This man in particular was one she considered the greatest challenge she had ever faced. It had been months since her employment under Salza LeBlanc, known throughout the Crooked Nook as the greatest assassin the archipelago has ever seen. It was rumored even the Queen herself employed him to get rid of her political enemies from time to time.
But none of that could compare to the absolute sculpture of perfection that he was. A man of many talents, and possessing the most handsome visage she had ever seen on a man. High cheekbones, a strong jaw, perfect brows, and piercing amber eyes- she would let him do anything he wanted to her. If he wanted, and that was the issue. He never wanted, even when she offered he would politely, or rudely depending on his mood, decline.
She had never been so stumped in her life. She had never been rejected. It wasn’t part of her personality- Bikida Zamahra did not get rejected.
“We’re going to spy on a new target, learn everything about him and where he frequents and what he says. Tonight he is going to a bar and I’ll be damned if I’m not the loveliest creature in that stupid tavern.”
Alix cocked her head to the side while Charu nodded, understandably. “Isn’t the point of spying to be unnoticeable? Invisible, even? So what good is it to literally catch the attention of every man and woman in that place?” Kida sighed and Charu helpfully answered.
“Kida is the bait. She lures to get the most outta him so she can report back to Salza and make herself look good in front of him.”
Kida squeaked and pinched her, blushing red. “I’m not trying to SHOW OFF to him, Cher, you bi-”
“But that is what you’re doing, you harlot.” Charu rolled her eyes. “You want to make yourself seem delectable. You want him to see how every man wants to fuck you and, in vain, hope that he begins to feel the same because you’ve socially engineered him to think he wants to do the same.”
Charu was way smarter than anyone could ever be. And Kida sometimes wanted to kick her for it. She turned back to face the mirror, breathing in one-two-three and breathing out. She calmed down and sniffed.
“Yes, true, I want him to see that I’m a goddess and he should be grateful that I want him to pin me to the wall and have his way with me,” Alix snickered, “BUT I want him to see that I can be professional! Just the other day he told me that my attempts at seduction are worthless when compared to what he does for work- he insulted me! Me! Saying my techniques at getting information are subpar to his! The nerve! A woman can have a kingdom by opening her legs! The best thing he can offer is his-“
“Okay, Okay, calm down. We all know you’re a slut and it’s your best talent. Your mother must be very proud.” Alix waved her hand dismissively. Kida pouted while Charu grinned.
“Hey, men are more promiscuous than women! Do you have any idea how many men have come to me to ask if they can do things to me?”
“Charu you’re married.”
“That doesn’t stop them!” The brown eyed beauty exclaimed, waving her hands. “They think with their dicks- not with their brains like us!”
“Then maybe Salza is a woman and prefers men. Ever thought of that, monkey butt?”
Kida gritted her teeth and humphed. “Salza is a man far ahead of his time. He doesn’t prefer one over the other, he likes both. I think...” Kida could recall some awkward moments where the man would stumble with his words whenever another man came to him and offered more than just polite conversation. She would also catch him staring at other men, because she was often staring at the same man too. They had similar tastes.
Charu crossed her arms humming as she looked up towards the ceiling. “Well how do you know he likes women if you’ve never seen him being attracted to another woman?”
Kida sighed and fixed her hair. “His friend, Doore.”
“The big green one that looked like he overdosed on steroids as a baby? What about him?”
“He told me. I was actually convinced he liked men exclusively after my third failed attempt, but Doore had told me that he likes both. He’s just… pickier about them.” Alix grinned, all teeth and nodded her head vigorously.
“Can’t blame him. If you like specific women, all the power to ya. Luckily for me, I’m not picky at all.”
Kida kicked her boots as the pink-haired woman began laughing. Charu rolled her eyes. “We get it, you’re a slut for women. Your mother must be very proud.” She repeated Alix’s earlier jab at Kida, but the sapphic woman merely giggled and shrugged.
“Well if the green man says he likes women too, then you’ve got at least one ally who can help you get into blue man’s trousers.”
“He doesn’t know that much about Salza’s tastes, he just says he supports his choices- very sweet of him but useless information to me if I don’t know what turns him on-”
“Dress like a man. See if that’ll work.”
“With my curves and perfect heart-shaped face? I could never pull it off like you do.”
“Fack you, ya bitch.”
“Hey- focus! Use this as a time for brainstorming, use this chance to think about how you can shake things up and get his attention.” Charu reminded them. A moment of silence. All three were busy thinking, well, two of them were- Kida was busy looking at her reflection and marveling at her own beauty. Charu was doing the same, but she was better at multitasking.
Alix was the first to speak up. “Well, didn’t you say once he complimented you on your fighting skills?”
Charu groaned. “Dammit, Alix, she’s not going to fight someone every time she wants to turn him on- there has to be something subtler than that! I think he was just being genuinely nice to her, not trying to tell her that he finds it hot when she kicks people into the ground.”
Immediately Alix snapped her fingers.
“But that’s just it, innit? Use what he admires you for and do more of that so that he can like you more? S’what I did when I began to court my lovely dove~”
At this, both Kida and Charu pondered. Charu puckered her lips and began to smile as memories began to flood back from her own courting. “Hmm, true. Nashy did tell me that he really began to like me more and more every time I got bitchy.”
“Bad example but you’re getting there.” Alix noted.
Kida however, was deeper in thought. Salza hardly took his time to compliment her or observe her, at least not in the way she always hoped- but she did notice how he ever seemed so perceptive about certain things and studied behaviors and people a lot. What was one instance where he actually admired her? Probably only from the first time they met. She was able to prove she was intelligent, deadly, and resourceful. She was good at getting things done when she wasn’t lazy.
With a smile and renewed vigor she jumped from her seat and approached her bed where several different dresses, fabrics and shoes were laid out neatly. “Well then, if he likes me better when I’m a dangerous criminal- then I will show him how dangerous I can be!” And she took one of her more flexible, and dare say more jaw-dropping outfits and swayed confidently into the water closet.
Alix and Charu paled slightly.
“Yeah… yeah… we fucked up.”
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insufficient-focus · 6 years
Do you think with the coming of the new storyline that the companions we made in KOTFE/KOTET will become irrelevant? Like just standing there looking pretty, but not part of the story at all.
My honest answer is a very sad and pouting, yes. I think that realistically if there is any additional dialogue it will be, at best, a short scene. Maybe some different reactions depending on who you have with you at the time you’re having a conversation in the new content. I doubt it though and it isn’t easy for me to answer that way. I added a cut line because my answer went Super Saiyan. :o
I try to be as cautiously optimistic as I can but at the same time sort of condition myself for the probable lack of new content for the friends and lovers we’ve gained in KOTFE/KOTET. The direction they are going in, Empire VS Republic makes sense to me but also splinters me a bit. I have a large ensemble of characters and for some of them this makes perfect sense (my warrior and my merc, specifically). For others not so much. Both of my Tansu sisters are extremely pragmatic. One of them becomes like sisters with my main consular. It’s difficult for me to reconcile the future of these traditionally warring factions with the strong relationships that have evolved over time during the Alliance. But, that’s what head canon is for and SWTOR has a very passionate fan fiction/head canon community. 
From a will I ever hear from them perspective, my main consular is with Arcann. Are the two conversations we got with him (the romance trigger and the lovely scene before Nathema Conspiracy) all we get? Like, is that it? Since Theron was made kill-able (ish, some people have theories) will he become a member of the story graveyard crew like Koth? Vette? Torian? Aric? Malavai? I mean I can go on. History doesn’t bode well for characters that players can kill off.
That aside, I think comes down to how many resources Bioware has and while I think there’s some good buzz going about the future of SWTOR, it’s not as optimized as other games are (my boyfriend has much to say on the subject but honestly I don’t really understand most of it :x). There was a lot of negative feedback to the KOTFE/KOTET expansions (in general). PvP community is always pissed about something. PVE community was/is frustrated at the lack of end game content and RNG gearing (especially right after 4.0 dropped). The command system has improved but a lot of people have moved on at this point.
I do think that the powers that be are wanting to satisfy and get people back to playing and while I’m still a little anxious about friends made in the Alliance, especially relationships forged between empire and republic characters, I’m going to hope that there will be something that makes people want to stay playing because I’m in it until the end I think. I’m a diehard like that and it’s been what, since 2011? 2012? I’ve been playing this game off and on (mostly on) for a long time so it’s not something I can easily say goodbye too.
That was a really long answer I’m sorry. :0
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duhragonball · 8 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (46/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous Chapters conveniently available here
[17 May 236 Before Age.  Extraliga]
"You want to go after her?  Are you insane!?"
"You're way out of line, kid!"
On the bridge of Luffa's star-yacht, her companions were having an argument.  They were Dorluns, of a culture that valued survival above all, and they had been separated from the rest of their kind.  This and their ties to Luffa had made them very close, almost like sisters, but that didn't mean they always agreed.  
The younger of the two, Keda, had assumed a role as Luffa's business assistant.  She managed the Saiyan's finances, kept the ship running smoothly, and did whatever odd jobs needed doing.   Most of this could be accomplished from the yacht's spacious bridge, and so Keda had converted it into her own private quarters.   Off to one side of the deck she had a sleeping bag and a footlocker, and various personal effects laying around them.  Ironically, there were far more comfortable cabins on the ship--it had originally been a luxury pleasure craft after all--but Keda wasn't interested in comfort.  For her, the bridge was the best place to be on the ship, since she could respond to almost any situation from that location.  
Her only real regret about working for Luffa was that it made for a somewhat lonely existence.  Luffa was a good friend, but a strange one, and not always sociable.  The Saiyan would get into one of her moods and keep to herself, sometimes for days.  Keda tried to keep a respectful distance, but she had long wished for more relateable company.  When Zatte showed up, it seemed like a dream come true.  
It had been a miracle of sorts.  Zatte was supposed to have been killed while defending the Dorlun colony from an alien invasion.  But Dorluns were hard to kill, and after two years, she turned up alive and well, though she had lost her right eye in the battle.  Best of all, she had agreed to live with them on the ship, but it had all been a trick.  Zatte had actually been enchanted by a race of demonic creatures the whole time.  Luffa had managed to free Zatte from their power, but Keda found it difficult to believe everything was back to normal.  
"Zatte, we're safe here!" Keda said.  "If we follow Luffa to Planet Wist, who knows what we might run into!"
"What, so we just abandon her?" Zatte asked.  She was about twice Keda's age, and normally that would have settled the dispute then and there.  The Dorluns respected their elders, after all, since an elder was someone who had managed to stay alive longer.  But Keda had never heard an adult Dorlun talk as recklessly as Zatte.  Besides, living with a Super Saiyan had forced Keda to grow up in a hurry.  She refused to back down from this.
"Luffa told us to stay behind!" Keda shouted.  "She doesn't need our help, dammit!"
"Watch your mouth, Keda," Zatte said.  
"Or what?" Keda shot back.  "Are you gonna fight me?  That seems to be your answer to everything else!"
"She's the xan'nil-Dor!" Zatte insisted.  "We have an obligation as Dorluns to--"
"Don't play that card with me," Keda snapped.  "You keep saying she's a xan'nil-Dor, but I don't buy it!  You're just looking for an excuse to go charging into battle again."
"You of all people should understand what I'm trying to do!" Zatte said.  "You've been providing support for Luffa's work for years now!"
Keda threw up her hands.  "Because it's my job!" she shouted.  "Luffa pays me for this.  She lets me live on her ship for free and she lets me use the subspace radio to try to find other Dorluns.  And if we run into any trouble at all, she takes care of it.  She's the strongest person in the universe, and she pays me to live under her protection!"
Zatte turned up her nose.  "Is that all she is to you?" she asked.  "Just a resource to exploit?"
"Of course not," Keda said.  "But I'm not trying to turn her into some kind of religious symbol to justify bad decisions like you are!   You want to risk your neck, and you're using her as an excuse!"
"I said watch your mouth, kid!" Zatte yelled.  Among the Dorluns, 'risk' was not a word to be used lightly.  
"Oh, so it's bad for me to say it, but it's okay for you to do it?" Keda scoffed.  "What did those Makyans do to you, Zatte?"
Her good eye narrowed as she looked down at Keda.  "They showed me that there's a lot of evil in the universe," she said grimly.  "And that we can't just hide under our beds and hope someone else will fix it for us."
They stared at each other wordlessly, and and then the door to the lift opened.   Dr. Topsas stepped onto the deck.  In three of his arachnoid limbs he held mugs.  
"Ladies," he said pleasantly.  "I couldn't get to sleep, so I went to the galley to make some tea.  Would you care for some?"
"Not right now, doctor," Zatte said in a low voice.
"Thanks, but no," Keda said.  
"Hmm, more for myself, I suppose," Topsas said.  "Ms. Zatte, I should like to look at your arm once more in the morning."
"It's fine, doctor."
"Indeed, but I have little experience in treating Dorlun patients, and my old exophysiology professor always warned me to be thorough.  You mammals have so few arms as it is.  You'll forgive me for being overcautious."
"Of course," Zatte said.  "First thing tomorrow."
He turned and left the way he came in, and the two of them continued staring at each other.  
"You don't trust me because of what the Makyans did to me," Zatte said.  "Is that it?  You still think I'm under the influence of the Black Water Mist."
"Well, you stopped wearing that weird costume," Keda said, "but you haven't done anything about your hair."
The Dorluns all wore their red hair long, just in case they needed to use some of it for kindling to start a fire in an inhospitable situation.  It was one of their oldest customs, dating back to the dawn of Dorlun civilization.  Keda had hers tied up in a bun for convenience.  Zatte had most of hers cut off at the whim of her former masters.  She had been sporting an undercut bob ever since.  Her bangs hung down just above her eyebrows, and the rest of her hair barely covered her ears.  It was a stylish look, but not very Dorlun at all.  
"I happen to like my hair this way," Zatte said.  "It's a lot easier to wear my eyepatch, for starters."
"I hadn't thought of that," Keda said rubbing the tip of her chin.  
"You know I infected Luffa with the Mist, right?" Zatte added.  "You still trust her, don't you?"
"Yeah, but..."
"She cured herself," Zatte said.  "I don't understand it all, but she managed to break free and then she did something in my mind, and the next thing I knew we were all back to normal."
"All?" Keda asked.
"They had a lot of agents out there, kid," Zatte said.  She walked over to the main viewscreen and looked at the display of the night sky outside.  "I know because one of the jobs they made me do was to keep tabs on them.  There was this order of monks on this one planet.  We had three of them infected with the Mist.  No one in the monastery knew, but every night they went out and held these arcane rituals to summon evil spirits.  Blood sacrifices, the works.  Every so often they'd send me a progress report.   There was another planet where we had one woman killing random strangers on a regular basis.  Just, picked an innocent person and slashed their throat.  She'd send me a list of names.  Another guy was the prime minister of his planet."
"What did he do?" Keda asked.  
Zatte shrugged.  "I have no idea.  His orders were to sit tight and wait for the 'right moment', whatever that was.  At the time, I used to look forward to it.  I used to look at a big map of the galaxy and look at all the red dots that represented our agents, and I'd imagine it was a plague spreading through all of creation.  No one even knew about it, and even if they did, no one could stop it.  And what I liked the most was that I was a part of it."
She clenched her fists as she looked at the star-field.  "Luffa... she was as much a part of that plague as I was, but she took that power and tore it down in a matter of days!  Days!  She eradicated the Black Water Mist like it was nothing, and all it did was make her hungry!  Later, she apologized for not doing it sooner!"
She turned and faced Keda.  "That was when I realized she was xan'nil-Dor, Keda.  The 'why we survive'.  She's part of the higher cause all Dorluns live for.  For the good of the universe, we have to help her."
"It's not your call to make," Keda said.  "You can't just decide your alien girlfriend's a xan'nil-Dor for crying out loud.  I'm only twelve and I know that much.  You need--"
"I know!" Zatte said.  "I should take it to a council of elders, present a formal argument, and let them decide whether my claim is legitimate.  And it's not like we're talking about a planet, or a scientific mission.  Whenever the xan'nil-Dor is a person they'd want an in-person interview, and that would go over so well with her."
"She hates that kind of talk," Keda said.  "Lots of people already think she's some kind of angel or demigoddess, or a cosmic entity.  It ticks her off."
"Keda, it doesn't matter whether she likes it or not.  It doesn't matter that there are no other Dorluns I can take this to.  I know what I saw."  Zatte paced around aimlessly for a moment, then dropped into one of the chairs at the forward stations.  "Do you think I want to wander into a battlefield on a planet I've never seen before?   I have to do this.  She's a xan'nil-Dor, and if I don't go help her then my life isn't worth much at all."
"Help her?!" Keda asked.  "She's a Super Saiyan, Zatte.  She's invincible!"
"That's their legend, kid," Zatte said.  "You remember ours, don't you?  The immortal Dorlun?  And what happened to him?"
Keda rolled her eyes.  "Come on..."
"What happened to him, Keda?  You know the story."
She threw back her head and made a weary sigh. "Ugh.  He fell down a well and he's still there to this day," she said.  
"Safe and sound, for all the good it does him," Zatte said.  "Maybe she really is invincible, but that doesn't mean she couldn't use a hand once in a while.  You saved her once, from what I hear."  
"That was..." Keda shook her head and started waving her hands.  "That's not how it happened.   I needed her help just as much--"
"She really looks up to you, you know," Zatte said.  
"Oh, now you're just teasing me," Keda said.  
"It's true," Zatte said with a smile.  "She doesn't like to talk about it because she's embarrassed that she needed help from a little kid.  But I think she wishes she could have been in your shoes, helping someone much, much stronger face impossible odds."
"Well, I'd rather be the invincible one on the team," Keda said.   "So I guess we're even."
"Look, Keda, you don't have to come along.  You can go with the doctor and see him back home like Luffa wanted.  I understand why you'd want to honor her request," Zatte said.  She swung the chair around to face the computer terminal and began typing in course commands.  "But I need the ship.  I'll take it through the wormhole to Wist, but I'll probably have to bring it back the long way.  Luffa wouldn't want to expose the fairies who live in the wormhole to her energy."
"I won't let you do that, Zatte," Keda said firmly.  
She paused and looked up at the girl.  "Won't let me?" Zatte asked.
"You want to put yourself in harm's way, all on some vague hunch," Keda said.  "Maybe it makes perfect sense to you, but you're the only other Dorlun I've found so far, and I need you.  Luffa might enjoy having you join her in battle, but she told you to stay here, and she's the boss."
Zatte swung the chair around and listed to one side as she listened to Keda.  "The boss, huh?"
"This is her ship," Keda said, "and when she's not around, I'm in charge."
"Swell," Zatte said.  She turned back to the station and resumed her work.  
Keda watched her angrily for a moment, then looked up at nothing in particular.  "Computer," she called out.  "Lock out all command functions, voice-authorization: Keda-115-Phi-763."
Zatte ignored this until the displays on her station stopped responding.  Red text appeared on the screen, informing her that her access had been denied.  She looked back to Keda impatiently.
"Kid," she said, "You're really starting to tick me off..."
"I'm serious, Zatte," Keda said.  "You can beat me up if you want, but I won't release navigation to you.  We're going to do what Luffa asked, and that's that."
"I don't want to fight you, Keda," Zatte said.  "If I had access to another ship, I'd use it, but I need--"
Keda crossed her arms.  "I said no."
Zatte put her elbow on the armrest of her chair and rested her head in her palm as she regarded the child.  "I think I see why Luffa appreciates you so much," she said.  "I'm sorry it has to come to this."  
Before Keda could ask what she meant, Zatte put her hand on the computer panel and cleared her throat to speak.  "Computer, execute program Zatte One."
The panel flickered as new displays appeared, and then a line of text appeared which read "Handprint authorization confirmed.  Access granted."
"Wh-what?" Keda gasped.  She ran over to the nearest terminal and tried to undo Zatte's last command, but the computer refused to accept her instructions.  "What the hell did you do?" she asked.
"Language," Zatte muttered.  "I figured your shape-shifting powers might help you imitate my voice, maybe enough to fool the computer, so I added a handprint authorization to go with it.  You might be able to imitate my fingerprints, but not if I use my energy manipulating abilities to modify the image slightly.  Of course, you're probably clever enough to find a way around that too, I guess, but I'm betting it'll take you a while."
Keda started checking every terminal on the bridge, and began pulling her hair out of the bun it was in.  "How...?  When did you do all of this?" she asked furiously.  
"When I first came on board," Zatte said.  "The Makyans sent me here to kidnap Luffa, remember?  My plan worked perfectly, but I hacked the ship's computer just in case you got suspicious and tried to stop me.  I probably would have removed the program eventually, but I never got around to it.  Feels kind of embarrassing to use it now, but what can I do?"
Keda kicked one of the workstations in frustration.  
"I meant what I said," Zatte told her.  "I won't force any of you into this, and I'll go alone if I have to, but I will be going."  She turned from the station and looked at her with an earnest expression.  "I know it's crummy of me to ask, but I wish you'd come along.  You're the only other Dorlun I have, and I need you."
Keda ran her hands over her face and took a few deep breaths.  "I guess I should stay with the ship," she finally said.   "You'd better be right about this, Zatte."
[17 May 236 Before Age.  Planet Wist.]
Normally, it would have been difficult for them to move so freely across the skies of Planet Wist, but with Luffa on the warpath, much of the Shockmaster’s military might was either demolished or otherwise engaged.  Suddenly, the trio of Ensign Liberty, Scotch Woodcock, and Tobiko were very low on the priorities list.  If anyone below even noticed their movements, they did nothing to react.
"Bloody hell," Woodcock grumbled as he looked over the site of a recent battle.  "Bird’s only been here a few hours, right?    Looks like a damn army of Saiyans came through here."
"She’s intense," M’ranga said.  "When I met her before, she was holding back her power.  Even then, all she wanted to do was fight, even if it was just sparring with me.  Well, she’s not holding back anymore, and if we don’t put the Shockmaster down while we have the chance, there may not be a planet left to save!"
They flew in a V formation, with M’ranga in the lead, holding a small copper nugget in front of her like a compass.
"Arrrre you surrrre we’re going the rrrriiight waayyyy?" Tobiko asked.
"If this enchanted stone works like it’s supposed to," M’ranga said, "we should be on the right track.  I’m just worried we won’t make it in time."
"What is this Shockmaster guy anyway?" Woodcock asked Tobiko.  "Y’said you’re about as old as he is, right?  Two o’ ya were mates back in the day?"
"It’s nooooot thaaaat simmmmple," Tobiko explained.  "Youuuu seeeee--"
He paused for a moment, then raised his hands over his throat and chanted something quite unpronounceable.  When he spoke again, he sounded like a completely different person.
"Ah, much better.  Excuse me, friends," he said.  "I’ve lived alone in the marshes for many long ages.  I’m not used to speaking this much, and I know my normal voice can be... tiresome after a time."
Woodcock stared at him in disbelief, the he reached into the pocket of his leather pants and withdrew a hip flask.  He took a swig and shook his head.  "Wish you’da done that a long time ago..."
"The loquacion spell lasts for but a short time," Tobiko said, "yet it will suffice for me to tell the story."
He cleared his throat and began: "The Ancient Wist once dominated this region of the universe.  Their powers and technology were formidable, and their culture was among the finest in the galaxy.    Order was preserved not through mere soldiers or arms, but by a great council of wise elders.  I was once a member of that august body, before I became the repugnant creature you see today."
"You’re a brave man trying to help his people, Tobiko," M’ranga said.  "I find nothing repugnant about that."
"Erm, yes, well, be that as it may," Tobiko continued, "I did not always look like this.  Before I was condemned to exile, I resembled the people of Wist as they are today.  I was considered quite handsome in my youth, for what it’s worth--"
"You’re fighting for a noble cause," M’ranga insisted.  "That’s the inner beauty that counts, mister."
"You think so...?" Tobiko asked.  "The Elders banished me for speaking out against certain military expansions, and they cursed me to inhabit this amphibian form specifically because it was hideous and unseemly."
"I’ve been to many different planets in my time," M’ranga said.  "And in my experience, there is no absolute standard of attractiveness, save for the quality of a person’s character--"
"Beerus Priest, will ya let him finish the fraggin’ story already?!" Woodcock groaned.
"Sorry," M’ranga said.
"Yes, er, as I was saying," Tobiko said, "the fact of the matter is that the Shockmaster was sealed away long before I was born.  He was one of the great heroes of his age, a staunch defender of the principles my people once cherished.  But like me, he fell out of favor with the Council.  However, his distinguished career earned him clemency.  Instead of being cursed to a long life of isolation, he was placed in a kind of stasis, so that he could be summoned once more if his heroism was ever needed in the future."
"He seems to have an odd definition of heroism," M’ranga said.
"A matter of perspective, I should imagine," Tobiko said.  "I have wandered the marshes of my world for many thousands of years, and yet the Shockmaster’s era was ancient to me when I was a boy.  Times have changed, and mayhap the world he seeks to preserve no longer exists.   Perhaps it never existed at all.  I wonder--"
"There!" M’ranga called out.  She signaled to the others to come to a stop, and she pointed to the ground.
"Found him, eh?" Woodcock asked.  They had traveled to the remote highlands of one of the planet’s northernmost islands.  There was still green vegetation below them, but the harsh winds and rocky outcroppings would support little else beside grass and lichens.
"The faerie stone is enchanted to lead me in the direction of the Shockmaster," M’ranga said.  "And right now it’s tugging me straight down."
Woodcock looked around and tipped the brim of his black hat, revealing his third eye.  "Yeah, I see him now.  There’s a buncha cairns down there.  He’s standin’ in the middle of ’em.  Still can’t sense his power.  Like he dropped dead or something."
"It’s the Reverie," Tobiko said.  "The ancients used an intense meditative state for profound contemplation.  It is said that the greatest adepts could commune with spirits in the hereafter.  But to attain such a state places the body in a sort of paralysis.  He has no awareness of his surroundings, nor can he interact with the physical world."
"That’s why he came here," M’ranga said.  "He knew he’d be vulnerable, so he picked a secluded place far away from anyone who might stumble across him.  He wasn’t expecting us to be able to track him down."
They floated to the ground only a few feet away from the Shockmaster.  As Woodcock had said, he seemed to be standing perfectly still, as though waiting for them to arrive.  Cautiously, they circled around him, half-expecting him to come to life.
"Don’t feel right, kickin’ him when he’s down like this," Woodcock said.  
"I'm not interested in a fair fight," M'ranga said.  "This may be our only chance to defeat him and free this planet, and I'm taking it."  With that, she drew a plasma pistol from her belt and opened fire.  The beams of green energy struck the Shockmaster's massive chest...
...And passed through him, emerging from his back.  
"Tobiko?" M'ranga called warily.  
"Astounding," Tobiko said.  "His mastery of the technique is far greater than I could have imagined.   So deep is his meditation that his material form has left the physical plane altogether."
Woodcock walked up to the Shockmaster and reached out to touch him.  His hand passed through the Shockmaster's body as if it were not even there.  "Like a damn hologram," Woodcock muttered.  He pointed at his third eye.  "Only I can tell the difference, and this here looks like the real thing."
"Now what?" M'ranga asked.  "We can't touch him until he snaps out of this trance, and by then it'll be too late!"
"Do not abandon hope," Tobiko said.  He raised his hands and made strange gestures with his webbed fingers.  "Perhaps a spell of containment may succeed where your weapons will not..."
They watched him for several minutes, though neither Woodcock nor M'ranga understood what he was doing or how he was doing it.  It looked very much like the grotesque sorceror was weaving invisible threads on an imaginary loom.  Just when it seemed he was finished, he circled around to perform a similar series of gestures from a different position.  
"How long's this gonna take, anyhow?" Woodcock asked pointedly.
"My charms must be thorough to contain a being of his might," Tobiko replied.  
"And if he snaps out of it before you're finished?" M'ranga asked.  
"That would be... unfortunate," Tobiko said.  
NEXT: Unfortunately...
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db-b4goku · 8 years
Before the King (Chapter 1)
 The next day, Kibbetz packed rations and other necessities for the journey in big carriers. His wife Paionía initially didn't believe his stories and thought he was making up an excuse to go on a solo vacation. However, when he said there was an enemy trying to destroy all of Planet Omorfiá, she decided to trust her husband and gave him consent to look for the remaining Saiyans. Thankfully, Paionía was a thoughtful person who tried to be as understanding as possible. However, Kibbetz still had to go over one more hurdle - gaining the royal family's permission. At the moment, he was participating on a very intense project as the head interior designer of a spaceship docking station. It was a project King Diamánti had invested quite a big fortune into, so it would be extremely hard for the main designer to take a leave without a precise return date. The royal family could become extremely furious and he could lose all credit he built throughout the past few decades. Although it wouldn't be a pleasant situation to be in if he asks them tête-à-tête, Kibbetz went to the palace to see the king and his boss, Princess Spathí. Princess Spathí was the youngest child out of the king's four children. She was very active and adventurous unlike her two sisters, Smarágdi and Améthystos, and her brother Zafeiri. She was always willing to take risks if it seemed worthy of investing time and effort into, which was a rare trait among the somewhat conservative Omorfiá people. Also, unlike her two slender and tall sisters, she was short. And, she preferred to wear clothes in bright primary colours or neons to the traditional dainty pastels and neutral coloured garments. She was someone who had great interest and curiosity in the Saiyans while the others were quite afraid of them and only saw them as potential threat. Perhaps her adventurous nature has helped her befriend the royal Saiyan family and prevent them from colonising Planet Omorfiá.  
 As Kibbetz expected, King Diamánti became furious when he asked to take a leave mid-progress. The king first flushed red like a heated metal rod, and yelled at his face to the point he almost sprayed the room with his saliva. Insults flew out of his mouth from 'irresponsible sod' to 'you are not much better than your insolent savage people.' The last insult made Kibbetz raise his eyebrows, which was motion he did when he was irritated. No matter how gracious the king has been, there was no need to insult his race. Especially when the Saiyans have never confronted the Omorfiá for neglecting their treaty when Freeza invaded Planet Vegeta. They should've sent out their army to ward off Freeza and their men according to the treaty, but King Diamánti have done absolutely nothing. Meanwhile, the Saiyans kept their promises by sending their army when the Omorfiá asked. The Saiyans and Omorfiá have become allies due to mutual hatred for the Tsufuls’ monopoly on resources. A long time ago, the Tsufuls have threatened the Omorfiá race to supply them with precious minerals and natural resources. Because the Omorfiá race was not scientifically advanced at the time, they had no choice but to submit to their tall orders.
However, the Saiyans have suffered much worse - because they were seen as being no better than slaves, they were allowed to occupy only the bad areas of the planet that lacked rich soil, and were much colder than the areas the Tsufuls lived in. The Saiyans were even forced to do dangerous and difficult labour the other race avoided to do. Each year, many young Saiyans either died from starvation or accidents. Unfortunately the Saiyan race originally lived in a mild climate before their home planet exploded, so the below zero temperatures were too much for them to handle. Despite both races suffering under the Tsufuls, the Omorfiá were never short on food or shelter like the Saiyans were. They lived in cosy furnished houses that were very durable unlike the stone and moss houses the Saiyans lived in. They had enough food for themselves even after shipping the tribute of various fruits, grains, and spices to the Tsufuls. Kibbetz knew the difference of both parties situations well, so the king's comment made him livid.
Kibbetz stood up from his chair and stared down at King Diamánti. The king was shocked to see the engineer behave this way, since he was usually very calm. Princess Spathí also seemed stunned.
"What are you doing? You are speaking to the king. You have boldly asked to leave an important project behind. What gives you the right to behave so insolently before me?" The king said quietly, his face pale with fear.
"And what right do you have to insult my race? ‘Your insolent savage people'? I might be from a warrior race unlike your ‘civilized’ one, but at least my people have followed the treaty unlike yours. We could've avoided Freeza's rule if you have sent out your army. Both you and I know too well that your race's copying abilities could’ve easily defeated the lizard if used wisely."
"…Hmm. You know it…" The king hung his head low. He didn't expect Kibbetz to know Omorfiá's betrayal. It has been more than 50 years since the treaty was made. Kibbetz was only a young boy at the time. He didn’t think the son of a Saiyan shepherd would know so much about politics.
"And if Freeza was defeated, rest of my race would've survived until now. And don't even demonise the Saiyans, sire. There isn't a single race in this world that is completely guilt-free. Omorfiá have colonised many planets since the eradication of the Tsufuls."
"Thankfully there are more survivors out there besides me. I don't plan on letting them die. Will you let me take my leave, sire?"
"Father, please just let him go. You have enough blood on your hands." Spathí nudged the king's arm.
"Kibbetz…you now have my permission to take a temporary leave. However, you must inform your subordinates and other designers about your absence, and give them a full detailed plan of the interior of the docking station."
"And I will accompany him." Spathí stood up from her seat and put her hand on her father’s shoulder.
"You?! You don't even know who this enemy is. It is too risky. Why are you trying to accompany him? It's none of a princess' concern. Let him solve the problem."
"It is our concern. This unidentified enemy is trying to destroy our planet as well."
"Ugh…that's why I should've not signed that treaty…" The king muttered silently so that his daughter and Kibbetz can't hear him. "If only we have never become their allies…"
"So, will you allow me to accompany him?" Spathí asked her father again with a stern look in her eyes. Her look was rather intimidating since she has a cheerful complexion.
"…You have my permission to accompany Kibbetz. Make sure you always respond when I contact you. Do not take off your scouter unless you are sleeping at night."
"Sigh…father, you should worry about yourself more so than me. But thank you for your concern." Spathí was never a fan of the opportunist nature of her father. She truly does love him, but when he was being selfish to his allies, she felt very ashamed of having him as a parent.
Next day, Kibbetz and Spathí boarded a fine spaceship, which was specially designed for the princess by Kibbetz. It was a one of the most luxurious aircraft of the planet, which had accommodations such as a steam showers and saunas. The best thing about it was that while its design was complex, it was easy to manoeuvre even for beginners. The pilot simply needed to tell the spaceship where the destination was, and choose a route out of all the choices the AI informs him or her. Spathí's maids loaded a bunch of fabrics, gemstones, chains, sewing machines, and other materials necessary for garment making, and her strong male servants stocked up the cargo section with Kibbetz's luggage and several armaments in case of emergency.
"Princess, why do you need so much fabric and a sewing machine? We are going to Planet Namek to revive King Vegeta and find the rest of the Saiyans, not participating in a fashion show." Kibbetz complained as he saw maid after maid coming in with armful of silks and velvets.
"It will take a while to go to Planet Tech-Tech from Namek, where Tarble is at. The mystery woman said he was in Tech-Tech, right?"
"It takes about three days to go there from Namek. It's a good idea to work on my designs. I will also have plenty of time to make many garments when we go to Earth from Tech-Tech. It takes more than a month to get to that faraway place. You said Vegeta and some Saiyan named Kakarot live there, yes?"
"Aye, I did."
"From Namek to Earth, it is about a month long journey. I am the head designer of the atelier; don’t forget that. The royal family of some planet recently asked me to make a collection for them; hence I need to use my time wisely. You aren't even going to help me cut the patterns or sew the dresses, so quit complaining about the fabrics." Spathí said with a happy grin on her face.
"Alright then, my lady…"
The ship was fully loaded with both passengers’ luggage. Kibbetz turned on the power, and about five minutes later, the ship took off and disappeared into a faint dot in the sky. King Diamánti watched the dot disappear with his arms crossed.
'I sure hope Spathí will be alright...'  
The two arrived in Planet Namek after 10 hours since their departure. Their fashionably sleek spaceship with a glossy royal blue coating surprised the Namekians, who were used to seeing earthy colours like green or beige. Spathí and Kibbetz didn't know that they landed near the village and have attracted many people to come near their ship. When they got off, they were 'greeted' by a group of Namek elders and children.
"Are you the village elder?" Spathí asked.
"Yes, I the grand elder of Namek, Moori. Who are you and what do you need?" Moori looked at the two strangers with suspicious eyes. Although they didn't look particularly threatening to, he didn't let his guard down. Who knows if they are like Freeza's ruthless men. There are to be no more ruthless enemies to enter Namek.
"I am Spathí, the youngest princess of Planet Omorfiá. This is our royal engineer Kibbetz. We have come here to ask for a very difficult request. Please hear me."
"What is the request, princess?"
"We have come here to ask for the dragon balls. Do not worry. It's not for evil uses - we need it to save my planet and Kibbetz's people too."
"The dragon balls? What is threatening the security of your home?" Moori started to listen to the pale pink haired woman carefully. He was slowly convinced that she is not an enemy.
"Some mysterious person is trying to destroy every race that has been the Saiyan's ally. My people have been their allies for until the destruction of Planet Vegeta, where the Saiyans lived in. Earth is also the target, which is home to the survivors of Freeza's attack on Planet Vegeta."
The last comment made all the Namekians gasp. They immediately thought of Dende.
"Earth?! That's not good! Dende is under grave danger. He is a Namekian who acts as a guardian of Earth, for your information. Oh dear…Well, princess, unfortunately the dragon ball cannot be used to wish for the enemy's destruction, if that's what you're looking for."
"No, that's not it. I know what dragon balls are, Elder Moori. I have read about them in a book of ancient magic. Our wish is to revive the king of Saiyans."
Moori's face slightly softened but soon went to a slight frown. "Saiyans…why does that sound so familiar…ah! Son Gohan! Dende said he was a Saiyan! Hmm…but then there is also Vegeta…he isn't so gentle and kind like Gohan."
"You know of Vegeta?!! How? When did you meet him?" Kibbetz rushed to Moori and shook his shoulders so hard, the elderly man felt dizzy.
"Ay, please be gentle with me. I am not young and in shape like you are. When he was under Freeza, Vegeta have exterminated an entire Namekian village before, so I know of him. I've only seen him from faraway from time to time during our stay in Earth."
"Sir, he sure was one unforgettable terror. I was a lucky survivor, because I happened to be the only person to be away from home during the time. After finishing my chores at a field, I saw people screaming and running away from the distance. When the screaming stopped, a stocky man with spiky black hair flew away with a dragon ball. I later learned his identity during our stay in Miss Bulma's house." A young Namek farmer uttered with a scornful look towards Kibbetz. Unlike most of the Namekians who forgave Vegeta, because he helped Son Goku kill Buu, this individual still held a grudge against the Saiyan prince. "You should not revive the leader of Saiyans, Elder Moori. He might provoke something dangerous."
"Yes, Esca, I understand your ire. But didn't you promise that you would forgive the Saiyan prince? After all, he helped Son Goku defeat Majin Buu. Son Goku is also a Saiyan. His son Gohan is too."
"Are you sure Son Goku and his son are Saiyans? Those are not native Saiyan names." Kibbetz said with suspicion. He also thought those were some very odd names.
"Hmm…now that you mentioned it, Vegeta always referred Son Goku as 'Kakarot'. That could be his birth name. Gohan said his father was originally from a plant that's not Earth." A child Namekian said as he crossed his arm, deep in thought, recalling his memories from Earth.
"Well, princess. Looks like the mystery woman's grand priest was correct. The remaining Saiyans are in Earth, minus Tarble." Kibbetz said as he yawned. He was exhausted from not sleeping for about two days straight, packing his luggage and preparing plans and finalised blueprints for the other architects and designers back in Omorfiá.
"Princess Omorfiá and Mr Kibbetz, I can definitely see that you are not here for impure intentions. I will then allow you to use the dragon balls to revive this king you speak of. If this enemy of yours is trying to kill everyone from your home, then it's righteous for us to help you out. And since your foe is seeking to destroy Saiyans allies…I have a feeling Planet Namek isn't safe either. We have been good friends with Son Gohan and his father for a long time. Cargo, please bring out all the dragon balls. And you sir and your majesty please let the dragon balls be a secret between you and us. I don't wish to have anymore trouble with outsiders who want to abuse the magical powers of Namek treasures."
All seven dragon balls have united. As soon as the Namek villagers put them down on the ground, they glowed in a beautiful bright ember colour. Spathí and Kibbetz stared at the marvellous sight. Moori summoned Porunga in his native tongue, and the dragon came out with a sudden flash of extremely bright light. The princess and the royal engineer had to shut their eyes for a while at the blinding brightness. When they finally opened their eyes, they look at the sky, aghast. They have never seen a creature so huge and intimidating. Spathí especially looked shocked, because her mouth was open wide for solid three minutes.
"This…is the, uh, dragon of the dragon balls…?" Kibbetz asked Moori, having a little difficulty forming his sentence.
"Yes. We call him Porunga, which means dream in our native language. May I proceed to ask Porunga to summon the king back to life? What was the king's name?"
"Yes, that would be good. He was King Vegeta" Kibbetz said so instead of Spathí, who usually likes to take charge, because she was still in a state of shock.
"Oh, is he the father of Vegeta? Eh, that doesn't matter." Moori shook his head. "Please summmon the King Vegeta back to life."
"I can, but he will be brought back in the middle of space and die shortly after." Porunga exclaimed in his booming voice. This made Spathí break out of her shock and snap back to reality. "He will be revived in the place he was killed in."
"Ah, then please first send his soul to this spot." Moori pleaded politely.
"That is an easy request." Porunga's red eyes glowed brightly as soon as he finished speaking. "He tells me to wait a little bit. There is something he must discuss with someone before getting revived."
"What? What bloody hell is going on in the afterlife?" Kibbetz complained.
However, the wait wasn't too long. After about five minutes, Porunga boomed, "Your wish has been fulfilled."
"Now, please revive King Vegeta." Moori spoke to the dragon again.
When Porunga's eyes flashed again, a man with spiky black hair clad in white armour appeared in front of the Namekians, Spathí, and Kibbetz. He was the spitting image of Prince Vegeta, but tall and bearded. It was King Vegeta - he looked just like how he appeared like before his final moments. He looked very confused by the situation.
"Vegeta!!! Spathí rushed to the king and hugged him very tightly and messed his hair, which was something she did to him as a child when she was excited or drunk. The Nameks looked at them with smiles in their faces. 'What harm can he possibly do with such a cheerful friend of his', they thought.
"Spathí…?" The king stared at the princess and didn't bother getting angry at her messing with his hair (which he hates). "Kibbetz…?"
"Yes, it's me brother-in-law. We have revived you using things called dragon balls."
"I will explain later. Thank you, Elder Moori. I shan't forget your generosity." Spathí bowed very low to the elderly Namekian. Moori told her to stop, because it was not a proper for a princess to be so humble towards a mere village elder (Spathí argued that he wasn't a 'mere' elder).
Kibbetz and Spathí said formal farewell to the Namekians and guided King Vegeta to the royal blue spaceship. He wasn't sure what do think or say, so he simply followed the two. After the ship departed and the turbulences were gone, Spathí explained to her old friend about the mystery woman's stories and explained that they were now heading to Tarble's home in Planet Tech-Tech. Kibbetz added that the mystery woman's grand priest said King Vegeta was the key to figure out who the surviving Saiyan's enemy was and how to capture it.
"There are too many enemies. I would have to trace back all my memories to figure out even a vague idea of who it could be." King Vegeta said as he sipped some water. "If would help if I had the historical records from Planet Vegeta, but I doubt it survived after the explosion."
"Actually, I have all the documents from Planet Vegeta. My sister, the queen, entrusted me to take charge of them. You can take a look at them from my personal laptop. I have never let anyone even lay a finger on it for the sakes of Saiyan security."
"Romané gave you all of the documents?" King Vegeta raised an eyebrow. "You never told me."
"That's because you were so paranoid at the time! You trusted only my sister! But you were too busy to deal with so much, so Romané gave me the task." Kibbetz shot back at him.
"Don't fight! We met each other after so many decades." Spathí yelled at the two Saiyans.
"Tsk…" The king muttered with disapproval.
"Anyway, those royal documents also include photos of the previous royal families such as your parents King Haketa and Lady Zuki. Hope it helps."
"Does your laptop also have pictures of the three other royal wives and their children? And the Tsufuls?"
"That would help, yes."
"Good! Vegeta, it's nice to have you back. Kibbetz's company isn't as fun as yours." Spathí said with a big grin, hugging him tightly. This made the king a little annoyed.
"Let me go!" He shouted and pushed Spathí away from him.
"Pfft, okay!" The princess giggled happily.   Note: When I wrote about the temperature below zero being too cold, I meant 0 degrees celcius.
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