#i like sharing my thoughts is that such a crime NO it isnt
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This was written after a match of copycat w my boyfriend. If i had a nickel for every time i lived becuz someone i knew was the killer, i would have two nickels which isnt a lot
Rated Mature | Warning: Aesop just Aesop
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The game supposedly is simple, they said that about Tarot and Blackjack which is not easy! You have the role of Detective, you… Honestly, you do not understand how you are supposed to find clues as everyone is running around doing something to their assigned goals. You find the tasks are easy but finding them is not, as you partially know your way around this creepy unsettling map… Not that you get many matches here.
“What are you doing?” Aesop says from behind you as you are refolding the towels after obtaining a rag… You have no idea why the task wants you to find a rag. You look up from your crouch form and smile.
“My tasks.” Thinking nothing of it, “You?”
“Checking on you. I saw you run in here. You shouldn't be alone.”
“I wasn't at first. Norton was here until Luca passed by then he said he was gonna go check on him.” Standing up after putting everything back in place, “You want to see the piano with me?” Offering to stick close with the Embalmer.
“Yes.” He takes your hand, a first for you, and guides you to the church room with the piano.
Here he watches you attempt the task of playing a few piano notes. His eyes are not on you but on Norton who is hiding a body in another room as quietly as possible. You mess up and retry giving the perfect opportunity for the copycat to hide crime (after quickly killing Luca between the music playing).
“I swear Frederick makes this look easy. Fucking three times…” Finally done, “Aesop?” Turned to get up only to be greeted by his face up close filling your field of view.
He is closer in your personal space with his hand on top of the piano to hold himself in place above you, “(Name),” His eyes on your face then your lips, “A kiss.”
You stare at him completely flustered as Aesop is not the type to always ask for physical affection, you seek it more so from him while respecting his boundaries. You grip the edge of the seat, his finger hooked over the top of his medical mask. To anyone else this is nothing but to you it has you open your mouth ready to question but Aesop is quick to silence any words. His lips on yours without the mask are rare, his tongue in your mouth only happened once but the sensation was too much.
You grab his shoulders as one hand is on your thigh and the other behind your neck keeping you in place as he kisses you. You crumble easily, of course you do, you love Aesop, and anything he gives you is treasured— As he does with you. Your eyes close as you return the kiss the best way you can give the only other person is Joseph who honestly plays with you like a cat to a mouse.
Aesop is demanding your focus on his kiss, stealing your air before you can get it back between kisses. You do not see his eye is on Norton who hid the body and now is leaving to distance himself from the crime scene.
When Aesop pulls his lips away, he realizes he can taste the flower cake you were sharing with Emma before the match. Licking his lips noticing kissing you this way was not bad.
“A-Aesop…” You are completely a mess while he looks completely fine. “Uh… Wow.”
“Sorry,” Pulling back up his mask, “Thought it would make you feel better.”
“Huh… Oh! Yeah, heh, it made me honestly forget what I was upset about haha.” You wish he did not stop and take you on the piano like some scene in a periodic TV show, which reminds you he does have that one outfit…
“Emergency meeting called by the Fire Investigator!”
The announcement is loud from the old speakers.
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Everyone is going over clues as the spotlights shift between each player. Aesop is quiet. You are antsy and keep playing the kiss over and over in your head, going a little past kissing.
“(Name)?” Emily's voice makes you snap back to reality, “What were you doing during the time of the murder?”
Without thinking, “Kissing Aesop.” You say than panic, “Doing a task in the piano room then kissing Aesop!”
Silence… “So that clears them…” Says Edgar who sighs.
You mouth sorry to Aesop who sits across you but he looks rather pleased with himself.
When the meeting ends, no one is voted out, you go back to doing your task. No piano but you need to go paint? More like tracing what is painted there already.
Aesop walks by you while following Victor, he glares at Norton who is going to strike you but raises his hands as if he is joking.
Next emergency meeting, Edgar is voted out after trying to blame Florian for the death of Victor. Poor Charles found the body.
You really hate this game is literally Among Us from your time, or that other game Town of Salem. It feels rather fucked up given how after this each person has to depend on each other in matches.
“Are you okay?” Aesop asks after the second meeting.
“Yeah, just… This game would be better for the hunters. At least they don't have to rely on each other.”
“This is a game of lies. Lying to one another, the accuser and the accused. I can't tell who to trust or who to be alone with I—” His hands on your face as to center you with the cold texture on your heating face.
“Do you trust me?”
In your frazzled state, “Yes.”
“Good. Nothing is going to happen to you.” Aesop would rather kill you himself but you are going to be last. The others are a problem, especially Charles, “Stay in plain sight.” And you do.
The Detectives win because you love doing tasks… You are definitely a bit scared of Aesop as he lied to you yet kept his word. You weren't harmed even though it cost the copycats the match.
The kiss is not letting you stay mad at him.
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tgcg · 6 months
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frequent tags:
randytime - "ooc" equiv. just 4 anything that isnt dk stuff. gets a lot of ghostposts. for filtering purposes comix - self explanatory. for sequenced stuff generally w dialogue. tabbydraw - for when i use my tablet to draw. otherwise i am using my mouse banksattack - for when banks does guest art cool people / cool shit - kind messages and gifts, respectively if u want to see all of my art i rec just using my homestuck tag🙂
Q. art program?
win 7-10 mspaint. sometimes i use photomosh, wigglypaint, and ezgif if i wanna add fun FX or movement. otherwise its mspaint exclusively. rarely i use jspaint. i recently am playing with photopea too.
Q. font used
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Q. why didn’t you respond my ask/prompt?
genuinely sorry i am overwhelmed by my inbox at da best of times so i only respond 2 stuff that rlly strikes/inspires me nowadaze. sumtimes i will come back 2 an ask months later. im kind of anal abt what posts i make to tgcg so if u want sumth to be almost definitely answered hit up @cgtg, idgaf wat i post there. i also archive shit i delete over there generally. plese dont spam me
Q. what do you think of [insrert thing] ? will u draw [insert guy]?
i prefer qs like this over at @cgtg hehe. i wil share my thoughts where i have em. im not much of an au guy & i wont take requests to draw non-dk on tgcg unless i specifcally make a post saying so🙂 otherwise, if u give me a tip on ko-fi i can do them there 2
Q. can i use ur art as icon / banner / in my thing
ya sure, all i ask is credit, do wat ever u want <3
Q. do you have a main?
no public main. i like my privacy d:) this blog can be described as a containment breach.
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Q. will you draw kiss?
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Q. who is banks
my partner in crime. my evil shadow skeleton . see below
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this will be upd8ed as i get asked more questiones. take care....🙂
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cecils-dragons · 2 months
So you prolly don't remember this bc it was back in 2019 but you liked a post by xxdemonic-heartxx with this content:
"An opinion
I get body positivity. But if you weigh close to 350-400lbs from fatty tissue you should get some help. Human bodies cant function as well as they should with that type of stress on the skeleton and joints and its gonna compromise your organs. Body positivity is okay but fat acceptance isnt. I’m not fatphobic. I’m concerned for the longevity you’re losing and the health conditions you’re pulling in. And the dangerous mindset that humans should be and can be fat. Yeah. Some fat is okay. But if you body fat percentage is 32% for women and 26% for men (or higher). Thats obese and very crippling to your health. Take care of yourself. It isnt a crime."
That plus the fact you never drew fat ppl (not like just little pudgy but actually fat) got me to the conclusion you must be fatphobic, so I have had you blocked but you still crossroads my dash sometimes bc tumblr is functional website. So after all these years is once again saw you on my dash so I thought I'd send an ask, it's been years and I was wondering maybe you have changed and you don't hold these views any more.
I know I am a spiteful bitch for remembering this. The op has deleted their blog and all I have is a screenshot I thought just sharing the post content would work since I am not here to make a callout post or want ppl to harass you I just want to make you think about your past and maybe present biases.
Thanks for more information on the ask as it was a bit scary to see after being woken up in the middle of the night by my dog barking.
Okay, you may be getting me mixed up with someone else because I don't follow xxdemonic-heartxx, I recognize them in our community but I don't follow many people because I like a curated dashboard and like even less stuff, so even if I liked it back then, first, I was 19, and second, likely a misclick because I don't like to interact with stuff like that for the sake of my own mental health as I deal with body dysmorphic disorder. I of course can't 100% say what I was thinking or clicking on around that time as I was 19(now 24) and due to trauma I don't really remember much around that time.
For the second part yeah, I was 19 and still getting use to drawing bodyily diverse people and when learning to draw you get taught to draw slim people as a default. I'm getting much better at it now but it was never because of prejudges, just ignorance and staying in my comfort zone. I don't really mind or care being blocked because of that because it's your opinion about me and I can't control that.
At the base, I would not be considering myself to have ever been fatphobic and I am sorry if it has come across that way as it's of course never my intention to make any group of people uncomfortable. I'm of course open to talking more about this if I am missing anything.
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modelbus · 2 years
Hii! Can I request a Tommy x fem! Reader where they’re streaming together and they’re just like jokingly insulting eachother thought the stream and chat is just going crazy with how much they’re flirting (romantic) <3
<3 felt like the photo really is accurate.
Pairing: CC!Tommy x Fem!Reader
Flirting or Fighting
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"You are shit." Tommy deadpans, staring at you. "Shut up. Never speak again."
"Oh, yeah, I'm the shit one when I know for a fact you were up to your elbows in it yesterday-" You begin, fondly rolling your eyes.
"A man's poop is private business."
You give a look to the stream. Yesterday was quite disturbing for you to walk in on, actually. And, as his girlfriend, you were taking it upon yourself to share it to the world.
"You are a bitch. Out of my many bitches, you are at the bottom." He suddenly declares.
"And your hairline is receding, but we both have things we lie to ourselves about."
Leaning up to the camera he flips his hair up, showing off his hairline. To emphasize your point and hopefully win whatever was going on, you scream in horror.
"She's- chat, guys, come on, it's not that bad. She's lying!"
"I'm not, Tommy."
He fake-sobs into his hands, prompting you to awkwardly rub his back in comfort. When you agreed to stream with him today you definitely hadn't thought it'd turn out like this.
"I am going to eat your esophagus. Wait. What's an esophagus?"
You stop rubbing his back, staring at him in horror. "My- my esophagus? Like, my throat thing?"
"Hang on, hang on, I'm Googling it." He quickly types it in. "Do you think that'd taste good?"
"For the sake of my esophagus I'm going to say no. Chat, ask us questions. To save me. I was forced into this."
"You were not! You were at my feet, begging me like the peasant you are." Pitching up his voice in what you assume is meant to be you he mimics, "Oh great Tommy please let me on your stream!"
Wrinkling your nose you say, "I don't sound like that. Nor did I say that."
"You sound just like that!"
"I don't! Chat, back me up here."
"Woah, fuck off. This is my chat. They're loyal to me."
"Then why are they backing me up?"
He turns his head to read chat.
It isn't actually backing you up at all, too filled with spam of other stuff. Like the fact you two are being cute, or the ridiculous number of hearts. You knew this would end up on Tik Tok later or a YouTube video of "five minutes of Tommy play flighting with his girlfriend."
"Chat, I know you. I have your addresses. I will come in, sneak in with my little sneaky skills and- ha- and wrap my hands arou-“ He cuts himself off by his own laugher, making you laugh.
“Dont fall to his threats, Tommyinnit may be a man but he’s a weak man.”
“Hey! I’m a very manly man! Look at these muscles!”
As he flexes his “muscles” you relax into the chair he had bought specifically for this stream. No matter how much you loved him you weren’t going to sit on a stool.
“Yeahh!” He yells. “Look at me flex!”
“And here you observe the wild Tommyinnit doing what he does best: lying.” You whisper into the mic. “As he rages at being called out for his behavior, watch as he slowly becomes crazier.”
“Wait, narrate me bitch!”
Tommy hops up from his chair, flapping his arms.
“Uh, and now you can see him trying to fly only to discover that his dreams are hopeless and will never be achieved.”
“I will achieve my dreams!”
He turns around and starts what he calls twerking but what you’re pretty sure is a war crime.
“Well chat, thank you for coming to the stream! It’s-“
“Hey!” Tommy exclaims. “I was trying to show off my magnificent ass!”
You open and close your mouth, trying to find a response. “Please never say that again.”
“My ass deserves to be showed to the world.”
“I want to leave.”
“You’re trapped in here with me forever!” He reaches out and drags your chair closer to both his and the desk before collapsing in his own chair.
“Kill me now chat. Kill. Me. No-“
He slaps his hand over your mouth, cutting you off. Despite the fact he is literally taking away your ability to talk, you can't stop smiling.
“Isn’t this so much better chat? Isn’t it so much better when she can’t talk?”
You let out a muffled “hey!” in protest.
When he leans forward a little to read chat, you take your chance.
“EW! DID YOU JUST LICK ME?!” He screams, jerking his hand away.
“So, Minecraft, right chat?" You ask, free from Tommy.
"Why are you all just awwing us? Fuck off, we will kill each other. Stop awwing."
"...we will?" You ask slowly.
"Yes. Would you not kill me? I'm offended. I thought you loved me."
"I- I mean yeah, of course I'd kill you. I'd even lie to Philza Minecraft about it."
"Never lie to Philza Minecraft. You know better. Let's play Minecraft!"
You blink at the camera, mouthing "what the fuck" to the stream. Sure enough, everyone in chat eats it up.
"Hey, do you want the mouse or keyboard?" Tommy asks. "Never mind, I want the mouse."
"Thanks for the options." You say sarcastically but place your hands on the keyboard anyways.
"You are so fucking welcome. See guys? I'm so nice."
(As if planned, exactly thirty minutes later you both get into an argument over why you died in the game. So nice.)
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littencloud9 · 6 months
hi. have my current mtp thoughts.
the moriarty siblings genuinely devastate me what the fuck. albert, who’s ridden by remorse since the day he committed his ‘original sin’, who feels his mere existence burdens william, who sees their relationship as his selfish desire and thus remains guilty for years.
and then william, who tries to carry all their sins alone, for he doesn’t want to drag albert or louis with him, even though they’re a team. he is so kind, shockingly so when you compare it to the crimes he’s committed, and he carries his sins until he can’t bear it, and EVEN THEN!! even then he only lets albert see him like this because while they’re not blood brothers, they’re bonded by their shared crime. AND YET. and yet william sees his own vulnerability as a burden on albert’s shoulders, and thinks he should’ve kept it hidden, just to ease his conscience.
and thats not even mentioning LOUIS!! [head in hands] he stays in his brothers’ shadows this whole time, simply following their plans or taking care of the mansion. and yet he’s just as capable as his brothers. AND HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH. they protect him so much but all he wants is for them to take care of themselves, and he KNOWS they’re sinking under the weight of their responsibility but he isnt ever able to reach them. and when the final plan comes in, he can’t follow through. ARGH!!!
u know what. the group dynamic made me emo too. the way none of them wanted william to die, that all of them knew there was another way, but william felt that that was the only way he can atone to his sins. that it was his destiny set since the day he was born. and they all reacted so differently—louis and fred went to sherlock for help (and when you remember that louis was ready to eliminate sherlock the moment he was no longer useful to william, it makes that moment all the more better. because thats when you (and louis too) realise that sherlock isnt a pawn in the game, never was, and instead hes a friend. and a friend was who william needed at his lowest). there was moran who couldnt bear his own betrayal (it isnt betrayal. it was his heart.) and swore his life to carrying on william’s legacy. and albert who fell back into the shadows that he once was in before meeting the others.
do u ever think how william is so shrouded in darkness and his crimes and everything. and yet he was everyone’s light. how sherlock was london’s beacon of hope, but to the lord of crime group, it was william. to sherlock, it was william. to everyone who knew him well, william was their sunshine. HEAD IN HANDS
and sherliam’s dynamic. you werent just a pawn in my game, william says. you werent just a puzzle for me to solve, sherlock says. the words you’re a friend, you mean more to me than i ever thought, i want to save you, do you feel the same? go unsaid. the game of hide and chase throughout the story. how william’s entire plan, his whole DESTINY, was to die, and how when falling off the bridge together, sherlock tells him to live. let’s live together, he says. cling onto life, cling onto the people around you, we love you, don’t go. and that care is what surprised william the most—sherlock came as a friend, he feels the same.
the way sherliam are equals in every sense, yet different, yet the same. they have the same height and mind and kindness deep in their hearts. william is london’s darkness and sherlock is london’s light. yet william has light hair and sherlock has dark hair—there’s kindness in evil and evil in kindness.
the inherent intimacy of mr. holmes to sherlock to sherly, and professor moriarty to liam. and i think it’s interesting how sherlock skipped to the nickname stage so much faster than william. for it shows that he was more comfortable with the idea of getting close than william was. william remains more guarded, not wanting to drag sherlock into madness (i didnt think he’d kill a man this early), so only in his final moments does he say sherly. only then does he accept it.
anyway. im not even done with the manga LMAO. [on my knees] this story is so well-written and so hurtful and every arc was beautiful but the characters truly hooked me. every one of them and their dynamic is so lovely (i didnt touch on sherlock and john but i LOVE them and the scene of sherlock promising to take better care of himself for john was so great and also he never got to attend john’s wedding and im gonna go cry) and real. sorry if u read through my babbling mess. xoxo 💓
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key-rk · 1 year
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Today's Doodles of Darkwarrior because I rewatched 'Time and Punishment' I adore this episode so much, honestly in my top five favourites.
(legends I'm gonna nerd out here bc I like sharing my thoughts [THESE MIGHT BE VERY SURFACE LVL SORRY]) - In general, his plot of losing his daughter is a good idea, and I think moving to extremes for him works so well. It's pretty obvious as he eliminated all actual crime, he went off and sort of began, Parenting his city--Eg; the curfews and healthy diets.
But him becoming another Alter ego is so fitting. Gosalyn is the whole reason he went back to his civilian life--to take care of her. And with her gone, there's not really any reason for him to be Drake Mallard. Looking back on "Clash Reunion" and "Paraducks" he obviously didn't have the best adolescent years, and once he felt the praise of being someone else (Dw) as a high schooler, he abandoned being Drake Mallard altogether. (assuming cuz of convos in DDTD pt1+2)
Darkworrior in a way works as a good distraction from reality for him, hence the insane obsessing over small humanely errors--to keep him occupied. Granted as time went on he lost a couple screws to the point of him not even changing when Gosalyn returns but ah well.
Also from this ep it's safe to assume Drake isnt the most mentally put together as his whole 'Sanity' was held together by one person. Add this to his very low self-esteem issues, and his claim, 'getting manically depressed on the weekends' it really does make sense for him to go crazy. In conclusion, i ove him and I need ppl to appreciate him as much as i do xp
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strawberrybananasblog · 11 months
i'm antiship, almost pro para/paraneutral, anti c but i have many questions about those things and i was wondering if someone could answer these for me..in comments/asks i suppose, or dms if you feel like letting me annoy you with additional ones - though these are rather nsfw so no minors would be a disclaimer here, im an adult myself...
im not sure if im comfortable with rbs on this, because of overwhelming amounts of notifs i usually get with rb-based interactions.
english isnt my native language, some things might be worded badly. and of course cw for nsfw, SA, discussion of pxrn, common discourse topics in both communities(from anti side), general triggers. and again, since im anti/paraneutral, I will say things that might tick you off, and i'm not sure how to juggle with it - i'm using examples, stances, and personal thoughts to be able to get more clearer examples, stances and personal thoughts in reply, if that makes sense.
FYI i know those things are different and not directly connected, you can be proship and not propara vice versa.
fiction isn't reality, though i've been of the belief that it can affect it. Such as effects of porn on violence or worse during sex; The brain not seeing difference from fabrication/reality itself; desensitizing et al... which is half the reason I'm antiship, and i wanted to know if there are any counter arguments to that be it studies or something you'd just want to ramble on?
personal experience question: why are people proship? what interests them in this kind of fiction? dynamics?
is there any misconceptions or something alike you see from the general public when it comes to proship? be it from anti, pro, or clueless people
are there any scientific studies you'd like to share that in general talk about the usage of taboo in fiction or morbid media?
when it comes to paraphilias, are they something that just..happen to ya? random attraction that isn't happening by will, be it mental illness (paraphilic disorder) or not (just paraphilic)? I know about attraction=/= action, but the inner details of what a paraphilia is itself sometimes confuses me or maybe the research isn't that good about it for me to find info on it.
this is something i have trouble being 100 supportive on - how does usage of fiction or fantasy help, or prevent harm when it comes to paraphilias? such as for ex. usage of fantasy or realistic toys if one has one of The Big 3 paraphilias, etc. Though of course there are More paraphilias associated with attraction to Harmful things if acted upon but I hope yk what I mean
whats complex consent?
is there any misconceptions or something alike you see from the general public when it comes to paraphilias? be it from anti, pro, or clueless people
are there any scientific studies you'd like to share that in general talk about paraphilias, how they are coped with, and other stuff alike?
silly ramble ended with another question:
personally, some of my lack of support for bits of both of those things has to do with my personal view of morality, and discomfort.
raised with a high sense of morality + unfortunate experiences/trauma leading to sour feelings about some communties (proship et al) also played into it. in general, since i was a tween i was around people who said if you like fictional xyz, then you're xyzphile (-phile term used wrong too, meant someone who is willingly attracted/seeks out attraction to xyz and/or attempt at sexually offending them) so that also lead to me just following the flow. though as of right now i feel there is still a difference.
Like, yes, this person likes fictional morbid content, but it does not mean that that interest is sexual, and even if it is it does not mean they will commit a crime of those morbid styles in real life. Its just that that interest is....problematic, i guess. so question
While I still believe that being attracted to fictional likeness of something morbid to be a tad problematic on its own, even if the person doesn't do much or think much about the IRL counterpart, i want to know if there are counter arguments to that too?
I see that a lot of my personal feelings about this are "kinda weird, kinda not into excusing it as just fiction" i guess i still want to know or read more of the Pro argument variation of this stance? i think im repeating myself
I hope all of that made sense despite being rambly, thanks for any responses
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walnutcookie · 11 months
ive fallen in love with truffle (/p) oh my GODDD . do you understand how much i love this miserable woman.
ive looked into her lines and cutscenes in the story and before i just thought Wow creepy lady that eats people ! kinda sick but NO that is not what she is like AT ALL shes the complete opposite. she is literally the sweetest kindest old lady but shes also a monster and so people automatically assume the worst of her
i dont rlly know everything about her and its hard to find things on her so if anyone has more info pleaase share i want to learn more about this lovely lady
shes so lonely. like. Do you really think a person who got visitors often would throw a surprise party for a bunch of people who came for nothing but a toy. like shes TRYING to get people to come into her house but its not because she wants to eat them its because she just wants someone to talk to :( she LIKES having people over and seeing them be happy but her appearance and her home deters them away ,,, and then since shes isolated from everyone she does not know how to act around people and so shes confused when people dont like her candles that smell like rotting corpses and her army of spiders. she doesnt really know how to talk to people normally (COUGGh also shes autistic)
head in hands i feel so bad for her like she is actually such a sweet old woman shes the grandma that makes you cookies and finds out all your favorite foods so she can make them for you but people are so quick to assume that shes malicious and plotting something and she doesnt know why people are so weird to her. Probably thinks that people are just all like that because hardly anyone visits her. that its normal for people to be scared of you. and she doesnt go outside much since the sun hurts her </3
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I was confused about almonds relationship chart line for her because . Why does he say this but hes still friendly with her?? and then my friend suggested that he doesnt regret it because hes scared of her its because there was nothing in the attic and he feels bad for being so suspicious and being quick to label her as malicious when shes completely innocent .
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AND THEN HER RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM ? She isnt hurt at all that she was accused of a crime . in fact she seems HAPPY about it! Very happy! she had a fun visitor and it brought her much joy. (I AM GOING TO TEAR MY HAIR OUT)
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this really gets to me like I garuntee you shes out there waiting to see if anyone needs help. she is looking for poor people in the pouring rain who need shelter because that means she gets visitors and you KNOW shes going to make them cookies and tea and give them a nice meal and a warm bed AND SHES STANDING OUT THERE IN THE WET RAIN TOO LIKE SHES SUFFERING HERSELF JUST SO SHE CAN SEE IF ANYONE NEEDS HELP!!!!
she just wants to care for people. And she goes out of her way - doing things like making surprise parties and standing out in the rain just to do it and unfortunately she does it in suspicious ways and people think that she is evil because of it . Falls down an elevator shaft
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expendables-ropg · 29 days
So who we are? we are a group of expendables sended down here to get the cristal
''so you all are trying your hardest to get the cristal and not die, right?''
....weeeeell, no, we just are messing around the facility :p
But here's the
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Sup its me, redy!
Im a 19 years old idiot, i was accused of second degree murder and kidnapping 4 innocents, other people say i shouldnt be here and that my crimes are faked, which the worse part is that its true
i like strawberries and Poyo, but i dont like Diving (EVEN THOUGH IM OBLIGATED TO DO SO)
i like talking with others and looking at everything, others call me curious (and stupid), but who knows if theres a little drawer with research somewhere?
Also i have a gun (:
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And here's the
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Hello everyone my name is Orany, im the 22 year old kind of girl that if you stop watching for a second is gonna fucking stab you in the back
why? it would be fun
I like grewy (because hes my boyfriend ) and baked potatoes, and im terrified of heights, have you never felt scared of being so high that you feel how your body could at any moment fall to the floor and die?
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So here's the
(she asked for a more formal Divider)
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yeaaa...so im Piky, the smartest one of these guys-
''thats a lie one of the many deaths you had you literally died to Searchlights because you-''
Im just trying to do my job here, tho being silly like these idiots isnt that bad, sometimes is fun, makes me forget my crimes lmao
I dont like nothing or no one at the moment
i fucking hate @asksearchlights, and her stupid wife
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Anyways, here we founded the
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howdy, im Grewy!
i have been sentenced to death penalty because of Murdering 6 people because of an explosion i caused and arson
yea no balls, im telling my crimes
I like Orany (Orany my beloved❤️) and pizza, i dont like darkness....
I like being silly even thought other people looks at me scared, im sure they will eventually get used to it, but i can also be S E R I U S when i need to be
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This is a vague description of the characters, theres a lot more about them that you will figure out in rps
How to apply to the new blog
-I dont want politics in this askblog
-im okay with suggestive things but remember theres a limit
-Im fine with gore, and i love rping
-Anyone can ask, and better if its asked by a askblog
RP guide:
''Redy talks in a red color''
''Orany talks in a orange color''
''Piky talks in a pink color''
''Grewy talks in a green color''
[This means ooc/mod talking]
*This is how to say an action*
If you want to do a rp, start your ask with ''{RP}'' or ''{RolePlay}''
#Expendables ropg responds - (answers to your asks)
#Expendables ropg art - (share art, theres no drawings of them yet so go wild!)
#OC to ROPG interactions - (any interaction of your OC to any ROPG member)
This whole blog is inspired by @asksearchlights blog, which was also inspired by @ask-eyefestation blog
Also the game from this blog is Pressure from Roblox
Quick mod notes/edits:
-Mod native language isnt english, so i will probably do grammar mistakes, sorry ):
[ mod is He/Him]
This blog was supposed to be done to rp with @asksearchlights blog, but at this point i dont understand whats going on so i stopped rping there, so i guess this is now its own thing?
I have indeed reached the final part of the game, but died unfortunately
this blog is probably not related to the original game, so expect silly stuff/theories / any headcanon / and funny momments to happend here, after all the point is to have fun :)
@Aeott is the mod of this blog
Thanks for seeing all of this, i hope you enjoy this askblog as much as i enjoyed making it ^ ^
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itsbebebrainrotting · 2 months
hello hello! do you have any ideas about your foolbo detective au you'd like to share? i think you've mentioned it before and it has infested my mind already LMAO
I love this au because I feel like all my ideas for it are kinda... silly? Its by far my au where qtubbo is the most okay and definitely a lot more fun than say, the tubhalo celeb au.
Its like imperative to me that Fobo Investigations (which is my running name for their private investigations business) is not a bad pair of detectives but they definitely stumble upon their discoveries. They also get a surprising amount of help on their cases from their respective daughters (who yes are involved on cases because single fathers), as they both are obviously very creative. Typically, they get the job done by the skin of their teeth, get paid and get it over with. Because the island is relatively crime free (aside from the occasional serial murder or mass furniture thief), jobs that reach their desks are surprisingly few and far between and they usually get by on their other talents (construction for foolish and mechanics for tubbo).
On the foolbo of it all, they get together eventually. I think when I eventually write this I wanna write it before theyre together, at least officially. They definitely have something going on for a long while that isnt quite a romantic (or sexual) relationship but isnt at all platonic. Its definitely in part because foolish sometimes gets vegetta related guilt (especially when leo misses him) and isnt quite ready for a relationship but its also just cuz theyre just weird and Like That.
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clay-pidgeon · 8 months
post title pending. my weird swap au
this is the post im making for scratchswap, my au where i switch the post-scratch kids with the post-scratch trolls sharing their aspect (dirk-nepeta, roxy-equius, jake-eridan, and jane-feferi) and then the pre scratch dudes get swapped accordingly. yes this bc of the Parallels between feferi and jane and then i got a whole Thing out of it. im working on classpects/ages. characters under the cut
pre-scratch trolls
note for the record i did not think much about these guys
johune peixes: i have done 0 thinking on johune so sorry. theyre swapped w meenah and everyones really confused about how that funny little guy was a huge scary empress in every other universe
rozela zahhak: the sorcerer wooooo! pretty similar to canon rose shes just really fucking strong. good friends w aranea
dayves leijon: im still not 100% sure how to go about this one tbh but he does like romance in some form. also i got in in my head hes skittish. no idea where that came from. capitalizes b (glasses) and maybe something else?
jaidli ampora: oh i actually thought about this one a little! fashion is sorta fifties inspired like cronus but shes not a greaser thats his schtick. you dont steal a mans shtick. is there a c in that word or not
post scratch trolls
jaynce peixes: feels like i should work on that name huh. anyways jaynce does Not want to be the heiress (for reasons both transgender and not) at all and is in a little bit of denial about this. i lied actually a lot of denial. may or may not be moirails w jayque havent decided. replaces e and o with -E and -O forks and spoons!
roxxie zahhak: a little more into robots n shit than coding but still does that. bit of a jack of all trades! thinks deyirks lusus (its. kity) is the most special boy in the whole wide world. probably moirails w deyirk now that i think abt it but maybe not. im on the fence abt a lot of stuff here. uses some kind of prefix, emoticons have X for eyes, replaces x sounds with x, y (as a vowel) with ie, and s w z
deyirk leijon: WORLDS MOST NORMAL MAN (lying) lives in a cave in the middle of the woods not for catgirl reasons but because this guy is going insane in solitude works best when isolated. also uses some kind of prefix for a quirk. roxxie drops off robot parts at his house every few weeks and they make a day of it theyre Pals
jayque ampora: he helps feed gloybsub or whatever her name is and hes so normal about the deaths on his conscience. really hes so normal guys cmon. normal
pre scratch kids
mimi egbert: token cis friend sorry meenah. or not idc. more mellow because dad egbert is just a normal guy and isnt raising her to be the literal queen of the world. still meenah tho
hans lalonde: i am unsure about the name but i think its fine. the ultimate horse girl (therian). keeps maplehoof in the foyer. if he had to interact with his dad for more than 20 seconds they would both implode from the sheer awkwardness. the house is big as shit they just gesture to each other when they see each other and thats fine for both of them
manu strider: wears heart shades everywhere as a sort of joke. he doesnt actually know. caps lock is broken and refuses to fix it + uses kaomoji a lot. fujoshi to transmasc pipeline haha who said that
crow harley: im stilling working on which animal to furrify cronus with. watches a bunch of old movies and picked up those speaking habits. other shit pending
post scratch kids
fifi crocker: she wants to be crockercorps new ceo sosososo bad she would make up for all of their horrible crimes against humanity by uh. shes working on it ok?
neta strider: the she/her to she/they to they/them to he/they to he/him to he/they to she/he/they to The Creature pipeline. percentage of their diet that is fish he caught w her own bare hands has been steadily increasing. is trying to buff up on history but keeps on going down wikipedia rabbit holes and rereading the nyan cat article for the thousandth time. would still do the detective pony rewrite but would get sidetracked by the lolcat metaphor for way longer
eqis lalonde: do you know how hard it is to smush equius down to four letters? i just made this name up man. anyways i dunno what to do with her but shes a girl of the horse variety
dani english: diversity win this sickly victorian orphan child is genderfluid! fucking terrified of the lusi on the island. fancies herself sort of a romantic poet
the entirety of this was brainstormed while i was bored in class for the record. still brainstorming so im gonna edit this when more shit arises
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shiftingconfessions · 5 months
its me again. i'm the one with an omega-verse DR. i wanted to share more about it because someone reblogged it & asked why- but they had anon asks turned off so im sharing here :(
my omega-verse DR is completely non-sexual! its more focused on the "family pack" aspect. mostly, i just wanna go there for the hell of it. but also, here me out, it seems rlly rlly fun.
i used to be an omega-verse avoider tbh, i couldnt read anything to do with it (because i thought it was all smut.) but i was scrolling through Ao3, & i saw a fic with a premiss i rlly liked, but then i looked closer at the tags & i saw A/B/O Dynamics. So i was like, "ew, no way." & found smth else. but i kept seeing similar fics with good premises & eventually i decided, why not check it out, & clicked on one. & it was all focused on the unique family aspects & the way A/B/O Dynamics affected the characters & the story,,, but it was also superr fluffy & sweet;,, & now im worried im a furry.
maybe i should add that im autistic & used to feel like i related way more too animals than i did to people 🤷 that might have smth to do with it.
but anyways, the fic was SO SWEET. it had the best ammount of hurt/comfort & it was like,, "that seems kinda fun!" & i. i decided i wanted to go there <3
my DR is heavily altered from traditional omega-verse. like i already said, it's completely non-sexual. theres isnt any inherent hierarchy either, omegas have just as much agency as an alpha or beta does. the main role A/B/O roles play are what role you play in ur family &, like, individual needs. im a superhero in my DR, & the rest of my "pack" is my superhero team. its fun to incorporate animal-istic tendencies into fighting crime 😆👍
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corntastixx · 9 months
Hi! My name is Corn (not my real name).
At the time im writing this im currently 20, i was born in 2003, as a male!!
I grew up in a very conservative household and was raised as a boy for a lot of those years, but ive been through quite a few ‘stages’ since then
I first started questioning my gender when i hit grade 6, i had a lot of female friends and felt that i really connected with them, i really connected with being feminine despite having a dick, because of this i considered myself TRANS for the longest time but even then that label never sat right with me
The problem is that sometimes i felt connected to being masculine also, i felt i belonged in my body somedays while other days i didnt and after a long time of researching and finding myself i concluded that i am in fact GENDERFLUID, i go my she/him/they pronouns depending on what i connect with that day
The problem here is that ive been noticing a lot of change here on tumblr, ive been here forever, interacting with fanfictions of all sorts of fanfictions, including male!readers and female!reader fanfictions and ive always had my age and pronouns in my bio
Lately ive noticed a lot of creators i really liked going missing, without any trace, without anyone noticing, i thought maybe they just deleted their accounts but when i checked on a burner account they were still there but i had just been blocked and i really dont understand why
I understand that i dont have female parts, i dont have a vagina, i dont have a uterus, i dont have my period and i cant get pregnant, im not female and i dont pretend to be, but i do identify with being a girl, and interacting with female!reader fanfictions have really helped water down the feelings of disgust i get with my body on days that i identify as a girl
The worst part is a lot of these content creators have in their bio that they support the LGBTQ+ comminity, and share posts about how everyone is valid yet i get blocked because sometimes i identify as a different gender, and i think thats just disgusting??
How are you going to block me from content because you dont agree with how i identify myself and then claim to be an ally, you cant disregard people in a community and then claim to support that community at the same time
Its not like ive ever been rude to these creators, half the time ive liked their content and then moved on without saying a word, im over 18, i have my label in my bio, and clearly im not a bot, so what reason do they have to block me?
Its extremely belittling finding that the same people who claim to support also being the ones treating you like an outcast in your own group of people, treating you like your label isnt valid, as someone thats struggled with myself for so long feeling disgusted with myself for identifying with being feminine as a male this sort of behavior is extremely hurtful
I already feel like an awful person for identifying the way i do, knowing i dont have the same parts as a girl but still identifying that way feels like a crime against women, and it feels like a crime against men feeling disgusted with my body somedays while loving it the next,
Has anyone else found this same problem?
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ciaran · 1 year
i'm the anon who sent the befriending ask.... i am very very curious about more of your thoughts on the complexities of csa. i was thinking about this the other day because i was reading far from the tree and
[The perpetrators in the Horace Mann scandal] were wounded, confused people trying to figure out how to function in a world that taught them their homosexual desire was sick […] someone whose core being is deemed a sickness may struggle to parse the distinction between that and a greater crime
i'm not sure i agree with the line of reasoning in this paragraph (i think often perpetrators are not "confused" so much as "desperate") but i do think incidences of csa, especially as relating to homosexuality, do often occur due to the way society has treated gayness (in a way that makes it "safer" to experiment across a large power differential)
discussion of csa and homosexuality and criminalization
one of the things i was thinking of as i wrote that post that i didnt include because this thought process isnt fully...processed...is that many of these crimes are contingent on certain ideas we have now about crime and the effects of actions. a lot of the causality we take for granted now did, at some point in the past, have to be learned... an understanding of it did not come intuitively to the people causing or experiencing it. i find the language of "excuses" sort of unhelpful and limiting, so i don't want to put too fine a point on whether something is Wrong even if the person doesn't Know They're Doing Wrong or have An Intent To Hurt. these things are fuzzy and not the topic of conversation to me... what matters is that like, articulations of why something wrong change from period to period as knowledge grows. so like, now we would say that child abuse is bad because you're causing indelible harm to an immature psyche at a stage when this harm will form the basis of their interactions with the world. but at a certain point in the past the explanation was more along the lines of "you shouldn't have sex with a teenager because sex before marriage is wrong and bad and you cant get married to a teenager" [well, you could also do that, and many people did].
so with that out of the way, i also have to wonder how much of a role... homosociality and the kinds of relations it favored and enabled played a part in the tendency towards relationships with a wide age gap. there's the reason in the quote you mentioned and which i went over in my post, that an ethical-but-illegal act gets conflated with an unethical-and-illegal one due to their shared illegality. that's one thing. but also i wonder if it was...accepted practice in some fashion to clock younger gay men, effeminate teenagers and noticeably limp-wristed dandies, and fold them into a circle of homosexual activity (i make it sound very depraved nkdjfskf) via seduction or whatever. like there's a difference to me between making out with someone much younger than you because otherwise they might try to kiss their classmate and get hatecrimed and...grooming with the intent to isolate and abuse. i'm not saying it was always innocent or that there weren't predatory gay men but there's a noticeable discrepancy between isolating abuse and drawing someone into a circle of relative safety and normalcy from a young age.
i don't know much about this topic and i am basically just applying my reasoning and imagination to it. which is also what i did in my original post so im pleasantly surprised to find corroboration, and it's a very interesting quote for sure - i agree that it's desperation in general, and the confusion is more likely to arise from (for example) having had similar experiences in their own past and reproducing them due to a lack of framework.
thank you for the ask! im sorry if it stops making sense at any point im very sleepy and we just watched perfect blue so my brain is pretty fried. if you dont want me to have answered this ask publicly let me know and ill make it private!
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bring-us-back-light · 5 months
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you turned off reblogs so i couldnt reply, @socalgal
which is fine, if you dont want to continue the discussion, you dont need to reply. but i am entitled to responding. im not entitled to you reading it, feel free to ignore it!
i really respect and appreciate you listening and having this discussion, but i think theres still a miscommunication or misunderstanding.
one thing thats become apparent to me, is theres a conflation of underlying topics that i dont know how to segregate. because theyre super intertwined. one is pedophilia, which to persecute is thought crime. the other is pornographic content of not real kids (such as writing or drawings, but not photographs or videos of real kids). which my stance is that creation of is ethically neutral and non harmful and therefore shouldnt be disallowed. rather reading it can be harmful such as when someone with relevant trauma gets retraumatized, or can be harmful to send it to others such as in the case of grooming. but in none of these scenarios is the harmful act creating it or posting it, nor is the party causing harm the author (unless the author is also the person retraumatizing themselves, or the person grooming a kid). even if a fic isnt tagged properly and someone stumbled across it and reads without informed consent, the harmful action was not giving the proper warnings. not posting it in yhe first place.
im not sure what group the rest of your reply is about. proshippers and pedophiles are very different groups. obviously its a venn diagram just like marine biologist and submariner is, but they are still distinct groups.
children will always be able to access porn. i think this is smth people try to avoid acknowledging, but its true. and i dont honestly think its the end of the world? like whats important is that kids (and anyone tbh) have support when they get ahold of things that made them uncomfortable and can get help processing stuff when needed. and that, separately, kids are given good educations about consent, sex ed, what interaction with other people is appropriate, and have safe trusted adults they can go to with questions or to seek advice if someone or something seems unsafe. kids are going to experiment with eachother. kids are going to look up and watch porn. kids may even look up tabboo porn. so long as they know that adults doing things to or with them is inappropriate and to get help, and they get support for processing anything they find troubling, they will be fine and not harmed by access to this stuff.
'suffering with pedophilic tendencies' not sure exactly what this means. pedophilia, once again, is attraction. not a behavior. tendencies, to me, obscures that distinction. but regardless they can literally just write their own. them being able to find it is not the authors problem. it is theirs for looking it up if it is harmful to them. grooming kids is the problem. not posting the fic or drawings. people will make their own content or groom kids without the use of fic or drawings.
we dont need to facilitate safe spaces, because people have that already in their room. people dont need access to clean needles or clean porn or controlled amounts to avoid overdosing, or stds, or poisoning. there is none of that involved in consuming porn. if there is a real human cost to jeffrey posting a pedophilic porn fic properly tagged, and janice jacking off to it in her room, please elaborate it to me. im open to being wrong. but you cant use slippery slope (consuming it is a gateway to causing harm) without substantiating evidence (which ive looked for so hard. please if you are aware of this please share it with me. i do not want people harmed and imo this is one of if not the main foundation of why i think my stance holds water). or false cause (someone using a posted fic to groom a kid. that did not happen because someone posted the fic it happened becuaee someone groomed the kid),
sorry that got really messy, rewording without parentheticals: i am open to being proven wrong or convinced otherwise that the act of creating porn featuring underaged character(s) and posting it with proper content warnings is ethically neutral and non harmful. But you have to prove that it is inherently harmful, so you cant depend on logical fallacies commonly used in this discussion like false cause or slippery slope.
also 'whatever nomenclature' youre referring to two different groups of people. so cant specify which you mean, but ive defined pedophile plenty of times.
and in response to your final paragraph: people do things all the time that should not be forced on others. vanilla adult porn shouldnt be posted on billboards. consenting adults shouldnt fuck on the subway (unless i suppose everyone in the car is consenting and you finish before the next stop i guess???). these are things that have the potential to be harmful, but are not in and of themselves. just like pedophilic porn.
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quodekash · 1 year
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bae: spotted
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"it was a crime committed by you. for being too cute." pLEASE LET HIM SAY THAT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
and even if he doesnt: they are boyfriends. this is boyfriend behaviour. theyre boyfriends whether they know it or not
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this entire interaction is boyfriend behaviour
they are boyfriends
kiss please
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im happy stimming so hard rn they mean so much to me AND THEYRE ON A DATE
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sir are you implying something
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right you are my boy
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his FIRST artwork, you say???
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his eyes are so alight with wonder and he wonders about the man standing beside him and his cartoonish paintings that are more realistic than cameras and tvs, and he's so in awe that he found someone so incredibly amazing
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its about the thing he regrets, isnt it?
i suspect we're about to hear the story, so its time to share my thoughts on what it might be
i think he mightve been the cop that shot sean's dad.
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im pretty sure thats sean's dad from the flashback
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oh look at that, i was right.
im not happy about it but uh. i was right.
let's uh. let's not let sean find out about this
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vaffanculo, none of these rules are fair and youre saying them so matter-of-fact like its just the way life is. which it is just the way life is, but that doesnt mean it shouldnt be freaking addressed
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those are some top level puppy dog eyes, jeez
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and it's his mum, isnt it?
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