#i like to ignore basically everything in kh3. it helps that i didnt play it
robotsafari · 7 months
omg i was about to make a post about repliku then remembered what year im in
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ronitas · 5 years
Master of Masters: the truth is what you see with your eyes, not what you hear
What I hear: Sokai is canon, Sora and Kairi are inlove with eachother and have been since the first game, Sora and Kairi want to be together forever, everyone knows how much they like eachother, Soriku makes no sense and are more like brothers, Kairi is a great character and perfect love interest for Sora, Sora and Kairi are made for eachother and destined to be together forever, they shared the paopu fruit so their basically canon, Sokai is undeniable at this point KH3 pretty much set it in stone, its canon whether or not its said they are its canon, they dont need to kiss or do any really lovey dovey stuff to prove that their canon and love eachother.
What I see: Kairi is a pointless waste of a character with no personality or purpose other than to be Sora’s love interest and a dues ex machina to get Sora out of otherwise impossible situations by just blaming it on princess of heart powers. Kairi’s entire existence depends on Sora and without him she serves no purpose, so much so that Sora dies and fades from existence and instead of playing an active role like everyone else in finding a way to get him back she just sleeps for a year to absolutely no avail because again her character depends entirely on Sora and without him shes practically non existent.
Sokai is only semi canon on face value, it has no actual substance or development to back it up, the DLC tried rectifying this by shoving in moments where they didnt belong and playing down Riku to boost Kairi up because that was the only way to try and convince us that Kairi is really THAT important and THAT relevant that Riku had to be completely removed and ignored just for Sora to properly spend time and have moments with her that he didnt have before. Riku was even removed from being part of why his journey started and Sora only gives recognition to Kairi as the reason he started his journey despite Kairi and Riku BOTH disappearing that day but again, the only way to make Sokai even halfway believable is to remove Riku entirely. The DLC shoved so much Sokai down our throats as an attempt to do damage control for the travesty in the main game and all the other games where Sokai was practically non existent. Sokai is a hollow forced relationship with no real subtance or depth to it other than just Sora likes Kairi and Kairi likes Sora too and thats the end of it. We are TOLD how important they are to eachother, how deep their relationship is, how important she is to Sora etc, but we dont SEE anything that backs that up.
Sora and Riku’s bond has far more depth and substance than Sora and Kairis has ever had, even Re:Mind didnt change this fact. Soriku makes far more sense, has way more chemistry, has a way more deeper connection, are comfortable around eachother whereas Sora shows discomfort several times around Kairi including the paopu scene, the bond between Sora and Riku is so strong that Kairis been asleep for a year yet Riku’s dreams are the only thing thats connected to Sora and is implied to be the key to finding Sora in KH4. Whether Sora and Riku become canon or not their relationship will always make the most sense and have the most genuine build up that happened naturally and wasnt forced or fake, but sincere. Soriku’s relationship is the very definition of pure unwavering love, romantic or platonic their relationship is simply pure and will always be the most logical outcome in terms of pairings for Sora. The fact that Riku wasnt shown spending time with Sora for any of his final moments of life was the ultimate spit in the face, despicable and unforgivable. Every other trio is treated far better and shown way more of the bond between all 3 except for the Destiny Trio.
Kairi is lowkey not a great friend either, she jokingly suggested to Sora that she and him just take the raft and leave Riku behind, but joke or not just her having the thought at all is questionable, even if Riku was changing she just abandons him? not cool. They say their friends but Kairi is only ever seen really bonding with Sora and when push came to shove she was ready to abandon Riku rather than trying to help him, meanwhile Riku did everything he could to try and save Kairi, nuff said.
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