#i like to think grima and robin keep their distance like how lucina and grima do
do you think rkc has a preferred grima
do you think he prefers rearmed grima over l!/h!grima because she's more in line with the grima he knows
do you think he avoids l!/h!grima because she reminds him too much of robin so if he closes his eyes and pretends the stench of death is coming solely from him, he can imagine it's actually his wife
do you think he feels that's an insult to her memory because the other chroms might warm up to l!/h!grima and recognize that their wife still lives eventually, but he's so used to the grima who tried to kill his daughter (but never did and does that mean anything?) and took away his son to be raised in the same way she would've if validar kept her that he can't
do you think he would slightly resent the other chroms for choosing the lesser of two evils in a custody battle for fell morgan, even though he knows that's the logical choice?
because i think a lot about how rkc is portrayed and he's so much of an opposite that it kind of hurts in the best way. and i think a sign of that would be that he's much more inflexible about grima and robin that perhaps even them, especially if their thoughts on it are "you are me but i am what you could've been (anger/pity)"
if og/horse chrom are of the mind that any grima is robin so long as even a piece of her cares about him and the shepherds, and l!chrom/brave chrom are somewhere in the middle and think that l!/h!grima ought to be counted but the ones they faced off (and rearmed) shouldn't, then rkc completes the trifecta
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convxction · 2 years
[ one of the plot ideas i have idk if i wrote it before because i cant remember what i ate yesterday.
but imagine one day chrom and robin (whichver gender dont start a fight over this for the love of god) get a report about a weird activity nearby the outrealm gate. they go to check and find a familiar figure--robin. the other robin is wandering aimlessly, almost like they have lost their mind but when they see chrom they cry and panic. this robin is from a realm where chrom survives but still has grave injuries and still refused to mistrust robin, despite validar (and grima’s) control over their body. their chrom died trying to separate robin from validar’s control so that affected them deeply. somehow because robin’s shock and sadness, the grip of validar went out of control as robin went berserk losing their senses for a while; wandering the ruined world and made their way into the outrealm and to this realm.
the wandered robin tries to approach chrom but gets terrified and runs away from chrom. a little chase scene with the other robin (and other shepherds). they catch the runaway tactician but robin get scared of being nearby chrom and pleas to not be near them saying they are evil. 
that one comical scene of chrom and robin looking at each other and ‘yep. i know. you had grima inside of you.’ the other robin is just ???????? but how? how can you keep me--them! nearby you???? why are you so trusting!?
and chrom just ‘sigh...it gets really boring when i have to repeat this conversation for the idk time.’ shoots a stare at his robin who did ask him this question too lmao.
the wandered robin breaks down and the shepherds take them back to the camp. lissa and maribelle takes care of the wounded and tired robin. chrom visits the wandered robin. later on the two robins talk about whats going on and what happened; how come they are alive, how this world is safe and sound etc. the wandered robin gets frustrated internally about how this world is safe, this robin did not lose everything, their chrom and friends are alive etc but they know it was none other than their fault for not being up to bar with their job as a tactician--they should have noticed that they are a threat and remove themselves quietly. but they didn’t. its their fault. but robin being robin, they cant feel any resentment to anyone but themselves. 
the wandered robin hears chrom is coming so they try to slip away because there is no use of two tacticians, right? i’d like to think that because the robins are basically the same person, they have different bodies but they have the same soul, the current robin felt every dark emotion that the wandered robin felt. the same for the wandered robin, who felt every happy emotion that the current robin is feeling. which is why the current robin kept their distance from the wandered robin because they didnt want to rub it in their face that they have the perfect life that they couldn’t get. current robin had to step in when they felt that wandered robin want to escape. they called chrom to stop wandered robin because in the end chrom is the one who can change their mind not them--another mirror of themselves.
wandered robin escapes the camp but does not realize that chrom already on their track. it is obvious. they talk and chrom convinces wandered robin to come back. this is not their home but chrom will be more than proud to see them with them--he is proud that they survived this far and he knows the chrom of their world is happy that they are alive. yeah. shepherds got now two tacticians until the wandered robin can come back to their world somehow and maybe salvage anything they can and help ...maybe rebuilding it???   
idk just a thought because we always get to other parallel worlds in awakening and what if they get into the ‘main’ realm and idk stuff. its always chrom and lucina who are traveling so wy not throw robin this time. but now my brain thinking what if avatar is actually (bound) to the world they are in because of grima...................................
anyway. ye.
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punoy · 4 years
Blood of the dragons: A post-canon concept.
Lucina wanders the globe acting once again as a symbol of hope. Morgan desperately searches for a way to reunite their family. Marc is hiding they key to potential disaster.
This is just some musings I had thinking about what life could be like after the events of Awakening specifically for the children of Chrom and Robin. I don’t believe this is what likely what happens after canon, just concepts I found fun to play around with. This is a clean up of an exchange I had over discord, so it’s still a bit of a mess in terms of structure, but hopefully still comprehensible! It’s not really a fic, so I’m not too worried about the flow.
※ Chrom/m!Robin. This could really be for either, but it was written for the intent of m!Robin and as such will reflect in the pronouns. Marc is female!Morgan while Morgan is male!Morgan. They were both found at the same time and both have amnesia. In this timeline, Chrom and Robin only have Lucina. The first part is more Lucina-centric while the second part is more Marc/Morgan-centric.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s go.
Side: Lucina
Lucina doesn’t stay long after Robin disappears. She sticks around and tries to help stabilize Ylisse and to help the communities affected by the influence of Grima. To be by her father’s side helping the people she failed in her own timeline is one of the most treasured experiences she has. But that’s just it. She failed them in her timeline. And now that everything is returning to normal, she feels more out of place than ever. Walking the halls the perfectly maintained castle in Ylissitol feels absolutely foreign to her. Not to mention seeing a younger version of herself toted around and cared for. Chrom doesn’t beg her to stay, but he wishes she would. (He’s lost so many others, and he doesn’t want to lose her too, he doesn’t say.) Lucina wanders Ylisse acting as a mercenary and humanitarian, not being able to bring herself to leave the continent completely. She still loves her father and doesn’t wish to see him alone if he is once again in a time of need. Sure, he has her younger siblings, but they’re all but children. But, she needs to find her place in this world (and perhaps she is searching... searching for something she cannot yet admit to herself) and not let her be a shadow for her younger self. She fought for the her of this world to have the childhood she never got to. To live the life she could not. And so she keeps her distance.
Contrary to what Chrom, Marc, and Morgan believed, Lucina did return. It took her many months, but unannounced strolled their wandering princess. She’ll recount her tales across the lands and catch up with her family and friends. Some stayed in Ylisstol and joined the royal forces. Meanwhile, others set off on their own journey to distant lands. Lucina missed her cousin, but she couldn’t speak as she had nearly done the same. As quick as it she came, she left once again, back on her journey.  
This was how things were for awhile. Lucina would come back, they would be a normal family again, then the feelings of being a byproduct of a cursed time would bubble up inside again. Lucina would leave until she was able to face them again. Marc and Morgan especially had her anxious. She didn’t tell a soul more than she needed to as to not resurface bad memories, but the two fell under the influence of Grima after he had invaded the castle. She tried to escape with them, but she was unable to help.  If possible, she would rather meet her family outside the palace, away from the place he had lost them.
At the times Lucina was in Ylisstol, she tried her best to avoid her younger self. She isn’t quite ready for either her or this small child to face each other. How was she going to explain all of this? She didn’t want to pressure her younger self or act as some sort of aspiration. She wanted little Lucina to live the life she wanted, without some reminder of the failures she may become. So, for the time being, the few times Lucina was with her younger self, now old enough to talk and read and write, she was Aunt Marth. She looked quite passable as Chrom’s sister, no? Although, it was hard to hold her tongue and not address him as father.
Marc and Morgan had to get used to being the older siblings. They do recall Lucina from their time, and she was always the one taking care of them. Now, Lucina is ages younger, and they’re the responsible ones. They both grew into their own, Marc following in her fathers footsteps to becoming a tactician, while Morgan studied under Miriel to become a researcher of magic. But, they still made time to hang out with their little sister. It was hard not to project the Lucina of the future onto her, and they really tried. But, they couldn’t help but be a bit sad their sister was hardly ever around.
Robin returns five years later and Lucina rushes to Ylisstol as soon as word reaches her. She can’t help but feel frustration that she left partially in search of him, yet he was found the one place she could not look. She cannot contain her joy that her father is back, he returned to them, and she has the family she needed. Perhaps, she can stay longer this time.
Robin can’t believe the amount of time he’s missed. Lucina is a no longer an infant, but a young girl! He already feels regret missing out on the youth of the older Lucina, despite not having any control of that time. He doesn’t want to let another moment slip away from him. He is so proud of everyone. Ylisstol is stable for the most part, Chrom is loved by all, the tensions with Plegia have mostly subsided and they’re working towards a bond not built upon lies. Ylissians are sending aid to Valm to help their recovering nations. Not to mention his children, all blossoming in their own fields.
In the year that Lucina spends in Ylissitol, she doesn’t shy away from her younger self as often. They develop somewhat of an awkward sisterly bond. She tries not to say much about her past or compare herself to her. She truly is happy that child Luci gets to have this life, and now that she’s stopped running, she can have it too. Little Luci can hardly help but look up to her. This fantastic princess who roams the world to bring hope to others? What a dream.
Luci, now ten, has started to become wise to how dodgy her family is when it comes to their past. Marc and Morgan don’t seem to be able to tell her anything before she was born. Chrom always gets really nervous talking about his “sister.” Aunt Marth barely even seems to know her father. No one will answer why was Robin gone when she was really little. She vaguely recalled this loud man telling her stories and waving around his... his brand? She couldn’t be remembering that correctly. The only people that could be was Marc or Morgan but she swear it wasn’t them. Also... just how old was her parents when Morgan and Marc seemed so big now. Over the years she prodded for answers, not really suspecting much, just being a curious child. But, she slowly came to accept there was some truth to her family they were keeping from her. She knew enough it was probably better not to ask if they haven’t told her yet.
Luci gets to be a bit older and, ever the studious one, begins reading through some accounts of the war. As princess, she’s obligated to stay aware of current events to prepare her for the future where she may rule (which is becoming ever more a reality as her older siblings don’t seem that interested in the throne.) She begins with the war between Plegia and Ylisse. It seems so far away, the reality that her grandfather inflicted upon her parents and aunts. Then, she reads about the peace Emmeryn brought, wishing she could have met her one day. The resparking of the war with Plegia was next. She knew the toll it took on her father and the regret he felt causing all this loss, the trust of the citizens, lives of the innocent, his sister. She is about to call it a night before she gets to the war in Valm. She so happens to find a particular account that catches her eye though, a roster of soldiers enlisted.
Funny that. Someone with her own name appears on the list, fighting alongside her parents. Perhaps she was named after her? Marc and Morgan are here too. Strange, her parents couldn’t have been older than their twenties, so what were her siblings doing in the army? Now that she thinks of it, her fathers said Aunt Marth had served with them, but she’s nowhere to be seen in the reports or the rosters. She sets out to ask her parents about it soon after.
“Who’s Lucina?” “You, of course.” “No, I mean. She was a soldier in the army but she didn’t have any additional information on her in the log books. Did you know her?”
It was at that time, Chrom and Robin realized, perhaps their daughter was old enough to know. She generally knew of the Grimleals and their god, but never did she think her own father would be the key to this whole conflict, the vessel of a chaotic god. Not to mention her siblings were from a completely other time. And why everyone fell just short of saying “You remind me so much of your aunt.” 
Hanging out with Aunt Marth, now herself from another time, she knows, has become strange. There used to be moments when she would catch Marth about to say something, but not follow through, laughing it off as some joke she just remembered. Marth would be standing and watching wistfully from afar. She was always accepting of whatever she wanted to do because she couldn’t do those things in her youth. It all made sense to her now, but she wasn’t sure what to make of it.
Little Luci continued to look up to her older self, but instead of feeling inspired she was left with feelings of inadequacy. How could she live up to one of the heroes that saved Ylisse? What if she didn’t grow up to be as strong or skilled as her? This is exactly what Lucina wanted to avoid and told her as such.
“I made my sacrifices so you could make your mistakes. Please, live for yourself and not try to live my life. This is the world we fought to make for you. Give it all that you have.”
Side: Twins
※ Takes place starting simultaneous with side Lucina and then after.
Marc dutifully takes up the the mission of becoming Ylisstol’s next royal tactician. She learned from the man who won a handful of wars and saved the world! She knows she isn’t as experienced as her father, he could easily best her in any manner of tactical thinking games and practice, but in his absence, she would have to make do. Chrom was competent enough on his own to be able to handle the military and command by himself, but it endeared him that his youngest daughter felt that prideful connection to Robin. He gave her all the resources and tutors he could, but they were no replacement for her father. 
Morgan dreamed to become a researcher, learning the causes of the universe’s phenomena. To understand just a fraction about the gods. With a focus in magical studies, he joined Ricken under Miriel’s tutelage. At first his intentions seemed to be very pure, to learn and understand what makes the world what it is, but he couldn’t help but wonder something very specific about his own past. The path he was taking might be the road to finding it.
He was always more curious about his and his sister’s amnesia. Robin’s was caused by Grima willfully wiping his memory, but what about theirs? From the accounts of him and his twin sister, he had begun to piece together something puzzling. Their memories contradicted Lucina’s own. Chrom and Robin died so young in her own history, just after Marc and Morgan were born. Lissa raised them until even their aunt and other closest allies fell. Then, Lucina was left to care for them on her own, all while leading a rebellion. She didn’t go too deep into what became of them, but given her grave expression, it was most likely not good. Meanwhile, the few memories Marc and Morgan could recount were rather happy. They were mostly of Robin, occasionally featuring Chrom or Lucina. They had memories growing up in the castle with their parents. Trips to Plegia and Ferox. Travelling with Robin and their sister. All the way up until they were in their early teens they could remember always being by Robin’s side. Morgan came to the conclusion that it was highly likely they came from another time, separate from Lucina’s and the other children. 
Their past was a bit of a sore subject between the twins. Marc had accepted her amnesia for some time. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little curious about her memories, but she never went out of her way to look for them. She was perfectly happy enjoying the life she had now, especially now that Robin was back. Morgan on the other hand, loved his family, but now believing that they were from another time, wanted to know what that was. They’re the only remnants of that world held within this one.
An argument sparks between the two over this.
“If it’s true we’re from another time, what happened to father?” - Morgan “I suppose he would probably be looking for us on the mountain we were found on.” - Marc “And that doesn’t bother you? We just left him all alone?” - Morgan “That isn’t our time anymore. Of course I don’t want him to be alone, but we’re here now. There really isn’t much to be done about it. We can be with the family we have.” - Marc “But what if we could do something about it. Would you?” - Morgan.
While Morgan hasn’t found it yet, he poses Marc with a simple hypothetical, if they had the option to return to their time, would she take it? Marc denies any furthering of the thought. She’s not planning on wasting her life thinking of the hypothetical of abandoning her family when she could be making the most of her time with them. Lucina didn’t go back to her time when all of this was one either. Meanwhile, Morgan is offended at the thought he’d be the one abandoning his family and the implication that he doesn’t care for them. They left Robin to be forever searching on that mountain top, unsure of where their children are. Robin and Chrom have Lucina at least and possibly them if they ever decide to have kids again. Their father only has the one set of kids. And in the case of Lucina, she couldn’t go back because there was nothing left for her there. There is a family waiting for them in their own time.
Eventually, he drops the argument and they decide not to speak of it or to tel their family of it. As they grow older, Marc stays in the castle working alongside her fathers. Meanwhile, Morgan embarks on a quest to discover the true nature of their time. It takes him mostly to Plegia and the Ruins of Time. Occasionally, he even saw Lucina who was out on her own journey. It was in one such time that he asks Lucina about her own world, and how she came here. She’s hesitant to go into the details at first, warning it’s dangerous and irreversible magic. Once there’s a rip in the times, it’s hard to close completely. She had originally assumed that’s what happened to the twins, following after her, but that had now proven to be false. Morgan promises that it’s simply for research, and that he wants to be able to prevent an abuse of time magic. She trusts her brother, and explains what sacrifices and hardships it took to create the portal here.
Marc is so concerned for her brother’s well being. She knows he most likely didn’t stop thinking about it, and she worries for what he’s getting himself into in that world. He wasn’t truly going to leave them, was he? Without saying goodbye if he found his way back? Aside from worrying about her brother leaving, she had questioned why. Why was it they were here? Their childhood seemed so normal compared to Lucina’s. She left out of desperation. What could have possibly happened that suddenly they were with their father on a trip and then they were waking up clueless in the Ruins of Time? She cam to the conclusion there had to be a reason, and she put faith in her father doing this for her own good.
When Morgan returns to the castle with Lucina, everyone is filled with delight. Luci missed her brother. Marc was glad he was safe. Lucina was glad to be home with everyone. It’s been ages since they had all been together. They stay at the castle for awhile, Marc off studying with their father and Morgan seemingly always caught up in his next research project.
One day, Marc notices something strange on her hand opposite her brand. A scar perhaps? Perhaps she had nicked herself while sword fighting, or scratched herself in her sleep. It was insignificant at first. Then, as time went on, she began to notice it take a faint but very distinctive shape, the mark of Grima. She alerts Robin immediately. It’s a major cause of concern, of course. It’s been over a decade since Grima was vanquished. Robin’s own mark had faded as well. Marc begs for Robin to keep this between them, and maybe Chrom for now. She isn’t mentally prepared for the implications of this until they find out exactly what it means. She’s not stupid, and knows that the others need to know eventually, but hopes, just for now, she can keep things to herself.
In an attempt to keep a sense of normalcy, Marc has tea with Lucina and Luci. Apparently Morgan was too busy to join them. Lucina starts sharing stories of her adventures with Morgan as he has been a bit too avoidant for Marc’s liking. It seemed relatively tame, nothing much to do with any kind of timeline hopping. Until Lucina starts reminiscing about her siblings. 
“You two always had your nose in your books, it was hard to get you to look five feet in front of you. You were such nice kids, in spite of everything. Morgan said this a lot, that he was planning on finding a way to save everyone, even though you guys were barely eight. Already looking out for your big sister. Look at him now, trying to set up precautions against other time travelers. I guess he’s finally fulfilling his goals.”
Marc stops her right there. She didn’t.... teach him how to time travel did she? And upon realizing that Morgan has been planning something this whole time, they go to find out what these experiments and projects of his really are.
They find him doing just as they had expected, trying to open a gate through time back to where he came. Before Marc could even get a word out about how betrayed she was, her hand stung with pain. She could feel a long dead god whispering to her, “You will not escape so easily.”
As Marc suspected, there was in fact a reason that they were in this time, but it wasn’t of their father’s volition, but Morgan’s. While she could barely recall more than a whisper of their past, something grave was about to begin, she knew.
Marc and Morgan come from a future where Robin managed to suppress Grima rather than outright killing him or putting him to sleep. Chrom and Robin try their best to keep the world at peace, but Risen are appearing at alarming rates, Grimleal are terrorizing the villages, eventually the chaos even reaching Ylisstol. Eventually, the capital falls and Chrom with it. Robin escapes with Lucina and the twins, desperate to keep the last of his family safe.
They travel Ylisse, fending off Risen, trying to figure out how to rid themselves of Grima’s curse. Eventually, Robin recalls words from Naga. Grima has to be defeated by their own hand in order to truly die. Robin had been able to suppress Grima’s influence to the extent their mark had vanished, but everyone in the family had the unspoken suspicion that it was not quite gone from their blood. Morgan or Marc must die by the others hand.
Robin is not very keen on the idea of letting his children kill the other. He vehemently is against it. They search for other methods for years, but they keep coming back to this. It seems almost like an inevitability to the twins though. Morgan can’t bare the thought of it, but Marc puts down her foot and demands they stop running from it before it gets worse. She volunteers. The mark has begun to manifest on her first anyway. She’s much more vulnerable to Grima, so it should be her to go. Morgan doesn’t see a way to escape this and accepts.
Marc and Morgan go to the ruins nearby to complete the deed. But, just before Morgan is able to go through with it, the Risen attack. Unfortunately, the came alone. They couldn’t let Robin and Lucina stop them. It would be no good if they died like this, and Morgan runs, dragging his sister behind him. And, instead of fighting back, he opens a portal to another time and falls through. And the rest of their days were spent with a father of a different fate.
Morgan and Marc are foreign entities to this world. They are viable vessels of Grima introduced to this world, and with the rips in time that Morgan has been creating, Grima has been slowly exerting his influence on them once again. Even to the extent the mark has rematerialized onto Marc. If he manages to manifest within one of them again, then what? What was all of this for?
Morgan closes the portal he made with the best of his ability. Little did he know, these rifts are not so easily sealed. His fallen father, wielder of the corrupted Falchion, and Risen King, finds his way through to their world.
The Risen King, barely a semblance of the man he once was left in him, still held fondness for his family. He would do anything to see Robin again, even if it means razing the world. Grima has told him, the only way for him to stay with them forever, is to convince Robin to take on his soul.
[This is where I start to lose the plot!]
Imagine the encounter between Risen King Chrom and the Robin of this time. He sees for the first time in years, a Robin that doesn’t fear him. A Robin that perhaps naively thinks Chrom is not a threat, if only they can get through to him. It’s heartbreaking for what’s left of Chrom, to see this young man he loved before his death, but there isn’t enough left of Chrom to pull back.
※  Finishing notes: I know that was a bit inconclusive, but this is all I have so far! As I said, this isn’t really meant to be a fic, just a concept in my head. Feel welcome to send ideas my way about any part of it. Alternatively, if you want to use any of these ideas in a fic, I would love to read whatever you came up with.
Side Lucina and Side Twins were two different conversations which is why they don’t really connect thematically, but in my head they were of the same universe and it felt strange to separate them.
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brokenexalt · 6 years
Smashing Nightmares
“NO!” She shouted, popping up out of bed. The most recent nightmare was dancing around in her head as she shot up, sweating a bunch. It was all a dream right? Not something that would happen? She took a look around her room. There was no sense of dread. Everything seemed to be normal around here. The manor was still the same as it was. She figured that some fighters had woken up from her scream as well. How many had been lost in that - no, it shouldn’t matter. It was just a dream. Everyone was okay...right?
It was beginning again. One moment everything seemed fine - she was gathered around her new friends and she was beginning to think that she would be okay and grow to get the strength to head home and fight her war. Everyone had done so much to support her. And it was precisely this which made her foolish. She knew deep down that her problems were not solved and would find their way back to her soon.
The Smash world soon found itself flooded with a sense of dread - one Lucina was familiar with. Her hand immediately went to Falchion and began looking around. Did one of the Robin’s give in to Grima? She couldn’t let this world become like her home land. The first place that ended up exploding was a nearby battlefield. Risen seemed to be coming out of the ground. The other fighters came out and were prepared for a battle. After all, they had gone through so much together.
The only people around that knew exactly what this was were the other Robin’s in the fight and Chrom. Besides that? No one knew the power of Grima. She grit her teeth and continued on, slashing through Risen after Risen. A familiar voice came out from behind her. “Princess are you crazy going off alone?” She spun around and saw that familiar shit eating grin. She was relieved to see that Akira was unharmed, but he had to take this serious.
“Akira, this is not a normal fight. This...I fear this might be a case that my mother found me again.” She said softly when he got closer. And being the gentleman thief he was he stepped closer and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Then we just have to stop her right? Also, don’t frown princess. It’s not like you.” He teased. And with that he went off, slicing through a few more Risen.
Shaking her head, she turned around and continued on. The other fighters would sometimes join them but for the most part it was Lucina and Akira fighting side by side. Even Master Hand and Crazy Hand seemed to show up now and then to fight off this horde that didn’t belong. She had a fleeting thought that they would be able to win - that was, till she saw the commanders of the army and froze.
Standing in front of her was three people - her brother, her father, and some other girl she did not recognize. She seemed like her brother in a way though. Her grip on Falchion grew a bit tigher and Akira noticed, placing a hand on her. That certainly got a reaction out of her father and brother, who both charged Akira right away. “You keep your hands off her! SHE’S OURS!” Came from Morgan, who fired off a Thoron blast at Akira, piercing his arm.
“NO!” She shouted, spinning around and lunging towards them. She couldn’t lose more people that she cared about. When she got in close, someone had come around and slammed their weight onto her and pinned her onto the ground. She cried out in pain, turning her head to see who it was. “My my, I didn’t think you’d grow feelings for someone like this.” The girl said, who then laughed and looked down at her. “Mother surely won’t like hearing this.”
She was about to yell as something hit her head, causing her to spin. She could hear off in the distance Akira calling out for her. As she turned her head towards him she felt her head hit the ground as her vision slowly faded away. The last thing she recalled was being dragged away somewhere else.
Moments later she woke up to a familiar sight - the Outrealms Portal that was used to invade the Smash world. Beyond the gate was her world which lay in ruins. “Go on! It’s time for a home coming!” Called out the voice that kicked her forward. She tumbled around since her arms and everything were bound by chains, once more falling down into the chaos of her world. It was horrific yet here she was. A second chance at her fight - though she was already starting to lose.
The chains breaking around her was a surprise she didn’t expect, along with a sword being thrown at her feet. She clutched the familiar sight, blinking. Why would they return Falchion to her? She looked around to see no one else in sight. She was alone again - something she would fix. She spun around and cleaved the Risen stalking her in two. She had to go on of course.
Dashing through her world she looked for anyone else. There had to be other Smashers that survived. She had a feeling this was Grima’s plan - to get everyone together into one area and crush the remaining feelings of hope left in her. Every time her mother wanted to destroy everything. She couldn’t have it this time. She had to be stopped - not just for her, but for the others. They all had to go back to their own worlds to deal with their own issues.
When she came across a familiar ruined castle, she slid to a stop. There were some bones scattered about and she knew what was here. This had to be the place that her mother would be hiding - Ylisse castle. The place where it all began. The place where her nightmares continued to be fueled. The memories should not stop her. “Finally you’re here! Thought you’d run away again.” Called a taunting voice. She spun around and came face to face with her brother. “What? Not happy to see me?” He taunted.
The people that he had captured in front of him caught her attention. “What do you plan to do with father and Roy?!” She called out. His face went from glee to one of anger. “He’s not our father! He died a long time ago and failed to help mother!” He shouted, driving a sword down onto Chrom’s arm - right where his brand was. His cry of pain rang in the area and she didn’t want more to go on. “Stop! You’ll kill him!” She shouted, dashing forward to swipe at him, only to once more be pinned. He laughed out, staring down at her. “Ever so predicable! Wanting to protect the people you care about. That’s your weakness sister. You can’t win.”
This time, he brought out another face. “NO! Don’t hurt him!” She shouted. There was the phantom thief, his head looking down and bound in chains. The blood that was already running down his face told her he had fought hard, but lost. Yet he didn’t seem dead yet. “Please...not him...” She started to beg. Not again. She couldn’t lose another person. “NOOOOOOOOOO!” She shouted out as another sword came down and - 
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shivershill2 · 4 years
Because it's 23:28 and I have to get my mom from work at 6am I upload my own version of the summoner, all in pencil lines, but at some point I wanna colour it, maybe make a digital version of it.
Her name is Shiver(🙃) and she is a soft person with an interest in our social distancing prince (don't we all?)
I even made a spring and summer serion of her, still try to make a Halloween and Christmas version, I am to worried I mess up the meaning of the new years clothes and am not creative enough to make a wedding one.
She is still salty but the fdact that she lost her favourite scarf and small bow while being summoned herself, but really loves her coat.
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She hates the summer, but still wants to wear her coat, since shorts aren't her thing.
Also wants to learn weapon usage, because she feels like she could be a bit more useful that way and trains with some heroes.
Base about her:
Around 1.63m
Long darker Blond hair
Brown eyes
Normally wears her hood, which pushes her hair over her shoulder(happens to me), so she decided to keep it that way.
Does not want to return to her own world, would fight gods to stay.
Loves the children around her, but does not want them to fight. When she trained with Nino, she started to cry her heart out while talking to F! Robin about how Nino told her that she was just learning how to read and that Nino must be very young and that children from her world learn how to read around the age of 6 or 7.
Her non main trio friend consist of both Robins, older Claude, Flayn, Lucina, M! Corrin, Soleil and Takumi. She is getting closer with Klein and has a weird 'relationship' with M! Grima.
Mostly is found around these people, sometimes even thinking about who she could match up with.
Definitely does not have a crush on someone close to her.
Would want to show Alfonse her world, but would not want to stay there for too long.
Would fist fight gods, but can't really fight.
0 notes
A Short Angsty Morgan & Lucina Drabble
(This idea’s been floating around in my head for a while and I finally got the urge to type it out, so here you go)
“...me too?”
“W-What?” Lucina was still in a bit of a daze after what had just transpired, and so she missed most of what Morgan said initially. There was a lot of tension in the air among the Shepherds after she had been talked down from striking Robin by her father. It had been a few hours since then, but it had been enough time for the younger tactician to think over what he’d witnessed, and now he couldn’t help but ask.
“Would you try to kill me too?” 
There was so much more he could have said but he chose not to, and his tone and expression spoke volumes enough to get the point across regardless. There was so much pain and hurt, tears welling up in the brown-haired tactician’s eyes. It stung Lucina that much more to see Morgan so pained by the decision she’d been about to make. How could she have forgotten? She’d been about to deprive the person who called her his closest friend of the only anchor they’d had to this world before they really started connecting with the other sons and daughters of the Shepherds, and before some memories had started resurfacing. Lucina had been prepared to take away something so dearly important to one of the few people who brought her some sense of happiness and hope in such grim times. But underneath the surface there was something more than sorrow and agony, and she’d never heard it from Morgan before, but there was no  mistaking it in the way that he’d asked her what he did.
It was anger. Anger, from Morgan of all people. Anger that Lucina would be so selfish, anger that Lucina would kill and refuse to believe in or trust in any alternative, anger that the person he’d trusted the most and that had given him a much-needed sense of belonging more than even Owain and Cynthia had would go behind his back and do something that would shatter him completely...it was chilling for both of them once they recognized it, but it was entirely justified, and Lucina felt so ashamed by the fact. Where had the strong, convicted princess who would do anything to save the future disappeared to? She had fled, being reminded that she was more than that...and so were those around her.
Morgan shrugged out of his cloak and threw it to the ground, showing the back of his arm to the princess as his emotions started to reach their breaking point. There it was, as plain as day, just like the one on his mother’s hand.
The mark of Grima.
“You what?! You would raise your sword to me if I would be a threat to the future too?! You would kill me without a second thought if Grima could use me in some way?! You would stab someone who believed in you with all his heart all this way in the back?! Answer me, Lucina!”
Once again, Lucina’s selfishness caused her chest to tighten up as his words stung her like a dagger being driven into her. As much as he was Frederick’s son, he was Robin’s son just as much, and there was no changing the fact that he had the Fell Blood...and apparently the brand had manifested itself as well as a cruel reminder of that. 
“Morgan, I would never do that to you, I-...I just lost control. All I could think about was...saving the future-”
“A future that doesn’t belong to us!” His emotions were reaching a breaking point, and the more he shouted, the more pain that they both endured. “A future that isn’t the one we know! A future that can always be changed! Did you forget what I told you the last time we talked?! How confident I was that the future could be different, that my mother believed that with so much conviction and so did I, that we could write our own fate?! Did those words mean nothing to you?! Of course they didn’t! All you could think about was stopping the world you knew from existing, and it didn’t matter who got hurt in the process!”
“Morgan, that’s not true!” Lucina was practically crying out in desperation to him now, feeling weaker than she had in a long, long time. “Your words, they made me feel inspired, they made me feel like there was hope! You...made me feel like together all of us could make anything happen!”
“THEN WHY?!” A dead silence hung in the air after Morgan’s angry shout echoed. No doubt just about everyone else had heard that, yet the tactician’s son didn’t give a second thought to that anymore. “Why were you so willing to throw all of that away?! Why?! Why did you forget?! Why did you...forget...?...f-forget...”
His entire body went limp all of a sudden as the word forget kept echoing through his mind, causing him to slump down and curl up into a ball. He didn’t want to forget anything else. He didn’t want her to forget him either. Had he even been a part of her life before? Had she forgotten him too? He didn’t want to forget, he couldn’t forget. He’d forgotten so much, and what precious memories would he lose if he forgot? No, Morgan remembered, he didn’t want to forget, no no, forgetting would be bad, he didn’t want to forget, he wanted to remember, he had been starting to remember, he needed that-...
The pain finally overtook the anger, and drowned it in a sea of tears that wouldn’t stop spilling down his face.
Lucina’s jaw hung open. She wanted to say so many things, wanted to do something, yet she knew that even touching Morgan would only make him recoil further or lash out at her, or perhaps both. ‘I’m...I’m so sorry Morgan...”
“Don’t...forget...can’t...forget...scared...alone...” It felt like it had in that nightmare. All alone, darkness all around, a cold chill freezing him to the bone, and no sense of who he was, only knowing that he was lost and in a bad place.
Utterly emotionally exhausted, Lucina slumped down on the nearest clear patch of grass she could find, keeping some distance from Morgan while he kept muttering and murmuring all those things. She wanted to approach him, to say something comforting, that she would never turn her sword upon him, that he meant far too much to her, that...
...but the words she truly wanted to say were caught in her throat, and she couldn’t get them out...and even if she did say it, would he believe her now? Would he see it as any more than some cheap attempt to try to play at his emotions to get him out of his anxiety-ridden state? Even if she did tell him now...there would be no way he’d be able to handle it, so even though she felt her chest tighten at the idea of having to hold back further, she had no choice, not when Morgan was like this...and even on the off-chance it would turn out like she wanted, after what had happened, Morgan was far better than she deserved.
Lucina had been about to leave, but as she did step away, she could hear Morgan sobbing rather loudly and a plea, barely more than a whisper, “...please...”
“...please...” came the weak whimper of desperation again, “...don’t leave...so alone...so cold...” Morgan was shivering, still curled up on the spot in a more vulnerable state than she’d ever seen him before. Guilt-ridden and pained as Lucina was, it was all she could do to try and comfort him and try to bring back the cheerful, positive-thinking tactician she knew and break down this hollow shell that was hiding him. If he had to, Morgan could yell at her again when he had gathered himself.
But for now, Lucina sat beside him at let him curl up close as he tried to hide himself from the nightmares that had rushed back into his head as a result of thinking about forgetting, a result of thinking about the memories he had lost and the fear of losing all the ones he’d made or recovered now.
After all, she couldn’t abandon him, not after he felt she already had just before.
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