#i like to think there are still inkies on raydia
raydianbluesandhues · 10 months
Okay now that your back i gotta ask
what do you think the inkies's home planet is like?
i am SO glad someone asked this because i have been cooking for a while >:] - also prepare for a long post. im so sorry
The world of the inkies is the exact opposite of the warm, tropical lands of Raydia. With the planet outside of the sun's reach, their planet (which I have temporarily named Noir until I can think of something creative) is drenched in darkness. Without the sun there to provide warmth and color energy, their planet has instead been enveloped in a thick blanket of negative energy. Inkies evolved to live in the dark; a hyper sense of hearing, being able to feel the vibrations of everything around them. Their language, which is now barcode, evolved from simple clicking and other short and sweet vocalizations. Before they developed their technology, they had much smaller eyes that were useless in the darkness of their world. It was only through the efforts of an ambitious Inky that the existence of light came to be, lighting up their previously dark world and rocketing them into a new age of discovery and engineering. Of course, these Inkies would need a leader, or leaders, as they would soon elect a group of Inkies to lead them. These Inkies would later be known as The Council. Inkies, naturally, are a peaceful species, much like Raydians. Without the existence of predators, their numbers were able to rise over the thousands upon thousands of years of their existence. They were too far away to be bothered or acknowledged by any other planets, and for a while, I'd like to believe they were not too worried about conquering planets or taking down civilizations. However, without the existence of predators, their numbers soon grew to be overwhelming. Their planet was running out of space, and out of time, and The Council had to make a decision for their people. It would be here where their society would take a drastic turn. From peace to violence.
It would start with a few scouting ships, then a few navy ships, then an army. A militia. Their military consumed the peace in exchange for a few backwater planets to house their workers. They took over everything; an effort that once came from a genuine place was now engulfed by greed and power. The militia took over the government, with most political figures having a hand in the army. While the Council still maintained their positions as the almighty leaders, their overall jobs shifted from overseeing small aspects of their once peaceful society to managing their troops and the development of new soldiers. Their natural populace was being replaced with robotic drones, designed to fight, and made to be replaceable. All in the name of expansion, right? Or was it a conquest for power? Domination? Outside of the Council, the Commanders and Comrades held the most power. Assigned their own troops, technology, ships, and everything that they'd need for a total takeover. They were equipped to carry out the dirty work that the Council couldn't afford to take care of, with the Marshalls at their beck and call. Outside of the military, Inkies living on any of the colonized planets had rather standard lives. The key to success is usually by either being born into or marrying into a family of higher status. Those of higher status usually were in the military, owned a few key businesses, OR were celebrities in their own right. Many inkies were moved onto Raydia when it was first colonized. Raydia was meant to be taken for both its resources as well as potential slave labor, though most Inkies moved there primarily for work. Most of the hard labor was done by the Graydians, though office jobs and more standard stress-free jobs were taken up by Inkies. Most Inkies didn't like this, however. They are peaceful by nature; it felt wrong to imprison another race. To take something that.. wasn't even theirs to begin with. They could've been friends, allies, even. And yet..
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Any headcanons about Mungo, that mutated Inky that nearly tore down the Inky Fabricator?
This little guy,,, yeah i have a few things
So a few things about Inkies before I talk about Mungo, and keep this in mind as the post goes on:
(And yes I thought about these over my hiatus)
Inkies are somewhat colorblind in that most colors on Raydia are harder for them to process. Bright colors can overload them and overstimulate them, and if they’re too bright it can disorient them
Inkies come from an environment where there is little to no lighting; their eyes are implants that allow them better vision and their actual eyes are ass
Because of their shit eyesight (without the implants we normally see them with) every other sense is heightened, specifically their hearing
They communicate via sounds such as clicks or beeps or whistles, Morse code is also a fan favorite and is something they use regularly
So with that in mind:
Mungo was an accidental creation at the inky factory, a mishmash of inky parts and pieces forming together into a large blob-like mass. Von stated that Mungo hated both color and ink, and very weak to heat for obvious reasons.
Mungo was most likely overstimulated by everything. Not only was he being attacked by his own people, but the sound of mortars shooting at him, helicopters flying, as well as shouting soldiers could have stressed him out. And this would make him hating ink understandable despite him being made of ink.
Him disliking color could just be the base programming in him responding to Blob and the Color Underground’s presence, but also keep in mind that sharp and bright colors are very hard for inkies to process. Mungo has a lot of eyes, and seeing so many bright colors (MOVING colors, mind you, referring to Blob and Pinky) could have very well overstimulated him to the point of lashing out and attacking everything.
Including Pinky, who could’ve made everything worse if she wasn’t smacked down by him
Throughout the level, it seems more like we’re chasing him rather than just following a rampaging and aggressive monster. It’s more like he’s trying to get away than actually wanting to cause trouble. He’s getting attacked from both sides of the war and he was just created two seconds ago. He could very well deal with both sides very easily, as seen from the destruction he caused in the opening cutscene and how easily he dealt with Pinky, but it seems like he doesn’t really want to. It’s more of a defense, a last resort if you will.
That being said I think that Graydian in that cutscene is probably fine. That inky is most likely dead, but unless the Graydian was trying to fight it (and you can see it cowering and shielding itself), I don’t think Mungo perceived it as a threat. More like a curious toddler really.
Him going to the Fabricator was most likely an attempt to get away completely; it was one of the last few places it could hide and even then it still couldn’t be left alone. It’s like cornering a cat, you’re going to get smacked and clawed because it’s trying to get you to leave it alone. By any means necessary. Blob was an issue and a threat to him because Blob had been attacking him, which paired with the fact that Blob was BURNING him it didn’t help much.
Him being melted at the end of the boss was honestly very sad to me; he was a misunderstood monster who had just been created, only to be attacked by everyone.
I do think that he’s still alive somewhere, in a smaller and condensed form since he lost most of it to the heat, but maybe he’s just hiding out somewhere. He probably is terrified of everything now, and I don’t blame him :C
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