#i like to think theyre all actually eddies belongings
boffeeceans · 1 year
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Who has what really depends on the day
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roseworth · 3 months
thoughts on eddierose?
my eddierose thoughts are very similar to my jayrose thoughts tbh! i think theyre so much fun together and i love seeing them show up but i like them better as friends
their dynamic when they first show up in tt03 is soooo much fun bc <3 theyre both so insecure about their place on the team so they band together and become ride or die and its so sweet. rose thinks that she doesnt belong on the team but as soon as she perceives a threat against both of them she jumps to eddies defense <333 theyre so cute
its so much more interesting to me when theyre just friends because at this point neither of them really have any other friends. theyre both going through really rough periods in their life (eddie's aunt died, his mentor abandoned him, and he sold his soul to the devil. rose just left slade and is still struggling with who she is) and they latch onto each other because theyre the only ones they feel like they can trust :''') eddie never knew rose when she was with slade which she likes because she hates the version of herself that was being drugged but no one trusts her because they saw her. but eddie didnt and he knows that she was being drugged when it happened so he trusts her <3 they both just need someone to be there and actually care and thats what they are to each other!!!! to me it loses some of the impact when its romantic because its a very meaningful friendship to both of them
however. smoking scene my beloved. this is the most iconic thing anyone has ever done shoutout straight people
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AND. GOD. my favorite of all time is when eddie gets hurt and rose loses her shit and tries to fight everyone
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me when rose is worried and feels powerless so she immediately starts deflecting and covering up all her feelings with anger 😍😍🥰🥰🥰💞💓💞💕💖💘💕💓💘💖💗💓💞💘💕💞💖💓 thats my girl!!!
i cant really see them as romantic together just because their relationship is so much more fun when theyre just being friends instead of when they start pushing for more romantic stuff. at the beginning theyre kinda like a team of the two of them and its so sweet :') theyre constantly looking out for each other and hanging out together when no one else is and its so much fun to me ! even during this period that johns was setting up a future romance but in my head they were just friends and it was great
also omg. the issue where rose is accused of being a traitor and eddie immediately goes "ur wrong actually! thats my bff and she would never do that" <3333 i love this issue because no one actually believes rose would do that but i looooove eddie's reaction because he never doubts her and never stops believing her because! thats his buddy who talks shit about her dad 100 times a day! and he knows her well enough even after such a short time of being on the same team <33
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anyways. as much as i stand by mckeever's rose later on i haaaate what he did with eddie & rose. first of all if youre not reading it as her being a lesbian, the shit with "rose is pretending to be friends with blue beetle to make eddie jealous" is so fucking stupid. she suddenly starts acting like she doesnt give a shit about eddie and constantly ignores him which is completely different than what she was doing like 5 issues prior. then eddie is also completely obsessed with her??? like its no longer a "thats my friend and i like spending time with her" its a huge (seemingly unrequited) crush and like?? bringing her flowers and passing out at the sight of her. i really hate it
then in fresh hell theyre suddenly so much more romantic than they ever were before and it just feels ?? weird and unearned??
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maybe im just a hater but this feels like it comes out of nowhere. the last time they interacted before this she was brushing him off and lying to him to make him jealous then next thing you know theyre staring longingly into each others eyes and going "i would go anywhere with you babygirl 😍" what is going on!!! mckeever wanted a romance between them so bad that he forgot to put in any of the buildup. like this is sweet but it just feels so forced to me
BUT. oh my god. the ending of fresh hell where she starts hallucinating him is so fuckign hhghmghhm <3
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BECAUSE. HES FUCKING DEAD AND SHE DOESNT KNOW. it makes me emotional every time i think about it. shes having a crisis and thinking about him and she has no idea hes already dead. im still so mad that they never showed rose's reaction to eddie being dead because hgjhghhmmh!!! thats her buddy!!!! thats her only friend!!!!!!! let me see her upset that hes dead!!!!!!! fuck. its very in character for her to lose someone then ignore that it ever happened and never bring them up ever but still.... :(
i just think that theyre so much fun together <3 they have such a good friendship and i love seeing them hanging out and looking out for each other <333 i dont mind them romantically when its done well (smoking scene) but unfortunately most of the time their romance is so boring to me. let them be friends!!! let them be close platonically without the halfassed will they wont they!!!!
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fanficfanatic000 · 1 year
eddie x female reader
warning 18 plus spoilers ahead and goes with Story and please go check out my poll for what story I should write after this one
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Chapter 5 (i do lake it) Story( I just moved to hawkins )
Enjoying the view?" Eddie's slightly toned on his stomach his tattoos making to view even more intoxicating his smile is sweet and mischievous his curls hanging perfectly over his shoulders. You take of all your clothes except your underwear and bra as eddie stands there and watches (Eddie's pov) She's looking at me intensely her beautiful eyes shining from the sun her smile is perfect in anyway possible she stripped her shirt her breasts are perfect her body is beautiful only because it's attached to her heart and soul. The outside is only truly beautiful if the inside is. Her arms covering her body as if it's something to hide but it's not
(Y/n pov ) His eyes are watching. You covered your self with your arms since your very insecure his eyes darted down to your arms and back to your eyes. He walks over to you where only the bottom of his feet are covered in water " sweetheart your body is perfect please dont cover it. It belongs to a magazine or a museum its perfect" He said softly as he moved your arms and he grabbed your hand. His hand covered with rings it made you feel like your electric. Eddie guides you farther into the lake until both of his and your legs are submerged in the water "hows the water feel sweetheart? " "its not as cold as i expected im actually enjoying it… why?" "No reason. ." He said with a boyish smirk it ment he's up to something. In a flash his hands on your waist pulling you close "eddie?!" "Hold your breath" He waited until you took a deep breath and he pulled you close and he dunked you and him fully in the water the water was slightly colder the farther down you go Eddie's skin was warm like a campfire on a cold summer night. He pulls you in his arms like a bride hold. As he brings you and him above the water. You bother take a deep breath taking the air in "Eddie you can put me down now" red blush across your cheeks eddie noticed "Hmm i think ill pass because i know you like it " He walks toward shore "w-what how would you kn-think that " "Your blushing princess" his words making your whole face turn pink " okay fine i-i do like it" your eyes trying to avoid his gase "Y/n i-i " then you see the groups car coming to your side of the lake in Eddie sets you down on your feet the water up to your knees. You and eddie rush to your clothes and you put them on they where warm from the sun hitting them They pulled in and you and eddie are standing there waiting for them to tell you the news .they get out of the car Dustin rushes over "they're the same they're the same!!" "Dustin? Whats the same" "victor creel and eddies experience theyre the same" "steve:: okay so we went to the library we found some data from victor creel we visited him and he said the same thing that someone or something was attacking him and his family something unreal like a monster" "Nancy: Dustin should we tell them? " "Tell us what? " They told you and eddie everything about El and the mindflare and the mindflayed And the upside down and everything. Then a memory sparked in you about El like you've met but that can't be possible can it? "Your joking right it sounds like dnd…" They all shaked their heads no "Dustin: Oh and you and eddie need a new place to hide.." "okay but i need to grab somethings from my house like some clothes and snacks" "steve:: okay to y/ns house then to your guy's new spot " "Wait what about my uncle he needs to know that i didnt do that.." "Nancy: eddie we can't" "Yes we can i will go in and tell him everything " "Okay y/ns house then eddies trailer then the new hiding spot" You all get in the car
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viralhottopics · 8 years
‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
Hello everyone. I would like to thank my loyal followers for questioning my whereabouts on Twitter. I was actually on vacation, because Im not poor. Sorry, but watching these morons was just not a fucking option. I was zen AF and I dont need Carolinas crocodile tears ruining it, k thx.
ANYWAYS, so onto the episode. It was kind of eh, Im going to be honest. If youre looking for another reason to be annoyed by Giannas existence though, then it def delivered.
They are all pumped about getting four beams. In fact, if you took a shot for every time someone said four fucking beams youd need to get stomach pumped four fucking times.
Tyranny is like Ossssssssssssssssvaldo is my match. Honestly can we just cut the accent though? Hes from Chicago for gods sake, not Italy.
Oswaldo is not so sure. Hes like she could be my match! Or she isnt! Yeah, thats pretty much how life works, actually.
Also, can we acknowledge the giant-ass drink Tee has the whole time? That cup is actually my favorite cast member this season.
Carolina and Hayden start having a pillow fight because FOUR FUCKING BEAMS, AMIRIGHT?
Now Carolina is very suddenly into Hayden. Carolinas emotions give me whiplash. Betsy DeVos nomination was more certain than this bitch.
Gianna is like “OH NO. NOT TODAY. I DID NOT LEAVE THE SOUTHSIDE FOR THIS.” Shes like I’M GOING TO CONTINUE TO PURSUE THIS MAN WHO TREATS ME SO WELL. Even though they are a confirmed no match. Makes total sense.
So you unfriend-zoned him to cock block him? Seems v fair. So when you go to sleep, do you leave Haydens balls under your pillow or on your nightstand? Let me know.
*Starts Twitter Poll* Is Gianna hot? Yes or No?
Tyler apologizes to Taylor and is like “I have no excuse for being the ‘big bad wolf’ in this.” So youre eating peoples grandmas now? Very Hannibal Lecter-chic. Not sure Tyler understands that hes referencing a fairytale, but hes pretty so well overlook it.
Hes like these girls are all over me wah, life is hard.
TAYLOR: Im mad *looks at Tylers beautiful face* but Im not like, thatttt mad
Hes like Im not that guy, you know that! Shes like,
TYLER: I want to dump Shannon and date you
Gianna goes to have a talk with Hayden, which she announces for everyone to know. Shes from the Midwest, okay? Shes not used to this whole having brains thing, cut her some slack!
Little Mike is like this is bullshit, they are not a match, they need to stop and its like SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK.
GIANNA: I dont want to stop you from doing something but stop fucking doing it. (Im not even making that up, thats an exact quote) HAYDEN: But I need to play the game GIANNA: Did I fucking stutter
So Hayden has relocated from friendzone island to being a little bitch island. Need a house warming gift, Hayden? Ill get you crowbar so you can pull your head out of your ass. Youre welcome.
Gianna and Hayden have sex, giving life to the newest Trump supporter Im sure. Carolina sees all of this and is like wtffffff. Shes like, totally in love with Hayden! Like, they spoke for a whole 10 minutes. Didnt that mean anything to him?
Andre is like “IF THEY FUCK THIS UP IM GOING TO BE PISSED” and Im like do it. Get mad. You wont. No balls.
Honestly, Gianna could probs take Andre in a fight. That girl should be a fuckin prison warden.
The challenge this week is for the dudes. The guys have to spin themselves and then go through an obstacle course. Then they have to shoot a basketball into the hoop of the girl they want to date. The person who shoots the third basketball in the hoop wins the date.
challenges sound like the hazing the gay frats do. Its all v weak.
The guys start the game and are falling all over the place. *plays Ed Sheeran*
Hayden is like, fuck it. Fuck this game. Idfc anymore, Im here for Gianna.
HAYDEN:I love Gianna
He decides to help Oswaldo win a date with Tee. See heres the thingI like Hayden, but I also think hes being very dumb. Its a hard spot for me rn. Really struggling.
Tee being proud of Oswaldo for winning is like Trump being proud of winning president. We all know he couldnt have won without Hayden/Russia.
Derrick and Joey are trying to win Rush Boobss date. Derrick wants to win because fuck Joey. Theyre shooting for legit five minutes. Seriously, Ive seen better shots from . When is the last time you played basketball? Third grade? Derricks like I played division I basketball! which sounds like an alternative fact to me.
Joey wins. So its Osvaldo/Tee and Joey/Rush Boobs.
Ryan tells them they are going to trapeze and Tee is like Im black, I shouldnt be in the air. How did you get to the Dominican Republic? Drive? Horseback? I didnt know your skin color made you less aerodynamic. I just saw and honestly, Im a fucking scientist now.
Lets all agree that Tee is low-key alcoholic. Shes constantly sipping from that big-ass cup and it seems like they have a good connection. Could that be her match?
Eddie is talking to Alicia about how he is poor and shes like “LOL not me, cant relate to you peasant.” Eddie, you need to get your ass over to Kam where you fucking belong. Know your fucking place. Do not fuck this up for me, Eddie.
Tyler is trying to break up with Shannon and it is a train fucking wreck. Hes like I need to do the right thing and leave you. He actually stole the whole speech from Gabriella in .
Shannon is like “I feel dumb.” And she should, because she just got played. I feel bad for Shannon. Her voice makes me want to take a waltz off a bridge, but I do feel things, kind of.
Tylers like I didnt realize girls have feelings and get mad when you treat them poorly. Thats like saying I didnt know when you light shit on fire, it gets hot.
Meanwhile, Tee is very much trying to date rape Osvaldo. Its creepy tbh. If a guy was doing that to a girl on this show I would be dialing 911 by now. Tee, knock it off, it’s super gross.
They go to the boom boom room and literally boom boom because they break something. Oswaldo, way to not hold your ground.
Kam is oiling Eddie up and being goofy. I needed this.
Shes like I know Alicia and Eddy have a good friendship, Im not getting territorial, because this is a game show. I LOVE YOU KAM, I AM STARTING YOUR FAN CLUB. Shes so rational. Everyone be like her please.
Oswaldo is like this date will take our relationship to the next level, even though it already has gone to the next level. *wink, wink* I remember when I lost my virginity. We get it, you had sex.
They go to the trapeze place and Oswaldo is like Hopefully I dont break my neck. Thats a pretty reasonable goal.
They all are like surprisingly good at this. Even Tee, whose blackness surprisingly does not hinder her capabilities. Its a miracle.
Oswaldo and Tee are like being lovey-dovey because they fucked that one time. Hes like shes not trying to rape me and I like this side of her. I too am a big fan of the people who dont try and sexually assault me. Weird.
Ryan comes in hot and asks about the no matches, aka Gianna and Hayden, still hooking up.
Giannas like HOW IS THIS OUR FAULT??? Uh, youre a confirmed no match and youre hooking up. I feel like Im taking crazy pills. Leave the dumb shit to Rush Boobs, please god.
The house is like, “ugh we hate you, lets just get this shit over with.” Thats how I felt with pledges in my sorority.
Tyranny and Oswaldo go to the truth booth because duh.
OSWALDO: Im excited to learn if were a match and really connect on a deeper level. TEE: Im tryna fuck.
Im stressed because Tee will def die of alcohol poisoning tonight if this doesnt work out. And what do you know, NO MATCH.
Tee was like I was falling in love with him. Shes crying. Hes crying. This is depressing. Did I accidentally sit on the remote and turn on ?
Oswaldo starts boxing while Andre is talking him down and all the guys hug him. Wow, I love the bromance. What I love more is that eventually one of them will try and fight another. #Drama
After everything, Tyler and Shannon are still hanging out. Whats Tylers favorite thing about Shannon? She isnt Taylor. Hes got high standards, ya know? #FourFuckingBeams
Taylor is like youre fucked up. And hes like why, because Im having a conversation?
Ugh Taylor, this paaaaains me to say, because I usually automatically side with the hot girl, but hes low-key right. You need to chill out and move on. Hes not worth it, dude. Hes just not.
Andre asks Taylor wtf shes doing with Tyler and Im like YAS KEEP THIS UP.
Andre is like actually, we like each other, Taylor. And shes like wait, yeah we do. WTF is this Jedi mind control shit Andre has.
ANDRE: *swinging coin back and forth* you are getting very sleepy.. and youre going to fuck me TAYLOR: *eyes glazed* yes, master
He says that she should be a Victorias Secret Model and honestly she should marry him just for that. Like thats compliment of the goddam century.
Its the boys pick tonight. Please note that last time they blacked out harder than Tee does on any given weeknight.
Little Mike gets the ball rollin the wrong way and picks Kam.
Mikes like following our heart doesnt work. Hes like we should venture off, and though thats noble, maaaaaaybe not at the match ceremony. Thats like Michael Phelps being like LOOK FREESTYLE JUST DOESNT WORK right before the 4×100 relay.
Ozzy picks Hannah.
Oswaldo is up next and hes like “I GOTTA DO ME.” He picks Taylor.
Ryan asks Taylor how she feels about Tyler and shes like whos Tyler? Andre and her give each other looks and Im like OKAY YES IM HERE FOR THIS SHIT.
Ryans like Andre, do you wish you were with her and hes like Im practicing my patience. Whatever the fuck that means.
Oswaldo is like standing next to her like, lol just fuck me, right?
Andre picks Casandra.
Eddy picks Alicia and is like this is my homie.
Joey picks Rush boobs.
Derrick picks Gianna. Weird.
Tylers up and fucking moseys up to the front. Goddam hes like a walking Shakespeare playtragically beautiful.
Hes like Ryan, let me speak and Ryans like I didnt even say anything, but ok.
Tyler goes off about how he was painted as the villain and how he is innocent and how all this Taylor shit is fake news and the failing lamestream media is spreading false rumors!!! Sad!
Ryan asks Tyler who he likes more, Shannon or Taylor and Tyler picks Shannon.
RYAN: Do you think Tyler is your match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is Taylor his match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is the world round? SHANNON: IDK
Tylers talking about his breakup with Taylor and is like it sucks because you cant delete people in the real world. This is the first thing that I agree with him on. Dont worry Tyler, Ive watched . Well get to that point someday.
Michael picks KARI. Is it Carrie or KAAAAAARI? I have been saying KAAAAARI. Please DM some confirmation.
Hayden is next. Hayden tells the group that him and Gianna are affecting the game and they are going to stop screwing everyone over.
Gianna is like “WTF. WHO TOLD HIM HE COULD SPEAK? WHO LET HIM OUT OF HIS CAGE?” He picks Carolina. Hehe.
Jaylen and Tee are last. Tee is really bummed about Oswaldo and Ryan is like, “bitch its week four.”
These couples are random AF but idk Im drunk and just here to shit talk. Dont give that much of a fuck.
No blackout, so thats good. They get four beams again. Cant wait to hear them talk about it incessantly.
Read more: http://betches.co/2kojpty
from ‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
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nbafunnymeme · 8 years
'Are You The One?' Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
Hello everyone. I would like to thank my loyal followers for questioning my whereabouts on Twitter. I was actually on vacation, because Im not poor. Sorry, but watching these morons was just not a fucking option. I was zen AF and I dont need Carolinas crocodile tears ruining it, k thx.
ANYWAYS, so onto the episode. It was kind of eh, Im going to be honest. If youre looking for another reason to be annoyed by Giannas existence though, then it def delivered.
They are all pumped about getting four beams. In fact, if you took a shot for every time someone said four fucking beams youd need to get stomach pumped four fucking times.
Tyranny is like Ossssssssssssssssvaldo is my match. Honestly can we just cut the accent though? Hes from Chicago for gods sake, not Italy.
Oswaldo is not so sure. Hes like she could be my match! Or she isnt! Yeah, thats pretty much how life works, actually.
Also, can we acknowledge the giant-ass drink Tee has the whole time? That cup is actually my favorite cast member this season.
Carolina and Hayden start having a pillow fight because FOUR FUCKING BEAMS, AMIRIGHT?
Now Carolina is very suddenly into Hayden. Carolinas emotions give me whiplash. Betsy DeVos nomination was more certain than this bitch.
Gianna is like “OH NO. NOT TODAY. I DID NOT LEAVE THE SOUTHSIDE FOR THIS.” Shes like I’M GOING TO CONTINUE TO PURSUE THIS MAN WHO TREATS ME SO WELL. Even though they are a confirmed no match. Makes total sense.
So you unfriend-zoned him to cock block him? Seems v fair. So when you go to sleep, do you leave Haydens balls under your pillow or on your nightstand? Let me know.
*Starts Twitter Poll* Is Gianna hot? Yes or No?
Tyler apologizes to Taylor and is like “I have no excuse for being the ‘big bad wolf’ in this.” So youre eating peoples grandmas now? Very Hannibal Lecter-chic. Not sure Tyler understands that hes referencing a fairytale, but hes pretty so well overlook it.
Hes like these girls are all over me wah, life is hard.
TAYLOR: Im mad *looks at Tylers beautiful face* but Im not like, thatttt mad
Hes like Im not that guy, you know that! Shes like,
TYLER: I want to dump Shannon and date you
Gianna goes to have a talk with Hayden, which she announces for everyone to know. Shes from the Midwest, okay? Shes not used to this whole having brains thing, cut her some slack!
Little Mike is like this is bullshit, they are not a match, they need to stop and its like SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK.
GIANNA: I dont want to stop you from doing something but stop fucking doing it. (Im not even making that up, thats an exact quote) HAYDEN: But I need to play the game GIANNA: Did I fucking stutter
So Hayden has relocated from friendzone island to being a little bitch island. Need a house warming gift, Hayden? Ill get you crowbar so you can pull your head out of your ass. Youre welcome.
Gianna and Hayden have sex, giving life to the newest Trump supporter Im sure. Carolina sees all of this and is like wtffffff. Shes like, totally in love with Hayden! Like, they spoke for a whole 10 minutes. Didnt that mean anything to him?
Andre is like “IF THEY FUCK THIS UP IM GOING TO BE PISSED” and Im like do it. Get mad. You wont. No balls.
Honestly, Gianna could probs take Andre in a fight. That girl should be a fuckin prison warden.
The challenge this week is for the dudes. The guys have to spin themselves and then go through an obstacle course. Then they have to shoot a basketball into the hoop of the girl they want to date. The person who shoots the third basketball in the hoop wins the date.
challenges sound like the hazing the gay frats do. Its all v weak.
The guys start the game and are falling all over the place. *plays Ed Sheeran*
Hayden is like, fuck it. Fuck this game. Idfc anymore, Im here for Gianna.
HAYDEN:I love Gianna
He decides to help Oswaldo win a date with Tee. See heres the thingI like Hayden, but I also think hes being very dumb. Its a hard spot for me rn. Really struggling.
Tee being proud of Oswaldo for winning is like Trump being proud of winning president. We all know he couldnt have won without Hayden/Russia.
Derrick and Joey are trying to win Rush Boobss date. Derrick wants to win because fuck Joey. Theyre shooting for legit five minutes. Seriously, Ive seen better shots from . When is the last time you played basketball? Third grade? Derricks like I played division I basketball! which sounds like an alternative fact to me.
Joey wins. So its Osvaldo/Tee and Joey/Rush Boobs.
Ryan tells them they are going to trapeze and Tee is like Im black, I shouldnt be in the air. How did you get to the Dominican Republic? Drive? Horseback? I didnt know your skin color made you less aerodynamic. I just saw and honestly, Im a fucking scientist now.
Lets all agree that Tee is low-key alcoholic. Shes constantly sipping from that big-ass cup and it seems like they have a good connection. Could that be her match?
Eddie is talking to Alicia about how he is poor and shes like “LOL not me, cant relate to you peasant.” Eddie, you need to get your ass over to Kam where you fucking belong. Know your fucking place. Do not fuck this up for me, Eddie.
Tyler is trying to break up with Shannon and it is a train fucking wreck. Hes like I need to do the right thing and leave you. He actually stole the whole speech from Gabriella in .
Shannon is like “I feel dumb.” And she should, because she just got played. I feel bad for Shannon. Her voice makes me want to take a waltz off a bridge, but I do feel things, kind of.
Tylers like I didnt realize girls have feelings and get mad when you treat them poorly. Thats like saying I didnt know when you light shit on fire, it gets hot.
Meanwhile, Tee is very much trying to date rape Osvaldo. Its creepy tbh. If a guy was doing that to a girl on this show I would be dialing 911 by now. Tee, knock it off, it’s super gross.
They go to the boom boom room and literally boom boom because they break something. Oswaldo, way to not hold your ground.
Kam is oiling Eddie up and being goofy. I needed this.
Shes like I know Alicia and Eddy have a good friendship, Im not getting territorial, because this is a game show. I LOVE YOU KAM, I AM STARTING YOUR FAN CLUB. Shes so rational. Everyone be like her please.
Oswaldo is like this date will take our relationship to the next level, even though it already has gone to the next level. *wink, wink* I remember when I lost my virginity. We get it, you had sex.
They go to the trapeze place and Oswaldo is like Hopefully I dont break my neck. Thats a pretty reasonable goal.
They all are like surprisingly good at this. Even Tee, whose blackness surprisingly does not hinder her capabilities. Its a miracle.
Oswaldo and Tee are like being lovey-dovey because they fucked that one time. Hes like shes not trying to rape me and I like this side of her. I too am a big fan of the people who dont try and sexually assault me. Weird.
Ryan comes in hot and asks about the no matches, aka Gianna and Hayden, still hooking up.
Giannas like HOW IS THIS OUR FAULT??? Uh, youre a confirmed no match and youre hooking up. I feel like Im taking crazy pills. Leave the dumb shit to Rush Boobs, please god.
The house is like, “ugh we hate you, lets just get this shit over with.” Thats how I felt with pledges in my sorority.
Tyranny and Oswaldo go to the truth booth because duh.
OSWALDO: Im excited to learn if were a match and really connect on a deeper level. TEE: Im tryna fuck.
Im stressed because Tee will def die of alcohol poisoning tonight if this doesnt work out. And what do you know, NO MATCH.
Tee was like I was falling in love with him. Shes crying. Hes crying. This is depressing. Did I accidentally sit on the remote and turn on ?
Oswaldo starts boxing while Andre is talking him down and all the guys hug him. Wow, I love the bromance. What I love more is that eventually one of them will try and fight another. #Drama
After everything, Tyler and Shannon are still hanging out. Whats Tylers favorite thing about Shannon? She isnt Taylor. Hes got high standards, ya know? #FourFuckingBeams
Taylor is like youre fucked up. And hes like why, because Im having a conversation?
Ugh Taylor, this paaaaains me to say, because I usually automatically side with the hot girl, but hes low-key right. You need to chill out and move on. Hes not worth it, dude. Hes just not.
Andre asks Taylor wtf shes doing with Tyler and Im like YAS KEEP THIS UP.
Andre is like actually, we like each other, Taylor. And shes like wait, yeah we do. WTF is this Jedi mind control shit Andre has.
ANDRE: *swinging coin back and forth* you are getting very sleepy.. and youre going to fuck me TAYLOR: *eyes glazed* yes, master
He says that she should be a Victorias Secret Model and honestly she should marry him just for that. Like thats compliment of the goddam century.
Its the boys pick tonight. Please note that last time they blacked out harder than Tee does on any given weeknight.
Little Mike gets the ball rollin the wrong way and picks Kam.
Mikes like following our heart doesnt work. Hes like we should venture off, and though thats noble, maaaaaaybe not at the match ceremony. Thats like Michael Phelps being like LOOK FREESTYLE JUST DOESNT WORK right before the 4×100 relay.
Ozzy picks Hannah.
Oswaldo is up next and hes like “I GOTTA DO ME.” He picks Taylor.
Ryan asks Taylor how she feels about Tyler and shes like whos Tyler? Andre and her give each other looks and Im like OKAY YES IM HERE FOR THIS SHIT.
Ryans like Andre, do you wish you were with her and hes like Im practicing my patience. Whatever the fuck that means.
Oswaldo is like standing next to her like, lol just fuck me, right?
Andre picks Casandra.
Eddy picks Alicia and is like this is my homie.
Joey picks Rush boobs.
Derrick picks Gianna. Weird.
Tylers up and fucking moseys up to the front. Goddam hes like a walking Shakespeare playtragically beautiful.
Hes like Ryan, let me speak and Ryans like I didnt even say anything, but ok.
Tyler goes off about how he was painted as the villain and how he is innocent and how all this Taylor shit is fake news and the failing lamestream media is spreading false rumors!!! Sad!
Ryan asks Tyler who he likes more, Shannon or Taylor and Tyler picks Shannon.
RYAN: Do you think Tyler is your match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is Taylor his match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is the world round? SHANNON: IDK
Tylers talking about his breakup with Taylor and is like it sucks because you cant delete people in the real world. This is the first thing that I agree with him on. Dont worry Tyler, Ive watched . Well get to that point someday.
Michael picks KARI. Is it Carrie or KAAAAAARI? I have been saying KAAAAARI. Please DM some confirmation.
Hayden is next. Hayden tells the group that him and Gianna are affecting the game and they are going to stop screwing everyone over.
Gianna is like “WTF. WHO TOLD HIM HE COULD SPEAK? WHO LET HIM OUT OF HIS CAGE?” He picks Carolina. Hehe.
Jaylen and Tee are last. Tee is really bummed about Oswaldo and Ryan is like, “bitch its week four.”
These couples are random AF but idk Im drunk and just here to shit talk. Dont give that much of a fuck.
No blackout, so thats good. They get four beams again. Cant wait to hear them talk about it incessantly.
Read more: http://www.betches.com/are-you-the-one-season-5-episode-4-recap
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