#i like your souji pfp btw
frostfall-matches · 4 months
[ matchmaking... ]
@rinthelordofbean : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Deuce Spade
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-> [ Deuce can be a bit too blunt sometimes because his brain-to-mouth filter is lax. ] He may come off as a bit tactless or insensitive at times, but he genuinely doesn’t mean to! (The only exception to this is how rude and combative he gets when someone pisses him off… but you’re likely only going to see that side of him from the sidelines, never directed at you). If you ever take offense to anything he’s said to you and it shows on your face, he’s quick to reel back and apologize and beg for your forgiveness, explaining what he actually meant. He doesn’t dare be intentionally disrespectful to his partner.
-> [ He isn’t exactly shy or untalkative, but he sometimes doesn’t always have a ton to say. ] In other words, yap as much as you want around him! Deuce will chime in when he has something he wants to say, but is otherwise happy to let you take center stage. Given that he probably doesn’t know much about zoology, he ends up learning quite a bit about the topic through your discussions - and he grows particularly fond of penguins simply because of your passion for them. He may be a bit forgetful and oblivious, but he’s quick to retain information about those he cares about. Expect the occasional penguin-themed gift!
-> [ Sometimes your puns go right over his head. ] You’ll make one and laugh about it to yourself and Deuce is just standing there, confused, the cogs turning in his brain as he tries to figure out what was so funny to you. On the plus side, if you have to explain it to him he’s likely to still find it quite funny in the end. Deuce makes it a personal mission to try and work on his witty, punny side for you, so he’s able to share in your humor a little easier. At least when it comes to sending funny memes or videos, he’s much more quick to adapt! Side note: he loves your laugh, it always brings a smile to his face.
-> [ The two of you can struggle during class together! ] How fun! While he’s trying to turn a new leaf now that he’s at NRC, he still struggles with paying attention in class and studying for exams. Plus, there’s just his general struggle with understanding complex ideas… He tries so hard not to procrastinate but he’ll still do it here and there. You might be a bad influence on him… But that’s okay, because you two can suffer together. Ace will definitely make fun of both of you as you’re rushing to get assignments done the night before they’re due, or when you do get a lousy grade on an exam because neither of you took down very good notes in class.
-> [ Deuce is the type who wants to sweetly and poetically tell his partner how much he loves them, but ultimately ends up stumbling over the words. ] He loves the idea of lovingly expressing his affection towards someone, telling them that they mean the world to him, but he second-guesses his phrasing a lot and also just gets really flustered trying to put things into words and say them out loud. So, he’s ultimately much more of an actions person - he really likes hugs and helping you out here and there. Though… there are those little moments, when he isn’t really thinking too hard about it, that his words towards you end up being very sweet. These moments surprise him as much as they melt you!
-> [ Though you likely meant that you like to ride bicycles, Deuce is happy to bring you out on a blastcycle. ] He thinks that has to be close enough, right? Bikes are bikes! He’ll have to get his hands on one first, but that’s just a matter of asking a few classmates from Ignihyde very nicely to see if they’ll lend him one. Or, if it happens to be a longer break and you decide to visit him at his home, he has his own. It’s probably a good thing that you’re a little bit reckless - as much as he makes sure that you and him are safe, riding a blastcycle definitely has its risks, and Deuce loves the thrill of it all.
-> [ He would love going out on little nature outings with you. ] Deuce finds that he quite enjoys taking a break from hectic, everyday life and being surrounded by nature instead - a very welcome change of pace. It’s very peaceful, and he doesn’t get to see nature-filled scenery very often in town or at school. And anything in your bright, warm presence is even better! These little escapes end up being like dates for you two. Honestly, if you were up for a weekend camping trip, he’d totally be down for it. He’s not the type to do much research or planning before the trip, though, so it’ll definitely be… an interesting time. But don’t worry, he’ll take care of any bugs you may encounter!
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