#i liked even more the fact that these three years at AFC Richmond changed everyone's lives but its is not. their only life at that point
annonir · 1 year
you guys really are disappointed by the ted lasso finale because it doesn't have the ships you want? i mean. you guys really watch shows only for the ships? man ok
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kendrysaneela · 1 year
I really don’t get all these bad faith reactions to Ted Lasso. Like feel how you want about the finale. But the fact that y’all are saying that the show is telling us that Ted gave in to his depression and left his family forever and will never see them ever again and all he has in his life is his son and he got back together with his ex and he’s miserable and his smile is empty while watching his son play soccer????? YALL. I need you to calm down for a second please. It’s not that serious I PROMISE. Like first of all. He is going to see his friends again. I have two friends in different countries and we still talk all the time and they’re still two of my closest friends. The only reason we don’t see each other more often is that money is an obstacle. They’re all rich. Money is not an obstacle. It’s been confirmed by Brendan that the reason that Ted wasn’t at Beard’s wedding or the barbecue is only because it would’ve been confusing and weird to show him back in England when they didn’t even show him in the US yet. Not because they’re trying to say he never saw any of them again. The UK and the US share a maritime border and the flight is not very long. it’s not difficult for them to visit. And GUYS. He was never gonna stay in England! He was never MEANT to stay there!!! He only went cause he was afraid to be close to his son cause of what he went through with his father and because his wife told him to give her space. He was never meant to stay forever. He was always meant to go home. And yeah sure he could’ve asked Michelle to move to England and uprooted his sons life has them both move to England but that would’ve been so awful. “Hey I have friends here so son and ex wife come leave YOUR friends and YOUR life because of me” that wouldn’t have been fair. Henry is a kid he deserves to live in the area where his friends are and he deserves to have his father in his life. Also I just don’t believe he has no friends in Kansas. He absolutely does. You can’t tell me this incredibly friendly man who everyone loves doesn’t have a connection with anyone in Kansas. And as to the whole “All he has in his life is his son” that’s not true??? He still has everyone at AFC Richmond. Who once again. He can visit,he can call,he can video chat,they can visit him,they can text. Your friendships don’t end just cause you live in another country that’s just not how the world works. And he’s happily watching his son play soccer (I’m saying soccer not football cause he was watching in the US) and feeling amazing about it because he missed three years of this little boys life!!!! Yeah he visited him and all that but children are not like friends. You need to be there for them on a daily basis or they’re gonna resent you and you’re gonna regret missing their life. That’s just what’s gonna happen. He wasn’t able to go to Henry’s soccer games or to his student teacher meetings or even just to hang out with him casually for three years! Yeah he would come to England for the summer and all that but it’s not the same. This season showed him depressed his son was leaving. The end of the season showed him happy he was back with his son. If you view that as “He’s empty and depressed and lonely and didn’t change at all and is still miserable” I don’t know what to tell you.
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