#i literally can't seem to find any other hans ones besides the one i have :( but i will keep looking. i want an anakin anyways
kittyandco · 1 year
(littlest guy ever)
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(slightly larger little guy)
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(<3) this one is sold out currently but uughhhh
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icyteaa · 3 years
[Being alive is the best, isn't it?]
Part 1
Part 2
—You really did well. You completely change the fate of this world.
Cale scowling when the first thing he heard after his conscious awake was that annoying voice. He didn't open his eyes just yet, because he knew he was still in a dream. Just like any dream he has after fainting for a long time. Because if not, he pricely would hear the children's voices. Often, it was their crying voices. It was not pleasant to hear, of course. But at least, that voices made him know, there was someone waiting for him; everyone still here and did not leave him by himself. Because of their voices, he knew he was not alone when he opened his eyes.
—You're a very amazing human. You go beyond my expectations every so often. Tell me, a human who changes the fate. What do you want as a reward for changing this world's fate?
Cale sighed. He planned to just ignore this voice until he woke up from his dream, but his mouth immediately said something after he heard what that annoying voice had asked. "Just don't bother me and everyone I know ever again. Your voice's very annoying, you see." Unfortunately, it looks like his curse just made that voice feel pleased, because it is now laughing so hard and makes Cale's ears feel sore.
—I know you will say it. But you will not wake up from this dream before we finish our talk.
"That annoying god..." Cale cursed under his breath before he opened his eyes. He then found himself in a familiar room. So familiar that it makes him freeze when memories come to his mind as he finds himself sitting up in that chair—the chair that was Kim Rok Soo's own when he was very weak, without any first grade abilities years ago.
—I will let you talk to the ones you miss the most for a short time. This is my gift for your hard work. So don't hate me so much, alright?
Cale's heart beat faster when he heard what that god was saying. He can't even focuses on the last sentence that god gave before the voice really disappears. He couldn't move himself as the emotions filled him. Talk to the ones he misses the most? He very well knows who the god refers to, and it makes him filled with excitement; but on the other hand, felt hesitation and anxiety too.
Cale knew, their deaths weren't his fault nor themselves. He knew they were happy now. But to talk to them again? He felt his mind gone blank and he didn't know where all the words he always had for them when he reminiscing disappeared. But when he heard footsteps behind him, he cursed with the fact that god didn't even let him think about what to say. Cale clenched his fist before letting it go and sighed once again. He turned up and saw very familiar faces greet him with a wide smile on their lips.
"Is this you now, Rok Soo?" Lee Soo Hyuk is the first one who greeted him. Cale can see Choi Jung Soo behind him but didn't say anything while his face shows how surprised he is right now. Their appearances are the same as the last time Cale saw them—not with their wound and blood of course, but the ages and styles they used were the same as that time, before that accident destroyed everything. Cale then finally realized that in this dream, he is in Cale's body. The one he lives on right now. Cale nodded while seeing the two men finally in front of him.
They first checked Cale's outfit and appearance because it was very different from what it had in their world. Choi Jung Soo pinch his nose and cheeks before pulling his long red hair. It was very annoying and Cale couldn't help but slap that rascal's hand out of his head. Lee Soo Hyuk laughed so hard because of that, but Choi Jung Soo just smirked, "Now I know this is really you. No one can be this rude to other people except you."
All anxiety and hesitation disappeared in just a few seconds in Cale's heart. They really are still the same as before; so-called annoying hyungs that Cale knows so well. Cale snorting and rolling his eyes because of what Choi Jung Soo said. He wanted to protest, but Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo grabbed his shoulders before he could do that. Their eyes glimmering and there is a cheeky smile in their lips, "So what kind of mess did you pull until you can make a deal with literal god, Rok Soo?"
That question makes Cale frown deeper. From their choice of words, it makes him like the one who causes trouble all over the world. No, he didn't do it, didn't he? He just wants to live a peaceful life, but it looks like the world and gods hating him and dragged him into trouble every so often. He snorted, "I never want to make a deal with that annoying god. It just drag me as it pleased."
Cale didn't realize that his face right now formed a very cute face for Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo. Soo Hyuk laughed again and Jung Soo joined in. Their hands roaming in Cale's cheeks and pinch it as they realize with this Kim Rok Soo's new appearance, Cale really seems very young, and they are his big hyungs with longer gap ages.
"Have you been well?" Cale turned toward Jung Soo again after finally success getting away from their irritating grasp. Cale can see affection in his eyes before the man hides his hand in his jeans pockets. "It is so unfair that Soo Hyuk-hyung had met you before me. Aren't I your hyung too??" Choi Jung Soo pouting, but Cale just frowned with act the man pulled. He sighed before answering, there was a few seconds pause in his voice, "I... have been well."
"Have you met another person that can save your ass when you're getting into trouble in your world, Rok Soo?" Lee Soo Hyuk pulled another question with a smirk in his lips, but Cale knows better that Soo Hyuk really means that question. He wants to know if Cale has someone he can trust and lean on in his new world.
His mind immediately remembered everyone that filled his days from the day he became Cale Henituse. He is now wondering how they have been when he was unconscious and has anyone got seriously injured because of the battle they pulled last time. He couldn't confirm it himself before because he passed out too fast.
But before he can say anything, something halt him from speaking. There are crying voices. Cale knows very well whose crying voices it is. Cale turned his head up even if there was nothing he could see there. He concentrated more just to hear the children cry because Cale did not wake up for too long between their hiccups. He sighed, just like any other time before, hearing their crying voices really not pleasant to him.
"It looks like we didn't need an answer. You are very loved there, huh." Lee Soo Hyuk smiled once again before hugging him. Cale could feel Choi Jung Soo joining in and they just hugged each other for a moment.
If it is the normal Kim Rok Soo, he will refuse this hug because it felt strange and weird to do it with them. But Cale knew very well. The chance to have this moment again with them in the future is very small. He didn't want to regret this moment again, just like when he regretted not speaking his honest feelings toward them before they died.
They let Cale free after that. Choi Jung Soo patted his shoulder a few times before stepping back to stand beside Lee Soo Hyuk. "We couldn't hold you back for too long because there are people who are worried about you, aren't we?" Cale clenched his hands once again. His eyes focus on two men in front of him and recording all the moments in front of him right now; their facial expressions, their voices and so their warmth in his memories before nodding. He could see himself faded as indicated he would wake up soon in his world.
"You still remember what I said back then, right?" Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo directed their fists toward him. Cale sighed, but he couldn't stop his lips from forming a smile for the first time in front of them and directed his own fist, "Being alive is the best, isn't it?" Cale can see their smile getting wider as he said that. And then, he really faded away.
He will never forget this moment for his entire life. And he will always be grateful for this second chance of life in this world. (Though he will never admit that, especially in front of the God of Death).
The first thing he saw when his eyes opened was the big black blob crying river in his chest and making his shirt very wet. Besides him, two other clumps stuck their heads on his arm and made another wet spot on his shirt. Cale sighed. His hand still has not regained its strength yet, so he can't comfort them as fast as possible. He roaming his eyes and scanning surrounding to find he was in his bed on Super Rock's Villa, before he stared again at the black blob that had gotten bigger than the last time he saw, "Why are you guys crying so hard?"
The three of them flinched instantly and looked up toward him. Cale shook his head twice before reaching one hand toward Raon and another hand toward On and Hong. His hand was still shaking, but it was enough to move his hand toward them and gave a stiff pat on their head. He can see they are freezing in their place, unable to respond to his question. Cale then hummed gently, still tried to pat their heads more smoothly and gave them comfort, "I'm awake now, so don't cry."
"CALE!!" They rushed toward his face and nearly choked him, but Cale tried to adjust this torture with a hug to calm them down. He could hear the children protesting to Cale that he was unconscious for too long; he can also hear Raon telling everyone in the Villa to come to the 5th floor as fast as possible because Cale is finally awake. They are crying again because of relief and there is nothing Cale can do other than pat their back gently.
Eruhaben, Molans Duo, Choi Han, Lock, the wolf siblings, Rosalyn, Mary and even Gashan quickly arrive in his bedroom. He still understands that. After all, they are all monsters with strong physics and magic. What he didn't anticipate was even Alberu, Henituse members family, Toonka, Witira, Litana, Hannah and Jack, and even Bud Illis together with Glenn would shortly arrive in his chamber after Raon announced the news. Aren't they having another things to do?? How can they be transported shortly here in the middle of day? And is Raon just told everyone—literally everyone they knew—about his consciousness?
"Uh... has everyone been well? Is there someone getting seriously injured because of the battle before?" Cale felt a bit flustered because how many people came to his chamber for a very short time. He cleared his throat before turning toward three bundles in front of him after seeing disbelief stares and glares immediately thrown toward him after he opened his mouth.
It looks like their viciousness is getting updated while he is unconscious. Because he felt very small just with all the death threats they sent from their eyes.
Ron approached him first and helped him sit properly with a pillow to lean on. He adjusted the position, so the three children were perfectly wrapped under his two hands and sat down on his lap. He turned up again after he heard Alberu's voice. "Are you really asking that right now?" His face is unusually more emotional than ever before. And Cale didn't know why he could see frustration in everyone's faces. Cale frowned out of his confusion but didn't open his mouth because he was afraid it would make them more angry than this.
Alberu sighed and rubbed his face with two palms. Cale flinched with how vicious Alberu looked after they facing each other again, but Alberu didn't give him time to turn away and immediately said, "You are the only one who had been seriously injured and unconscious for a year and a few days. Are you really in the position to ask us that question??"
A year? He fainted for a year?? He never thought it would be this long. Now he knew why the children in his lap got bigger and heavier than he ever remembered. And now he knows why everyone looks a bit different than they used to be in his memories.
Cale scanning his surroundings and recording all their new looks. He smiled with satisfaction when he finally ensured himself that everyone was healthy and good. There is no one who dies. He saves everyone. It was different from the last bad memories he had with Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo.
Cale can see another disbelief that shows on their faces because of Cale's smile. He shook his head a few times, facing them with more confidence while still patting the children's back, before saying, "But it was worth it, isn't it?" He saw they were all flinching because of that, but he just continued while holding the children more tight. "If I can make you all alive with just one year worth of living, I will never ask myself twice to do it."
Those few sentences successfully make everyone emotional. The wolf siblings and even Lily, crowded Cale as they cried hard while others stood in their position while having their bodies shake. The room is filled with children's crying voices. Cale flinched first because eleven children as reinforcement really made him feel loaded, but he just sighed after. It was understandable for children to cry in this kind of situation. And he didn't want to stop them, at least now.
He could hear Raon, On and Hong told him he was an idiot and weak that he should never do that ever again. And Cale just pat every head in his reach to calm them down. He then saw others silently shaking their bodies with wet eyes. "Thank you," Cale whispered as his head reached the children's head, but knew everyone in the room still could hear his voice, "thank you for staying alive."
Cale can hear a hiccup for them. Emotions filled them as they finally saw their precious family opened his eyes. They heard his voice, and saw that he is alive; sound and healthy. It felt like forever, but as much as they were frustrated because of Cale, they felt relieved too. Cale is okay. And Cale is still their idiot sacrificial self that they love so much.
There is nothing changed; except for the fact that, they finally felt like winning the war. It was because their hero had now finally woken up from his long unconscious stead.
>> end <<
1. I should have told you this fanart link in the headcanon part 1 but I forgot I have seen this before. So here it is. Cale with blood really not good for us, isn't it 😢
3. I'm planning to make [Bonus Part: Multiple Hugs] to heal our souls after reading this emotional headcanon. It focuses on Cale's interaction with all his family after he wakes up! Hope you will like it too <3
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lilmissbacon · 4 years
Frozen 3 concept
I'mma start off with explaining that I'm not the biggest fan of Frozen and I'm definitely not a fan of Elsa's character in general.
But as much as I love the songs and outfits of the second movie, the inconsistencies and how it never explains how sh🤬 works in the world with magic and such are just infuriating. As well as why the spirit that connects them controls ice which is just a variation of water. And how the Frozen franchise just loves to make Elsa more special within every installment.
I am so very tired of it. So I came up with a way that it could all be fixed and make sense if they make a third movie.
Also to note that Anna and Elsa are supposed to be two halves of the fifth spirit but that's VERY briefly touched in movie (quote: well actually a bridge has two sides and mother had two daughters) and Disney themselves take Elsa as the fifth spirit alone so that's stupid.
Why Elsa specifically controls ice
We all know how we're frustrated with the fact that Elsa is supposed to connect all the elements when she only controls ice.
But let's think about it from another prospective. The first movie is based about the seasons. It's a seasonal theme rather than an elemental theme like in its sequel. So why not bring that back?
The enchanted forest cannot be the ONLY place that has mystical spirits. What if there were three other forests with their own fifth spirits and each fifth spirit represented a season?
And each seasonal spirit's magic is a mix of two elements.
Elsa/Winter: Ice = water + air
Spring: Plants = water + earth
Summer: Lava = earth + fire
Fall: Lightning/Storms = air + fire
This still fits in with the fact that the fifth spirit can play back moments in time as well. Each spirit has their own Ahtohallan. Elsa's is made of ice because it's just frozen water and the water is was plays back those moments in time.
Spring's would be like an island made of plants, fungi and marsh. Plants have water running within them so they can take the form of moments in time like Elsa's ice statues.
Summer's would be a volcano with a river flowing through it. Lava and water can mix to create lava rocks. When doing so the memories within that water would be imbedded into the rocks they form and therefore be able to play moments in time as rock statues.
Autumn's would basically be a fog bank with almost ghostly figures making up the memories since fog is a mist, aka: water. Kinda like the scene where Elsa fights the wind spirit and their powers mix for a moment.
Where the others come from
For this, I decided to look around other lands within that side of the world that has legends of spirits. I decided upon:
Spring = Scotland
Summer = Arabia
Fall/Autumn = Japan
I chose for Arabia to be summer, of course , because it's a desert country so it very hot. Japan is autumn because it's culture and everything just always reminded be of the beauty of fall. And Scotland is spring because that's what was left and when I think of Scotland, I think of it's green forests and plants.
Nothing too deep.
You think I'd make Summer hotheaded and spring, giddy and bouncy, right?
No, because you see, as I've stated in another post of mine; Why Frozen Doesn't Work In The Big Four, I explained how Elsa's personality reconciles more with summer. The opposite season of her own.
Elsa is kinda quiet, gentle, diplomatic, practical, worries silently and is angelically innocent (even though she doesn't deserve to be).
All are traits relating to summer. So if her personality is opposed to her season, then it'd be the same for the other fifth spirits.
Spring would be a leader, confident, energetic, true to a cause, dependable, easily irritated and stubborn.
Summer would be reserved, well mannered, a good listener, natural poise and pessimistic.
And autumn would be energetic, tender-hearted, optimistic, friendly and overly talkative.
How the spirits work
I fully believe that the spirits have no physical form but rather inhabit certain things. Basically possession but the spirits don't have control over themselves once they choose a vessel and depending on the solidarity of what their element is, determines what kind of vessel they need.
The wind spirit is said to be a playful spirit and would want to make its own choices. Being an element you can't hold, it doesn't really need a host.
Water is liquid and needs something to be it's host but doesn't necessarily need something alive. Therefore it can inhabit a small animal or it inhabits its own element, hence a water horse.
Fire isn't a solid or liquid but it's not necessarily a gas either. Fire always needs to burn on something in order to burn. Therefore it cannot just make out it's own body like water but it doesn't need a large vessel. Hence, a little salamander.
Earth is the most solid of them all so it would need multiple hosts in order to sustain itself. That's why there are multiple earth giants and not just one like the other spirits.
I believe the spirits don't have control over their actions once they choose a host because all the spirits (besides wind) seem to not know what's even going on most of the time. And that would explain why the spirits didn't get rid of the dam themselves, because their vessels didn't know that was the problem.
I also believe that they need a host to begin with because they are actually susceptible to death. As it has been confirmed that Elsa is NOT immortal and there wouldn't have been a legend of a fifth spirit if people hadn't seen one before.
It would also explain how the spirits drove the citizens out of Arendelle without physically being there; they managed to leave their hosts for a time in order to do so. Along with what the light that Elsa was following at Ahtohallan, was. The fifth spirit was able to sustain itself by staying in its birth place and activated the memory of Elsa's mom singing, to bring Elsa there and when Elsa's dress transforms is when the spirit possesses her.
Why does the fifth spirit need to be human? Because humans are more durable. The fifth spirit doesn't control anything completely solid like rock so it doesn't need multiple vessels but it also controls more than a single element, therefore is too much to figure out/control for just any animal.
That's why it chose a very young child to give it's powers to rather than the person who actually did the deed of saving their enemy. It needs to be someone who will have the time to learn and control their powers by adulthood.
(Despite Elsa not truly being worthy and being a horrible sister, she was already chosen at birth and she at least gets the job done. At everyone else's expense but still.)
How would the seasonal spirits meet? Why would they leave their homes for this? What brings them together?
The four sided snowflake represents the elements connected to the winter spirit. Every season would have their own version of this. But there are also four seasons just like there are four elements.
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So, could there be a fifth spirit for the fifth spirits? A fifth spirit to connect the seasons and if so, what is it? What's their power?
I believe, much like the winter spirit called to Elsa, the ultimate fifth spirit will call all the seasonal spirit's to come together at a single location. Anna would come with Elsa as well, of course, and during their journey, they'd all eventually meet each other along the way.
Eventually Anna would start to feel a little neglected when Elsa keeps talking to / about the other people who also have magic. Anna doesn't wish for magic, but she wishes for Elsa to finally see herself and Anna as equals (because Elsa clearly wouldn't after finding others like herself, let's be real). So Anna goes off to have her own sort of "Show Yourself" moment and is the one to find the location they've been looking for which is where she becomes their fifth spirit; the Aurora Borealis.
It was in one of the original scripts for the first movie that Anna was gonna have the power to control the Aurora Borealis, but then the creators decided that took away from Elsa's agency for self isolation due to her powers.
It's true that Anna having been able to accomplish what she did without powers is one of her best attributes but Anna becoming the light spirit is really the only way she's gonna get any appreciation within the fan base or the disney community. Plus Anna's done all the work to begin with so she deserves it.
With the other spirits being seasonal & elemental, it would only make sense for the one to connect them all would be light.
But all the spirits also have an opposite to balance them out:
Fire | Water
Earth | Air
Winter | Summer
Spring | Autumn
So maybe the reason they were all being called there is because Light's opposite is Darkness and it's plotting to take them all out. They are in charge of keeping balance and darkness wants to create chaos. But you also need darkness for balance, so maybe someone else will be with them through the journey and become the vessel for darkness in order to control it. Because, again, spirits have no control once they have a host.
This could be a possible redemption arc for Hans. We could learn about what he's been through and what truly drove him to be the bad guy because from what we know of his brothers, they were really bad. I think he just really lost a nerve due to unintentional (or intentional) abuse and was trying to prove to his family that he was better than they believed. People who suffer from abuse can be irrational like that.
I think it would be a phenomenal thing for him to overcome his inner darkness while also taking control of the literal spirit of darkness.
Metaphorical-wise it's beautiful.
I edited the other seasons + Anna off of concept art for Elsa's white dress while Hans is kinda my own creation but I still used his concept art for a base. Everything after that are purely original.
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Location they are led to ⬇️
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Let me know what you all think 👍
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