#i literally did not readover this so im so very sorry if bits are incomprehensible
hopefullyababe · 4 years
so ive been listening to the penumbra podcast
this is a very long and rambly post so bewarned
i just finished the first season and
ohhhh my heart hurts so badly
juno and peter nureyev are IN LOVE but they CANT BE TOGETHER and it HURTS SO BAD
all while juno was narrating about how much he wanted to go off w peter nureyev i was just waiting for the moment when he said "but i cant" and it was SOUL CRUSHING when he did even though i KNEW he couldnt because his life is on mars man and hes so tied to his city and i just knew he wouldnt be able to leave but GOD it hurt
and hearing peters little "juno-" as he left was devastating
and im so so afraid that peter nureyev doesnt come back because he said he wouldnt come back to mars and
i just already miss him so so much and im so scared he wont come back :(
it feels like all my organs have been removed individually, blended up and poured back into my body
anyway- great show! highly recommend. :)
but its not all bad emotions- not at all
i love all the characters so much and juno steel is just so coooolllll
but even though he is Very Cool i can kinda tell under that hes just a little bit of a loser (i still love him though)
ive always loved detective stories and cop shows and stuff like that so i just love him so much
and hes always got a one liner for every situation and hes just so so sassy and i love him
have i mentioned i love him
and its just the COOLEST THING that he LIVES ON MARS
like!!!!! hes just out there!!!!!! in space!!!!
and i could listen to him talk about his city for hours man
when he talks about it i can feel everything ukno? its a little bit rough around the edges but it feels like home when he talks about it
like i can see the red sand and the floating mansions and feel the heat and the air and the culture and the way he talks about it id wanna protect it too ukno?
thats really cheezy now im writing it down but GOSH its the emotion i feel
and peter nureyev is also Very Cool but a little more fluid about it
like with juno it feels like his charisma is learned but with peter nureyev it feels like he was born with it
it seems like itd be very difficult to feel so authentic while living several different lies at once but MAN this dude pulls it off
and in my head hes got a bit of that wacky cecil palmer fashion but quite a bit more understated
it doesnt make sense with his job but it just makes me happy
my favorite story so far was the train from nowhere
its sooooooo cooooolllllll >^<!!
i just loved all the high stakes jumping around they did and their chemistry is just *CHEFS KISS* exquisite
my favorite part was the poker game because i just LOVE the way they cut together the lines!!
and the music in the background and the frantic narration had me on the EDGE OF MY NONEXISTANT SEAT(i was in bed :/)
like i could SEE the jazzy montage playing out so clearly
thats something i just LOVE about this show-- that somehow it just makes me SEE THINGS
like so so CLEARLY
like with tma and wtnv i see all the events in my head but i guess with tpp its the first time the aesthetic has really got me ukno?
like esspecially w train from nowhere bc this might not be completely accurate but in my head when they were playing the card game i imagined it was a biiig room with partially glass walls overlooking a bit of a hill where you could see the sun start to set as the game went on to show the passage of time and theyre in the corner
i might end up drawing it because it just appeared in my mind and i thought it was so so coooolll(even though i made it up but ukno self love and all that) but i dont think id do it justice /:(
anyway i love peter nureyev with my entire heart and i will die a slow painful death if he doesnt come back :)
im also really excited to see where they go with the second citadel
that story didnt really grab me the same way juno did (ive never really been one for fantasy or old timey knights and kings and such) but im still very interested to see what happens
i like the two “knights” and sir caroline is just <33333 and the janus beast is very entertaining
so im excited to see where that goes
anyway i really like it so far :) sorry for the longass post i just had alot on my mind after s1 and wanted to put it somewhere. gonna start the second season riiight after this post :))!
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