#i literally only watch natgeo in my own time
cosmicdorito · 1 year
🪦 tv tag game <3 🪦
— list 8 shows for your followers to get to know you better. tagged by @michaelmandog we have some overlap so ill pick different gifs lmao
NBC's Hannibal
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yea it has problems but it helped awaken the hidden goth part of me when i first watched it. yea the movies and books were better but the cinematography on this was insane imo
2. Better Call Saul
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i would sell my soul for the chance to be in the same room as lalo salamanca. he consumes me. every single episode i watched with my bf i asked when he was gonna show up. for 4 entire seasons he had to listen to me say "is this when lalo gets introduced?" when he died i had to leave the room and go cry in my bathroom for more than ten minutes i was so incredibly distraught it was like i lost a real person in my life
3. Breaking Bad
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obligatory after BCS. i dont like breaking bad for the narrative or the deep meaning or any of that bullshit i liked it because i enjoy taking the piss out of every single thing walter white does and my boyfriend had to listen to me explain in detail how i wouldve killed him if i had the chance every single episode. jesse and skyler deserve the world
4. Yellowjackets
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i wholeheartedly support lottie matthews the cannibal antler queen and want to join her cult so badly. let me in. im at the gates im in the woods let me in. i wanna sacrifice i wanna live in the woods i wanna wear antlers and do dodgy witchcraft and pray to tree stump altars. i do half that stuff anyway let me in lottie
5. Life Below Zero
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i know this makes me a nerd since this is a natgeo docuseries (?) but its genuinely one of my favourite shows. i know all the shit that happens to them is mostly staged but there's a lot of indigenous inupiaq people highlighted on this show and they show off their culture so respectfully and also sometimes it just has me on the edge of my seat like sue aikens goes "idk what that sound was. maybe a wolf" and i go "oh shit. a wolf!!!"
6. TUT
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as far as ancient egyptian dramas (my long time only historical interest ive been an ancient egypt dictionary since i was 10 years old) this one wasnt too bad! which is saying a lot cough netflix cleopatra. the costumes were decent and as far as historical accuracy it wasnt the worst ive seen.
7. Sr. Ávila
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i admittedly only started watching this because tony's in it but ive actually come to really like it as its own show separate from him. its dark and emotional and im really invested in his story and saving his family while trying to keep the syndicate operating at the same time. its kind of like lalo lite. walmart lalo.
8. Book of Boba Fett
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i loved how much this show pissed off the star wars dudebros. im not even really into star wars anymore but the way they redid his character and gave him an actual personality and morals to compliment his established backstory was so good and for some reason the middle aged incels hated it and thats what i love. hes also hot as fuck. thick thick man.
tagging the same people as before im so sorry i only have like 5 mutuals or something like that lmfao so if no one else does this thats ok i just liked looking for cool gifs @yaoifag @bucketbug @kettleghost @chesswizards @kidkubrick @apyrisol
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Lena stares at the woman's image, her curious fingertips hovering just over the delicate page of the ancient book.
"Is this the woman you saw in your dream?"
Lena turns to Alex, stopping the other woman just before she bends over the book, possibly damaging the priceless text. Alex rolls her eyes, but obediently backs away, squinting at the image on the page.
"Oh my God." Alex gasps. "Yeah, that's her!"
Lena's eyes scan the page, her lips moving soundlessly as she translates the ancient text.
The Paragon of Hope. The Invisible Goddess, sleeping in her chamber of ice for thousands of years. The text tells of the goddess descending from the skies three thousand years ago to bring hope to the desperate.
The book details the story of the goddess' arrival on Earth, heralded by a blazing light in the sky. She appeared to the people for one shining moment, a woman of unparalleled beauty, before disappearing, because they were not worthy to look at her body with their own eyes. She only appeared to them in their dreams, always to those who needed the light of hope in their dark times. They had built a temple in her honor, a place called the Fortress of Solitude.
"I have to give Coville some credit. He got some things right." Lena murmurs as she studies the woman's face. She's exquisite, Lena thinks. Most facial depictions on divine iconography are generic, their beauty comes from the craftsmanship and devotion that goes into each image. This one, though...
The illustration is more detailed and... realistic than any she would've expected from this time period, as if the artist had taken great care to capture a likeness, instead of portraying the goddess in the abstract. As ecstatic as she usually is to find a piece of iconography from such an early era, the vividness of the image makes Lena just a little bit uncomfortable.
Lena chews on her lip as she traces the lines of the goddess' face with her eyes. She just looks too... alive.
"How does all of this help us stop Coville? People could die, Lena."
"I don't know." Lena's jaw tightens, and she determinedly looks back at the book. "But I think finding this lost Fortress of Solitude is our best best right now."
"You're looking for a temple that's been lost for literally thousands of years?"
Lena gives her a look over the edge of the book. "We're looking for a temple that's been lost for thousands of years. Grab that book from the shelf, the thick one, and start reading. And text Jess. We're gonna need a lot of coffee."
AU where Lena is an archaeologist who runs a show where she debunks conspiracy theories like ancient aliens (lol), and she gets approached by Alex, who gets a little too involved with Thomas Coville and his cult dedicated to the Paragon of Hope.
(this au is a doozy and i got carried away with the worldbuilding after watching too many NatGeo shows. it's so long i dunno if i should post the whole thing)
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jiyeong · 5 years
bmblb flowershop au
been CRAVING this for weeks so i wrote one on twitter and im gonna do a post here too so i don’t lose it in my 43k tweets in case i ever do anything more with it (’: but here’s my bee flowershop au pls enjoy. it’s set in late spring/early summer
yang, age 18 and freshly out of highschool, gets her driver’s license and immediately asks for a motorcycle. taiyang gives her the keys to the family minivan instead and tells her if she wants a deathmobile, she can get a job and buy it herself
she’s walking down the main shopping street looking for job opportunities when she sees a cute girl putting up a “help wanted” sign outside a flowershop. it’s blake. the cute girl is blake.
it’s a delivery job and she applies immediately and gets it mostly because she’s the only one who applied, but ironically also because the minivan is big enough to hold large bouquets, has a 5star safety rating, and also does not go faster than 35mph so its extremely unlikely that she will be in any accidents lol
blake’s family’s shop is very popular, and they do a lot of weddings and big events. it’s an on-call job and she gets called in maybe once or twice a week. it’s always blake calling her in, and they always have a nice chat before she has to go deliver the flowers
she finds out blake is the owner’s only daughter, so she’s probably off limits so like ok. disappointing but whatever it’s easy money and she gets to talk to a hot girl every time she goes to work so this is fine
but then she starts getting some really weird deliveries...
the first one is to a wrestling tournament at some prep school. it’s for a boy (sun wukong, the delivery slip says) who giggles like a little schoolgirl as soon as he sees her coming with the flowers, and before he’ll sign for the delivery, starts talking to her about sports and her workout routines, etc
he’s a nice guy, they talk for a bit, and she asks if he got the flowers because he won and he says no, it’s the nationals and he made third place. the whole time he’s grinning like it’s some kind of inside joke, so that’s what she figures it is.
when she goes back to the flowershop, she tells blake about it, about how weird it was delivering to a wrestling tourney of all things- and she’s laughing too.
yang mentions looking at the delivery slip and that she’s never heard of the flowers before. this gets blake GOING.
she tells her that they’re ranunculus flowers, more commonly known as buttercups in some other flowershops, and that they symbolize attraction, that you find someone charming.
“huh. guess he has some big fan out there,” yang laughs.
“yeah,” blake smiles softly, “guess so.”
the second time it happens, it’s a delivery to some small town fashion magazine publisher. this time, blake mentions the flowers before yang leaves.
it is a mixture of carnations,lilies, and white orchids, and they all symbolize, to some degree, beauty. yang supposes it’s fitting considering she’s going to a fashion magazine, i guess??? this makes blake laugh a bit. yang thinks her laugh is really very cute.
the flowers are for a velvet scarlatina. yang notices her fidgeting as she drops them off in her office. it’s not a nervous fidget, more like she’s excited but is a bit too shy to say and doesn’t know how to express it, maybe?
so yang asks. velvet’s surprised by the question, but she smiles and tells her anyways. she’s just been promoted to lead photographer, she’ll have an entire photo editing department to lead starting tomorrow, and it’s probably the biggest thing that’s ever happened to her. it’s exciting! she’s excited! yang congratulates her, she’s genuinely happy for this girl. she seems like a hard worker.
as yang turns to leave, velvet stops her, holds up a camera slowly, and softly asks if she can take yang’s picture. to test out her new lens, she adds.
it’s a little weird, but okay; artsy people are always weird, yang’s smokin hot on a normal day, AND she’s having an incredible hair day today, if she does say so herself. so she agrees. before she leaves, velvet hands her a small rabbit’s foot, “for good luck.”
this time, yang tells both blake and ruby/weiss about it. blake seems amused, but doesn’t say much, and ruby immediately demands to see the rabbit’s foot charm.
while ruby is occupied by the charm, weiss asks yang how her new job is going. yang gets stuck talking about blake, how cute she is and how smart she is and how nice she is. her smile and her face and her voice.
at this point even ruby’s tuned back in.
so, they do what any good sister/sister’s weirdly obsessive girlfriend would do. they tag along the next time she gets called in to work.
ruby and weiss immediately drift to a section of shop on their own, distracted. ruby’s picking out a bouquet of roses for weiss (ugh, yang thinks) as yang walks to the counter where blake sits. this time the bouquet is simple, made of only one flower: gardenias.
“it symbolizes purity and love,” blake tells her.
“wow i feel like 90% of these flowers symbolize purity and love,” yang jokes. it makes blake chuckle, so very softly, and yang feels like a hammer has dropped in her chest. love. oh no.
“probably accurate. gardenias though, if you were wishing to send someone your undying love anonymously, you would send them gardenias,” blake muses, eyes drifting over to ruby and weiss making a fuss in the corner. “it’s a symbol for a secret love.”
yang’s head is screaming. oh no.
yang ends up leaving (ditching) ruby and weiss there with blake.
the flowers are being sent to the same prep school as the wrestling tournament, but instead of the gym she’s headed for the locker rooms. there’s a sign for a track meet today, and the flowers are for an ilia amitola, some star on the team, yang guesses, as she walks through the school.
ilia is the only one still in there, and yang senses the hostility immediately.
ilia absolutely GRILLS her, there’s no other way to describe it. she asks her question after question about her tastes, her hobbies, her personal life. it’s a little intimidating, and yang is still sort of distracted from her revelation at the flowershop (oh nO) so she answers them all.
ilia’s quiet for a bit at the end before signing the slip and letting yang go.
“don’t fuck it up,” she says as yang’s leaving the room. what the hell???
when she gets home she immediately storms into ruby’s room.
“i think im in love with her,” she’s freaking out. pacing. weiss is in there too, because of course she is, and they’re both just staring at her blankly.
apparently, it was obvious.
“I don’t know why you’re freaking out,” weiss huffs. “when was the last time you dated a girl? like, actually, with feelings??”
“shut UP weiss you’re not invited to this conversation. ruby, sweet ruby, my wonderful adorable baby sister with a strange addiction to model guns and extremely violent shooting games, how the fuck do i get over the cute flower girl that makes me feel like i want to bash my head against the concrete??”
“uhhh well, for one, i think weiss has great ideas so im re-inviting her into the conversation. (”thank you,” weiss huffs, because she was raised to be polite even while offended) and two, just, like, uhhh don’t???”
they convince yang to confess to blake. but yang’s like ok it’s been a while since ive had actual, swear-to-god, feelings, so she wants to do something ROMANTIC. something BIG. something GAY.
yang’s saved up a nice chunk of cash from her job - and okay, who needs a motorcycle when you could get a girlfriend? and like, okay, blake works at the shop, so she’s not quite sure if flowers are an appropriate idea, but she’s literally always reading books on flower meanings and flower dictionaries and looking at natgeo magazines etc so she watches shia lebeouf’s just do it video and why the hell not
but she has to do it right - and she asks the only flower experts she knows other than blake. blake’s parents. she wants to get their okay as well anyways - she’d quit if she had to - so it’s like two birds one stone. but yang’s been charming them since her interview, and they’re almost strangely enthusiastic about helping set up their only daughter.
she gets weiss to place the order, because ruby can’t stop giggling on the phone. it’s a HUGE bouquet - full of every flower that symbolizes love that mr & mrs belladonna recommended her. it’s almost embarrassing listening to weiss list the flowers and knowing that blake is the one receiving the order.
the bouquet is so huge that yang insists that she needs help carrying it. conveniently, ruby and weiss are busy doing something gay, so they aren’t free to help her. blake raises her eyebrow when her parents send her off with yang to help. yang thinks it’s very attractive.
the address is a meadow right on the outskirts of town. lots of rolling hills, lots of swaying trees, the sky is clear and you can already see the moon even though it isn’t nighttime yet. it’s all very scenic, a perfect wedding venue. it’s late afternoon when they leave the shop.
“preparing for a wedding so late in the day is so strange,” blake comments on the way there, playing with the radio stations like she owns the van. it makes yang’s heart clench. can you die early from too much feeling? how awful. “what eccentric people, to be having their ceremony so late at night.”
“aha... y-yeah, eccentric people for sure,” yang sweats.
they park on the hill, and there’s no one there. blake steps out of the van, confused. she’s looking at the sunset and it’s as picture perfect as she thought it would be, but where is everyone?
and when she turns around, yang is holding the very large bouquet perfectly fine on her own. she almost shoves it into blake’s face.
“they’re for you,” yang blurts out immediately. “i’m the eccentric people.”
blake’s all ??? for a second. and then it sinks in and she’s laughing because, “do you know how much these flowers cost? did you literally spend all your money on a bouquet of flowers for me, a florist’s daughter who is literally around flowers all day?”
turns out blake has also been spending her money on bouquets for all of her friends uncharacteristically often, with their consent of course, just to get the cute new delivery girl into the store more so she could see her and maybe have a chat. they’ve been returning the flowers with small favors of their own - non-consensual blake makes sure to point out - namely, yang’s favorite workout spots, some really cute not-at-all-candid pictures of yang, and what basically amounted to, yup u guessed it, an entire autobiography of yang herself. god.
they kiss as the sun’s last rays are fading, laughing, on a hill almost an hour’s drive away in a rusty old minivan, and over a ridiculously unnecessary amount of flowers. it’s pretty fuckin gay.
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callioope · 5 years
Good Things in 2019
@theputterer and @the-strongest-stars tagged me in the awesome annual end-of-year Good Things meme! I’ve done this in 2018 & 2017 and always think it’s a fun exercise of both reflection and looking forward.
Oh boy, though, my first thought was, what even happened in 2019? (Looking at a calendar helped! It reminded me of a few things I forgot)
It’s been a Rough Year, friends. Between OCD and basically travelling almost every weekend in the latter half of 2019, I am very much ready for a new year and hopefully a new slate.
But this is about the positives!
Played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons! I am now officially in two campaigns. This year, I endeavored to recruit more women to play, including the wonderful @allatariel. I play both my beloved cleric, Maritsa (who I’ve been playing her years now) and my new character, Noara, a ranger elf with a red panda familiar (yeah, my DM let me do that for funsies, so I could get an animal sidekick but also still try out the Horizon Walker subclass). 
Speaking of red pandas, I accomplished my LIFE GOAL of meeting a red panda face-to-face. I got to feed Harriet at the Cincinnati Zoo for 30 minutes. She was adorable. 
Completed all my dental work and had a clean bill of dental health two cleanings in a row! 
Attended DC’s Around the World Embassy Day event, always fun
Attended Star Wars night at a local library, where I got to participate in a short demo/lesson on how to fence with a lightsaber!
Attended 50th Anniversary Celebration of Apollo 11 / landing on the moon (dude they projected the rocket on the Washington Monument and it looked so cool)
Returned to the NY Ren Faire and upgraded my ren faire garb
Celebrated at THREE friends’ weddings and got to catch up with old friends I hadn’t seen in awhile
Ate ice cream at the Ben & Jerry’s Factory in Vermont
Went to NYCC for the third year in a row. Got to wear 2 costumes this year: a 1920s flapper interpretation of an occamy and my Endor!Leia costume (repeat of 2017). Learned the True Pain of sewing. Created feather shawl for my occamy costume. Learned the True Pain of crafting.
Celebrated one year anniversary with hubbie down where we got married: visited the museum we got married in and actually got a chance to enjoy the exhibits, went to our favorite brunch place down there, got to check out Fleet Week and tour an aircraft carrier and uh... I think it was a missile cruiser? 
Went up to PSU for a women’s hockey game for sister’s birthday (made embarrassing HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign for the cameras); also it was an absolutely wonderful fall drive on the way up there
Got to see The Rise of Skywalker in IMAX at the Smithsonian Air & Space Center with the awesome @allatariel! (thank goodness we had each other to get through that movie lol) also got to reuse my Endor!Leia costume. I did my own braids for the first time ever! (usually my talented sister does them) They looked like braids done by a n00b, but I didn’t care because they were passable and I did them myself and that was a Big Thing for Perfectionist Me (to not just... say screw it and undo it and just. give up. but to just let them be as is)
Worked hard at therapy and self care
Got a Sleep Number bed and holy shit let me tell you. i can actually sleep now.
OH! I almost forgot!!! Started playing Assassin’s Creed! I’ve only ever really played the LEGO Star Wars and Harry Potter video games so like. This was big for me. 
Finally finished Learning Curve. TBH I was a bit shocked that this was in fact the only fic I published in 2019. What a travesty.
However! I have been writing
@allatariel & I sat down, overanalyzed You’ve Got Mail, and drafted up the outline for my in-universe AU, something I’ve been dreaming of starting for years. Have about 4300 words so far.
Just under the wire, I did manage to start my NatGeo AU, which I’ve been dreaming of since my honeymoon in Nov 2018
Started editing/revising my original young adult fantasy novel
Poked a little at my epic fantasy pirate travel novel idea
I read exactly one book, Among the Red Stars, which I enjoyed. It’s about women fighter pilots in Russia in WW2. Inspired by real people.
Saw Panic at the Disco! in concert. I went along with my sister. Not like a huge fan, but they put on a pretty fun show!
Saw Waitress on Broadway!! OH MY GOD. And Sara Bareilles was starring in it. Amazing. I freaking love her music (”How does she know / what a heart sounds like?” gahhh). She was so good, and the show was so good. I literally cried all the way through it just because I was so happy to be there, but also because of the content. Man.
Saw Sara Bareilles again, in concert, in Philly. I love her so much.
Finished Critical Role Campaign 1! Oh man, what a ride. Gosh, I love that show. I really need to catch up in C2 now. I’ve started it but I’m only on episode 26 or 27.
I’m not sure whether I finished The Clone Wars in 2018 or 2019. I think it was early 2019. This show was amazing and this was the character development that Anakin Skywalker needed. I love Ahsoka Tano. I cannot wait for the last season.  
Finished Rebels!!! AGAIN, what a ride!!! I still love Ahsoka Tano. I also love Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren. Sabine’s Darksaber arc was fantastic.
The Mandalorian OMG BABY YODA!!! Yes, I have succumbed to the adorableness of Baby Yoda. Most adorable SW character forever. But also just an enjoyable story in general. This, this is how you craft a story. still NOT over the darksaber omg. 
The Good Place is continuing to be good. Not as crazy about season 4, but I’m so glad they decided to limit the seasons.
Got my sister to watch Rebels!! And then even a few episodes of The Clone Wars!!! Mwahaha >) 
Finally got around to watching The Great British Bake Off, what a sweet show!
OMG I ALMOST FORGOT Anne With an E!!! Gosh what a wonderful wholesome delightful show. No I haven’t watched S3 yet because I am Lawful Good to a fault and just patiently waiting for it to come on Netflix
So, I woefully neglected to mention The Aeronauts in this post about my favorite movies in the 2010s and that was a Mistake. Because I really enjoyed this one
But otherwise probably check out that list. Because I don’t go to the movies that often, actually, and anything I really loved from 2019 is most definitely listed there.
Did I meet my 2019 Goals?
Writing: Fandom
Finish Learning Curve YES
...and How to Lose a Spy in 10 Days Uh, no, not so much
Begin and complete the in-canon universe You’ve Got Mail AU YES, it is begun but no it is not complete
Try to knock out a few other projects on my 30+ SW ideas Umm, I did start / poke at a few things in addition to the YGM and NatGeo AUs, but nothing really “knocked out”
Try my hand at creating more visual fan works (like moodboards/photosets, step 1, learn proper terminology) ahahahah, no. 
Writing: Original
Query more agents for my completed original novel YIKES, No. But I wasn’t anticipating that I’d decide to heavily edit/revise my manuscript.
Actually get around to deciding which idea I want to work on next and work on it Yeah, sure, I decided. How nice of past!Liz to make this goal so reachable as “deciding” lol
Be more supportive in helping my friend run Book Club so that it can actually meet more regularly HA, oops. Book Club died, but kind of in favor of being able to start a second D&D campaign. At least that’s the trade off I’m looking at. I had some OCD-related glasses issues this year that inhibited reading a lot.
Try to read at least one book for myself outside of Book Club lol WELL the one book I read this year was not part of Book Club sooo
Goals for 2020
I’m not going to make this a completion goal, but instead...
...I’d like to just focus on creating a regular writing schedule/habit. Whatever the project, I just want to make sure I carve out significant time each week just to write. I don’t want to set a specific goal like “x hours a week” for now, but I want to make sure that I am writing each week.
To achieve that (because what are goals without maps):
If the words don’t immediately jump onto the page, then I’m going to try outlining or summarizing. I’m going to let go of overthinking how sentences are phrased, and just pretend I’m describing the story idea to a friend.
That blank page is staring at me and I’m just going to fill it with words no matter what I might think of them!
And I’m going to let everything else expand from there. And see how that works.
Edit my original manuscript
Query more agents re: original manuscript
Look into the idea of perhaps forming or joining a writer’s group for original writing oh gosh that is so scary
Get back into reading
Develop a routine for working out
Eat healthier
Continue focusing on therapy goals
Get around to watching: Black Sails, Mad Max: Fury Road, Arrival
Get better at responding to things in general
Tagging: @allatariel, @magalis, @mythologicalmango, @skitzofreak, @threadsketchier, @brynnmclean, @ruby-red-inky-blue, @siachti and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
Happy New Year y’all!
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zizeschmizes · 5 years
that familiar feeling. | solo
WHO: lauren zizes (& the zizes bro squad)
WHAT: a post-thanksgiving dinner hangout, with bonus chaotic sibling energy.
WHEN: 11/28; evening
WHERE: zizes home; new orleans, la.
The last guest was long gone, and the cleanup had been, as always, a family effort. Everyone doing their part to return the house back to some kind of order. Everyone had a job, and Lauren, stickler for organization that she was, had been tasked with putting away the leftovers in a reasonable and tidy manner. 
It was a wonder there was any food left; her mother, as per usual had gone overboard. But it was for good reason. As tradition, their dinner usually included some of her brothers' teammates, the guys unable to travel home for the holiday, for whatever reason. There were five of them this year, nice guys who complimented the cooking and talked football with her father and charmed her mother and younger brothers. At least they'd been expected, their places planned for at the dinner table.
If anything she was the anomaly. The interloper, the surprise guest showing up unexpectedly. After landing at the airport, she'd taken a Lyft home, laughing at the look of surprise on her father's face when he opened the front door. She hadn't discussed her plans with anyone; staying at Ginsburg had been the idea...until the drama, most of it not hers, but the small part that was, it was enough to convince her that a break was necessary. Feeling tired, overworked, and wanting to be in a setting that felt familiar seemed too good to pass up. 
The food was packed up, the kitchen was clean, the guests were gone, her parents had retired to bed, and Lauren could finally change into comfy clothes and settle in a favorite spot. In the den, on the massive sectional, sandwiched between two of her favorite people. Her younger brothers had been especially excited to see her, nearly tackling her in a combo hug, towering over her in a way that made her chest ache because she missed them so much. They stuck close to her, surprising considering the last thing most 15 year old boys wanted was to be babied by their big sister, but here they were. João, taller than she'd remembered, sprawled on the sofa, body taking up a good amount of room while his head rested on Lauren's lap. 
He kept dozing off, unfocused on the show they were supposed to be watching, his content state heightened by Lauren's fingers combing through his dark brown curls. Matheus, however, was the total opposite of his twin, squished beside Lauren and talking animatedly about the show, which had been his pick and Lauren had to admit she was more focused on his commentary than the actual plot. Matty had a way of making everything feel more elaborate, injecting a streak of dramatic flair typical in the Zizes household. Lauren missed it. The noise and nonsense she'd grown so familiar with, different from the college atmosphere that had been her reality for the past few months. 
Their chatter was interrupted by Gabe, yanking the remote from Matty's grasp and tumbling over the back of the couch, nearly landing on top of the younger boy who luckily had the good sense to roll out of the way, landing on the floor between the coffee table and the couch. 
"Seriously?" Lauren glanced over at Gabe, who managed to balance a large bowl in the middle of his chaotic entrance, never spilling a chip as he stuck his landing. 
"What? He moved. That Zizes instinct comin' through." Matty seemed no worse for wear, making a comfortable spot on the floor and accepting the bowl of Doritos when Gabe passed it down, his gaze never leaving the television screen. 
Lauren rolled her eyes. "Y'all are ridiculous. You could’ve broken his damn neck.” Her grumble was cut short when, out of nowhere, a hand came whizzing by. João, reaching overhead, past Lauren to grab a handful of chips, shoveling them in his mouth with a loud crunching noise. “Dammit, Jojo! You almost hit me.” 
His ‘sorry’ was muffled by chewing and Lauren scowled waiting a beat before bopping him on the forehead. 
“Next time just ask for the bowl, dummy. How are y’all still eatin’ after all that food?” 
Gabe shrugged and sank lower in his seat, enough to prop his sock covered feet on the coffee table. “I’m a growing boy. I ain’t wanna dig around in all those bowls. You got the fridge locked up. Chips was easier.” He offered her the bowl as a peace offering and despite her glare, it didn’t stop her from swiping a few. Dark eyes, much like her own glanced at the screen and he frowned. “What the hell are y’all watching?” 
“Matty picked. I think it’s some Star Wars thing?” 
There came a huff from the floor, and Matheus lifted his head from her knee. “It’s ‘The Mandalorian’, Lo. I said that twenty minutes ago.” 
“Okay, so I was right. It was a Star Wars thing.” 
Gabe snorted beside her. “Turn it off, I haven’t watched the first ep yet, I don’t wanna be spoiled.” 
Lauren reached for a few more chips, grabbing a handful and pointing with her pinky at Gabe’s lap. “You have the remote, genius. Just switch it to something everybody wants to watch. Don’t put on those NatGeo docs, bout to put everybody to sleep.” 
Matty laughed. “Jojo’s already asleep.” 
“No I’m not!” came the sleep-filled reply from her sweatpants-covered lap and Lauren looked down at her little brother, who was busy wiping crumbs from his face. “Lo, you’re getting Dorito dust on me.” 
“Yeah well that’s what you get for almost smackin’ me, we’re even.” She rubbed her fingers together, laughing at his grumbling because despite it, she knew he wasn’t moving. “Where’s Nono?” she asked Gabe, who was still busy browsing through Netflix and vetoing Matty’s suggestions. 
“Think he’s still talking to Zara on the phone. Makin’ plans to link up after practice.” Gabe tossed the remote to Matty, and turned his full attention on Lauren. “You stayin’ for the game on Saturday? Watch us bust some Aggie ass?”
Lauren nibbled at her bottom lip. She'd forgotten about the possibility of a football game. Already figuring it would be a reality for winter break, in her haste to get away from Ginsburg for the holiday, it had slipped her mind. 
"My flight back to school is Saturday," she replied, unsure if she was relieved or annoyed. At herself. More than likely at the situation. Dinner had been spent literally surrounded by football, her brother teammates piled into the large dining room they only ever used for holidays and big parties. And at first, Lauren had completely disappeared amongst the talk of plays and stats and names, occasionally cracking a smile at a stray joke, her grin growing when her eyes happened to catch her father's. Her parents seemed happy to see her. Her father clutched her tightly and kissed her forehead, the warmth behind it making her feel most at home. 
And she supposed her mother, with her busy to-do list that involved ordering the rest of them around with chopping and shopping and cleaning and organizing didn't have much time for her usual spiel. Again, the surprise drop in was good for something. She'd managed a quick kiss to her daughter's cheek and promptly sent her on an errand. Lauren figured come Christmastime, she wouldn't be so lucky. 
For his part, Gabe took the news of her departure easily. Then again, that was his way. Of all her brothers, the two were more alike, in looks and temperament. Where Antonio was the quiet, responsible type, Gabe was loud, the center of attention and quick with a joke. The two of them bumped heads, but never really outright clashed, trading snarky comments back and forth until a peace offering (usually food) was suggested. 
“There’s always games,” he replied easily. “You’ll catch another one.” They turned their attention back to the television, where Matty had found something else to watch (Black Panther) and managed to snatch the bowl of chips from his older brother, setting it beside him so he could share with his twin. 
“Thanks, for not giving me shit about it.” 
Gabe shook his head. “It’s just football, Lozinha. I realize sayin’ that’s a cardinal sin ‘round here. But you haven’t been into this shit since we were in high school. It’s cool. Although…” he turned to his sister, big grin on his handsome face and Lauren knew it was bound to be something that would no doubt annoy her. “If you did show up, I know of at least three dudes who’d be pretty hype about that.” 
She made a face. “Please don’t push me off on your football pals, it’s so weird. Not to mention unnecessary.” 
“You say ‘unnecessary’, I say Cameron was staring hard and it wasn’t the turkey he was eyeballin’.” 
Lauren rolled her eyes, her annoyance only rising at Gabe’s loud laughter, but smiled when the twins both shushed him. She had noticed Cameron, catching her eyes whenever she looked up and making sure they were seated beside each other at dinner. 
He was sweet enough, a junior linebacker studying sports medicine with dreams of being a physical therapist, and he listened attentively while she talked about Ginsburg and her major. Their conversation had been pleasant, but it was a typical dinner talk: polite and surface-level and though she enjoyed it, hadn’t thought much more about it, especially when she had other matters to attend to, mainly cleaning. A total gentleman, he bid her goodnight and leaned in for a hug, a one-armed gesture that ended with a gentle squeeze of her hip, which...okay that might’ve been forward...but she didn’t dwell on it, simply brushing it off as friendly.
“Yeah, that’s not happening. He’s nice but he lives here. I’m at Ginsburg. Plus I’m not really looking for that right now.” 
“Uh-huh…” Gabe trailed off, studying his sister’s profile. “Soooo, is that ‘cause you already have something? And when are you gonna let me talk to your crew? Do they know you’ve got a hot single brother? Like come on, what good is having a sister if I can’t hit on your fine ass friends?”
“That is a lot of stupid happening in one sentence,” she replied, laughing. “I’m not letting my friends anywhere near you. Besides, you already got a school-full of folks you can charm, get outta my friends list.” 
“Jeez, be selfish. But you could be keeping me from the love of my life. I hope you’re happy.” 
“My one mission’s to make your ass miserable so yep, I’m pretty content right now.” 
Gabe snorted. “It’s possible you came back a bigger pain in the ass.”
“It’s a required Gins elective. Bad Bitch 101.” Lauren flipped her hair, laughing when João grumbled about being jostled. She ruffled his hair, letting her fingers linger to card gently through his curls. 
“Are you two done?” Matheus grumbled from below. “We’re tryin’ to watch something here.” 
“Yeah whatever,” Gabe said, leaning forward to bop his younger brother on the shoulder. “You’ve seen this like a million times. Gimme the chips and put on something we all wanna watch.” 
“I don’t mind watching it,” came a voice from behind and Lauren looked up to see Antonio entering the den, tumbling over the back of the sectional much like Gabe did, settling beside his brother, and throwing an arm over the back of the couch. 
“Are y’all incapable of sitting on the couch like regular folk? I mean, damn.” Her question was met by a chorus of boos and Gabe, having recovered the chip bowl threw a Dorito at her, which she promptly caught in her mouth. 
“Nice. Learned that from one of those Ginsburg’s electives?” 
Lauren shook her head. “Nah, just that Zizes instinct comin’ through.” Grinning, she leaned her head on Gabe’s shoulder, finally focusing on the Wakandian action on-screen as her brothers passed the bowl between them, feeling completely at ease in the familiarity of it all. She really missed this.
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Change of Heart (Follower Celebration Fic #3)
Title: Change of Heart
Pairing:  Jungkook x reader
Type: shifter!au, wolf!au, angst with a happy ending, Friday Night Lights meets Teen Wolf? Idk.
Word Count: 1,894
Rating: PG    
Warnings: mentions of depression post-bad breakup, language
A/N:   The third of five for my 200 follower celebration! Requested by a lovely anon. This literally wrote itself- I think you can tell sometimes when it flows easier. It was in the notebook that I carry around so I had a fun time deciphering my own handwriting lol. I was tempted to leave it open-ended and ambiguous as I am oft to do, but anon requested happy so I hope you love it. Except for the soulmate thing, it actually has very little to do with shifters.
A/N Update: Crap there are so many typos I’m sorry. Brain and fingers while typing don’t communicate well. Working on edits now, but was excited to get it out <3 
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How could you even express what Jungkook meant to you? Until now, you had always kind of taken him for granted. Being with him was like breathing. You didn’t think about it until it lost its usual ease. Clearly, you were now in the emotional equivalent of a head cold. Kook was literally the boy next door, and the two of you had been inseparable since the day his parents had dragged him along to welcome the new neighbors; apple pie still steaming in their hands.
If your parents were surprised by the small-town niceties, you couldn’t say. Kook and you had been in the midst of a stare-down, some kind of weird kindergarten dominance battle. Later in life, you would realize just how dumb it was to stare down a wolf-shifter, but at the time you hadn’t even realized what he was, let alone the finer points of inter-species etiquette. And it didn’t much matter, since had caved first, and bounded over to wrap you in a hug. Most of your childhood memories from that time were filled with warmth, whether from the hugs or the pie you couldn’t say for certain.
You thought that warmth would continue forever, and for a long time, it did. Your childhood adventures with Kook were filled with pillow forts, catching fireflies, and watching Ironman approximately ten thousand times. But then puberty hit you both like a train, and in very different ways. His shifts started, and he shot up and bulked up, while you filled out in different places, both of you mutually pimply and suddenly awkward.
Childhood warmth morphed into a flame. Pleasant in small amounts but dangerous if left unchecked. So you tried your hardest to keep a lid on your growing feelings. Jungkook had long ago explained that shifters get one mate for life, usually another shifter, so that the person wouldn’t be destroyed by the other not reciprocating their feelings. He had explained that while “mate” implied something physical, it was actually so much more than that-two halves of the same soul residing in different bodies. Not someone to fuck with, literally or metaphorically.  The way he had talked about it at the time made it seem like something far off, like college, marriage, or having kids, so the two of you worked hard in tiptoeing around what that might mean for your friendship. Instead, the two of you continued as you always had, and if his parents shot the two of you knowing looks, neither of you acknowledged it.
As high school dragged on, the two of you became busier, him with varsity football and you with drama club. Your friend groups diverged, but you both still made the time to hang out on the weekend and nerd out together, your friendship never losing that special spark.
Until he started dating a fellow wolf shifter from a nearby school. You presumed it to be serious, since shifters didn’t really date casually due to the soul bond. You were never really the jealous type, and Jungkook’s new and improved bunny smile helped you to welcome his girlfriend into your friendship.  She “got” him in ways that you never could, and not just because she was a wolf. Toned, tall, and golden, you were fairly certain that she could run both literal and metaphorical laps around you. It didn’t hurt that she was cool and genuinely gorgeous. Why even worry about competing when it was clearly impossible? And toxic?
But you would be lying if you denied the smaller, less secure part of yourself that felt jealous and displaced. Jungkook still tried to make time for your more occasional Friday night hangouts, but she kept taking up more and more of his headspace. When not actively talking about her, he was checking his phone incessantly. Maybe you were being petty, but you still wanted him to be present in your life as well.
Slowly but surely, you started staying later at theater rehearsals and investing more time into other friendships. Correspondingly, Jungkook’s text messages slowed to a trickle. The two of you still ate lunch together most days, but it had become less intense than it had once been. Occasionally, he still gave you those signature one-armed hugs that you secretly loved, his chin resting on the crown of your much lower head. Years ago, he had given you an overly vague description of pack dynamics, and the need for physical affection, which confused you now. Shouldn’t he be getting said attentions from his soulmate?A small part of you was flattered that his new relationship hadn’t completely displaced you from his pack. “Bros before….” whatever, as the expression went.
You convinced yourself it was innocent, particularly since you had started dating an equally nerdy lighting tech you had met through drama club. If his affinity for the MCU replicated someone else’s, you couldn’t say. If his penchant for video games reminded you of a childhood friend, well, everyone loved video games. Nothing to see there. If when kissing him, you envisioned someone else’s face, well you would never let on. It was never as serious as Kook’s relationship seemed to be.
Though all parties involved knew the inevitable outcome of the blossoming relationship between the two shifters, you had never actually heard Jungkook use the word “soulmate” in reference to his girlfriend. Because of books and movies, people tended to think of it as insta-love, but that wasn’t (usually) how it worked in real life. For as as much as their inner wolves guided them, they were people as well: emotions, ambitions, tics and traits as much as anyone else.  Even in the “wild” (though you often snorted at the dramatic image this conjured), there were trial periods, rituals,  and rites of passage. But from the outside, the two of them were the complementary faces of a coin, peas in a pod, tied by the strings of fate, and any other metaphor that someone wanted to use. Maybe it was one of those things Jungkook just knew,without the need to put a label on it.
Or so you thought. Clearly, you didn’t know as much about the natural world (or matters of the heart) as you had thought. Most of your knowledge you’d gleaned from NatGeo or Discovery Channel documentaries- you were a suburban kid like any other. Your knowledge of romance came from novels with Fabio or one of his five thousand lookalikes on the cover, CW shows, and your admittedly very lackluster current relationship.  When Kook had found out  he had growled slightly, and immediately tried to mask it with a cough. But you’d known him long enough to not fall for his bullshit. You were indignant though-you’d been supportive of his relationship, so why couldn’t he support yours? Sometimes, when the two of you walked down the hallway holding hands, Kook would shoot daggers with his eyes, which you would studiously ignore. But the guy was either oblivious or braver than you gave him credit for.
All these pointed looks and tension should have painted a sign for you (in neon letters) that all was NOT well in paradise, but you were working so hard to suppress what you felt for your childhood friend that it surprised you as much as anyone else when Kook’s girlfriend broke up with him. “Broke up” was giving her more than she deserved-she had simply taken off one day. Wolf shifters tended to the transient side (Kook’s family being the exception), and one day when another pack was passing through, she decided to run off with the alpha. You didn’t know if she’d found “the one” or was just flighty. And you certainly weren’t interested in the politics of the shifter world, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out the bump in status she would get from a high school kid to an established alpha. But you couldn’t spare her a second thought- your best friend was destroyed. Suddenly, the golden jock of the school was acting like one of the emo kids: dark circles from lack of sleep, appetite wrecked, small things irritating him, or at other times, complete indifference when he should have been irritated.
You didn’t know if Kook had it in him to love anyone else- maybe that part of him had left with her.  And it wasn’t particularly at the forefront of your mind, but you were genuinely worried about your friend. With the fall play winding down and winter finals fast approaching, you had extra time on your hands that you were supposed to be using to study. Instead, you spent every waking moment with Kook…and some decidedly not wakeful moments. It was around this time that your own boyfriend broke up with you, citing your emotional unavailability. You felt bad for wasting his time, but you also felt free. It was a relief, honestly, to be over and done with it.
All of the distance between you evaporated in a few weeks, if that. You watched Deadpool and Ant Man, played Overwatch, and tried to distract your friend from his heartbreak. Often, he would fall asleep, head resting on your lap, tears dripping from the corner of his eyes, even in sleep. But his parents had told you later that was the only time he was seemingly at ease enough to sleep at all.
You knew there were things unsaid, but it wasn’t the time-not when he was emotionally vulnerable. You didn’t want to feel predatory, and it was during this time, things started to fall into place for you. Your own feelings began to crystallize, and you realized that it didn’t matter in what way you had him, but that he needed to be in your life. Even if romantic love never materialized, there were other kinds of love that were just as deep and important. And you realized that you loved him, in that way too. Everything else-it was a distraction. It was thoughts like this that strengthened your resolve when things seemed particularly bleak.
Over time, everything you gave to him, he gave back tenfold. He slowly began to smile again, and sleep through the night. But the two of you continued to come and go from school together, one doing homework and waiting for the other if at practice or rehearsal. He never dated again while in high school, and you both ended up going to the local university. You for the in-state tuition breaks and well-rated course of study that you wanted, and him….well, you weren’t sure why, but if the ways his parents smirked was any indication, you might have had an inkling. After a mandatory first year spent in the dorms, the two of you got an apartment near the campus. And though neither of you were ones for lengthy confessions you had an understanding: you were soulmates in whatever way a damaged wolf shifter and human could be.  Never alone and always taking care of each other. Which was why, you were so shocked when, one average day like any other, he got down on one knee, and offered you a small velvet box, telling you that his heart was in your hands,  as it had always been and would always be.
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xeezhiah · 8 years
26 February 2017: SMDC Run 2017 - 6.53mi = 10.51km
This marks my 10th run since I officially began running in races.
10 runs under my belt and I am on my way to challenge myself to a tougher distance. I was thinking about it while at the course earlier, wondering if I can really brave Half Mary coz I honestly don’t get to have quality training. I haven’t been running 10kms on training anymore. Max distance I have done by far on training was something around 7 or 8k. That’s how I suck in training. Lazy even.
On the way back to the Mall of Asia Complex, I was already feeling frustrated because I am anticipating that my finish time won’t be a personal best. At the bridge in Macapagal Boulevard, I was even trying to cheer myself up, saying:
“It’s okay, baby girl, you only had four days training for this run so it is forgivable not to break a personal best. All runners go through it and there is always a first.”
So yeah, even before crossing the finish line, I was already conditioning myself to accept that it is the first finish in 10 runs that I won’t set a PR. Charge to experience.
10k run is only supposed to be around 6.10 or 6.12 miles, but since I forgot to tap the “stop” button of my Runtastic App right after crossing the finish line, it went on to count my activity up until I finally tapped it hence going as far as 0.40+ more miles. Side note: I didn’t have a choice than to switch to this app because Adidas miCoach bought Runtastic and all the miCoach users are asked to move to the latter, with all the training records being automatically exported from the former upon registration of the same email address used to sign up for miCoach and giving the user a free 1 year premium treat - who would say no to that? I was kind of sad that Adidas is going to discontinue the miCoach app after acquiring Runtastic app since I really love using miCoach, loved their side notes on how far I have ran and its statistics have an equivalent example, say I’ve gone 42km in my accumulated runs for the month, miCoach would compare it to how many times I could run around Rome’s Colloseum to achieve the same distance. Or how a specific accumulated distance for a certain month equates the distance of London’s Tower Bridge. I am surely going to miss such comparisson because it amazes me - neither NRC nor Runtastic has that kind of things so I hope Adidas gets to integrate their enticing miCoach features once they take full control of Runtastic so that I don’t need to switch back to NRC. It will kind of make me stupid for using a Nike app on an Adidas running shoes, right? Ampangeeet! 😂
So much of the side note, let’s get back on my second 10k experience. Yes, only my second with RUPM 2016 being the first. Overall, I think it was a good run, I started strong, ran my slowest come the third or fourth mile coz I feel lazy but I remember I do have all sorts of “stuff” to keep me motivated with me as I run, be it on my mobile phone or on my belt bag. What "stuff" are those, I won't tell.
“Remember your 1hr and 26minutes finish time goal, girl. Keep moving forward.” I told myself as we crossed the scary Buendia/Gil Puyat Avenue. As expected, cruising on that specific part of the course is scary AF as we literally have to share the road with moving vehicles. I’m not so sure in how many minutes the intervals were but in intersections, we have to stop and give way to the vehicles and then they do the same thing when it is time for the runners to carry on. Marshalls, enforcers and traffic cones were present at the course to ensure runner safety but there are times that you have to risk passing through the marshalls and the cones because you are overtaking a fellow runner - it happened to me countless of times not just on this specific race but even when I ran my first 16k and by the way, both events almost had the same course. It is just too good (and maybe lucky) that neither I or anyone doing the “overtaking” thing were hit by a vehicle passing through. Here is to hoping that in future runs, event organizers would not consider having that course - I would always go for the MOA-Macapagal-CCP-Roxas Blvd.-Coastal-Roxas Blvd.-Macapagal-MOA run course even if it is not a full flat track because of the presence of two fly overs, but this is by far the safest in my point of view. But yeah, if they come up with a course that can avoid Buendia, then the better. However, as scary as it may seem, if that is again part of the run course in any of my future races, I would brave running it again. 😛
Then there goes the “runner hugot” after crossing the finish line and upon seeing the race organizer staffs a few walks away from the finish line, with the medals. They wait for each finishers one by one to put the medal on each runner. So the first thing that came into my mind as soon as I saw one lady staff with the medals smiling at me was:
“Buti pa si Ate, inabangan ako sa finish line.”
Saying that in my mind as if I am not yet used to going to races and finishing my runs on my own. Hello, it has been the thing for ten times now. 😂 Talk about my being silly kicking off post run, must be the endorphins’ fault right there.
I have not seen girl crush and fitspo Bubbles Paraiso anywhere neither my ultimate crush Dingdong Dantes, perhaps they both decided not to do SMDC Run. But I saw their teammate, Kuya Kim Atienza who was also a pacer for 21k runners. I didn’t miss a chance of a snapshot with Kuya Kim before I decided to collect my finisher’s loot and freebies.
While at the race village, I turned my mobile data on so that I could share my post run stats, rant a bit on Facebook about feeling not able to break the PR for the first time and upload fotos. I was lining up for the Philippine Star freebie when I got an email from Runtastic that I consider as the biggest surprise of the day - the email was meant to inform me that I DID break my PR (unofficially) as they were able to record my run at 1.23! One hour, twenty-three minutes and forty-nine seconds, baby! My frustration turned into a smile and my eyes widened upon reading that, it suddenly made me realize that it is not only 3 minutes earlier than the finish time that I was aiming for but it also broke my training PR of 1.25 which I recorded sometime in 2016. Upon learning my unofficial time, it felt like I heard my friend, Betchay say:
“Halimaw ka!”
Each time she gets to have an idea on how fast I can go in races.
It also felt like hearing Coach Jong telling me:
The same way he did when I told him what was my recent 16k PR.
That unofficial time is truly unimaginable that I am still stoked at it even as I compose this blog. It’s like asking myself:
“Di nga? Nakaya ko yun? What kind of sorcery just happened?”
I must have been in the mood to line up and get all the freebies that I can get that I only felt my legs and feet were tired when I decided to sit down in one of the pavements in One E-Com Building instead of walking my way through the North Transport Terminal. Tired legs and foot as it may seem but it is, as always a rewarding kind of pain.
Before I forget, I think there was a scarcity of portalets within the run course and at the race village as well. Hopefully, next time the organizers would consider putting up more so that runners (especially the males) won’t have to run over to the bushes and the talahibans along the course for their bio breaks. Nakakahiya. Awkward. 😂
And for the 10th time, I am ending this post with a series of shout outs to some people:
To my Backstreet sisters, fitspos and big sisters, Ate Andrea and Ate Cookie - thank you for always inspiring me to get fit and fab! It is awesome to know how we love three different ways to get fit pero nagkakasundo tayong tatlo. Thank you and love you both! 😙
To my footie sister, Jeh, who I was chatting with last night because I was trying to convince her to go back to running, sis, I hope this serve as an additional inspiration and motivation for you to get back to fitness. Heartbroken din ako, pero sabi ko nga sa Instagram, lalaban pa rin ako, nagpapahinga lang ako and this is the kind of “rest” that I needed in order to be better again and to give love all the more regardless of it being unrequited. Ganun din gawin mo, convert the heartbreak as a motivation to run more and be fit. I would really love to see you run at least 5k in NatGeo, sis. And may I just tell you, regardless of how many times your heart gets broken, you’d still have me. Love you! 😘
To Coach Marinelle, the daily yoga was a big help to me. Thank you for suggesting that supplemental training and looking forward to running with you again, soon! 😉
To Coach Jong, thank you for the renewed motivation the last time we talked about my running. Your insights will always matter to me of course, kaya super thank you! Ikaw pa din ultimate running idol ko kahit na sinasabihan mo na ako na anlakas na ng mga finish times ko. I’m still hoping na pagbibigyan mo ang protege mo to share a run course with you - tara na kasi, mag half-mary tayo! Promise, susubukan ko your pace! 😉
To Azkal Kevin Ingreso who liked the foto collage that Betchay posted on Instagram, danke schön for the additional hype coz of that like! I was able to sleep soundly and wake up happy because of that. Good luck to you and the rest of Team Ceres for the AFC Cup game against Tampines on the 7th! I promise to cheer loud and proud from home coz I can’t fly to Bacolod to watch the game live. Just the same, it is my pleasure to be a proud fan of you. #TeamKevinIngreso 😍
To Betchay, dahil ikaw ang culprit ng last minute good vibes ko, maraming salamat! I won’t expose our travel plans pero as in sobrang hopeful ako na matuloy tayo kasi di ako nakasama sa Aurora. Love you sis, kahit karibal kita kay baby boy! 😘😂
Finally, John Gerald!!! Hi crushie! 😍 oh eto na yung 2nd out of the “more runs” that you wished for me. I’m still being true to my word na paulit ulit akong magpapasalamat to you for the inspiration kahit na di tayo nag uusap. Yun lang keeping you in my thoughts, sapat na to say you are still inspiring me. Uulitin ko yung sinabi ko sa Instagram, di ko isusuko yung feelings ko, I just need to rest coz I feel tired pero lalaban pa din ako. Lalaban ako even if it seems not worth the fight, dahil gusto kong makita mo how far I can go and how much more I am willing to give kahit walang kapalit. Basta ikaw, crushie, handa akong masaktan ng paulit ulit. Di baleng ako ang masaktan basta wag lang ikaw. 😉 Ang martyr lang ee! 😂 This run is for you, crushie dearest! 😍 Di mo man kelangan, di mo man pansinin but I ran this race, did a strong finish dahil syo, because I want you to be proud of that runner girl who’s so in love with you. Please keep safe always, crushie loves! 😘❤
On to the half marathon then! 💪
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