#i live in a very very racist area btw thats why i love working with mostly other foreigners they dont do that shit
liberty-spiked · 1 year
sometimes i think my department boss riles me up on purpose. today he just randomly started talking about how back at another job he talked with his coworkers about how much they all earn. fuck, the swiss people obv earned up to twice as much for the same work and hours. like, why die he tell us that? dont make us angry on purpose man :(
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Truce AU -Steven universe
This is LONG and im sorry i cant make a cut on mobile. Anyway pink wasnt shattered in this au and she just disapeared,with her high court the zoo and all the rose quartz gems after they were bubbled, but she is presumed dead Shortly after pink disapeared, blue attempted to make a truce with rose. The earth is a gem colony that will not be "renovated" or used to make gems. Its usually where defective gems are sent, but any gem can travel to earth if she desires. Rose controls the earth though it is considered blues colony. Steven still happens, and is basically raised to be in a high position of power. Though most leadership was left to garnet amethyst and pearl The trial does still occur, though its because steven felt he needed to be tried for roses war crimes that she never delt with (as the diamonds couldnt get her in order to do a trial) This is what causes zircon to get interest, so thats why shes on earth with howlite :p Gems who live on earth are integrated with human society, and will either be symbolless or have a star. So you can tell wich gems are visiting earth (usually, as many gems choose to live on earth and havent gotten a star yet) The corruption bomb never happened sooo no corrupted gems The humans are treated equal, though most governments are controlled by gems (their better at leadership than humans, but their councels are full of humans usually) Cluster never happened (blue wont let yellow get near the planet, shes still super sad about pink and all that) They attempted to find pink diamond for many centuries, but they just couldnt find her.. Rumors say there are still search parties going throughout the galaxy Pink diamond took her gems and her zoo to a planet near the edge of the galaxy, one that isnt on the diamonds star maps and is very similar to earth, so the zoomans dont need to stay in the zoo Steven grew up taking frequent trips to homeworld to watch the crystal gems discuss imortant matters, this eventually switched to steven when the cg thought he was ready (this is probably some point during s4, even though many plot points are different) Aquamarine and topaz are sent to earth in order to collect some human specimen, as blue and yellow wanted to do research on them. (Blue from sheer curiosity, yellow because she wanted to get more control over them, i.e making weapons that would effect them and stuff) Steven volunteers for the trial when he learns more about rose, and pink diamonds disappearance. The crystal gems beg him not to do it, but he thinks it needs to be done. Neither zircon is poofed in the trial, blue zircon does her job well and steven is tried as innocent, steven having been on homeworld many times before, kind of knows how the legal system works and asks that instead of yellow zircon being shattered, she is sent to live on earth with no allowance to visit homeworld or any other colonies. Yellow and blue diamond find this acceptable. yellow zircon lives with lapis and peridot in an apartment in beach city. Gems are all over the earth and there are many of them, due to their influence on human society and culture, the humans are not racist or anything, and they have many technological advancements. Greg and connie (also lars when he becomes pink lars) are human representatives for homeworld and other colonies. Greg because he was close to rose, she would bring him along. Connie is considered stevens "human mate" (even though they are not together...as of now) her parents are very proud of her for being an intergalactic diplomat. And lars as he basically becomes stevens "guard", steven wants to keep lars near by (so he always has an escape route if need be and because hes just a sweet boy who loves his zombie friend okay?) Blue zircon doesnt live on earth, but she spends all her free time there, whether she is relaxing or preparing for a case, you can usually find her somewhere on the coast (usually the outskirts of beach city, outside city limits but still close enough that you could say shes in beach city) looking over files or reading human books. Howlite is usually bugging her (btw, while this isnt fully an oc insert au just for my ocs, im including howlite in anything with zircon... Let my law girlfriends be happy ok) The off colours are on earth, as padparacha and rutile were sent there soon after popping out, rhodonite and flourite came later when they were discovered. They live in a house in the country (around the barn area) they have an area big enough for flourite to have her own space, they are happy, steven visits when he gets the chance, garnet will always check in on rhodonite and flourite, checking up on relationships and asking if they need anything for their home (these babies are shy and wont go into town to get things, its cute) Pearl has a gang of bad ass "rebel" pearls, they are commonly seen sparring on the beach, or being moms around the town (to everyone.. I swear) Amethyst spends alot of time with the famethyst, as they were never taken off earth and sent to work in the zoo, amethyst didnt really pop out alone as the amethyst above her would often go to the kindergarden to see if the amethyst below her would ever come out. This means amethyst wasnt super involved with the crystal gems, but her and the famethyst (including the jaspers and carnelian) are considered an off-branch of the crystal gems, amethyst goes along to the homeworld meetings as a representative for the gems made on earth, as for some reason the famethyst wanted her to represent them) Sadly holly blue is never roasted by pearl, may this amazing scene rest in peace. Holly wants nothing to do with the earth and wont go to it unless blue instructs her too, which she has never done, holly is grateful. Jasper is part of the famethyst, is still a salty butt and is like a big sister to ALL OF THEM (suprising that she wasnt the representative for all of them) Jasper hopes they find pink diamond some day, as do the rest of the famethyst, they feel abandoned by their diamond and hope she will return some day The famethyst is more than just the gems that are originally at the zoo, it is every quartz soldier (other than roses) to ever come out of earth Pink is guilty that she couldnt bring every one of her gems with her, and is often quite sad because of this. Pink is never found, never returns to the earth. However some of her court have visted earth in secret to update their diamond on her colony, and her gems. She cries happy tears with every sparce report. Pink lets her gems do whatever they wish on their new planet, human civilization thrives, pink thinks one day she will need to inform earth of their sister human colony. One of the rare reports was done by a sapphire, her future vision gave her two paths, to inform the famethyst (pink knows about them and loves that her children stick together) of their diamonds wereabouts, or to return to earth 2.0 and never let them know. She watches them for many days and thinks they would be happier staying on earth, she informs pink of this. Pink respects her choice. The entire famethyst dont have stars (including our amethyst) all have pink diamonds, yellow and blue think this is strange, but they understand that they are still loyal to their missing diamond. There are many cities throughout earth that are populated by only gems, some of these are inhabited by only permafusions (the cities are not limited to gems and fusions, these are just areas humans chose to not live in, or eventually abandoned.) They are all like small town cities, with one or two streets, they occasionally get shipments of suplies (like food and stuff, even if they dont need it, many of them enjoy eating or doing "human" things) Garnet once considered moving to one of these towns, but decided she needed to stay with the crystal gems. She has told the off colours about these towns, but they prefer seclusion, garnet wont force them to do anything they are uncomfortable with, so she suggests it once, they turn it down, never talked about again. Steven finds lion while hes exploring the earth one day, since corrupted gems dont exist on earth, they had no reason to go to the desert. But steven happened upon it one day, lion was lying near the warp pad, waiting patiently for rose to come visit him again, lion takes a liking to steven, all the cuteness ensues. Lars doesnt turn pink on homeworld, he develops a terminal illness, when steven learns of this he tries to use his healing spit to stop it, it doesnt work, lars dies soon after, steven cries over lars when he visits with sadie, lars parents are already in the room, his mother bawling, his father barely holding himself together. When lars wakes up from death, his mothers tears turn from sad to happy, his father finally lets his tears flow, steven and sadie freak out for a few seconds before takling him with hugs. A doctor checks lars for any sign of the illness, its gone. Yellow zircon, peridot, and lapis are the loudest ones in their apartment building. They have almost been kicked out several times. Zircon talks the land lord into letting them stay, every time. Yellow zircon will often visit blue, they had a whole heart to heart thing. Blue expecting yellow to be furious about being trapped on earth and out of a proper job (shes going to law school to be a lawyer on earth, and currently works at a mall in the nearby town sice beach city doesnt have one..i think.) Yellow said that shes not upset, she just misses homeworld sometimes, though she enjoys her new life with peridot and lapis. They spend alot of time comparing homeworld law to earth law, how annoying law school is even though yellow was litteraly MADE to be a lawyer. Blue is thankful she doesnt have to do schooling on earth. Blue zircon has made many friends on earth, and spends alot of time on the planet. For some reason she doesnt feel the need to move to the planet, she feels like all her trips to homeworld would make it pointless and she might aswell remain living on homeworld. Yellow zircon and howlite eventually talk her into moving to earth, she lives in the same apartment complex as yellow, lapis and peridot, with howlite. The noise drives her nuts, howlite assures her shell get used to it. She never gets used to it. Zircon doesnt get how they sound like their in the same room, when they are on completely seperate ends of the building (yz peri and lapis are on the top floor near the front of the building, bz and howlite are on the second floor in the back) Zircon does not blame the land lord for hating them, she eventually demands they learn how to be quiet, as legally the land lord can kick them out at any time (from the many.. Many noise complaints) Howlite takes trips to homeworld, as any gems arested on earth are usually sent to homeworld for trial, then given back to the earth to decide what to do with them. Howlite (and other howlites and turquoises) is usually the one(s) to deliver the gems. Howlite also just works as a general cop (*coughcough security officer at a mall coughcough*) on earth Gems arested on earth are usually bubbled and kept in the burning room for however long their sentance is, pearl puts sticky notes on every bubble, on who the gem was, why they were bubbled, how long the sentance is, and the year they were bubbled. Yellow zircon ended up living with peri and lapis, because she didnt know what to do or where to go, steven took her to the appartment, asked the girls to help her get on her feet, they grew attached and she never left. Yellow zircon and peridot where normal human clothes (yz gets a discount from the store she works at so why not take advantage of it?) Lapis doesnt understand why they like human clothes so much. Yz loves baggy shirts and pants (she kinda misses the bell bottoms... Oh well). Peridot loves the fluffy sweaters, croptops, and cute shorts. She thinks shoes are weird so she usually goes barefoot. Peridot doesnt have a job, she stays home with their dog named pumpkin (shes a weiner dog and they love her) lapis works at fun land, as stayed before, yz works in a clothes shop at a mall. The famethyst have basically made their own city at the alpha kindergarden, it is recognized as an acctual city, and is the only one to be solely inhabited by just quarts soldiers. This town has no buildings or anything, its just the famethyst sparring and being quartz soldiers, the ones who enjoy sleep will sleep in their holes (any gems from the beta kimdergarden who like sleep will find an abandoned hole, that probably belonged to a rose quartz and claim it as their own) They all enjoy food.. All of them. (Except jasper.. She eats rarely though) so the town does get food shipments occasionally. Jasper is declared "mayor" of the town, they dont know what a mayor is.. But.. Jasper is it. Homeworld has a stigma with earth, that every gem there is defective. Though many gems living on earth still work for homeworld, some have hard times getting jobs, as gems would rather have a gem from anywhere else. It sucks and was a main reason blue zircon was scared to move to earth in the first place. Blue zircon does still have alot of work however, as she is usually the gem assigned to defend gems arrested on earth (as she knows how earth culture works, and many homeworld gems dont) Of course there are many other zircons on earth, same with any other gem. Theres many of every kind. Many gems will deny their purpose entirely and go to human college to pursue a new path. Sapphires have become scientists, quartz soldiers have become teachers, pearls have become famous chefs. Its known on homeworld that on earth you can do whatever you wish, though this makes the homeworld gems despise the earth more, why would a gem deviate from her purpose? She was made to do something, why would she go to earth to do something entirely different?
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