#i looked like i could say “you could upgrade... to a sleazeball” while pointing at myself and it would just fit
ceaseless-rambler · 8 months
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wahbegan · 7 years
Gather ‘round, children, while i hyper-analyze everything in the SECOND IT (2017) trailer
As before, i’ll put this under a READ MORE both to have mercy on your poor souls and in case i need to edit anything later
1. All right, so it opens up with EDIT: Oh, i’m an idiot, shout-out to @final-gurl for pointing this out, but there’s a quick flash of what looks like Stan at his Bar Mitzvah, so i guess the narration is from him and not from Bill as i previously thought. That actually adds extra poignancy to his speech since he is in some ways the one most affected by It. Stan’s Jewish faith is something that isn’t touched on a whole lot in the book, it’s implied that his parents aren’t very strictly orthodox and maybe not even kosher, so it’s nice that they’re giving it more of a prominence in the film.
2. Now intercut with the speech is just various scenes of The Losers being The Losers, they never go swimming in a watering hole in the book either and the rest are just fairly generic walking shots, so it’s hard to analyze anything here, although it is nice to see that this movie is definitely making The Losers the focus and not the clown. We also see Bill and Bev talking a bit I assume when they first become friends, so that’s cool. This appears to be in the daytime at...their school? Maybe? Rather than her first scene hanging out with them after the movies at night right before the sink scene in the book but w/e nitpicking I dunno but either way it’s cool that they show her being added to the group cause she’s the second-to-last inductee to The Losers, the last one being Mike Hanlon. Which brings us tooooo
3. The Apocalyptic Rock Fight and yes that is what Stephen King calls it i’m not just bullshitting this out of my ass is clearly shown in this trailer and it does look way more epic than it did in the 1990 miniseries so i’m very happy about that. It’s not in a gravel pit, it’s down by the stream, but besides that it’s almost exactly like I pictured it from the book, and the shot composition is really good, I can’t fucking believe they got Oldboy’s cinematographer for this movie but I digress. Anyway, it looks to just be Henry and his two besties Belch and Vic rather than the whole gang of dudes he was with in the book, but that makes sense since they really only show up for that one scene and there’d be no reason to include them in the movie and no time to get into their little backstories at all, the audience would just be like “who the fuck are these people”
4. When Stan says “when you’re alone as a kid,” during his speech, it flashes over Ben Hanscom walking with his backpack from behind, like a “victim-being-stalked” shot, so I assume this is when he’s on his way back from the library and he’s followed and attacked by Henry Bowers and His Merry Gang of Pre-Teen Psychopaths (that one i did just bullshit out of my ass), as well as Eddie mysteriously being drawn to 29 Neibolt Street, which i mean i know is obvious and i’ve talked about before but they seem really to bank on that scene a lot like they’re clearly putting a lot of work into it and banking on it being terrifying which i think it should be
5. When Stan says “monsters,” we get a micro-second long flash of several less-than-savory human characters. First up is the couple in the car. I couldn’t tell you off-hand who they’re supposed to be, it could just be a random couple illustrating Its control over the people of Derry, i’m not sure. Next is Henry and His Merry Gang of Pre-Teen Psychopaths, who, probably due to the nature of some of their more disturbing actions, seem to have gotten an age upgrade to just be Henry Bowers and His Merry Gang of Teen Psychopaths. The one with the long black hair we see creepily grinning at Richie is Patrick Hockstetter, who i talked more about in my first trailer breakdown. Then we have the kid in the baseball cap i’m assuming is Henry’s right-hand man Belch, due to his being described as always wearing a cap in the book, then Bowers himself, and then who i assume is Vic. Vic is an interesting character he’s like The Merry Gang of Teen Psychopaths’ token nice member. Not nice, per se, but he’s the one who says i believe it’s either him or Belch cause both are sometimes freaked out by Henry’s behavior, but i BELIEVE Vic is the one who says “Jesus Christ, don’t actually cut him!!” when Henry begins carving his name into Ben Hanscom’s stomach and seems to be on the fence about defecting to the Losers towards the end. I say it’s him cause, once again, i know for a fact long black hair is Patrick and Mr. Mullet is Henry, and Belch is the one always wearing a baseball cap. Anyway, after that, we have based on the location, who i’m assuming is Norbert Keene, the pharmacist who Eddie Kaspbrak gets his asthma medication from. What’s weird about this shot is Norbert Keene isn’t....eeugh well he isn’t exactly nice but he’s not a bad guy, either, he’s the one who ends up telling Eddie basically that he doesn’t have asthma, his medication is a placebo, and his mom has Munchausen by Proxy. Here he’s grinning like a right sleazeball fucking paedophile so maybe he got an adaptational villainy upgrade? Or maybe they just deliberately picked a creepy shot. Who knows
6. Quick shot of the Losers investigating what i assume is 29 Neibolt Street, and then them all biking towards something. Probably 29 Neibolt Street as well, since Mike appears to have....some kind of gun? Now they do attack it with a gun at 29 Neibolt Street in the book, but it’s just Richie and Bill that go there, and it’s Bill’s Dad’s gun (guess how much good that does). What Mike’s carrying looks like some kind of zip gun? And if the silver canisters he’s wearing a bandolier of are supposed to be its ammunition i frankly have no idea what the fuck it is. EDIT: @final-gurl also pointed out it looks like it may be a flare gun.Due to time constraints they may have merged the scene where Richie and Bill attack it with a gun and the final confrontation with it in that house where Bev shoots it with a slingshot, but that doesn’t explain why the gun is now Mike’s or why it’s now a probably flare gun
7. This next bit is AMAZING okay so i don’t remember a scene like this ever happening from the books but this appears to be the big sewer entrance in the Barrens where they go in before the final confrontation, so like the entrance to Its lair, basically. Now even though this doesn’t look to be that or any scene from the book per se, it does give a really good sense of the characters. Bill is determined and all business, all about killing this motherfucker that killed his brother (he also doesn’t talk much, presumably to hide his stutter as they did during the first trailer), Stan Uris is Stan is kind of the Agent Scully of the Losers, he’s the last to accept anything supernatural, he’s the least able to deal with the truth, he’s the most anal-retentive and fact-oriented, and in general the most “adult” of the Losers. He’s also quiet and withdrawn. This is all sort of implied to be why he committed suicide oh spoilers in 1985 rather than go back to face It with his friends, because his mind just isn’t the kind that can deal with things like eldritch abominations. I mean he grew up to be an accountant for God’s sake. Anyway, Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier does fucking horrible impressions and accents, is infamous for them in fact, and it often gets him in trouble with the bullies. This looks to be his “Pancho Villa” voice he’s doing here, which is frequent throughout the books. He’s also the snarkiest. Eddie is a hypochondriac, mainly due to his incredibly overbearing and emotionally abusive mother. All this is very nicely demonstrated in what i think is the best indication of their characters we’ve gotten so far. Betty Ripsom, the girl they mention, we never see her death, but for some reason Pennywise is particularly fond of using her voice to taunt other victims from the drain, notably Bev in the sink scene and Betty’s parents in another unrelated scene
8. The two really quick flashes appear to be Bill in 29 Neibolt Street which we’ve also seen a lot and then also Stan Uris completely in the dark looking terrified of something so i assume that that’s when he gets locked in the Standpipe with It in the form of the children who drowned in it. That’s a really great scene, too and i’m happy that it looks like they’re adapting it because that’s the only thing really i could think of that this could be from
9. Pennywise taunting Eddie from 29 Neibolt Street. Since Eddie’s already been running away and is looking back over his shoulder, and turning into a clown and presenting balloons to his victim is usually something he’s done after he’s already terrified someone and they’ve run away. So this is probably he’s been the Leper chasing Eddie and Eddie has just gotten away. Pennywise and his balloons look weird and out of place in the shot special-effects wise, which i talked about a little bit more in my other post but yeah makes sense from a plot point of view.
Anyway, that’s it for now thanks @dirt-goddess for saying you love it when i nerd out you’re like literally the only one lmao and once again shout-out to @final-gurl for the corrections
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