#i loooooove making danny as legion's not-dad but i must insist he would not be a good father
slashthrashandcrash · 6 months
Slightly on the same track as your baby!Legion and how Ghostface would likely not, uh..."perform" without some kind of protection, but what do you think he'd react like if he ever did have a kid?
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No, but realistically? Not thrilled. Kid would be a walking sack of all kinds of traceable DNA evidence if it were to be born. He's not the kind of man that would be above inducing miscarriages and then stabbing you in the spine a week later after he's sure.
I think it really depends on the circumstances. Was this baby accidentally conceived while he was Ghostface, or was it under his Jed Olsen/any other alias? If it's the former, he'd probably have no idea he even has a kid after he dips out of town a little while later. If it's the latter, I feel like his partner would reach out to him, since they already assume he's such a sweet and caring guy who would want to be a part of their unexpected child's life! But he doesn't seem like the kind of killer to keep up a persona for 9+ months until the baby is born, so...back to the aforementioned homicide. Hell, he may already take the precaution that anyone he has a relationship/hook up with while under his alias dies shortly before he reveals himself and flees across state lines again, for the sole purpose of ensuring there's no little surprises coming out of witness interviews.
But let's say something happens -- he has his fun as Ghostface with someone, he doesn't realize the protection failed, he didn't kill them immediately afterwards because he was feeling a little too cocky and that sloppiness came back to bite him in the ass. Especially if that partner would be too ashamed to admit they slept with fucking Ghostface of all people, news probably wouldn't get back to him for months, maybe even years later, when he's drifting back again through the area and hears about a pretty face he once enjoyed toting along a kid who's age suspiciously coincides with his last visit...
Yeah, no, he's still not getting involved. Frankly, would you even want him to? Are you going to ask a serial killer to pay child support or take them to soccer practice or something? This isn't even touching on his own upbringing with his father, or his clear psycho- or sociopathic tendencies (which are hereditary) and lack of empathy, this is all the schematics of what would be in his best interest to not risk getting caught. He won't be active in the kid's life...that anyone will notice, at least. He will keep tabs on them frequently, just to see how they're coming along. Any interest in starting fires or killing small animals? Any suspicion about who their dad could be? Any names floating around that might connect him to the child through the investigative grapevine? Are they a good kid, or are they simple good at acting like one?
Of course, stalking your own kid and having trauma related to severe daddy issues, I don't think he's going to be able to help himself from getting just a little attached to them. He still has 0 parental inclination or a nurturing bone in his body, but he'd probably feel a bit of pride when his kid finally stands up to a playground bully and gives them a bloody nose, or seeing them pick up casual mannerisms he himself has that they never would have seen, or just the fact that he has to admit the kiddo is pretty adorable with little bits of his features he can pick out from their face.
I can also see him taking more notable interest in the kid if/when they start displaying the same destructive tendencies as him, more so when they're a teen. At that point, depending on how violent their habits have become, he may fully step in. Kid's going to get caught fucking around and end up in juvie at this rate, which means fingerprinting and records, which further means a police file on them is by proxy 50% of a file on Danny, and that won't fly. He needs to keep them on a tight leash for both of their benefits, pass the torch of the Ghostface name so that the legend will continue, teach them how to do it right if they're so insistent in following in their father's footsteps, test them.
If they accept and succeed, well, what a lovely future of homicidal bonding they can have to make up for lost time! If they reject him, if they think they can eventually turn on him, if he thinks they're going to be too much of a risk...sorry, but they've aged out of that cute little baby face that had made him hesitate before, now they're just useless teen he has little care for when he disposes of them once and for all. Shame.
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