#i love chocolate milk but it hurts 😩😩😩
just-a-queer-fanboy · 5 months
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love-toxin · 2 years
Hiya! Was wondering if you could do Xv: “we shouldn’t be seen together” and xxxviii: "I'll never hurt you like that again." With a kinda toxic steve? Like say you’re not very popular or pretty and he doesn’t want people to know you’re dating still p far into your relationship, even though behind closed doors he is devoted to you. But with a happy ending where he realises he loves you more than his title of king of Hawkins high or smth
okay but this idea drove me INSANE you're so hot for this anon 😩
ellie's sentence starter prompts
xv - "We shouldn't be seen together."
xxxviii - "I'll never hurt you like that again."
(cws: mildly toxic steve, angst to fluff, crying, implied bullying, happy ending)
"We shouldn't be seen together."
If you had thought your boyfriend would ever say something like that to your face, you wouldn't have risked saying yes to a date with him in the first place. You thought Steve was different, that he was the nice one out of the popular crowd, that he could look past your unpopularity that borderlines on social exclusion for the sake of love. That he wouldn't even care about that at all, because he loves you so much and is so devoted to you.
But that one sentence, hurried out as he walked away from you when you had been quietly arguing at his locker, just shattered that whole façade you had built up. He hadn't even looked at you, already turning his eyes away as the bell rang and he walked off towards his second class of the day. And as much as you've never wanted to be the person that would cry in the bathroom stalls over a boy, that's exactly what you had done for most of second period until the bell had rang, and you considered eating your lunch there too. Just so you wouldn't have to deal with looking at Steve from across the cafeteria as you ate in silence.
But with one foot in front of the other, you slowly make your way out the door and towards the mirror over the sink. Splash your face with cold water, dry your tears, fix your hair and your crumpled clothes from hunching over yourself for so long. Maybe you should break up with him. That's a thought you've been struggling with, but it's so big you don't know how to even start, if that's even what you want to do. You don't want to be unhappy--you rummage through your backpack to look for your drink--but being alone is just as scary. The sip from your water bottle clears your throat but not your head, and by the time you throw it back in, zip it up, and move out the door and down the hall towards the cafeteria you're really wondering if you actually want to see Steve at all. Maybe you don't.
But as soon as you step through the doors, you do. And he's not surrounded by Tommy H. and Carol and Nancy as usual, not chatting them up and being loud and talking with his mouth full. You watch for a second as he sits quietly at a table he's never sat at before, looking around with his hands clasped like he's searching for someone in the crowd. Alone, nervous, his lunch sitting uneaten and untouched in front of him. If you were stronger, you would walk right past him and take a seat anywhere else.
But you're not. You head towards him like he's a neon light, a sign flashing in the dark that reads "come here". His brown eyes light up like one as soon as he catches yours, and they glimmer in little pools of honey and chocolate as you draw closer and closer until you're standing over the bench opposite to him.
"Hey," The breath he was holding doesn't seem to come out until you're completely committed to taking a seat, your backpack dropped on the table as you tentatively put one leg over the bench, then the other. You shouldn't be anxious about sitting across from your boyfriend in public, but it does draw out those questions that you're sure you don't want to face the answers to. Even though he's smiling, and even though he's looking at you with a tenderness he doesn't usually spare in public.
"I, uh, got you this." He picks up a carton of chocolate milk from his tray--you didn't even notice he had two--and sets it down in front of you. "Had to schmooze up the lunchlady a bit to get it. Didn't know how feisty she was." Steve chuckles at the joke, but it obviously cuts his lightheartedness when you look on at him with that deer-in-the-headlights gaze.
"You said you didn't wanna be seen with me."
It hangs there. Heavy. Steve blinks once, twice, like he can't believe his own words coming out of your mouth, but he's reaching across the table before he can pull his arm away.
"Baby, I didn't mean it like that." That head tilts as he speaks, his voice soft and intentionally sweet. He knows how to draw you in.
"Yes you did." Your chest keeps tightening, your throat cinches closed, your eyes sting--all the telltale signs that you're about to cry again, about to release all those tears you had to muffle whenever someone else came into the bathroom last period. "If you don't want to be with me, then just say it out loud. You can show all your friends how cool you are for dumping the biggest loser in Hawkins," You sniffle, hands immediately pulling at your hoodie--which is Steve's old hoodie, actually--to try and hide the tears that are already starting to pool in your eyes. Struggling to keep your voice together has already started drawing attention, and if not for that sad, puppy-dog expression on Steve's face, you would be running away to go hide already. Damn him. Damn him to hell for making you fall in love with him.
You know he's gonna walk away, gonna get up and pretend nothing happened, go back to his friends and act like everything's normal. You're so sure of it that his palm thudding against the table startles you, and him pushing his tray aside and getting up to his feet even more so. You can only watch in shock as Steve climbs up the bench, and takes a step on to the table to stand there above everybody, his voice ringing louder than the chatter and hubbub of your fellow class body as he starts speaking out to all of them.
"If I can have everyone's attention-"
"Steve!" You whisper, glancing around and feeling dread spike through your chest at everyone's eyes on him, and on you. He ignores you, though, and part of you is thinking of ditching your backpack and just running, because this can't be good. Your life is over.
"-This person right here," He extends his hand out to you, and you balk at all the faces staring back at you, whether with blank curiosity or grinning malice. "They are....everything to me."
He pauses for a second, and your heart drops at the whispers and giggles exchanged among the crowd. Whatever he's doing...what is he doing? "And I've been a huge a-hole to them for a while, now. Looking back, I can't believe they've stayed with me, because I seriously don't deserve it. I don't deserve them." Steve finally turns to face you, his sneakers shuffling against the varnished top of the table and his hands held out towards you, so there's absolutely no doubt as to who he's addressing. "But I wanna tell you I'm sorry. I'll never hurt you like that again. And everyone in this room can hold me to that."
He kneels in front of you, hands pulling at yours to hold them in each one, and your wide eyes look from your lap to meet his gaze that feels like it pierces you straight through. These are things Steve would only say in the dark in his bedroom or the quiet of his car, in the privacy of a place where nobody else's ears would be privy to the things he whispers to you and smile he shoots your way.
"I love you, baby."
To your shock, a semi-collective "aww" arises primarily from a group of girls across the cafeteria, while the rest keep quiet and shocked at the revelation--the king of Hawkins High denouncing his kingliness to stoop to your level. It will be laughable to most after the fact, when he walks down the hallways and gets jeered at and playfully teased for his little stunt, even moreso if people catch wind of you holding hands or him kissing you at your locker. Things he's wanted to do but was too scared to. But as if he cares--that's obvious when he's focused completely on the softest "I-I love you too," that finally comes out of you, and relaxes that tension in his shoulders that you didn't realize was pulling him so taut. There's only one thing that could interrupt this moment you never thought would come.
"Baaaaarf!" The voice of Eddie Munson is the only one that rises above the murmur of the crowd, hands cupped around his mouth for it to echo and his grin as close to shit-eating as it can get when Steve's head and yours and everyone's swivel to see the source.
"Shut it, Munson!" Your boyfriend calls back with the most miniscule amount of malice, more amused than annoyed as he finally hops off the table next to you. And the moment passes, the tension has been broken by Hellfire's leader, and the cafeteria goes back to normalcy and a bubbling chatter that fills the retreating silence. Your backpack is pushed even further aside as Steve cozies up closer to your side than he's ever been comfortable with before, and pulls his lunch tray over to dig into his food like he didn't just confess his love to you in front of practically the whole school.
And you? You hold for a moment or two, wondering if maybe this is all a dream you've brewed up to protect your own feelings. But eventually, your fingers graze the carton of milk sitting in front of you, and you pick it up, still cold against your palms as you pinch the top and push it open to take a sip. And for once, you smile as you drink, knowing the arm that slides around you won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
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Hey y'all!! I know it's been a while but I'm back with more new year new me bs. I am not doing the 75 hard challenge this year. Instead I'm doing the whole 30 elimination diet. I won't be posting daily body pics but I'll post some food pics and all that. I meant to start with the updates sooner but here we are. I'm on day 8 and it feels like day 80. I "practiced" a little bit before the new year and I felt like I could do it....
For those who aren't familiar with the whole 30, participants basically cut everything out that is known to cause inflammation and cravings, a reset, if you will. What is eliminated is added sugar (all sources except fruit juice which is weird to me but whatever), alcohol (I haven't drank since before the challenge last year anyway), white flour (pasta, tortillas, pizza), dairy (I don't like it anyway), grains (rice, oats etc), corn (I guess it's also a grain), beans, diet soda, basically anything that makes you feel like 💩. However, it's quite meat heavy for me. I like eggs but I don't want them every day. I prefer oat milk to almond milk especially in my coffee. It's only 30 days but I think fish is making me bloated and gassy. I've tried several kinds (since I'm not buying snacks on bogo now and can afford it) and most have caused me gastrointestinal distress. I don't want to eat chicken every day but nuts and seeds only take me so far without lentils and quinoa and rice to bulk up my diet. I love fruits and vegetables and I really ate eggs sparingly (and they come from the fancy farms and all that) to begin with and very little meat. There is a plant based version that I might try after the reintroduction period. I miss overnight oats with date paste and chia seeds and walnuts. My boyfriend just came in the room with a bag of chips ahoy and I want one. My daughter has been making homemade chocolate sauce and she puts very little sugar in it but I still can't try it for 20 more days 😩
It's not all terrible though. I sleep better. I don't wake up with yukmouth. My clothes have gotten a little looser. My joints hurt less. I. Cook. Everything. So not going out to eat or grabbing a coffee has saved me the money I need to get the best of what I want to fix so that I'll actually want it and the people in my house who share it with me don't complain that it's not good. I'm waiting on the boundless energy that I was promised. I'm waiting for January 31st so I can have an oatmeal pancake and some lentils and rice and grits and maybe even pizza (vegan pls). I'm waiting on these Tums to kick in that I don't feel like I should red by now. Anyone else doing this?
The pics are of my last meal of 2023 (lions mane mushrooms over polenta with microgreens) and my first dinner of 2024 (before I smashed it it was roasted chicken and sweet potatoes, garlic kale, romanesco and purple cauliflower)
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asummersday · 6 months
22, 26 and 30
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
This scene from chapter 6 of ataimw is so very near and dear to my heart <3
The kitchen is dark and the lair is quiet. Leo doesn't really want to let Donnie return to his lab just yet.
"Sit down," he says, snapping the first aid kit shut. "I'll make us hot cocoa."
Donnie doesn't protest. He cradles his burned hand to his chest and shuffles over to the kitchen table. Leo messes around the kitchen, picking out a pot and two mugs, cocoa from the tea cupboard and milk from the fridge.
It's the peaceful sort of quiet that only exists this early in the morning, when everything is pale blue and the sun hasn't risen yet. Donnie says nothing, and neither does Leo.
He barely bothers to make anything fancy, he just tries to be quick. When he's done, he makes his way to the kitchen table, mugs in tow.
“I don’t know how to make it as good as Mikey’s or Raph’s, but—” he slides the warm mug over to Donnie.
It’s a very nice mug— ceramic and plain white with dozens of flowers of varying sorts and sizes printed all over it. Leo’s mug is a dusty blue with ‘world’s best grandma’ written across it in neat print letters. Not nearly as nice as Donnie’s, but it’s taller and wider, so Leo’s not complaining.
“It’s fine,” Donnie replies, picking up the mug and taking a hesitant sip. “Thanks,” he adds as an afterthought.
Leo hums in reply, sliding into a vacant chair at the table. Neither of them bothered to turn on any other light in the kitchen, so they’re mostly sitting in the dark, drinking hot chocolate in silence.
Leo feels tired. It’s five in the morning, and he feels it weighing on him. His eyes sting a little and he misses how comfortably asleep he was back in Donnie’s lab.
Across from him, Donnie leans back in his chair, head tilted up toward the ceiling, eyes closed. He’s not sleeping, but Leo wishes he was. Donnie is never this careless with his tools, he’s never careless enough to use the more dangerous ones when he’s sleep deprived. He wonders, briefly, if Donnie would’ve gone knocking on his door after the fact had Leo not shown up in his lab, demanding his twin’s attention.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Ohhh. I think I'd have to say when I decided to add Big Mama into the plot of ataimw. I know I've complained about it a bit but I just love to complain, I think its actually a pretty good direction I've taken the plot in.
YEAH cuz I was stumped for WEEKS trying to figure out the plot of this fic, because I suck at plots and I wasn't expecting this fic to require one. I have the angsty stuff going on alongside the plot (finding the cursed amulet) and I was like "well. Its kind of boring making Leo just like chase the foot clan around for 10 straight chapters especially considering that in canon theyre really not that good at what they do, plus its more fun to add something new to spice things up" and along came Big Mama. She's SUCH a fun character (but so difficult to write 😩) and having her in my story definitely makes my plot work better (bc bow Leo ACTUALLY has to work to get the amulet back instead of just chasing the foot clan around NYC. I got sick of that pretty quickly)
(Tbh a lot of people in my comments want leos brothers to find out what's going on but I HAVE A PLAN. and that plan involves no one finding out for at least a couple more chapters sorry.)
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
Ive got a handful of projects for 2024, but at the top, id say finishing all the ashes in my wake. I have two Rise oneshots i really want to write also, both angst and hurt/comfort of course, and that's all I'll say about it :3
Theres also a DC fic that's been sitting in my drafts since September last year that I really hope to get to, though since my hyperfixation's fully shifted into rise idk when ill get to it
Thank you for the ask!!!!
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sagessoftwings · 3 years
Hi there! I was wondering if I could get a bnha matchup?
I'm a 5"5, I have shoulder length brown hair with some leftover lighter shades of brown from bleaching it, pale blue eyes and glasses.
I am also pansexual (so I'm fine with any gender) and I'm also nonbinary (but I'm fine with any pronouns :))
I am an ENFJ, a Sagittarius, and a rising Aquarius.
I enjoy cosplaying, doing makeup, taking care of animals and my little sister, talking with my friends and I also have this weird talent for making delicious homemade drinks (warm milk, vanilla extract, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg with a hot chocolate packet is my sister's favorite drink I make) I usually make drinks if I want to calm my sister down or if I want to just have an excuse to hangout with her
As far as personality goes, I'm a very empathetic person. I sometimes hate it bc it means I feel for ppl, even if theyve hurt me, I still feel for them. I also think I am smart bc I will be graduating early and I take school very seriously. I also get told I'm funny, I tend to use my humor to make others feel better
I hope this is enough info ☺️
I ship you with Tamaki Amajiki
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he was mostly afraid because he saw you had such a kind heart and was afraid we wouldn’t be enough for you
Favorite think about your features are your glasses
Whenever you loose them he’s on the prowl babe
Always helps you no matter what but does have a bad habit of panicking when you loose them?
Like he looks in the most awkward places like the fridge or in pillow cases
Does believe you will go blind if he doesn’t find them in 4 seconds
Is glad to be your test subject when it comes to makeup
And he loves to cosplay with you so please please ask him!!
It gives him a confidence booster especially if the character he’s cosplay is cool and strong
First date was definitely feeding deer
It’s calms him so he was able to kinda distract himself from being scared
“But, what If she doesn’t like me? What if she’s scared of me?!”
Please reassure him… please
Likes to watch when you make drinks, you’re just so awesome!
Will always go “hm it’s not as good as y/n’s-”
Not Touchy touchy but will hold your hand or link pinkies with you, mostly to calm himself
Does get jealous when others look at you though, if this happens he will peck your temple with the fattest smile and blush across his cheeks
Likes to also collect wild flowers for you as well
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