#i love cow atobe!!
hweiro · 7 years
For that character meme, Oikawa!
First impression“Ah, the token pretty-boy superior-skills character who will end up being taken down a peg or two. Possibly similar to Aomine Daichi/Atobe Keigo.”
Impression nowI WILL GO DOWN FIGHTING FOR THIS BOI*cough*One of the most beautifully fleshed out characters I’ve encountered in a sports manga, boasting one of the best balances between charisma, self-awareness and insecurity. From the get-go, you get an impression of how confident Oikawa is. He knows he’s a great setter; it shows in his plays and how he plans/sets without hesitation or doubt. At the same time, he is aware that his skills are as highly developed as they are though practice rather than natural talent, and works his ass off to push them to their highest potential. He’s also all too conscious of the naturally gifted, and fears being surpassed by something completely out of his control (raw talent). This worry fluctuates, occasionally getting bad enough that it visibly frustrates him for long periods of time, even causing him to lash out thoughtlessly, almost physically retaliating against Kageyama once. For me at least, that makes him so relatable, it’s almost ridiculous. Here’s a character who’s confident on the outside, but hides an inner core of insecurity that try as he might, he can’t completely dispel because there’s no actual way to fix the problem causing it.I really like his pettiness as well, but that’s not completely unique to Oikawa as a character. Still, it adds a nice dimension to his personality. Don’t get me started on his dynamics with the others, I can talk about Oikawa and Iwaizumi until the cows come home, probably.
Favorite moment
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Idea for a storyI would really like to flesh that Overwatch!AU I have in my mind-archives somewhere. Something completely new though…I still have that soulmate-inversion trope I want to work on, but haven’t. 
Unpopular opinionI’m not sure I have unpopular opinions, to be honest…? Maybe that Oikawa isn’t completely incapable outside volleyball? I mean, I believe he enjoys being doted on, but he’s not completely reliant (on Iwaizumi or anyone else) to function.I do think Oikawa could end up on the National team, but may not make it into the first string/would not stay long in first string. The competitiveness it takes to be on a top-tier team would draw out that small difference between honed and honed+raw talent, and given the competition there is likely to be for that one spot, it’s unlikely Oikawa would make that final cut. Would Oikawa destroy himself to try to narrow that gap? Mmmm, could be spun either way, depending on the fic context.
Favorite relationshipOikawa/Iwaizumi - Iwaoi. Seriously, this ship got me back into the fanfic writing scene, that’s how motivational this ship is. The canon relationship between these two is so strong, I cannot - Oikawa’s absolute confidence that Iwaizumi will hit any toss Oikawa sends him, that Iwaizumi is always the best choice for a spike in a pinch, how Iwaizumi moderates Oikawa’s behavior (comic relief/pulling him out of his self-esteem issues), the casual way they treat/talk to each other that hints at a solidly-built friendship - hi, I think I’ll go read some Iwaoi now.
Favorite headcanonOikawa realizes he loves his childhood friend through the absence-makes-the-heart-fonder trope. Oikawa secretly likes matching clothes with Iwaizumi, no matter how much he complains that Iwa-chan has bad fashion sense (HEY, I SHOULD WRITE THIS.) Oikawa isn’t very fond of coffee, but is good at making it because it’s Iwaizumi’s preferred choice of drink. Oikawa is uncannily perceptive at picking up people’s emotions, but off-court, he’s not always accurate at deducing the causes behind them. Oikawa, tucked in fluffy blankets, half-asleep against a windowsill waiting for Iwaizumi to come home. Oikawa’s back-up career after retirement is not being a volleyball coach, though he would do coaching on the side for fun.
[Character meme]
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