#i love daniel wagner
binarysunset17 · 4 months
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hi-hi-hello11 · 1 year
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what a cutie patootie
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slut4dannywagner · 2 years
aaahh i just wanna give him a kiss so bad
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He just performed a sold out show at Madison Square Garden for the first time
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the most detrimental set of photos to exist
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kissingsun · 6 months
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“I’d rather take my whiskey neat, my coffee black and my bed at three.” -Hozier
Lately, life has been absolute shit for you, especially during the daytime. But, you find yourself finally feeling at home during the Nashville nightlife, specifically the Nashville underground rock scene. What you didn’t expect was to get a tiny crush on the drummer of the newest group coming to The Basement.
WARNINGS: eventual smut, blatant flirting, unwanted touching, descriptions of depression and anxiety. (More to come as the chapters come out!)
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whygaia · 9 months
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even more Greta Van Fleet in my sketchbook: Danny Wagner ✨🪐
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altoace · 1 year
I love X-Men Evo, and I have hundreds of incorrect quotes saved. I love all of these dumb teens (as well as Logan and Ororo) very much.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Scott: No, I’ll tell you what the problem is! The problem is—
Lance: {holds his breath and covers his ears}
Scott: Great, that’s just what your brain needs. Less oxygen.
— — — — —
Pietro: Isn’t it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they’re annoying?
Pietro: Imagine if people did that to other people? I would’ve been dead years ago!
— — — — —
Rogue: Behold, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
— — — — —
Kurt, during training: Hey, who wants to see an impression of my mother?
Scott: Kurt, no.
*Kurt teleports out of the room*
Scott: KURT, NO!
— — — — —
Scott: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Kurt: Plane tickets?
Evan: Concert tickets?
Kitty: Prostitution?
Scott, eyes closed, holding his shades: Glasses.
— — — — —
Lance: {walks in}
Todd and Fred: {making horse noises at each other}
Lance: {walks out}
— — — — —
Tabitha: Every now and then, I like to do as I’m told just to confuse people.
— — — — —
Kitty: {running away from mutants working for Magneto while on the phone}
Scott: Where are you?!
Kitty: I don’t know! You tell me!
Scott: Any sort of notable sign or something?!
Kitty: Umm…staircase!
Scott: Anything else? Like a room name?! Any item that’s unique?!
Kitty: Fire extinguisher!
Rogue, muttering under her breath: She’s gonna die…
— — — — —
Kurt: When life gives you lemons—
Rogue: Squeeze them in people’s eyes.
— — — — —
Evan: Someday, in the distant future, people will once again be capable of hearing the phrase “what is love” without also feeling the primal urge to respond with “baby don’t hurt me”.
Kitty: So at that point, people will say “baby don’t hurt me”…no more?
— — — — —
Wanda: Can you pass the pepper?
Todd: What’s the ~magic word~?
*Wanda begins chanting*
Pietro, panicking: JUST TAKE IT OH MY GOD
— — — — —
Xavier: I admit, I was wrong to give up on you all so quickly.
The Brotherhood: Good.
Xavier: However—
The Brotherhood: No, no however. Just be wrong. Just live in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it.
— — — — —
Lance: Where’s the yogurt? I thought you went to the store?
Pietro: {incoherent mumbling}
Lance: Huh?
— — — — —
*at the zoo*
Lance: So, what are they in for?
Kitty: This isn’t prison.
Lance: So they can leave?
Kitty: Well, no but—
Lance, pointing at a penguin: I bet that one killed somebody.
— — — — —
Xavier: Do you know why I chose you as my first student?
Scott: I assumed you lost a bet.
— — — — —
Scott: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Evan: “Best smile”.
Kurt: “Nicest personality”.
Kitty: “Most likely to start a bar fight”.
Rogue: “Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one”.
— — — — —
Jean: Evan, if we get out of this alive, I will kill you.
Evan: So what’s my incentive to live?
— — — — —
Kurt: Are you a morning person or an evening person?
Scott: If I’m lucky, I get a good few minutes in during the middle of the day.
— — — — —
Scott: Sorry I’m late. I broke down on my way here.
Rogue: Is your car okay?
Scott: Car?
The X-Men:
— — — — —
Lance: Mystique is gonna try and have you killed.
Scott: I can’t say that surprises me.
— — — — —
Kurt, about Tabitha: I don’t know what she’s planning, but I can tell you two things. We won’t like it, and it won’t be legal.
— — — — —
Pietro: Of all the things I am low enough to do, how could you even doubt if that was one of them?
— — — — —
Todd: Why are only roosters allowed to start the day screaming?
Lance: Because we live in the same house and I will murder you.
— — — — —
Scott: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club.
Wanda: What club?
Rogue: The hating Magneto club.
Wanda: The fuck? I should be the leader of that club.
— — — — —
Kitty: Guys! Logan just fell down the stairs!
Ororo: And what did he say?
Kitty: Should I skip the swearing?
Ororo: Yes.
Kitty: Then he fell in silence.
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binarysunset17 · 7 months
I love Daniel so much and i realised i dont talk about him enough but i adore danny with every inch of my heart hes the equivalent of a baby duck
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hi-hi-hello11 · 1 year
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this is the picture you take just after Danny had a good hit in golf. You’re sitting down watching Danny play the game he loves more than anything. After he gets a good hit he turns around and runs to you celebrating “woo!” “Did you see that one baby?” you giggle and reply “I sure did”. Danny reaches you and lifts you up, spinning you in a hug. You give him a peck on the nose before he puts you back down, grabbing your face with both hands and laying a huge kiss on your lips, not caring about everyone who’s around, just wanting to celebrate with his girl. “Danny the others are waiting for you, go” you say shooing him off. “Don’t worry beautiful we should be done soon” he says before leaning down and whispering in your ear “after we’re done here, you and I can do anything your heart desires…” giving you one last kiss before running off to finish his game of golf
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kakejiszkas · 1 year
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when he— then he— and then he—
(original pic by @mybussyinchrist , obnoxious zooming by me)
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kiska-enthusiast · 5 months
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oh come on
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tearsofdanny · 1 year
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everybody this is my baby girl
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stardustwhoreds · 1 year
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forbidden twin friday: open field edition
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