#i love evan and barty in marauder fics like i love pansy and theo in golden trio fics
As a Sirius fan, I have started feeling a lot of solidarity with Snape fans- I feel their same complaints- that the character is getting lambasted for having flaws on page while new Marauders fans can sit in moral superiority for stanning someone who had two lines dedicated to them, that the narrative in-story is being handed off to these three line OC's while the original character is left with nothing, terrible mischaracterization. Snape fans who might randomly find this, I feel you!!
Yeah, weirdly enough, the more screen time a character has, the more shit they seem to get from the fandom.
It's not even a Marauders-only thing. If you look at the Golden Trio - Ron, Neville, Ginny, Luna get butchered all the time. But then you have characters like Theo Nott who had maybe one line in the book and they're suddenly everyone's favourite sweetheart?
I get that we don't have much canon to work with sometimes, but it bothers me. Like, we see in canon that Draco Malfoy's closest friends are Crabbe and Goyle (one of them dies in the fiedfyre, which is obviously traumatising to the both of them), but this never gets explored - instead they get replaced with Nott, Zabini and Parkinson, usually, who are these cool, edgy, lovable friends of Draco's.
Same how Pandora, Barty Crouch, Evan Rosier and Dorcas have been made into the ""Slytherin skittles"" instead of exploring actual characters that Regulus likely a relationship with in canon, like Snape, Bellatrix, Narcissa etc.
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