#i love having a reason to do animation from cero tho
dianagj-art · 1 year
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love it when a joke gets out of hand :)
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beware-thecrow · 3 years
mbti types from a very sexy ENTP perspective *wink wink*
Okay, so i’ve been thinking about this lately and since i have an essay about culture and politics to write for tomorrow; i’ll do what i do best and focus on something completely different.
so, without further addue, here we go:
INTJ: they care a lot about being the best and tend to be very proud of shit like grades, etc. Not my jam. They are smart, that’s for sure, but fun is not their strenght and can be very boring from time to time. Media tends to portray them as super conniving and scary, but in reality they are more like very awkward and shut in, even a little annoying and dense. The get shit done though, but they are more into details and precision than efficency. That’s why i tend to avoid working with them. Oh, and they are super slow to work with.
INTP: love them. They know wacky stuff and aren’t scared of speak weird shit. Same as INTJ they come across as awkward, but on the contrary, INTPs are hella funny. Kings of clever comebacks without being insulting. They are super smart and could easily top anything they do, but they just don’t care about competition or are bussy procrastinating.
ENTJ: these motherfuckers are so fucking DELIGHTFUL.They are clever, they are efficient, they are comic as fuck, but their humor can be very harsh and borderline offensive. Excelent taste in everything else, they choose violence every morning and would be lovely villains. I stand ENTJs any day, 10/10 would recommend. Oh! and they are sexy as fuck, i don’t really belive in marriage but i would totally marry them.
ENTP: Every assassin you’ve send after me desires me carnally. Selfcest? i fuck myself every day hoping for death to take me, she still refuses to make my wish come true, 10/10 would date me, i’m really clever and funny as fuck. (i tend to use my brains for useless shit, we’re all gonna die anyways.) procrastinate until i cannot bear the pressure anymore, then i get shit done so fast and nice, you’d think i can actually commit to things. No, I can’t.
INFJ: These little fuckers will make you believe they are sensible and caring. And they are, but not in the way you would expect. They have this tendency to ramble about ethereal shit and then PFFF! they are talking about work, finals and deadlines. They are soft as long as they feel comfortable. Then, they will crush you merciless, crying about it, but harsh still.
ENFJ: these people are crazy and that’s a lot coming from me. They tend to do stuff, all kinds of stuff. From the nicest favors to the most dramatic hateful scenes out of nowhere. Very caring and loving, tho. They love and ramble about feelings to anyone, caring about everyone at the same time. Will get you anything you need. They need some vacations, their drama just feeds my need for chaos and violence. When shit hits the fan and they turn into dramatic telenovela noises? bitch, i’m in for the show.
INFP: My mom, my best friend and another girl i know with whom i rant constantly about art. People think the F stands for crying, let me enlight you. These people are feisty and fiery. They are super passionate, but in a very introverted angry way. Full of beauty and hate,They will not hesitate to stab a bitch tho. Love animals, rant 24/7. Love them. They are not particularly funny, but they do laugh a lot, so they are fun to be around.
ENFP: Another one of my best soldiers. These people are super fun to be around. They aren’t the smartest, but they work really good with what they have. Cero chills, tho. Wanna fight? they will punch you before you can react. Always ready for some drinks. For some reason they tend to stay fixed on some people, so i assume they find rather difficult to let go. Overall they are really decent and good.
ISTJ: I fell in love with one once. He was the most boring man i’ve ever known. Very selfish and self centered, usually very mild about everything as long as he didn’t suspect you were laughing at him, then he would change 180° and say the nastiest shit. I cannot give a closer look about this type because my experience with it was just awful. Somehow he managed to crush my spirits and manipulate me into believing i was too much. He was wrong. He was the definition of obtuse.
(part 2 soon)
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