#i love heem. you must understand
vanweezer · 1 year
nate gray
Do you love/hate/don’t feel strongly about this character?
i owe him everything.
What’s your favorite trait of this character?
his autistic ones. jk. his sense lack of humor :')
What’s your favorite moment/event involving this character?
when he gets uncomfortable after his group hug from shane and jason because that seems to be a constant in the njcu characters. dont trust my memory though
If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be?
ability to sing on stage
Have you ever pictured this character naked?
yeesh i hope not
When did you fall in love/hate with this character? lf you don’t have any strong feelings toward them, why not?
when i was SEVEN YEARS OLD. or whenever camp rock 2 came out
Who’s your OTP for this character?
more of a brotp tbh but!! him and caitlyn :] they are besties for the resties. in my head. they have 0 scenes together but i know in my heart they are best friends
send me a character!
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aueua · 3 years
Marona’s Fantastic Tale (2019) AU where the dog lives and others are happier. Idea bounced with @mushrium a few weeks back; details under cut.
Yes, I am aware that hardly anyone knows of this movie (but maybe more’ll know it now due to the streamer albeit even then this is unlikely to be a proper fandom, maybe, maybe not). Doesn’t matter. This now exists for archiving purposes.
First and foremost: Spoilers abound, don’t seek further if you don’t want them by any means - with that said, also good luck if you aren’t aware of what the movie is but I’ll do my best to give some context as necessary. (Post-edit: No clarification. Very sorry.)
See also: The movie is not for everyone but it can be appreciated artistically for its fluidity and variety of styles. There is also a lot of symbolism and the dog narrator is impeccable. I love Nine. I love her, I do.
Okay! Here we go.
Recall the [Lost Dog Sign] that is posted some scenes after Nine (protagonist, dog) left Manole (red and yellow, acrobat entertainer) and she’s picked up by Istvan beloved (Tumblr nose, big guy). Istvan may be driving and potentially distracted; however, he absolutely sees that sign. And it doesn’t quite click, not yet. He’s worried about his mother, his wife, himself, this dog. Dog... Dog! This doesn’t register until he’s arrived at his ill mother’s home. That dog on the wanted sign looks eerily like the one he just picked up... and come to think of it, it did seem well cared for...
So he fudges around, figures out what the number is.
An answer. And with one thing leading to another, Istvan figured that this guy is sincere: He loves this dog much like he does. (But he believed that Manole loved her more, deserved her more, and it isn’t likely he can bring her quite anywhere...) So. They meet up. Guy really is nice, but Istvan can see it - the acrobat’s nerves are a bit shot after all that worrying and desperation to find this dog again. Ana (dog), was it? (There was an inkling that he should call her Sara but Ana is also quite the nice name. It’s fine. And thank goodness, that he did not name her, since goodbyes would be worse.)
They part, and that is that. Istvan checked on his mother, returned to his choking snake of a wife (yellow skin ostritch, black fluff); Manole reobtained his beloved boy (girl, he knows), managed to get a contract that allowed him to work with her in the La Circe (???) troupe thingamabob since it was either them or nothing. Both of these two keep in touch with each other as Istvan is worried and, admittedly, attached to the dog after those moments in the dumps viva la his loneliness. Plus Manole’s a fun personality. He’s considered going to see one of his acts, once, but his wife’s a bit overbearing.
A bit overbearing, as in a time skip occurs and he still had yet to leave her toxic self, nor could he bear to see his mother but still stuck it through.
Come to think of it though. Manole is obviously happy, and so is the dog. He can’t recall a moment with his wife recently where he felt... happy, sincerely. Perhaps in the past, when he’d strum his guitar and skate around - free and without the exhaustion of judgment and micromanagement? He deserved better. There’s just no right timing, though, as he can’t find the motivation to work himself up and tell his wife they need a divorce for both of their own sakes.
And then his wife gave him the ultimatum: Her, or that stupid acrobat with the dog and his mother.
Well, well. Fine. He doesn’t need to pack much, and he doesn’t need to say anything. He’s rearing to go. The wife? Cocky. All until she realized quite quickly that he was serious, dead serious, and she begged and pleaded and smothered herself all over him trying to get him to obey her every whim just like before. That it was a joke, an act, a test to see where he would be really happy but she needed him and who else would indulge her needs and fluff up her ego with the beefcake of a man?
Too bad! He’s gone, but he’s also an incredible mess and it was incredibly short-notice and maybe he should’ve thought things out better, but he’s free. He’s never felt so relieved. It’s quite cold, dark, and alone, but everything seems so much more colorful and bright now but also he really should find a place to say and strangely, his immediate thought is to call up Manole -- but he’s asleep, isn’t he? Or working? He shouldn’t bother him, he should go to his mother. But...
He called. Decided that if he did not get an answer, he would let him know another time (never, really). And nobody picked up. So as he’s ready to drive out, he gets a call: It’s Manole. He picked up, and he heard the groggy-confused voice of an acrobat ringing out with the delightful barks of Ana in the background to give him the image that oh, she must have woken him up, and oh, he’s smiling. They chat for the night. As in. They meet up again, and the two take a quiet stroll out with Ana, and Istvan gets to vent, tell his story. (His little audience is quite expressive too, he noted. Loose red strings of disbelief and high-pitched barking. Dramatic flailing of arms, a growl.)
In the end, they have to rest. Manole and Ana depart (with Manole insisting that they continue their little interactions and that Istvan finally comes to one of his showings, he swore he’d make it worthwhile - Ana agreeing in her little pip), and Istvan is home. A home of memories. Bad, good, but a place that made him nevertheless and he supposed... he should probably go to that therapist Manole recommended. He gave his word that she was fine; she had helped him back then, too, when things were dire.
Solange was her name. And oh, she was understanding - the best, at least for his circumstances. He revealed his feelings, and she helped him through most of it - enough that he was in better shape than before. Enough that he can lift his head high even with his impressive stature. But - he did ask, out of polite curiosity. What was it that made her want to be a therapist?
And it was an easy answer, the way she’d told it. A deadbeat father, a single mother with a cat and her father - her own grandfather. She had been... rebellious, in a sense, and she was a menace to her family. They had financial issues, relationship issues, the works. It was only until they’d discovered the (grand)father dead that things really started to change. Viva la insurance money, they were able to handle most of the debt and loans. She felt more inclined to... help, seeing as how badly-shapen her mother was, mourning and all. And during that - she realized it was something she wanted to pursue wholeheartedly.
Overall, they’re happy. Istvan and Manole eventually get together (after a long amount of time, only when Istvan was ready to open himself up again - easier, when he’d started acting as accompaniment as (a tech) crew and occasional musical act in the streets and they realized how well they clicked). Ana thrives (with a few other secret nicknames that the others gave to her; well. She doesn’t mind.) Solange occasionally helped out in using her artistic skills with some of the advertisements.
They’re all comfortable. They’re living.
That is all.
・[Overall] The canon diverges with Istvan actually noticing and recognizing the missing dog poster Manole put up. Manole and Ana are reunited. Istvan eventually divorces his wife and gets therapy from Solange, and Istvan is later friends (or more than that, ah-heem) with Manole.
・[Manole] Acrobat for that dreamy circus, but with a dog.
・[Ana] Dog! Beloved! Living! Happy! SO Happy. Maybe gets to meet her old litter of siblings again.
・[Istvan] No more toxic wife that tries to control and restrain him with false affections and silly desires built on creating a dumb image! Musical fun time! Also lifts and flexes.
・[Solange] On good terms with mother now! Grandpa is deader than dead but it’s for the better, promise. Insurance money and her mother made her realize she’d wanted to be a therapist. Occasionally does art for Manole’s circus thing.
No I did not proofread this. I do not care. I have self love, and this is, in fact, indulgent.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
What a muddle over the RFU’s plans for finding a successor to Eddie Jones as England coach
Let's try to understand this, because it's all very confusing. The RFU insists that they have a plan to replace Eddie Jones as head coach in England. This is how it appears.
Last week, Nigel Melville was asked to clarify the succession strategy. He spoke extensively, but the situation remains as clear as mud.
In theory, Jones is a contractor until 2021 and will oversee the development of a successor. Well, that was the intention when his agreement was extended early last year.
The RFU has yet to draw up a solid succession plan for when Eddie Jones leaves England
More recently, it has been speculated that Warren Gatland will resign from Wales will leave after the World Cup and will move faithfully to the Red Rose.
However, he has also been associated with a third tour of the Lions head coach to South Africa in 2021 – and the RFU is unlikely to be accommodating in allowing him to take sabbatical as their counterparts in Wales are
Of course it all depends on what Jones does. If the national team does not advance after the quarterfinals, he can complete his duties and the terms of his contract. Or, as more likely, I can just choose to walk away.
<img id = "i-5ce2aea0f317fbe7" src = "https://ift.tt/2JW3944 -6870945-image-a-51_1554066849201.jpg "height =" 422 "width =" 634 "alt =" Speculation has grown that the departing Wales boss will replace Warren Gatland Jones "class =" blkBorder img-share "will replace Jones "
Unless this has already been agreed behind the scenes, the decision to extend his deal has created unnecessary confusion. It was apparently done to give the RFU breathing space, but that decision was under supervision of Steven Brown, who was expelled last year as the supreme boss of the union.
Now Melville is at the helm on an interim basis and chairs the presidency during the process of planning the future will Bill Sweeney arrived at the British Olympic Association in August at the earliest.
When Jones leaves abruptly, which will l do the RFU exactly?
He can be lured somewhere else, he can be lured somewhere else. The plan in which Jones acts as a mentor is that the Australian is involved, he wants to be in charge.
A hands-off role does not suit him – and that would not
There is a conspiracy theory that does the rounds that, in a time of union savings, is an in-house plan on the cards , with Dean Ryan and Jim Mallinder joining forces to take the lead over the English team. That would require a sudden outbreak of patience from the RFU to allow the pair to find their feet at the test level.
<img id = "i-5ce2af7b81ca9669" src = "https://ift.tt/2Uh8kzL image-a-50_1554066843022.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" England could choose to give the role to a trainer that excels at club level, such as Rob Baxter from Exeter choose to play the role give to a coach that excels at club level, such as Exeter & # 39; s Rob Baxter "
England could choose to give the role to a coach who is excellent at the club level such as Exeter & # 39; s Rob Baxter
The same applies to English coaches who excel at club level, such as Rob Baxter and Richard Cockerill – but neither would want to be accompanied.
France has also identified Gatland as a target, but the French Federation has stated that they are holding a ballot at the affiliated clubs to choose who should be appointed.
Meanwhile, Wales and Ireland have sorted their succession plans, with Wayne Pivac and Andy Farrell ready to take over. Look, it doesn't have to be that hard.
<img id = "i-75d5ed45a9d5721a" src = "https://ift.tt/2JT6iSn image-a-49_1554066832950.jpg "height =" 554 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-75d5ed45a9d5721a" src = "https://ift.tt/2Y6pO0I /31/22/11695984-6870945-image-a-49_1554066832950.jpg "height =" 554 "width =" 634 "alt =" Andy Farrell has already been announced as Joe Schmidt's successor as Ireland's coach as Joe's successor Schmidt as coach of Ireland
Andy Farrell has already been announced as successor to Joe Schmidt as coach of Ireland
This Friday is the deadline for all unions to return letters to Rugby World, with the intention of supporting the concept of the Nations Championship. That will not happen because it involves major changes in the status quo.
The Six Nations block will turn its back on the plan to prevent the introduction of promotion and relegation in the annual championship. They love their cozy club as it is.
The north-south financial gap is now widening and the Tier 2 countries are being further alienated.
The Scottish Rugby Union apparently has pots of money, given that it is just a 30 percent stake in Washington, US rugby franchise Old Glory DC, before joining Major League Rugby next year.
Based on the fact that there are only two professional teams north of the border, there would be ample room for investment in infrastructure closer to home, instead of joining desperate, improper clambering for dollars.
It should have happened months ago, but eventually Leicester woke up and took steps to stop the slump. It is clear that starting head coach Geordan Murphy needs experienced help, which he will now receive from Mike Ford.
His coaching knowledge should help Leicester to find some stability and avert the threat of relegation. If his input has a positive impact, the former English defense coach could earn a long-term role within the Tigers management team, but the club must ensure that this time the assessment is thorough at the end of the season and leads to a major overhaul
Mike Ford's coaching expertise should help Leicester find
<img id = "i-35eeac9b98a59cc" src = "https://ift.tt/2UINeHc /2019/03/31/22/11696042-6870945-image-m-32_1554066583070.jpg "height =" 436 "width =" 634 "alt =" Mike Ford & # 39; s coaching expertise should help Leicester to achieve much needed stability
It was one of many reasons why we could not find a way for this.
Worcester v Harlequins picked up the graveyard at 8.15 am [bewerken] [bewerken] External links Saturday night, but the worst of all was that Clermont Northampton from 7 p.m. local time host.
Stade Marcel Michelin is one of the continent's iconic locations, but many Saints fans will not have had the opportunity to visit due to the ridiculous planning.
Northampton played Clermont with Stade Marcel Michelin but the planning was not unfair with fans
Ulster Wing Jacob Stockdale has a reputation as a predatory finisher, but he carelessly hit the ball target area against Leinster – an act described as & # 39; unforgivable & # 39; [Munsterfield got stuck to defeat Edinburgh at Murrayfield, the head coach Johann stood there.]
van Graan, and raised his eyes and arms, as if thanking him for divine intervention.
Owen Farrell missed Saracens & # 39; birth of his first child and director of rugby Mark McCall said: & # 39; He called me at 2.30 pm and said: & # 39; In the next half hour … & # 39; & # 39; I said, Owen, the game starts at 3:15 PM! "
Glasgow head coach Dave Rennie damned Saracens with vague praise after putting 56 points on his side, saying: & # 39; We hid ourselves of a team that choked us.
On the day of competition, most coaches wear club polo & # 39 ; s and pants from training suits, but not from Glasgow – who came to Allianz Park dressed in matching shirts and jeans.
The Sunwolves have discovered that they are being shot by Super Rugby as part of the last revamp of the tournament, so they responded by disturbing the Waratahs in Australia.
Bryce Heem scored a great attempt for Worces against Harlequins – the excellent cross-kick of secan Duncan Weir at full angle and managed to quickly pull the brakes down
Champions Cup organizers EPCR will be happy that Leinster and Munster are both in the semi-finals, which means that a strong turnout for the two bands is guaranteed.
Bristol reportedly Wales fly-half Gareth Anscombe £ 500,000 per year to join them this summer, with understanding that it would exclude him from the World Cup – as an exile in England.
Basically it seems like a simple decision: sign up with the Blues again, go to Japan in the fall and enjoy a career peak without limit where the journey could end.
Yet Anscombe cannot be blamed for making a financial decision and moving to Westland. As a Kiwi of Welsh descent, he has struggled to be accepted since he moved from New Zealand to Cardiff.
Frankly, he has been treated harshly and unfairly. If you decide to accept Bristol's offer, those who have not appreciated it should be filled with regret.
<img id = "i-117a86cd646a6090" src = "https://ift.tt/2UnqO1w -6870945-image-m-52_1554066899954.jpg "height =" 397 "width =" 634 "alt =" Gareth Anscombe cannot be blamed for the decision to move from Cardiff Blues to Bristol for a decision to move from Cardiff Blues to Bristol to go "
Gareth Anscombe cannot be blamed for deciding to go from Cardiff Blues to Bristol
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