#i love her :( if they do her dirty in s2 i'll LOSE it
a-flickering-soul · 1 year
(hi it's me, coming off anon. dramatically sweeping off my cloak hood like all the andor characters do when shit's about to get real)
asdjkladfskljlkjads I have been trying for so long to find someone as feral about bix as I am, I am so SO excited to hear you are still talking about her and love her and are also baffled and annoyed with how they treated her character in the last half of the show
ok so bix theory part 1: she didn't tell dedra shit! this is kinda long but i already wrote it all out in this post here (read this one before going to part 2 bc part 2 depends on it)
bix theory part 2: so I realized after writing that post that there was actually one piece of info dedra could have only gotten from bix and that's that cassian was clean-shaven— bix was the only one to see him. but we know for certain that bix didn't give up any info about luthen's appearance, so it makes absolutely no sense to me that she would give up info on cassian's appearance, who she cares about much more.
but then I remembered that line from episode 12— when bix sees cassian, the first thing she says is "I dreamt you came back. you climbed over a wall." now here's the thing. there are no walls where bix is being held captive for cassian to climb over— she's clearly talking about him climbing over the wall into her scrapyard, as he's done many times. as he did right after aldhani. the incident dedra was talking about. so what if. what if.
what if bix thought that cassian showing up in the middle of the night, leaving money, and then vanishing again was just a dream, and that's the dream she's referring to?
they'd messed with her head a lot by that point, having trouble discerning a dream from an honestly pretty dream-like reality isn't too far-fetched. not to mention that bix was still concussed when cassian showed up that night, it was only 6-7 days after she'd had her head slammed into a wall so hard she was visibly having trouble focusing her eyes or staying steady on her feet. combine that with the torture messing with her head and you've got her remembering cassian's visit as just a dream— something she might deliriously ramble about during interrogation because a dream isn't info you need to protect. dedra, however, would realize by cross-referencing with nurchi saying cassian had left money to pay off his debts that the dream actually happened and would use that info.
I know that this is way too much happening behind the scenes for this to be canon that the writers intended but just didn't bother explaining but. it is canon to me. it's canon-compliant and it makes way more sense than bix just immediately cracking and giving up everything except... anything to do with luthen? also bix is strong bix is protective of her people beyond all else the writers did her so dirty in those last episodes justice for bix
(also why does no one wanna talk about how bold and fuck-around-and-find-out her attitude is most of the time? people seem to insist on seeing her as like this strong but gentle soul but like we have watched bix make a run for it while surrounded by a full squadron of armed imperial soldiers twice just because she saw the slightest chance to make an escape, she does not give a shit about the odds she is a fighter to the end. we have already seen a very well-developed attitude of "I am equally willing to stand tall or go down fighting but nothing you can do will ever make me bow to you" from bix and I'm upset to see them just throw that away as soon as it's slightly inconvenient for cassian's plot)
sorry this was so long but bix is everything to me and she lives rent-free in my brain 24/7 and I am constantly brimming with injustice at how they treated her character (and I am thisss close to writing fanfic for the first time ever just to correct those injustices)
This is incredibly interesting and given how careful the Andor writers are, I do really wonder how much of this holds water because a lot of this clarifies acting directions and plot holes that weren't addressed. I love your take on Bix (and it's incredibly compelling as well as more character-accurate than a lot of fanon takes I've seen on her) and oughhhhh I fully support ficwriting because I genuinely think if anyone deserves it it's Bix.
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mrsbsmooth · 5 months
Hello.. Hope you're doing well. I noticed that you are trying to play on Theo's route for this LITG season 8 as well, so personally I just want to ask your opinion about the newest episode. By the time I ask this, hopefully you already played it so I won't be thinking all night that I gave major spoilers to you, but the episode today brings any MC on Theo route to whole another level. Let's just say I'll jump at any chance to get closer to Theo as much as possible but I can't help thinking that maybe if we taking things to the current top (and maybe some more in the future episodes) before the next recoupling, it's gonna come back and bite us like the way they did it in S5 with all MC that did Finn's route, no matter how like they wanted to come clean, they gonna be labeled as being sneaky behind everyone's back, massive cheater, hypocrite etc. It may come as soon as the next episode in the Movie Night, or maybe when the recoupling night happening. Or maybe just like in Ozzy's route in S6 at least... Also I feel like Claudia is really in massive mood swings everytime it mentioned or happened in front of her. Like I can't get any signals if she's ok with us trying with Theo or not. What do you think is gonna happen? Thanks for taking time reading this looooong questions. Have a good day!
Hhhhhhhhhhh gooooddddd
you took the words right out of my mouth (🎶it must’ve been while you were sucking Theo’s dick just like I did kissing me🎶) what who said that?
Yeah, this is not gonna end well. Me and Kyle were in a pretty good place and I’ve just cheated on him. Claudia is my friend and I’ve just fucked her man. If me and Theo couple up and win love island after this???? No. We deserve to lose hardcore.
I’m really hoping we do. I’ve wanted since S2 for our actions to have consequences again and this whole tempting fate thing just reads as CONSEQUENCES! I want a Theo route to be an unwinnable route unless you never once kiss him outside a challenge. I want Kyle to lose his shit when he finds out (poor darling I feel a bit bad)
GAHHHHH this is not gonna end well for super hot bitch Sophia™️ or any of the other stunning MCs who have dirtied themselves with a Theo route SIGH.
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xalonelydreamerx · 2 years
I think I'm gonna write an analysis as soon as I finish rereading the trilogy but yeah s2 was fucking terrible.
I've seen many people saying they're happy about Alina, and while yes, I'm glad she didn't lose her powers and didn't end up with Mal, there are so much bigger problems with this season
Aside the costume still looking bad, pacing being all over the place because there are simply too many characters and the annoying repentance of the flashbacks, Alina comes as extremely annoying, stuck up, tone deaf and overall a bitch.
Unlike some, I do love book!Alina because she's a very flawed character but lots of her mistakes actually do make sense if you're able to let go of the grudge that comes from reading a YA 2010 book.
Show! Alina was intentionally supposed to be portrayed as strong, bold, confident and smart since s1. She's not supposed to be naive, ignorant, selfish and emotional like book!Alina but somehow she ends up coming across as so much worse.
The Darkling is no better. He comes off as extremely pathetic. He already was in s1, but I was hoping he was gonna have an arc in this season and become more like his canon self. Sadly, that wasn't meant to be.
Show!Darkling has no personality other than wanting Alina in such a desperate way that is hard to look at. I know the girlies gash over him being a ✨ simp ✨ but there's a difference between pathetic (affectionate) and pathetic (degoratory). He wants to keep the grisha safe but even that a aspect suffers from a very detrimental alteration they did on the show which I will now mention.
Apparently, grisha aren't the oppressed group we know in canon. On no, the season hits you with the hammer about how it's the fold and everything that happened in s1 that made everybody turn against grisha. Not that they've been capturing them, enslaving them and burning them for hundred of years, na-ah.
I have no comment on the crows since I hardly ever cared for them. Some scenes were good, but they suffered with how much the story was rushed.
The ending was shit, because while it's cool that alina kept her powers and an arc of her becoming basically a new antagonist is interesting on paper, it doesn't work here because it wasn't built up well and as I mentioned Alina came off as incredible unlikable and darklina was extremely one-sided.
The script was very poor and this isn't a hate towards the actors because they don't really have any control of it.
While I'll continue shipping darklina they were both done very dirty because they were ooc since the first season and the second one reduced them both to something beyond recognition.
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privateraelle · 2 years
your honest thoughts on the motherland finale?
oh boy jsdfks i knew this ask was gonna come up one way or another so i guess i might get it out of the way now. that finale was bad. disappointing. i've never said a single bad thing about motherland. like. ever. i've always trusted the writers and eliot to handle things like they did with s1 and s2 and even though s2 was a bit messy, it was good. but what happened last night was one big messy clusterfuck. i was sad, mad, on the verge of tears because of how bad it was. i've always been the biggest "trust the writers" idiot and i kinda wanna eat my hand now cause sdjfkds i trusted the writers and they fucked me over but it's okAY i'm fine i'll get over it cause someone whom i adore very much can write me a fix fic. anyway this show has been my comfort show for 2 years and it has given me one of the best experiences i've ever had. it has also introduced me to people that are everything to me and i won't ever forget how good it has made me feel, always. so, this is just constructive criticism of something i love.
so, my thoughts, no specific order, just things that won't leave my mind and won't let me and my brain process how stupid everything was:
no closure for any character. like. at all. it's literally an open ending and i know eliot was maybe hoping he would have more chances for the show to get picked up by another network but??? what the fuck was that. there are so many questions that stay unanswered and so many things that make no sense AT ALL and for what. what happened after everybody became a witch? did they end conscription? if that's not the case, why would raelle and scylla go back to the army willingly knowing they wanted to escape? leaving those things to the imagination of the audience is not good storytelling mister, it's bad writing and it's so unserious. when tally got her sight back, they could've shown the audience the characters' future instead of doing whatever they did in that final scene. they should've provided a solid conclusion to the show, they knew it was their last season and they didn't deliver.
so many unnecessary scenes of silver and hearst and his fucking sister which surprise!! is still out and didn't make a final appearance. she was introduced as a new character and her purpose was what exactly? being a mean sister? yeah, okay i guess. unnecessary. they wasted so much time on useless scenes of the camarilla being bad™ when it added absolutely nothing to the plot (hearst singing???? jesus fucking christ what was eliot on), instead of giving us things we genuinely care about. like haha the main fucking couple they forgot existed til ep 8.
that's the next thing i'm gonna talk about. raylla was done so fucking dirty this season. i know all about tay's accident and i'm so glad she healed completely but there was no reason to keep them apart for so many episodes after she was back to filming?? i wasn't mad about raelle reuniting with the unit first, like, not at all. i loved it. but scylla being kidnapped for no reason at all and them not reuniting til next episode was a big dick move and again, unnecessary. their reunion was spoiled in the actual trailer of the season which made it even more anticlimactic and dull, thank god amalia and taylor put their whole souls into them or i wouldn't have felt a single thing. don't get me started on how they have butchered raelle and how they took a lot of fucking liberties with her character. you're telling me raelle was okay with not knowing where scylla was for a whole ass WEEK and she was just straight up chillin' and not losing her shit? nah, i don't think so. anyway, their scenes are cut short and have the length of a tiktok video. when was their last meaningful conversation as a couple?? idk probably in s2 cause they haven't had those in s3, not even in the first episodes where all they gave us were lil amalia/taylor touches n glances. the proposal and the wedding felt rushed, ridiculous and like something they did to shut people up. "they got married what more do you want?" an on-screen relationship with actual fucking scenes that show how the characters feel towards each other, maybe, idk could be wrong. they were not treated like the main couple this season and it's been a hard pill to swallow but it's true. the finale was just scylla holding raelle and carrying her around and that's it. gregorio and tally, a couple that got together LAST EPISODE got a kiss and a worried hug and we got!! nothing!! haha yeah. not even an ending for them. the setup was there. the lighthouse, raelle and scylla running together and living near the beach. instead we got them standing next to each other like they're best buds. welp, at least they're not dead, right?
scylla's treatment was also bullshit. they did an exceptional job on making her part of the unit just to throw her under the bus last minute and sideline her character at the end. that last scene felt empty without her. i know the show's always been about the unit, i agree. but scylla's part of the unit now. she should've been there. instead, she just carried raelle around, and did nothing. what a waste. amalia knows her way around stunts, they should've made her fight and show us what she's actually capable of. but whatever.
anacostia's death pissed me off so much. it was anticlimactic and pretty avoidable if you ask me. i remember last night when watching the ep, i didn't even react to her death because it felt so ??? stupid?? that i was like "haha dude she's not dead". and she was? what the fuck eliot. it didn't make sense for the plot, it was just a big fuck you to us all and a stupid attempt at pulling a plot twist. it wasn't a plot twist, it was absurd. the audience didn't even have time to mourn her. if they wanted to kill someone and make the audience feel something, they should've gone for petra. i know miss ashley would've delivered a performance. but anacostia's death was pointless and mister sterling what's his name wasn't the person she should've died for. if they wanted to kill her so bad, she should've died protecting the unit.
can someone explain to me how making everyone a witch solves the world's problems? what was eliot thinking? forcing everyone to be the same, erasing their identities and differences and giving the camarilla (remember!! bad people who hate witches!!) actual power to fight them and kill them seems pretty stupid to me. also the big epic moment didn't feel like one. it felt pretty dull.
okay, some positive feelings:
i really missed arlen's nicte. i'm really glad she made a last appearance. nicte is my bestie i love her.
the whole raylla/adigail convo about the lighthouse and the ocean. beautiful.
raelle healing scylla and refusing to let anything happen to her.
izadora is a fucking beast i'm so glad she's not dead. the scene of her laughing in alban's face. GOLD.
abi being the last steward <3
and that's pretty much it. i'm sure i'm leaving sooo many things behind but this is as much as i can think of right now. i'll be mad for a few days and then i'll start giffing to numb the pain i guess sjfds.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
SaL anon here my friend hoping that your on-point sparks posts have helped exorcise some of the finale bitterness. But if not may I offer up my RNM salt: science/sci-fi edition for your enjoyment (warning, this may get long). If so, read on! 1) Remember the super important sound-power discovery that separated cells made in 3x08 that made Jones stealing Liz's poorly concealed notes so devastating?? Glad to see that was SO useful in developing the serums in the finale so they didn't have to TBC.
invent new made-up science to bore the audience with. Way to embrace continuity writers. Also, nice to see instead of calling back to this when you had to have an obligatory last-minute snag, you utilized a dirty bandana, which would be impossible to get a pure sample off of with 2 other people's DNA on it, instead. 2) How do shotguns work in RNM? To my knowledge it doesn't just fire whatever you put in it, it needs a live shell. Which magically didn't destroy the glass test tube nor cause a giant chest cavity in Jones when fired at close range. Guess that's a good thing, would have made Echo love affirmation scene 133 where she extracts adrenaline to rapidly pump the serum through Jones's body pretty irrelevant if he has a gaping chest wound. 3) Prior to initiating shotgun Jeopardy, Isobel says she Can't use her aura powers since they both have so much fear. Soooo, are we just ignoring her mindscape powers now, the thing she's strongest in?  Are we ignoring Michael's new mindscape powers he used just last episode to read his Dad when weakened, which he almost certainly is after the body-swap battle with Max and losing the superpowered sword?? Or that even if Jones was strong enough to keep both of them out, Max, their BROTHER, would not??!! Shotgun Jeopardy is neat, but it's setup is complete BS. 4) Remember in 3x08 when Jones said explicitly his and Max's DNA was psychically bound? Should that not require the  solution also be part psychic?? Like wouldn't this have been a great time for the aliens to participate in making the serum controlling their fate, not just be bystanders? I guess it's just lucky they landed on Earth, where the means of breaking a psychic alien connection can be found in the off-the-shelf chemicals of Deep Sky. 5) Its more of a plot issue but wasting so much time on the tropey "but what if a lose my superpowers" storyline with Max, only for that entire thing to be resolved in the exact same episode??!! Seriously so much screen time was spent on Max's therapy sessions and no time spent to let the significance of that sink in, only for it to literally go nowhere. Was this really necessary? Anyway, that's most of the list without me starting to get technical with "the science". I'll give you my S2 Buddie thoughts later, at least after Monday's episode which sounds intense. Fingers crossed it delivers friend!
Ok but YES to all of this!!! Why do all of that with the sound frequencies as the way to sever the connection and Jones finding this out being A Big Bad Thing, only to have it NOT be the thing that severs the connection?! Also as someone else pointed out, why give Michael the power to yeet Jones from the Sheriff’s mind only after we spent several episodes trying to *checks notes* remove Jones from m*ria’s mind because she was actively dying. Why didn’t they go that route to begin with? Why didn’t they use the sound frequency not just to switch Jones and Max’s bodies (which, WHAT?!), but to sever their connection? And why did they HAVE to use the radios and infrared to do that? Liz certainly didn’t when she got Jones out of m*ria’s head!  
Also, nice to see instead of calling back to this when you had to have an obligatory last-minute snag, you utilized a dirty bandana, which would be impossible to get a pure sample off of with 2 other people's DNA on it, instead.
Right?! Like, it was an old one? That Alex had been carrying around in his pocket and was handling it and putting it on the Lockhart Machine, and clearly someone took it from him to give to Liz because we didn’t see him bringing it in! Also, they’ve known Michael was related to Jones for quite some time so how did that question not come up earlier as something to look into?
Guess that's a good thing, would have made Echo love affirmation scene 133 where she extracts adrenaline to rapidly pump the serum through Jones's body pretty irrelevant if he has a gaping chest wound.
Yes, yes, yes to all of this, but also didn’t they JUST in the same episode deal with Eduardo trying to shoot Jones and failing? Like, we literally just talked about guns being a useless weapon against someone with telekinetic powers! 
Shotgun Jeopardy is neat, but it's setup is complete BS
Absolutely! I liked the set up with them not knowing who is who and the True Soulmates moment of recognition, but this specific moment should have happened waaaaay earlier, and with less aliens around who could get into the mind of the Real Max. This should have been like, early Jones impersonating Max stuff.
Like wouldn't this have been a great time for the aliens to participate in making the serum controlling their fate, not just be bystanders?
We were ROBBED of seeing more of Michael and Liz working on The Science together, especially because we found out several episodes before this that Michael was related to Jones! That should have been the trigger for them to work together on this! And yes, I love that Michael wanted to work with Alex on the machine but we just got told that and didn’t actually see much of it happening. So I’d rather have SEEN Michael working with Liz and Kyle helping Alex with the machine.
Seriously so much screen time was spent on Max's therapy sessions and no time spent to let the significance of that sink in, only for it to literally go nowhere.
Uuuuuugh, this was season 2′s “oh no I’m going to come back as Evil!Max, just let me die, only for it to be resolved in 3 minutes” all over again. Maybe, instead of wasting 5-ish episodes on a plot that went nowhere and impacted nothing, they should have spent more time stretching out the Jones plot so there was time to hit those emotional beats and let the characters sit with the uncomfortable things, and actually show us some of those big moments and conversations instead of throwing them out in passing.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I’m always so excited to hear from you! I’m so excited to hear your Buddie thoughts. I’m soooo hoping Monday’s episode delivers some good hostage content but I’m also wondering if it got shuffled around with some of the other stuff! I look forward to reminiscing about season 2 Buddie though because whoooo boy have some Choices been made even from the very start! I hope you have a fabulous day my friend!
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