#i love her sooooo much 🥺💖💗💖💗💖💗
zackcrazyvalentine · 1 year
✨️🌼 Her 🐐✨️
💛 Thais Adamante 🧡
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[Drawn by the amazing @kinnaoo who you can also find on IG as @/kinnaoo_ 💕]
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I am SO SUPER IN AWE at how my AMAZING and DEARLY BELOVED partner draw my Silly Goat 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
If you have IG, if you could go check out their profile over there and here on tumblr, PLEASE DO!!! I SEAR YOU'LL BE AMAZED BY THEIR TALENT OMG 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Cannot believe my eyes AT ALL OH MY FREAKING GOD
I've already told them thank you a million times over, but one more won't hurt anyone, right?
THANK YOU SO TREMENDOUSLY MUCH, MY LOVE, for giving me this little gift and taking on the challenge of drawing my baby 🥺🩷 You're amazing and have HUMONGOUS amounts of drawing talent!!! I admire and love you so much, Kino 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
And let's not forget the little sticker they also made of her 😭🩷💕🩷💕🩷💕🩷💕🩷💕🩷
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taegimood · 6 months
(edit: pls send me requests omg give me something legit to write about 💀🙏🏼 help)
ok literally no one asked for this but i’ve been asking my moots these questions, so i figured i might as well answer them myself too lol
which member's type do you think you'd be?
which member is closest to your type (bias or not)?
which member do you think you'd be closest with platonically?
which member do you think you'd be the least close with?
1: i think i’d be closest to yeonjun’s type, at least visually.. my primary fashion is grungy street style so i think we have a lot in common style-wise and would vibe hard tbh :3 (but personality-wise..? idk i haven’t thought that far ahead lmao what do you guys think?? would any of them like me o_o)
2: oh man.. this is hard cuz visually i don’t really have one set type, i’m attracted to several different vibes.. but yeonjun cuz of the fashion and fox features, and soobin because ??? look at him ?? kdrama first love coded, periodt. (but they’re all so stunning that if i saw any of them on the street without knowing who they were i’d definitely want their numbers and also their [redacted])
personality-wise… RAHHHH why are these questions so hard i literally suck at making decisions- i’m the one that made these questions too ffs- ok sometimes yeonjun makes me want to shove my hand into his face and PUSH (lovingly. respectfully.) because he’s so Frat Bro Coded sometimes LMAOO 😭 so i think soobin or beomgyu. gyu is INSANE but i think we’d have so much fun together and he can be soft and serious when the time calls for it. i rlly want someone i can be goofy as hell with and gyu def fits the bill. and soobin……. oh, my sweet soobin……. dream man…. he’s so 💖💕💝💘💗 ……. (not me clowning matcha for being biased for gyu in her response while soobin is living rent free in every single one of my answers 🤡) soobin is the Actual Love Of My Life™ and i think we could fit well together in so many ways but 3 things that DEPRESSINGLY make me wonder if we’d work:
i’m also an introvert so i need someone more extroverted than i am to get me out of my shell 😖 biggest one is he said he doesn’t lead in the relationship and lets the girl make all the decisions (i prefer a guy who leads and wants to make decisions together) and he loves physical touch but only when he’s the one giving it 🤨 IM SUCH A TOUCHY CLINGY BITCH SOOBIN PLS LET ME HOLD YOU-
3: this post is so fckn long for no reason why am i such a verbal processor this one is ALSO hard cuz not to sound like a pick-me but i feel like i could be pretty good friends w any of them?? 😭 maybe gyu ??? i’m an introvert so he definitely might get too overwhelming for me at times but i also become a crackhead when i’m with friends i can be myself with who share my humor, so i think when i’m in the right headspace gyu and i could just go crazy together and be goofy asf lol. we could also game together and i could run him into the ground in victory 🫶🏼
but ok yeonjun and i would be such bros together plus he knows what it’s like to live in america so there’s that and fashion to bond over… i could be total gym buddies with taehyun and we’d bounce that dry humor off of each other… just like soobin and kai, i’m a huge anime and video game nerd (could do show and tell w kai and all our plushies too 🫶🏼) so i could game and binge anime for hours and be totally content especially if i’m bonding over it w someone else o_o SOOOOO i feel like i could be friends with all of them but as for besties? not me wanting to pick soobin again i don’t know 😀
minji do you literally know anything
4: honestly i think taehyun :((( i just think i have the least amount of things in common with him, that’s all !!! no other reason i still love him sm although i’m also a singer actually (fun fact) so i think we could do such pretty covers together 🥺
anyway this is LONG AS ALL HELL for literally no reason other than the fact that i talk too much lmao so here are the answers that no one asked for 😍
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hey there lovelies💖
sooooo many of you have requested a life update and want to make sure that i'm in a better spot than i was last year when i posted a "cry for help" of sorts on my blog after i shared that i had been living in an abusive situation at home for years and then i (eventually) shared that i became homeless for a few months as well in 2021. and it was obvious that i was STRUGGLING mentally.
fun times, fun times.😌👍
basically i learned SUPER fast that your blood family is not always going to be there for you. just bc you're related, just because they're a parent or a brother or sister doesn't mean they'll take you in or protect you or truly care for your well-being/feelings. it's messed up, for sure, but i know so many people (including a bunch of u) who've gone through similar situations and have experienced similar hurt from family members and i know you can relate to the feeling of shock/hurt/resentment when you realize you've been let down. hard. by your family.
this post that i took a screenshot of below was posted on April 27th, 2021 and was the first time i openly shared on this blog that my father had abusive tendencies towards me for years. due to some traumatic shit during my childhood i learned to cope by dissociating. and i started to dissociate more. and more. and more during my tween and teen years. i definietly have a dissociation disorder that i'll have for the entirety of my life and it's often a big struggle to "stay in the moment" or to feel "real" or even important/special. long-term use of dissociation can often have you unsure over what's real and what isn't, what was a dream and what actually happened, and it could also leave you wondering if anything is important. or worth living for.
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((i know alot of these feelings can be relatable to some of you and that doesn't mean u do or don't have a dissociation disorder. and some people with a dissociation disorder may even feel differently and not how i described. 🤷‍♀️))
i definietly have some distinct voices/friends/people in my head that i've recognized for YEARS due to my dissociation. i have a few very comforting, very motherly and paternal voices. i have one that is very strong and cut throat and very much a lioness. and i have some childlike ones.
so over the past few months i've really just been trying to heal years old trauma. and to heal you have to remember what happened. and to remember is to feel the hurt that you bury through dissiciation. it's a cycle. and its been a long, tedious, sad cycle, but i think i've hit some good mental milestones and i'm proud of me and my journey. but i'm not perfect and the healing process is gonna be one that takes years.
Anyways, to catch ya'll up:
i shared in April 2021 that i was in an abusive situation with my father and i was DESPERATE to escape. my siblings would not take me in, i was given some shitty excuses. despite not having a permanent place to live or an apartment, i packed all of my things up (and my two cats, Molly and Beau) and stayed at an extended stay motel for a few months. it was very dangerous, but essentially i was "free". during these few months i searched for an apartment or anyone looking for a roommate, but it wasn't until August 2021 that there was finally an available apartment near me. at this time i had also made some genuine friends who stuck by me and supported me during the lowest moments of my life. i know consider those people my "family".💗
on August 9th, 2021 i moved into my first apartment with my boyfriend. i had only been official with cody a month and a half, but we both needed a place and agreed that even if we broke up we'd still make things work since we had to live together and split bills.
in october of 2021, cody was given emergency legal and physical custody of his 4 year old son that his ex had been keeping from him. this came as a HUGE shock to us since the ex was immediately taken to jail and one of the charges facedagainst her was child neglect. 🥺 we also were given the choice to have temporary custody over his son's half-brother (who isn't related to us) so that the 9 year old wouldn't be forced into foster care while he waited for his mom to get out of jail.
we agreed and for several months became the parents of two children.
which was extremely hard. we went from not being parents, to playing the role of mom and dad for two. but i know it was vital to remove both boys from the toxic environment they had been stuck in.
the half-brother just moved in with his biological dad last month (May) after being in our care for 8 months so now we're just a household of three.
but that experience definietly brought me and my boyfriend closer together lol. i love him more than anything and it really makes my eyes turn into a waterfall to think that i somehow found true fucking love in the hardest/darkest times of my life. 🥺💕
so basically.... don't give up on love? it's out there, but it also doesn't follow your clock. it'll happen when it happens, if you're open.
currently, as of June 2022 lol, i still live in our shared apparentment with his son and 5 of my cats.
this January though my cat named "Molly" (i've posted and talked about her on here before) passed away. i had her when i was 12 till i was 20, and she'll live forever in my memory as my best friend. 💗👼
my cats right now are: 1# Beau (black & white, senior aged - i've posted her on here before), 2# Flower (main coon, 5 yo, i adopted last month), 3# Kitten (black, only male, almost a year old, and is bonded to Rue), 4# Rue (gray, 6 mo old and only has one eye, is bonded to kitten), 5# unnamed (orange tabby, 9 week old kitten i just adopted yesterday <3).
my current aspiration right now is to heal and enjoy my life as much as possible.
and with that thought in mind, i decided to pause my current degree in business administration and pursue something i actually enjoy.
today will be my first day of classes in nail technology. i plan on finishing the program around October 2022 and will pursue my state license afterwards. - it's something i've always enjoyed so i thought i'd listen to my instincts for once. ;)
love you all, thank you for all your support over the years,
Esther 💕💖💗
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musette22 · 2 years
Happy Birthday Minnie! 🥳️
I know it's tomorrow but I wanted to drop into your asks nice and early because I have so much I want to say to you.
First of all, I hope you have the most wonderful day surrounded by your friends, family and loved ones! 🎂🎈
Secondly, I am in awe at how big and kind your heart is! You're such a beautiful person inside and out and you really make this space on the internet a lovely place to be! 🙌 You've cultivated such a welcoming corner of the fandom for people. That's not an easy feat and I know how much time and effort you put into it. I hope you know how appreciative I and the fandom are that you're in it 💗 You're such a great warrior for these boys and you defend them with all your heart and soul. I know that Chris and Sebastian would be so happy to know you're in their court 🥰️
Thirdly, you're such a huge cheerleader for the fandom! ✨ No matter how long people have been in this fandom, you've encourages, supported and helped people find their footing and feel safe to create content ❤️️
Fourthly, I want to say that I am so excited to read your ShrunkyBang fic Calico Skies. I know it's been a long time in the works and you are such a talented writer! You put so much care and love into your writing, it emanates from the screen. It's impossible to tell you how much I love your writing (and I still haven't even head half of it yet!). I'm slowly but surely making my way through it because it's so comforting and a wonderful world to enter 💖
I tried my hardest to catch a net around Chris and Sebastian, but unfortunately they were too tall for me and I don't think I could fit them in the post box to make their way over to you 😭 I'll keep working on one of those quantum regulators Ant-Man has to shrink them down for next year, but for now I thought I'd make you a little something. One of my favorite Evanstan fics is Heat Wave because I loooove the way you write Chris and Sebastian. Chris flirting with Seb, Seb being caught off-guard, Chris realising how much he likes flirting with Seb... then making out against the wall 😳😳😳 It's hot and funny and sooooo well written. I wish I could hug you irl and tell you to your beautiful face how wonderful it is! Instead, I made you a little moodboard to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎉
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Have an amazing day, sweetheart! Thanks for everything you do for these fandoms and these boys. I know that there's so many more fans here because of you and how welcoming and wonderful you are. I adore you. Meeting you this year was one of my personal highlights, and I know one day we'll meet again! 💖😘
Oh Tej 😭😭😭 I'M CRYING. I don't deserve you, not even remotely.
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I swear to god, earlier tonight I was like 'I miss Tej, I'm gonna send her a message soon to tell her how much I admire and adore her' and then I opened tumblr and there you were, sending ME the most incredible, lovely, super duper sweet message 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖 You beat me too it, my sweets!
I genuinely don't even know how to thank you for all your kindness and support, all your sweet words and encouragement and love, I MEAN YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL AND I AM JUST ONE SMALL ME AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT ALL 😭😭😭
I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for your friendship. It means so much and I am SO glad we got to meet face to face this year 🥺💖 I'm right there with you in wishing we meet again soon!!! Sharing this fandom with you is an honour, honestly. I could literally repeat all the nice things you said about me and my writing right back at you, and it still wouldn't cover it!
My love, I hope you enjoy my latest fic even a fraction as much as I know I'm going to adore yours when I FINALLY get to read it this week!!!! I genuinely can't wait. I've been looking forward to this for agessss. AND YOU MADE A MOODBOARD FOR MY FIC???? Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee my heart is exploding, it's so wonderful. I love it and you SO much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for the early birthday wishes, thank you for being the most wonderful (friend, writer, fan, human). I ❤️ you.
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sumiretranslations · 9 months
Another Dream Came True♡ Tashiro Sumire (23.09.10)
I'm Tashiro Sumire💜
Today!At Yoyogi National Stadium First Gymnasium was、
Hello! Project 25th
Today we had 2 performances、
And both performances really energised me!
My senpai's performances、MCs、
Were really really wonderful...✨
Hello!Project is truly amazing。
I feel this so deeply、、、
I once again thought
That as a member of Hello!Project myself、I want to give it my all and do my best!💭 ❤️‍🔥
Also in the 1st performance、
I was able to appear as a back dancer for Michishige Sayumi-san's 「Lalala no Pipipi」、with Juice=Juice's Kawashima Mifu-san ✨
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We did Usa-chan Peace!🐰💗
Being able to stand on stage together with my beloved and admired Michishige Sayumi-san、makes me sooooo unbelievably happy。🥺💗
Another one of my dreams came true🌼
Last year on ONE PLUS ONE、
I was able to perform together with Michishige Sayumi-san
And being able to sing and dance together with Michishige Sayumi-san made me really happy、
But being able to perform together with her like this during an actual live show、has made me unbelievably happy!
Lalala no Pipipi is a song I really love、
So when I was decided that I would be one of the back dancers
I was like is this a dream!?。笑lol
I've been pretty nervous ever since rehearsals、and being able to rehearse together with my greatly admired senpai made me really emotional...!
I worked hard as a back dancer、to help fire up the audience even more🔥
Sato Masaki-san and Oda Sakura-san、
We're really kind and taught me the details of the choreography
So I really learned a lot from them!!!
Thank you very much for teaching me😭✨
Michishige-san、was so kind to me whenever I saw her which made me really really happy😭💖
Being able to talk with Michishige-san、
Makes me happy 🥺
I admire her so much、
That I was super nervous every time I saw her!!!
That time from the start of rehearsals until today
Will be one of the memories I treasure for the rest of my life😌💖
I haven't written about everything from today yet
So I'll continue tomorrow!!
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(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Thank you very much for reading 🍒
Well thenn!
This has been Tashiro Sumire〜
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jentlemahae · 1 year
it’s another playlist anon and i’ve gone through almost all of them now! really kept listening for mark and haechan’s voices in those two, and omg “so am i” or “crash landing”? had forgot how mark sounded in them! n haechan “the rainy night” and “round&round” didn’t give him enough cred for his voice in those! as for the vibelists? these were so exciting to get to listen to! i knew you’re a swiftie but starting with “gold rush” and i would never have thought her songs could fit him so well but you’re damn right mark would nail that so good. his soft but rough and dipping into darker pitches? but especially the softness with it? would work so good man. “lost”????? that’s so good literally made for mark. all so well chosen for him! and starting with mariah carey for haechan is the most clever move i’ve seen omg. same as for mark, wouldn’t have thought of that before but that’s so true. his voice could do her songs real justice! stayc too i’m a little obsessed with imagining haechan singing them actually! also to add “bambi” to this list feels like a celebration to haechan be deserved that but also i bet he’d be very proud you put it in there. he’d do it so well! agreed, songs like “instagram” belong with them both etc omg i’m just so grateful for the time u put into making these for me and us! thank you, i might just continue to listen to your playlists if that’s ok! they’re literally perfect! it feels like just what i was wishing for without actually knowing exactly what i was wishing for! thank you for spoiling me and us like this 😭💖💖💖 your mind, your taste, and your generosity!
thank u for such nice feedback! i really love when ppl give me comments about stuff that ive made so thank uu 🥺🫂🫶🏻 and yeah mark sounds soooo fine in so am i omg it’s a shame that im certain he’s forgotten about that song 😞 and to be completely honest, gold rush is not really a song that id like mark to cover, it’s more that it reminds me sooooo much of him >.< lost is something id like him to cover tho heheh and honey is something i want haechan to cover so badddddd his voice would sound so good 😦😦 and yeah instagram is one of the songs i think they should cover together <3 also palette by iu and pour up by dean and suit & tie by justin t <3 anwww im so happy u like them!! 💗 honestly making them was soooo much fun, it was actually a treat for me ahah 😄 so you are very welcome! 🥰💗💗💗 sending u a hug, i hope u have the best week <3
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kh358days2 · 2 years
hxh >:^)
I can smile again :D
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): gon 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 just a little guy just a little baaaby, just a little baby boy…. killua too 🥺🥺🥺🥺 puppy and kitty… besties… OUGH ALLUKA TOO. THEYRE LITERALKLY JUST BABIES I WANT THEM TO EAT SNACKS AND PLAY SUPER SMASH BROS AND MARIO KART TOGETHER!!!!!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): morel has cool shades, a big nose, big tits, and epic vape tricks. I understand why people have problems with him/dislike him but dude. the vape tricks. so fucking cool
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): alex you said zepile belongs here so I’ll put him here since you asked for hxh. anyway he was nice to gon and killua, two kids he didn’t even know, and offered them SOOOOO much help for like nothing in return. I heard in the manga he offered up his ORGANS as collateral to help them bid for greed island. he’s just a nice guy! good heart, trying to be an honest man now after a past of deception. I want to be friends with him :)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): shoot mcmahon 💜💜💜💜 he showed up, had anxiety, a cool power that was hardly used on screen, held his own against the goliath of an ant that is youpi, covered his right eye (very hot to me), was purple, kicked ass, had that thing going on with knuckle. and he is also pale and probably iron deficient 💜 and he was purple 💜
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): LEORIO 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 he talked about how he spends his free time jerking off during a live broadcast political debate. he is a college student my age. what is there not to bully? there’s nothing not to love but there’s also a lot to bully 💖💖💖💖 I love him he can do it all 💖💖💖💖💖💖
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): shizuku. I just hate her for completely subjective reasons.
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