#i love him but pls expand ur empathy and compassion
wisepuma23 · 3 years
C!Tommy Isn't a Hero: An Inniter-Approved Meta
first off if this gets screen-shotted, I'd like to say I'm a goddamn Inniter <3
cw: canonical mentions of abuse, torture, trauma
we love analyzing the issues of morality on the DSMP and it's incredibly popular to portray c!Techno & c!Philza on the darker side of the scale. Listen this is a hard pill to swallow but heroes, actual heroes in literature and real life agents of change have to focus on Ideals™️ and conceptualizing the consequences to their actions beyond their personal circle of friends/family. Anybody on the DSMP that DOESN'T think about high-level concepts that require critical thinking, which lemme break that down, is POLITICS!
Some of you might already tune out but to be CLEAR: politics at the very foundation is strengthening empathy past your friends and family, your neighbors, and beyond your community.
c!Techno and c!Philza think about political ideologies like anarchy to solve problems for their community and for the larger DSMP as a whole like taking down oppressive political structures (yes, c!Tubbo and c!Quackity use both political & physical weapons to commit state violence) which includes New L'Manberg.
Techno and Philza, as the characters, actually show more empathy and understanding for others' pain and struggle because they understood that state violence and war crimes against their citizens (and non-citizens as well) is well,,,, BAD
And they put a stop to it! They were an agent of significant change! Right now the Syndicate is actually c!Techno and c!Philza working on making lasting change and making sure it doesn't happen again. They're morally grey like anyone else but holy shit they aren't villains? Like bruh what are you on??? They're people and make mistakes and they are miscommunications (bedrocks bros,,, tragic friendship my beloved </3) c!Tommy?? He's not like c!Wilbur, c!Tubbo, and c!Quackity, that's for sure. They are well aware of their actions and the consequences that may last longer than the scars on their skin. They weaponize their words and know that there are greater things that move people than just a crying friend. I'd argue they're darker than c!Tommy on the moral spectrum. I'm not even gonna talk about c!Schlatt lmao
However c!Tommy ISN'T a hero (thanks c!Wilbur propaganda) and he ISN'T a good person!!!! Guys if you miss those two key concepts about him, are we watching the same white boy? He has hurt people both friends and enemy, he clings to peace through stagnation, and focuses on sentiments/attachments.
It's a huge misunderstanding because normally traditional "heroes" are given those characteristics of caring about their friends and having cute items that define them.
But hey,,, this is the dsmp,,, where c!BBH is undeniably attached to Skeppy,,,, and c!Ponk and c!Sam are in love with each other even though they are directly opposed to each other, LIKE NOTHING IS CLEAR CUT HERE MOTHERFUCKER!!!
a quick post on canon relationships, my beloved
(cowards didn't even mention Ghostbur and Friend lol)
even c!Schlatt was married to c!Quackity, like yes it was abusive & toxic, but goddamn all the characters are people and they fall in love and have friends and they can order state executions and torture their lovers
c!Tommy isn't any different than anyone else on the DSMP, like wake up and smell the primes!!!! XD he isn't the only character that has friends & sentiments :D
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What does make him different than the earlier characters I've mentioned is that he's DIRECTLY focused on friends & family, attachments/sentiments, he's more dangerous than mercenary c!Punz because his goals/motivations cannot be bought. C!Punz has a huge crush on Sam Nook and he does murder <3
c!Tommy is a morally grey character, sometimes he dips DARK like with torturing c!Fundy, his ignorance of Ideals is why he enabled c!Wilbur's power schemes, it's one thing to buy someone's help and another to be manipulated and believed with whole life and love. C!Tommy is an admirable character and his fatal flaw is his stubbornness.
C!Tommy can't be a hero,,,, because he never was one,,,, he doesn't bring significant AND lasting change, and he only cares about the direct impacts on his Loved Ones,,, and that was easy to support a Community when it was only four people. Now there's 30 total members on the DSMP and there's no more "easy" nation to consolidate his "loyalty" qualities under.
The biggest thing for C!Tommy right now wouldn't just be an Introduction to Political Science 101 class but also the character growth to let go. He has huge trauma connected to the themes of "change" and I'd like to see him heal by realizing it's possible to stop hurting others back. Thinking about larger political impacts of his actions would actually strengthen his empathy as it did for c!Wilbur, as he realized what he did was WRONG, and then decided to rectify it by destroying the weapon he made. L'Manberg.
I'd like to leave you all with the homework of what weapon c!Tommy had made ":)"
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