#i love how lu does her hair y'all
miasmaghoul · 7 months
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Rating: E
Pairing: Sunshine/Aurora
Contains: transfem Sunshine, stoned ghoulettes, banter, snuggling (gone sexual), something of a first time, new discoveries and these two just having a real good day together.
"You're so fuckin' pretty," Sunshine slurs, a stoned grin plastered across her freckled face. "You know that?"
Aurora chirps, pleased, raking perfectly manicured nails over the ghoulette's scalp. She's on her stomach between Aurora's legs, arms around her waist, tail curled around Aurora's ankle. Those nails scritch at a spot by her horn and Sunshine purrs with it, nuzzling Aurora's belly through the soft yellow cotton of her sundress. They've been here for hours now; what started as a self-care day had devolved into lazy snuggles and endless snacking once Sunshine revealed her secret stash of edibles. Not that either of them were complaining.
"Yeah?" Aurora giggles, twirling a russet curl around a slender finger. Sunshine nods against her stomach, rumples the fabric under her cheek. "Then why'd it take you so long to get me in your bed, huh?"
Read the rest below the cut!
Sunshine shoves herself up just enough to look the little ghoulette in the eye, delighted at how heavy and distant they look. Silver-green irises shrunk to thin rings by her blown pupils, eyeshadow glittering in the rosy light of the setting sun. It's the same shade of cotton candy blue as her hair, gentle waves cascading over her shoulders. Her cheeks sit flushed and full, a dopey smile stuck on her perfectly pouty lips.
Pretty doesn't even begin to cover it.
"Whaddaya mean 'so long'?" She reaches up and taps the tip of Aurora's upturned nose. "You've only been here for like a week!"
"Um, excuse you - I've been here for 23 days," Aurora corrects, nipping after Sunshine's outstretched finger. "Thought I was gonna die of old age waitin' to get here."
"Pfft, drama queen." Sunshine gives her a wink, scooting up until they're chest to chest. "You're s'bad as Rain."
"Am not!"
She says it with an indignant pout, that lovely lower lip stuck out in deliberate biting distance. And, well, how could Sunshine resist?
"Sure y'are," she lilts, kissing her cheek. "Actin' like I've been ignoring you," another kiss, to her jaw, "when we both know," one more kiss for good measure, to her chin, "that you've been getting plenty of attention."
She takes Aurora's lip between her fangs, gives it a playful tug, and the little ghoulette's eyes sparkle. She can't keep her pout in place, mouth curling at the corners when Sunshine pulls back to give her a wink.
"Okay but not from you," she trills, looping her arms around Sunshine's neck. "A girl can only handle so much making out and over-the-clothes stuff, y’know."
"Are you callin' me boring?" Sunshine feigns hurt, makes her eyes go all watery and sad. Aurora pays it no mind, offers up a one-shouldered shrug even as her tail sneaks its way around Sunshine's thigh. "You wound me, Roro," she sighs, flopping with all her weight onto the smaller ghoulette's chest, forcing out an oof. "I thought you liked dry humping!"
"Not as much as you do," Aurora teases, and well, Sunshine's pretty sure no one likes dry humping as much as she does. Hell, just the thought has her cock going all tingly. "Besides," Aurora scratches at the space between her shoulderblades and Sunshine purrs again. "How'm I s'posed to not want more when I hear the way you make Lus scream?"
Oh now that makes her tingle. Sunshine shifts, drags her nose down the slender line of Aurora's neck. She sighs, tilts her head to give Sunshine more access, a move the ghoulette rewards with a nibble to Aurora's earlobe.
"You been listenin' in, little bird?"
"Didn't mean to," Aurora admits, not a hint of shame in her voice. "But she leaves her windows open 'n I'm right next door." Sunshine drags her fangs over Aurora's pulse point and the little ghoulette huffs out a soft oh. "Can't blame me for bein' curious."
She certainly can't. Sunshine still remembers her own early days, when she would perch on windowsills and bits of the roof that let her peek, let her listen. Let her spy on Dew riding Aether like a stallion, Rain getting Mountain his knees, Cirrus tying Cumulus up in pretty blue ropes and Swiss doing...well, everyone. She still thinks about those days sometimes, most often on the rare occasion she sleeps alone.
Which raises a very important question.
"Tell me somethin', Roro," she murmurs into the soft skin of her throat. Kissing a slow path over her collarbone, fingers teasing at the strap of her dress. Aurora makes a questioning sound, and Sunshine decides she needs to see her face when she answers. Aurora's cheeks have gone pinker than ever, bottom lip caught between her own fangs. "You ever touch yourself when you listen to us?"
Aurora doesn't hesitate, not even for a moment. She nods with enthusiasm, eyes going wider and her parted thighs falling even further apart. Sunshine grins, delighted, rolling her hips against the mattress in the most obvious way possible. Aurora makes the sweetest little gurgling sound.
"Good," Sunshine breathes, warm against soft skin. She plants both hands on the mattress when Aurora's hands slide back into her curls, dragging her lips over the pale plane of Aurora's chest, until she hits the top of her dress. "You ever imagine what I'm doin' to make Lussy sing like that while you play?"
"Yeah," Aurora whispers, hooking her ankles around the backs of Sunshine's legs. "Every fuckin' time, Sunny, can't help it."
Sunshine believes her, without question, but Aurora sounds far too pretty for her to stop now. She readjusts, wriggles one arm under that slight body to splay her hand over Aurora's spine. Her other hand slips down to hold her waist, thumb brushing the underside of her breast through her dress.
"Then how 'bout you tell me what you think I do," Sunshine kisses the center of her chest, inhales the scent of fabric softener and fruity perfume, "tell me what you do to yourself," she drags her open mouth over the slight swell of Aurora's chest, "and I'll tell you if you're right."
Sunshine punctuates her words with a kiss to the little ghoulette's nipple, stiff and straining against the fabric, and Aurora hisses.
"Fuck," she says on a slow exhale, "you're such a damn tease."
"S'what I'm good at, baby," Sunshine coos, the hand on her waist gliding up to cup her breast and give the soft mound a squeeze. "Now start talkin'."
Sunshine latches onto her nipple through her dress, and oh must the weed be affecting her because the little ghoulette arches right off the bed with a shocked whine. She's never that sensitive.
This is going to be fun.
"U-um," Aurora stammers, clearing her throat in an effort to regain composure. It sort of works, but Sunshine doesn't stop suckling so it's a pointless effort. "W-well, there's - there's this one noise she makes..." she pauses, sucks air through her teeth when Sunshine rolls her nipple between her fangs. "It's like...like a moan, but chirpy?"
Sunshine hums her understanding and Aurora shivers with the vibration. It's a sound she knows well, one Cumulus doesn't make for anyone but her.
"And, um...when - oh - when she does that, I...I imagine her on top of you."
A good guess, Sunshine thinks, but far from the truth. She gives Aurora a reprieve from her mouth, pulls back to admire the wet spot she's soaked into her dress. The little ghoulette sags in her arms, and Sunshine can already smell the arousal on her. Sweet like candy and twice as addictive. Sunshine throbs against the mattress.
"And what do you do," she croons, taking that nipple between two fingers instead, "when you think about her bouncing on my cock?"
"I use my fingers," she answers, wispy as a springtime breeze. "I...I kneel on my bed, I put two inside," she drags a heavy hand from Sunshine's hair, hold it up and crooks her middle and ring fingers, "and I...I ride 'em."
Oh, what a gorgeous picture that paints. Sunshine can imagine it now - she has yet to see the other ghoulette naked, but it's so easy to picture Aurora panting and writhing, little tits bouncing while she uses her own hand like a toy. Flushed down her chest and grinding her clit against the heel of her hand until she can't take it anymore.
Fuck, Sunshine hopes she can squirt.
"Hot," she says, ever eloquent. She moves to Aurora's other nipple, laves at it until it's as wet as the first. Twin dark spots that make Sunshine's balls ache. "That's a good guess, sweetcheeks," she murmurs, low, "but it's not what gets her to make that noise."
Sunshine gets both hands on her breasts, gives them a nice fondle, and Aurora groans.
"What does?"
Sunshine looks up, prepared to tease farther - she can go for hours, if allowed - but the look on Aurora's face has the words catching in the back of her throat.
She looks gorgeous, glassy eyed with bite-swollen lips and the tip of her tongue poking out between her fangs. She's breathing heavier already, fingers twitching against the back of Sunshine's neck and her tail gradually tightening around her thigh. Barely any stimulation at all, and yet the poor thing looks wrecked.
Sunshine surges up to kiss her, and decides teasing can wait for another day.
Aurora moans, an indulgent, wanton sound that flows into Sunshine's mouth like the sweetest water. Their tongues dance, their fangs click, Sunshine's pretty sure she's drooling down her chin, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is the way Aurora clings to her, the taste of her strawberry lip gloss and the way Aurora's hips roll to find her own. Sunshine reaches down to grip her there, pins the little ghoulette to the bed, and can't help but rut against her thigh.
Aurora's the one to break the kiss, gasping, and Sunshine can see the demand in her eyes before she has a chance to speak.
"Don't worry, little bird," she rasps, nosing at her bangs. "I'm gonna give it to you, I promise."
"You fuckin' better," Aurora spits, and it's so cute that Sunshine has to giggle.
"Don't you wanna know the answer first, Roro?" She tips her head, a cascade of short curls tickling her forehead. Aurora blinks a few times, seeming lost. "What makes Lussy scream," she clarifies, and Aurora's eyes roll.
"Uh huh," she nods, licking already wet lips. "Tell me, please tell me."
"I think it'll be more fun," Sunshine gets a knee under herself, presses her thigh right where Aurora needs it just to hear her choke, "if I show you."
The little ghoulette makes the loveliest keening sound, a warbling thing that makes Sunshine's belly warm, and then she's moving. Slinking down the short length of Aurora's body, kissing down her chest, the slight softness of her stomach, the curve of her hip - Sunshine settles between her legs, presses her face to the crease of her thigh through her dress, and can't wait to finally get underneath it.
"You really are beautiful, y’know," she coos, resting warm palms on Aurora's knees. They slide up her thighs with deceptive slowness, gathering soft fabric and exposing inch after inch of porcelain skin. Rucking the skirt up over her hips, exposing the cutest pair of silky pink panties Sunshine thinks she's ever seen. The not-small wet spot only adds to the experience. "Been dyin' to see how beautiful you are here, too."
Sunshine slides two fingers over the damp fabric, the barest pressure, and Aurora makes that gurgling sound again.
"You're gonna kill me," the little ghoulette complains, mindlessly tweaking those impossibly stiff nipples through still-damp fabric. "Fuck, Sunny, c'mon..."
Sunshine clicks her tongue, chastising, but she doesn't have much room to taunt the other ghoulette for her impatience. Not when she can feel the place where her boxers are starting to stick to her.
"Alright, alright, sheesh," she chuckles, giving Aurora one more rub just because. "But nex' time you're gonna let me have my fun first."
Sunshine nips at her inner thigh, makes her jolt, and then she's pressing her open mouth to that wet spot. Licking at the fabric and groaning at the taste of her, heady and sweet and utterly delicious. She groans, savoring her first taste of the little ghoulette, and hooks two fingers around the gusset. Aurora reaches down and gets a hand in her hair once more, rocks her hips towards Sunshine's face, and the soft growl that escapes her is nothing but hungry.
Sunshine pulls that strip of fabric to the side, exposes her properly, and -
"Oh," she breathes, suddenly dizzy, "isn't this a pretty surprise..."
Aurora's as beautiful here as Sunshine knew she would be, pink and slippery with the lightest dusting of platinum curls just at the apex of her thighs, but all Sunshine can focus on is the sweet little silver barbell threaded through her hood. Each end is decorated with stones that match the blue of her hair, and Sunshine's brain short circuits when she considers the possibility of the little ghoulette having a color for every time she dyes those luscious waves.
"D’you like it?" Aurora lets out an airy giggle while Sunshine drools onto the sheets, hooking one leg around her back. "Swiss n' Cir said you would."
Sunshine traces the piercing with her thumb, gives a slow nod, and feels a blurt of pre soak into her boxers when she taps the lower ball against Aurora's swollen clit and the little ghoulette shakes.
"Baby," she huffs, grinding into the bed, "you have no idea."
Aurora tugs at her hair then, just enough to pull her attention from the shiny thing that's making her throb, and Sunshine can't believe how good she looks from down here.
"Aren't you s'posed t'be teachin' me somethin'?"
Aurora blows her a kiss, and Sunshine hurts.
"Oh, sweet thing," she slurs, fucked up sixteen ways from Sunday, "I'm gonna make you sing like an angel."
"Good," Aurora breathes, palming her tits once more, "'cause I want everyone t'hear me."
Oh, Sunshine hopes she screams.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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Man do y'all remember when I was sad at the start of P4G because the game did not adequately pat my head and feed me soup and give me friends on day one like P3P did
that was fucking little leagues. I'm gonna light everyone in this game on fire.
Anyway, we are in the tutorial stages so lemme sum up except with there's weird shit I wanna pontificate on.
Reverie missed a bunch of school on his first day with frankly doesn't look amazing for him. We met Ryoji GODDAMN RYUJI on the roof, because all Persona games love the school roof, and he wants to go back to the App World so he can poke around on Kamoshida.
There is palpably some Beef between Ryuji and Kamoshida. There is some fucking t-bone 3-inch cut that I have seasoned in mushroom salt and fresh ground pepper and left to air-dehydrate for three days, there is soooo much beef between them.
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In the Not-Velvet Room-- Look, I am gonna start calling it the VR for efficiency's skae but be aware I do not think this is actually the Velvet Room, or if it is then someone has booted Igor and is pretending to be him.
But yeah Notigor says our rehabilitation can begin and I just wanna claw my hair out. What's funny is I know for a lot of fans, Persona 5 was their entry point. Did they know this was as severely fucked as it is? I feel like the game is pushing Fucked As Hell vibes pretty well, so maybe it was obvious even to the initiated.
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Oh so Notigor is the one pushing the unauthorized APK onto my phone. I think Reverie is rocking a Samsung, it's got that Chonk to it.
Also, I dunno what it's called in the Japanese... hang on, to google!
Isekainabi, or "Otherworldnavi" that's pretty good. Which, the adjustment of "navi" to "nabi" reminds me that Japanese doesn't use 'v' does it? Or.... wait.... R is also a no, right?
(That is shit I learned from fucking Metal Gear Solid 2 actually, because my beloved Problematic Fave Kojima called the big villains the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo, because they were 'invisible', they weren't even a part of the language, metaphorically speaking, which when I understand that I thought was fucking smart as hell, though I imagine the original voice actors who had to say it a lot and rapidly did not agree.)
ANYWAY I AM GETTING DISTRACTED, POINT IS, I picked a hilariously un-apt name with Reverie Vantas. That is a tongue-twister and I am sorry.
what the fuck was i even talking about OH YEAH Netscape Navigator, yeah. That's our Dark Hour/TV World, the Metaverse. I find it cursorily interesting that Persona has many different manifestations of the whole Jungian Collective Subconsciousness. P4's TV World was fully separated and impossible to access without the power of Persona. But Reverie and Ryuji stumbled like idiots into the....
wait, that cutscene from the start, that was Reverie's awakening to Persona. So what caused it. Also: Is that relevant to the mystery here like it was in P4, because in P4 that was super important, and I would prefer it wasn't Super Important again lmao.
God the Izanami thing was dumb. ANY FUCKING WAY.
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I briefly meet THAT ONE GIRL FROM THE INTRO on the train, and her personality traits seem to be "worryingly doormat-ish" and "thin'
Like man, P5R is not hitting me over the head with DIET SODA ADS but we are still fatphobic, don't forget! BTW if you want a Persona game that doesn't do that shit, P3P Girl Route baybeeeee best Persona.
I am apprently ribbon girl's senpai and she bows to me twice nad runs off to school. Later, gator.
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holy shit this game doesn't fuck around with its classroom questions, are you kidding me
also I am sitting behind Moot in class. how's your life been since relinquishing 4chan, moot? I hope it's better.
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Mitsuru would use her rapier to carve you like a chunk of roast.
Kamoshida's influence over everyone is kind of baffling to me. It's a VOLLEYBALL TEAM. Oh is that the Japanese equivalent of a football team? Because then I TOTALLY GET IT, CARRY ON.
Like, I understand sort of academically that having sports teams is good for students but also I fucking hate school sports culture. Dunno if its as vile in Japan as in America but if its even half as bad, yeah, abolish it.
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Ryuji is so far not the brightest bulb on the tree, bless him. He keeps trying to locate a castle and getting frustrated. Finally, we put him out of his confused misery and use the app to make castle happen.
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HE IS JEALOUS! In almost every jock there is a theatre kid's soul, crying to get out.
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Ryuji has like no indoor voice, Morgana, I am sorry.
Also, I have so far zero indication of Morgana's gender, which I do like. 8) Gender don't matter, just don't call me a fucking cat.
There is a huge tutorial section, and I immediately understand why this game is +100 long, these sequences are much more complicated now. There's psuedo-stealth mechanics? Blurgh.
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Ryuji wants to save the volleyball slaves and Morgana explains that these aren't actually them, they are cognitive copies that are.... essentially the projection Kamoshida has of each person in the school.
I don't wanna be a jerk Persona but this is adding more and more complexity to your already complex world. But maybe I am still in P4G mode, where every aspect of how the Midnight Channel worked was a clue. At this point, there is no central mystery.
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hey yo what the fuck
Somehow Kamoshida broke Ryuji's fucking leg?????
What the fuck happened there? Also yeah, Ryuji, I don't know you super well yet but I'm with you, we can wreck this guy. Holy shit.
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boy howdy getting your persona stings a bit in this one huh
Ryuji has Captain Kidd as his, with is pretty fun NGL. So our theme is literally Various Types Of Thieves in this game, huh? I'm cool with that.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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The fabulous Captain Rae Winters, drawn by the even more fabulous @lupotterdraws 🚀.💕😍
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Hello Internet! So I wrote a stylized transcript of events from @moonbowphobia and @mcyt-apocalypse-au‘s wedding the other day. I apologize from the deepest place in my heart if I messed up anyone’s pronouns.
I hope you enjoy my little rendition of events.
Moon was sat in their dressing room; deep blue and black ball gown splayed over the loveseat while their sister Chandelier put the last finishing touches to their hair; Vi and Rib playing cards on the floor; Vibes trying to keep the vodka away from Aria; the chaos was comforting, but Moon was nervous. It was their wedding day. They would be marrying the love of their life, Abi.
“Help! I’m scared!”
“Take a deep breath.” Moon did as Vibes instructed, taking a deep breath in, and letting it out slowly. “You love Abi. She loves you. You’re going to be fine.”
“Am I though? Rib help!”
“Am I not help enough?” Vibes joked.
“No, of course you’re helping. I just nee-“
Vi slaps them across the face. “YOU LOVE HER BITCH JUST KISS HER CMON!”
Chandelier whips around to push Vi back to the floor. “Play your card game. That’s not helping, nor how weddings work.”
Moon laughs at their sister’s antics. At least someone is calm. “I got one of Lu’s cupcakes!” Vibes calls, skidding back into the room. When did they leave? “Here.”
“Thank you,” Moon reaches for the treat. Biting into it and eating with vigor.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yes.” Moon polishes off the cupcake. “Oh go! Two minutes.”
“Bitch calm down!” Aria says, shaking her best friend by the shoulders.
“Ah yes. The drunk friend always calms people down.” Vibes let the sarcasm seep into their voice, trading a look with Chandelier.
Chandelier goes about shooing Aria and Vi out the door; trusting that Vibes will follow and keep them in line. She brushes the crumbs off of her sibling’s jet black skirt and fixes their headpiece one final time. “You will be fine Moon. Everything will go well. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Let me do that.”
“Okay. Thank you Lier.”
“Anytime.” Lier beckons Rib to follow them out to the altar. Rib grabs the pillow and rings and skips after them, careful not to step on Moon’s train.
Vibes is already at the podium. Moon and Rib set themselves off to the left side. Lier fixes their midnight blue embellished train as they take in the crowd.
Fenn is in the corner playing something on her switch and Vi is on the opposite side doing the same. Ozzie is sitting with the rest of their siblings, trying to waggle them into compliance; their every expression screaming ‘this is fine’ in a deadpan tone.
“Please help,” Moon whispers to the ether.
“It’s okay.” Lier squeezes their shoulder before tucking one of Rib’s stray hairs away and going to calm the masses.
“I’m sure Abi is just as worried at you are,” Vibes consoles.
Aria runs from behind the bar with a glass. “Drink this vodka mix and calm down.”
“Thank you,” Moon gushes, taking the glass from their best friend’s hands. Only for it to be swiped away when Lier comes to collect Aria and get her in place, so the wedding can start. Moon is thankful for their sibling, but they really wanted that drink.
They see Vi run out and down the drink in Lier’s hand before she can stop her. Lier sat Aria down and started to whisper lecture to her niece. Or what looked like whisper lecturing.
Lightly slapping Lynn’s hand away from the cupcakes, Lier goes to put the glass away. Moon watches Lynn sprint to the other dressing room. Looks like Abi needed a snack as well.
Lier pokes her head into Abi’s room. She comes out and locks eye with Moon, giving them a little thumbs up. Moon takes a deep breath, looks at Rib and zeir comforting smile. They give Lier a nod. She cues Star to start playing the wedding march.
Des comes out first, throwing roses Lier procured on the floor. She goes to sit next to Aria in the front row. “God fuck, why am I getting nervous,” Aria whispered to the older girl.
Then comes Tabz in all her glory. She nods to Moon and goes to stand on Abi’s side of the altar.
The first section of the song ends. There are a few seconds of silence before the piano resumes and Abi turns the corner. She walks down the aisle gracefully, her white off-the-shoulder cape flapping gently behind her. Moon can’t keep the smile off of their face.
Neither can Abi. She’s smiling wildly; the only thing keeping her from tripping on her face is the sturdy arm of her father right beside her. Sooty lets go of her hand as she takes her place next to Tabz.
Moon slowly nudges the mask off of their face; showing their visage to Abi, but hiding it from the audience. They smile at each other and Vibes starts to speak.
“Today, we are here to unite Moon and Abi together.”
Moon can see Aria trying not to cry out of their peripheral vision. They hear someone cracking open a can, of course, was it Corn?
“Moon,” Vibes asks. “Do you promise to never give Abi up, never let her down, never run around, and desert her?”
“I promise.”
“Abi. Do you promise to never make Moon cry. Never say goodbye, never tell a lie and hurt them?”
“I do.”
“Moon, do you take Abi to be the ‘yee’ to your ‘haw’?”
“I take Abi to be the ‘yee’ to my ‘haw’.”
"Abi, do you take Moon to be the kazoo noise to your Mono?"
“I do take Moon to be the kazoo noise to my Mono.”
“Then with the blessing of this church, I now pronounce you partners for life. May I have the rings?”
Rib scurries to present the golden pillow to Vibes. “Yes,” ze says, tears in the corners of zeir eyes.
Abi grins and reaches of Moon’s hands, slipping the ring of their finger. Moon does the same for Abi.
"May these rings be a sign of love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Head, shoulders, knees and toes. Turn up your nose, strike that pose. Hey Macarena. Y'all may now kiss."
Moon cups Abi’s face, both have tears in their eyes. Moon brings Abi in for a kiss, thankful that the mask is still there keeping this moment private for the prying eyes of the audience.
Star starts to play Megalovania as the attendants applaud to newlywed couple. The song continues as everyone files out of the ceremony room to the reception hall. Purple light flooded the room, the guest sat in round tables of eight according to the seating chart. String lights hanging from the rafters to look like stars in the night sky.
Unnie was ferrying food from the kitchen to the guests. Aria was handing out drinks to whoever came up for one. She was about to give Rib one, but with one glare from Lier, Rib got an apple juice.
The room was filled with sounds as everyone ate and got drunk. Aria pulled Moon to the dance floor after handing out vodka shots to Vi and Corn. Abi stumbles out onto the dance floor as well, laughing and having a good time.
Vibes comes over to Lier and offers her a glass of champagne. They clink their glasses together. It was a good show they pulled off.
“So how are you doing these last few days, buddy?” Corn gave Rib her shot glass, sticking her tongue out at Lier who was glaring over the rim of her drink.
“Congrats on your wedding! I hope your marriage lasts for three hours!” Vi yells at her parents, leaning heavily on her fiancée’s arm on her way to get more drinks with.
“Fuck off Vi!” Abi screams back, content to keep dancing with Moon.
Lynn backs into a corner, drinking her apple juice and watching the scene in amusement. She is the first to the tower of cupcakes. “Cake!”
“Cake!” Aria screams.            
Star agrees with the drunk one, “Cake time!”
“Cake!” Vi barrels passed everyone, not caring who she knocked over. “Sugar rush Violet activating!”
Corn silently takes half of the cupcakes with her. Batting Vibes’ hands away when they try to stop her. Lier helps Unnie dish out an equal number of cupcakes to everyone else.
Once everyone was satiated, Rib and Lier broke into the pile of pizza boxes. Pizza is a good substitute for cake; what are you talking about?
Then it was time for gifts. Rib gave zer parents a switchblade, embellished with a motif of leaves and wooden paneling, and a beautiful floral metal necklace. Lier gave them a coaster with Moon’s mask design on it, and a handmade Technoblade plush toy. Aria gave them a set of moonstone chokers.
The couple loved them so very much. Hugging each of the gift givers in turn, they thanked each one.
Then the two backed away from the crowd to exchange gift with each other away from the audience. They started screaming I love yous to each other shortly thereafter.
Everything was calming down a little, so Vibes started to play Blitz Parody by Technoblade on the piano while Lier sung and botches along with a chord chart and a ukulele. Then Aria played Highway to Hell on the drum set, Vibes singing this time.
Once they were done, Vi grabbed her guitar and started playing The L’Manburg anthem. It became a drunk sing along, with Rib, Abi, and Vi herself joining in. Both Star and Corn joined in for the “Fuck Eret” line.
“I’m gonna cry,” Moon said, watching the scene in front of her.
“Don’t cry love,” Abi consoled, halting her singing.
“What’s wrong?” Vibes asked.
Lier came over with a tissue. “Happy tears?”
“Happy tears.”
“It all started on a day like any other!” Corn yelled in tune.
And they’re off again. Singing an Ode To L’Manburg.
Abi throws the bouquet at them. Vibes manages to catch it. Vi bites their arm in retaliation. Berl drags Vi away kicking and screaming.
“With a heart that she’d taken from me,” Star continues to sing the song in the background with Rib.
“Moony honey, are you okay?”
“This was beautiful.”
“It is! It’s lovely.” The two smile, just looking at the crowd.
Vi raises her shot over her head, standing on a table. “A toast to Moon and Abi, who I bet will divorce by December.”
“A toast to kicking Vi to the curb,” Lier mutters. Having given up on keeping people from hurting themselves, she again clinks glasses with Vibes again.
“Vi you are on a timeout you fucking little shit.” Abi yells.
“I bet they’ll do it by the month after October.”
“Rib!” Corn whacks zer across the back of zeir head.
Vibes goes to distract. “Let’s all have another round!”
“Moon it’s okay. C’mere.” Abi brings her partner in for a hug, before they murder two of their children.
Moon returns the hug as Aria screams in shock. “Guy this fucking wall is talking to me!”
“Aria that’s it. Time to go home. You are to drunk,” Vi says, slurring her words.
“Aria! Go home,” Abi yells. “I love you Moony,” she says quieter.
“I love you too.”
“No! Me staying her with ma best friend Moon!” Aria screams back; to the wall instead of the people. Huh. Maybe she should go home.
“A toast,” Vibes holds up their glass. “A proper one. For Abi and Moon; may they live happily ever after!”
“May they live ever after!” Star cheers.
“Cheers I guess…” Corn says, not sure what’s going on anymore. Too many drunk people.
“Cheers bitches!” Aria says, getting dragged by her legs while Vi yelled at her.
“Go. Home. You. Are. Drunk.”
“Vi, no.” Lier goes to dislodge the two. “Let Aria stay here with me.”
“Aria you want to come with me?” Vibes asks. “I have some ice.”
“She will be fine in my sight.”
Abi stares into Vi’s soul. “Put her down.”
“Okay mom.”
Aria’s feet drop to the floor and she just lays there. “No, I want to stay with Lier.”
“I love ice!” Rib calls from the other end of the room, where ze is standing really close to a vase.
A drunken Moon then starts giving out food from the kitchen people. Unnie decides that they don’t get paid enough to care.
Aria looks to Lier. “But I want ice.”
“Then get up. You can come with me to the ice machine.” The two of them go to where Rib and Vi are munching quietly with Star.
“Y’all can see the walls moving right?” Aria asks again.
“Uh, yeah, sure Aria. They’re doing jumping jacks and everything.” Abi says, grabbing a handful of ice for herself.
“Aria, I think I’m seeing that walls talk too,” Vi said way too loudly for their proximity.
Rib turned back to the vase. “So, ya come here often?” Ze was slurring zeir words all over the place.
“Aria sit down. Rib are you flirting that was vase?” Lier facepalmed.
“Yes Vi! They are talking!”
Lier stands up, leaving them to it. “I’m getting the hose,” she muttered to Vibes on her way out. “If I remember correctly Abi said arson was allowed after the ceremony.”
“These guys are so weak to alcohol, let’s hope they forget that.”
Vi knocks over Rib’s vase while talking to the walls with Aria. “Ooh! Mango!” She them proceeds to eat some.
“NOOOOO!” Rib cries. “My beloved!”
Vibes rushes over to get Vi to cough it up.
“Vi how could you!” Rib shouts.
“Cronch. Tasty.”
Aria picks that moment to start playing the death metal to get some good head banging. Abi tries to hold in her laugh, but can’t. Rib starts sobbing in an ugly drunken fashion, bopped zeir head as well.
“Well at least no one is hurt yet,” Vibes says when Lier returns with the hose.
Star is still sitting to the side, drinking her apple juice quietly now that their’s no songs within her vocal range to sing.
“Let’s do Coke!” Aria suggests.
“No. Aria. No.” Lier stands right in Aria’s face. “I will literally make a PowerPoint on why that’s a bad idea.”
“Yeah! Coke!” Vi cheers, but Aria is already trying to shush her.
“No. No. Coke.”
“Why?” Vi complains.
“You ate my future wife!” Rib yells.
Lier muttered a question to herself. “Is me holding the threat of an informative PowerPoint really enough to stop Aria?”
“It’s okay. I’m good. Sorry Lier. OMG no. No PowerPoint necessary!”
“Smile on nod,” Lier said to herself.
“PowerPoints are scary,” Aria explained.
“No they aren’t,” Abi piped up.
“Do you want her to do coke?”
Abi paused to take in the question. “PowerPoints are terrifying,” she says deadpan.
“Any song requests?” Star asked when the death metal ended.
“Something sad,” Rib said, “because that’s how I feel. I feel betrayed and backstabbed.”
“Could you do ‘Cost of the Crown’ for me?”
“Wait there’s a crown!” Abi jumped up. “I want a crown!”
Abi was very clearly drunk, so Vibes handed over a paper crown before she hurt herself.
“By a sibling no less!” Rib continued to scream.
“Shuddup out prick!”
“Shut up, murderer!”
As this conversation continues, Star starts to play ‘Let it Go’ on the piano. Abi and Vibes are dueling, not half badly, but defiantly in the wrong key.
“Fuck you! You murdered my beloved!”
“I’ll do it again fucker!”
“She ate my wife!”
“Rib and Violet. Calm. Down.” Vibes went to stand between them.
“It’s only a vase, calm down,” Ai adds.
“Rib calm down, Moon and I will get you another.”
“It wasn’t just a vase! It was the mother of my future children!”
“I’ll fix her if you calm down,” Abi reasoned.
“Okay. I’m calm. Fix her please.”
“I’ll fix her tomorrow, don’t you worry kiddo,” Abi  soothed.
“Don’t worry, she’s not gone yet,” Vibes said. “Just sleep for now Rib, she’ll be okay.”
“She’ll be even shinier than the day you met her kiddo, don’t you worry!”
Lier came over with a glass of ice. “Have some water before you dose off on us.”
“Yay!” ze said sleepily. “Ice.”
Lier starts putting the pieces into a large Ziplock bag.
“Are y’all gonna do some necromancy?! No!” Vi them process to charge at Lier, pushing her over and breaking the pieces into even smaller ones.
“Vi,” Lier falls back into a deathly calm tone. “We just got Rib is calm down.” She gets up and into Vi’s space. “I will slowly dismember you part by part if you do not shut up this moment”
“Ok Vi. You’re right. I’m not going to hurt you. But please stop breaking the vase.”
Rib had started worry again. Abi started shushing her child again. “Don’t worry, Rib vasey is completely fine.”
“And now I will sing N/A my MegaPvP!” Vibes said. For the first time, Lier wondered if Vibes was truly sober.
Rib places an orange peel on Abi’s shoulder. “Here you go mother.”
“Okay! Pack it up family! Time to go home!”
“But my vase!”
“Will get super glued together tomorrow.”
Lier finds where Ozzie has secluded themselves, and forces them to help get everyone into cars and home safely. Thank goodness she had had the foresight to book a couple vans and drivers.
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bxcketbarnes · 6 years
Surprise Trip
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Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Reader
Words: 1864
Author's Note: I saw these gifs and I wanted to write something cute, obviously. So, my lovely best friend, @h0tsos, gave me an incredible idea! I hope y'all enjoy ❤
The obnoxious sound of my alarm going off woke me from my pleasant slumber. I squint my eyes after slowly opening my eyes, the sun shining through the blinds. Petunia let out a short and I smile softly, petting her head. I rub the tiredness from my eyes, picking up my phone to turn off the alarm.
happy two year anniversary, lu. I love you so much and I can't wait for you to come home from tour. ❤ xoxo
I smile at the text I sent, closing out of the app to see the picture of Luke and me at my cousin’s wedding six months ago. I set my phone back on the nightstand while I get up and get ready for work.
After my quick shower, I step into the bedroom in the nude, squeezing the dampness of my hair into the fuzzy white towel. I look towards my phone, not seeing any notification and I frown a bit. He should be awake by now… maybe he's busy or something.
I slip on my work clothes, a pencil skirt and a blush colored blouse along with a pair of black heels, before making my way towards the kitchen after grabbing my phone. I ate my breakfast at the island, sipping on my hot coffee as I scroll through the various types of social media.
The time on my phone read 7:15 and I sigh, still not receiving anything from Luke. I let Petunia outside after I set my dishes in the sink, letting her do her thing before I go to work. I let her back in after ten minutes, giving Petunia kisses on her nose before walking towards the front door.
I grab my purse and keys, saying goodbye to Piggy. I walk out of the house, locking the door behind me before heading to my car. I check my phone one last time after I buckled up, pursing my lips together before taking a deep breath.
He’ll text back… he'll text back…
The day has gotten progressively worse if that was even possible. I had to work late because my computer crashed and lost all the documents for the report I was writing, I almost got hit by a car while walking to the parking lot after I rewrote everything, and Luke still hasn't fucking texted or called once today.
I'm beyond furious. I had Steff stop by the house earlier to feed Petunia and let her outside since I didn't finish work until almost seven at night. I unlock the front door of Luke’s place, letting out a tired breathe as I heard Petunia's nails clattering against the hardwood.
A small smile came to my lips as she walks towards me, wagging her small nub of a tail. “Hi, baby. Were you good for Steff?” I ask whole crouching to her level after setting my stuff onto the table beside the door.
Petunia pants while I scratch her neck, pressing tender kisses to the spot between her eyes. I need a long bubble bath with wine. I slip my heels off, leaving them by the door before making my way upstairs towards the bedroom. I take my hair out of the bun it was in, combing my fingers through it as I step into the room while Petunia followed.
I came to a stop when I saw my suitcase sitting on the bed. I furrow my brows, slowly heading towards the luggage to see it filled with clothes. What the…? A note sat on top of it and I gingerly picked up the piece of paper.
My love,
I know I haven't replied to your message this morning but I have been running around all day like a chicken with their head cut off. So much press stuff, so little time. Anyway, happy two year anniversary. You're probably wondering why or how stuff is packed, but I had a little help since I'm not home.
I called work and managed to get you a few weeks off. Steff packed some of your clothes and in the envelope that sat under the note lies a plane ticket. Your flight leaves at nine o'clock. I can't wait to see you, darling. I've got a surprise for you.
I love you so much,
Luke x
Tears came to my eyes as I notice it was Steff’s handwriting. Luke must've sent her what to write for her to leave here. I call my best friend, listening to the ringing noise as I sift through the clothes in the suitcase, making sure she packed everything I needed, which she did.
“Hey, girl! Did you get the note?” She asks as soon as she answered.
I zip up the suitcase, setting it on the floor. “I did. I can't believe he did this. Uhm, I have to leave like immediately and I was wondering if you could either stay here with Petunia or bring her to your place?” I ask, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I carry my suitcase down the stairs.
“Yeah of course. I'll head over soon Have fun and give me details!” Steff mentions and I laugh, telling her I will before hanging up.
“Okay, baby. Mommy’s going away to see daddy, but I'll be back before you know it. Be good for Steff,” I tell Petunia, kissing her head before grabbing my keys and purse once again, leaving the house to head to the airport.
I step out of the cab, looking up at the gorgeous hotel and I look around for any sight of the boys. I pry my suitcase out of the trunk, rolling it into the hotel as I walk up to the receptionist.
“Hello. Can I help you?” He asks and I nod my head, tapping my fingers against the surface of the counter.
“Ah, yes. I don't know if Luke told you I was coming,” I mutter awkwardly and he furrowed his eyebrows a bit.
“Y/N! You're here!” I heard Calum call out and I turn towards him, seeing the brunette walk up to me with a large smile on his face.
I gave the receptionist an apologetic smile before walking towards Calum. “It's so good to see you, Cal!” I grin, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to hug him tightly. “Where are the other boys?”
He points towards the ceiling. “There upstairs. Luckily I came down when I did. Why didn't you text any of us?” He asks and I shrug, the thought not even coming to mind as we head into the elevator.
We got to the fifteenth floor, following behind Calum as we come to a stop in front of 1545. I watch as he shoved his hand into his pocket, pulling out a key card before handing it to me. “Isn't Luke in there?” I ask, confused as to why I haven't actually seen or heard from him yet.
Calum just shrugs, retreating to his room and hearing Ashton’s laugh once the door opens. I chew on my bottom lip, placing the card into the door before it unlocks. I head inside, my eyes widening at how gorgeous the room looks.
“Luke? Baby?” I call out, going deeper into the room to see it completely empty. I huff out a breath, noticing a dress and a pair of heels sat on the bed with a note on top of it.
A small smile comes to my lips as I run my fingers over the light lavender bodycon dress. I shed the clothes I'm wearing, noticing it's an off the shoulder type dress.
I set my suitcase on the bed, sifting through the clothes to see if Steff packed a strapless bra. I let out an aha, grinning as I found the only strapless bra I own. I quickly change into it before slipping the dress on.
My hands run over my sides, stepping towards the mirror to make sure I look alright. A knock on the door snaps me from my thoughts and I walk over to it, opening it to see the boys on the other side.
“Hey guys,” I smile, letting them in as Ash lets out a whistle.
“Wow, Y/N! You look fantastic. Who knew Cal had such style,” he laughs, patting Calum on the shoulder. My eyes widen, looking towards the tall bassist.
“You picked out the dress?” I ask and he nods his head.
“Well, Mali helped a little bit,” he informs me and I nod while letting out a small chuckle.
I grab the nude heels that laid on the bed, slipping them on my feet while picking up the note.
Love of my life,
Hi, baby! I'm pretty sure, well hoping, you've made it. Put this dress on and meet me in front of the Eiffel Tower.
I love you almost as much as Petunia ;)
Luke x
I laugh at his note, folding it before setting it in my suitcase. “Does Luke know what the dress looks like?” I ask Calum and he shakes his head, smirking a bit.
“Nope. He's going to be blown away,” he smiles.
The hotel wasn't that far from the Eiffel Tower so I decided to walk. I crossed my arms over my chest, biting the inside of my cheek as I saw the light up the fixture. Wow. It's more beautiful in person.
I saw my tall, broad-shouldered boyfriend standing about twenty feet from me. A rose was twirling between his fingers while he combs his curls back.
“Luke!” I yell, grinning ear to ear as his head snaps towards you. A large smile comes to his lips and I quickly walk towards him. I can already feel the tears coming to my eyes as I ran up to him, throwing my arms around his neck.
Luke's hands wrap around my waist, letting out a small breath of relief. “I'm so sorry I didn't message you back. I had no time,” he mumbles into my ear.
I lean back from him, shaking my head before gripping the front of his leather jacket, closing the gap between us. One of Luke's hands moves to my face, cupping my cheek while our lips move against one another.
He pulls away after about a minute, stroking my cheek with his thumb while keeping his blue eyes on mine. “Happy Anniversary baby,” Luke whispers, handing me the single rose he's been holding.
“Happy Anniversary, Lu,” I smile, taking the rose from him before leaning on my tippy toes to press a short kiss to his lips.
The cool wind brushes my skin and I shiver slightly. Luke notices immediately and takes his leather jacket off, draping it over my shoulders. I lift my head up, butterflies filling my stomach as he provides me with a small smile.
“I love you,” I tell him after slipping my arms through the sleeves. The curly haired blonde drapes his arm over my shoulders as mine wraps around his waist.
He presses a kiss to the top of my head. “I love you, Y/N,” Luke returns and I rest my head against his chest.
Best Anniversary ever…
Taglist: @gotta-try-something-new @twilightparker @h0tsos @ashs-cheergirl @kinglyhood @babylon-lrh @dashlilymark @morningfears @thebookamongmen @maddz-world @lukeskisses @thatcheekychic @therainydays4 @crownedbyluke @shower-me-with-roses
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Balance on the Head of a Pin
Chapter Twenty Four
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x OFC  |  Word Count: 5647 Warnings: smexy and feels
Sadie stared at her in stupefied silence, her gaze drifting from Lauren’s down to the brúðr steinn and back up. “Lordy,” she finally managed to breathe out. “Lu… that’s… that’s… somethin’.”
Lauren only snickered softly.
It had been a shocking afternoon for her best friend, starting from the moment she’d tripped in the exterior doors to stumble to a stop and stare at what had once been Lauren’s bed.
The extravagance of the green and gold silk, the sheer layers of curtains, and ornate bed frame had Sadie’s mouth falling open in surprise. After, the questions had come fast and furious, seeming without end, as she’d rushed across the room and flopped over backward on the luxurious bed.
Lauren’s eye, however, had been caught by the tray of finger sandwiches, a pitcher of cold tea, a bowl of fruit and platter of cheeses left on her dresser. She’d smiled even as she’d shaken her head. It was not something Sue Ann would have sent up, and she knew instantly her crafty God of Mischief had used magic to create her something to eat.
She’d made quick work of the offering from her seat on the sofa, filling Sadie in on the mayhem and chaos which had consumed the past few days. Sadie had laughed wickedly when Lauren explained about Cissy, nearly falling from the bed when she kicked her heels to the ceiling.
Sadie had joined her on the sofa after, helping plow through the mound of food Loki had left while Lauren talked about what had happened with her father, with Marabeth, and with George. Her best friend had been madder than a wet hen when Lauren had told her about what her mother had been up to with her ex, and how he had expected to waltz back into her life and make off with the Annandale fortune.
If Lauren had a moment of weakness and sniffled a little, Sadie hadn’t held it against her. It was a trauma Lauren knew she would need time and distance from to stop having it hurt her. Of course, she’d ended up on the receiving end of a Sadie hug, the kind that came with tightly squeezing arms and quiet murmurs of reassurance, just like the ones she’d gotten from Sadie’s mother’s when Lauren was a girl.
After, she’d excused herself to the bathroom to strip out of her dress and throw on a robe. In the mirror over the sink, Lauren had caught sight of the golden suns clinging to her breasts and shivered when a rush of heat went straight to her core. They’d been a decadent kind of torment all day, keeping the buds swollen and tender, throbbing slightly when her dress brushed them.
Seated on the couch, she’d found the dress moved with more freedom to the point where a flush had grown in her cheeks from how aroused she always was. Sadie had looked at her funny, but Lauren simply waved it off as the fault of the late day heat which seemed to have stalled outside her door.
When she’d returned, Sadie had borrowed Lauren’s other robe and was waiting before the makeup table with all of the best cosmetics. They would do hair and makeup first, then dress as was proper.
It was then Sadie really began to ask questions, and Lauren had caved, telling her everything about coming home with a fake boyfriend who swiftly became a phony fiancé, only to have him admit real feelings and give her the brúðr steinn. The explanation of its significance was even more complicated, and when she finished, Lauren sat there and watched her friend gape at her.
“Close your mouth, hun. You look to be catchin’ flies.” She gave Sadie a wink.
Sadie shook a finger at Lauren in the mirror. “Nuh uh! Y’all just told me you’re the perfect match, the only match to the God of Mischief! I’m entitled to have a moment to freak out, Lulu!”
With a laugh, Lauren stroked her fingers over the pendant. “You can see why I couldn’t let mama get a hold of it.”
“Hell, yeah! Why, if she had any idea…” Sadie’s voice trailed off as her eyes grew big and round. “Lu… your mama called you a prin-princess!”
“Oh!” Lauren paled. “Yeah, no. It’s not a big deal. Loki said I could opt out and all if I want.” She twisted her ring around her finger nervously and bit her lip.
Sadie’s eyes softened before she stepped behind Lauren, bent close and wrapped her arms around her a second time. “Don’t let the things your mama and sisters have been spewing at you all your life taint what you will have with him, Lu. You’re beautiful, smart, and talented. You were made for him. How marvellous is that? You’re so special, Lu, an entire race rejoices because of you. Be a princess. You never know, hun. You may like it. And besides, who cares what three mean-spirited old nanny goats think when the King of Asgard calls you little sister.”
Tears welled even as she laughed, grasped Sadie’s arms, and held them tight to her chest. “Mean-spirited old nanny goats is right up there with beddin’ wench!”
“I’m rather proud of it.” Sadie winked at her in the mirror before a wicked grin bared all her teeth. “But I have a question for you.”
“Shoot,” Lauren said as Sadie pulled away. She reached for her hairbrush and tried not to shiver when the silky texture of her robe rubbed her erect nipple.
“What the hell kind of kinky fuckery are you and Loki up to?”
“Huh!?” she gasped, turning a shade close to crimson.
“Girl,” Sadie smirked. “Y'all have your bellybutton pierced, don’t go thinkin’ I didn't notice. Loki has only to touch you, and y’all practically melt from the sizzle. Add in the bit of hanky-panky goin’ on in my stock room, somethin’ you never would have got up to with ol’ quick draw Montgomery, and I was already suspicious. But since I got here, you’ve got somethin’ goin’ on… somethin’... deviant.” She narrowed her eyes at Lauren as Lauren pulled the collars of her robe tighter together. “Spill it, Lu.”
“It’s… um… nothin’.”
“Lauren Guillemin! Don’t you go givin’ me that nothin’ garbage. I got eyes! I can see somethin’ is up with you.” Sadie shook her finger at her all over again.
Like a chastised child, Lauren turned back to the mirror and began vigorously brushing her hair. “It ain’t nothin’, really.” The shock of pleasure betrayed her, and Lauren nearly dropped the brush.
“Liar!” Sadie crowed, wiggling and giggling for all she was worth. “C’mon, Lu! I need to know! I can only imagine how… how… virile an Asgardian would be in bed. I’m dyin’ here!”
“Sadie June Brockett! What would your mama say?”
“She’d say the same damn thing, and you know it,” Sadie huffed.
Lauren snickered. It was the truth after all. Sadie’s mother had been the one she’d gone to when things with George had gotten… physical. Still, she wasn’t about to give in that easy. “Pervert. Gettin’ all up in my love life.”
“Please!” Sadie whined, taking the brush away to work it through Lauren’s hair.
The move was a dirty one. Sadie knew just how much Lauren loved having her hair done. “Sadie…”
“Marcus and I have a swing.”
“What!” She almost ripped a chunk of hair from her head when she whipped it around to look at Sadie. “You… really?”
Sadie chuckled even as her cheeks pinked lightly. “Yeah, well. Been married a while now. It added a little spice to our love life.”
Lauren could only gape at her in amazement. “Should I be askin’ you what kinda kinky fuckery y’all get up to?”
A wide grin grew on the brunette’s face, her brow arched, and she cocked her hip to the side. “Honey, you ask me anythin’ you want. I ain’t shy.”
“Sweet, merciful Jesus!” Lauren squeaked and turned back to the mirror.
It didn’t help when Sadie laughed loudly, gave her a saucy wink, and went back to working on Lauren’s hair.
Silence hung for a few more heartbeats before Lauren swallowed thickly and muttered, “Nip… nipple shields.”
“Can I see?”
“NO!” She crossed her arms over her chest.
Sadie burst out laughing.
“Hussy.” Lauren pouted.
More silence hung once Sadie’s laughter ended, and Lauren let her eyes drift closed, relaxing into the soothing touch. They’d already decided to tie her hair back in a low knot at her nape. Her dress was elegant and streamlined, a statement in itself. The focal point would be the brúðr steinn, and the cuffs around her wrists which seemed to fit so well with her outfit. The beautiful patterns on them matched almost exactly the ones on her pendant. 
“So,” Sadie said softly, “What’s he like in that ginormous bed y’all share?”
A smirk twitched Lauren’s lips. Sadie was like a dog with a bone. “Amazin’,” she sighed as she gave up the battle.
“Does he keep you comin’ for hours? He seems the type to want to sink in and just… wallow.”
“I don’t know.” A particularly had jerk of the hair had Lauren’s eyes popping open. “What?”
“How can you not know?” Sadie eyed her suspiciously.
Another flush burned through Lauren’s face. “We… we haven’t actually…”
“Y’all haven’t had sex yet!” Sadie barked.
“Little louder, hun. Don’t think the fella’s in the barn heard you!” She shot Sadie a glare.
“Wait, wait! Hold up. You have one of the finest men I have ever laid eyes on sleepin’ in your bed, and you haven’t jumped his bones? Lauren Guillemin Annandale!”
“It’s not like that!” she protested as Sadie began pushing pins into Lauren’s hair with a little too much vigour. “He found out about George-”
“Three pump pencil prick,” Sadie muttered.
Lauren rolled her eyes. “-and Loki got this crazy idea in his head that he had to make up for George’s shortcomin’s,” Sadie snorted, “in the sack.”
That arched Sadie’s brow a second time. “And just how did he go about doin’ that, darlin’?”
She blushed and looked away from the mirror. “He… he… made up for what I missed out on.”
“He gave you orgasms?” she squeaked.
Lauren nodded, thoroughly embarrassed.
“How many?”
“Oh, like I’m gonna let you stop now! How many and where? All in the sexy bed? Other places? Details, girl, details!!”
Lauren covered her face with her hands. “Why do I like you again?”
“Because I’m awesome. Now, spill!”
“God, Sadie!” she shouted, fully exasperated.
“Okay, okay. How about just one? One, nicely detailed encounter to tide me over.”
“You sound like a horny teen again!”
Sadie reached for the hairspray. “So my sex drive is high! So what?”
“One would think you were pregnant or somethin’ with how you’re carryin’ on,” Lauren muttered.
The hand reaching for the hairspray froze before making contact.
Lauren’s gaze snapped to Sadie’s in the mirror. “No…” she whispered.
Tears welled in Sadie’s eyes as her best friend nodded.
She was off the stool with her arms wrapped around Sadie in a second. “Oh, Sadie!” Lauren cried, unbelievably happy for them. “How long?”
“Just ten weeks. The throwin’ up has finally calmed down,” Sadie said through happy tears.
“Why didn’t you say somethin’ sooner?” Lauren scolded, setting Sadie away but keeping hold of her arms as they both sniffled back tears.
“You kinda trumped me with the whole the God of Mischief is my fiancé thing,” she laughed.
A sheepish smile curled Lauren’s lips. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“No, no! I was so excited. I planned on tellin’ you tomorrow once all the ruckus of that,” she tilted her head toward the door, “was through.”
“I’m just so happy for you! A baby,” she sighed, “How’d Marcus take the news?”
“Fell off the porch,” Sadie snickered.
“Right into the azaleas!”
She could see it vividly and laughed at the image. “Poor boy. What about your mama and daddy?”
“Mama tried to break my ears with her screamin’. Daddy looked torn between elated and like he wanted to kill Marcus for knockin’ up his little girl!”
It sent Lauren into more rounds of laughter for it sounded just like what she expected. Sadie’s daddy was the sweetest, kindest, biggest softy around, but he was a devil when it came to his baby. “He’ll come ‘round when there’s a grandbaby to bounce on his knee. I’m so happy for you, hun.” She seemed to grow in radiance right before Lauren’s eyes.
“Thanks, Lu.”
They hugged again, the two women closer than ever, even though they'd spent nearly four years separated by distance.
“Enough of this sappy stuff, weepin’ like old women,” Sadie muttered, shooing Lauren back onto the stool. “Least it was before we did our makeup.”
Lauren giggled as she sat, deliriously happy for her friend.
“So?” Sadie said, eyeing her impatiently.
“Do I get my story now?”
Lauren groaned, but it was half-hearted. “Fine. Guess that news is kind of worth a present,” she teased.
“Damn straight!”
Snickering, Lauren motioned toward the bed. “Those shears were a new addition to the bed last night,” she began, smiling as she remembered and tried not to shiver in pleasure.
“Damn…” Sadie wheezed, now seated, as Lauren worked the curling iron through her hair so her waves would fall in curls and ringlets from her crown down the back of her neck.
“It’s why I could tell Thor I knew what an Asgardian evenin’ looked like,” Lauren smiled.
“I say again. Damn… Do you think he'd give Marcus a few pointers?”
“What? I love my husband, but damn, girl. Yours has got skills!” She fanned herself suggestively and made Lauren blush.
“I swear, Sadie June if you tell Marcus any of this I will see that picture from the fourth grade Easter picnic ends up emailed to every one of your clients!”
She gasped in horror. “You big ho! You swore you destroyed that picture!”
Lauren gave her a smug smile. “Au contraire. I said it would never see the light of day.”
“Do I need to remind you of the county fair where you tore open the backside of your pants escapin’ from Bobby Franklin? I seem to recall panties of shockin’ green with little white sheep.”
Lauren froze. “You wouldn't.”
“Oh, I so would.”
They stared each other down.
“Truce?” they said at the same time and broke out in giggles.
Lauren gently squeezed Sadie’s shoulder. “I really have missed you.”
“Me too, hun.” Sadie patted her hand. A quiet knock came to the door before either of them could say any more.
“Yes?” Lauren called.
“Lauren, darling. Are you ladies decent?”
“Come on in, Loki,” Sadie giggled.
“Do I need to cover my eyes?” he asked as he pushed in the door, hand hovering at face level.
“You’re fine, peaches.” Lauren smiled and shook her head when he dropped his hand. “Y’all alright? Where’s Thor?”
“Drinking in the garden.” He eyed her appreciatively. “Darling, you will be most radiant tonight.”
“Hush, you. I’m still in my bathrobe,” she huffed, finishing the last of Sadie’s curls and giving the whole mass a once over with the hairspray.
“So? You are gorgeous no matter what you wear...  or don’t wear,” he said, his grin wicked.
Sadie snickered and smirked at Lauren in the mirror. “He’s so bad! I love it.”
“You two are terrible,” Lauren grumbled.
“Did you stick it to Quinn and fix it all up, Loki?” Sadie asked, ignoring Lauren completely.
“Hm.” He shrugged. “I believe it will suit. I thought perhaps I could spirit Lauren away for a moment to see if it meets with her approval as, from what I’ve gathered, the guests will be arriving soon.”
“Do you ever just ask him questions so he’ll talk to you in that pretty voice?” Sadie asked, looking up at Lauren.
“Fancy, ain’t he? He read me poetry by the river the other day,” Lauren teased, sending Loki a smirk.
“Really?” Sadie sighed. “Be still my heart.”
Loki only arched a brow and prowled forward with his ground-eating stride. “Lady fair, have we not met in our lives elsewhere? Darkling in my mind tonight, faint fair faces dare, memory's old unfaithfulness to what was true and fair. Long of memory is regret, but what regret has taken flight through my memory's silences? Lo, I turn it to the light. 'Twas but a pleasure in distress, too faint and far off for redress, but some light glancing in your hair and in the liquid of your eyes, seem to murmur old goodbyes in our lives elsewhere. Have we not met, lady fair?”*
“Ohh… my word,” Sadie whispered, her eyes huge and cheeks red when Loki took her hand and lifted her fingers to his lips. She blinked at him for a moment before turning her flushed face toward Lauren. “I hate you.”
“Try bein’ on the receivin’ end of that when you know he ain’t teasin’.” Lauren fanned her own flushed face.
Loki only laughed. “Everyone keeps calling me fancy, I may as well play the part.”
“Please, can I borrow him?” Sadie begged, making Lauren giggle.
“For what, pray tell?” he asked.
Lauren patted his chest before heading for the two dresses hung off the door of her closet. “Sadie’s just teasin’, peaches.”
Sadie grasped Loki’s hand. “No, no I’m not! Teach my husband!”
Loki gave her a wink and brushed his hair back. “You can’t teach perfection, Sadie dear.”
Lauren snorted.
“Ouch, darling. You have bruised my ego.”
“You’ll live,” she threw over her shoulder while collecting her gown. “Sadie? What underwear am I using with this?”
“You could stick with none, my heart,” Loki crooned wickedly.
“Behave, you.” Lauren sent him a warning glance.
“If I was the vindictive sort,” Sadie grumbled, “I’d conveniently forget to tell you about the box I put in the bathroom, and let your… Ástvinur?” she looked to Loki who smiled and nodded, “Have his way.”
“But you’re not,” Lauren laughed.
“But I’m not. Jealous? Hell yeah, but not vindictive,” Sadie pouted.
Lauren continued to chuckle as she took her dress from the back of the door. “Give me two shakes, Loki, and I’ll come have a look.”
“No rush, darling. I’ll wait outside.” He nodded to Sadie, tucked his hands in his pockets, and exited through the balcony doors.
Lauren frowned, confused by his decision to wait on the balcony, but went into the bathroom to change as Sadie finished touching up her makeup.
She barely had the door shut before the reason for his exit was made clear when familiar hands landed on her hips and pulled her to his chest.
“Loki!” she hissed. “What are you doing?”
“I missed you, my love,” he murmured, pressing her into the countertop. “With how incredibly gorgeous you look, I simply had to touch you.” His hands pulled at the ties of her blue satin robe until it came loose and bared the length of her to his eyes. “Perfection,” he hummed, tracing his fingertips over her breasts.
Lauren shuddered under the attention, loving it even as she blushed.
“Look at how you glow, my heart. How radiant you are.” He turned her to face the mirror and pulled her robe open further.
She did seem rather… rosy, the flush colouring most of her body when she caught sight of herself. Her skin had browned a bit from their day by the river, causing the gold of her serpents around her navel, the suns around her nipples, and the necklace around her throat to shimmer and shine brightly.
Sadie had worked magic with her face, giving Lauren cat eyes and a pouty red lip. Her hair looked like corn silk, tied low and loose in a knot at her nape. Wisps curled against her cheeks, soft and flowing, and her eyes sparkled a deep, dark green.
Loki’s fingers skimmed the valley between her breasts, then cupped them and made her moan. His thumbs brushed her nipples, the buds fat and hard.
Lauren leaned her head back against him. “Elskan min…” she sighed, relishing the coolness of his chest after the heat of the day.
“You make my heart pound when you say those words,” he breathed, gliding his hands from her breasts down the sleek length of her torso. He framed her tattoo with his fingers and nipped gently at her jaw. “I want to kiss you, and touch you, and lick you all over until I have tasted every inch of your skin.”
“Loki,” she moaned softly, her fingers wrapping around his wrists.
A wicked chuckle spilled from his lips. “Tonight, my darling, nothing will keep me from doing so.”
Fingers pet her hips, long strokes, tender touches which had heat and wetness pooling between her thighs. “Lo-Loki,” she whined when the fingers of one hand skated lower to brush her mound and those of the other returned to her chest.
“Sadly, I need to take these from you, my sweet.” He traced his finger around one golden sun. “They will quite show through your gown.”
Lauren could have hardly cared at the moment, her attention entirely focused on the fingers gradually dipping lower with every slow curl. She ached. She yearned. She whimpered for more and looked to his face in the mirror. Hers was pink with arousal, but his. His was the face of a Warrior God come to remind her to who she belonged.
The image of the two of them was one of soft surrender and dark ascendancy. He appeared powerful with eyes full of lust and clenched jaw, so tall her head fit beneath his chin. A picture of strength, he was the definition of control. Her body responded to his touch like a puppet, albeit a willing one. He breathed in, and she exhaled. He touched her, and she purred, arched and moaned.
It was freeing. Where once she’d felt inadequate in such matters, now Lauren knew it was not she who had been the problem but her partner. With Loki, there were no such worries. Not anymore. She may be inexperienced, but he never made her feel it. He played, and he taught, and he showed her things she’d never known existed. She could place herself in his hands and know nothing but happiness.
He brought her joy. So very much joy. A joy that would last… forever.
“I love you, Loki,” she sighed, feeling it to the very depth of her soul.
The brúðr steinn warmed against her skin and drew her attention. It pulsed and pulled a gasp from her lips when the branches twisted around each other. She watched in amazement as they grew tighter, thicker, braided together and became a rope of densely packed scales. The ends which had once been links of chain holding the square pendant against the hollow of her throat became the heads of serpents while the pendant itself glowed brightly, burned with cold fire, and in a flash of finalizing magic turned into a multifaceted green jewel the size of a golf ball.
She would have stared longer, but Loki spun her around, gazing in amazement for one moment before lifting a shaking hand toward the gem. Tears ran down his face from eyes so blue they seemed as endless as the sky. They were full of his emotions; love, joy, disbelief, and such humble thanksgiving, Lauren couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks.
“Is… is that it?” she asked, feeling giddy and shocked all wrapped up in elation. Had she done it? Somehow, someway, had she finished the bond?
Loki ran his fingertip down the golden torque to the head of one serpent. Held between its fangs was a jewel he’d never imagined seeing again, the one he’d fashioned from blood and magic. The one that carried his every hope and dream. The brúðr steinn was finished and in its place sat the torque of her station with his heart stone at its center.
Flames flickered within it. A pulse which followed the beat of his heart. It was finished. Completed in a moment of quiet seduction. It was so like her to do something grand in such a simple fashion.
“Lauren…” His forehead pressed to hers as he cupped her face. “You honour me, elskan min. You humble me. You… you…” His heart was so full, he couldn't express the emotions with words, nor hold back the cascade of tears that fell from his eyes.
It had been so subtle, her final round of acceptance coming after such a traumatic start to the day. The figurative click of her light, her soul, fitting into place against his was no louder than a key turning in a lock. The writhing turmoil of darkness inside him, a battle he’d waged for so long had gone from the constant crashing of waves against a slowly eroding bluff of resistance to silence. A glassy calm lake now reflected the brightness of a full moon. The peace of it, the quiet, left him dragging in ragged breaths. Giant, shuddering breaths as the moment overwhelmed him.
“Loki?” she whispered, clinging to his shirt.
“You did it,” he finally choked out. “You did it. My beautiful, brave, magnificent woman. You did it.”
“Really?” she sobbed softly, staring at him with her stunning eyes.
“Really,” he murmured, brushing the tears from her cheeks. “You’re mine. Only mine. Forever mine.” He kissed her then, unable to believe he hadn’t yet done so, stole into her mouth and seduced her tongue into tangling with his, dancing with his, until neither could breath and broke apart with a gasp.
Her fingers lifted to her throat and hovered shakily over the heart stone. “I’m yours.”
“And I’m yours, my love. Only yours,” he declared, deliriously happy.
He wanted to scream. Shout. Roar his triumph to the heavens. She accepted him. She loved him. She would have him. Their love would be one for the ages, a tale talked of for generations by the people of Asgard. The fastest binding ever achieved by a Dark God and his Ástvinur.
Then the reality of it all sank in.
She was his.
“Lauren,” he crooned, the sound sensual and darkly erotic. “My most cherished love.” Loki backed her into the counter where he pinned her with his hips. His hands brushed the satin from her shoulders, baring her body to his eyes as her robe fell from her suddenly limp arms. He lifted her up to sit on the blue fabric, making sure she felt every long, hard inch of what she'd done to him.
Her eyes, as dark as the gem at her throat fluttered shut on a sinful sweet moan when he began stroking her kitten-soft skin.
“I had planned, my darling, on seducing my intended tonight but now, now my heart, I shall seduce and claim my bonded Ástvinur. You are mine now, and tonight we will ascend together to Valhalla,” he pressed her back over his arm as he lowered his mouth to her breast. “Where you will reign,” he swept his tongue over the first shield, making it vanish and Lauren moan, “the queen of this dark god’s heart,” he switched to the other and treated it in kind, “forevermore.”
“Loki,” she pleaded, her hands pressed to the counter behind her.
He lifted his head and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. With his eyes blazing a solid green and the sharp angles of his face appearing hard and shadowed, his hair hanging forward to give him a dishevelled appearance, he could see what she meant by conquering War God.
But it was her radiance he focused on. She had become of Asgard with her acceptance, and while the change was subtle, those who knew her well would see it. Where before she had been stunningly beautiful, now she'd taken on a radiance that made her seem ethereal. The heart of compassion and inner light which made her the Ástvinur of a dark god now appeared on the outside as well. Before she had been a candle flickering in the dark.
Now… she was the moon.
He placed a kiss over her heart and lifted her back up to drop a second on her lips. As he held her close, he brought their heads back together and murmured softly, “As you have given me my life, I give it over to you. As you have trusted me with your heart, I vow never to break it. May the heavens open and Odin strike me down should I ever hurt you again. From this day forth, I promise to share my cup and my meat, my bed and my hearth. You shall have all you need, want, or desire, you have only to name it. What troubles you, I shall bear, and what troubles I encounter I vow to seek your counsel. For I was once lost, adrift in a world of darkness, until my light appeared.” He looked deep into her teary eyes. “And what a wondrous, glorious light she is.”
“Oh, my…” Lauren sighed. She lifted her hand to touch his lips with quiet reverence. “That was beautiful, but it sounded really formal.”
“Of course. Those are my vows, my promise to my bonded Ástvinur. I thought Midgardians had a similar ritual?” He frowned, sure of it.
“When?” she asked.
“When they finalize their union.”
She frowned back for a moment. Pondering. The little furrow between her brows ridiculously adorable before her eyes grew comically round. “Are you… do you mean… weddin’ vows? Did you just… marry me?”
“No,” he scoffed for it was so much more than that, but when she seemed to dim, lose some of that stunning brightness as if disappointed, he was quick to murmur, “Well…”
Her eyes snapped up to his, and he gathered her close. “It is more than something as simple as marriage vows. Those can be so easily broken. What we have, my darling, thanks to you is something that cannot be so easily torn asunder. I will never look at another in desire, for none can compare to you. Lying to you would be pointless as I would never do anything to jeopardize your opinion of me. While I can't say with certainty we won't have disagreements or arguments in the future, I know without a doubt when we do we will solve them together with understanding and compromise. This bond between us will grow, and our love shall be everlasting. I can't call it marriage. It is not something so simple as marriage. But yes, for ease of understanding, you are the equivalent of my wife by Asgardian standards.”
She rested against his heart, comfortable in her nudity, while the heart stone continued to relay her emotions. She was quiet, but such happiness lived inside her, he was surprised it didn't just bubble out.
When she did finally lift her head, she smiled for him, a look of such radiance it was blinding. “Guess it's a good thing my dress is white if this is my Asgardian weddin’ day.”
He chuckled, relieved she was not unhappy with this unexpected turn of events. Honestly, he'd thought it would take weeks for the final stage to be completed. He should have known better than to underestimate his Ástvinur. Still, he collected her left hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. “I will ask you properly one day to marry me in the Midgardian fashion as well, my sweet. But as you've insisted a weekend is not enough time for a proposal… I shall wait.”
“Oh, but I-”
He pressed his finger to her lips. “Now, darling, you are absolutely correct. Three days is much too soon,” he said, his grin coy. “We should give it at least a week.”
She giggled, parted her lips and sucked the tip of his finger into her mouth.
“Pet,” he warned softly, “the time grows short, or I would be most inclined to succumb to your whiles. Dress. I will await your company on the balcony.”
“You’re not stayin’?” She quirked a curious brow.
“Oh, my heart.” He cupped her face and used his magic to return her makeup to her former glory. “When I remove that dress from you later, I wish to be surprised. After all,” he leaned closer and pressed his lips to her ear, “this is my wedding night, too.”
He stepped reluctantly away and shifted himself magically to the balcony railing where he watched the sun set in a blaze of colours. If his heart pounded and legs shook, and he had to tighten his grip on the wood to keep from falling to his knees, he didn’t hold it against himself. It was not every day one found their heart filled with hope and joy to the point of overflowing.
Where once he had looked toward his future and seen only darkness, now he looked toward it and saw his heart’s desire. He actually saw a future. A future filled with love, light, and laughter. Children. Family.
Every day would be a new start, a fresh start, and a life he would be proud to live. A life and a love he would defend to his last breath because no one, ever, would be allowed to take it from him.
The wood beneath his fingers cracked with the strength of his grip when the shiver of foreboding raced his spine. Across the expanse of lawn, in the tops of a stand of trees, a murder of crows called to each other. It was an omen Loki would pay head to, for it was a warning… from Odin. If even the All-father could sense the impending conflict, Loki would be doubly on guard.
A storm was brewing in the air around this house, one not even Thor would be able to control, and when it broke, Loki had the distinct feeling someone’s blood would mix with the rain to soak into the ground.
Next Chapter
*Lady Fair by Francis Ledwidge
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mariestherapeutics · 8 years
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Steadier (Junmyeon) Chapter 5: (Supernatural Series) Y'all remember Baekhyun's Supernatural Series? This chapter crosses over with one of his, do you remember it? :D This is also a longer chapter, so enjoy!~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bare limbs and soft breaths, waking up (and) having you make(s) me feel steadier...
(♫) I'd give it all up for you, I swear. Only for real love.
"Easy now," Junmyeon instructs lightly, watching nervously as you sink into the pool on your own. He insisted that you should start getting comfortable in the water without him next to you, which would help you get over your fear.
You take it easy, like he said to, inching down slowly from the ladder. Your eyes are like saucers, wide and never leaving the sight of your feet until they touch the bottom of the pool. Once you're standing in the waist deep end, you look at Junmyeon with a proud smile on your face, who was on the other end.
"Good, now make your way over." He waves, smiling back. He watches your internal struggle to move, before you start wading over just as gradually as you climbed in. "Good," He encourages when the water rises to your breasts. "Almost there."
"I'm scared." You mutter, tearing up a little and stopping. Junmyeon stops himself from going over to you, knowing it wouldn't help you at all if he always babied you.
"That's normal. You're still not accustomed to the water, but you will be." He adds the last part with a reassuring smile, which you return weakly. "Come on over when you're ready. Remember that I only want you to go as far as you're willing. We'll work on it day by day." He reminds you kindly.
"I know." You breathe out shakily, moving again. You're being so brave right now, and Junmyeon knows it has nothing to do with the fact you know his powers. He never told YiFan, like he was supposed to, afraid of what would have happened. He knows he should, but if it meant isolation from you, was he really going to take that risk? He finally has the opportunity to get to know you and vise versa; if he doesn't do it now, how many more years will he have to wait?
"That's it!" Junmyeon can't stop himself from grinning as you make it to the deeper end. The water is almost at your chin now. "Just a little further."
But when you take another step, your foot slips and you go under with a gasp. Immediately, Junmyeon brings you back up with his powers, swimming up to your side right after. "_____, are you alright?" He asks worriedly as you cough and move backwards, trying to get away from the deep end. When you're both in shallower water, you hug yourself and start crying.
"I can't do this. I just can't ever swim, Junmyeon..!" You hiccup, hanging your head so he doesn't have to see you. He isn't sure what to do, where the boundaries lie, but he pulls you in for a tight hug.
"You'll be fine." He says hushedly, rubbing your back. "I'm sorry that it didn't start off so well, but you've made a lot of progress." He tells you, daringly pressing his cheek into your hair. "Remember when you didn't even walk near the pool? Now you can get in it on your own." He says.
You say nothing, but accept his comfort and hug his waist, burying your face in his collarbone. The scene is more intimate than he can handle, though, and he says, "Let's get you out of the water. We can continue another time, okay?" You nod slightly, and before he realizes what you're doing, you jump up and wrap your legs around him again, like the first time.
Ignoring his beating heart, the water helps him step out of the pool with you. He can make the water warmer with a single thought, but unfortunately can't do the same with the air. In only his swimming shorts, the cool air in the pool house makes goosebumps rise on his skin where you're not touching him. He hurriedly carries you to a lawn seat, setting you down gently and running into the back room for towels.
He at least thought this through, taking it out of the dryer he had YiFan install a year ago and heading back to you. He wraps the towel around your shoulders first, then dries himself off with his own. He's positive his hair is an absolute mess after tousling it, but he could care less.
His towel is still warm, so when you make no move to dry yourself, he takes the liberty to do it for you. Then, just before he reaches down to do it, he stops. He has to stop thinking it's alright to touch you. You've only been doing it because you needed the emotional support. How can he take advantage of that?
Instead, he sets it over your lap, hoping it would keep in the heat. He wants to say something to you, anything, but nothing appropriate comes to his mind. What can he say to someone who's been traumatized other than "you can do it"? Is that even okay to say? What does he know about trauma? Only what his brother Lu Han has told him about.
A knock sounds at the door, and he's relieved for the distraction. "I'll be right back." He promises you, touching your shoulder lightly as he walks past. He opens one of the double doors and peeks his head out. "I'm sorry, the pool is closed right now-- Oh, Baekhyun?" He blinks at his brother in surprise, then at the woman beside him. "What do you need?" Junmyeon sees the lady look over his shoulder and at you.
"Do you mind if we join?" Baekhyun asks, smiling from ear to ear suddenly. "Better yet, can we steal it for ourselves?" Junmyeon presses his lips together thoughtfully, turning around himself to gander at your shivering form.
"Let me ask her if she's okay with stopping." He tells Baekhyun after a bit, and Baekhyun's eyebrows shoot up seductively.
"Stopping what?" Baekhyun asks lowly, and both his and the woman's face turn red. They both hit Baekhyun's arm at the same time, and Baekhyun jumps away in surprise. Junmyeon looks at the woman in astonishment before holding out his hand to her.
"My name is Junmyeon, please excuse him." He says bashfully, looking flustered by Baekhyun's behavior.
"It's alright, I'm used to it by now." She smiles back, shaking his hand.
"She's already used to a lot of me by now." Baekhyun says, sneaking his arm around her waist and pulling her into his side. She flushes, taking note of Junmyeon's surprised face before he chuckles.
"I see. I'm glad you found someone to care for, Baekyunnie." Junmyeon tells Baekhyun sincerely with the most genuine smile on his face.
"Wait, I'm--" Baekhyun waves his hand hurriedly, like he's about to say something, but Junmyeon interrupts him.
"I've got to talk to someone I care for now, since you so rudely asked to steal my pool." He jokes.
"We don't need to use it." Baekhyun's girl friend suddenly says. She seems sweet, and he wouldn't want her first impression of him to be denying you of a hangout spot with Baekhyun. So Junmyeon gives you a grateful smile and shakes his head.
"It's fine, really. I don't think she can handle any more time near the water." He says, and suddenly, he feels a little distraught, but covers it up with another smile.
"Come on," He hears Baekhyun beckon his lady. As the doors click shut behind them, you stand up and grab Junmyeon's hand shyly before hiding behind him when Baekhyun and the woman approach. You recognize them from work, but don't know them personally.
The woman beside the guy smiles at you, and you relax a little. Junmyeon looks positively elated for some reason, which only makes you smile more. "This is my girlfriend." Junmyeon says. When you realize he's introducing you, you kick the back of his foot in protest.
"I'm not his girlfriend." You correct. Junmyeon holds up your interlaced hands and asks you if you does this with all people you're not dating. Blushing, you stutter for an answer, but he smiles and you stop.
"Okay, she will be my girlfriend." Junmyeon restates boldly. Why was he claiming you so daringly all of a sudden? He wasn't even sure of his feelings for you until this very moment, either. Maybe seeing Baekhyun and his lady friend sparked something in his mind. You kick the back of his foot again in embarrassment.
"Well, this is my girlfrie--" The woman reaches up to slap Baekhyun's arm and he grins as he flinches away, making her miss. "What, we're not playing that game?" He asks her, looking the happiest Junmyeon's ever seen him. He wonders if he looks like that around you. She crosses her arms and steps forward independently, introducing herself to you both.
"Baekhyun is my co-worker." Baekhyun pouts playfully, nudging the woman's arm sadly.
"I'm not your bum buddy?" He asks, and she turns to him, about ready to hit him with both hands, but he grabs her wrists and stops you, grinning mischievously. "Anyways, thank you guys for giving this place up. We'll take good care of it." He says to you two, but doesn't break eye contact with the lady.
"The keys are under the lounge chair," Junmyeon tells the woman with him, who does her best to look like she's paying attention to him. "Make sure Baekhyun doesn't forget to lock up when you two are done." He adds, sounding more like a parent than he'd like to. She smiles at Junmyeon, despite her struggle to get away from Baek's grasp.
Junmyeon politely collects your clothes and his in one hand while still holding yours with his other, then leaves the pool house. It's luckily still a little warm out, so you're both only slightly shivering before you make it to his car. He lets you change in his backseat with the shades down (he had the audacity to feel embarrassed for owning such an expensive car, but YiFan spoiled him with his salary, so what else could he do with the money?) while he waited outside, still in his trunks.
"I'm done," You say meekly, opening the car door and peeking your head out. "What do I do with...?" You hold your dripping swimsuit out over the parking lot to avoid wetting his seats.
"I've got it." Junmyeon says, taking it from you. Once it's in his hands, he sucks all the water out of it with his powers until it's completely dry again. "There you go." He says, handing it back. You look amazed. "Um, do you have a ride home?" He asks to distract you from his blushing face.
"I usually ride the bus home, but we stopped lessons early, so it won't be for another half hour..." You mumble, and with  newfound courage, Junmyeon offers to drive you home. "H-Huh? You don't have to do that!" You exclaim, shaking your head and stepping out of his car.
"No, I insist. I have nothing else to do, if that's what you're worried about." He says, urging you back in. You do climb back in, but only because his bare chest makes you redder than you want to be. "Please let me drive you." He grins hopefully.
You try not to get caught up in his brown eyes as you reply, "Okay."
(Continued in Part 6... Steadier)
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