#i love how ppl like to eat my art.. it makes me extremely flattered and happy
th3e-m4ng0 · 1 year
I’m obsessed with how you render art, I am eating it as we speak (aka I LOVE UR ART, ALSO AAAA más artistas mexas en la fandom let’s fucking GOO)
EEEEEE thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!! <333
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
why hello again my sweet morgy~!! 💞🌠🍭 what a lovely evening to wind down with some writing and a glass of wine! hopefully you are doing alright!! well, of course school is going to make our days a little worse for now, but fingers crossed that i can offer a little brightness to you 😊💞 the second day of virtual school was extremely boring, i hate having to sit at a computer for hours,, so i ended up daydreaming and playing with fidget toys and eating lollipops hehe (1/8)
"yet again, you prove to be quite the charmer my dear morgane, out here once again with all of your smooth-talking! i swear, you will be the death of me one day, killing me with kindness,, i can only wish to be such a sweet person like you!! until them, i just have to keep pulling my dumb little one liners in hope of possibly flustering you back 😘 (2/8)
and today i made the unfortunate discovery that i have my ex and lots of mean people in my classes,, and so little of my friends! this is gonna be such a hard year i suppose :( sadly all i can do is hope that this year will be better than the last,, after all, as long as i can ignore/avoid them all staring at me and making comments, i'll be okay ❤ (3/8)
i had a hard time focusing in lots of the class video calls due to anxiety, so i doodled some portraits of my teachers!! i needed the practice anyway,, i haven't drawn in a while! i sent them teach the finished sketches and they both gushed with compliments!! it really cheered me up, i'm glad i was able to make people happy with my little doodles! 💖 (4/8)
speaking of drawings, i woke up to more artwork made of me! it's so so flattering, truly!! it shocks me how some of these artists do such amazing drawings for free, they're all so talented!!! ooh, and this reminded me, i should probably tell you all that all of the art, picrews, etc that's made for me and morg is saved in a special little photo album on my phone,, i call it "things people have made for me 💕" (5/8)
i like to go through them on bad days to lift my mood, so when i always say that your efforts mean a lot to me, i'm not lying 💓 but don't fret darling, even though we do deal with a lot of trouble in our daily lives, there'll be a time in the future when we'll get away from our bothersome struggles, no? and i do look forward to that incredibly so,, (6/8)
we have all of these improvised plans building up that i'm sure we can escape from all of the stress for a good while, we just gotta hang on until then!! and i'm always here to offer endless support, love, and wholesome stuff to brighten your day when you need it! one day at a time dear, we'll work our way there 💗💗💗 (7/8̶ 9)
oh, and of course i'll cook pasta for you amore, and fresh pasta at the least!! there's so many things i have to cook for you and others, so prepare for a feast in the future! after all, i only cook for my loved ones~ 🌺 ooh, i must've glazed passed that one ask about iris by the goo goo dolls,, i just wanna throw in that i absolutely love that song and my papa and i sing it all the time!! maybe i'll post a lil singy thing of that song here... 😖 (8/9)
oh dio, it seems the time has flown too fast again,, i wish these moments could last longer!! at least i can come back tomorrow and see you again! so i bid you a goodnight dolcezza, make sure to take care of yourself! as always, i'm thinking of you 💌 - tutto d'amore, waifu xoxo 💋 ps: don't worry amato, everyone is awkward when first learning to dance (even me!), but i'm sure you'll learn fast when i teach you 💘 (9/9)"
Before anything else if yo ex trynna start shit....je suis here👁️ iS thIs gUy bOtHeriN u qUeEn??
But like i felt that on a spiritual level online claases make me absolutely bored and i almost fell asleep so many times in the past also bc my sleep schedule is fucked so unlike the times i'd get up and freshen up a little now it was like me fighting off with my own body 10 min before online class starts asmr dhshdhdhd (i also basically end up playing video games or watching anime when shit really gets boring lmao)
AnYwAYs thats so wholesome?? The fact that ppl keep makin u stuff and u saved it in a folder too🗿 which reminds me...trust me i aint this wholesome or kind really u dont give urself enough credit dear u can b very sly/smooth if u want to so its def not just me here👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
Now i could only ever dream of having such a positive attitude as urself bc my dumbass gets thru life by ignoring and pushing down everything which is hella unhealthy but do we care n o t a t a l l ksshhx if anything im glad u keep maintaining a positive aura urself and i have to agree we have so many plans its unreal.....it just succs that life b kinda wack🤡🔪
On another note it sounds to me like we'll have to not only dance but also sing together....i have a feeling i said this before but s t i l l👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
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I miss you LOVE ME HARDER series!! Will you ever come back for ay least one more?
Oh I would definitely be open to it! It’s that for one, smut (at least for me), is hard to write. Smut and angst take a lot out of me, and while I get tons of requests for them, they never seem to get a whole lotta feedback (which is fine, I don’t write for reviews, and I get that not everyone wants to comment on smut; but at the same time it’s kind of like when you have 20 ppl come bug you to make  a casserole and so finally you’re like
‘wow, they must really like my casserole! even though it’s time consuming and kind of hard to make, I’ll make it!” so you make it and a hundred ppl eat and you’re like
“Well, how was it?”
and one person goes
“It was good, thanks!”
and then another person goes
“Well, it was okay, but you could have put some corn it.”
“… But it had corn it?”
“I mean, I didn’t see any.” *shrugs*
And then you look around helplessly at everyone else who’ve all cleaned their plates and they just blink and say -
“So, when are you going to make some more casserole?”
And I know this probably comes across as bitchy, and you’re probably sitting there thinking “WTF? I’ve seen her AO3! She gets tons of reviews!” And I do (on AO3 at leas), and I am so so grateful!! But I also get a lot of prompts! like so many! (And again I am extremely grateful and flattered that y’all would want to read my stuff, much less request that I write MORE stuff. Plus fic requests are hella inspiring.) But it’s also extremely frustrating to write something and be so excited to see what y’all have to say about it and then over half of the notifications I get are just more fic requests. It’s like … if Picasso put out a painting and he hangs it up for everyone to see and he’s so excited for ppl to see his art and hear them talk about it and have them ask him about it but then after a long moment of looking at it they just start asking him for his next painting!
And I get that fic - especially one shot fic -has become like this carnival food, dime-a-dozen style, but it’s just sad to see it become such a quick consumption, prompt a minute, no need to engage or leave a comment  type thing. Like I remember just a few years ago, reading fics and feeling like a community with the other readers because we’d gush about our fave authors and the authors would write back and it just felt like a big hibachi table where the author would write and put on a show and everyone would ooh and ahh and talk over the food together but now it’s just a vending machine where ppl get their quick fix. (again, i’m speaking mainly about fic on tumblr, AO3 isn’t quite there yet).
It’s just disheartening.
All that being said, I am open to writing more for that series, but because smut is so hard for me to write, I have to feel really inspired or really into an idea to write, and I’m not there yet! but maybe soon!
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