#i wonder how yall envision it tasting like
th3e-m4ng0 · 1 year
I’m obsessed with how you render art, I am eating it as we speak (aka I LOVE UR ART, ALSO AAAA más artistas mexas en la fandom let’s fucking GOO)
EEEEEE thank you so much !!!!!!!!!!! <333
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Okay so yall wanna hear how I drunkley explained asexuality to my friend using cake as a metaphor when he said he didnt know much about it while he was questioning? He pulled it up from 2 years ago when we first met and said it actually made sense but wowza only for fellow aces, it's a trainwreck... enjoy
If you come across a cake and find it aesthetically attractive it means you think it’s pretty. It was very well put together and it’s nice to look at.
Sexual attraction is seeing or smelling the cake and the visual sparking thoughts of eating it. Maybe the thought of licking the frosting off pops into your head, or maybe your eye is just drawn to that frosting and you can envision the taste. You might wonder how soft and moist it is. But, you might not actually want to, you just imagine it. Maybe it initiates hunger and maybe it doesn’t.
(Asexuality, then, is seeing cake all the time but it never even entering one’s mind that it’s potential food.)
Sex drive is how big your appetite is. You may just not be hungry almost ever. If you eat, it’s for some other reason. If you have a large appetite you want to eat, but you may not necessary care what you eat. Eating itself is what is satisfying, not necessarily what was eaten.
Sexual arousal is your physical reaction, sometimes to being hungry, sometimes to actually getting ready to or eating. Its when the stimulus of the looks or smells or thoughts of the food laid out make your stomach growl or your mouth water. Sometimes this may happen without stimulus or actual hunger, sometimes your stomach just rumbles even if you don’t feel particularly hungry.
Sexual desire is being hungry for cake specifically. You want to eat that cake. Or maybe you just want to eat a cake and go looking for one. Just because you want the cake doesn’t necessarily mean you go after the cake.
Sexual activity is actually eating the cake. This could be because you really wanted the cake, but also because you just wanted to try the cake, or maybe everyone else was having cake and there was social pressure, etc.
Sexual orientation is what flavor(s) you like.
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ayuyikes · 5 years
Secret Admirer (5/?)
<pushes this onto yalls plate> so uh
Take this while I evaluate my life choices
Also I have to put the links to the other parts when I have better internet ^^; for the time being other parts of this series can be found here
Putting the flowers on her desk had gotten her a few coos from her students. The girls seemed to love them, and Lorenz even remarked the sender having taste in flowers, and asked her a quick question not long after.
“Professor, are you familiar with flower language?”
Byleth had blinked once, twice, thrice. “Flower language?”
“Of course, it’s mostly a habit of the elite to pay attention to such things,” he pointed out with a little bit of pride, “but I heard some commoners like to hide meaning in their bouquets as well. For example, I believe the Gardenia has a variety of meanings, but it’s most common translation is saying ‘you’re lovely’.”
Byleth looked at her vase. “Ah, thank you, Lorenz.”
Said man turned a brief shade of red. “Well, that is to say-“
“Maybe I should look into the meaning of the other two as well,” she tapped her chin in wonder. Lorenz exhaled in understanding and a little relieved.
“Of course, professor. If I can be of service let me know,” he offered with a brief bow. The professor shook her head with a smile.
“Thank you, Lorenz, but I think the library will aid me enough. I will keep your offer in mind if I get stuck.”
And as such, when classes ended for the day, she went there quickly after dinner, hoping to find something to point her into the right direction.
She found a shelf where she should find the book in question, but after a little while of searching and coming up with nothing she heard her name being called from behind her.
Or, well, her most common title.
“Looking for this, Teach?”
When she whipped around she startled when she saw Claude hang upside down from the set of stairs right behind her, waving a book around. Byleth clutched her heart, mostly out of habit.
“Go- Claude, get down immediately.”
“Aww after all the trouble I went through to get up here?” He let himself hang limp. “I’m surprised you didn’t hear me sneaking up on you, but I’ll just take that as a personal victory I guess,” he muttered with a pout.
“Claude,” she said in a warning tone. “Get down right now, or Tomas will-“
“Tomas is out, relax,” he swung a little side to side. “Actually, it’s just us two, so I’m not gonna get in trouble for ‘hanging around’,” he said with a shit eating grin. “Unless you give me detention for scaring you, of course.”
She eyed the book he was still holding. “What’s that?”
“Oh, this?” He held it up for her to look at the cover. “I figured you might need this, given the newest gift from your little lover.”
She took the book from his hands, reading the title. Gifting Flowers; an Almanac for Courting Nobles.
“After all, we asked for a hint, right?”
“He didn’t give any,” she sighed but quickly found the book’s index and quickly flipping to the page for daffodils. “He could’ve at least verified if he was indeed a guy, though.”
“A shame,” Claude sighed with her. She looked up briefly from her book to see him trying to look at the book while still upside down. This isn’t funny, she reprimanded herself while holding in a laugh. “Just get down already, Claude.”
“Do you know how much effort it took to get like this, Teach? I think I’ll stay here for now,” he jested but made no efforts to get off. “Could you just move over so I don’t have to crane- yeah that’s it,” he grinned when she moved closer to him so he could read along. She was glad she was wearing a simple blouse today; otherwise he could’ve looked down her usual bodice.
“Daffodils... mean...” he still had a little trouble reading while upside down, and he was trying to keep himself from rocking by holding onto one of the steps with one arm. She didn’t doubt his arm strength, seeing as archery takes quite some muscle, but even so the extra effort made her chuckle.
���It’s a flower of chivalry and regard, generally,” she decided to help him out.
“Yeah but there’s more,” he nudged. “It can also symbolize unrequited love.”
She just read the paragraph he was referring to. “So it does.”
“And a bunch of daffodils also indicate joy and happiness. So it seems our loverboy is glad that you’re around.”
She nodded in agreement absent-mindedly, quickly reading the one below that as well. It spoke of new beginnings and rebirth. An odd meaning, but one she wanted to keep in mind anyway.
“Now for the daisies....” he nudged the corner to make her turn the page. She complied with a small smile.
“This book is probably in alphabetical order, so it shouldn’t be- ah there it is,” he pointed at the white flower in the picture. “You’re gonna have to read it to me, Teach; the amount of blood streaming to my head is starting to make me feel sick.”
She peeled her eyes from her book and aimed them at him. He was indeed a lot redder than before: she would’ve blamed their proximity before his silly position but it seems like she was wrong. She saw him struggle with his legs between the open backed steps of the stairs and she quickly put her book on a nearby table with a sigh.
“Claude, let me help.”
“Ah, I’m fine Teach,” he said trying to pull himself up but it took a whole lot of effort. Byleth sighed and stepped forward, holding out her arms.
Actually, on second thought, she decided she’d just put them under his back and he startled from the contact. “Pull yourself up just a little higher,” she said, helping him pull himself up and positioning herself to put her arms under his torso and legs.
He didn’t really say anything but complied.
“Now pull your legs out of there.”
“I’m gonna fall, Teach,” he chuckled with a little bit of nerves. “I don’t mind doing stupid things but I’d rather not have ‘died falling on his head trying to tease his teacher’ written on my tomb stone.”
“I’ll catch you,” she simply stated. “Just do it before Tomas comes back.”
He sighed dramatically. “Here goes,” he says. “Tell my mother I love her.”
Before she could tell him to stop overreacting he wiggled his legs out from between the steps and swung free with a little more momentum than anticipated. Yet she quickly adjusted and when his grip slipped she caught him in her arms as if it was nothing.
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She said with a small smile. He smirked, arm resting over her shoulder.
“Careful Teach,” he grinned. “You wouldn’t want to make your admirer jealous, holding me in your arms for too long.”
“You said we were alone, right? Then he has no reason to be jealous about it.”
Curious. Had he been this red earlier?
She leant forward so he could slip out of her hold. “Thanks for catching me, Teach. Now where did you leave that book...”
Hm. Byleth couldn’t help but feel like he would’ve teased her more in regular circumstances. Something was off, but she had already felt something a little off anyway, so she just followed him to the table where she left the book behind. She saw him adjust his collar before sitting down.
“We left off with the daisies, right?” He quickly opened it back on the right page. She sat down on the chair next to him. “Daisies... symbolize innocence and purity, as well as loyal love. So either this guy envisions himself an angel or calls you one,” he winks. “This guy is cheesy as hell, I’ll give him that.”
After no real response from her (she was just reading and in her own set of thoughts) he turned some pages to get to the gardenias. “Last one, gardenias...” he hummed.
“Secret love and joy,” she quickly read out loud. “And again purity and sweetness.”
“That’s a lot of sap if you ask me,” he remarked and scratched his neck. “There doesn’t seem to be any clue to his identity here.”
She made a mental note of the book’s cover color then shoved her chair back.
“Where are you going Teach?” He asked curiously. “Did it bore ya?”
“I’m going to the greenhouse,” she said, brushing her shorts off. “Maybe they have another clue.”
“I doubt they know more than the book,” he sighed but got up himself, book under his arm. “Nobles pay a pretty penny to compile all knowledge into a tome such as this, after all.”
“Not on the flower language,” she shook her head. “But on the flowers themselves.”
She made her way to the exit and he followed closely behind. “Hey- what do you mean by that, Teach?”
“The merchants don’t carry flowers. So he either had to go out to get them...” she stopped in her stride and he was looking confusedly at her, “or he grew them himself in the greenhouse.”
Did he pale at that? She couldn’t stop a small smile from settling on her lips.
“Man, you’re cunning, Teach,” he grinned, but his eyes didn’t smile with him. “I’m glad I’m not up against your schemes anywhere in the near future.”
Funny, his eyes could’ve convinced her otherwise.
She prided herself in being able to see through his mask, but his actions still baffled her as he put his book on a random table and made a dramatic bow, jokingly.
“May I accompany milady- nay, an actual angel, according to some, on her way to her refuge of flowers?”
She couldn’t keep her muffled laugh to herself. “Maybe when you stop being dramatic,” she teased. He laid a hand on his heart, faking being hurt.
“I’d sooner die, Teach,” he said, grinning. “You wouldn’t want that, do you?”
“I believe as your teacher I’m only allowed to say I wouldn’t,” she said dryly.
A gasp. “Teach!”
She laughed, making no attempt to stop it. “I wouldn’t want to lose you, Claude. I promise.”
Satisfied, he hummed, his arms behind his back. They went into the halls, side by side, when he said, “I mean, of course you wouldn’t want to lose me. Otherwise you’d be out of a favorite student.”
“Who says you’re my favorite?”
“Teaach,” he whined. She could only chuckle.
When they got to the greenhouse, the head gardener was tending to the seedlings Byleth had left her not too long ago. They seemed to be coming along nicely.
“Excuse me,” she said, stepping forward while Claude hung back. “Have any students been tending to their own flowers here lately?”
She looked at the teacher with a warm smile. “Why yes, we have a few students that like gardening.” She gave a brief wave to Claude in the back. “Good day, Claude. Back again so soon? I thought I told you the rest of your plants will take a little longer.”
Byleth turned to look at Claude and just barely caught frantic waving from the corner of her eye before put his arms to his side looking sheepishly. “Ah yes, I heard you. I’ll check up on them next week, don’t worry. I’m just accompanying Teach here.”
Byleth was just in time to see the head gardener give her student a strange look.
“In any case, professor, did you need anything?”
“Did anyone harvest any daffodils recently?”
It didn’t escape her that the head gardener looked past her before answering. “No, can’t say I remember.”
“Why? Did something happen?”
“Nothing of importance,” Byleth shook her head. “But thank you for your answer.”
The head gardener nodded and went back to work. Byleth sighed and joined her student again.
“Was a good idea, too bad it wasn’t meant to be, huh?” He said as they exited the greenhouse again. “I guess we’ll just have to wait until he starts feeding us hints.”
She nodded, but her thoughts didn’t agree to his.
She was now very sure a certain schemer was her now not-so-secret-anymore admirer.
She still had a few questions though. Why would he do that? Send her an anonymous gift then ‘help’ her uncover the sender? Did he have a crush on her? Was it something else entirely?
He wouldn’t be as tasteless to send these as a prank, that much she was sure of. But even then...
No matter the motive, there was one thing Byleth was sure about, as she absent-mindedly listened to him brainstorm about how to uncover another lead.
If she wanted to confront him, she’d still need evidence.
And she might have another idea how to get some.
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Cleanin Out My Closet Song Lyrics – Eminem
Cleanin Out My Closet Song Lyrics
Cleanin Out My Closet Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Eminem from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Eminem ” in Year 2002.
Lyrics of Cleanin Out My Closet :
wheres my snare i have no snare in my headphones there you go yeah yo yohave you ever been hated or discriminated against i have ive been protested and demonstrated against picket signs for my wicked rhymes look at the times sick as the mind of the motherfucking kid thats behind all this commotion emotions run deep as oceans exploding tempers flaring from parents just blow em off and keep going not taking nothing from no one give em hell long as im breathing keep kicking ass in the morning and taking names in the evening leave em with a taste as sour as vinegar in they mouth see they can trigger me but theyll never figure me out look at me now i bet ya probably sick of me now aint you momma imma make you look so ridiculous nowim sorry momma i never meant to hurt you i never meant to make you cry but tonight im cleaning out my closet one more time i said im sorry momma i never meant to hurt you i never meant to make you cry but tonight im cleaning out my closetha i got some skeletons in my closet and i dont know if no one knows it so before they thrown me inside my coffin and close it imma expose it ill take you back to 73 before i ever had a multiplatinum selling cd i was a baby maybe i was just a couple of months my faggot father must have had his panties up in a bunch cause he split i wonder if he even kissed me goodbye no i dont on second thought i just fucking wished he would die i look at hailie and i couldnt picture leaving her side even if i hated kim i grit my teeth and id try to make it work with her at least for hailies sake i maybe made some mistakes but im only human but im man enough to face them today what i did was stupid no doubt it was dumb but the smartest shit i did was take the bullets outta that gun cause ida killed him shit i wouldve shot kim and him both its my life id like to welcome yall to the eminem showim sorry momma i never meant to hurt you i never meant to make you cry but tonight im cleaning out my closet one more time i said im sorry momma i never meant to hurt you i never meant to make you cry but tonight im cleaning out my closetnow i would never diss my own momma just to get recognition take a second to listen for who you think this record is dissing but put yourself in my position just try to envision witnessing your momma popping prescription pills in the kitchen bitching that someones always going through her purse and shits missing going through public housing systems victim of munchhausens syndrome my whole life i was made to believe i was sick when i wasnt til i grew up now i blew up it makes you sick to ya stomach doesnt it wasnt it the reason you made that cd for me ma so you could try to justify the way you treated me ma but guess what youre getting older now and its cold when youre lonely and nathans growing up so quick hes gonna know that youre phony and hailies getting so big now you should see her shes beautiful but youll never see her she wont even be at your funeral see what hurts me the most is you wont admit you was wrong bitch do your song keep telling yourself that you was a mom but how dare you try to take what you didnt help me to get you selfish bitch i hope you fucking burn in hell for this shit remember when ronnie died and you said you wished it was me well guess what i am dead dead to you as can beim sorry momma i never meant to hurt you i never meant to make you cry but tonight im cleaning out my closet one more time i said im sorry momma i never meant to hurt you i never meant to make you cry but tonight im cleaning out my closet
Cleanin Out My Closet Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Cleanin Out My Closet, Edit, Eminem, English, Hollywood from WordPress https://ift.tt/2NbM4C9 via IFTTT
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