#i love how this is some kind of ZING--GOTCHA
jlf23tumble · 1 year
Louis - "The irony of forgetting lyrics on a song about weed. We keep on moving!" Since Louis is forgetting lyrics because of anxiety and not stoners memory. I just wondered what the 'irony' is referring to?
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fbfh · 4 years
jason x reader x leo poly headcanons
Hhjkxhjckzjk oh boy
Kind of a straight man and crackhead thing going on
But its lawful vs chaotic
I'm telling you right now you have the power to tip the scales
If you're chaotic then jason has to get toddler leash backpacks to keep you two alive 
If you're lawful you and jason have to keep leo from exploding everything on sight
If you're neutral or shift between lawful and chaotic, congratulations 
You get to play both sides and/or sit back and watch
Both are lovely
Sometimes leo gets jason to comply with his pranks and schemes 
Jason gets surprisingly into it
You encourage this for a few reasons
You want him to not have to feel like he's in charge and responsible all the time
They've all had way too much pressure put on them and you refuse to contribute 
It's nice for all parties to have jason and leo be co conspirators instead of having jason be weirdly in charge 
Plus since leo is really good at pranking and schemes, he almost gets to mentor jason a little
And it's nice for him to teach jason about something he wants to know about
Plus seeing jason snicker outside the bathroom before you've even entered, let alone turned on the blow drier he put baby powder into, is fucking adorable 
You play along ofc
"Oh, my blow drier is already plugged in… nice :)"
"Guess I'll just dry my hair a li-"
Leo, exiting from behind the shower curtain, causing you to scream slightly
"Dude, you were supposed to wait for them to turn it on" 
You just sigh very slightly
"Turn what on?"
You say as you turn the blow drier on (facing up) covering the entire bathroom in baby powder
"Wow, I was not expecting that. You really got me, J"
You and Leo just share a look as Jason does his little victory dance
And immediately starts cleaning it up (while adorably bragging about how good he got you
Leo and you sometimes orchestrate little pranks for Jason to pull on you 
His record for celebrating before apologizing and starting to feel bad is about 3 minutes and 34 seconds
It doesn’t sound like much but it’s a big improvement
Cuddling positions get switched around periodically 
Jason spoons you, and Leo has his head in your chest
Leo spoons you, you spoon Jason
you lay on top of Jason and Leo flops on top of you
or it's the other way around
Sometimes they both dog pile on you
Dog piles usually happen if someone's having a bad day
You and Jason both make a point to learn about mechanics and engineering that way if Leo's having a bad day, you can get him talking about his projects
He doesn't expect you two to retain everything he says, just the fact that you guys will listen to him means a lot
They’ve been best friends for years and they both love you a whole lot so the vibe is really chill and fun
Borderline sitcom-esque
There's a lot of love and closeness in the atmosphere around you three
Any combination of  y’all works
I may have said this before but leo is tied for highest stamina with nico out of the whole demisquad
Jason is down in the reasonable normal to high sex drive category 
I’ll be making a post about that soon too
You make a lot of jokes about sending leo to horny jail
Then leo makes some sex joke back
Jason laughs and blushes a little every time
I’ma be the first to say it
Jason’s a bottom
Like he can top
But he’s a bottom
Leo is a true switch
So really what happens in the bedroom is very up to you and what you’re like
Jason likes quality time and nice conversations
Leo likes physical touch and making each other laugh
Most mornings are you and jason drinking coffee and talking about stuff 
Leo’s head is on your lap cause he’s still sleepy
The only way you’ve found to get him to go to bed early and stop working on projects till the wee hours of the morning is by boning him
Even then like 60% of the time you’ll be up all night anyway
So you’re playing with leo’s hair and you and jason are talking over coffee 
And leo’s occasionally throwing in drowsy one liners making you both laugh
You all feel like your ribs are made of electric blankets and that time isn’t real
You wish you could keep that feeling forever
But you know you can always get it back by being with your boys
oKAY that’s a cute ending and everything and I was going to stop there
But one more thing
You call them your boys a lot and they really really love it
And you’ve definitely topped them on more than one occasion
So one time someone was being a dick to them 
Maybe a monster was attacking or something
You got really protective of them
I’m talkin kick its ass in one move and hiss
“No one messes with my boys”
And kill it in one shot
They were both sweating a little
Not cause they were under attack
They shared a silent look that said jesus christ you’re fuckin hot and we’re fuckin lucky
You bought a bunch of cookie dough and baked it off together to decompress
They complimented you on how great your fighting skills are
And you said again quietly
“No one messes with my boys” 
You stroked their hair and some kisses happened
Then Jason booped your face with frosting and leo tried to lick it off 
And it all descended into madness from there 
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