#i love little kid spellings so much. unfortunately there actually weren't very many from her because she got good at spelling pretty early
coquelicoq · 2 years
spent the evening with my siblings going through boxes of my sister's preschool and early elementary school effects and i need to share some of her spelling choices:
budrfli (butterfly)
stroberre (strawberry)
apl (apple)
orinj (orange)
peach (peach!!)
bnana (banana)
lemin (lemon)
grapse (grapes)
wodrmin (watermelon)
ovcdoe (avocado)
par (pear)
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
The Spider's Bride Part 2
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Pairing: spider!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: yandere, obsession, stalking, forced marriage, mentions of suicidal thoughts and breeding (but everything is not as dark as it seems).
Words: 2544.
Summary: Whoever your stepmother sold you to, he wasn’t as honorable as she claimed.
Part 1
"Bucky, do you have canines?" You asked him in quiet voice, lowering your head to his shoulder and holding your arms around his wide chest while the arachnid carried you on top of his huge spider-like body.
"I do." He answered calmly, heading back to the house.
"Could you kill with them?"
"I guess I could."
You pressed yourself to his back lazily, watching other arachnids and a few elderly dark elves passing by the street, your path lighted with many long intricate lampposts.
"Would you kill me with them?"
You hadn't seen how he bit down on his lower lip. He didn't like casting so many soothing spells, but you refused leaving your chamber before he sedated you almost to the point of leaving you unconscious. After two weeks you spent in the house, staying in your room most of the time, he needed to present you to the elders to prove he was treating your fairly. They weren't too happy to see you in such state, though you have admitted it was solely your wish to be under those spells. In the end, it wasn't uncommon for human females.
He hated the charms and how they affected you with all his heart. Most of the women he saw when he was a child were always heavily sedated, and not much changed since those times. However, it was better than seeing the unfortunate ones who had lost their mind from all the suffering.
"How do you feel?" He asked the same question over and over again every day.
"Good." You nuzzled against the back of his neck mindlessly. "Bucky, you have pretty hair."
Gulping down, he urged himself to continue walking, enjoying the way your hands were touching him through his leather clothes. He'd give anything to hear those words when the charms wore off.
He knew well you should never get addicted to the spells, succumbing to the calmness they were giving you. But a part of him wanted to listen to you talking so desperately... You had never been so relaxed around him before, even getting on his back without a protest.
"You know, the hair on your lower part is a bit itchy."
"I'm sorry, my love."
"Don't be. I like it, I think." He heard your soft giggling and suddenly blushed, his cheeks burning. It was the first time you laughed for him.
You were so precious, his dearest one, his beloved, the one he'd give his own life away for. Once one of his sisters said he'd go to Hell if you asked, and Bucky agreed to that. He would.
He still hoped you could grow to love him one day. Although the progress was slow, you weren't as hostile as before and didn't cry upon seeing him entering your chamber. Bucky tried bringing you jewelry and beautiful dresses, yet you refused his gifts. However, you seemed eager when he brought you books instead - you read slowly as your stepmother didn't care about educating you, but books brought you joy like no other present of his. You read everything from children's fairytales to pieces with recepies his sisters occasionally forgot inside the books they were giving him.
Maybe there was still hope for him that one day you could accept him, even if only in his human form. It would already be enough for him.
"Bucky, somebody's singing again." You said curiously and peaked out his shoulder, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. "Is it your sisters?"
"I can hear the voice of the oldest one." Bucky agreed, knowing they were coming closer to the nursary cave.
"Who is she singing for today?"
Your question made him stiff. Maybe you were sedated, but he didn't think you were ready to learn the truth or, Gods forbid, see everything with your own eyes.
"The unborn children." The arachnid frowned and kept going, hoping you would stop asking him the things you shouldn't know yet.
"Unborn? Is she pregnant, then?"
"... it's not that easy with our species, dear."
"Ah, yes. It had to do something with the eggs, right?" As he kept his mouth shut, you moved a little and put your hand on his cheek as his eyes flew to you. "Right?"
"Yes, sweetheart. The parents weave a cocoon where they put the embryo, and the child slowly develops inside before they are ready to break free and come out."
"Does it happen to all children or only the ones female arachnids bear?"
"To all of them. Actually, before my grandmother invented this way, the process was different for any mate of ou-"
He hurriedly cut himself off before he would make you frightened again. What was happening before his grandmother invented the cocoons was a nightmare, pure savagery, and he knew it better than anyone with his human mother forced to give birth to him by herself. If only his father didn't make her suffer the horrors of childbirth, she could be alive still. Maybe then Bucky wouldn't loathe himself so much.
"But why is your sister singing to the unborn child?
The arachnid snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head to you, gazing at you relaxed expression. Apparently, the charms were still active.
"The children can hear the songs even within their cocoons. It calms then, helps their development, my love."
"Can I see them?"
Bucky abruptly stopped in the middle of a street at your odd request and rubbed your arm resting at his waist involuntarily, enjoying the warmth of your body. He really, really loved when you were curious about his kind, but he didn't know if you could stomach what you asked him to show you. Even though the nursery was the most beautiful place Bucky had seen in his entire life, he knew well it wouldn't look the same to you. Maybe you would be horrified, disgusted, and his charm would fall easier, leaving you traumatized for life.
"Cast one more spell and take me there, please?"
"I don't thin-"
Before he had finished the sentence, he felt a quick peck on his cheek and almost choked on air, unable to believe what was happening. Did you just kiss him? Him, the one who was so revolting to you? Dear Lord, those spells of his were too poweful if they could make you do this.
But he'd lie if he said he wasn't ready to give you whatever he had for just one more little kiss.
"Just one, please?"
"Just one, and we'll leave immediately if you get scared, ok?"
"Yes, I promise."
Gods, you could persuade him to do anything with those pretty eyes of yours. Grunting, Bucky whispered a few words you didn't catch, and his hands stared glowing softly when he caressed your arm - in fact, one simple touch was enough, but he indulged himself a bit more. Your soft skin was so warm...
Listening to your loud sighing, Bucky watched your pupils dilating and ensured the spell was working. Your grasp on his shoulder became weaker, so he carried you to the nursery much slower, observing you if you were close to slip. You seemed so fragile to him now. Before, when he was secretly watching you working from afar, you seemed strong - you carried so much on your shoulders. He was horrified you were treated so badly by your own family, but it seemed you were much more shaken by him, the one who wanted nothing but to cherish and love you.
His goddamn spider body was so ugly you had to take a dozen of spells just to come closer to him.
The cave was much smaller than the one where the town was founded - Bucky would call it cozy since it was way warmer, but he didn't voice his thoughts, leaving it up to you to make your first empression. Apparently, you weren't scared still, gazing at a few arachnids inside the nursery - most of them were singing, but you spotted a few weaving an odd flexible fabric of silver threads. Strangely, the process wasn't revolting at all. You expected the spiders to make the threads from their saliva, but they had carried neet reels instead and did all the weaving with their apparently magical fingers.
"I thought they'd be using their mouth." You said quietly, and one of the women shook her head disapprovingly at your words.
"No, no, we don't do that in public." Bucky answered hurriedly, bowing his head to the woman. "Unless in battle, it is considered inappropriate in our society. Family members could make the threads together if they want, but each arachnid can do it purely by themselves, alone. It is a very private business, my love."
"I see. My sincere apologies, lady of the cave." You bowed your head in front of her, and female arachnid smiled warmly at you, not upset with your words anymore. She pointed to the left, and Bucky followed there, looking among the ones who were singing. They were standing closer to the cocoons, and now you had a perfect opportunity to see how their little ones developed.
Staring at breathtakingly beautiful silver eggs surrounded by the halo of soft light, Bucky prayed to see the cocoon with his own child somewhere in the future. It was scary to even think of that now, knowing how repulsed you felt when you heard him speaking of reproducing.
Maybe he wouldn't be able to have kids at all. If it kept you sane, he would agree to it regardless how badly he wanted to have a child with you.
"They look like angels' eggs." You suddenly said, holding your hand up as if you could touch the pure light.
Bucky froze on the spot, unsure of what he just heard.
"Angels. Do you know who are they? They have huge white wings and they are always surrounded by light."
"Yes, I know." He whispered, trying to withhold himself from crying.
Would you tell the same when the charms would wear off? Would you hate him for bringing you here? Would you scream and shout and cry if he reminded you of the cocoons you called angels' eggs?
Before he had sunk into a sea of despair, however, one female moved away from the line of singing arachnids, and Bucky saw a shining face of his older sister. She was smiling at both of them widely, and you gaped at her openly, trying to stand up on his huge spider body and holding his shoulder to stabilize yourself.
"My beloved brother and his precious one." The woman said in a beautiful voice, throwing her hands to the sides as if she intended to give the two of you a hug. "I am overjoyed at seeing you here. Are you giving your betrothed a little tour?"
"I am." He quickly said, smiling uncomfortably. Bucky wasn't proud to keep you sedated and now felt ashamed. All his sisters married their betrothed willingly. "We... we came because Y/N wanted to see the nursery and listen to your singing."
By that time you had been watching his sister with curiousity, trembling on your unstable legs, and Bucky put his hands above yours resting on his shoulders. He wasn't afraid his sister would misinterpret your words or actions - she knew well what you had endured -  rather that she could unintentionally scare you with the way she looked, moved or talked. However, he was proven wrong rather quickly.
"You are pretty." You said, tilting your head to the side. "Much prettier than Bucky. It's like you're made of silver."
He could be offended by your words, but, in fact, he quite agreed to you - Arabella looked beautiful even by the dark elvish standards with her long silver hair covering her back, her body all shining like the webs arachnids were weaving. Even her lower part was more appealing than his since she didn't have much of hair there, and her eight legs looked like they were made from glowing marble. In a way, she looked more crab-like than spider-like.
All his sisters were like her. Bucky was the only one who reminded himself of a monstrous creature.
"Don't judge him too harshly, sweetheart." Arabella sent you a kind smile, knowing perfectly what her brother was thinking about. "Of us all he has the kindest of hearts."
"Maybe you're right."
Slowly sitting down because your legs couldn't support you anymore, you pressed yourself to his back and forced him to move his arm so you could look at the spider-woman in front of you. She didn't look scary despite those long legs of hers, but, well, nothing looked scary to you now. Bucky could push you off the cliff, and you'd fall without much of a sound coming from your mouth.
The woman in front of you looked young, yet her crystal-clear eyes had wisdom in them, the one that was gained with years. Oddly, she looked more human and inhuman to you at the same time. Her appearance was closer to the ones of your kind, but her eyes reminded you of high elves, immortal beings you were lucky to see once. Maybe she was right. If her sisters were like her, you thought Bucky might have the kindest of hearts - you suddenly felt he was more human-like than them.
"If you like my singing, I will come tomorrow to sing for you, dear child. Would you like that?"
"Arabella, I don't-"
"Yes. Your voice calms me down when I cry."
Your lips curled up in a faint smile as you watched her approaching the two of you carefully. Bucky felt an urge to hide you behind his broad back, though it was a silly - his sister would never hurt you intentionally.
"I'll come, sweetheart." Sending him a gentle look, Arabella reached out to lay a hand on your forehead, her skin softer, yet colder than her brother's. "Return home now, you are tired. Sleep soundly, precious one."
Bucky realized she casted a sleeping spell only when you had slumped lower to his spider body, closing your eyes. He shot the woman a furious look, and she pressed her long pretty finger to her mouth, forbidding him to speak when he was ready to snap at her.
"You are ruthless with your soothing spells, brother." Her whisper was barely audible. "They are too strong for her."
"Leaving her to lose her sanity is hardly better." He sounded quiet, but determined. "She asked for them."
"If you were in her shoes, wouldn't you asked, too?" The arachnid shook her head at him. "Do not be reckless, dear. Take her home, give her time, give her space. Do not let her succumb to your charms and do not wish for it yourself."
Bucky went silent, turning back to carefully take you in his arms to prevent you from falling. Resting your head against his chest, he looked at your with a hurt expression on his face. You would never let him come close to you unless you were sedated. What could he do? Arachnids mated for life. He would never love anyone again.
"Do not let it dishearten you, dear brother. She will get better. I feel it in my bones."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @navegandoaciegas @chris-evans-indian-fanfic
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