#i love nat but she be tweaking šŸ˜­
lady-rose-moon Ā· 2 years
Same person thatā€™s asked about the rulesšŸ˜Š. So I was wondering if I could request a Nat x fem reader where nats birthday is coming up and reader has been spending a lot of time with carol in space trying to finish Nats birthday present(she carved her name in the moon or a pic of Nat. Thought of this at 3amšŸ˜­) but Nat has noticed that readers been avoiding her so she thinks reader is cheating on her with carol but she finds out later what reallys going on. Lots of fluff ofc. Uh bonus if reader is shorter than Nat(4ā€™11 since thatā€™s my height but itā€™s perfectly ok if you donā€™t want to do that) and youā€™re welcome to tweak whatever you want if I wasnā€™t specific enough. I pray you have a good day and drink water and eat and make sure you have a great day once againā¤ļø
Happy Birthday, Tasha!
Summary: In which Natasha is looking forward to her birthday but you have been distant from her.
A/N: I hope you like this, love! I do try my best with my fanfictions and this is my first Nat fanfic! I settled the height idea to being 5"3 considering Natasha is 5"7! I hope you still like it!
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Your side of the bed was cold again when Natasha woke up that morning. She hadn't been expecting anything different since all week the mornings started off this way. You would constantly leave early in the mornings and spend the whole day talking with Carol Danvers, not letting her sit with the both of you as you talked. Naturally, Natasha was calm about the situation but the more she woke up with your side of the bed cold, the more her resolve crumbled.
She didn't want to assume that you would abandon her for Carol but the more you laughed with her, spent time with her, and listened to her rather than Natasha, the Russian couldn't help but become pessimistic as time passed.
Begrudgingly, Natasha left the bed and went through her morning routine without you by her side like it used to be. Looking in the mirror, the assassin decided that she would try her best to win back your attention.
You were once again sat at the kitchen counter with Carol when Natasha entered an hour later, hovering over a sheet of paper and whispering to her with a smile on your face. When you saw Natasha, you scrambled to get rid of the paper and then walked over to Natasha, hugging her waist and smiling brightly up at her.
Being shorter than you had its advantages, it seems. Natasha's tense smile melted into one of relaxation and she rested her head on yours as she swayed with you. Seeing you smiling at her was always relaxing to her and she forgave you temporarily as she enjoyed this closeness.
"Did you sleep well, Tasha? I'm sorry I had to leave so early but," you looked over at Carol and giggled as you sighed softly, resting your head against Natasha's breast, "Carol had the best idea and I couldn't resist listening to it!"
Just as Natasha's interest and relaxation had come, it left at the mention of Carol slipping off of your lips and she felt so possessive over you for some reason so she lifted up your chin with her finger and kisses you deeply, in full view of Carol.
You moaned and wrapped your arms around her neck, happy to spend some time with your beloved before your urge to return to your gift for Natasha won over and you pulled over, kissing Nat on the tip of her nose before walking back over to Carol. You missed the filthy glare Natasha sent you at your choice.
That day, Natasha sparred with Clint and gave beyond her all, toppling Clint to the floor on multiple occasions in her anger. The archer hadn't seen Nat this bothered in a long time. Not since you had come into her life and softened her rough edges and need for battle. Maybe that was the issue? Did Natasha and y/n fight, maybe?
Just before another spar, Clint held up his hand and walked closer to Natasha before sighing and shaking his head, "tell me what's wrong instead of attacking me, Nat. I can help, I think, if it's about what I think."
Natasha sighed and slumped to the floor, grabbing her bottle of water from the rack and throwing her head back to squirt the water into her open mouth. She was clearly frustrated as she remembered how you had easily thrown her away to go back to Carol, "it's y/n. Danvers and her have been spending a lot of time together lately. I trust y/n so much but she's not been around me for weeks now and I can't help but think..."
Clint sighed and sat beside his best friend, rubbing her back gently as he sighed, "maybe you have it all wrong, Nat? I doubt y/n would cheat on you after how much you both rely on each other."
Natasha looked at her friend and nodded at the sense of it before sighing and shaking her head, "I don't know, Clint. I believed that in the first few days but when I look at them these days, they always seem so happy to talk to each other and... I don't know, something inside me just tells me that something is going on with them."
Clint sighed and pat Nat's back again as he imagined how she would react if he was to let her on with the fact that he knew what you were planning with Carol. Surprising Natasha Romanoff is rare these days after Ultron, Loki and Tony. You were going to surprise Natasha and you wanted it to be perfect but Clint could never admit to you how much your secrecy was hurting Natasha.
Natasha sighed again and looked over at Clint, "I'm going to talk to her about it, I think."
She didn't. Instead, she took a mission an hour later and set off for the other end of Earth on a mission with Tony and Thor. That would distract her long enough to somehow forget the pain.
Natasha returned the day before her birthday and frowned when you weren't on the landing pad to welcome her home but she had grown numb to the pain by now and simply strode into the kitchen, seeing you giggling with Carol and both drinking coffee. You didn't even notice that Natasha was there until she walked up to you.
"Y/N," Natasha smiled, looking at you with a raised eyebrow, "may we speak alone?"
You looked at Carol and then at your girlfriend before smiling happily and walking out of the kitchen with Natasha, heading back to your bedroom that you shared with the Russian.
When you were safely inside the bedroom, you turned to Natasha and smiled softly, "so," you began with an awkward grin, "what's wrong, Nat?"
All of Natasha's fears bubbled to the surface as she looked at you and she bit her lip slowly, "are you cheating on me with Danvers, y/n? Did I do something to hurt you? Why are you constantly spending time with Danvers and not me?"
You looked at Natasha in shock before your shock melted into adoration and you walked over to her and stood on your tiptoes to cup her cheek gently, "Natasha... I could never cheat on you. Carol and I were just devising a plan for your birthday, that's all," you whispered and Nat searched your eyes for any sign of a lie before smiling softly and leaning down to capture your lips in a delicate kiss.
"Come on," you mumbled a few minutes later, pulling Natasha over to your bed and pushing her onto it before you grabbed the TV remote.
Natasha's judgement made you hurt, badly. She had assumed the worst possible crime of the heart while all you were doing was making something beautiful for her birthday. It was still early, you couldn't show her what you did just yet.
You woke up a few hours later to a peaceful silence. The TV had long since shut off to save power, Natasha's head peacefully rested on your stomach, her breathing even and slow to show she was still asleep. You discovered that this kind of silence would always be your favourite since Natasha rarely lets her guard down enough to trust people.
Looking out the window, you saw the moon shining in the sky and you smiled softly as you shook Natasha awake.
Half asleep, Natasha refused to budge and wrapped her strong arms around your waist to hold you steady in bed, "don' go," she mumbled into your stomach, "we were peaceful."
You laughed gently and stroked her hair gently before pulling her arms off you and sitting her up onto her knees. Delirious and still tired, Natasha assumed that you wanted to be intimate so she leaned forward to latch onto your neck and was confused when you stepped away from her.
"You want to know what I have been doing these past few weeks? I'll show you," you whispered and guided Nat over to the window, standing in front of her so that she could hold you from behind.
When she looked out at the moon, she saw a clear word spelt out where nothing would be there usually, "Natasha," she whispered to herself, eyes glued to the moon, "so that's what you have been doing with Danvers?"
You nodded sheepishly and turned in her arms, wrapping your arms around her waist and looking up at her innocently, "I didn't know what else to get you. A Russian assassin couldn't take normal gifts, I tried before."
Natasha smirked and looked down into your eyes, cupping your cheek gently to keep your head steady. She admired the loving glint in your eyes, your ultimate trust in her. Nervously, she spoke up, "you didn't need to get me anything. I'm right here."
You giggled gently, resting your head on her chest and humming as your eyes fluttered closed, "yeah, well. I wanted to outdo all those jerk partners who 'forget' their partner's birthdays. The message won't stay on the moon long, Carol made sure that I knew that, but just for now... you're right up there with the stars."
Natasha smiled down at you, leaning down to kiss you in front of the moonlight and for a fleeting moment behind kisses, she whispered to you, "my time in the stars started the day I met you."
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itoshit Ā· 3 years
Senju left us as soon as we arrived in Tokyo and thanks god because her flirt was getting annoying. I used Vee's phone to call Sanzu and he was supposed to arrive soon.
Now the two of us were waiting in front of Tokyo Station.
'Did you like our trip to Osaka baby?'
You didn't laugh but I chucked.
'Sorry sorry'
Turning my head I was met with Sanzu's car, and himself.
'Sanzu, what's up?'
'You look like shit'
'So do you'
Grinning he popped a pill while opening his door and took the bags Vee and I were holding.
'So, what happened?'
'The Sicilian mafia tested Bonten. They're probably going to cancel their contract with the Yamaguchi-gumi. I think that I acted as they wanted me to so don't be surprised if they contact us at some point'
'Understood. Now I need to know how the hell you got all these injuries? Some of them look serious'
'Vee took care of them.'
'So you were asleep the whole night?'
Not really but I guess I had to save Vee's ass.
'Yes. As I said before, got shot twice and had to jump from the first floor. Got scratches here and there. Nothing too dramatic. Got stitched up by Akashis's sister.'
'Akashi's sister?? Wait that don't fucking make sense?'
Noticing that Sanzu was going to change the trajectory to go my place I turned to you while stroking your thigh.
'You wanna see Natalie for a while?'
'Yes please! If it's possible ?'
Smiling a bit I nodded.
'Go to your place then Sanzu. How did it go?'
Erupting in a loud laughter he shrugged.
'If only you had a look at my back, man your friend is a tigress!'
'Huh? You fucked?'
I was acting like I was shocked but Vee and I almost done it too.
'Of course we did. Now the Yamaguchi-gumi is still around, no surprise. Speaking of which, Ranis waiting for you tonight.'
'Good. Nothing else?'
'Nothing else.'
After driving few minutes we eventually arrived at Sanzu's apartment. He was living at the top floor of a luxurious building with a 360Ā° view on Tokyo.
These posts are a bit slow yeah but I want fluff rn lmao so be prepared for that and sorry for the time taken, I finally arrived!
sanzu pretending like senju isnā€™t his sister too is KILLING ME.
Walking up to Sanzuā€™s apartment, I masked my excitement through my actions, allowing Mikey to use me as a crutch as we navigated through the large building. The lavish material made me scoff. So much for being inconspicuous, Sanzu.
At the front door, I donā€™t bother to hide it any longer. I missed Nat and I wanted to see her. Sanzu opens the door and I scurry in, following the sound of Natā€™s voice asking if that was him at the door. Banking a corner that leads into the kitchen, Iā€™m immediately met with her face. Natalieā€™s eating wings over the countertop, and me jumping on her nearly makes her choke on a bone.
Christ, Vee! At least let me put it down first! she yells over my laughter as I rock us from side to side in the embrace. Where have you been anyway?
I pull away from her, anchored to her shoulders by my hands. We were in Osaka that entire time. Sanzu didnā€™t tell you?
No, he didnā€™t. Sanzuā€™s timing is awful. He enters the room just as she says it, catching her fiery glare head on.
Donā€™t blame me. That was the bossā€™ orders. He points to Mikey whoā€™s coming in behind him.
Damn. Natalie whistles lowly. You look like shit, Sano Manjiro.
Always a pleasure to see you again, Natalie, Mikey retorts, words laced in poisonous sarcasm.
Now, back to you. Natalie wraps an arm around my shoulder, tugs me closer into her side. How was Osaka? Did you see any sights? Shop? Get some new dick?
She winks at Mikey when she says new and I chance a glance at him. Thereā€™s not a trace of a smile on his face. Iā€™m kidding! Geez, lighten up every once in a while! I see Veeā€™s hickeys, Mikey. I know youā€™ve marked your territory.
I slap a hand to my neck, suddenly embarrassed. I didnā€™t think to cover them at all. Sanzu laughs and through the corner of my eye I can even see Mikey fighting a smile at my mortified expression. Dumb asses.
Tell me all about it, Natalie orders, then turns to the boys as if they were an afterthought she suddenly returned to. You two do whatever it is crime bosses do. The girls want to gossip.
I almost think they wouldnā€™t listen, put a gun to Natalieā€™s head for talking to them so lightly, but Sanzu just shrugs and walks out of the room, Mikey taking his leave shortly after but after confirming with me through his eyes that Iā€™d be okay. Natalie and I move over to the couch, where I tell her all about the trip to Osaka in detail, making sure to omit everythingā€¦ explicit Mikey and I did in the meantime.
I wouldā€™ve spit on her, Natalie rants. Sheā€™s talking about Senju, immediately not taking a liking to her from my description. Thirsty bitch. Did she not see you were there?
She thought I was a whore.
From what youā€™ve told me, the only whore around during that trip was her. She flicks my neck right on the spot where Mikeyā€™s mark lay. And besides, he practically spelt it out that heā€™s with you when you two fucked. Sā€™her fault she wanted to be dense.
We didnā€™t fuck, Nat.
Then what the hell did you two do? He surely left the impression that you two had done at least that with these marks.
Um heā€” I never liked talking about things I did with my partners in bed. I felt like it was private, but when you had friend like Natalie, what was privacy?
He ate your pussy? she asks candidly.
Nat! I groan, smacking her arm.
Hey if it makes you feel any better, Sanzu and I fuck. All the time. Itā€™s practically the only thing we do when Iā€™m not kicking his ass in shogi or we arenā€™t getting high.
Thanks for the mental picture.
Any time! Natalie grins and I almost feelā€¦ at home. Like Iā€™d just look past her shoulder and Ang and Tati would be right there laughing with us. The reality is painful. The same thing mustā€™ve struck Natalie because sheā€™s immediately on her feet, bringing her hands together in a loud clap. Okay. It just got majorly sad in here. You know what would make this night better? Wine. Lots and lots of wine. I try shaking my head, remind Natalie that her being drunk is not so much a solution to our current problem, but could well possibly be a creation to another one. But sheā€™s not listening. Come on! Iā€™ll go grab the glasses and you can model all the shit you bought for me.
I hope Mikeyā€™s injuries start acting up. Give us an excuse to get out of here.
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