#i love not watching them or knowing anything about the gg only to be slammed with it when i log on anywhere
aturnoftheearth · 9 months
meryl streep kissing amanda seyfried on the cheek at the golden globes .. woughhhhhh
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mmamma mia ….
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Pretty Girl (J.JK x Reader)🎀💜☁️🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: (oh boy here we go on this one) good old sprinkle of angst, non-penetrative sex, foreplay, steamy make out session, mild DDLG themes, Dom/Sub dynamics, Dom!Jungkook, Sub!Reader, Subspace, Teasing, Suggestive gestures, dirty talk, really, like JK can’t shut up smh, Koo is getting kinda rough with GG, sex in the kitchen twice (again), shower sex (pls stay safe), protected sex (again, we wrap it up in this economy and you should too), edging, cumplay, aftercare (a warning bc he’s so soft you might melt fam) yeah I think that’s it
Summary: an accident such as yours mainly affects you, that’s a fact. But people around you, especially Jungkook, may have been more unsettled by the events than he lets on.
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl
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During your recovery, Jungkook had changed a bit. It was a slow process, yet you noticed the fine details in the way he would treat you a little differently. It wasn't a bad change in any way- you guessed it was just because of the shock he'd gotten after the accident, which was totally understandable. Your dynamic had always been quite cliche in a way, with his bad-boy persona and your gentle nature. He seemed like the big bad wolf while you were the red riding hood, innocent and emotional. But you wouldn't have it any other way.
So how exactly did things change? Well, he wouldn't leave you alone for starters. It wasn't like he didn't give you space or anything, but he was more.. needy in terms of skinship. Whenever he played video games for example, he'd sit you on his lap, have you sit in between his legs with your back against his chest, or simply your head on his thighs when you were taking a nap or reading on your phone. When you both slept he'd be more clingy towards you than before, always reaching out to either hold your hand or have an arm around your middle. He started to become almost dependent on your affection and attention, and it was cute, you admitted that; yet it also made you worry a bit. It has been a week since you had gotten your stitches removed, yet he still seemed on edge. You hoped it would dissolve over time, yet you told yourself to talk to him about it if it continued. Something was going on in his head, that much you knew, but what exactly it was you didn't.
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Getting back from grocery shopping, you immediately went to take one of the bags out of Jungkooks' carrying hand, one which held the ingredients for todays dinner in it. Yet he raised it up, making you pout. "Ah-ah Babygirl, 'lemme unpack the other bag and then we'll cook." He said, and you nodded, a bit suspicious. His culinary skills weren't.. too impressive if you were being completely honest. He knew how to cook ramen in his sleep at this point, but that was pretty much it. He'd also never shown much interest in cooking before, happily watching you cook- and that was fine with you too. You always found cooking and baking almost therapeutic, making something giving you a feeling of success you would crave on days were you felt low.
Yet once he'd unpacked everything, putting all the items into their proper place, it got obvious that this time around, you wouldn't cook anything. Because just as you had started to get out a cutting board, strong arms suddenly wrapped around your middle, his nose brushing over the crook of your neck playfully. He slowly walked you away from where you were trying to work, and backed you up against the counter next to where you'd put the cutting board. "Jungkookie I gotta cook-" You whined, but he wasn't having it.
"Nop, come on. Up." He said, but his eyes didn't hold the usual impish spark they usually had whenever he had something different in mind. You complied, simply because it was an instinct at this point, and he grabbed your hips to help you sit on the counter. "Tell me what I need to do, and I'll cook." He said, already searching for a knife. You furrowed your brows at him.
"Jungkook you never cook." You questioned, leaning your head to the side to show your confusion. He chuckled at that, mumbling something about maybe needing to change that, when you were suddenly grabbing his wrist which held the knife, making his head snap to it in horror. He was about to say something when you moved the hand to cup his cheek. Now it was his turn to be confused. "What's really going on 'Koo?" You asked, and his tongue started to move against the inner lining of his cheek, pulling his lower lip between his teeth- a sign that he was clearly nervous. "Is it still because of what happened? I'm fine Kookie, really." You said, and he sighed, placing his larger hand on your thigh, thumb slowly running in circles over your skin. He did kind of looked like a kid getting lectured, yet it also showed you that you were hitting a nerve. "Don't get me wrong, I love how close you keep me these days, and I adore how gentle you are with me, but 'Koo.." you said, making him look at you. "You're not being yourself." You said, and he ran the hand that wasn't occupied through his hair.
"I actually don't know either." He grumbled, yet you knew he wasn't being too honest. Your gaze was still demanding, needing a proper answer, and he suddenly sat down at the kitchen table, head in his hands. You carefully jumped down the counter- well, not really jumping but sliding off with one foot reaching for the floor to balance you. The doctors told you getting the entire functionality of your legs back would take a while, and you still needed physiotherapy every week, but that didn't mean that you always took their advice. You usually got your ass smacked by karma personally though, as you would get punished with agonizing muscle cramps if you overdid it during the day. Jungkook would gently massage your legs if it happened, a worried and almost apologetic glint in his eyes whenever he did it, always the hero who wants to take the pain away- though he couldn't, and that made him feel helpless, useless even. He's still feeling guilty, yet he's also not talking about it, dancing around the topic as if he had to try and explain to his parents that he'd gotten someone pregnant on accident. It felt uncomfortable since he never truly had to stand up for his mistakes, and even now he technically didn't have to since it wasn't even his fault- but he felt like he did. "I'm having nightmares." He mumbled lowly, face still in his hands. You sat down next to him, unsure what to do.
You decided you would give him the same treatment whenever you had a nightmare back when you were younger; your mother a firm believer that these unpleasant dreams could only be resolved if you talked about them. "Tell me about them." You said, not asking like you usually would. He shook his head, taking a deep breath as if he would prepare himself to bury the pictures again until he'd eventually had to face them tonight again. He didn't tell you, but he never really slept an entire night ever since you'd gotten back from the hospital. He would wake up in a cold night's sweat, craving to turn the lights on like a frightened child in fear of not being awake yet, yet he only settled with shining his phone screen on your form, calming himself down by counting every breath you took, each one proof that you were okay, that you were just fine, that you were still beside him. "Koo please. I wanna help you.." You pleaded, a soft whine to your voice, slowly making cracks in his walls. You sat down on the floor next to his slightly turned chair, making him snap his gaze at you, wondering what you were doing. You simply placed your hands on his thigh, your chin resting on them to look up at him with puppy eyes. Maybe this would make him talk. He chuckled, patting his lap after scooting back a bit. You gladly sat down on his thigh, legs dangling between his, his arm resting around your middle, fingers playing nervously with the hem of your skirt.
"They're about you." He started, swallowing, eyes not meeting yours. You decided to just lay your head on his shoulder, hugging his chest and making it easier for him to talk by not looking at him. "It's either- like.. sometimes it's the moment I ran to you when.. when you were uh.. laying on the sidelines you know? But I can't.." He took a breath, now tightening his grip on the small part of fabric. "I can't get to you I just- you're-.. I can't get closer, all I see is that young dude trying to like, do something, this like- Urgh I don't remember the word for it like- this shit where you push onto your chest to keep your heart beating, you know, that stuff.." His voice is wavering a bit you start to notice. You simply nod into his neck, giving him a sign that you're listening. "It always ends with the ambulance arriving, and they- fuck.. they just put this trashbag shit over you and I- god. I.." His voice gets a bit higher, a sign that he's close to tears. Yet you let him go on. "The uhm.. the other one is, like.." He inhales deeply again, and you tighten your grip on him, making him let go of your skirt, but instead put both his arms around you. "I'm like, at a churche and, oh god, you're like, in a casket, I know it's you, but every time I want to look inside the fucking thing closes, like, slams onto my hands, and I wake up. Like when you dream of these weird staircases where you stumble you know and you like wake up instantly." He said, hand moving to gently run through your hair.
"Do you still feel guilty about it?" You asked softly, quietly, because you didn't need to be louder due to the amount of distance you both only had. He simply nodded his head, still looking down. You knew it wouldn't help him if you went on and on about how it wasn't his fault at all, how he had no say in things like that whatsoever, that no one had, because that was exactly what hurt him. Jungkook was a bit cliche when it came to things like these; he wanted and craved control, he needed it to ground himself, which may was the reason he felt so comfortable and good around you. You both fit together perfectly because of this, since you came from a family where independence was taught from a very early age, having a father who'd demanded you to move out as soon as you had turned 18, and a mother who showed you how to run a household when you were just a little girl. While he loved being in control, you craved to let go and be lead without having to fear to be used like you'd been before. Yet right now exactly this character trait of his was making him feel miserable. "That's fine." You finally said, making him hum, urging you to explain that statement. "It's okay that you feel bad, it's understandable." You mumbled, nuzzling the crook of his neck. "Wake me up next time please. You wake me up when you have nightmares, and I'll let you carry me around as much as you want-"
"Deal." He said with a smirk, happy that the tension was finally snapping and letting go, clearing the air around you both. He indeed felt a bit lighter now, as typical as it sounded. Yet you always knew what to say, and it felt good to talk about it, that was something he had to admit. "I love you." He blurted out, and he could practically feel your cheeks heat up against his skin. He chuckled, hand slowly creeping under your soft sweater, caressing your bare skin underneath until he could feel the edge of your bra. You knew what he was hinting at, by now familiar with his need to be close to you after moments like these. It was times like this when he felt most vulnerable yet also the most sensitive to things- like a nerve stripped bare of its fleshy armor. It may seemed odd, but it was his way of grounding himself again, giving his pride and overall confidence a restart after having him expose his feelings like this. You happily agreed, nosing at his neck before kissing, making him smile. His hand opened your bra with well practiced movements, before he slipped his hand underneath the cup, caressing your breast in a gentle gesture.
You moved around a bit, spreading your legs over his lap to dangle off his thighs, palms stopping your hands from moving your sweater over your head. "uh-uh baby, you're gonna get cold." He mumbled before leaning in to kiss your lips, immediately feeling a sense of euphoria he would've never thought he could feel from a gesture like this alone. You whined a bit, but he simply deepened the kiss, tongue demanding entrance you happily gave him. Your hips moved on their own, yet it was in vain with how far he'd your legs spread, not giving you any chance of friction. He loved how your hands moved to only grip the hem of his jeans, yet not going further- it wasn't that you didn't want to, oh hell you did- but recently, he'd started to give you certain rules. Just for fun of course, mostly his, but you had agreed to them, so it was your fault of you wanted to complain- which you certainly didn't. He loved how it just added to his ego, yet it also filled him with a sense of even more will to protect you. If that made sense. "Hm? What is it?" He mumbled between his kisses, eyes still closed, as well as yours. They only opened a fraction once you whined, mumbling something he didn't hear clearly enough. "Louder princess. I can't hear you." He said, a teasing tone to it.
"I said uh.." You started, looking at him, eyes almost hazy. He loved this look on you, as if you slipped into a different mindset around him. He knew by now that you actually did, he'd read about it online, and he felt powerful yet also filled with pride on how much trust you had in him to let yourself go like that. "I said can I please have it?" You mumbled out, cheeks read and oh so endearing to him. He smiled at that, moving his hand over your cheek, having you lean into it like a touch starved animal.
"Good girl. Can you say it clearer though? What do you want?" He asked, and you slowly lowered your gaze, mumbling something incoherent again, and he chuckled. "Alright alright, small steps. We're getting there." Jungkook had started to make it a regular thing to try and get you to communicate with him more clearly, even in a state like this. After all the mishaps you both had in the past due to bad communication between you, he decided that things needed to change. He slowly placed your hands on his shoulders so you couldn't slip off of him, and carefully unbuckled his belt. "Hm.. but I can't put it in baby, you know that right?" He said gently, and you nodded, even if you pouted a bit. It wasn't that he didn't want to go bare, but you didn't take birth control because you hated any form of pills, and he understood that, never pressuring you. He however didn't believe in 'pulling-out' being a good idea since he knew he would never be able to control himself to this extend- so you both agreed on using condoms, just to be safe. Both of you were definitely not ready to parents yet, that was for sure. "Alright." He said, grabbing your skirt and moving the fabric out of the way so your underwear was exposed to him. The darkened fabric was already glistening as he playfully ran two fingers over the spot, making you whine and shift around impatiently. Laughing again he pulled himself out of his underwear, before grabbing your behind and showing you closer to him until his length pushed against your folds, finally giving you a form of release. you wrapped your arms around his neck, moving your hips while he made sure to push himself against you in a similar rhythm. breathing heavily, the tension began to rise around you, air feeling stuffy and thick as he squeezed your behind with both hands, grumbling sounds of pleasure against your neck, mouthing against your skin. He was quick to get both of you to the edge, shamelessly letting himself cum over your underwear as he sighed contently. You seemed to get sleepy, arms pulling him closer, whining when he moved you to get down from his lap. "We only had a small breakfast to eat, and I won't let my princess starve in this household." He mumbled, speaking to you in a deep and low voice you could drown yourself in. His gaze fell on your inner thigh, still glistening from his and your releases, and he stood up, playfully slapping a Hand against your butt. "Now go you messy baby, first to get clean gets to eat the leftover shortcake!" He said in excitement, and you wordlessly ran (still a bit wobbly, but way better than weeks prior) to your bedroom, Jungkook gladly letting you win.
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"Are you sure I'm not supposed to lift the lid- OW!" Jungkooks intense need to look and check on everything was funny, but also nervwrecking to say the least. He wouldn't even let the pasta cook in peace, constantly trying to lift the lid- even though you told him several times before that no, they won't burn, and yes, the lid is indeed very hot. You had the lid a little tilted so the steam could escape a bit better, and you had told him seemingly a hundred times prior to just leave it like that, but this was Jungkook we were talking about. The lid clattered a bit as it closed on top of the pot, he himself sheepishly turned around to you who stood behind him, looking at him with a gaze that clearly said 'I told you so'. Yet he would never truly listen to you, as funny as that would be. "You gotta kiss it better now!" He exclaimed, and you laughed at his wide eyed look as he held his pointer and middle finger in your direction, the tips of his digits slightly red. You kind of wanted to tell him not to be a crybaby about it, but two could play his games of teasing- and you felt proud at the way his eyes widened even further with the next bold move you made. Typically you never did things like this, but over time you had slowly become more and more comfortable around him, giving you more and more confidence and ease in your actions around him. Proof of that had been the fact that you had started to grow more self-assured whenever you gave him oral- something you had never thought you'd do before being with him. Gabbing his hand with both of yours, you kissed the tips of his fingers before boldly placing them insider your mouth, soft lips closing around them. His pupils dilated dangerously, and this was one of those moment's you could've sworn his entire eyeshape changed- his typical doe eyes becoming slender and sharp, as he pushed his fingers down on your tongue, making you open your mouth. His own lips parted a bit at the sight, the way you showed him such an amount of pure submissiveness making him feel almost high of some sort- yet the moment was broken at the sizzling sound of the water dripping down the sides of the pot, the closed lid making the water foam angrily down onto the stove.
You both had split apart from one another like it was your hands touching the hot plate and not the water, and the way you scrambled to turn around and pretend like setting the table was the most interesting thing to do. Jungkook had swallowed hard, grabbing the red and blue oven mitts to take the pot from the heat source, shutting the oven down and draining the pasta. You meanwhile had to calm yourself down, now in a weird state of- well, what was is? Embarrassment maybe? Possible. Yet you didn't have time to think about it much when you heard the fabric of the gloves Jungkook had used to not get burned, hitting the stone counter with a little more force than they should. The man in question had stormed out of the kitchen, leaving you worried that maybe something had happened- automatically assuming that it was your wrongdoing that had set him off. Studying the wooden surface of the dining table, still bare of any porcelain you should've put out by now, you didn't notice how he'd crept into the room again, hard gaze and frustrated features. You only did too late when his hands had already turned you around by your shoulders, hooking underneath your arms to place you ontop of the table with ease. With almost comically wide eyes you stared at his- a look of determination sparkling behind their dark color. "Oh you thought you could get away with that pretty girl?" He almost growled, a rough edge to the low tone of his voice. "Thought you could just tease me like that, hm?" He said, suddenly not too concerned about you getting cold as he swept the soft sweater over your head, making quick work of your bra underneath with frustrated noises when your arm couldn't escape one of the straps fast enough. His hands instantly kneaded at the flesh, relishing in the soft feel of them before he dipped his head down, leaving open mouthed kisses along your neck, hands wandering lower until they moved to caress the backs of your thighs. "Hm pretty girl is getting playful isn't she?" He mumbled, chuckling darkly before moving his head away to stand to his full height, pulling on your knees to have your behind almost slip over the edge. You made a surprised sound at this, scared you'll fall off when he hushed you, tipping his head to the side a bit impishly, almost a teasing ghost of a smile on his lips. "Oh? Not so bold now aren't you baby?" He said, looming over you again, his hard on present against your core, making you move your hips, testing if it would be enough friction. He raised an eyebrow at this, hand coming down on your hip to still you. "If you wanna stop just say 'red', okay princess?" His voice was sincere, a bit higher even as he spoke to you, face serious. You whined, not in the mood to talk, but he moved a hand to still your face, grabbing around your chin softly. "No baby, I need an answer. Loud and clear this time." He said, and you pouted at him, yet complied, telling him that you understood. It was a little heartwarming to see his concern even in a situation like that if you weren't so turned on at this point. He smiled, before he removed your skirt, impatiently shoving your damp panties down your legs, not bothering for you to kick them off at this point. Grabbing the fabric of the back of his shirt he pulled it over his head in a swift move, hair a mess over his eyes, barely giving you enough view of his gaze. Your eyes trailed over his tattoos, mesmerized every time you saw them. His muscles flexed underneath his skin as he pulled his jeans down together with his underwear, deep V-line standing out against the rest of his bodily structure. He grabbed something next to your head before opening the foil package, rolling the latex protection over his length quickly before moving your legs to fold over your body to rest against your stomach, eyes locked with yours for any signs of discomfort. When he found none, he moved his attention lower, pupils dilating at the view of your very center so ready for him. Not even needing to get himself any harder than he already was since your small situation just minutes prior, he entered you in a slow motion, bathing in the view of his manhood disappearing inside you inch by inch, your whines serving as the music accompanying the scene for him. Oh he knew he'd never get tired of that view, he could happily die with this picture as his last in front of his eyes. Your hands reached for his, interlacing your fingers with his, himself using this to his advantage to keep you as close to him as possible as he picked up his pace. He didn't care about the legs of the table complaining a bit as they scraped over the kitchen tiles with the force he started to put into his motion, mind too deep into the moment to think about that right now. His thoughts were absolutely occupied by you, everything about you- the fact your skin always seemed to glow, looking and feeling so soft underneath his fingers, a perfect match for your equally delicate personality hidden underneath all that physique. "Ah-" He sighed, never letting neither of you have a break. "You're all mine, all mine.." He breathed out, until you squeezed his hands a bit, making him look up at you. You didn't say anything yet he could spot a bit of discomfort behind your eyes, slowing down a bit to let you breathe better. "Hng.. legs-" You started, and Jungkook looked at you, waiting for you to continue. "..they'gettin tingly.." You said, and he could see how hard it was for you to really form any coherent thought, let alone form a sentence. Yet he only smiled, moving you both around a bit, stretching your legs out before he entered you again, this time a bit more comfortably for you. "Good job Baby, thank you- ah- thanks for telling me.." He mumbled, kissing your lips desperately before his hand grabbed your chin again, opening your mouth for him to explore. His hands held you securely by the back of your knees, his hair starting to cling to his forehead with the help of his sweat which was slowly building up at this point. He breathed heavily, eyes never leaving your form, drinking you in like he was a parched man roaming the desert. Surely, your whines started to stretch longer and longer, an indication that you were getting close, making Jungkook pick up his pace, huffing a bit as his own release drew closer as well. The way your legs pulled out of his grasp, your core clenching around him had him spill his load inside the condom, groaning as he did so, gulping down breaths alongside you who laid flat on the table in front of him, his body only held up by his forearms above you, forehead resting on your collarbone. He chuckled after a bit, before finally standing up again. "We should really stop fucking in the kitchen." He said between a laugh, and you looked at him scandalously as if you wanted to deny having any part in this. "Oh don't look at me like that, you enjoyed it too!" He said, helping you stand up for a short moment before he placed his arm underneath your knees, the other supporting your back behind your shoulders. Carrying had seemingly never been an issue for him, no matter how exhausted he might seemed sometimes.
Walking into the bathroom, you went to do your business, (Jungkook insisting you did, even though you had told him you didn't have to pee) and the young man started the shower, water not as hot as he would like it to be, since he knew that you didn't like too hot showers- you were more for hot baths, something he was wary off after you had overdone it one time and went dizzy afterwards. After that situation, he would always sneakily check the water temperature before you would enter, sometimes adding cold water to it so you wouldn't overheat like last time. When you didn't join him after a bit, he peeked his head out of the patterned glass doors, spotting you sitting on the closed toilet seat, seemingly waiting. He chuckled, waving his hand to catch your attention. "Come on doll, we gotta save water, be all environment friendly 'n shit." He said laughing, and you walked over to him inside the shower to let the water fall onto both of you. He immediately grabbed a bottle of yours and his favorite body wash, rubbing his hands together with the lotion between it to warm it up as to not startle you, before he grabbed the purple loofah from the side, lathering it in the soap before he ran it across your backside, careful and completely immersed into the task at hand. He made sure not to scrub as relentless and speedy as he would on his own body, making sure to rinse the foam off of you as well. Something that always got to him was just how petite you looked compared to himself; his hands had started to get a bit rough from working so much these days, a stark contrast to your soft skin. He was fascinated by the very slight and faded scars you had on your skin, all hidden like these 'spot the cat between the owl' pictures. There was one on your arm near the side of your wrist; a burn you had told him before when you had started to work at a bakery. He could spot another one behind your ear, a mark that had wandered overtime, the only real evidence of when you fell off a tree when you were six. Then there were the most recent ones, still bright and present, a stitched line above your right hipbone, as well as some healed scratches all over that side of your body- but these small cracks in your porcelain form would heal completely, they would fade just like the pain he'd felt that day. When he turned you around to wash your front, even though you told him you could do it, he spotted different marks. Like the small birthmarks littered like stars forming a constellation, or the stretch marks most present on the inside of your upper thighs- something you hated, yet he saw them as proof that your body has grown, that you could even catch your own skin by surprise at this point. Whenever his hand ran over that part he could faintly feel the dents, yet it didn't gross him out at all. It made him feel fascinated, because all of this was proof that you were indeed a human being, and not the angle he always found himself mistaking you as. Gently, you took the loofah from him, using his own bodywash, before you repeated the same task on him. He smiled softly down on you, humored by the fact that you had to look up to actually reach his shoulders. Just as you were about to tell him to turn around, his eyes suddenly sharpened impishly, as he reached out to pull on the shower controls, switching to the detachable showerhead instead of the overhead one. For the first time he himself had no intention of satisfying himself in a sense of traditional release, but in another way. As he tapped his shoulders for you to grab onto so you wouldn't fall, he slowly pushed the showerhead against your center, your squeaks and the way your fingers gripped onto his flesh feeding his inner predatory soul. He increased the amount of water flowing through the silver-striped waterhose, the pressure on your delicate nerves leveling up simultaneously. You tried to close your legs but to no avail, the metal not giving away against your soft muscles. Your entrance clenched around nothing as your bundles suddenly snapped like a rubber band pulled too hard, leaving you yelping as you almost jumped at Jungkook, trying to escape his weapon of pleasure and the oversensitivity- but he had reacted fast enough, lowering the pressure so that you could ride it out pleasently, whining a bit while taking deep, shuddering breaths, your arms now locked around his neck, head against his chest. He smiled, the view and action giving him enough satisfaction that he didn't even think about you returning the favor.
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After Dinner, you both had made yourself at home on your shared bed, watching a random drama on his scratched up laptop, him sometimes groaning at the fact that the charging cable disconnected randomly sometimes, darkening the screen for a second until he rearranged the already taped cable. You had offered to get your laptop from the other room, but he didn't want you to get up, telling you that it worked just fine. At some point you had yawned, eyes closing for the fraction of seconds it seemed, but in reality it was for more than three, sometimes more. Jungkook noticed how increasingly tired you got, kissing your head before he closed the laptop after pausing the video. He set it down onto the floor next to the bed, shutting off the light and pulling the covers over your bodies, arms immediately reaching around your body, pulling you close. "Hey, 'Koo?" You said after a bit, now awake again after remembering something. He hummed, giving you an indication that he was listening. "..nevermind. Goodnight." He hummed again, before he moved, snapping on the light next to the bed, pushing himself up on his elbow.
"Come on." He said, and you turned around, looking at him with squinted eyes because of the light.
You stared at his neck as you talked. "I dunno.. didn't you want something too, like, when we were in the shower.?" You asked, and he shook his head no. "But like, now I feel bad cause only I got something and you didn't.." You said, and he simply smiled.
"Nah. Its okay really." He said, but your pouting face said otherwise. "Hm.. I mean, I guess there's something I always kind of wanted.." He said, and your eyes widened at that, sparkling with the challenge he just declared to you. He loved how much you trusted him, not even knowing what he was implying, yet already willing to go all in just for his happiness and approval for you. He moved, looming over you. "I'm gonna be pretty mean though.." He said, voice low as he tipped his head to the side a bit, feigning innocence. "..you think pretty girl can take it?" he sing-songed, chuckling at your nodding after his question, and he soon made his hands roam under your shirt running over your chest, feeling your soft buds beginning to peak at his sensual touch, your body already responding to him. He really didn't need anything from you at all, the way you were giving yourself to him had been payment enough, yet he also couldn't hide his own need of being a little selfish once in a while. There certainly were things roaming around in his head that he wanted to turn into reality, yet the perfect timing to talk about it had never been quite right. Now could be the time though. You nodded cutely at him, and he grinned like the wolf in the red riding hood story, ready to feast on his prey like the canine predator pictured in the books. Yet the way he would be devouring you would proof to be way more sinful than what those stories could've ever told about. As he began to push his knee in between your legs, letting you grind against his bare skin through the cloth of your underwear like the desperate being you were, even if you were on the verge of falling asleep just seconds ago, he sighed at the way your face relaxed in pleasure, head pushing a little into the soft pillows underneath, hands reaching for his skin to get any form of physical contact you could get. He grabbed you by your wrists, pushing them into the soft sheets on the mattress you both laid on, ripping his knee and your only source of friction and pleasure away from you as soon as he noticed that you were close. You whined at this, pouting at him as you slowly connected the dots in your head, finally coming to the conclusion of what his intentions would be for the night; and he cooed at you teasingly. "Oh, what is it pretty girl?" He said, brushing your hair back to reveal the entirety of your face to him. "You said you'd take it didn't you? Or did my good girl lie to me, hm?" He hummed, eyes slimming down to slits, his dominating demeanor finally coming to the surface; a fact that you could not yet place as good or bad. "I don't think you did, princess. Good girls never lie.." He chimed, slowly ridding yourself of your underwear, pulling them down your legs until he deemed enough time had passed to continue for the second attempt. This time his hand found its way downtown, reaching between your already shimmering legs to push two of his fingers insider your core, gentle movements way too slow to actually push you anywhere near over the edge. It was like standing on a bridge; you could see the deep waters below, but the railings would always keep you from falling. He was relentless, ever the tease, feeding off of your desperate soft please under your breath, wanting, no needing to hear them more clearly. So once he felt you get close for another time, he sped up his movements for a second, making you wheep out before he pulled away as if burned, pushing his knees between your legs so you were forced to stay open and bare like that, breaths coming out short and cut to pieces. He hushed you again, gently running his warm hand over your lower abdomen, thumb running in circles just below your navel, as he loomed over you again, his hair falling onto your forehead, curled strands tickling your skin. Your eyes were closed shut, frustrated huffs of air escaping you as you peeked one eye open at him, making him chuckle. "Hm.. not quite there yet I think." He mumbled, his thumb pulling your lower lip from between your teeth, opening your mouth for him to kiss you deeply for a moment, helping your body and mind to calm down for a bit. It did nothing to soothe your lower regions, but it did help you to ground yourself at least a little bit, before he moved his body again, this time hooking your legs over his broad shoulders by the back of your knees, grinning sheepishly at you from his spot on his stomach facing your core, licking his lips before he placed his mouth against you, tongue making its way over your most sensitive bundle of nerves in a slow and agonizing motion. He took his time, playing around for a while just how he thought was fitting, eating away like a starved man who was trying to savor every little bite, before he pulled away with a wet noise, just before you could slip from his grasp. You sobbed drily without tears, pleading loudly this time, before he changed his position yet again, pushing his length inside as slow as he could, staying inside of you for a moment, before pulling out again, grabbing a condom from the bedside table and putting it on, chuckling as his own hips bucked a bit at the sheer sensitivity he'd gained at this point. He pushed inside after a bit again, careful not to touch your pulsing pearl as to not accidentally let you cum, bringing himself to a short release before he reached for your hands which clenched the sheets so tightly he was scared you'd hurt yourself. As soon as the still sensitive tip of his length had gently popped out of you, he could see the way your legs quivered, trying to desperately close up, get any sort of friction, tight hole clenching around nothing; it was an almost magical sight to him, really. He moved his hand over your center, gathering the slick of your body and moving his hand all the way to your chest, softly running his digits over the smooth flesh of one of your breast, humming gentle tunes to you. „Hm, you’re doing so well, you’re so good for me, that’s the last one okay?“ he hummed to you, eyes softening at your glistening ones, tears of frustration gathering over your eyes, clouding and blurring his image for you until you blinked them away, letting them run down your cheeks. The back of his other hand gathered them before they could travel far, wiping them away and kissing your cheeks in return, smile on his lips never wavering. „You’re so, so so good, gonna stop being mean now, okay doll?“ he said and you shook your head yes frantically, making him chuckle. „Then lemme see you fly little dove..” he mumbled, catching you by surprise as he shoved himself back inside you were he felt like he belonged, his pace relentless, inked hand reaching between your bodies to glide over your already pulsating pearl below. Your neck pushed your head into the pillows beneath, mouth opening in a silent scream, as your back arched into his chest, his eyes never leaving your form as you came with the feeling of pure euphoria. And even though it had only lasted seconds, the view alone had made him release as well, mouth frantically attaching to your neck, mouthing at the skin, biting, groaning, his entire body reacting to the way your hands scrambled to hold onto him, thighs shaking, legs pulling him closer. He truly had been a pure moron to miss out on a feeling like this before; yet he was sure that he could only fly that high with you as his wings. It has never happened before to him, but he actually came again as well, surprising himself which made him moan in a pitch higher than usual. He gasped, falling down next to you after he discarded the condom into the bin next to the bed, pulling you close immediately, needing to have you against his skin.
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Jungkook was a man who only knew how to convey his feelings sexually. He never was someone to enjoy physical affection like cuddling or kissing, he was clumsy with his words, and he always found typical dates cliche and cringey. Yet he caught himself like this again, with your body in his arms, the window letting in the sun from outside, warm light creating glowing patterns on your exposed skin mimicking the stripes of the blinds. He couldn't help but feel like this was the most aesthetic thing he'd ever seen, wanting to take a picture of it but also not wanting to move and wake you in the process. This was your doing, the way he slowly changed over time, growing more and more into a person he actually started to like whenever he looked into the mirror. He no longer was the guy that stared back at him with eyes full of judgement, but a young man who's gaze was full of determination and confidence. And slowly this confidence wasn't just a mask, but genuine. And it made him sigh with a smile, closing his eyes to catch some more sleep with you and maybe even meet you in his dreams.
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"Why are my shirts pink?!"
"You put my red skirt into the wash with the white laundry I guess?"
"Wait ...you're not supposed to do that?"
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Taglist: @sweetenedcooky @ggukkieland @btsismybias22 @darkgvk @daddypkj @flowerprincess24 @crazylittlemay @zeharilisharaban
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artxyra · 4 years
post hawkmoth gabriel is outed as hawkmoth and no one except mari knows adrien is chat mari gows to batboys and one day adrien comes to visit her and the batboys think that adrien is here to get revenge on mari but imagine their shock when mari squeals and jumps into his arms and hugs him like theres no tomorrow (this isnt my idea but i wanted to see your take on it)
Note: So lack of motivation is a bitch and I’m surprised that writing and rewriting this fic worked. Hopefully, this stands up to your expectations.  
“Breaking news, Adrien Agreste, the former head model of Gabriel Agreste Fashion, was seen walking down the streets of Gotham, New Jersey late last night. Tune in later for more Gotham gossip…” The volume slowly becomes muted leaving the person holding the remote sitting in silence.
Soon a series of noises, such as items hitting the floor, a body struggling to move fills the room ambiance sound. It wasn’t long before a phone’s ring tone goes off. More rustling is heard. The music stops, then there was a pause.
“Yeah, I just watched the news. So, what’s the plan. I already have Barb on speed dial.” A male’s voice states into the phone. This is Richard “Dick” Grayson on the four-way call with his brothers.
“Demon Spawn’s in charge of keeping, Pixie, busy. She cannot know that he’s in town.” Jason states before hearing his younger brother tsking at such an easy request. Of course, he could keep his fiancée busy in the meantime.
“Of course, I can keep my beloved busy, you imbeciles.” Damian scoffs at his brothers. In fact, his beloved was most likely in her studio right now working on a commission.
“Good, good, keep her away from any source of news. We all know how Gotham Gossip works. The rest of you meet me at WE and we’ll figure out a way to get Agreste out of here.” Tim explains to which everyone mumbles their agreements and slowly hang up on one another.
“What was all that about?” Kori asks coming out of the bedroom, rubbing her eyes.
“Oh, you know, the same old same old.” Dick smiles at his wife who raises an eyebrow but shrugs instead and goes into the kitchen.
“Ready for some more gossip Gotham! Former son of the Parisian terrorist was found shopping at Coccinelle de Pixie storefront that was recently vandalized not long after with the words ‘Traitor’ spread painted in black across the window…”
Timothy Drake sat in his executive chair nursing a new cup of steaming coffee. Gotham’s Gossip playing on a radio that he soon turned off and shakes his head. All the more evidence to place Adrien Agreste behind bars just like Paris did his father. For years, everyone thought Adrien was in cahoots with his father in terrorizing Paris, Adrien made no statement and he stayed away from the media.
“Mr. Drake, your brothers are here.” His assistant announces through the coms. Tim quickly replies knowing that his brothers are seconds away from breaking down his office doors.
“You heard the latest gossip?” Jason practically demands. Tim could feel the anger rolling off his predecessors. “Of course, you did, you wouldn’t be listening if you hadn’t. I swear if Gordon doesn’t find the culprit, I will.” Jason slams his fist against the wooden desk, to which Tim simply takes a sip of his coffee and stare directly at his brothers.
Tim would never say it aloud, but he was surprised to see Damian especially after he was given the job of keeping the person that claim as their sister busy for the evening.
“I don’t care what methods you use Todd, as long as the person—” Cough, Agreste, cough, “is behind bars and locked up with the worst of the worst.” Damian gave his brother the answer he needs.
“Back to the issue at hand.” Tim sets his cup down. “Babs sent me Agreste’s itinerary from his hotel location to any phone history. So far, we have gathered he is in contact with someone under the name Buginette, unfortunately, that number is tied to a burner. They are making plans that seem on the verge of making Bean suffer.”
“Great, we have our main suspect and we can’t even call his accomplice,” Jason growls, he hates feeling helpless but that only has so much time before Adrien could make his attempt.
“I wouldn’t say that; Dick you’ll be tailing Agreste, from his GPS location, he should be passing by WE any minute now. Use this and the GG, as we all know she’s in for the latest scoop.” Tim hands Dick a device with a beeping red dot moving. Dick examines the devices before placing them in his pockets.
“We have until eight o’clock tonight to detain him. This Buginette and he plans on meeting at an unknown location. We will intercept them either both or right on.” Tim then takes another sip giving his siblings time to process any information that he just gave.
“Just in, GCPD found a bunch of dead ladybugs in front of the Chordate Hotel, the hotel that Adrien Agreste is rumored to be staying at. Is this retribution to the future Mrs. Wayne as we all know how much she loves ladybugs…?” The broadcaster’s voice carries over the car’s radio.
Damian Wayne could help but tighten his hands around the steering wheel. Someone was after this fiancée and he felt helpless about it. Marinette doesn’t deserve any of this. She has too much to worry about with the wedding and her growing fashion empire.
He pulls up in front of their shared apartment and immediate parks into his parking space.
“Angel, I’m home.” He calls out tossing his keys into the decorative bowl that on the end table next to the front door.
“In the back room.” A female’s voice calls back. Damian smiles practically visualizing the smile on his fiancée’s face.
Walking past a series of boxes, Damian makes it to the back room. Marinette is kneeling next to a mannequin, hand sowing the lace fabric into place. Damian couldn’t help but watch her work in awe. They have known each other for years and even today her working still amazes him.
“Are we still going over to Bruce’s tonight?” Marinette asks looking up briefly to acknowledge her fiancé and give him a smile. Damian was quick to answer her with a yes to which she nods and turns her attention back to the gown. “I should be done in an hour. I also have a couple of stops to make before we head over. Or do you wanna carpool with your brothers while I drive?”
Ding, ding. Damian knows that the messages coming through are from his brothers. “I’ll be fine; getting a ride with Grayson.” He answers before grabbing his phone and unlocking it to view the messages.
“Dami…Dami…” Damian turns away from his phone to stare into the blue eyes of his fiancée. “I thought I lost you there for a minute; you didn’t respond when I had asked whether you’re going out tonight for patrol?”
“Tt, I am going on patrol with the others tonight. Doing a run before and after dinner.” He answers hoping that she doesn’t question it. Marinette narrows her eyes before shrugging and continuing with her sowing.
Quickly getting changes, it wasn’t long before Damian receives a message from Dick stating that he’s out in front. Damian gives Marinette a goodbye kiss and exits out of the apartment.
“Wha’sup Gotham. Tonight’s segment is saucy. With Adrien Agreste out in the public, the batbros are out and about. I swear I just some red outside the studio window. Now onto the sauce—”
“Are you seriously listening to the crap with the mask on?” Robin questions Red Robin, who waves his in his defense. “Should the target get here by now?” He looks over the building to view the streets.
Behind the two vigilantes, Nightwing and Red Hood appear on the rooftop.
“Agreste should be arriving in five according to his GPS location.” Nightwing states and a ringing sound goes through their coms.
“Nightwing is right. Though is it for certain that Mr. Agreste is the person behind the attacks against Miss Marinette?” Agent A’s voice rings through the coms. The four brothers look to one another all being on the same wavelength. They all think that Adrien Agreste is behind the attacks. There was no other reason to explain it. He arrives in Gotham and then there are attacks against Mari through her storefront and favorite animal/insect.
“We’re sure, Agent A,” Tim responds as the device on this wrist beeps. At the same time, a rental car pulls up across the building and parks. Adrien Agreste gets out of the car and straightens out his collar.
“Target is in place. All we’re missing is this Buginette person and we’ll move in.” Red Hood pulls out an AK-47 and position it to lock on Adrien. He wasn’t going to kill the blonde male, maybe just skim a little off the top or scare him shitless.
Down below, Adrien pulls out his phone and calls someone. Immediate the batbros knew that he is talking to this Buginette person, it’s not because Red Robin has the recording playing as well.
About five minutes later, a familiar dark car pulls up. Robin looks at the car in suspicion. This car was the same model that he has and shares with Marinette from time to time. From the corner of his eye, he could see Red Hood etching his finger closer to the trigger.
Adrien runs over to the car shouting “Buginette” happily to the person inside.
The car door opens and immediately they hear a gunshot. The door closes and Adrien jumps back. Red Hood side-eyes his brothers as Robin silently hopes that he is wrong for once.
This “Buginette” person finally gets out of the car to reveal a Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who was no doubly staring in their direction.
“Well shit.” Red Hood groans just as the rest of the family facepalm or are into much of a shock to do anything.
“Hold on for a second, Adrien,” Marinette states holding out her hand as her other hand goes to grab her phone.
On the rooftop, Red Hood’s phone was going off. None of them wanted to answer it. In fact, there were certain that they didn’t want to answer. Instead of taking it like a man, the brother quickly gathers their items and disappear off the roof.
“Do I even want to know, what’s going on, Buggy?”
“No, Kitten, you don’t wanna know.” Marinette huffs and places her phone back in her purse. “I have an hour to hour to kill before I dinner and you and I have a lot to catch up on.” Marinette wraps her hands around Adrien’s shoulder, who smiles sheepishly at the dark-haired woman. “I hear that you and—”
“Mari!” Adrien interrupts blushing a deep red to which Marinette laughs and opens the door to the building.
An hour later, Adrien stands behind Marinette, who was on a warpath knocking against the large doors to Wayne Manor. They could hear furniture moving, people yelping, and a cough. Alfred stands at the with a greeting smile like no other, though Adrien could sense the double meaning.
“Good evening, Alfred, how are you?” Marinette greets with that sickly-sweet smile; Adrien knows all too well. Marinette never the one to keep the deadly appearance apart of her getup but she knows how to use her best aspects for the worst.
“Good evening, Miss Marinette and you is your guest?”
“Oh, silly me, this is my brother in everything but blood, Adrien Dupain-Cheng.” Marinette gestures for Adrien to follow. She places her jacket and purse down and examines the room. Of course, the couch was being used as a blockage.
“Ooh…boys?” Marinette sings walking past the couch, setting each and everyone right side up.
In the dining room, the four men all look to one another scared to utter a single sound. They did not want to deal with Marinette, especially Jason.
“Whose bright idea was it to allow Hood to shoot at Adrien?” Marinette’s voice echoes throughout the manor’s first floor. Bruce, who was sitting at the head of the table raises an eyebrow at his sons. He wasn’t in the bat cave when they returned but they returned as quickly as they left.
Dick mouths “you don’t want to know” to his father figure and begins to sweat bullets. “Whatever happens, tell Kor’i and Mar’i that I love them.” The oldest adopted Wayne states as Marinette makes her way to the archway leading into the room.
“You don’t need to worry about that Dickie.” Marinette smiles, “I’m after Jason.” At the mention of his name, Jason darts out of his seat and through the window. Alfred and Adrien watch the scene play out in two different emotions. Adrien was curious while Alfred was just done with everything.
“I’ll place the order for a new window sir. Is any hungry for dinner?” No one answer to afraid to make them the next target to Marinette’s anger.
“Dinner sounds nice, Alfred.” Marinette smiles sending more chills down the remaining three batbros. “So, everyone, meet Adrien, my brother. Apparently, someone tried to kill him this evening, should I know something about that.”
“I’m more concerned as to why you were using a burner phone to contact Agreste.” Damian murmurs to which Marinette heard him and was immediately behind her fiancé.
Lowering herself to make sure her lips were closer to his ear, she whispers, “Why would it matter, Demon?” She leans back and gestures for Adrien to take a seat. “Adrien here was in hiding from the press and it was my idea from the start.”
Damian chokes on air, the feeling of death forever lingering. He knew there was a reason why he loves Marinette, and this was one of them.
“Is it safe to come in?” Jason’s head pops up only to get greeted by a Batarang. “Got still not safe, you know what I’ll just go eat out.” Everyone turns to Marinette, who was still showcasing her sickly-sweet smile.
“Anyone want to join him?” She asks taking the empty seat next to Damian, who was spatting himself down making sure he had no weapon on his being that she can reach.
“No, we’re all good here, um, Adrien tell us about yourself?” Tim ends the harsh silence quickly and for once he was actually awake.
Adrien smiles and begins to talk about his latest adventure.
Moments later, Alfred returns with dinner solidifying tonight’s adventure.
Much, much later…
Damian and his brothers came out of their stupor of last night’s event. “Wait then who was vandalizing Mari’s store and image?” Tim asks before pressing a cup of coffee to his lips.
Before any of them to grab their devices to hunt down the real culprit, Marinette walks into the living room. “It was an old employee of mine. He only did it because someone—by the name of Lie-la—offer him some big money. He never received it so he came clean.”
Marinette then picks up the keys from the decorative bowl and leaves her place.
The three older brothers turn to their youngest, “You better not divorce her.” They all state at the same time. Damian only nods, agreeing with his brothers for once in his life.
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cha0s-crew · 5 years
YoyoBeat soulmate AU
Not much time had passed since Beat met and subsequently recruited Yoyo. In that very short time, however, something had become overtly obvious: Yoyo liked to hip-bump other rudies, regardless of crew. It would have been mostly a non-issue, not much more than an annoyance, except for the black splotch on Beat's right hip. 
He'd had it since birth, just as most people have a splotch somewhere on their body, a spot that remained pitch black until the moment one's soulmate touched them for the first time, which would always be right where the spot was. The placement of Beat's spot meant it was easier to hide than some people's; Gum had a handprint on her shoulder, while most of Tab's right side was marked, indicating he was most likely going to run into his soulmate on accident. But Beat's mark was hidden to the world, he was the only person who knew where his was, or that he even had one at all. 
Beat had considered before what might lead to such a strange place for a mark, but just under two months ago he was suddenly struck with a possible reasonable explanation for it, and it made his stomach turn in a strange way. Suddenly there was a man whose go-to action was slamming the side of his left hip into people's right hips. And suddenly, Beat truly understood just what the mark on his hip meant. Sure, he'd always known, but it had never really clicked as reality.
It didn't take any time at all for Yoyo to feel comfortable enough in the crew to start his assumedly playful assault. Beat watched, over the course of a week, as Yoyo managed to knock over almost every member of the GGs, as well as every enemy he could reach. It only took nine days for Yoyo to try and topple Beat as well.
Beat, already prepared for this moment, maneuvered away easily. "Nice try."
Yoyo stumbled, having not expected Beat to move, but recovered quickly and spun around on his skates. "Aw, man, what's the prob?"
Beat put his hands on his hips and smirked. "If you really wanna get me, prove it."
Yoyo's mouth dropped for a second, before he matched Beat's expression. "Is that challenge?"
"Maybe," Beat kicked himself back, gliding backwards just long enough to wave teasingly, then turned and took off down the street.
After a short moment of stunned immobility, Yoyo began skating full-speed after Beat. There was a massive smile tugging at the corners of his lips, the rush of air and the excitement of a chase pushing him on more than anything else in this moment. He kept his eyes on Beat as best he could, and came to realize that they were headed to Benten-Cho. A surge of confidence coursed through Yoyo and he picked up the pace. 
Beat pumped his arms as he swayed, pushing himself through 99th Street. The bright neon lights all around him were somewhat comforting. Despite the sun being down, it was just as bright and busy as you’d expect of a daytime shopping district. As he glided through the streets and between the bustling people, Beat almost forgot what he was even doing here.
Beat took a quick glance behind himself and confirmed that, yes, Yoyo was tailing behind him. There wasn’t much distance between the two, and Beat wanted to remedy that. He slowed slightly, and Yoyo nervously slowed as well, even more than his opponent; it was suspicious that Beat would slow down during a race. When Beat jumped onto a rail and started grinding around a corner, however, Yoyo growled to himself and had to take a few seconds to get back up to grinding speed. Truly Beat was not only technically skilled, but excellent at predicting and using his rival’s moves against them.
By the time Yoyo had rounded the corner, Beat was out of sight. Yoyo cursed quietly to himself, huffing as he pushed himself up the rail to get a better viewpoint. He grinded up Benten Tower and stood at the top. He looked down over Benten-Cho, watching the lights blink and feeling the breeze on what little skin was exposed, listening to the cars in the distance and the incoherent conversations below him. Even though he was so familiar with the area, it had been a long while he’d really taken a step back and truly appreciated it. The serenity didn’t last long, however, as he spotted Beat skating towards the bottom of the rail to Yoyo’s left. Yoyo spun around once and jumped onto the rail, following it down. When he reached the bottom, he was full-speed barreling after Beat. Then, all of a sudden, life seemed to play out in slow motion.
Without even looking behind him, Beat drew his left arm to his chest and extended the other out as far as it could reach. He swung his right arm in time with his ankles turning, resulting in a near-flawless on-a-dime turn that Yoyo had nowhere near enough time to replicate. All Yoyo could do was follow Beat’s movements with his eyes, and watch as Beat’s threw a peace sign with his still-extended arm and stuck his tongue out. He’d lost almost no momentum thanks to the maneuver, which means that when time sped back up to normal, Beat was zooming almost full-speed in the exact opposite direction of Yoyo.
Beat didn’t bother looking behind himself to see if Yoyo was following this time. He kept his eyes forward, towards the garage. He was huffing, exhausted, but he was also exhilarated beyond belief. Despite the burning in his lungs and limbs, the adrenaline pushed him on and kept a smile on his face. As Beat jumped into the garage, he threw both of his arms straight up in the air.
“I won!” Beat cried hoarsely. 
Beat slid directly into Gum’s arms, collapsing into a giggling mess. Gum met his laughter heartily, holding him up since he clearly wasn’t stable enough to stay standing on his own.
“Beat!” Gum said through laughter. “What’dya win?”
Beat only responded with more giggling that devolved into wheezing laughter. He slipped, gripping to Gum for support. Finally, Yoyo burst into the garage. He landed on the floor beneath the window and didn’t hesitate to explode into his own giggle fit. 
“I-I won!” Beat yelled again once he’d regained some control of his breathing.
Beat let go of Gum and she helped aid him to the ground so he could sit.
“Damn, cuz!” Yoyo called back. He wiped his face off. “Don’t-Don’t think this is over!”
“Never,” Beat’s laughter died down and he put his head in his hands sleepily. 
For the next few months, their races became routine. Almost every night, Yoyo would chase Beat through another area, and more than once he came dangerously close to bumping Beat’s hip against his own, but Beat had managed to avoid touching Yoyo at all for the time being. Logically he knew it would only matter if Yoyo touched his hip. Still, something in Beat warned him against letting Yoyo touch him at all. Moreover, Beat had only recently noticed that Yoyo was hip-bumping other people much less frequently than when they first met. It almost seemed like both of the boys were equally hyper-focused on the apparent competition. Beat sort of liked the attention, if he were being honest.
One day, about half a year after meeting, Beat was chilling in the garage, blasting music and dancing with Gum and Tab. The trio were unwinding for the day, a successful day of tagging and evading police together. Tab was mostly showing off as Rock It On blared, Beat just vibing to himself while Gum danced around the floor and cheered for her family. Over the music, the trio could hear someone climbing in through the window. 
“Come dance with us!” Gum cried over the song.
From behind, Yoyo let out a hearty laugh and skated over to where the other three were centralized. Gum grabbed his wrists and lead him around the floor, and he happily followed her around. As Concept Of Love queued up, Gum spun around. She lost her grip on Yoyo, who stumbled into Beat, his left hip connecting to Beat’s right hip. Beat fell to the ground, having lost his balance from the surprise and anxiety of what had just happened.
“Oops, sorry,” Yoyo laughed. “Does that count if it was an accident?”
Beat scrambled up to his feet in a visible panic. He shot Gum a look quickly, and Gum took the hint. She didn’t know what exactly was happening, but she knew Beat well enough to usher Tab and herself out of the room.
“Whoa, dude,” Yoyo snickered again. “You five-by-five?”
Beat swallowed hard and leaned against a wall to keep himself stable. He pushed his pants and shirt away just enough to see, but Yoyo didn’t need to look at the mark to understand. 
“Oh, fuck,” Yoyo mumbled and quickly copied Beat’s action. 
The two boys didn’t even bother looking at their own marks, only at each other’s. On Yoyo’s hip was a large, colorful mark. Not black, but vibrant with reds and yellows and greens. And on Beat’s hip, the same thing. Beat let out a breath and slid down the wall. Yoyo skated over and sat beside him silently. 
Understand, understand
Understand, understand
Understand, understand
The concept of love
“Yo, Beat,” Yoyo spoke up. There was a smile on his face.
Beat looked up.
“Wanna hear somethin’ dumb?” 
“Sure,” Beat answered.
“I’ve been going around bumping into everyone for, like, years, bro. ‘Cause I knew what that black, uh, spot thing meant,” Yoyo started. “So like, I mean, I wanted’a meet ‘em. Only, after I started racing with you, droog, I stopped bumpin’ around so much!”
Beat scooted closer to Yoyo, so they were shoulder to shoulder. “Why’zat?”
Yoyo’s face scrunched into a massive, dorky grin. “‘Cause I didn’t want anyone else to be, ya know, the one!”
Beat snorted, a small laugh, and rested his head on Yoyo’s shoulder. “Damn, Yo, that was dumb.”
“I know, right?” Yoyo placed one arm around Beat’s shoulder gently. “Totally bogus.”
“Real bogus,” Beat said.
He closed his eyes. Now that he was here, now that this moment was here, he realized it wasn’t so bad. After spending so much time avoiding Yoyo’s touch, Beat realized how much he’d been hoping for this; how much he actually wanted Yoyo to touch him. He turned his head and pushed his face into Yoyo’s neck. They stayed there like that for far longer than either knew they probably should, the only reason either stirred was because of Gum coming in and advising them to sleep. Beat knew Gum would question and bully him tomorrow, but for tonight he just enjoyed Yoyo’s company.
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colormepleasure · 6 years
Before I could say another word, Klaus grabbed my arm and pulled me into my history class. He closed the door shut and locked it.
"So now you're trapping me and keeping me hostage in my classroom?"
"Isn't that how the old fairy tale goes little Red?" there was a mocking undertone in his voice. I really wished he would stop smiling like that. The classroom was dark and I knew he wasn't going to turn a light on. Luckily the blinds were drawn back, and the lawn lights somewhat illuminated the room.
"Who are you even supposed to be?"
"Isn't it obvious sweetheart?" his soft aqua eyes suddenly transitioned to crimson gold, as black spider veins began to spread around his cheekbones. "I'm the big bad wolf..."
I gasped and took a step back while he approached me in his hybrid transitioned state.
"And I'm really hungry Elena," a low growl rumbled through his chest. "I could just….eat you up," he slowly removed his suit jacket.
My heart was pounding and there was a heat growing in between my thighs. I knew I shouldn't be feeling aroused, but that's just the effect Klaus had on me. Every time he was close to me, or so much as looked at me, it made me want him. And ever since that night in his car…everything we did…I just couldn't wipe those memories away.
"Poor little Red," he slowly started pacing around me. "Trapped inside with the big bad wolf. Too bad there's no one here to save you…" he whispered in my ear and I shivered.
"Don't touch me," my voice cracked.
"No one to hear you…"
He was right. No one could hear me. All that could be heard was the loud music that vibrated its way through the entire school from the gymnasium. I felt goose bumps form down my arm when Klaus lightly brushed his fingertips over my shoulder.
"Let me go," I closed my eyes and tried to fight the way he was making me feel.
"You're free to leave luv. All you have to do is walk right up to that door and unlock it," he whispered in my ear. "But the fact of the matter is…you don't want to leave," Klaus lowered my hood off my head and then untied my red cape as it fell to the floor. My heart was beating so violently in my chest now. I was certain he could hear it. I wondered if he was also able to hear the sound of my blood rushing through my veins. The black corset that I had tied around my torso was suddenly loosening as I realized that he was untying it from the back. I felt like a statue; frozen. I couldn't move. The fear that my heart would explode at any given moment was very real to me. I tried to breathe and muster up the strength to move my feet and escape, but for some reason…I couldn't. It's not like he had compelled me to stay.
"I've missed your body Elena. You belong to me…and you know it," my corset fell to the ground as I felt his arms envelop around me, pulling me close to his body. This felt all too familiar. Flashbacks of the moonstone ritual flickered before my eyes. I was trapped in his arms just like in this moment, and he was going to feed on me. He was going to kill me. But it wasn't his fangs that I felt poking against me; it was something else…"I know what you want Elena. I can feel what you're feeling."
I gasped when he moved his hands up my rib cage, barely cupping my breasts. "Do you miss me being inside of you?" he brushed his lips down my neck and I trembled. "Do you miss my lips, my touch?" I felt his hands move up my erected nipples.
"No, I don't," I tried to keep my voice steady and serious, but my breath was quivering. Klaus kept kissing my neck, and then I suddenly felt my body lifted up.
I was now sitting on top of Alaric's desk with Klaus in between my legs. He pulled and untied the draw strings on my shirt and ripped my bra in half. My breasts were exposed now and my mind was reeling from shock, arousal and adrenaline.
"Klaus…what are you—" but his lips crashed down onto mine before I could say anything else, and I could feel myself abandoning my own self-control, because in that moment, I just wanted him. He groaned into my lips as he cleared off the desk while pens and papers fell to the floor.
I reached for his belt and unfastened it, making sure to not lose contact with his lips. His big, hard cock was now throbbing in my hand. I felt his fingertips brush up my inner thigh until he found my panties and pushed it to the side, before guiding himself inside of me. It felt so good to feel his thick length fill me up and expand my walls; skin on skin. He was now pounding into me hard and deep. I moaned from pain and pleasure.
"Fuck, you're so wet and tight. So ready for me…"
"Nik…" I moaned his name while he moved in and out of me. I was so mad at him for making me jealous on purpose, I was hurt, but in that moment nothing mattered, because I was completely drowning in him and he was consuming me. My body was on fire and I couldn't fight the undeniable fact that I had been craving him all these days…weeks. That's why I've been avoiding him, because I knew if I were anywhere near him, in a room, or within a close radius…I wouldn't be able to fight these impulses…these feelings. He was completely dominating my body, and as terrifying as it was to stare into his demonic, golden eyes, it was arousing me in the darkest ways. I never knew I even had these desires. Not until him.
"Do you have any fucking clue how crazy you make me? Do you Elena?" he growled and kissed me hard, slowing down his pace. I wrapped my legs around his waist more tightly and pulled him deeper inside of me. "No more making me jealous sweetheart. You're lucky I didn't hurt anyone."
"You hurt me—" I couldn't believe I was admitting this, but he was making all these vulnerable emotions resurface within me, while he was penetrating himself deep inside of me. I just couldn't understand how he was able to do this while we were having sex. Our sex was carnal, lustful, aggressive, passionate and painful at times, but for some reason, I felt safe. How was that possible? Was this just fucking? It was far from love making. No roses, candles and romance. Maybe we were just responding to our most basic human desires…like instinct. But this felt more like animal instinct than human.
"You hurt me too," he confessed as he withdrew from my lips and kissed my neck.
What was going on with me? I was losing all sense of time and place. The only thing I could focus on was the sound of his harsh and laboured breathing against my neck, and the weight of his chest rubbing against my breasts. I needed to feel his skin. God, I just needed to touch him. So I unbuttoned his shirt and practically peeled it off his chiseled body until my hands were tracing every rippled muscle of flesh. I gasped when I felt his sharp fangs pierce my skin, as he hungrily drank from my neck. But the sensation was teetering between pain and pleasure. My eyes rolled back as a loud moan escaped my lips. I dug my fingernails down his back in response. I wasn't sure if I scratched him hard enough, but I knew the marks would be there.
"That's it luv, say my name," he whispered in my ear and kissed me hard. I could taste my own blood. It was hot and metallic.
"Bite me deeper…please…"
"What?" those crimson, golden eyes were glowing and piercing right through me once again, as I breathed out my fear and exhilaration.
"Make me feel alive again," I reached for his face and kissed him passionately. "What are you waiting for?" I pulled back and stared into his eyes. "Hurt me," and then I did it, one hard slap right across his cheek. He growled aggressively and wrapped his fist around my hair, tugging it back. "That's not hard enough!" I attempted to slap him again but he caught my wrist and gripped it so tight, I was afraid he was going to crush my bones.
"You want pain?" his voice was deep, laced with a dark undertone. "You're going to regret it."
Before I could even absorb his words in my brain, I felt a stinging sensation on the right side of my neck, and then the strong scent of my own blood assaulted my sense of smell as my blood poured out of my jugular and pooled around me on the table. He bit right into the main artery. Shit. Fear spiked my adrenaline as I lay there, scared and aroused. I was fully aware that he was going to devour me…and I wanted him to.
The next thing I knew my legs were spread so painfully wide that I could feel the burn in my inner thighs, and my breasts were bouncing up and down because Klaus was pounding his cock so hard and deep into my cervix. I had to hold onto the edge of the table to steady myself as he slammed into me faster. He was beating me up inside.
"Oh…m..mmy…gg..ggod…" I was breathless, and as much as it hurt, the immense amount of pleasure that I felt building up inside of me, was overpowering the pain. I could feel my blood gushing out of neck with every powerful thrust he gave. It was intense, it was raw, it was violent. It was Niklaus Mikaelson.
My head was getting dizzy and I was losing rapid amounts of blood, but more than anything I wanted to find my release in that moment, because I was so close. His shaft was so big and swollen inside me. He was hitting my G spot. I reached up at my neck and wiped my hot, intoxicating blood on my fingers, then slipped them into his mouth. It was so sexy to watch him suck back my blood while he fucked me. My heart rate was speeding up as he pushed me over the edge and gave me the most mind blowing orgasm.
"Nik! I'm…I'm…." my body started to convulse as every muscle squeezed and contracted inside of while I felt the rushing pressure of his release, ejaculating and flooding me completely. I could feel my heart rate slowing down because of all the blood I was losing, and I was on the verge of passing out.
Klaus bit into his wrist and forced it into my mouth. I closed my eyes and consumed his blood as my open wound began to miraculously heal and close shut. "That's it luv, a little more," he encouraged me with a soft, gentle voice.
I felt my body fully replenished and revitalized after about a minute. That's when I finally let go of his wrist and took a deep breath. There was so much blood around me, dripping down the table and onto the floor. This wasn't good, and Alaric wasn't going to be happy. Of course I would never admit that it was my blood. No one knew about Klaus and I, and I intended to keep it that way.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 7 years
Watching The Pilot for the first time
Series 10, here we go.
-The first episode of Series 10.  So we could say this is the...  PILOT episode
-I’m sorry. That joke doesn’t work, I know.
---Spoilers ahead!---
-Ooh, is this Bill’s theme? I like it?
-Why is it out of order though...
-Oh my god he has a photo of River Song on his desk ;-;
-And oh god is that Susan
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Sonic screwdrivers! Did he keep all his sonic screwdrivers after all this time?
-The guitar again!
-Two minutes in and I’m already losing track of the dialogue
-Fifty years... So the Doctor’s been laying low again, has he?
-”Poetry, physics, same thing.”  You know what, I bet he didn’t even get hired through the normal procedure, he just walked in one day telling everyone he was the new professor, or even an old professor who left and decided to return, and he just bullshitted his way through any and all obstacles he came across during his stay
-”How is it the same?”  “Because of the rhymes.”  Let’s see,  poetry  physics  Yep, doesn’t rhyme.
-Oh Doctor...
-”I don’t care who’s dying, never ever be late, I’m very particular about time.”  Says the guy who was twelve years late when he said five minutes once.
-”Doctor what?”
-*cue changed intro logo DOCTOR WHAT*
-Okay, the intro visuals seem to have changed a little, but the melody sounds unchanged.
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The inside of his coat is blue now?
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AKA the pain of frame-by-frame or stopmotion animation
-Is Moffat trying to get us scared of slowmotion
-I feel like the students are very confused as to what to take notes of
-”Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, in means life.”  I thought your granddaughter made that up?
-There we go.
-I don’t like background music, it says jumpscare music
-It’s scary music
-Thank goodness, no jumpscares
-Aw, she gave him a Christmas present
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Look at those poor paper crowns trying to hold all that hair omygosh
-”With some people you can smell the wind in their clothes”  I guess it’s supposed to be more philosophical, but for me that reminds me of how people have the cold air around them when they just came in from outside.
-R.I.P. Bill’s mom.
-”But if someone’s gone, do pictures really help?”  That glace he makes at the photos on his desk.  At his wife and granddaughter.  That, is just heartbreaking.
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Hey, Moffat, do you have a heart, because you’re breaking mine with fictional photographs
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the FUCK
-So the Doctor, took a picture of the mother, of a student that he is currently teaching, back when said student wasn’t even born?
-Eyyy he’s using the rug
-But did he really tilt the Tardis himself to put a rug under it?  I mean, it’s incredibly light compared to its actual size, but it’s still a phone box. Sure, if someone ran at full speed and slammed their body against it that might give it a good jolt or even make it fall over but...
-There’s something deeply unsettling about that girl’s stare
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-Well the Doctor certainly knows how to escape silently...
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His clothes are blue now!
-You’re blue now! That’s my attack!
-Cue Twelfth Doctor theme, woohoo!
-”Why do you run like that?”  “Like what?”  “Like a penguin with its ass on fire.”  “Ergonomics.”  Human factors and ergonomics (commonly referred to as HF&E), also known as comfort design, functional design, and systems,[1 is the practice of designing products, systems, or processes to take proper account of the interaction between them and the people who use them. (Source: Wikipedia)
-Ahahahahaha hah ahahaha ha ha
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What’s with the burn marks on the ground
-”Do you know any scifi?”  “Bitch, I AM scifi.”
-Possession usually has to do with fantasy or horror, not scifi...
-”There’s this thing on Netflix. Lizards in people’s brains.”  First Pokemon, now Netflix. BBC REALLY doesn’t care.
-What’s the show though, it sounds interesting.
-” So, you meet a girl with a discolored iris and your first thought is she might have a lizard in her brain? I can see I'm going to have to up my game.“
-Doctor Who dialogue just gets better and better
-Actually, you can sorta see your face the ‘right way’ if you align two mirrors together so they’re perpendicular. The middle line might stand out, but you’re looking at your face the way anyone else sees it. The elevator in my apartment building has three reflective sides, so I can see my ‘right’ face quite often. I just have to stare at a corner of said elevator.
-They’re finally getting to the burn marks, thank you.
-”Tutorial's over, take the night off. It's all cancelled. Go and be a proper student. Texts, snogging, a vegan wrap.” How does any of that make me a proper student
-”Oh, it's just some freak optical effect. I'm bored already.”  Like hell you are
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-oh shit she’s alone in the flat
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You could’ve gone to the kitchen and grabbed a knife
-But then, an umbrella is bigger and easier to wield and is great at deflecting water, so, not bad I guess
-Well I’m still getting myself a knife
-That’s it, I’m sitting in front of the monitor with a kitchen knife in my hand
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-oh shit
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-shit shit shit shit SHIT
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“Well, that’s a first...”
-So the Tardis does have a bathroom. After all these years. After FIFTY-FOUR years, the BBC finally gives us the answer no one really asked for but everybody kind of wanted anyway.
-”Human alert, do you want me to repel her?”
-”Oh, my God! This isn't just a room, is it?”  “No, it's not just a room.”  “This is a lift!”  “...wELL oKAY tHeN”
-”It’s bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!”  “Heh-hey! We got there!”
-”Well, first you have to imagine a very big box fitting inside a very small box. Then you have to make one. It's the second part people normally get stuck on.”
-Of course, one could always scumple the big box and stuff it inside the small box, but then, the big box wouldn’t be big anymore, would it?
-”If it had work to do, why would it lie around in a puddle?”  “I don't know. Maybe it's a student?”  So it’s too afraid of life and consequences and generally overwhelmed by the looming weight of its duties to get itself to do anything?
-Wait, is the the room Bill followed them into earlier?
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ah yes the three primary colors (not to mention Misty from Pokemon)
-You’re escaping from a water monster and you went to a beach, good idea, 10/10.
-”Have we traveled in time?”  “No, we traveled to Australia.”  That’s also a first.
-Bill, you can’t just drink from the bathroom sink!
-”Can I ask you a personal question?”  “No!”  “Can I anyway?”  “...Yes.”
-”If you're from another planet, why would you name your box in English? Those initials wouldn't work in any other language!”  THANK YOU BILL  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BRINGING THAT UP
-Well, that wasn’t exactly a shark, but thanks for proving the point, Heather.
-”Hunger looks very like evil from the wrong end of the cutlery. Or do you think that your bacon sandwich loves you back?“  In case you’re trying to start a vegan argument with this, no offense but your broccoli doesn’t love you back either.
-So that’s why the episode is titled ‘The Pilot’.
-Also, now that Bill’s found a puddle here, they better rUN THE FUCK AWAY.
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-Nope nope nope nope nope
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Heyyy it’s the old sonic!
-The Fourth Doctor’s sonic, to be precise.
-Soooo did BBC make some new props for this episode or did they keep all the screwdrivers from the sixties and on
-”Hey John, while you’re throwing out those old props, would you mind putting these sonic screwdrivers in the recycle bin?”  “Nah, let’s keep them, they don’t take up a lot of space. Besides, we might need them again some decades later.”  “Good point.”
-Twelve: “We’ve got this annoying creature on our tail, let’s try to shake it off by running through a ton of Daleks.”  Ten: “What went wrong with you”  Eleven: “What happened to me”
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-Yep, it’s not going well for those lot
-”EXTERMINATE!”  “Exterminate!”  “EXTERMINATE!”  “Exterminate!”  yeah you two do that and be friends while we run away thank you
-It’s like the Doctor isn’t even taking the Daleks seriously anymore
-”YOU ARE AN ENEMY OF THE DALEKS!”  “lol what else would i be”
-Daleks have stormtrooper level aim now. gg BBC, gg
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Tbh that’s even freakier than a normal dalek eyestalk
-Oh wait, this is only the first episode, does that mean  Moffat hasn’t even started yet
-Is he planning to give heart attacks to all of us
-”The last thing she said to me. She promised she wouldn't leave without me.”  And now my heart’s breaking
-shit shit shit shit shit
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Ehhh it’s okay Moffat, I didn’t need that heart anyway lol
-”That's the Doctor for you. Never notices the tears.“  Never acknowledges his own tears either...
-”Yeah, because I think you're going to wipe my memory. I'm not stupid, you know. That's the trouble with you. You don't think anyone's ever seen a movie. I know what a mind-wipe looks like!“  THANK YOU BILL
-”Imagine, just imagine how it would feel if someone did this to you.“  They just HAD to put Clara’s theme in there, didn’t they?
-All slowed down and more tragic
-And they HAD to make the Doctor sound like he’s holding back tears
-*distant crying noises*
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“Shut up.”
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“You shut up as well.”
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-Someone fucking end me
-Come to my house and stop my sinful hands
-I am allowed too much power
-*ahem* Anyway
-Did the Doctor just leave for a hundred years to mull this over and come back to the present
-”It means, what the hell.”  That’s a first, AGAIN.
-I love that theme at the end!
-Oh boy I can’t wait for more episodes, they all look so exciting--
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iS THAt john simm
-WhAT tEh FUcK
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gabemon · 7 years
2017 MMA Junkie Gathering Trip Report
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The previous Junkie Gathering in 2015, I broke my thumb by slamming an SUV door shut on it after exiting the car. I was carrying a bag of groceries in that hand, and managed to leave the thumb in the door while using my other hand to shut it. I definitely thought that the sane thing to do would be to cancel my trip, but I just couldn’t do it. I remember thinking to myself, “gotta be a soldier!” I kept my finger in a cup of ice and hopped on a bus the following morning.
I kept my finger in a cup of ice the entire week; asking bartenders for a cup of ice water everywhere I went. People kept wondering why I wasn’t talking too much. I guess they couldn’t tell that I was dying in pain and crying on the inside. (Plus, I was the new guy and hadn’t gotten to know everybody yet.)
Looking back, I was definitely crazy for going to Vegas for seven nights with a newly-broken thumb to meet a bunch of people for the first time. Zero regrets, though. I knew the memories would be worth it, and it ended up making a pretty cool story, too.
After spending some time on the east coast (mostly Long Island, NY), I flew into L.A. to spend a couple weeks with my family before going to Vegas for The Gathering. On Monday, May 22nd, I caught a flight from L.A. into Vegas and arrived around 4:30 p.m.
I checked-in to the Oasis Gold Spike in Downtown Vegas, right by the Fremont Experience. It was my second time staying there and I had a good time while hangin’ there. Bit of a party scene.
I did my thing for a bit, then it was time to connect with the Junkies. They were at the Mandalay Bay Sportsbook, and I was on my way.
Lackey was the first to greet me when I arrived, then I went around saying hello to everyone else. Buffalo Blue was already eight shots of Jager deep into an eventual 26 shots. I loved how happy and excited he was about it. Seeing Lackey and Blue already having a blast, I was filled with giddy ‘cos I knew we were in for one helluva week.
There were only a few of us at the sportsbook on Monday night. I remember arriving there, but the rest of the night is a blur to me. I don’t remember it. Smart money says we got wasted, then I went to my room and crashed.
Tuesday morning, I arrived at the sportsbook with a bottle of Wild Turkey American Honey Whiskey. I shared it with John Hooper Raynes, as he had told me that he does not like honey whiskey. He liked this one, however, and agreed that it’s better than the rest, i.e. Jack Daniels and Jim Beam. The reason for that is Wild Turkey uses real honey, while the others use honey liqueur.
At one point, Lackey, myself, Spider Rico, rookies Ryan Dunlay, Mike Noles and Jon Huerta rolled to the parking lot to get our smoke on. Lackey said it was the biggest smoke sesh in Junkie Gathering history. I think Doncho may have been with us, as well.
Before the radio show started, we surprised Goze with Danny the producer, who Jason Lackey had arranged to fly out to the Gathering as a surprise for George and Goze. Goze was happy to finally meet Danny in person for the first time, but wasn’t too thrilled that we “got” him.
MMA Junkie Radio ended at noon, and the Flag Football game was supposed to start at 6 p.m. I assumed I would have some time to get back to my room and get changed, but never got the chance. I can’t remember what I did exactly between those hours, which probably means I had a pretty good time.
It was around 100 degrees out and we were about to go to the park for a football game and BBQ. I was wearing black jeans. There was no time to go get changed, so I tried to look for shorts in the casino shops. “At the end of the day” I decided not to spend $70 on some shorts and instead made my own by rolling up my jeans.
During the football game is when I made Michael Sanchez do his first set of 10 of 100 push-ups he owes me for losing a bet. I bet him 100 push-ups (10 at a time) that Germaine De Randamie would defeat Holly Holm, with the winner getting to request the pushups whenever he pleases.
I didn’t play in the game, but it looked like everyone had a blast. I helped Sam the Chef set up the BBQ and he killed it on the grill. We had some good food and good laughs; it was a good night all around. An excellent way to kick off the 2017 Junkie Gathering.
Tuesday night is a blur. All I can remember are the Jell-O shots. I only had one; I spat my second one back out. Tasted disgustingly like medicine to me. I don’t do Jell-O shots, especially if they’re made with low-grade booze, which this batch clearly was.
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I missed the radio show Wednesday morning and got to the sportsbook during the Manchester United game. There were a lot less people there watching it than I anticipated. I hung there for a bit after the game ended, then went off to do my own thing.
The events that day were Escape Room and Beer Park. I was performing on a comedy show that night, which took place at the same time as Beer Park, so I had planned to skip the Escape Room to get some rest before the show.
The show went really well. They rebooked me for July 5th, so I plan to be back in Vegas for International Fight Week. I’ll also pick up some spots at the LA Comedy Club, where Adam Hunter will be headlining that week. Should be good times, hope some of you will be in town!
Thursday morning at the sportsbook, I got my second set of 10 (of 100) pushups from Mike Sanchez. After the show, we went to have lunch at Toque Del Sabor Peruvian Restaurant, which is where “The Time is Junkie Press Conference” was being held. The food was solid and Burt Watson came out as a surprise, which was great. The press conference went on and was hilarious. Everybody crushed.
Mike Waluk presented a video that his wife Kindra, Billy MacDonald and Jason Ford helped him put together. It featured footage of fighters, MMA personalities and even GG and Goze’s parents congratulating them on a successful 10 years with the show. I got to see Mike get some of the footage while I was in Vegas for the MMA Awards earlier this year. It took a lot of work and was an excellent gift.
Sam All Jam asked me if I would be able to do 10mins of stand-up if he got me the mic and I said yes, but then he came back and said that he was told there wouldn’t be time. We all ended up just standing around and shooting the shit for over an hour, so that left me a little puzzled, because there appeared to be plenty of time to kill.
Next was a surprise Goze had in store for us, which was a special visit to The Ultimate Fighter Gym. We hung out there for a while and got to see every part of the gym, which was a real treat for any hardcore fight fan/MMA Junkie. Definitely one of the highlights of the trip.
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We all went our separate ways following the visit to the TUF Gym. I went back to my room to get some rest for the evening ahead. The majority of the gang was going to the Purple Reign show, while some were going to a Jennifer Lopez concert and a couple of us to a “foodie” event at the Palazzo.
Duane Maness told me about the foodie event, called the Las Vegas Epicurean Affair. It’s a once a year event where 80 of the best chefs in Vegas serve up dishes.
I really wish this event was part of the Gathering, because it was definitely one of the highlights of my trip. Wish you guys could have enjoyed it with me. The food was amazing, and there was so much of it at every corner. The booze, too! All kinds of great, original cocktails everywhere. Including craft, draft beers, wine, gin, whiskey and pretty much anything your heart desired. I had a really great time and wish there were a group of Junkies there to enjoy it with me. I can’t imagine how much more fun it would have been.
The plan was to meet the rest of the Junkies for karaoke at Ellis Island later that night, but I had to check out of my room early the following morning, so I decided it was best to skip the karaoke and instead pack up and get a good night’s sleep.
Friday morning, I got ready to check out of my hotel early so I can get to the sportsbook ahead of time for the radio show. The plan was to present a framed Rick Budo t-shirt to Gorgeous George and Goze, for them to hang in their studio. (Copperheart, Billy MacDonald and Carla Duran collectively had the idea for it.) I did not want to miss this for the world. I had to make sure I was there for it.
The plan was to check out of my hotel and go check into my AirBnB, but I did not have time to do that. I checked out of my room and went straight to the studio, carrying my suitcase with me. When I got to the studio, Billy informed me that the plan had been canceled/changed because he was told by someone (Danny, if I recall correctly) that there wouldn’t be time for it. The new plan was to present it at lunch at Texas de Brazil.
By now I had realized that I left my suit hanging in the closet of the hotel room I just checked out of. I decided to go check into my AirBnB, go back to the hotel to grab my suit, take the suit back to my AirBnB, then head to Texas de Brazil to meet everyone for lunch and the presentation of the framed Budo shirt. But before I left the studio, I asked Billy to confirm that they were 100% for sure not going to be presenting it at the studio. He confirmed, and I left.
When I got to Texas de Brazil, first thing I did is find Billy to make sure they had not presented it. He told me that they in fact did end up up presenting it at the studio.
That hurt, because I really wanted to be there for it. I’m one of the few Junkies lucky enough to meet Budo. I had some really good times with him and he ended up being my best friend on the east coast. It meant a lot to me to be there during the presentation of the gift, and I was really bummed for missing it.
We had a great meal. I sat between Gus from Chicago and Jersey Mike, the Rookie of the Year. Afterwards, I caught a ride back to my hotel to get some rest before the wild night ahead.
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The Royal Rumble/10th Anniversary party was scheduled for 10 p.m. and I arrived at the sportsbook at around 9:45. George and Goze’s dad arrived after me; we both thought we were going to be late, but were surprised to find a gang of Junkies hangin’ outside the studio.
I was freshly shaved, suited up and was not wearing a hat, so I caught some Junkies off guard. “Gabe, is that you?!” Carla yelled out. Shaving my beard (along with suiting up) was my weird way of paying respects to GG, Goze and the show for the 10th anniversary.
After shooting the shit for a bit, we made our way to the 1923 Bourbon Bar, where the party was taking place. Everybody was there, except Sam the Chef, who got fully dressed for the party but decided to take a nap before leaving and ended up missing the whole thing.
Drink in hand, I made my way around the party, talking to old friends and getting to know new ones. Pretty soon, the “Royal Rumble” started and MMA personalities started joining the action, one after another. Duane Maness was sharing his box of cigars in the cigar room, with Junkies like Dante Morgan and Lerone “L-Train” Gainey taking part. (“L-Train” is the nickname I gave Lerone during this year’s Gathering. He didn’t like it at first, but he warmed up to it.)
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I had a good chat with comedian Richard Hunter, who invited me to be a guest on his Phone Booth Fighting podcast when he and Frank Mir come to Los Angeles for UFC 214 in July. I’m looking forward to that.
At one point, I left the Bourbon Bar with rookie Junkies Geoffrey and Kyle. Kyle was in search of miniature alcohol bottles, and thinking it was a good idea to get some, Geoffrey and I tagged along. Each casino shop we stopped at had their prices higher than we’d hoped, so after wasting half an hour, we called the mission a fail, tucked our tails and headed back to the party.
The drinks kept pouring and the fun kept going. Buffalo Blue started dancing and grinding with a random girl at the party. Her friend was sitting there, so I took her by the hand and started dancing with her. After a bit, she started grinding on my junk. I was completely flaccid (thanks, whiskey!) and she wasn’t changing that, so she got upset and went to sit back down.
Rookie Ryan from Sacramento asked me if I would smoke him out. Like a gentleman, I said of course. We left the party, went to the parking lot, had ourselves a smoke and headed right back. When we got back to the Bourbon Bar, we could not find the entrance. We were puzzled for a moment, but then I grabbed the wall and pulled a door right open. It was bizarre. Maybe you had to be there.
The party came to a close and the lot headed our separate ways. I went straight back to my room and crashed.
After striking out with ladies at the Bourbon Bar, I woke up Saturday morning and decided to get together with a Tinder match. She turned out to be a stripper who works at the Crazy Horse Gentlemen’s Club, so needless to say, I had quite a fun start to my Saturday; my last day in town.
I headed down to the Mandalay Bay sportsbook in the afternoon and met up with the crew before going up to Slice of Vegas for Trivia Night, which was the final 2017 MMA Junkie Gathering event I would personally be attending. (The official final event would be a Gabriel Iglesias/“Fluffy” comedy show that night, which I opted not to attend for several reasons, mainly because I needed to be packed, ready and rested for my early 7 a.m. flight.)
The Trivia was fun; my team consisted of Sam All Jam, DJ Zoo, BillyMac, L-Train, Spider Rico and four newbies whose names I don’t recall, mainly because this was the only event they attended all week. A couple of them left pretty early on, taking our team from nine people down to seven. Even with a disadvantage, we ended up in third place. I didn’t feel bad about losing, though, because I don’t think the winners received a prize. As far as I was concerned, we won!
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Sam All Jam reminded me that Sanchez still owes me 80 push-ups, so I called Mike to the center of the room, where he proceeded to give me my 10, as a crowd watched on and counted. He gave me 30 (of 100) this Gathering and owes me 70 more going into the next...
When the event wrapped up, I headed back to my AirBnB, got some sleep and then started packing. Once I was packed, I went to meet up with the Junkies at Centre Bar (or is it Center Bar?) in the Luxor, which was our late night headquarters. The majority of them had just gotten back from the Fluffy comedy show.
We had some drinks, and enjoyed each others company and conversation. One by one, those who were catching early flights said their goodbye’s and headed to their rooms. Eventually, it was my turn. I said goodbye to the few who were still left, who themselves were getting ready to leave. I went back to my AirBnB to grab my luggage, and from there, straight to the airport.
Another fun, instant-classic Junkie Gathering in the books. We can’t thank the Garcia brothers enough for what they have created. I surely look forward to seeing you all at the next one... And if you’re ever in L.A. or N.Y., don’t be afraid to hit up your Cousin Gabe!
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