#i love obsessing over every little detail of a show like this becuase then youre watching it and you ears perk up and your brain freaks out
nikki-rook · 1 year
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Not stupid. Human. - 6x14 / 7x19
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
Pls can i request a roommate matchup (i love this idea its so cute) i am an ENFP, my hogwarts house is Gryffindor. I typically kin with characters like Noya and Hinata cause i love the crackhead brother vibes! I am really into a lot of different animes but my favourites are HxH, HQ and Blue Exorcist! I currently study Geology at University which i loveeee. I also have a v bubbly personality that can go from 0-100 real quick sometimes. (1)
I{ am definitely NOT an early riser! If i have to be then it is what it is but if i have the choice no i am lying in. I actually can cook and really enjoy it, i also love having friends over a lot because i’m a sociable person (but i would always prewarn my flatmates etc) I have played sport all my life (field hockey i literally love it) and i’m a bigggg film buff!! I have really bad hayfever. My anime crush is Daichi👀 (2) }
Dear User
congratulations, we have found you a potenial roommate. We have throughly looked through your application and we hope you are happy with your results. Below this post are all the details about them. 
Yours Sincerely
The Accomodation Team 
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Name: Ennoshita Chikara 
Birthday: 26th December (Capricorn) 
Honey, this man has single handedly managed Tanaka and Noya for three straight years, nothing and I mean nothing can phase this man when it comes to your personality
He doesn’t mind your flamboyant personality at all, I feel that he is drawn to those kinda people, probably because of this insecurity of coming across too boring
If you are ever stressed, I feel like Ennoshita is just really good at calming you down, like he is a huge empath and will always have an ear to lend.
Anyway onto the more fun stuff
He is more of a into horror animes and if you haven’t seen it already would totally introduce shows like Tokyo Ghoul and The Promised Neverland, me scared ass could never
But you have introduced him to the world of Shouen, he is forever in your debt. Congratuations he is obsessed with Hunter x Hunter
Wants to make a film based of HxH whaaaat
You too would discuss all your favourite animes in great detail over dinner and talk about why exactly shouen protagonists always lack father figures and how shit their mental health must be
Would buy merch for the apartment too
Now baby is a bit clueless when it comes to geology, but he learns a lot as you passionately talk about it now
He likes to go to the beach and collect shells and put’s them around the place
He likes learning about the history too
You and ennoshita both bond over the fact you hate the mornings, he gives me night owl vibes and he doesn’t go to sleep until 3 in the morning
He needs coffee in the morning to function
I feel you are 100% better than him tho when it comes to waking up, so you usually have to rip the curtains open and clang some pots and pans to wake up this sleepy head
seeing his bed hair is worth the angry stares
Ennoshita will love the fact you can cook, he only knows really basic dishes ( I mean beans on toast basic)
He likes to chat about his day while you are cooking and he sometimes likes to help out too, your little sous chef
I feel ennoshita has a really diverse friend group and is open to meeting lots of new people so he doesn’t mind when your friends all come over
besides Tanaka and Noya are always crash ennoshita’s place becuase it’s really swanky
ennoshita never understands how they manage to get in  you gave them a spare key
yeah you, tanaka and noya become a chaotic squad
you also give them tips on how to flirt wiht girls and you are constantly feeding them all the time
they are little bit in love
anyway it has now become a house rule that the three of you are not allowed in the apartment alone, noya and tanaka probably broke something
so one night ennoshita is caught late at work/university/other and he calls Daichi to come over and babysit you three, kiss kiss fall in love
Let’s just now say that Daichi also crashes at Ennoshita’s place
ANYWAY, you too are both obsessed with films which is great
you try once a week to have a moive night, every alternate week you get to pick the movie. You also ranks the movies and give them full reviews
Depending on where your creative talents lie, Ennoshita 100% ropes you in to do some of his movies
You guys do have a blast
Your apartment is a little messy, ennoshita has a wall full of DVDs all in alphabetical order and you have all your shells and cookbooks lying about the place
Overall you have an Imaginative, empathetic but stern roomate
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Other Potential Matches: Tanaka Ryuunosuke and Yamaguchi Tadashi
Askbox if still open
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cocopeno · 5 years
Rant: Slasher Season 1
2/10 :: Do not recomend
I love horror. I love scary, I love suspense, I love terror-I have a weak stomach, but I appreciate gore and love it in the pricinple of how it works in cinema. I love good horror and I love cheesy, B movie grade horror, and foolish comedy parody humor, but what I don't love, is stupid horror. Horror so powefully cliched and dumb that it insults me for expecting more. Horror that makes me feel like I've just been slapped in the face for knowing how to read. So as I write this now, I am watching the first season finale of Netflixs "Slasher" horror seires, and I have to say, I do not love it. And, the first season I definetly did not love.
In fact, I hated it. I hate this finale, and I hated this show so much. I watched this whole 50 minute 8 episode season and I hate it. Here is a short essay style rant on why I think its bad and why you should too. (And spoilers. Obviously.)
1. Everyone is an idiot,
Ok so to start out, some context. In my opinion, the best part of horror movies is the relationship the victems/survivers have between the killer/monster/whatever. The killer wants to kill, the survivers want to survive, sounds simple right? Well what makes this dynamic so interesting is when power dynamics become shifted throught the movie. Example: The surviver gets a knife, the killer cuts the power, the surviver successfully hids, ect. Now whats even better is when these twists are surprising. Like when the killer is revealed to be someone completely unexpected, or a small detail from the begining turns out to be very important later on. However, everything relies on forethought, clever plot twists and smart planning to keep everything from being stale, or too cliched, like someone suddenly having a chainsaw while on a boat.
So, after watching the whole season, I can very safely say NOTHING SMART HAPPENED.
Every ploy that they made to act smart didnt have any actual logic behind it. Sarah returning to talk to her parents killer, for advice. W H Y. Why not the internet? Why not talk to other police officers than the two who either berate you or barely help you at all or maybe your journalist husband??? Nope?? Guess not??? Then there was all these dumb moments where the characters would just do things that were so stupid. Like why did Allison go to do the interview with no police contact? (Which we know didnt really matter) but it was just really.. dumb.
Like no one took the fact that A SERIAL KILLER WAS ACTUALLY KILLING PEOPLE. People would be terrified.
2. None of the grief is real.
The very first murder in the show is of sarah's parents. Sarah, as a child is then taken under the care of her gradmother, who acts as her mother. There is no realistic reaction of grief on sarahs part to losing the only parental figure she's ever known. It doesnt matter whether your 30, or 60 losing your mother changes your whole world. Sarah, looked at some pictures, was a little sad, then continued working normally and decided to pursue the killer on her on accord. Which, in itself also doesnt make a lot of sense becuase she's an artist. Not a police artist, not a once detective no retired artist, just an artist with obsession? Even that isnt really well portrayed because for the most part Sarah just looks like she's confused by life. Ok, getting sidetracked, the point is that they was a large lack of realistic emotion of loss and trauma. For all the victems families, like the fact that the grandma would just show up in the house without any kind of scene or moment about how she feels the show is just so shallow.
So, im just over this, imma start the second season.. But my expectations are very very low.
I wil say though.. the gore was pretty great.
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Here I am wide awake at 12:30 am all on my own, your laying on the other side of the bed snoring, I worry a lot, I stress a lot, but I try and stay head strong constantly for the both of us.. my minds all over the place tonight just thinking about everything, every little detail to my life, my friends my family and you! Am I doing my best, am I still giving every person in my life the attention and attitude they need from me... I’m trying I’m really trying... sometimes I just feel so defeated because I don’t know if I’m doing my best.. or if I can do better.. Even with (Prince) our cat am I showing him enough attention for god sake he’s just a cat but I know he has feelings to... I try so hard to do... and get things done, without complaining about it.. I don’t stop.. I keep my head up when I want to fall Becuase I know all these things I’m stressing over are small, they are bumps in the road map of life... everybody has days... some have more than one in a week... some have more than one in a year... and it’s okay nobody is perfect and I don’t expect myself to be but I do hold my capabilities to a a higher level... I don’t know where I’m going with this but I know.. that me staying up me not sleeping isn’t good either... I just want to feel appreciated... like I know I shouldn’t need valadation all the times and I’ve struggled with this same thing my whole life with everything I do, cause I don’t feel like I’ve ever made my parents proud of me for anything. I don’t think 🤔 but I’m sure I have made them proud at some point in my life.. but I don’t know when 🤷🏻‍♀️ my sisters and I are different they are head strong people, while I am not. Though i try and be, I struggle with my emotions so much, I struggle with how I feel, constantly... because I feel every single thing.. God made me this way and I tend to compare myself to my sisters a lot, why can’t I be more blunt, why do I let people walk all over me like a door mat, why don’t I take up for myself like they do... there are many different things but my brain makes me obsessed with validation I need approval that I’m doing good, from those I love.. and maybe because most of my memories of growing up was being bullied through out school from not only other kids but the teachers too, my mom always had 504 meetings once a year over me because I couldn’t read or my testing scores weren’t the best... Ive just never felt like I do my best... but I try.. and I hope someone notices because I really try. I still have no idea how I ever made it out of highschool... I don’t know a lot of things but what I do know is who I love and who my best friends are, punk you are my life my soul and everything I could ever want in someone I love.... and my best friend Rialda is everything you could ever want in a best friend she and i live very different worlds. But some how they always stay together.. and I’m grateful for that cause she keeps me level headed... she’s always been there. My life would be different if it wasn’t for her... I may never met you if she hadn’t always been there... she’s seen me fall apart may of times... she’s watched me love the wrong people, she’s just always been there. No matter how much I can annoy the hell out of her with the way I am.. I’m thankful for her... I don’t know this post is so scrambled but I’ve been told writing down how I feel is a good thing for me.. it helps me cope... it helps me deal with stress... or just my mental health. So to whoever reads this I’m sorry it’s all over the place... but this is my way of just talking when I have nobody I feel I can talk to.
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