#i love pc creek so much they are so married and happy actually
fuck-onionboy · 5 years
where to begin?
i really dont know where to begin, so let’s begin with onision’s earliest interactions with women, the following are excerpts from lifeofonion.com because they seem to have the most comprehensive knowledge of greg’s pre-skye life:
Childhood Girls Greg dated and/or had crushes on in Elementary School.
He says Aubry was the first girl he ever dated and the first girl he ever thought he loved. They dated in the 2nd grade. Greg says one day a boy named Phillip said Aubry was his girlfriend and told Greg to get away from her. He said other "nasty things", so Greg asked Aubry if she minded watching him beat Phillip. She said she did not, so he turned around and "began swinging as hard and fast as I could..." Phillip grabbed Greg's long hair and flipped him. Greg says he landed on the ground and Phillip "managed to land quite a few punches." The fight was broken up and Greg says Phillip cried and Greg smiled. Greg says he and Phillip were "ok" after the fight, but Phillip passed away two years later.
He says he and Aubry never talked after the incident.
Alana Greg says he had a crush on Alana in elementary school. He says she always had surgeries on her arm and felt bad for her.
Amber Greg says he fell for Amber in the 4th grade and she was the most beautiful girl he met up until that point. He says he spoke to her on occasion, but in 2005 he said he lost track of her.
[Unknown Name] In the 4th grade, he asked a girl out that looked like Winona Ryder with a letter. She ended up dumping with with a letter.
This could be Amber (above).
Pre-teen Girls Greg dated and/or had crushes on when he was 10 to 12 years old.
Lindsey Greg says Lindsey asked him out when he was in the 5th grade. He didn't understand what she meant and asked, "which movie?" She later broke up with him from a line he believes she got from the WB. He says it was all a "sham", but he thought she was funny at the time.
Julia Julia was Greg's first kiss. He also had his first sexual experience with her. Greg was 11 and Julia was 15. This would have been in 1997. Greg spoke about his experiences with Julia several times over the years. In 2018, Greg named and modeled a character in his 3rd book, Reaper's Creek, after Julia and wrote about their sexual experiences. This caused some controversy due to their ages.In 2019, Greg bought a love doll to sell nude photos and videos of and named her Julia Love.
Crystal Greg says he dated Crystal in the 6th grade. He says she looked like Zooey Deschanel, "except she was Mexican". She dumped him because she thought he had blue eyes, when he really had green eyes.
Teen Girls Greg dated and/or had crushes on when he was a teenager
Monica Greg says he asked out Monica in the 7th grade. He says "she basically looked like Jennifer Love Hewitt with braces." They dated for two weeks. She dumped him because her friend did not like him.
Greg says they dated when he was 15-years-old. He says he groped Sharnell's boob, then broke up with her.
Jennifer Greg had a crush on Jennifer when he was 15. Jennifer is Michael's sister. They attended Greg's father's church. Greg says she was hyper and loved to run. Greg says he had his eyes on Jennifer for a while. He loved her high energy and he thought she was fun. He also notes that he liked that she was inexperienced with boys because he likes "teaching people about everything".
Greg confessed his feelings for her in a letter, but she called him and told him she did not think of him the same way. Greg continued to see her for a while whenever he would visit his father.
Ashley Greg says he met Ashley in his high school Earth Club. They spoke on and off for three years. Eventually they began watching movies together in each other's arms. The relationship came to an end when Greg invented his religion, Sicesca, and they had a huge fight over it. Ashley told Greg she never wanted to speak to him again and he laughed about it.
Unknown Age Greg did not specify when he dated these girls.
Greg says he broke up with Danielle because "she kissed me like a garden hose." Greg says years after they dated, she called him to brag about how large her breasts got. Keesha Greg says he thought that Keesha was "literally, psychotically in love with me... like... horror film "in-love"." He says everything she owned had his name on it and "every other word she spoke was one directed towards me, about me..." He says he broke up with her because she hit on him too much. He tied to tell her he preferred smiling as flirting, but she did not understand.
They were friends, but ended up dating. He said it was weird and when they kissed, he didn't feel anything. They broke up after only dating four days.
In 2005, while talking about their short relationship, Greg says, "she's quite fantastic, she has a wonderful laugh, beautiful eyes, smile.. she just makes me feel comfortable..." They possibly could have still been friends at that point as he kept in contact with many of his exes at that time.
and now we move onto the skye era, which my main source will be lifeofonion still but also skye and shiloh’s testimonies about their relationship. 
skye and greg met in 2001 in their computer class, but didn’t start talking until 2003, and by 2005 they were married and greg was enlisted in the us air force (usaf)
“Skye and her sister, "Netunesa", participated in many of Greg's early websites and videos. For example, they began working on a video series on January 2, 2005 titled Odd Dolls. This was described on their site as dolls doing "hilarious/nasty things to one another.. these things involved such acts as, murder, arson, PDA, swearing, and various other non-PC actions." They made about 24 episodes. Greg said he broke up with Skye for the first time because she was depressed and he told her he could never make her happy. They because friends. In January 2005, Greg signed up for the United States Air Force. A few months later, in March 2005, someone who is believed to be Skye's mother told her to "be careful around Greg" because of his anger. Greg confronts this person through email and explains that he argues with Skye to "teach her something." The next day, Greg sent Skye what seems to be an email talking about a separation between them. He forwarded the email to his ex Tanya and asked her opinion. He then sent his ex another email, seemingly trying to win her back. Two months after the incident, on May 28, 2005, Greg and Skye became engaged. Greg stated, before their marriage he asked Skye to sign a prenup and she cried. Greg now uses this incident as evidence of his claim that Skye put on "water works" because she was interested in his money.”
greg and skye married in august of 2005 and for the first few years of their marriage they moved around a lot due to greg’s military job.
“On January 24th, 2007 Greg wrote a long blog post explaining why he made the decision for he and Skye to stop hanging out with friends and only hang out with each other and family. He explains he chose Skye to be with him for the rest of his life and having friends does not improve it and makes him suffer. Three days later, on January 27th, 2007, two mutual friends of Greg and Skye tried to separate them because the friends believed Greg was bad for Skye. Greg replied to this on his blog and told the friends that they are in-fact the ones that are bad for Skye because they can't look past his personality and they don't know he tells Skye he loves her every day.”
this is clearly the beginning of greg’s isolation and abuse patterns which he continued with shiloh, and continues with kai.
“In a 2008 blog post, Greg reveals his worst nightmare is not about monsters, but of his his wife leaving him or vice versa. This is something he would again say about his [husband], [Kai], in 2016. During his marriage to Skye, Greg would publicly express never wanting to have children. He said it would be selfish to have children due to overpopulation. (this was a speaks video) Years after the marriage (and after becoming a father), Greg said it was Skye who didn't want children and that's why he would say that. Greg revealed a couple of their marriage agreements in a 2010 video titled "Lover's Pact". One is an "honesty pact", to never lie or keep secrets from each other. The other agreement is a "health pact", to stay skinny. He states it would be selfish for one of them to gain weight and not take into consideration the other person's sexual needs. He says it would be hard for them to maintain attraction for the other when they are "intentionally, consciously letting themselves go". Greg spoke more about his marriage to Skye on his OnisionSpeaks channel and would give viewers advice about how to have a successful marriage like theirs. It is believed most of these videos were removed from his channel after the divorce.During the entirety of the marriage, Greg would often talk about he and Skye's relationship fondly online. Even as late as 2010 (the year he divorced her), when Greg was asked "At what point did you realize that Skye was the one you wanted to spend your life with???" he responded "When I realized her morals and interests were almost identical to mine… and that she loved me more than any girl I ever met… even when I’m being annoying or rude… she loves me… as I do her." Now, Greg says he only saw Skye as a friend and describes the marriage as "friends with benefits" or "bros hanging out". He says he was actually in love with his ex Shiree and only married Skye to receive military benefits, such as living off base and not having to live in the dorms. He says he and Skye would watch anime, play video games, and make love, but the making love stopped at the end of the relationship.“
so the patterns of abuse and control continue with the “health pacts.”
“Greg created his Onision YouTube on January 29, 2006. Greg was discharged from the United States Air Force in January 2009. He and Skye lived with Greg's mother for 8 months while they were finding a house. According to Greg, there was an [incident] where Skye was crying and his mother laughed and screamed in her face. He says this was because Skye didn't want help out around the house. After the military, Greg began to seriously pursue a YouTube career. Skye worked out of the house and supported both of them while Greg stayed home and worked on building his YouTube career. When his channel became successful enough to financially support them both, he asked her to quit her job and work for the YouTube channel with him full time. Skye would often act in the Onision Channel skits and appeared in his first viral hit, Banana Song. She would also make appearances in some OnisionSpeaks videos, usually messing around in the background or sitting next to him. Skye also designed some Onision shirts for Greg. Skye was adored by virtually all of Greg's fan base at the time.Skye joined YouTube on February 9, 2008 with her own channel, Tantaga (channel now removed), where she uploaded comedy and blooper videos. The last recorded number of subscribers on the Tantaga channel before its deletion was 13,164. At some point, it seems Skye lost interest in YouTube and would not work with Greg on videos anymore. He says she would lay on the couch all day and watch anime or look at pictures of flowers and dresses on her laptop. Skye later revealed she was suffering from depression. Toward the end of their marriage, the Onision channel became hugely successful. The channel had reached the Top 100 Most Subscribed YouTubers list by 2010.“
so greg was beginning to take off, but his and skye’s relationship was far from perfect, and skye was depressed, probably due to the isolation from her friends and most likely family, and they “divorced” on christmas eve 2010
“On December 24, 2010 Greg announced through his Facebook fanpage that he and Skye had been separated since December 17th. That same day, he uploaded "Greg & Skye Divorced", where he says he and Skye decided to get a divorce because they are not compatible and many other reasons. He says they are still friends and he still loves her. He says he and Skye will still be living together for a while. He says he moved on because he couldn't do it anymore and he hopes she moves on too. He tells his fans to be kind to her and show support because she deserves respect. Many fans were hoping it was a joke, but soon found out it wasn't. As the news spread, it brought mixed emotions to Greg and Skye's fanbase. Most were saddened by the news and some even went as far to say they felt like their own parents were getting a divorce. This news came seemingly out of nowhere to fans, as Greg and Skye seemed to be keeping up the same energy and emotions into their videos as when they first started. Some fans even contacted Greg to tell him he was making a mistake by divorcing Skye. Greg replies in the video "Onision's Divorce Was A Mistake?" saying these fans are ignorant and he did not have a perfect marriage. He says it was sad and draining. On December 25, Greg uploaded the skit video "Demon Possessed Girl" to his main channel. The video featured him, Skye and Cyr. It was the last skit Greg uploaded with Skye. At the end of the skit he asked fans to show Skye love, she could use it due to recent hardships. During this time Greg had his friend Cyr staying at their house. Sometime after Skye had moved out of the home, Greg uploaded the video "She Betrayed Me". In the video he walks around his house as he lists items Skye and her sister have taken from the home. He heavily implies she stole over $2,000 of his items from his home when he was not there. He says he wished she had told him she was going to take items from the home beforehand and that he was still willing the follow the "agreement" they had over living arrangements and monthly payments. Text appears under him, revealing the details. "I agreed to either cover her bills in my home for 2 years, or pay her $1,000 a month for a year outside my home" Greg has since deleted the video. After uploading this video, he uploaded another video showing surveillance footage of Skye and her sister removing items through his front porch. In the video he says he will take legal action. This video has also been deleted.After Skye began receiving harassment due to Greg's videos, he uploaded "Please Leave Skye Alone", where he asked fans to stop leaving hate comments on her channel. Skye says the divorce was sudden and came out of nowhere. Greg states he threatened her with divorce for the first time in June 2010 over an argument about their possessions. He has also stated he asked for one in October and regrets not following through with it at that time. There are two main reasons Greg states as to why he divorced his first wife. One reason is that he was upset that Skye "felt entitled to 50% of his assets". He says he made it clear their relationship was not about material items. He says despite marriage being an asset split in the eyes of the law, he believed they had an agreement that "everything she acquired in her life was hers, and he in his". He says when she wanted their possessions to be split, she was showing greed and he wanted out. The other reason Greg says he divorced Skye was because she "just sat around and browsed the web". He says she began to have problems with motivation and would quit making videos with him in the middle of filming. He also says she once had a "melt down" in-front of him and his mom for no reason.”
so this is where things start to get legally sketchy, he writes HIS OWN DIVORCE AGREEMENT, and follows skye around the house screaming at her to sign it. so it wasn’t legal to begin with because it wasn’t notarized, or written by an actual lawyer, or an actual legal contract in any way, shape, or form, but then he makes skye sign it under duress, making it doubly invalid
“When talking or blogging about his ex-wife, Skye, Greg often posts the divorce contract he created. The contract is dated December 22, 2010. In the contract Greg states that he would let Skye continue to live in his house rent free until December 22, 2011, 1 year. If she moves out, he states he would pay her $1,000 a month. The contract also states, when Skye signs the papers, she forfeits all home ownership rights to Greg. Greg often brings up this contract to prove that Skye ignored her signed agreement to him. He says when she and her sister took items from him home, she stole the signed agreement, although he had already made copies. He says in the end, that made no difference. According to Greg, Skye declined the offer to continue living with him because she was still in love with him and being around him would be too painful for her. (It's worth noting Greg was planning on starting his relationship with Shiloh during this time and shortly after separating from Skye he began living with Shiloh.)According to Skye, after Greg wrote up the contract he demanded her to sign it. "He would proceed to follow me around the house for hours at a time screaming at me that if I really loved him, I would sign the paperwork, Eventually after the endless onslaught, I gave in as my spirit was quite broken." Skye says due Greg forcing her to sign the contract and the fact that it was not proper or notarized, the court determined the contract was null. Skye [pursued] Greg legally for alimony payments. For years Greg has said Skye stole from him by lying about how much money of the Onision business she was entitled to. He says he got scared and settled without stepping into a courthouse.”
this is everything up to the skye era as described by outside sources, my next post will be skye’s testimony of their relationship (if i can find it), if not my next post will be the beginning of the shiloh era.
im sorry this was so fucking long but if you actually read the whole thing sauce me a follow? this is going to be an ongoing project but i just started and appreciate any exposure i can get
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aliens-and-plumbobs · 6 years
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I thought it’d be cool to share the list of questions I work from when I’m developing characters for my screenplays irl. I adapted the questions for sims and I hope someone finds them useful. also u can tag ur friends to do this if u want but I cba.
SIM OC QUESTIONS (50) by: cassgoths
sim’s name: Nora Penelope Martons
how old is your sim? Young adult but I’d say she’s around 38.
when is your sim’s birthday? She was born in the fall.
what is your sim’s zodiac sign? I imagine she’d be a Virgo.
what is your sim’s ethnicity? Her grandfather was half black and half white, Her grandmother was a super light-skinned red-headed girl, So she’s about 10% Black and the rest is a mix of whatever her other grandparents were lol.
does your sim have any nicknames? Her mom called her Nory when she was little.
do they have a job? if so what is it? Scientist of course, specifically Pioneer of New Technologies. She dreams of becoming the Extraterrestrial Explorer. She’s getting close lol
where does your sim live? Willow Creek! Her mom used to live in Brindleton Bay when she was younger but she wanted a place completely new. The family has just loved it and never had a desire to move.
who does your sim live with? Her mother, Destiney Martons and Gen 1 Heir. Her husband, Devon Martons Her eldest child, Diana Martons, named after her grandmother. Her twin boys Dekker and Deion And the youngest Dorian. And of course we can’t forget their adorable French Bulldog Bean. ♥
what environment did your sims grow up in? (i.e strict, loving, cold etc.) She grew up in a very loving environment. Her parents were a little more traditional but they tried to let their kids thrive as much as possible.
what are your sim’s favourite foods? Veggies, fruit, and TOFU. She is strictly vegetarian and won’t let you forget it. For moral reasons of course, but she can not forget what she learned about meat from science class.
what is your sim’s favourite drink? She’s not a huge drinker but give her a Juice on the Rocks and she’ll be happy.
if they have one what is your sim’s favourite colour? Lighter blue and yellow, ALWAYS. You can’t escape them.
does your sim believe in any cliches? (i.e love at first sight) No, she’s very much a woman of science. She’d love to believe in those things but she just has too much of a logical brain. She does love her husband and family very much.
what is your sim’s sexuality? She is straight, although she had a small crush on her best friend Scarlet that lasted like 3 minutes when they were teens. Scarlet’s very charming though haha.
what is your sim’s gender identity? She identifies as a cis woman. But she’s supportive of all people. She actually helped her sister Sebrina come out to their mom that she was transgender. She has always been this way. ♥
is your sim type a or type b? Definitely A, shes ALWAYS working (and she loves it)
is your sim introverted or extroverted? Shes more of an Ambivert. She likes being social but she definitely enjoys her alone time too.
is your sim neurotypical or neurodivergent? Neurotypical
is your sim a pet person? if so what is their favourite animal? She definitely is a pet person, just more of a single pet person than multiple like her mom. She also likes fish, bugs, and frogs but those are mostly for science lol
does your sim have a best friend? Yes her name is Scarlet Goth, daughter of Cassandra Goth (who happens to be her mom’s best friend)
what is (/was) your sim’s favourite school subject? Obviously science. Couldn’t keep her away if they wanted to
is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? High achiever, 1000% She had the best grades throughout all of her school days.
are they planning to go or have they already been to college? if so, what would be or what was their major? They haven’t been to college but if there was any near them she totally would have. Being the heir of a legacy has certain restrictions and responsibilities she couldn’t keep from.
what are your sims political beliefs? (if they have them) She’d definitely be a libral. Equality is very important to her.
what is one thing your sims wants to do before they die? Visit an alien planet. She has been abducted 3 times now and only has very vague memories of each time but one day she wants to go to their planet.
does your sim have a favourite tv show (cable) and/or movie? She’s not much of a TV viewer actually. She’d rather collect things.
is your sim a netflix viewer? if so what are their top 3 shows. IF she was she’d be watching documentaries or shows like Ancient Aliens or something like that. Haha
does your sim like books? if so what’s their favourite one? Sciene Science Science. She also read a lot of her grandmother’s books.
does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favourite one and do they play on pc or console? YES she has been obsessed with video games since she could play them. But honestly she plays them all.
what is your sim’s personal style? Mom???
does your sim have a lucky charm? She carries crystals in her pockets because she believes in their mystical properties. (And that they are absolutely backed up by science not magic) lol
is your sim religious? She believe’s there’s a Watcher of some sort. If Aliens can exist, why can’t that? But I wouldnt call her religious.
what kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favourite artist? She sort of listens to anything, no preferences really. Shes usually too busy working to care.
is your sim a festive person? if so what’s their favourite holiday? Spooky day is her favorite but she feels a bit of responsibility to make sure her home is always open to partying with the whole family on holidays.
what is your sim’s favourite type of weather? RAIN
does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? She prefers to avoid them completely, or stop them if its her kids fighting lol
does your sim have a dream job? Extraterrestrial Explorer, as stated before. :D
does your sim have any siblings? She’s the oldest Then Sebrina was born Then Harlow And finally the youngest and only brother, Vander.
does your sim get along with their family? She’s had it rough with Diana being rebellious but mostly yes.
what is your sims favourite hobby? Collecting everything Bugs, Rocks, Fossils, Elements, MySims, Crystals, Snow globes. You name it, she has it
what does your sim look for in a romantic partner? Someone who doesnt mind she’s a workaholic, and also someone who was willing to wait for her to get married because she didnt want to right away.
what is a secret about your sim? She wants one more baby, but she doesnt know if she should have one so late in life.
what is a wish your sim has? She wants another daughter
what is a flaw your sim has? I personally think shes too hard on Diana, she has high expectations and focuses on that instead of letting her be a kid while she still can.
how do others generally perceive your sim? They would never think of her as a family person judging by her line of work but she really is.
Does your sim have a greatest achievement? If so what is it? Being abducted by aliens probably.
If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Not getting her dad to Selvadorada before he passed away. She really wanted him to see it one last time.
does your sim have a favourite emoji? 👾🤓
does your sim use simstagram? if so what’s their @? @Martons_Legacy Her mom used to run it but she’s taking over. (Soon)
what is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)?
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tamtam-go92 · 6 years
Pleasantview +25 years recap
Pleasantview +25 years is my attempt at joining all my favorite families through out the franchise in one save. I've spent about four days in creating over 45 families that populate all of the worlds I have in The Sims 4. And when I say I created them, I actually mean I downloaded them from the gallery. =//) I'm not particularly good at creating Sims... Willow Creek are only Pleasantview Sims, Oasis Springs are mostly Strangetown Sims, Newcrest are mostly rich Sims from all the games, San Myshuno is everyone I didn't know where to locate them, mostly single Sims, and Banacle Bay are the creative and LGBT Sims. I also really need to thank @homijoh for sharing her rule set with us some time ago. I loved it and I'm using it for this rotational game play. For more information (I warn you, A LOT of Information since I tell a thing or two about every family) look behind the cut!
Willow Creek:
Broke I Household: Brandi, Beau and Skip Junior – Brandi never remarried and did an okay job at raising three boys on her own.
Broke II Household: Dustin, Angela, Susan, Mitch, Melinda, Brad – Dustin had got Angela pregnant as a teen and from that day on, their relationship went downhill. Why they are still together? Probably because of their four children.
Burb Household: John, Jennifer, Michael – Michael is the recreation of a son the Burbs had once in my game. Never forgot him =)
Dreamer Household: Dirk, Lilith, Hugo, Irmi – Hugo and Irmi are twins and their parent's whole proud.
Dreamer-Goth Household: Darren, Cassandra, Manuel, Daniela, Dorothee – After a bad divorce from Don Lothario, Cassandra found true love in Darren Dreamer and they had two girls. Darren took her son with Don in, like his own flesh.
Goth Household: Alexander, Lucy, Agatha – Alex and Lucy are too buzy with their career to care for their only daughter Agatha.
Goth-Caliente Household: Dina, Nina, Simon, Enrique – Dina inherited Goth Manor from her decreased husband Mortimer and took her sister and nephew in.
Langerak-Pleasant Household: Daniel, Kaylynn, Trina, Zelda – After leaving Mary-Sue for the Maid, Daniel wouldn't have thought to ever hear teenage girls fight again, yet here he is!
Lothario Household: Don, Bianca – Don was a d*ck to women and here he is, estranged from his two sons. After an abduction by aliens and the birth of his daughter Bianca Don suddenly saw clear regarding his sexuality.
Oldie Household: Mary-Sue is divorced and moved back in with her parents. Since 25 years she's bickering with her elderly mother.
Oasis Springs:
Beaker Household: Loki, Circe, Atom, Ceres – With his clone children Loki could save Circe from a pregnancy and yet have his perfect family!
Curious Household: Pascal, Vidcund, Lazlo, Crystal, Tycho, Techna, Erik, Marie – Crystal has no idea how she managed to live with her brothers in law and their strange kids for over 20 years.
Grunt Household: Ripp, Buck, Jill, Ralf – People say the older sibling should be responsible for the younger siblings. Tell that Ripp Grunt...
Landgraab Household: Nancy, Geoffrey, Malcolm – Just the normal Sims 4 Landgraab family.
Loner Household: Ajay, Erin, Vincent, Linus – Ajay married Erin Beaker and had two boys with her.
Roomies Household: Zoe, Mitchel, J, Gavin – Just the normal Sims 4 Roomies household.
Smith Household: Johnny, Ophelia, Sally, Ginny, Ben, Dora – The only problem of this family is, which of the girls should share their room with their baby sister.
Zugovich Household: A family introduced in the Sims pet stories. Just a little gag to add some fresh blood.
Alto Household: Holly II, Don, Trenton – My interpretation is, that the Holly Alto from DS is the daughter of the Holly Alto from The Sims 3. Trenton is a Sim from Lunar Lakes.
Capp Household: Juliette, Romeo, Cleo, Linea – Juliette married her big love, she had her happy ending with her Romeo.
Jacquet Household: Gilbert, Florence, Sébastian – I never really shipped those two, but I wanted to include both.
Summerdream Household: Bottom, Hal, Fiona – Hal and Bottom usually end up together in my game and make a decent couple.
Worthington Household: Frances J- III, Joyce, Frances J. IV – Frances has his trophy wife and a beautiful daughter to keep the name alive.
San Myshuno:
Bunch Household: Mary – Mary is a descendant of the Sunset Valley Bunches.
Elson Household: Craig II – Craig is named after his great-grandfather from Starlight Shores.
Fair-weather Friends Household: Keiko, Mateo, Anthony, Holly – Just the household form the gallery.
Gieke Household: Chester, Testee – Chester lives a life in retreat with his alien daughter.
Inkbeard Household: Opal, Jane – Opal is a descendant of the Barnacle Bay Inkbeard family and Jane is her wife.
Karaoke Legends Household: Miko, Darling, Akira – Just the normal Karaoke Legends Household from The Sims 4.
Newon Household: Garrett – Garrett Newson looked for a life in solitude after growing up in a crowded place.
Pancakes Household: Bob, Eliza, Igga – The Sims 4 Pancakes family with their gallery son Iggy just moved to San Myshuno.
Patel Household: Ramir, Ana, Louis, Maya, Mali, Kirian – The Patels form Belladonna Cove with their four children. They aren't related with Zoe Patel from Oasis Springs.
Sekemoto Household: Cecila, Len – Cecilia is the grand-daughter of Sam Sekemoto. I created her a long time ago in the Sims 2 and there she became Alexander Goth's wife (his wife in the DS version is called Cecilia. But now she's only the mother of Len Sekemoto, a Sim from Lunar Lakes.
Sims Household: John – Your average white guy next door and son of the tutorial Sims.
Tricou Household: Orion – Always a loner Orion lives in an almost empty penthouse.
Vatore Household: Caleb, Lilith – The Vatore family from Forgotten Hollow. I don't have Vampires, so they are just some ordinary Gothics.
Xio Household: Tian – He's from Shang Simala and just recently moved to San Myshuno.
Yuan Household: Kien – After a successful career as a k-pop icon, Kien retired in San Myshuno.
Brindleton Bay:
Climate Household: Arthur, Janine, Summer, Nicolas – Just the normal Climate family from the gallery.
Delgato Household: Supriya, Justin, Pierce, Evie – Just the normal Sims 4 Delgato family.
GilsCarbo Household: Goopy, Alice, Celeste – Everybody's favorite townie with his Sims 3 family.
Hecking Household: Just the ordinary Sims 4 Hecking family.
Lynx Household: Just the ordinary Sims 4 Lynx family.
Monty Household: Mercutio, Tybalt – After their hate turned into love, those two ran away together and now own a huge mansion in Brindleton Bay.
Ottomas Household: David – After growing up with much to many siblings, all David wanted to be was alone.
Una Household: Natasha, Joana – Nobody ever knew who Joana's father was. It's totally wasn't obvious!
I haven’t played much until now, only about 36 hours with the Broke I household. I suspect it to be a bit buggy with SO many sims (it’s already 147) but I hope my PC can handle it. I’m really excited to play this!
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sedatedwildflower · 7 years
200 things you can put in my ask 200: My crush’s name is: Marissa
199: I was born in: Texas 
198: I am really: irritated
197: My cellphone company is: at&t
196: My eye color is: brown
195: My shoe size is: 9
194: My ring size is: 9
193: My height is: 5'4
192: I am allergic to: wheat, cats, morphine
191: My 1st car was: Chevy Malibu
190: My 1st job was: Belleria 
189: Last book you read: You Are A Badass
188: My bed is: my home
187: My pet: Cleveland & Cocoa! ❤️
186: My best friend: I have a few 
185: My favorite shampoo is: Treśemme or Hempz 
184: Xbox or ps3: I don't play
183: Piggy banks are: ceramic
182: In my pockets: I don't have pockets
181: On my calendar: Nothing atm
180: Marriage is: 50/50
179: Spongebob can: live in a pineapple under the sea
178: My mom: The most perfect human on the planet 
177: The last three songs I bought were? I couldn't tell you the last time I bought a song
176: Last YouTube video watched: Hm, I think it was ASAP Ferg's "Persian Wine"
175: How many cousins do you have? Too many to count 
174: Do you have any siblings? A brother 
173: Are your parents divorced? Never married but they're not together either 
172: Are you taller than your mom? Not by a lot
171: Do you play an instrument? Nope
170: What did you do yesterday? Went to the doctor [ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: I do
168: Luck: Sometimes
167: Fate: Depends
166: Yourself: Not really
165: Aliens: Never put much thought into it
164: Heaven: yes
163: Hell: yes
162: God: yes
161: Horoscopes: some can be very accurate but not always 
160: Soul mates: mhm
159: Ghosts: yes
158: Gay Marriage: absolutely
157: War: shouldn't even be a thing 
156: Orbs: I believe some people have the gift
155: Magic: That's debatable [ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: From who? 
153: Drunk or High: High
152: Phone or Online: Phone
151: Red heads or Black haired: black haired
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes of course 
149: Hot or cold: happy medium
148: Summer or winter: summer 
147: Autumn or Spring: autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 
145: Night or Day: day
144: Oranges or Apples: apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: straight 
142: McDonalds or Burger King: Mickey D's
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk
140: Mac or PC: Mac
139: Flip flops or high heels: my heart says high heels but my feet say flip flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 
137: Coke or Pepsi: coke
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: Buried or cremated: nah
134: Singing or Dancing: dancing 
133: Coach or Chanel: neither 
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat
131: Small town or Big city: Don't like the city 
130: Wal-Mart or Target: BOTH
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler
128: Manicure or Pedicure: pedicure 
127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: my birthday 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney
123: Yankees or Red Sox: don't think I'm qualified to answer that [ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: all of it can go away
121: George Bush: you put us in the dog house 
120: Gay Marriage: they deserved that right a long time ago 
119: The presidential election: is now a joke 
118: Abortion: I suppose that depends on the situation 
117: MySpace: use to be lit 
116: Reality TV: hate it 
115: Parents: should protect their children
114: Back stabbers: bye
113: Ebay: amazon
112: Facebook: you got my vote 
111: Work: is a part of life 
110: My Neighbors: don't wanna talk to people
109: Gas Prices: can gas be like 1.75 please 
108: Designer Clothes: I fuck w/ tommy hilfiger & calvin klein 
107: College: meh
106: Sports: I like baseball
105: My family: my team
104: The future: scares me [ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: earlier tonight 
102: Last time you ate: I had a popsicle about 20 mins ago 
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: last week
100: Cried in front of someone: today
99: Went to a movie theater: I honestly couldn't tell you 
98: Took a vacation: maybe when I was 16
97: Swam in a pool: last summer 
96: Changed a diaper: it's been a while 
95: Got my nails done: like 2 years ago for my birthday
94: Went to a wedding: don't remember 
93: Broke a bone: I don't lift a finger enough to do so 
92: Got a peircing: when I was 18
91: Broke the law: pretty solid on not doing that 
90: Texted: now [ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: Mandy
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: seeing my mom everyday
87: The last movie I saw: House of Bodies
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: visiting the wolf creek habitat this summer 
85: The thing im not looking forward to: waking up at 6 on Monday 
84: People call me: juju
83: The most difficult thing to do is: not care
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: like 3 times 
81: My zodiac sign is: cancer 
80: The first person i talked to today was: my dog
79: First time you had a crush: when I was 5
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Mandy
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I don't remember 
76: Right now I am talking to: Cheyenne & Mandy
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully be a photographer 
74: I have/will get a job: what
73: Tomorrow: is Friday 
72: Today: is Thursday 
71: Next Summer: I'll be 23
70: Next Weekend: who knows 
69: I have these pets: 2 doggos
68: The worst sound in the world: a screaming child 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: don't get that list started 
66: People that make you happy: my friends & my family
65: Last time I cried: today 
64: My friends are: literally the best 
63: My computer is: used for Netflix 
62: My School: is non existent cause I don't attend 
61: My Car: is snazzy for my age 
60: I lose all respect for people who: never thought about it 
59: The movie I cried at was: the game plan
58: Your hair color is: dark brown 
57: TV shows you watch: mostly criminal minds & its always sunny 
56: Favorite web site: Netflix ❤️
55: Your dream vacation: Bora Bora
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: that's personal. 
53: How do you like your steak cooked: well done but not burnt ☝🏼
52: My room is: a hot mess 
51: My favorite celebrity is: Matthew Gray Gubler
50: Where would you like to be: anywhere but here 
49: Do you want children: yes
48: Ever been in love: I don't know anymore 
47: Who’s your best friend: ultimately it's my dogs 
46: More guy friends or girl friends: definitely girls 
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: water 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Mandy
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: kinda 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no
41: Have you pre-named your children: can't say that I have 
40: Last person I got mad at: TJ
39: I would like to move to: I'm okay here 
38: I wish I was a professional: photographer [ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: snickers 
36: Vehicle: the Cruze which I happily own
35: President: Obama
34: State visited: Florida or Texas 
33: Cellphone provider: Verizon 
32: Athlete: I'll just go with Venus Williams
31: Actor: Evan Peters
30: Actress: Jennifer Aniston 
29: Singer: (rapper) Kendrick Lamar
28: Band: Mayday Parade or Nirvana
27: Clothing store: marshall's 
26: Grocery store: Walmart 
25: TV show: it's always sunny 
24: Movie: I was thinking about this earlier and I don't think I have one 
23: Website: google is a savior 
22: Animal: wolves
21: Theme park: I don't do rides 
20: Holiday: Halloween
19: Sport to watch: baseball or basketball 
18: Sport to play: lol
17: Magazine: does the ulta catalog count?
16: Book: anything Jen Sincero
15: Day of the week: Tuesday 
14: Beach: I dislike sand 
13: Concert attended: 10 year reunion tour A Lesson in Romantics Mayday Parade
12: Thing to cook: chicken, noodles or breakfast 
11: Food: cheeseburgers 
10: Restaurant: Chili's
9: Radio station: aux cord pls
8: Yankee candle scent: cafe el fresco
7: Perfume: Clinique happy 
6: Flower: tiger lily 
5: Color: teal 
4: Talk show host: jimmy fallon 
3: Comedian: Dane Cook
2: Dog breed: corgi
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? I actually did
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