#i love photographing ocs i only saw in pics before
imaginarycyberpunk2023 · 10 months
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OC: Koulin belongs to @bnbc
I had the absolute honor to take Koulin for a spin, and God, she's beautiful. I'm gonna share pics from that session over the next week because I'm happy how they turned out. These are all from the 2.02 patch with Raytracing on. It's details, but I notice such a difference.
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accihoe · 1 year
I'm on a two week spring break (as the seasons in my country work differently to EU and USA), and I'm also working on a business report that has to be submitted by October 13th. What better time to write than now?
I am once again truthfully sorry for my continuous disappearances.
Here's a Bucky fic because I found my tiny magnetic frame with a photo of him in it <3 (pic of photograph at the bottom).
P.S. this will be my first publicly posted Bucky fic woo-hoo!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: it's the 1940s, and Bucky comes home from a hard day at work, but his wife is there to make every moment of his hard work worth it.
Genre: fluff
Warnings: mentions of war. Probably not all canon regarding time, etc. Slightly oc Buck.
A/n: Please do not plagiarize my work, and please give me credit if you post my work elsewhere. I might make this a series, dunno. Love y'all. Pls comment or inbox me if you'd like to be on a taglist.
The walk home seemed longer than usual as Bucky trodged down the familiar path, every item of clothing feeling heavier with each step. He juggled his keys, slightly frustrated when they didn't go into the lock in the first few attempts. Finally, he managed, stumbling forwards from having his weight on the door. Bucky kicked off his boots in an instant, hung up his coat and hat, and looked around for his sweet love, his sugarbunch.
A smile bloomed across his handsome face as he saw her sauntering towards him, pretty dress flowing in the cool spring breeze. "Well, hello there, handsome chap. To what do I owe you the honours?" She smiled playfully, arms stretching open. Bucky gracefully accepted her invitation, wrapping himself around her and laying his cheek on her shoulder. "There, there, my love. Come on in. Go have a warm bath whilst I finish setting up the dinner table." His wife soothed, kissing above his cheekbone.
Once he'd freshened up, Bucky came downstairs to their four-person dining table, grinning at the meal his wife had prepared. She slid down in the seat across from him and reached out her hand, taking his. "Would you be as kind as to say grace for us?" She smiled, stroking her thumb over his bruised knuckles. They bowed their heads and closed their eyes as Bucky prayed for the food, "Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless our food and our drink, since you redeemed us so dearly and delivered us from evil, as you gave us a share in food and so may you give us eternal life. Amen.". They said amen in unison, and James kissed her hand as he let go of it.
"Jamie, my dear, I do not mean to alarm you, but I read about the war in the papers earlier today. It only seems to be intensifying. And I'm afraid young American men are no longer permitted a say as to whether or not they're getting drafted." His wife announced as she was washing the dishes, and he was drying and packing them away. The mug that he was busy drying slipped from his hands, but thankfully, his wife caught it just before it tumbled down the floor. "James," she breathed, taking his hands and gently tugging him away from the sink.
"Be..g my pardon, m-my love. The reality of the situations and times that we are living in has only dawned upon me now." James breathed, exhaling once again in disbelief. "Why don't you go and get ready for bed whilst I finish up here, hm?" She hummed, trailing her hand up to his neck and laying it there against his warm skin. "Alright, my darling, I bid on seeing you soon." He smiled, squeezing her hand that he held. "In the blink of an eye, sugar. Now go." She grinned, patting his cheek.
She joined him shortly after bathing and getting ready for bed, her chest tightening as she saw his frame in the bed, curled up in fear and staring off at the wood of his closet doors. Despite being fully aware of her presence, Bucky jumped when he felt her hand snake over his side and onto his stomach and chest. "Pardon me, my love." She giggled, spooning up against his back. James held his hand over hers as he continued to stare at the door. She felt sudden guilt. Should I not have told him that? She wondered.
"I'm sorry if I alarmed you, my darling." She said, pressing a loving kiss to the back of his neck. "You did not alarm me, dollface. 'M just tired from work 's all." He said, turning to face her. "Jamie, what'd your mama teach you about lying?" She warned. "Alright, alright." He smiled, eyes trailing across her bonny face, ruminating his luck. "Whatsoever may happen with this war, James, know that I love you." Y/N smiled, holding his hand to her chest and kissing his palm. "And I you." He smiled.
She skipped her reading that night, and so did he, just basking in each other's presence. The pair had fallen in love just after high school. James had seen her at church after praying for a pretty woman to cross his path, and she had prayed for a stable rock in her life to start a family with later on. It was instant love. After a period of wooing the pretty girl, they started dating, which then flourished into marriage. Bucky, age 24, Y/N, age 22, decided that they were content with the life they had built. Small but decent apartment, church community, flourishing matrimony, James had a stable job, and Y/N was applying for several.
Not to mention, their parents were incredulously proud. They were the spoken couple of Brooklyn, and Y/N treated Steve with the respect he deserved from day one, which was probably one of the central reasons for Becky's undying love for her. The life they had built together was sublime. Until the war hit.
Fin. Hope you liked it. Lots of love x
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jinxfirebolt18902 · 3 years
Shameless Flirting - JJ Maybank One Shot
Words: 1.428
Warnings: swearing
Pairing: JJ Maybank x kook female!reader
A/N / Summary: back in January I found a request on someone else’s post that read: “The death squad Top, Rafe and Kelce with the reader/oc. She’s a kook  girl version of JJ and it’s just her and and JJ shamelessly flirting with each other (neither pogues or kooks like that) but”. So I guess that’s it. Got a part 2 in drafts.
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(pic not mine)
—Take a picture, it’ll last longer bae.
She smiled winningly at him as Topper rolled his eyes and walked away towards Kelce. —Oh yeah? But then what would I do with a picture of you?
—Well, you know, whenever you get lonely at night —she playfully hit him. —Shut up JJ.
—You could also use it as your lock screen. —he winked and smirked.
She half laughed and replied —Yeah, I bet you’d love that.
—Oh, you should totally do it.
John B called JJ’s name from where he sat with Kie and Pope on the beach. Charlotte quickly took her chance and snapped a picture of him from her angle, a little behind him. The photograph showed JJ nonchalantly leaning against the wooden structure she was sitting on, only the upper half of his body with his grey tank top and his usual hat. His neck with a few strands of blonde hair could be seen as well as only a part of his face, which was looking at John B. It was very aesthetic, the sun was close to setting so the sky was turning darker with different colours including orange, contrasting with JJ’s grey shirt but also highlighting his blonde hairs and tanned skin.
The sound of her camera phone taking the picture made him spin his head to look at her and ignore John B as he gave her a seducing smile. She laughed and then dropped her body to her feet. —Go mister, the public awaits. —she lingeringly kissed his cheek on purpose to tease him as she always did before turning on her heels and head towards her friends. He stood there for half a second just to get out of her effect and went with his friends as well.
—Finally Charles! Rafe was about to go pick you up. —Kelce told you as Rafe nodded in agreement next to him.
—Sorry guys, but here I am, all for yourselves boys! —she smiled and tried to ease the tension Rafe and especially Topper felt due to her flirting with the Pogue they hated the most.
JJ kind of experienced a similar situation with his own crew. Kie not even looking at him, Pope was wearing an expression of disgust and John B was trying his best to hold his tongue. JJ took a beer can and ignored his friends’ dislike of his flirting with the second Kook they despised most, the first one being Rafe.
Sarah and Rafe had agreed for once to throw a pool party together when their dad and Rose left a few days for business. This meant although the majority of the guests would be Kooks, on Sarah’s behalf there would also be a certain Pogue crew as well as some Tourons of course.
—Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! —Rafe, Top and Kelce boosted Charlotte as she downed the drink being poured into the beer bong funnel.
—Wohooo! Damn that was nice! —She exclaimed as she cleaned the drops falling down her chin with the back of her hand.
Rafe threw an arm over her shoulders —This is our girl boys! —she grabbed the hand that hung over her right shoulder as she laughed.
—Told you this one was a keeper! —Topper added.
JJ had been watching her chug and interact with the three men. To be honest he didn’t want to come. Although the whole group tried their best to avoid Kooks, JJ was particularly reluctant to party at the Kook kingdom. Only after Sarah ensured they’d be safe they all agreed to go. Under Sarah and Kiara’s wing, they would be okay. At least as long as John B or JJ didn’t start a fight.
—JJ! —Kie’s voice brought his attention back to their conversation. He gulped his beer down and laughed at Pope’s anecdote.
A few meters away Charlotte heard a peculiar laugh that captured her interest and so she directed her look at the blonde. She couldn’t stop a smile that didn’t go unnoticed by Rafe.
An hour later she was sitting at the pool’s edge with her legs in the water as she listened to Kelce tell a story about his last trip to Costa Rica.
—Yo guys, I’ll be right back, gotta pee. Someone wants a drink? —she asked.
—I’ve got us an Appleton hidden at the top of the bookshelf near the stairs, bring it. —Rafe spoke.
—An Appleton? Uuh fancy —she moved her eyebrows up and down quickly making him laugh.
When she saw the queue to get in the bathroom downstair she didn’t waste a second deciding to go to the one next to Rafe’s bedroom. As she was opening the white door she heard someone clearing their throat. She looked up and found a rather provoking JJ resting his back on a wall. Immediately a mischievous smile appeared on her face.
—Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in… —he rolled his eyes and took a step towards her, circling his right arm around her waist to bring her closer and leave a tender kiss on her cheek. Caught by surprise, she felt blood rushing to her cheeks at the unexpected greeting. Such reaction only made the boy more confident, letting go of her to give her a beguiling smile.
—Whatcha doin’ up here gorgeous? —a more serious look on his face now.
—Oh nothing, just gotta use the bathroom. What about you though? What are you doing up here? Doesn’t seem like your comfort zone, you know, away from your gang and in the enemy’s territory… —she winked.
—Not gonna lie, I was looking for something good to drink.
—Up here?
He grimaced. —No secret that the rich hide their best collections. —he lifted his shoulders and pouted, not giving a care in the world about voicing his bad intentions.
She smiled and nodded. —Okay then, good luck on your treasure hunt, I’m gonna go to the toilet now. —she turned to the door but stopped before going in, she spoke once again —Oh and, if you want my advice, I’d look into bookshelves.
He watched her disappear into the tiled room and kept looking for a bottle worth stealing. By the time she came out he was already standing in front of the bathroom door with a bottle attached to his lips.
She raised an eyebrow at her sight. —I see you’ve been successful on your hunt. —she walked to stand next to him and grabbed the bottle to put it in her mouth. He watched her attentively, not being able to stop himself from staring at her every move. His eyes set on the way her lips embraced the bottle spout, on the movement of her throat as she swallowed the liquid and on the tip of her pink tongue licking her lips when she finished. She turned to him and softly closed his mouth with her hand.
—Careful, you’re drooling babe. —with that she left down the stairs to reunite with her group.
As she was looking for the Appleton, she felt Rafe’s voice behind her, startling her.
—What took you so long? —Sorry, I run into someone.
Just as she finished her sentence JJ passed by and sent a defiant glare at the Cameron. The latter set a deathly glare on him as well and mumbled. —Of course you fucking did.
—Actually, I don’t think dirty pogues like you are welcomed in my party. —Rafe stood in front of JJ threateningly. Maybank, being no coward, bit his lip and prepared himself to fight. Before anything else happened, Charlotte stepped between them facing her friend. —Oookay, no need to get heated now, right?
The two boys seemed to be in a staring contest, angry expressions and slightly agitated breathings on both of them. She put a hand on Rafe’s shoulder trying to get him to focus on her and not on the blonde. —C’mon dude, lets go outside and drink this bad boy, I know you wanna. —she tried to lighten the mood but failed miserably. Magically, her silent pleas for Sarah or any of JJ friends to come help her became true as Sarah walked in on the three, getting a hold of the situation immediately.
—Rafe cut it, we talked about this. —Rafe looked at her sister and huffed. Sarah hurried to grab JJ’s hand to take him away from his death. Once they were a few feet away Charlotte grabbed Rafe’s hand and tugged to stop him from looking at Maybank and go back to the pool to keep drinking.
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rigelmejo · 4 years
Ok so, reading 寒舍 again and wow do I recommend it even if you’re a weak beginner-intermediate reader like me. It IS hard to read but it’s also so good. It’s a supernatural pingxie au, where Wu xie became a photographer after college, went traveling, went broke on the trip, crashes in a small town at the humble abode Menyouping rents out. Wu xie is the only tenant, paying day by day rent, Zhang Qiling basically gives him free room and meals because Wu Xie sucks at getting a temp job. Wu xie keeps saying he’ll pay, but Zhang Qiling is like “not an issue.” Finally wu xie gets a job at a clothing shop, but a ghost ends up attached to him thinking he’s her missing daughter that was murdered. She tries to smother wu xie to death. Zhang Qiling intervenes, they don’t quite address what happened. The clothing shop meanwhile gets less busy after tourist season and lets wu xie go because he missed work without notice (aka a ghost tried to kill him, got in his head and trapped him in her past life memories and tried to talk her through moving on and grieving, as Zhang Qiling fought the ghost in real time). So wu xie is jobless again living rent free at the humble abode, Zhang Qiling worries wu xie is going to get killed because he seems to attract monsters, and wu xie just went to take photos of the crab apple blossoms. Turns out, a movie is shooting, and someone tries to yell him out of the park. Then who arrives, the gorgeous actor? Why XIAO HUA of course.
Also, it should be noted the way the story is told is So cool... wu xie gets dreams/weird dizzy spells and sees flashes of ghosts memories, and of things happening he’s not a part of... then at other times the narrative bounces between wx or Zql to the case-oc plot scenes like last one was a flash of comments on a handsome man’s profile pic, and wu xie dreaming himself/a man is reaching out to touch that man - and now I’ve realized it’s Xiao Hua. Just the way the writing mixes close character perspective narrative, with the slightly eerie blur between what’s real or a hazy dream or happening somewhere else, is so cool.
Anyway here’s where Xiao Hua shows up, because I’m loving it. Then below is a machine translation from DeepL. 1. Because I don’t have time right now to translate it myself (but it IS better in the original, it flows so GOOD I love this writing style). 2. I heard DeepL does much better machine translations then the other sites so I’m testing it out compared to what I actually read.
打了哈欠,吴邪搬了张小椅子坐了下来,要不是为了今天就能结下来的工资,自己才懒得在这里浪费时间。虽然说解语花确实是红得发紫的大明星,又是演员又是歌手还会唱花鼓戏,人气高的快要赶上珠峰 ,可是自己对他实在是不感冒。
"What are you guys doing?" Before Wu Xie's voice could be heard, he saw a man in a long pink shirt Lovely as a painting walk over. Although it might be a bit inappropriate to use the word picturesque to describe the man, but that face that was so handsome, so beautiful that even girls were ashamed of themselves was really three times more beautiful than this garden full of begonias.
"Master, this brat is relenting on staying here and won't leave, no matter what I say he won't listen." The man in the changshan who was fierce just now, immediately changed his face, nodding and laughing.
With his eyes falling on the camera in front of Wu Xie`, the handsome man raised his slender eyebrows and softly asked, "Are you a reporter?"
"You're overthinking it." Wu Xie had already recognized who such a noticable man really was. That is, who else could have such a big presence other than the hotly-anticipated Xie Yu Hua in the showbiz for the past two years.
"You're a local? I'm shooting a music video here these days, and the guide we're looking for has suddenly taken a leave of absence. Can you cover for him for a while? It won't be very busy, mainly just taking us to some sights." Xie Yu Hua said slowly, "The daily pay will be paid to you."
Wu Xie was going to honestly admit that he wasn't a local, but when he heard that last sentence, Wu Xie immediately nodded. Joking aside, it was rare for a pie to fall from the sky, and he already owed Zhang Qiling quite a bit of money for the housing and food, so he was eager to be able to pay it back.
"Master, this isn't according to the rules!" The man in the shirt glared at Wu Xie and tried to stop him.
"I am the rule." Xie Yu Hua laughed lightly, but the words spoken had no warmth. "Wu Xie, come with me."
"Did I ever tell you my name?" Confused, Wu Xie felt his heart hanging inexplicably as he looked at the undecipherable flower of a man.
"No? Who knows." Xie Yu Hua didn't say anything more and walked on his own towards the photography spot over there that was already waiting to explode. And the guy in the sweatshirt glared at Wu Xie and hurriedly followed in his footsteps.
With his STAFF work permit on, Wu Evil suddenly had a feeling that he seemed to have returned to two years ago. It had been a long time since he'd had the concept of 'colleague'. Looking at the busy, sweaty staff around him, Wu Xie stood under the awning looking around idly.
The man in the sweatshirt just now was really the field service, and everyone called him Brother Qiu. Everyone called him Brother Qiu. Although everyone was respectful to him on the surface, Wu Xie could see the contempt in everyone's eyes. Another girl who was patching up Xie Yu Hua's makeup was called Xiao Qi, one of Xie Yu Hua's assistants, who looked like she was not very old but was very meticulous in her work, and at a young age, she was able to follow a top-tier star, so it looked like she should have some skills.
The other people, Wu Xie looked at a general idea and didn't remember the destiny words, anyway, he usually only had to deal with the venue and the assistants, it doesn't matter if the others recognize him or not.
But if you don't have your own things to do now, can you take a couple of photos first? When Wu Xie looked at the begonia petals floating in the sky, while no one was paying attention to himself, he was just about to raise his camera to take a few pictures of the begonia flowers, when the lens suddenly became pitch black.
"Can't take pictures now oh little comrade~" although it was a very magnetic voice, but Wu Xie felt that this tone was light and provocative. Put down the camera in your hands, only to see a person wearing a black shirt and also wearing a black sunglasses, is standing in front of your own lens, just that piece of darkness, presumably is the lens of his sunglasses.
He just wore a shirt, must be all hot, this man had long sleeves and long pants even, but also all black? Wu Xie looked at his face, which was mostly covered by sunglasses, with not a trace of sweat at the corner of his forehead, and his face didn't look like it was hot at all.
No way, seeing ghosts in broad daylight again? Wu xie quickly rubbed his eyes and began to hypnotize himself in his mind, but the man didn't disappear and still stood in front of him with a smile on his face.
"Who are you?" Since it wasn't a ghost, it could only mean that the man was sick. Wu Xie looked at him sympathetically, it was pitiful to not know whether he was hot or cold.
"Hey, I'm a temporary worker here just like you~" not caring about the obvious look of sympathy in Wu Xie’s eyes, the man's smile was still frivolous.
"Well, my name is Wu Xie." Hearing the word temporary, Wu Xie finally had some good feelings for the man in front of him.
"Little naïve, next time don't easily tell your name to a stranger oh~" after the mysteriously inscrutable words, the man laughed and walked away.
Wu Xie suddenly shivered inexplicably at his words, looked up at the still brilliant and blinding sunlight, turned around to look for the man, but found him standing not far from Xie Yu Hua, and there seemed to be something else in that frivolous smile on his lips.
The entertainment world really is full of weirdos.
Yawning, Wu Xie moved a small chair and sat down, if it wasn't for the salary that would be settled today, he wouldn't have bothered to waste time here. Although it was true that Xie Yu Hua was a big star, an actor, singer and flower drum opera singer, whose popularity was about to catch up with that of Everest, he was really not interested in him.
From afar, He watched Xie YuHua walking in the sea of flowers in his costume, his every gesture and smile full of a long, soft charm. The pink begonia petals are scattered on his shoulder, as if they are murmuring with him in a whisper. A famous flower does not speak in decipherable language, but it is ruthless and touching. The name of the artist name of "Clearing the Whispering Flower" is really a match for him.
Yawning in boredom, Wu Xie braced his chin and closed his eyes without realizing it.
"Look, this is your favorite begonia, I was afraid of its color fading, so I soaked it in blood for three days and then dried it, look, isn't it better than before?" The internet read.
"You know, I've been in love with you since the first time I saw you, and there won't be anyone in the world who loves you more than me."
"But why is it like you can't see me? Why can't your eyes stop on me?"
"I know you usually get tired of singing and hanging your voice, look, this is a special herbal tea I made for you, it also has those dried begonia flowers mixed with my blood, it will taste very sweet!"
"Unbreakable flower, I love you, I love you-"
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
*ok I lied I edited the machine translation a bit, because wu xie’s name Translated as Wu Evil and also a few glaring errors in sentences I couldn’t stand to see and had to fix. Wu xie also translated to Wu Wu lol. And the gender issue Mtl’s usually have happened with this one too - he switching to her, etc. Positives of this Mtl DeepL - I think it KEPT most of the words and details instead of omitting (a big problem I have with Baidu Translate is it often summarizes and shortens/cuts out descriptive lines), most of this reads similar to how it did in chinese just rougher word choice. Also it handled the perspective thing ok - this author often does “I myself should take this job cause muself feels screwed otherwise” with ziji a lot, or like a line is a person sort of mentally talking to themselves like “you see a chance, take the picture!” DeepL handled those in a way I can actually notice easily.
Also I love how Xiao Hua is an actor here, but he still absolutely feels like a Threat underneath the surface.. just like in dmbj.
The purple text is a great part that shows how this websites Mtl actually preserved the nice descriptions.
And the end part is the writing style that I meant - wu xie gets tired, and it’s like his conciousness goes to this or else the scene Shifts to this scene. And then the following dialogue is just words coming out, maybe in wu xie’s mind, maybe in his dream, maybe on a phone screens comments. You can’t quite tell at first, until later when the narrative will tell you what it was. It’s such a cool way of imtroducing the unsettling moments, the building up of the case arc plots.
Also this is a supernatural fic so who knows if Sunglasses is even human in this ovo)/
Genuinely though like. If you want a link just message me. (Or look in my older posts tagged 寒舍 , rec list, I’m sure I’ve mentioned this link before o3o )
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hoseokmylovesworld · 5 years
Picture of Love | 04
Pairing: Photographer!Hoseok x OC x Producer!Yoongi
Genre/Warnings: Hoseok AU/Yoongi AU/Includes strong language.
Words: 3,598
Summary: Charlotte Galloway is the leader of the up and coming girl band, “She-Bang”, with a side hustle as a photographer for anyone who will hire her.  She meets a fellow professional photographer named Jung Hoseok who helps “She-Bang” realize their dreams and Charlotte to make a love connection along the way.
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I walk back to my hotel room with only thoughts of J-Hope for the third time time this week, which meant I had that stupid ass grin on my face while stumbling down the halls of the sixth floor. I held the key card up to the lock on the door and walk in, in the hopes of hitting my bed headfirst. I was surprised to see my band members, Darren and Kyle sitting on the beds in Leyah's and my shared bedroom. They each stop talking and whip their heads in my direction as soon as I walk in.
"Oh. Hey...Everyone. What's up?" I say awkwardly, making my way to my bed that Carrie and Vicky are already sat on. Leyah, Darren and Kyle are perched on Leyah's bed. Vicky begins to speak.
"Uh, nothing. We were just talking about-"
"Where were you?" Darren cuts her off monotonously. "O-kay..." Vicky says to no one in particular. Carrie proceeds to rub Vicky's back in comfort.
"Why?" I question defensively, my bubbly, good mood ruined. Leyah groans as if she can already see where this is going, but doesn't comment.
"Well, you just left the group all of a sudden and we were worried." Darren looks me in the eye, raising his voice slightly. My face scrunches up in confusion and disbelief. Even if the group hadn't known where I was, Darren certainly could have told them, he saw me leave after all. I decide to leave that part out in my response.
"It wouldn't be the first time I 'left the group' Darren." I say using air quotes. "It's no big deal."
Darren's eyes go wide with accusation. "Yeah, but it's different this time because-" He stops himself. Leyah spares him a brief apologetic glance from the side. Kyle mirrors this expression.
"Because what?!" I urge, getting impatient.
"Ugh! Because you left with that strange guy!" He shouts. My shoulders slumped in disappointment.
Are you kidding me?
"Is that what this is about?" I nearly whisper, still trying to wrap my head around this situation.
"Yes--No!" Darren stumbled. His breathing picked up noticeably. "I just don't-"
"What Darren means to say is the band is a little bothered that you skipped out on us, especially when some hotshot photographer approached us and our leader wasn't there and Darren is pissed for God knows why." Leyah explained in one breath, which didn't seem to phase her.
Well, now I understand the intervention like setting, but that doesn't explain Darren's  resentment.
Back up.
"So wait. A photographer approached you?" I said, wanting to get to the bottom of this and avoid another one of Darren's outbursts.
"Yeah." Leyah continued. "Offered to make those posters and pics for our website we been wantin' so bad. Also talked a big game about getting us in touch with some 'important people'." She explains with heavy lidded eyes and air quotes.
Oh wow. This could be great. A push in the right direction without the help of Evan whatsoever. I originally took "official" photos of the group and posted them to our website, but I'm no professional and this could benefit us in a variety of ways, especially if they get us in touch with these 'important people'.
"Well. Did he sell you? Did you all like him?" I look around at my members for confirmation, avoiding eye contact with Darren.
Leyah nods. "We exchanged information. By that I mean I gave him your number." She spoke in her usual monotonous drawl. I can't tell how she feels about the situation.
I sigh. "Well, that's good. I'm glad...Um. I'm sorry I wasn't there guys. Really." I say trying to get back on their good side, but I noticed the only face that was actually bothered was Darren's.
"It's okay Char, I handled it. Plus you couldn't have known." Forgiveness actually seeping into her tone, but she glared in Darren's direction while she spoke.
"And that's why you're second in command." I replied happily. She looks away form Darren to salute me causing the girls and I to laugh lightly. "So...Are we cool?" I look at the girls with hopeful eyes.
"Of course."
"Okay. Cool. I'm gonna get ready for be-" Before I could finish, Darren exasperatingly made his way out of the hotel room, slamming the door for good measure. Kyle stands from the bed instinctively, but doesn't move to follow him.
"What. The. Fuck. Is his problem?" I don't bother to control my volume, being utterly shocked by Darren's behavior.
"I don't know. I'm going to bed. Night." Leyah sighs and goes to lie down and browse on her laptop. Kyle moves closer to the door and out of her way. "Night I guess." I say.
"Oh and Char?" Leyah turns to me. "Don't let him get to you okay?" Her eyes were serious. They were sympathetic, but they sent a warning. I just nod absentmindedly, not being able to tell if she was talking about Darren or J-Hope. Or both.
Kyle hesitates in front of the door before locking eyes with me. "I'm glad you're okay Char."
"Thank you."
"Goodnight everyone." He leaves silently, unlike his furious best friend next door.
"Night guys." Says Vicky as she moves into the family room and Carrie, surprisingly, follows her. "Night." I change and take off my makeup, change into my pj's, slide into bed and check my phone before going to sleep. I saw a heap of messages and missed calls from my band mates, Darren and Kyle.
Okay now I feel a little guilty. Maybe just wandering off was a bit much. But it was kind of worth it.
I see a text from J-Hope and my face immediately lights up.
J-Hope: Hey. I know I walked you to your hotel, but I just wanted to make sure you got up to your room okay.
Me: That has to be the lamest excuse a guy has ever made up to talk to me. *laughing face emoji*
J-Hope: I know lol, but it took me 15 minutes to come up with, gimme some credit. *crying face emoji*
J-Hope: Also is it working? *winking face emoji*
I laugh out loud and try to control my volume when Leyah whips her head at me because I startled her. "Sorry." She nods and continues her browsing.
Me: OK, good job J-Hope. I'm fine and maybe. Did you get in okay?
J-Hope: Yup not to long ago. Now I can sleep soundly, knowing you're okay.
I literally have to roll my eyes, but I end up smiling like an imbecile.
Me: You're so lame...But thank you for caring.
J-Hope: No problem. Hopefully when we do this again I can do more than just see you off and text you if you're alright. *winking face emoji*
I could just hear the vibrations of his deep voice as if he were standing in front of me right now.
God the devil is tempting me again.
"Don't let him get to you."
What can I do? Do I flirt back or do I let him down easy? There is no easy, we are in too deep. But Leyah's words and the promise we made with Carrie and Vicky a year and a half ago kept echoing in my head. The promise we made never to get involved in relationships or romance.
"Love is just a distraction." I said to them with a bitter bite to my voice. We sat in a circle on the living room floor of Leyah's parent's house. Carrie and Vicky came here because it's where we would rehearse, I came here because it's where I stayed.
We had just been enjoying a romantic movie after a successful rehearsal when I began to get emotional and start crying. Memories of my previous relationship haunting me the longer I watched this couple on the screen interact.
The girls, of course, comforted me and I ended up telling them my whole life story, the parts I hadn't already shared with them.
"It distracts you from your goals and being all that you can be. It makes you weak. We are not weak." The girls look at me like I'm an anomaly they have to figure out even though they've already known me for seven months. "We will be successful...right?"  I look around to see thoughtful eyes and caring expressions. I could tell they took what I said to heart. They each started to nod one by one. Leyah reaches for my hand and mine latches around her's for strength. I can feel more tears begin to fall. "We will be successful Char. Thank you." She said, her eyes never leaving mine. I nod once.
"Let's make a promise from here on out. That we will not get mixed up in silly relationships or romance until we are where we belong. At the top."  I say strongly. You wouldn't be able to tell I had been crying if it weren't for the tears streaks on my face.
The girls think it over. "I'm down. Promise." Leyah says first, smiling me. It gave me immense comfort seeing as she doesn't do it often. "Yeah, I guess that's fine." Vicky piped up. "As long as I can still have sex, you got yourself a promise Char." She chuckles. We all turn to Carrie. "Well, I've never really been in relationship anyway so...sure. I promise."
"Don't let him get to you." I whisper to myself. He already has. But I really don't want to let my girls down or make them feel like I'm going back on my word. I could tell him I'm not looking for a relationship right now and tell him to wait for me.
This man does not wait! He's off meettin' bitches in Dubai! Men like J-Hope, with so much to offer, don't wait, they take what they want. They either settle down or move on to the next.
Are we ready for that? To be a one man woman again and try the romance thing one more time? I know I haven't laughed the way I laughed tonight in an incredibly long time and J-Hope was the reason for that. He made me feel wanted and happy and appreciated. Shit I sound like air supply again.
But the fact that all of that can be felt on one not-date is remarkable to me. It took me five months to completely warm up to my last boyfriend, the shithead, and J-Hope managed to crack the code after three days for Christ's sake. I mean if J-Hope had leaned in any closer before he played the shit out of me and walked away, I 105% would have let him kiss me. God help me.
Maybe this is a sign that I should probably try again. Maybe I don't have to be so afraid of love anymore.
I just thought that word...and didn't cringe. Progress.
I was just a shell of a girl back then. Not knowing which way was up, just that I would get there. I had my heart torn apart and shredded and wanted nothing to do with bonding with new people or creating relationships in the slightest. So I didn't let anyone in for two years, had meaningless sex to fill the void, drank myself blind and wrote depressing songs to expel the painful thoughts.
But now...what was the point? It's been two years. Do I really want to be alone for the rest of my life? Can I force my friends to make the same sacrifices I did? I should never have done that to them, it wasn't right. I just hope they can forgive me for what I'm about to get myself into.
J-Hope: No problem. Hopefully when we do this again I can do more than just see you off and text you if you're alright. *winking face emoji*
Me: What if I told you there might be a strong possibility of that happening?
J-Hope texts back immediately.
J-Hope: I'd say what are you doing this Saturday? I snicker at his reply gaining a suspicious look from Leyah.
Me: I don't know. You wanna decide for me?
J-Hope: Yes please. *smiley face emoji* How about dinner and drinks? Gary Danko?
Dinner and drinks? At Gary Danko?! That's like a five star restaurant! I should have known he had this kind of money. I do a little squeal causing Leyah to turn to me once again. "Char please. Silence is key." Silence is the enemy.
"I'm sorry." I say and reply to J-Hope.
Me: That sounds great actually.
J-Hope: Great. I look forward to it.
Me: Me too. Goodnight J-Hope.
J-Hope: Didn't we do this already? *crying laughing emoji* OH god here we go.
Me: Yeah except this time I don't look like an idiot. *flat line mouth emoji*
J-Hope: You're the cutest idiot I've ever seen. I roll my eyes and let out a giggle. Fuck you Jung Hoseok.
Me: Goodnight J-Hope.
J-Hope: Goodnight Charlotte.
Lord what did I get myself into?
I wake up the next morning knowing I had nothing in particular to do today.
Should I even leave the bed? Yes. I get up and get ready for the day, whatever it may bring. I get dressed and lounge on my bed once again, scrolling through social media on my phone. Our fans left some nice comments on different outlets.
Should I text J-Hope? I toss the question around in my head and decide that it wouldn't be smart. I already allowed him to get an idea of how I feel about him, I don't want to text him 24/7 and seem desperate. Maybe I'll make him wait until the weekend. That'll teach him for playing me.
But I hate not having anything to do, I need to stay busy. I can't just sit here and wait for my band mates to pester me about why I wandered off last night and tease me about where I was. I respond to a few fans online, then I grab my wallet, phone and camera and head for the door not knowing where I was going.
But when I open the door I'm met with  Darren preparing to knock on the door, fist mid knock. He's almost as dumbfounded as I am when we face each other each other. "Uh, hey." He said in a low, unsure tone. His fist reaches up to the back of his neck and scratches nervously.
"Good morning." I reply strongly. "Excuse me." I say moving out of the room and trying to avoid this conversation. He moves further into my path and I glare up at him quizzically.
"Actually can we talk?" No. "Yeah, sure." I sigh. "They're sleeping, let's go somewhere." I move out and close the door behind me. "Okay. Where to?" He asks following me down the hallway to the elevator. "I don't know. You wanna get a drink?" We step into the elevator once it arrives.
"It's a bit early to be drinking Char." He drones in a judgmental but sarcastic tone.
He's not wrong, but-
"I meant like Starbucks genius."
"Oh! Sorry." Darren let's out a laugh and I follow suit. At least it's not as awkward in here with just the two of us now.
"But yeah that sounds good." Darren says looking down at me, meeting my eyes finally. I smile softly at him in turn and look away. We silently walk two blocks to a cafe near the hotel. We order separately because Darren knows my policies on letting other people pay for me. We sit with our orders and take a few sips each before Darren clears his throat.
"So I wanted to apologize." I just raise my eyebrows and nod once, gesturing for him to continue. "I'm sorry about last night. I acted out of turn and you didn't deserve that." I nodded not really knowing how to respond. Darren was behaving like a child last night and it wasn't appreciated, but he's usually a hot head and I wasn't expecting something like this.
"Um. It's okay, I guess." I left it there, not wanting to get into the actual dispute, knowing where the conversation would go.
"Good, I just-" Oh no. "Like I said, I was just worried because you walked away with that-that guy." He said the last word in disgust. Let's get this over with.
"I did apologize to the girls for that." He makes a face that suggest I might be mistaken about the topic of discussion. "I wasn't talking about-"
"Lemme finish, yeah?" Don't let him bring it up.
He pauses and nods and sits back in his seat. "I have to apologize to you as well. I'm sorry I ditched you guys at the concert last night and it won't happen again." He nods, still obviously bothered by something.
"I appreciate that, really." He says thoughtfully. "Of course." I take a sip of my coffee. Can I go now?
We sat in silence for a few moments when Darren opens his whore mouth.
"So are you dating the dude?" Fuck.
He looks at me hesitantly, like he was afraid of my answer. I would like to be, yes.
"No. Uh. He's just a friend. Why?" "Well you don't have many friends." "Well he's one of them." "Okay." We go back and forth.
He becomes flustered all of a sudden. He clears his throat and fiddles with  his napkin on the table. At this moment I can see J-Hope enter the cafe looking from side to side. Is he sure he's not stalking me?
Should I call him over to get me out of this mess? Would that make matters worse? I mean we have to deal with Darren sometime anyway. We've been skirting around this for so long now. The fact that we were obviously attracted to each other. If Darren asked me to sleep with him a week ago and any time before that I would have obliged, but I'm starting to think Darren has something more serious in mind than a one night stand because of the way he's acted these past couple of weeks. And I've decided to give J-Hope a chance so that's been put on hold.
"Uh, I was wondering, since you're single, uh, I'm single, ha..." I'm cringing please help. Send help!
"And I know you don't date, but...is there any possibility that, uh, maybe w-we-"
"Charlotte!" Thank you God.
J-Hope ended up being my savior anyway. A sign?
J-Hope bounds over to me excitedly. He rests his hand on my shoulder. "Hey Char! We just keep meeting each other like this. Oh I'm sorry, I'm J-Hope, hello." He says turning to Darren and holding  out his hand. Darren openly glares  at J-Hope, but takes his hand. The knuckles on J-Hope's hand go almost white and he winces from the intensity of the handshake.
J-Hope frees himself from Daren's grip and I send Darren daggers with my eyes.
"J-Hope, this is my friend Darren. Sorry about him, he's had a tragic day so far." I say emoting contempt in Darren's direction.
"Yeah, it's uh, nice to meet you." J-Hope muttered composing himself. "I remember you from the blues hall." J-Hope quickly pointed at Darren at his epiphany. "Likewise." Darren interrupts his glare at J-Hope to send a suggestive glance at me. I can practically hear the gears turning in J-Hope's head judging by his expression. He keeps looking back and forth between Darren and I and I can see a look of regret on his face, probably for intruding on this 'moment' between Darren and I.
No no no no no no!
"Okaaayyyy. I'm gonna go now. It was nice meeting you Darren and nice seeing you again Charlotte--Oh! We're still on for Saturday right?"
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.
Darren's eye brows touch the ceiling and his eyes go wide. J-Hope is turned away from Darren and thankfully cannot see this. "Uh--Yes. Yes we are...yup." I say looking down at the table. "Okay. See you then. Bye guys." He walks away to get his coffee leaving me in this shit stain of a predicament. I watch him exit as Darren watches his own fiddling fingers.
"Just friends huh?" He grunts with a sick to his stomach look on his face.
Hold the fuck up! He's mad at me again?!
"Hold on! That's none of your business anyway! I don't have to prove myself to you!" I say raising my voice, blinded too much by anger to remember we were in public.
"I just don't understand-!" He shouts back. Darren's volume matches mine, but he stops himself, huffs out a huge breath I didn't know he was holding and plops his hands down on the table loudly.
"You're right Char." He says calmly. "I fucking know." I say still full of adrenaline. Darren let's out a bitter chuckle. What the fuck?
"I'm just gonna go. See ya later." He takes his coffee and leaves the shop.
Well shit. We came here together, now I have to sit here with this crowd who just witnessed my public 'domestic argument'. Plus he looks pissed and a little hurt. I have to fix this somehow before things get awkward. But I also don't feel like making even more of a scene than we already did by following him. I also just don't feel like doing this.
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kingscrafty · 6 years
hey can you tell me all about edgar? :)
Ohholy shit :0 I would absolutely love to! For those of you not interested, I’ve added a read more section.
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This here is Edgar, who has a bit of a funny backstory. I made him to be relatively amusing, and a very chill character for my DnD sessions! So, first, some basic information.
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Here is what he looks like in his entirety (forgive the awkward shoe, I was holding the picture up as I was photographing it). He loves badges, accessories, charms, and hot chocolate (specifically black forest gateau hot chocolate; man has expensive tastes). Some extra facts about him:
He can’t change his facial expressions due to a head injury that he often forgets about. Apart from opening/closing his eyes and moving his mouth enough to speak, he can’t really react to things very well.
His design was initially based off of a digimon called Astamon!
His left arm and right leg are prosthetic. He doesn’t remember how he lost them.
He always has some fancy pinstripe suit pants on. He likes them but can’t remember why.
He has a wicked scar across the left side of his head, which looks like the following:
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After doing a little research, I found the parts of your brain that affect long term memory as well as facial expressions are situated across the entirety of the sides, and I can’t remember why exactly I picked the left side but it was something to do with how it affected these functions more so than the right side. He doesn’t remember his injury and so if it’s ever mentioned, his friend Casper (the necromancer anubis) has to pull his hair out of its bun and rifle through to find the scar. Edgar forgets it every time.
And now, the backstory of who he was before his injury!
He was a Mafia boss, working from a once-abandoned factory. He was a fairly brutal yet merciful mob boss, a lot like Al Capone, leaving women and children alone and sending gifts if he ever had to kill the husband/father. He paid hospital bills of injured bystanders, he only tortured for information when necessary, etc etc etc….. He was definitely a mob boss for sure, and a brutal one, but was a bit soft when it was called for.
I unintentionally drew him in a seductive pose once, and this is the only pic I have of him prior to being….. What he currently is, so it’ll have to do.
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One day he ended up killing the husband of a woman who worked close alongside her beloved, so she had a lot of back-alley know-how that allowed her to infiltrate the base…. Especially seeing as they often left women alone. A bit of acting, a bit of sneaking, and boom! She was in and planting a bomb. Long story short, she detonated it and brought down the entire factory. Should have taken women more seriously, Edgar.
As the building collapsed, and people got hit by falling debris, Edgar got trapped under some of it himself before something heavy and metal hit him on the head. He SHOULD theoretically have bled out, but that wouldn’t have made a very good story. So, he got dragged out by a local farmer who wasn’t wise to their, ah, occupation, and taken back to his farm to heal. When he awoke, Edgar lacked both memories and facial expressions, and so here he is now. He stayed on their farm a while, helping out here and there (and slowly falling for the farmer’s daughter), until another local gang saw him and recognised him. Seeing now how his past was dangerous to the kindly farmer and his family, Edgar elected to leave the farm and go seek work elsewhere. Now he’s an adventurer barbarian who specialises in using a scythe as a weapon! 
As well as this, he keeps his old fedora on him because sometimes (if I roll highly enough lmao) when he puts it on it can “”reactivate his muscle memory”” and he can annihilate crowds with his tommy guns that…… Appear out of the blue and….. Disappear just as mysteriously…..
So!!! This is Edgar!!! idk if there’s anything else I can tell you about him apart from the fact he has nice-smelling soft and fluffy hair, one gold tooth (which is never on show because his mouth doesn’t open wide enough on its own) and underneath the lacking facial expressions he’s actually quite an emotion-driven fellow. He particularly liked to sleep around ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) wink wonk
But yeah, I mainly made him because I thought it would be funny to have a character who could never express their emotions… Then it transformed into literally being physically unable to express their emotions… And I also had been watching a lot of digimon Xros Wars when I made him and wanted a design based on that. Tada! Edgar was born.
If there’s anything else you’re curious about hmu! I always love talking about my OCs (as if you couldn’t tell) so feel free to ask again.
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