#i love playing along with a character when they give an alias im really like my good friend taichi suzuki ... totally normal taxi driver
dirt-str1der · 2 years
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Yeah whatever happened to that hot taxi driver
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graveyard-darlingg · 8 months
well, i am curious about the name hades and how you decided upon it! its a very beautiful name, in my opinion
hmmm well the emoji is umm like. someone crying into their hands, i think? im pretty sure the emoji was made specifically for discord, if that helps. its like a dramatically devastated "oh no!" kind of, though it can be used in many situations. actually i have a friend who pays for my nitro (i don't ask them to, i have no idea why they do it [imagine the emoji here]) so i have so so many emojis to choose from, even an eeeeeeeeevil one bwehhewhwh
yes you do give off violent vira vibes! specifically tarantula girl and lolita, i think! also i adore god complex so so bad, i memorized all the lyrics a bit ago. it's one of my favorites. i have a somewhat good voice for singing her songs so its really nice to sing along to them. honestly id recommend basically all her songs to you, but for starters mayyyybe luka, waiting by a hospital (i dont remember if that's the exact title), and i dont care (so so so osossososoo good) which are some of my favorites. she came out with a new ep recently!!!! it's incredible, i love it so bad i wanna see her play live
yes! we do share the same timezone! its 5 now for me :D i do hope my friend shows up... ill possibly go to bed if they don't soon. its been a while since ive pulled an all nighter - i might be good at doing it but im not so good at the repercussions anymore. plus being a hypersomniac :/
im really happy to hear you had a good day! spending time with friends is wonderful! im sorry you have to go home now, though. i hope you get to see them again sometime soon
and the puppet thing! i actually don't have experience with puppetry, unfortunately. i haven't watched many puppet shows either, but the ones i have, and even the made up ones shown on tv or music videos sometimes have always intrigued me. im just too busy with my five million special interests and hyperfixation, i suppose
im glad you find me interesting! i was hoping so, you're very cool and if i came across as boring i mightve dramatically melted into a sad puddle
ummm what's your favorite color? generic question, i know. also, if you could paint one thing perfectly, what would it be? its okay if you dont have an answer!
also i think id be able to make a moodboard of the vibe you give off o.O
-🎭 (ive decided you can also call me puppet if you want :D)
starting with my alias, my middle name is actually a greek god. i loooove greek mythology so i thought the alias hades would fit with my blog theme! im very very glad you like it.
i think (??) i have a good picture of it in my head — the emoji, i mean. i could be very wrong though. alsoooo, discord nitro? very fancy if i do say so myself.
violent vira has a beautiful voice. i love how she sings. i’ll have to give those songs a listen when i get off my flight!! it’s really cool that you can sing like her!!
it’s awesome that we share the same time zone!! i’m sorry your friend hasn’t shown up though :(( all-nighters aren’t fun anymore now that i’m an adult, and neither are the repercussions. is hypersomnia where you sleep a lot? like the opposite of insomnia?
if you can recommend me some of your favorite puppet things to watch, i’d love to watch them. i actually have a few favorite puppet characters myself, though they’re from games and anime. also, i totally get the hyperfixation thing.
of course you’re interesting, dear! i don’t think i could find anyone boring. there’s so many different facets and aspects to everyone and their personality. i’m glad you think im cool though!!! that made me very happy to hear!!
hmmm, my favorite color? i’d say black but if you want to be technical, it’s not really a color, so…. blue, earthy greens, and red!! in that order actually. and if i could paint anything perfectly, i think it would be a portrait of my mom, my brother, and i. what about you?
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siren-virus · 3 years
ok, It's been a long while since I've sent an ask, and though that can be atributed to life being life, that can only go so far and these previeous 3 days I've been lazing around mostly XD So, in order to compensate, here's the asks for Free and SWUP that have entered my brain and I haven't filtered out yet that I'll send you. Answer as you see fit for I might send repeated questions or some that have already been aswered before in another form.
For SWUP, would SWUP (Does she have another name? I can't remember) ever try a work somewhere? She has to get money somehow if she wants to be able to buy food, clothes, a home, and pay for all the medical expences she might have to go through. What other friends would she have other than wine aunt and coffee barista? I remember you said there might be a third one who's not really relevant, but whos father is, and you were still unsure on wether to include them or not. Also, the humans in this Earth, how much do they know about aliens? The Unicorns and Dragons? I imagine that considering the amount of damage they can do when they fight, and considering that apparently their experiments on abducted humans that they leave on Earth for like a month before taking them forever, would make them fairly known, and have something like a world agency looking out for different cases or something, however succesful they actually are.
Now onto Free, Is there any chance that we could get to know of any of the friends that the rag-tag group would make along the way of the travels? Like, there HAS to be someone who they befriend without any shennanigans involved at the very least, or with minimal ammount of them, just as there HAS to be a friend made after a disaster of cataclismic proportions happens that inebitably onvolves the found family. Also, how long was Leo outside on his own before bird friend (forgot his name) found him and started to get them back to the Domes? Considering that they have a long adventure, I imagine that he spent at least a month outside without an idea of any direction he was going, and getting lost along the way because of course he gets lost, before he was found. Would the team find anyone else who was part of the Domes but left of their own volition too? Another traveler similar to Leo, but that doesn't want to return to those places for X or Y reason? Would there be anyone from the Domes that they meet that DIDN'T want to leave the Domes in the first place but got out regardless? This could be for whatever reason, from kidnapping to exhile to attack to the Dome to simply escaping from a bad situation.
oop sorry for taking a bit to get back to you,
youre questions make me realise how under developed my stories are wheeezee so i rlly appreciate your questions!!
SWUP aka Vicky her human alias. or I guess the unicorn is the alias. AH SHIT I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT!! Originally when i made SWUP she was supposed to be in high school. But as i grow I also like my characters to grow with me. Maybe I'll get her a job as one of them gym buddies (it has to be a job that allows for some form of freedom, enough to like be able to do th vigialnte thing- (i forget the name) Medical expenses aren't too bad, I'm basing it off aus medical- which means medicare! Plus she doesn't need the hospital all that often, she can regenerate.
In terms of friends she doesn't have many not because she socially inept (like myself)- she was very popular in highschool, but there isn't many people she can relate to. Her best friend James (pending name) comic book nerd that loves super heroes is all she's got. And some gym bros, but they're just friends at the gym, outside complete strangers. I really do want James to be relevant to the plot and not his dad and daddy issues, but he's a bit hard to squeeze in. Maybe if I sat down to actually do some writing, maybe--- ALAS I am but a creature of laziness, and poor attention span. (im barely focusing on Flee atm and I rlly wanna try developing GECKO again fml)
Humans know little to nothing about aliens (excpet for like the government and so wackos who a really into scifi) So even though SWUP is doing her best to help ppl, she's seen as a horrifying villain that is stage one to an alien invasion. (the scifi wackos play a part in that.) Although most Police officers appreciate the help... most.
Suprisingly no, most humans who were mutated into unicorns almost seem to disappear, SWUP is an exception. Why is that hmmmmmmmm? this is kind of a big moment, if I ever plan to push this idea to the webcomic/animation stage, youll see.
There's not really an official .org agency or anything like that, but some wackos who love space, and an actual scientist or 2. So far they have deducted that unicorns are evil space creatures who prey on humans and consume their flesh to get stronger so they can lay eggs and take over the world. There's not a lot of truth to that. Some parts tho... but which part? At the moment I'm really into mystery- so maybe I'll add some mystery elements, or I'll give it to GECKO. first i gotta redesign Mac, poor lad is not a looker I'l tell you that.
FLEE I barely know their friends either- haven't gone about developing them. HOWEVER. I do have a villain in mind. I remember making him for my illustration class back in uni (sigh uni days...) I dom't have a name, but I have a face. He's a big leader of this village known for killing the hybrid/mutants. He and his crew, a rag-tag gun loving, truck driving, share-a-brain-cell, lot. How they've managed to become successful hunter bunch is unknown.
But one the friends I have developed enough is Bolt, who also comes with their own shennanigans and an old rusty bus. Techincally they don't need it because they're fast as fuck, but it helps to have around incase you get a goliath sand bobbit on your hands.
Tristian is the human, Leo is the bird friend. Actually Trisitian was out on his own for three days, he didn't cover much ground when he finally met Leo either- dumbass didn't bring enough food and water to last. He didn't even have a plan, just wanted to go out. The only reason Leo didn't send his ass running home was because something- or someone- pushed them far. far away. Oh my who could it be?
Tristians kind of a rarity, not many people leave the domes unless it's through underground passageways to other domes. Most people are blissfully unaware of the outside world. Not to say Tristians the only one who escaped, but he's the only one who's survived outside for so long. (dome people don't have any survival skills) The only reason Tristians gotten so far is dumb lucks and a hot headed bird friend.
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bloodline-rpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, Bigby! We have accepted your application for your OC, Tyler Orville (FC  Dane Dehaan) Please create a new blog (not a sideblog) for your character and send us the link via ask box as soon as you can. Along with your link, please let us know what lyric you’d like for us to use for Tyler in his bio if you do not wish to use the one on the skeleton. Welcome to Bloodline!
Name/Alias: Bigby
Age: Twenty-Six (twenty-seven as of jan 26, 2020!).
Preferred pronouns: they/them
Timezone: est
Level of activity (don’t give your activity a number value, please describe how active you will be as best as possible): I work full-time midnight shifts from 11:30pm - 7:30 am. I am gone from the house from 10:30 pm until 8:30 am. I do not get online in my “mornings” but after work I’m usually on for a couple hours before bed. This is/would be my only rp group so I can devote my free time and attention to it outside of regular adult responsibilities. That being said, I do have regular access to tumblr IM and discord while away for plotting and keeping in touch/up to date.
(The Resurrected skeleton).
Character’s Name: Tyler Orville
Desired FC: Dane Dehaan
Character’s Age: Twenty-Seven
Character’s Species: Immortal Witch
Character’s Sexuality: Bisexual
Tyler lived a fractured childhood. Fragmented moments glimpsed of a possibility, at something forever out of reach. He was born sick. Sick in an ever changing way, as if the unnamed disease that ravaged his body was more than such, as if the very illness were alive. He was their first child born following two miscarriages, two elder siblings he’d never know and he couldn’t help but think bitterly that whatever awful thing nested within his being had been the root cause of their deaths.
Francine Calhoun, his mother came from a long, long line of original witches; the kind of old blood that prided themselves on their lineage so much so that inbreeding had been commonplace in generation’s past. Her courtship and subsequent marriage the kind of witch that barely qualified as a witch. The kind of witch, that if it were a mere man and nothing more; would only go to church on Easter and Christmas and call themselves a devout Christian.  In fact, Teddy Orville hadn’t been much of a witch for the last several years; a decade even, outside of the odd potion infused tea to help during the university crunch before exams anyway.
Much of Tyler’s life was spent in hospitals. Moved from one doctor’s appointment to the next; a seemingly endless stream of doctors approaching his case with first fresh faced enthusiasm and big dreams of curing the incurable before frustration, disappointment, shame…no tests they ran produced conclusive results. Were they absolutely certain it was not environmental? Were they certain it wasn’t all just in his head? What a wicked thing to ask a boy of barely nine years, far too small and too many sharp edges, sunken eyes and blood stained lips.
His parents refused to give up.
Isolated from their magical foundations (your child’s illness, your child’s pain and suffering, your damned spawn’s death is what you deserve for allowing your body, your womb, to be tainted with such a lesser man’s seed) Francine struggled to cope, struggled to combat the evil plaguing her son’s body with her magical abilities coupled with modern medicine. For the time being, Tyler was alive even if that was touch and go; would it not be kinder to let him pass? To let him go?
He drifted from palliative care back to intensive, back to long term; his education was sporadic at best. Not once did he set foot in an actual school and he longed for a life outside these walls; to be like the children he watched on television or read about in his books. He longed for some greater being to come and purge him of this wicked illness in his breast and though his parents struggled to provide him with a life; he wasn’t living, was barely surviving the day: rinse and repeat.
His life changed when he received a clunky laptop at thirteen, it allowed him an unheard of outlet to the world in forums, in chat rooms, through games. He could be anybody. Anyone but himself. And maybe in the beginning he fell in love with that anonymity. He was no longer the sad little sick boy, he could be a regular boy doing regular boy things like going to school, playing sports, and hanging out with his friends. Friends. He began to make those too.  That was new. He’d never had friends that weren’t the nursing staff in the unit he stayed at or the PSWs that came to his home when he was enjoying one of his rare “good” streaks (they never lasted).
There were other children in the pediatric wards of course, but they were never the long term kind of patients. Not like him. There were the odd handful that stayed for a couple months, and some even a couple years but…their endings were not happy ones.
Technology improved with time, not just with his laptop but with medicine. With such improvements came new hope. And new disappointment. Funny that, he thought he’d long been accustomed to the bitter taste. As he got older, his good streaks became less and time spent within the gently titled comfort of his own home became sparse until it became nonexistent. By this point in time, the knowledge of witches had become common; and some younger, braver, perhaps even brasher doctors went against the norm to seek help out in these communities but came up empty handed.
His parents were drowning in debt, in sorrow and their exhaustion showed. Tyler almost wished they hated him. Wished they’d move on. Try again with another baby, a healthy baby. Do it right this time, since he was nothing but wrong.
He’s so young. The staff whispered, pity, sorrow heavy; had been whispering since he was in the single digits. Tyler would be forever young despite being closer to thirty than twenty. His activity in his group chat dropped to an all time low, his oldest friends feared the worst.
And he discovered something unheard of.
It was the kind of discovery one could only stumble upon in the places on the internet that no one should go. Where only those with wicked intent did linger. Immortality. It seemed too good to be true, some old wives tale; some fantasy story straight out of the games he played with his friends (less and less so these days).
Only it was real.
And it was obtainable.
A cure.
I’m a real boy.
Talking about being forever young had never rung so true, the doctor’s were baffled. His family was torn between horror and gratitude. He stood in the hospital garden, barefoot with dirt between his toes (and the odd cigarette butt or two but that’s less romantic) and simply basked in the sun. It was as close to a religious experience as he’d ever experienced, and he’d spent a lot of time praying to an uncaring God over the years. Begging. Pleading. Cursing.
He sent a letter written in a terribly untidy scrawl to Carden Manor requesting the chance to relocate. To discover the culture he’d never had the chance to experience, of witches and wolves and perhaps others like him. After all, it was the only community of their people he could name and maybe he was still on the tail-end of euphoria that had him wanting to throw himself into the deep end so to speak.
Maybe there was something darker there, something darker that festered close to pain towards his parents. Resentment. Anger. They claimed to have exhausted all means but what of this? “It’s something born of the darkest of magic Tyler please…” had it been a line they were unwilling to cross? Had they known about it all along but their morals had them unable to act?  This was an old magic, this wonderful beautiful thing that had been a boon to his ravaged body. This thing that had given him a new lease on life, was to him far more a blessing than any kind of curse. Already accustomed to the taste of (his own) blood on his tongue, the need to consume such a thing to survive was such that he didn’t even bat an eye.
Anger. It simmered, boiled toward all consuming and dark. Terribly, terribly dark. A want for violence, to let his hands hook into claws and act out such emotions; revenge? He wasn’t sure. Though, Tyler was absolutely sure of one thing: he wanted away from them.
Moving to the manor was the second best thing to ever happen to him and he’s all too eager to dive into a life he never thought he’d get the chance to have.
To live.
It’s almost painfully obvious that Tyler’s social skills are lacking. Limited socialization during his formative years has left its mark. The bulk of his ability to interact with his peers is stilted and awkward, he can come off as blunt, flat, and even cruel. Withdrawn as though secretive (and he is hiding something, hiding who and what he used to be before his immortality) he comes off as standoffish and every bit some kind of “edgy loner kid” persona. Though he is most comfortable when alone or in front of a keyboard, residing at the manor demands that he evolve past this. As does his new lease on life. He’s trying.
Incredibly self-motivated, Tyler is almost too eager to learn more of the supernatural world to which he’s been removed from for so long. His own magical talent, lacking largely in part due to a lack of proper training. His parents, understandably, had been much too focused on his ailing health. He has a truly impressive repertoire for potions and enchantments; the kinds of witch’s work one can learn from a tome but has very little hands on experience. His frustration for his…otherness that still remains is palpable. As though he hasn’t really changed. And due to such a state, he tends to lash out at his peers which does little to earn him any friends.
He’s used to not having friends, even if he finds himself frustrated with his inability to adapt in this regard. It’s a lot more difficult than he anticipated to reshape himself into somebody, a new and improved version of Tyler Orville.
Some parts of his original self remains, a quiet thoughtfulness, an impossible patience at odds with his frustration, and an optimism he tries to keep buried deep down for fear of coming off over eager and annoying.
Presently, Tyler stands fairly neutral on the in game political spectrum due largely in part to his inexperience. His outsider status borders on some sort of isolation; which in a way, speaks the truth. He was woefully isolated from his people and hardly had it in him to follow the news much outside of the big events. Like the world discovery their kind in 2016, he saw that; read about it. His friends in the group chat talked about it. A lot. He and his best friend, Alex, fretted in a private chat about the repercussions of such a thing.
He’s not too overly keen on the servitude aspect of other species, finds it rather barbaric if he’s being honest but is well aware of the delicate line he walks here. Outsider. He’s the son of a marrying of a strong bloodline into a weak one, he never once met his Mother’s family and knows nothing of their history. Of their possible feuds. His Father’s family could never hope to hold a torch to such greatness. Tyler straddles the line between a somebody and a nobody.
In this, he could potentially be shaped into a supported of any party with the right guidance. He has power given his immortal status and his bloodline is strong, if watered down some with his Father’s genetics. He could prove to be a promising ally to any party should they wish to court him so.
As far as plots go, I want to explore him well, exploring life in person instead of looking on from the outside in. I want him to interact with his peers from wildly different walks of life and learn more about the world. The world, his world that had been so very small has suddenly exploded into something so grand.
I also have a potential wanted connection for him to offer, in the form of his best friend Alex (who can be played male, female, or non-binary) who is also a supernatural (species up to the potential other mun) and they met playing an unnamed fantasy mmorpg. Alex brought Tyler into their group of friends and they’ve been Tyler’s main friend group ever since. Tyler has gone radio silent before, but this is something new altogether. It’s like he’s dropped off the face of the Earth and Alex fears the worst. What exactly brings Alex to the manor would be 100% up to the other mun but a reunion would absolutely be required and their future interactions and relationship is anyone’s guess!
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inuitakumi · 5 years
i uhhh decided to make a profile for cheng’mei as im updated/rewriting his lore, i don’t expect anyone to actually read this but you’re welcome to lmao
Full Name: C’hengmei Tia/Hengmei’a Xue
“Alias”: Cheng’mei Xue
Full Name Meaning: His parents were a Seeker (father) and Keeper (mother) Neither seemed to fully agree on what his name was, and though while his parents were in the same room he seemed to be ‘C’hengmei’ his mother exclusively referred to his name as ‘Hengmei’a’ when his father wasn’t present (which was often). As a result, he was never quite sure what his name actually was
Alias Meaning: After the Calamity hit and Cheng’mei was left alone, he began traveling with an Elezen who had nursed him back to health, in that time he decided to permanently use his mother’s surname Xue, his first name changing entirely coming about as an accident as his name had been misspelled somewhere as they were making passage to Thanalan. Since it showed no real association with either tribe and was entirely it’s own, he chose to keep it like that.
Nicknames: Cheng, Mei, Warrior of Light/Darkness etc
Pet Name: Occasionally called MeiMei if someone is feeling particularly affectionate
Handwriting/Signature: incredibly messy, as he was mostly ignored during his childhood he never really got much of a formal education.
Gender: Male
Age: 23, probably closer to 24/25 by the end of ShB but who knows how the fuck time works in this game
Birthday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (Oct 31st) year 1554 of the Sixth Astral Era
Birthplace: Limsa Lominsa
Immediate Family: Father, C’yahng, Mother, Hengmei’a Xue, and younger sister Ahqing Xue. Their current whereabouts are unknown
Distant Family: Presumably has family in a small Xue tribe in the Black Shroud and family in the C tribe. Though his parents are now separated he assumes that if they survived he likely has other half siblings roaming around somewhere.
Infancy [0-2]: ah what a good time to exist. Too young to realize that his parents definitely should not be in a relationship with each other.
Childhood [3-9]: From about 3-5 he still felt the warmth and affection of staying by his mother’s side. Despite having trouble responding when called due to not fully comprehending what his name was, he felt happy and loved at this point and was excited when his father would come home from his ‘merchant’ trips (cough piracy cough) and play with him. Though there were other Miqo’te children his age from the tribe his father came from who were nearby, they never seemed to want to play with him partially from his being different as he looked like a keeper, and because his father was splintered away from the tribe for coupling with someone despite being a tia, and with a keeper. Either way, at that age his mother rarely left the house, and as a result he rarely left too, thus resulting in no friends even from the local non-miqo children in Limsa.
From 5 onward his mother became more and more distant from him, insisting more and more often for him to leave the house on his own which was an incredibly odd turnaround from before. Traditionally of course Keeper males wandered between groups and generally did not stay with their families. Though looking back, Cheng’mei also suspected there was resentment she held against him since he’s pretty sure that keepers don’t make their sons leave at THAT young of an age, and without any sort of male figure to keep an eye on them. This also created more tension between his parents, with his father thinking it ridiculous to let a small child run around on his own in Limsa Lominsa, especially when Cheng’mei almost got kidnapped on multiple occasions. 
At the age of 9, he now had a younger sister that his mother clearly paid much more attention to. Their parents also had no arguments over her name, and his father relented easily in letting his sister have a fully keeper name since he was never home anymore anyways. When his father randomly decided to take him on a trip with him on a “merchan” ship, he thought things were looking up. He ended up disappointed because even on the ship he was sat on a barrel and largely ignored by his father, with his only entertainment being from some Lalafell who took pity on the bored child and entertained him with stories from Ul’dah and Thanalan, which is where they hailed from. Upon returning home they were greeted with an empty house, with Cheng’mei’s mother having left with his little sister. He suspected his father knew this would happen, but he never got an explanation as to why.
Early Teens [10-17]: Now with only his father, Cheng’mei now spent even more time alone. Despite the fact that in his youth, Cheng’mei’s father would get mad when his mother left him alone or pushed him out of the house, he now did it even more often than she did. Again, he’d spend most of this part of his youth wandering Limsa, seeking out strangers to tell him stories or take pity on him and give him snacks. When he was 16, he picked up a job at a tavern, where he was able to witness more adventurers passing through with their own stories, and he continually remembered those Lalafell who talked to him about Ul’dah. He ventured out on his own on occasion, making it to Costa del Sol by tagging along with adventurers, but it resulted in the scars on his face when he was attacked unaware. 
Late Teens [18-23]: The Calamity hit when he was 18 years old, and he doesn’t actually remember what he was doing or where he even was at the time, he only remembered a blur, and waking up with an Elezen who had taken him in and nursed him back to health. They continued to travel together, helping out what little they could. During this time, he had even considered the possibility of going to Gridania to find his mother and sister. He ultimately decided against it, as not even his father knew where his mother’s family lived and hunted in the Black Shroud, since their meeting had been an off chance moment when she had entered Gridania. And even then, he wasn’t actually sure if any of his family were still alive or not.
Ul’dah [23]: Cheng’mei and the Elezen who helped him parted ways when arriving to Thanalan, now newly christened with his new name after a flub, Cheng’mei traveled to the thaumaturge’s guild to begin some of his first proper training in being an adventurer. It was there in his fledgling adventuring time that he met Thancred and the Scions for the first time, and began his ascent into the role of the Warrior of Light. Despite being able to defeat Lahabrea and destroying the Ultima Weapon, he never felt comfortable in his role as a Black Mage. Despite all the anxiety and reservations that he held whenever he was in Gridania with fear that he may run into his mother and sister and general discomfort with not fitting in with any traditional miqo’te structure (the only miqo’te he was close to at the time being Nashu, who was quite untraditional), he tried his hand at archery and felt at home with a bow and arrow, and even befriended Leih Aliapoh, relating to her confusing feelings about family.
Despite having spent the least amount of time in Ul’dah versus Limsa Lominsa, he considers that he truly came into his own the most during his time there, and even works with the Immortal Flames to this day, as such to most people he’s considered to be from Ul’dah.
Evolution (How has your character changed since they were younger?): as a child he never really formed bonds with anyone because he had the assumption that they’d ultimately ignore him like his parents would. Instead he got his entertainment from stories and fleeting entertainment he got from others never getting very close with them. As he got older he slowly started growing more attached to people like the Elezen who helped him and came to the issue of growing immediately heavily attached to people who would show him slight affection. In the Scions, he often followed Thancred like a swooning maiden just because of some light jokes Thancred would make about following him around. Perhaps because he didn’t enjoy a normal childhood, he definitely acted a bit more childish and rough than someone should at his age. He irritated Urianger at first, for seemingly not taking any of his written out notes or information seriously, until Urianger finally confronted him about not reading anything and Cheng’mei had to tearfully admit he could barely read anything and felt some insecurity for not feeling as intelligent as the other highly educated Scions and just being more of a pawn who was directed in their every action. They became closer as Urianger, along with Y’shtola, helped teach him showing him that despite lacking formal education, he was actually quite perceptive. (Y’shtola earned the nickname of Auntie Shtola as a result of her patience with him) Despite his supposed crush on Thancred, it was actually Haurchefant where he first started experiencing something akin to actual love, and the resulting heartbreak and pain from his death changed Cheng’mei drastically. He’s constantly horrified thinking that it could have been another fleeting attachment from someone who gave him affection or if it ever could have been something else. Though still jokey and sassy, you could see the experiences of battles begin weighing him down as his rough childish edges began wearing down. He started focusing more on his relations with others, and even started considering Alphinaud and Alisae like the siblings he never got to have after not even getting to begin a relationship with his own sister. He even felt quite a bit of anger with how Thancred treated Ryne at first, looking back to his own neglecting parents. 
Species: Miqo’te
Ethnicity: Mixed Keeper of the Moon and Seeker of the Sun, appearance is solely Keeper of the Moon
Facial Type: Round
Eye Color: Left eye light blue, right eye two shades darker
Hair Color: Black, with white streaks
Hairstyle: Tends to stray on the long side
Skintone: Very pale
Complexion: Clear, though very often a bit sunburnt
Makeup: Using a rather elaborate red warpaint design on his face to draw attention away from his scars (and sunburn)
Body Type: Ectomorph
Build: Lean and small for speed, very in tune with the average build of a hunter miqo’te, which is probably why he felt such a strong connection with archery when he tried it.
Height: 5′2″ (157cm)
Weight: 53kg/116 pounds
Facial Hair: none
Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos: He has a scar over an eye and a smaller one on his cheek from being caught unaware while tagging along with adventurers when he was 15. He draws attention away from it with warpaint. He also has a white tattoo on his nose that he got while traveling with his Elezen companion, who like the color white.
Senses: He sees in the dark very well with his Keeper genes, unfortunately as he grew up in very sunny warm places, his wide pupils only made his vision worse in these places. He makes up for this by hearing very well. Any angry squinting is just him not being able to see shit.
Handicaps: CAN’T SEE. No really he probably needs glasses but he hasn’t bothered yet. 
Mental Disorders: honestly after everything he’s been through it’s no surprise he’s shown PTSD symptoms
Lovers: Presumably with Haurchefant, though it never really reached any sort of proper status before it was nipped. Seems to have something going with Aymeric or G’raha but whether or not these will truly become something more is unknown.
Occupation: Part time Warrior of Light, Part time Fetch Quest boi.
Work Ethic: He does his best to help people as much as he can in any way that he can. Even if the requests irritate him slightly, he still goes out of his way to try to make people happy.
Wealth Status: Though at this point he probably has more money than the usual citizen due to all the money he gets from helping people, he’s not exactly the greatest at ‘saving’ and ‘budgeting’ which results in him having to pinch gil more often than he’d like to admit.
Past Work Experience: Waiter, messenger, Professional Loitering Child That You Wonder Is Homeless Or Not
Organizations/Affilications: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Thaumaturge’s Guild (formerly), Archer’s Guild, House Fortemps, Immortal Flames
Education: Barely existent. His mother taught him the very basics when he was 5-7 but he never progressed much past that. Though he learned ‘street smarts’ and enough reading to handle working in a tavern, he mainly relied on others to do that part for him. It isn’t until he joins the Scions that Urianger and Y’shtola improved his abilities greatly, though he’s still behind most of the scions. How the hell he managed to study Thaumaturgy with his basic-ass reading could be anyone’s guess. 
Religion: Again, his parents butted heads with Menphina or Azeyma, so out of following his parents he simply prayed to which ever he thought of first. During his times as a Scion, he supposed Hydaelyn was the one he followed but now he’s not sure where he stands with the gods. If anyone asks though, he dryly responds that he’s a born-again Halone worshiper. No one knows if he’s joking or not. 
Desires: Because of his less than stellar childhood, he wants nothing more than to keep the family he has now.
Wishlist: at this point he just wants a nap. 
Accomplishments: Defeating primals, defeating Ascians, leading revolutions. Y’know. Basic WoL things.
Greatest Achievement: He claims its swimming. Just to tease Alphinaud and Urianger.
Biggest Failure: Despite having done so much, feeling like he’s a failure for not saving people he loved.
Secrets: During his time training as an archer in Gridania, he saw his sister. Though it was only at a distance, and the fact that he only knew her when she was an infant, he just felt it was her. But it was not his place to suddenly show up in her life, so he simply watched her go.
Regrets: Never confessing to Haurchefant. Both of them knew something was there, but Cheng’mei continually thought ‘after this is all over, i’ll say something’ but ‘after this is all over’ never happened and he lost Haurchefant before then. Those thoughts still haunt him to this day as he often has dreams wondering what it would have been like had Haurchefant not died that day. 
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gaygwenpool · 6 years
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hello i have some Opinions on these moth boys
(explanations under the cut since i love crying over this dumb d-lister)
Lawful valid - The Batman:  he’s got stealth skills! code breaking skills! karate skills! cocooning skills! coffee making skills!!!! and a terrible posture! Great amount of fluff and a small swarm of clothing moths following him around, what’s there not to love???? He is polite, obedient and loyal to a fault, best follower you can ask for not to mention his Charaxes form is The Cutest and literally friend-shaped. SO VALID!!
Neutral valid - Teen Titans: Sadly we lost the trademark Tacky Color scheme but on the other hand we gained so much fluff and so much beef and he even looks somewhat like a moth so i believe it was worth it :’D  He gets to be in the valid row since he has a lovely spoiled daughter and he tries his best at parenting..okay not his best but he TRIES okay? and his army of giant adorable moths is a big plus. 
Chaotic valid - Charaxes form from Robin etc.: listen liSTEN i could cry about the mess that’s Charaxes for days, dude sold his soul to an Actual devil just so he would be taken seriously (and he still gets called a geek lmao) and that’s just the start of this wild ride!! Don’t let me started on the plotline about his ..offsprings... it was all v fucked up but he still cared deeply about them despite all, he is valid and nothin u say can convince me otherwise! He does look like everything BUT a moth (and charaxes sp. is a fuckin butterfly, vast majority of lepidoptera are moths but of course this idiot picks a butterfly) but i will let it slide cuz he has been through enough. He eats yarn for godsake! and people.. sometimes.. 
Lawful dumbass - ‘classic’ Killer Moth from Batgirl Year One etc.: Dare i say an Iconic Look, Iconic Personality, Iconic Dumbass!!! Spends all his money on moth gijinks, then picks up a random pyro in a bar when crying to this stranger he met for the first time about how hard his life is and then throws up when said pyro is more than he could chew. And that’s just the basic outline, this version is honestly a Gift that just keeps on giving. 
Neutral dumbass - Lego Batman videogames: tbh i was THIS close to putting this boy into the Valid row just by the virtue of him being lego.. (he was out-valid’ed tho) im still so proud of him, he has joined the A-listers ever since the FIRST lego batman game, what an accomplishment! And he doesnt even care that much about crime, give him a bigass lamp and he will be happy! (Ooh lightbulb!) Truly a neutral dumbass who thinks moths are rodents... Oh and he leaves a sparkling trail when he flies! 
Chaotic dumbass - Prime earth!KM from Green Arrow etc.: THE !!! ABSOLUTELY!! BEST!!! BOY!!!!!! (im not biased at all) Sassy young hipster who joined the villain scene not entirely sure what his modus operandi will be AND NOT EVEN HAVING DECIDED ON HIS ALIAS! Sure, the loss of striped tights stings, that hoodie aint really reminiscent of a moth and even frikin Mr. Freeze along with bazillion other characters got a mohawk in his redesign but MY BOY PULLS IT OFF!! even with the heavy gaz tanks he now wears just for the Aesthetic, his gun nowhere in sight.. He gave us such ICONIC lines as “D-lister? I’m hurt I’m at least a C-lister”  and "That’s okay, i’ll just sit there and try not to be too self conscious, thank you very much.”  Honestly please read his short story in the first Legends of tomorrow, i guarantee every panel is a Blessing.
Lawful bastard - Booster Gold: None of the Killer Moths get much respect but this one corrects one of his henchmen that he should address him as KILLER moth only for said henchman immediately call him Moth again :’D His moth-cave is such a bat-cave knock off im surprised he doesnt have a giant moth-tyrannosaur there.. But the thing that landed him in the bastard row was that when he accidentally got street cred for “defeating” Batman (thanks Booster) he upgraded to this uglyass bat-moth suit and ruined Gotham with his Protection scheme that actually worked for once. He deserves some credit for being able to keep that rep though! I am still not sure how he did that, one knocked out Bat does not make the Top Rogue.... 
Neutral bastard - Golden Age!KM: Actually really capable Moth?? I mean he looks ridiculous as fuck swinging on that string of his like a kid in a school play but his plans had their merits and stumped the Caped Crusader a few times! he was actually the first to come up with the “plastic surgery to look as Bruce Wayne” idea, take that Hush! Bonus points for giving us the flashy color palette and the Best vehicle designs. Still, highly cursed because some artists shown him opening his mask like a beak full of teeth. 
Chaotic bastard - Batman Shadow of the bat: Waaay too trigger happy for a loser like Killer Moth should be, he gets kicked out of a squad for being Too bloodthirsty..  Would sell you (and himself) to satan for one cornchip. The costume combines the worst of too realistic and not lookin at all like a moth but admittedly he still looks ridiculous and kept the colors so not the worst there is i guess. 
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jungnoir · 6 years
bts m.list;
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❥ navigation
❥ last update: destiny | 08; jjk + myg
♥︎ - fluff
☁︎ - angst
✕ - smut
☾ - au
✓ - request
・- head canons
▪︎ - moodboard
⦿ - one shot
… - series
✎ - drabble
sequels, prequels, spin-offs, etc.
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babysitter!bts | combined ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: bts as babysitters!
cryptid hunter!bts | combined ・,☾,✓.
↳ summary: bts as… you guessed it.
witch!bts | combined ・, ☾.
↳summary: witch, please.
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college boyfriend!namjoon | ・, ♥︎.
↳ summary: namjoon borrows radio dj!yoongi’s studio once in a while and falls for his cute assistant along the way. college!au.
happy birthday, experiment 255 | ⦿, ♥︎, ☁︎, ☾.
↳ summary: namjoon is experiment 255, the latest model in a series of humanoid robot helpers for mankind. you’re the primary caretaker of experiment 255 until he’s deemed fit to be sold on the market, and for the most part, you’re supposed to stay unattached. but throwing him a mini birthday party wouldn’t hurt much, right? (cause i just had to do something weird for his birthday). robot!au.
in between the lines | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “I’m a writer and you’re my character and wtf how the heck did you just literally climb out of my first draft?”
you attack my heart | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “I just got partnered with you in dance class and I can’t dance for shit” ⇢ some people find love in friends and some people find love on a car ride home from dance class; love is funny like that.
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boyfriend!jin | ・, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: falling in love in cooking class has never been so sweet. boyfriend!au.
a dash of wicked | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳summary: “I’m a writer and you’re my character and wtf how the heck did you just literally climb out of my first draft?” ⇢ what exactly is standard protocol when a super villain you create for a children’s book comes to life one day? well, you keep him, of course. villain!au.
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first love | ⦿, ☁︎, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: yoongi’s been in love with you since childhood and he only has the courage to tell you when you’re about to marry someone else. best friend!au.
the married life | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎, implied ✕.
↳ summary: being married is never a bore when your husband is a vampire king + inspired by  “Stop calling me Princess!” “I apologize, my Queen.” vampire!au.
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my neighbor, jung hoseok | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: you’re just trying to get in a nap after a long day at school, but your very sweaty (and very hot) next door neighbor is keeping you up, practicing with his dance crew way too loudly. you hike your way over to give him a piece of your mind (but you’re getting more than you bargained for). neighbor!au.
a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
loud and clear | ✎, ☾, ☁︎, ♥︎.
↳ summary: haven’t you ever been curious about the god you pray to? noragami!au.
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loose ends | ⦿, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “fate will tie up loose ends, always, forever” you and jimin were once high school sweethearts. that was, until he signed on to big hit and you cut off ties. it’s a few years down the line now and you meet once more, and you realize those feelings never quite left in the first place.
take a breath | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: on days like this, jimin thinks he should really thank his mom for putting up with him. dad!au.
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traveling in paris with taehyung | ▪︎.
↳ summary: taehyung in paris aesthetic.
kim’s emporium of the strange | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: you’ve always been curious about that little shop in town that only ever opened during Halloween, and one day, something in you possesses you to check it out. your curiosity lands you in a cauldron of hot water with a cute witch named kim taehyung and a lot more problems than you started out with. witch!au.
my heart’s content with you | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: throughout the struggles of college life, slightly overbearing parents, and a road to finding yourself, you meet your soulmate, the mysterious Kim Taehyung, who despite being the strangest boy you’ve ever met, has also proven to be the best. soulmate!au.
motivation | ✎, …, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: part of a series of weightlifting fairy kim bok joo inspired drabbles. you have a competition soon, and your beloved, annoying boyfriend has to get you ready for it. he might not make it out alive, though. swimmer!au.
cute when you’re jealous | ✎, …, ♥︎, ☾, sequel.
↳ summary: part of a series of weightlifting fairy kim bok joo inspired drabbles. it’s no lie that kim taehyung is attractive. you just have to make sure everyone knows who he belongs to (i.e. you’re jealous and taehyung loves it). swimmer!au.
valentine’s | ✎, …, ♥︎, ☾, threequel.
↳ summary: part of a series of a series of weightlifting fairy kim bok joo inspired drabbles. you ask why taehyung doesn’t bring you flowers like the other girls. you get a surprising response. swimmer!au.
a moment to think | ⦿, ☁︎, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: taehyung, for the first time since he’d awoken to the reality of impending galactic domination, gets to cry. it’s all thanks to you, the human who’d managed to slip their way into his big, altaen heart, despite your useless attempts not to fall for him. vld!au.
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moonlight | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: jungkook and you are spies partnered up to take on a renowned crime boss at a fancy restaurant, so of course you have to play the part. maybe the red dress was too romantic however, because jungkook insists this is a perfect first date for the two of you. and, come on, you’re not really complaining. spy!au.
destiny ⇢ 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08  | …, ☾, ♥︎, ☁︎. ao3. 
↳ summary: you’re just about ready to give up on life altogether; your love life is in ruins, you’ve lost your job, and your family couldn’t care less about you… and then you meet your blushing guardian angel, and maybe life isn’t so bad after all. angel!au. [chapters have been rewritten and rearranged as needed]
puppies and a pop star | ⦿, ♥︎.
↳ summary: you’re worried sick when your boyfriend, jungkook, is late coming home from recording, and even more worried when he walks in covered in bruises and holding a puppy that you definitely haven’t seen before.
demon!jungkook | ・, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “Could you do a Jungkook scenario where he transforms into a demon and then you too meet and you understand he’s different? You’re like best friends and then he turns you too and says that he loves you Thank you 💖” - anon. demon!au.
tricky things | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎, sequel.  ↳ summary: you’ve been known as many things: friendly, beautiful, jeon jungkook’s best friend, and now, a half-demon’s half-demon girlfriend. continuation of demon!jungkook. demon!au.
gangster ceo!jungkook | ・, ♥︎, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “Hii!!! I just found your blog and its awesome like im in love with the jungkook scenarios!! Since the requests are open can i request a gangster or ceo scenario with jungkook? you dont need to do both, you can do the one that seems easier i guess if you do decide to take this request and continue writing awesome stuff!!” - anon. gangster!au + ceo!au.
highlight of my life | ⦿, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: you’re bts’ makeup artist, and a certain golden maknae has a crush on you. he expresses this in the only way he knows how: with the help of his hyungs.
a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
amour chassé-croisé | ⦿, ☁︎, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: by day, you’re just a normal teenager in love with a popular model that goes to your school, jeon jungkook. but by night? you protect the city of paris under the alias ladybug, assisted by the ever elusive, ever anonymous, and ever so flirtatious, chat noir. you’ve always wondered who chat noir really is under the mask, but he may just be closer than you think. miraculous ladybug!au + superhero!au.
boyfriend!jungkook | ▪︎.
↳ summary: jungkook as your boyfriend.
isn’t she lovely | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: he didn’t know he could love someone this much, after you. dad!au.
milkshake man | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: 14. “One milkshake down.” ⇢ jungkook’s worst nightmare comes true: his child is lactose intolerant. dad!au.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Anything written here is one hundred percent my own, and I confirm that if anything inspired a story on my blog, it was properly credited.
All rights reserved by jungnoir ©  2016-2020.
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arachnrd · 6 years
- My interpretation is primarily based on the first Insomniac Spider-Man game and its DLCs, along with the prequel book Hostile Takeover and heavily featuring my own headcanons. Personally,  I don't agree with the takes in the Insomniac verse based comics, nor what they've done to Peter's character in the Miles Morales game ( including the change they made to his appearance they can completely miss me on that ), so we're just not gonna touch that here. No judgment or hate at all if you like any of that, or any of the other interpretations to Peter's character,  this is just my personal preference and my portrayal. If you don't agree, feel free to move along.
- I wont accept hate over my takes on Peter's / Spider-Mans character, or theft of my headcanons, graphics, or anything I definitively create myself. And while I dont condone cancel culture or anything of the sort, I will not hesitate to bring that behavior to light if it's consistent. Im here to have fun, not deal with nonsense over a fictional character.
- Im not a huge fan of the MCU. Im fine with interactions with other MCU based muses, but may be selective about it and will want to talk things out before hand.
- I dont associate with the Marvel fandom, particularly here on tumblr. The original reason I left this blog back in 2019 was due to the community being heavily toxic and drama mongering, and as a result will not only not tolerate any drama or toxicity, but will be a bit selective and cautious on who I interact with from that side of the rpc.
- Unless it's established in the source material, or plotted out with me, your muse will not know Peter is Spider-Man. Im not touching giving muses ex - machina knowledge of others without it being discussed or signed off on by both parties, period.
- I will NOT interact with blogs that use youtubers, social media influencers, or anime / drawn characters for their Fcs [ Comic centered blogs I'll be selective about ] . Nothing against you, it’s just not my thing.
- I will NOT follow OC's with no bios or abouts up; Hard to know if our character's can interact if there's no info.
- I will block personal blogs that reblog or follow, as I like to keep interactions here between fellow rp mutuals.
- I may want to explore more adult aspects to Peter's character, so that, along with being an adult myself, means Im simply more comfortable interacting with those of age and will not follow or interact with minors, please respect this.
- Unless it's something applicable to our muses collectively, Please reblog memes or posts in general from the source. I'm not a resource blog and if treated as one, especially by blogs who never interact, I will soft block.
- As stated this blog is MUTUALS ONLY, meaning i will only write with mutuals. if i dont follow back there’s genuinely no hard feelings, I just get very overwhelmed with an overly busy dash and need to be a bit selective to prevent my anxiety from going nuts. you’re more than welcome to unfollow. though its very much a mutual thing; if you want to interact but dont follow me, chances are I’ll say no as I take following as a sign of interest. I may take a while to follow back as my notifications on here are the worst. If I don’t follow back within a weeks time, feel free to unfollow.
- This blog is multi-verse. Despite being set within the narrative of the game, I can incorporate elements from the movies and comics ( Mostly from the Ultimate comics since thats what I'm most familiar with and have actually read), such as dynamics between characters, etc if your muse isnt in the game. Not to mention love creating verses with writing partners. BUT, my Peter will still be played as the ps4 version of his character.
- I dont pretend to know every Marvel character. Or even ALL the characters from the Spider-man comics to their finest detail. For that my knowledge is going to be straight from whatever info you give and wikis.
- I ship based on chemistry between muses, but Im also very okay with pre established dynamics (whether that be romantic, enemies, platonic, familial ( though this Ill be a bit selective about ), whatever!) Considering that can be a bit easier thread wise for some people instead of starting from the very beginning. As with most things, I like to talk through it beforehand. If you have anything in mind, you're more than welcome to approach me! But I also reserve the right to respectfully turn things down or offer alternate options if things dont mesh.
- I will not write smut on tumblr. So for the most part any if it all suggestive scenes will lead to a fade to black or time skip.
- i am a-okay with questions, especially about my muse! if you have any about anything at all i will be more than happy to answer them the best i can! Also totally fine with random IMs even if we havent talked before so hmu.
- I write under the alias Nox! ( She/Her ) and I am of age.
R U L E S / O T H E R
- I love plotting. If given my way I'd be plot exclusive but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. If you're ever interested in plotting, know I am already onboard.
- If you want to turn a meme or ask into a thread, I’d prefer to be asked before hand. Simply because sometimes its nice to have memes just be stand alone things or for fun.
- Additionally I take the memes I send in to others as just memes for memes sake as well, so if you want a thread to continue off one you'll have to let me know , otherwise I'm clueless.
- My activity may be a bit sparse. As it is I have a hard time keeping muse, just the way I am sadly. i know this is something a lot of people, myself included, can find frustrating (especially when you’re really into a thread) but a fair amount of the time i may take a while to respond. As much as I love this, aside from being a hobby, and having a very unreliable laptop, I have a chronic illness that makes me exhausted most days or just not in the mood to write and not in any kind of state to type out a response you lovely people would deserve. though i will always try to quickly reply when i can. Please be patient. If you ttry to harass or guilt me into a response, I wont hesitate to soft block for my own sanity. Im here to have fun and write when the mood strikes.
- Yes. please. send as many as you want, as often as you want. Even if we haven’t interacted, you’re free to send one my way; They can be a great place to start things off.
- You don’t have to match my length in posts! sometimes i can write far too much when i get really into writing (and alternatively not write enough), so don’t feel obligated or pressured to follow suit by any means! whatever you are comfortable with is totally okay! it’s not a contest, this is all for fun.
- ALL icons will be from the game/ with the exception of live icons of Peter's first ingame face model that I managed to scrape together. Comic icons will not be used.
- all icons and graphics are created by me unless stated otherwise
- PSD by plutocomissions
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archivesdiveronarpg · 7 years
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Congratulations, MADZ! You’ve been accepted for the role of MACBETH (with a faceclaim change of Tom Ellis). Madz, you have no idea how happy I am to entrust Macbeth into your hands once more. You give him this darkness that drips off of him so subtly it makes me sigh a bit because I’m not entirely sure whether I want to feel bad for him or cheer him on in his duplicitous endeavors. The way that you capture his voice, his tragic spiral, and his all-too-devilish charm is something that I’ve always loved and now I have the pleasure of watching it in action again. Welcome back into the family, my dear! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
                                                                             WELCOME TO THE MOB.
Out of Character
Alias | Madz
Age | 20 years young, my dudes.
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | I should be around a decent amount, probably about a ⅚ because… well, school.
Timezone | EST
In Character
Character | Macbeth; Mikael Falco (fc change to Tom Ellis perhaps ;-) )
What drew you to this character? | I wanna play a bad guy. Honestly it’s as simple as that for me at this point, I want to play a bad guy. Mikael Falco is what people consider a bad guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily a great bad guy. Sure he walks the walk and most certainly talks the talk, but deep down, there’s something in him that restrains him from really unleashing the full extent of power that we want to see in a bad guy. That something is obedience. The trait that was ingrained in him as a child in boarding school, something he now cannot stand. It will be his downfall, the very thing that will inevitably bring him to his knees, and he knows it. Mikael’s  been trying to overcome this deadly habit, but with such a strong desire for power and his willingness to prove himself to the Capulets (though not without his own power hungry agenda), his progression towards independence is slow and rather unsteady. Though his obedience at one time had been blind, he’s now beginning to use it against anyone who stands in his way. A true con man, Mikael’s ability to lie in the face of those superior to him has gotten him far. But it’s not far enough for the man who was meant for greatness. He wants the crown to rest upon his head and his alone, and he’s not afraid to do anything it takes to get it. His bad guy image isn’t helped by the fact that he’s completely whipped by his devil of a wife. He’d always dreamed of dancing with the Devil, but he hadn’t pictured the Devil stepping on his toes and getting in his way. But she has this sick, twisted power over him, one that chokes him tighter than his extremely well-tailored Armani suits, one that he initially loved but has quickly turned to despise.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character?
Of course I cannot wait to plot out Lucrecia and Mikael’s relationship. I think for what it is, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are one of the best duos in literature. Their relationship is complex and it’s dark and it’s dirty and all the things I love to see from killer couples. I hope that Mikael could break the chains from which he’s weighed down.
So I think a really fun plot would just be his descent into madness. I think this was probably my favorite aspect of Macbeth’s story when I originally read it, and I think it’s a central part to his character that’s going to be fun to expand on. He’s got inner demons that he battles day in and day out, and I think writing a character who is so determined to get power but is also held back his struggle with himself is going to be interesting.
And lastly I think his struggle with his position in the mob would probably be one of the main plots I’d develop while writing him, because the Devil isn’t placated unless he’s calling the shots himself and doesn’t have to answer to the so-called “Gods.” Mikael has been trying so diligently to prove himself to the Capulets, doing anything and everything they ask of him, killing anyone who could possibly get in their way in attempts to show himself worthy of a better position. And I feel like Mikael will definitely be plotting different ways to achieve this higher status, through whatever means he deems necessary. ESPECIALLY WITH THE SPADES NOW IM SURE HE’S GONNA TALK WITH THEM AND TRY TO MOVE HIS WAY UP THRU THEM IDK BUT IM EXCITED
In Depth
The following THREE questions must be answered in-character, and in para form (quotations, actions written out if applicable, etc). There is no minimum or maximum limit for your response - simply answer as you would were you playing the character.
What is your favorite place in Verona?
Mikael could all but hold back his laughter as he sat against the cool metal chair, legs spread distinctly as to exude an air of power. “You call this an interrogation?” He remarked snidely, rubbing his thumb and index finger along his sharp jawline. In all the years he’d been working for the Capulets, Mikael Falco had his fair share of visits to this all too familiar interrogation room. The walls were grey, water dripped from a corner where a dark black circle seemed to expand twice its size each time he’d returned, and there was only a metal table barricading him from the other enemy – the law. He’d spent enough time running from the Montagues that it only aggravated him more when they managed to catch onto his business affairs. And with the wound still healing from the murder of Alvise, many were pointing fingers at Mikael, who hadn’t decided if he was going to use this as an opportunity or shut the rumor mill down. “Everyone knows how I adore The Tempest,” He replied finally, after spending some time analyzing the unfamiliar face scribbling notes before him. “I hear they’ve even taken to engraving my initials into the table I frequent, which of course I said was unnecessary but completely welcome.” He ended this statement with a charming smile, one he’d been perfecting for years, one that satiated any uneasy feelings anyone might of had when interacting with him.
What does your typical day look like?
“First, I’d wake up, and reach over to my wife who I haven’t fucked in ages, hoping to spark any kind of flame that lingered from our younger years, only to be shot down with a shrug of her shoulder when I managed to touch her skin. Then, defeated, I’d get up and get ready, making sure my suit was in perfect condition and everything about my appearance was pristine. The Capulets expect an appearance of superiority, because we are superior. Then, I’d mumble some sort of goodbye to Lucrecia who’d ignore me, leaving my confidence at a low, but that’s besides the point. I’d make my way over to the cathedral, able to smell the irony of our headquarters practically miles. There are no Gods in Verona, not yet at least.” Not until I take over. “Assignments for the day are posted routinely at 8 a.m., and I’m usually less than satisfied by my orders to patrol the shipping docks we use to smuggle our weaponry, but I’d head there with whomever else I’ve been assigned to work with. We’d make all the right small talk, and I’d be lucky if I left work any type of happy. On a good day, I’d be assigned something better, something more… exhilarating. It’s the little tastes of pleasure like getting to off another Montague solider that make me rest easy at night, though I know I can do more. It’s just a matter of time until everyone will witness the extent of my power, and then they’ll either give me the power I deserve, or I’ll pry it from their limp fingers. Then I’d make my way over to The Tempest, where I’d drink my troubles away while listening to some young woman with wide eyes and naive dreams talk to me about God knows what, before returning home. Lucrecia might be there, or not. I’ve come to expect her absence. I’d climb into bed in my drunken haze, and drift off into a slumber.”
“It doesn’t look like much,” He replied, almost too easily. He wasn’t stupid enough to give him any sort of information, not even a white lie was safe in the hands of the law. “I do my job, just like you.”
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
Mikael’s intrigue was spiked by this question, the first that pertained to the very being of who he was, and he sat up almost instinctively. From the outside, the feud between the Capulets and Montagues seemed to be about nothing more than territory and old family rivalries, fickle matters with which Mikael rarely found himself concerned with. Sure, the territory each family claimed for their own indicated a sense of power, but Mikael knew that the real power came from within, and he wasn’t one to get too involved with the affairs of the families from which he didn’t spawn.
“Someone once asked, “War, what is it good for?” and then proceeded to answer “nothing.” Mikael stopped speaking for a moment to laugh quietly before fixing his posture and returning to his calm demeanor. “I pity the fool who believes that sentiment, for war is but a necessary evil for those who desire to conquer. And I… Well I desire nothing less.”
In-Character Para Sample: From the moment he was born, Mikael gravitated towards grandeur in all things he did. The Falco insignia was adorned in gold and blood, though it had not always been this way, as those who had come before him shed blood, sweat, and tears in their efforts to build an empire from the ground up while oppressive forces tried to hold them down.
Tugging tightly on the cuffs of his tailored suit, Mikael carried himself proudly through the streets of Verona, a silk crimson handkerchief peaking out slightly from his front pocket. There was a certain determination in his step as he walked, an image of no particular significance to those who did not know the man. To the untrained eye, he looked just like any other wealthy and power hungry man, but for those who learned to fear the man’s unique tune he whistled as he walked into back alleys, this wasn’t a leisurely walk. Mikael had a destination, a target rather, that he was headed to, one that hadn’t been officially assigned to him.
His lips were pursed tightly and he begun to whistle his tune, shoving his right hand into his pocket, sliding it over the cool metal of his knife. His fingers skimmed over the serrated edges of the blade and made their way to the elegantly carved golden handle. It was his favorite weapon, the one with which he had the most practice with and the one that made a name for himself.
Mikael arrived at a corner and turned it quickly, giving himself but a fleeting moment to glance at the man who was about thirty paces behind him. It wasn’t the first time he’d been followed, and it surely wasn’t going to be the last. Mikael knew that killing him would be clumsy, and that wasn’t his business. But he wanted to send a message, something he was particularly fond of. Sparing people wasn’t something he did often, but he instilled a fear equivalent to the fear of God in those whom he chose to spare, always able to make an impression.
There was a gap between two equally beautiful buildings, and Mikael turned quickly into it while he was certain the man following him hadn’t seen him. He waited against the cool exterior of the building, hand still resting on his knife, the other one flexed open. Hearing shuffled footsteps approaching slowly, Mikael readied himself. The footsteps came closer, and began to slow, and without a moment’s notice, Mikael reached his left arm out from the alley and pulled the man into it by the collar. His grip was tight, and the man grunted as he was thrust harshly into the wall. “I understand you’ve been sent to follow me,” He said in a hauntingly calm demeanor. It took him a moment to notice the man he had in his hand wasn’t much of a man at all, and was more of a boy. Typical Montague behavior. The young boy shook his head in fear, obviously new to the job, and he squirmed underneath Mikael’s grip before he tightened it. “Stop fidgeting, boy.” He spat, looking over his shoulder to make sure that no one was able to see this interaction take place.
“I’m going to give you one try, and I want you to be honest with me, do you understand?” The boy gulped in fear, and nodded his head after a moment of deliberation. “Great. Who sent you?” His question was concise and straight to the point, games were for children and Mikael found himself relatively tired of the games people liked to play. “I’m not going to ask you again,” He threatened, raising his voice and drawing his blade from his pocket. “Now, I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to have to use this on you,” He said, raising the blade to the boy’s eye level, which he noticed changed the boy’s attitude. “M-M-Matth–” “Matthias. Of course. Now, I want you to tell Matthias that I’m tired of his games, I’m tired of his tactics, and frankly I’m tired of this feud he has with me. Make it very clear to him that the next time he sends someone after me, this knife,” taking this time to slide the cool blade gently across the boy’s cheek, leaving a small nick at his jawline, “Will do more than leave a scratch.”
Extras: If you have anything else you’d like to include (further headcanons, an inspo tag, a mock blog, etc), feel free to share it here!
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kasssiopeia · 7 years
Final thoughts on NDRV3
posted under cut because spoilers!
So I want to write a little review for.. i dont even know whos gonna read that? probably nobody that still wants to play the game afterwards, haha. Anyway I felt like writing a final report on what I liked or... disliked, at least for the record I guess.
Starting with characters:
When I first watched the trailer, there were quite a few characters that caught my eye. Especially Yonaga and Amami, also Saihara and talent wise I was really looking forward to Ultimate Magician cause?? Nice? Also the promo pictures oh my.. Akamatsu and Harukawa?? Hell yeah. Saihara and Momota? Yeah alright! Amami and.. whos that again? Ah yes Ouma.. well I don’t really care but sure? (haha)
Actually playing the game made me think twice on a lot of characters really quickly. First of all I immediately fell in love with Chabashira and the fact that she and Akamatsu got along was just suuuper exciting!! Also Shinguuji seemed interesting but his story seemed a bit difficult for me to understand in Japanese. After getting to know Hoshi for a bit I also became really attached to this character cause he was kinda relatable for me? and I dont mean because of the same alias, I just felt his kinda nihilism and will to sacrifice himself for the others cause they have more “will to live” hit home really closely. I think if it were me, surely I’d behave similarly. Halfway through the story I suddenly realized I really love Ouma, I don’t even know how that happened cause at first I was kinda meh towards him but smh it happens quite often that characters who pissed me off before suddenly become my bias, soo we are stuck with him now I guess? but ill talk about him in more detail later. Saihara turned out to be a true “meh i dont really care about this guy” character, Harukawa was annoying cause in the end her behaviour changed nothing and it was just plain boring. Hagakure.. I mean Momota was same, and it was even worse that these two kinda became a romantic pair cause that just made them even more boring. I could only acknowledge Momota after it was found out that he agreed to Oumas plan.
Also I ended up disliking most of the other characters, ESPECIALLY Yumeno cause she was equally boring and useless and dont act like you ever cared about Chabashira cause Im not buying that. Angie WOULD have been interesting if she had killed someone after all, but yeah whatever. Shinguuji had the potential but they decided to completely fuck over his character in his trial.
The game mode:
Tbh at this point, I cant really complain much? I gotta say I disliked logic dive and forgot how its called.. the sword mode something something. But then again I played this on pc and I think both wouldve been a lot easier with a controller. Now lets look at brain drive, which works similar like logic dive and... what? i have to pick up sex workers? Saihara’s car is full of sexy ladies? WHAT
seriously i dont know what they were thinking but that just weirded me the fuck out. The rest wasnt so bad. The new game mode they brought in wasnt so bad, relatively easy to win but to this day id need so much more time to figure out how to clear every block. The showdown thing?? pretty shit. I liked panic talk action in the previous games, but now it became a button mashing rhythm game that was.. pretty difficult aint gonna lie. Also the fact that you literally tear off their clothes until they are half naked in the end.. what. the. fuck.  Climax logic was alright, but the pictures got really tiny i think? sometimes it was hard to get what was going on unless you read the description. Scrum debatte was great, and the new feature to lie? ... Meh. Smh from the trailer I got the impression that i could either lie or tell the truth. Maybe I was just too stupid to do that, but i dont think i ever had a choice to do either. If someone was able to do different, please tell me cause I was a bit disappointed. Ah also, weak point panic talk(?) where you have to listen to many characters at first. if im not wrong it was introduced as something only Akamatsu can do? because of her musical ear I mean. Well guess that was a lie,
The trials:
Probably THE main thing in dangan ronpa I mean hey we all came here to enjoy a little murder mystery right? (jk im here to romance the characters in peace mode) Let’s say I wasn’t... too impressed with them.
The first trial was pretty interesting, well done too, if it WASNT for the point that the player character herself was the killer and got executed. Wait what, you just took my character away? after the FIRST trial? Yes exactly. I’m not sure what they were thinking except adding a bit more drama and man pain for Saihara but ill write more to that later. At the end of this trial, everyone cried more for the killer than for the victim just because her motive was something as noble as “I knew we wouldnt make it in time so one of us had to kill someone.”
second trial was... incredibly weird and unnecessarily cruel, and I’m not saying this because Hoshi is my bias. Okay maybe I am. But seriously first he gets drowned and then his corpse is eaten by piranhas so theres not even anything left of him anymore? The whole creating a ropeway with a pool floating thing just felt weird to me as well but sure I wrote it off as “after two games theyll eventually run out of ways”. Speaking about the motive... it was similar to the first murder in dr1, but the fact that Toujou turned out to be some president of a country (if I got that right, I was bored and didnt bother checking unknown words) and she wanted to get out to save her people just.. what? And I said this before but I dont believe that Hoshi just “let himself get killed”. Why’d he fight for his life otherwise and leave all those scratch marks on a fucking stone sink? After the trial, again, nobody cried for the victim, they were all ridden on the killers noble idea of getting out.... okay? what
the third trial!! hell yeah!! that was finally one i could really enjoy, despite my waifu getting killed (but she was beautiful until the end). I actually dont know what really got me to like this murder, but the fact that it was definitely plausible maybe helped. Also when it happened right in front of everyone was just really exciting! The trial was... good, until Shinguujis “real identity” was revealed. His motive was pretty gross, I mean the fact that hes romantically in love with his sister and kills for her, which also implied hes a serial killer just.. idk that was weird, but FINALLY they didnt cry for the killer but for the victims.
trial four was a PAIN to get to, istg this stupid game world pissed me off to the point where i didnt  wanna play anymore, also cause i heavily suspected Ouma to do something and I didnt want him gone haha. The death itself turned out to be pretty interesting (tbh i wouldve never thought theyd kill of a ero character like Iruma! ) so I’d say i liked this trial.
Dude trial five!!! hyped me up so much. I was so torn between hoping Ouma is the killer and also Ouma being the victim... if I ignore the stupid romance interval between Harukawa and Momota, I could even say this was my favorite trial. But it also heavily reminded me of Komaeda’s trial which was a bit.. weird. I got pretty pissed that in the end, Momota didnt go through with Oumas plan, therefore making his death basically useless.  But boy the trial gave me so  many Ouma feels, so that was nice...
The sixth and final trial... where do I even start? Well its where the whole plot comes to an end right? And the kotodama looked pretty interesting, just like the build up but then.. I understand that 4th wall breaking is cool, but do it too much or at the wrong time and its just a pain in the ass.
The trial almost had me throw away my ps vita in frustration also it was so boring i ended up skipping a lot of dialogue cause what are you even trying to get at? Not even the end or some more 4th wall breaking could fix this and literally until the end i was so bored that i just skipped through so i could unlock bonus mode... i almost feel like telling everyone, dont play this game now lol.
The story
If the beginning had you wondering, isnt that normal for all dr games? at least i thought so. normal game, normal killing, great. But the new main character! Akamatsu was pretty lovable. I enjoyed the way she brought in her talent into conversations (and left others stunned cause they couldnt relate). She was just really refreshing to play as, just the small romance-y sections with Saihara were boring (but at this point i thought its just being friends so okay) . Compared to Naegi who was seen by the others mostly as a “loser” or weakling who sometimes says something good, and Hinata whom everyone really liked, Akamatsu seemed to me like having some people who really trust her, and those who are somehow against her. AND THAT FELT RIGHT.
Too bad she literally gets killed as the murderer during the FIRST trial and replaced by Saihara who evidentally gives off a ~Naegi vibe~. Seriously why would you even do that.. It was stupid as heck, but the only good thing is that it saved us from possible Saihara and Akamatsu love story.
Continuing, Saihara loses some of his weakness thanks to Momota, and also it is hinted that Ouma can’t really be trusted or can he...? Cause what he did that was thought to be evil and possibly harmful for the others actually turned out to be a way to at least prevent one killing. After that I got the feeling that he actually grew just a little bit closer to the group and became even more helpful again.
Then we have these weird scenes with Harukawa and Momota, which are just weird and Harukawa herself was a boring character, but if you care for some tragic background and forseeable character development that of course has to end with romantic feelings, sure.
The student council thing to prevent murders from happen was actually pretty interesting and i wish theyd gone through with that just a bit more, but it was a nice turn of events.
Talking about Ouma, the moment you think hes on your side, theres this weird scene with him and Monokuma and you know somethings up. I made a post about this earlier too, wishing for him to double cross everyone and eventually turn out good, but that suddenly turned into a pretty far fetched wish after the fourth trial where hes portrayed as ultra evil and later on reveals that hes the mastermind (wait, is he really? should his black and white clothing scheme have given him away sooner?)
i guess i... didnt mind it so much except for the fact that Ouma wont appear that often anymore. he even goes as far as to say that the killing game is over, but isnt it kinda boring that the character who hinted that he was evil, turns out to be evil after all? Well a lot of things in this game were a bit boring, so... sure. We even learn that Ouma is a remnant of despair and what?? how does that even make sense. If they are supposedly students of the new Kibougamine Gakuen which was built by Naegi, Junko and Despair wouldve long been dead! Alright then? Oh yes also the whole setting ins in SPACE and those students are the last 16 humans from earth who were put in cryosleep until they reached a new planet to live on. Oh...kay? Why not I mean.
For Hope to win, everyone sets out to kill Monokuma to finally make the Killing game end for real and.. look, Ouma is helping them! Somehow that is really giving me hope for his character even if his insane laugh and incredibly creepy sprite (seriously what the fuck) are a bit unsettling...
And then.. who wouldve thought? Another killing happens but this time with a twist. Ouma wasnt actually the ultra bad guy everyone thought and guess what! Hes not even the mastermind! Thats my son. I was super happy that some faith in Ouma was restored, even tho his plan to snuff out the true mastermind reminded me of Komaeda going crazy to single out the traitor... especially cause there are quite a few similarities between those two.
So for the final trial, it seems that there are quite a few hints linking to the true mastermind being Enoshima... again? How did she even get here. But theres some weird plan from the government and the fact that Monokuma is here as well might be that someone implanted some sort of virus like in sdr2? We also know that theres definitely someone who is watching the whole killing game. And thats... where it all goes to shit.
This dangan ronpa is the 53rd installment and the people watching are actually dangan ronpa fans! surprise youre all just fictional characters who chose to be here, and so is every other dangan ronpa character! nothing is real, you dont even really exist! lololol
do i need to say any more
I think that was the worst plot twist ive ever seen? You couldve just somehow figured something out, even make it a reality tv show for crying out loud but not some bullshit like ohh the dangan ronpa fans wanna see you despair! they wanna see you have hope!
fuck. off.
if it wasnt for that ending, that game wouldve been a solid 7/10 I’d say, especially with the last 3 chapters really getting me fired up. But that shit.. Its a literal, oh we just made this game cause you fans wanted it? we didnt actually wanna make this but you keep asking for more?
im gonna go romance ouma in peace mode now bye
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ADMIN CAMERON: I’ve said before that I love twins and Poppy and Jesse are no exception, even if they aren’t related by blood. Poppy is both a stand out on her own, from her outer shell of sorts to her inner core, and compliments her sibling as well. This all-American princess certainly will find new stomping ground in Roswell. 
You’ve been accepted as THE BINARY with the faceclaim of SAOIRSE RONAN. Please follow all rules and regulations as laid out by the Roswell Town Council, especially concerning any non pre-approved biologic. All UFO’s outside of city limits must be stickered or will be towed. Enjoy your stay in the first city of extraterrestrials.
21, got my license changed and everything
CST, im never active, i don’t know anyone here
removed for privacy 
i love being unhappy and suffering so heres a second app
the binary
poppy helene griswald
cis-female, she/her
biromantic bisexual
november 12th, 2038. twenty two.
trust fund baby // the griswald family fortune keeps her comfortable, and she’s definitely one of those people who wouldn’t have to work a hard day in their lives if she didn’t have such expectations sitting on her shoulders.
student // poppy is currently studying economics at columbia university but spent her second semester at the university of new mexico as a way to get ahead of the political curve. she has the hopes of becoming the cfo at some company she gets into based on connections alone in the future, or so she’s told.
drug kingpin // she started a hand in the cocaine trafficking that runs through the city, and has expanded into all the new variations of pills that are popping up as more and more people move here. while she’s not the most feared on the street, she’s far more powerful than your local drug dealer, and  has no problem with issuing orders. all of it goes through a second phone that she keeps on her person at all times, and she tries her hands clean as much as she can. it’s something that she wants to leave behind once she goes back to new york, but right now thinks of it as a rebellious double life that she can lead without much scrutiny.
saoirse ronan
screw u ais
Adopted at an age too young to remember your previous life, your family was quick to fill your head with new rules and lessons. You’re a Griswald now, someone who was plucked from obscurity and give a life filled with everything your heart could desire. You can do nothing but be grateful as your parents shower you with gifts and affection, as they show you a standard of living that most people will only ever dream of. You’ve never had a choice, you were going to make your parents sure that they chose the right baby girl, that they were going to have the perfect heir. There was never a doubt in your heart as you grew from a precocious toddler to the little girl that was enrolled in dance classes and piano lessons. And although you had a brother to rely on, to prop you up when you were feeling low, someone to confide in; some part of you always wanted to do a little better than him. To prove to your parents that you were the right child for them. There’s a future for you here, one where you carry on all the hopes and dreams that the Griswalds could have wanted when they adopted two children for their legacy, and it’s one that you’re privileged to be a part of.
The conservative opinions that flew around you seemed to be just another part of the lifestyle. You repeated what your father said without understanding the meaning, without pretending like you cared to know. What mattered was the look of approval on his face when you repeated what he said, how you enthusiastically nodded along to the conversations of friends, even when you were too young to really know what they were saying. There was a moment when you could have been corrected, when someone could have explained what they really meant, what this elite one percent stood for, but that moment passed and you were left with the hollow mantras and no real beliefs. There’s a future where your company is run by the statement ‘although all people are equal, humans are more equal’ and you can’t see a way around that.
Such thoughts were only cemented by the boarding school that you were sent to, all the kids around you whispering what their parents said and teachers nodding as if there was no way to go against those who paid their salaries. The role of a leader was one that you seemed born to play from the start, you were the president of clubs, a group of silly girls always behind you- propagating you as a leader, telling you that you were brave, that you were smart. Which would have filled your heart with confidence, had you any idea what you were really doing here. There was a loneliness at your core, that seemed to grow even as people told you that you were popular and well-liked, that you were going to succeed in this life. Your grades were immaculate, always held up to compare with your brother’s, although you tried your best to ignore those comments. He seemed to be your only real friend in the world, you wouldn’t let school come between the two of you, not for anything in the world. There’s a future for you, where people respect what you say, because you’re the one who said it, and that started when you yelled at people to leave the Griswalds alone or face your wrath.
But he still seemed to pull further and further away from you, into a world that you couldn’t see and couldn’t understand if you had. You were left more and more alone, the people who surrounded you didn’t really know you, they couldn’t understand that you needed to prove to your parents that you were the right choice. That out of all the kids they could have adopted, you were the one that was going to carry on their legacy. You may not have every really believed in what your parents stood for, but you were going to repeat it until it sounded like you did. You were going to go to the school that they wanted you to, and study the major they believed would further your career. There’s a future for you, one that’s going to see you married, having children, working at a job that will support you for the rest of your life; it’s a future that your parents picked out but they know what they’re doing.
Although having every aspect of your life dictated for twenty years, and following to the letter, is hardly the way for a girl to grow up. Even as you said that you were happy with this life, that you didn’t mind your brother leaving, that you were glad to see a clear future ahead of you- you were slowly crushing from the weight. Leaving for New Mexico wasn’t you waving a white flag, you told your parents it was the opposite. That you were going to further your own education and help your brother see the error in his ways. And after all this time, how could they not believe you. The last thing that you wanted was the announcement of a council, something for your parents to call you up and give you their rules for. You were going to be a pro-human advocate, that’s what you always told them you believed in, and you’ve never disappointed them. There’s a future where you’re going to carry on the Griswald name and everything it stands for even if it hollows you out and leaves you burning with what could have been.
long hcs:
1. although she thought that she loved the busyness of new york, once she moved to albuquerque something in her has calmed down a little bit. it might be just a placebo, something about getting farther away from a family who could hover over her shoulder every minute of the day, but she’s found that she’s able to sleep longer and handle daily life far better. it may only be a momentary internal relief, and she certainly doesn’t see the feeling translating towards any of her daily interactions. but when she’s alone in her penthouse, she’s actually found herself playing music and singing along, dancing in her pajamas, generally being much more comfortable in her isolation.
2. she has a fish tank in her apartment that she had installed before she moved in, and it’s stocked with beautiful tropical fish. she feeds them and loves to stand and watch them all swim around, it’s the most calming part of her day. were she actually to have people over the fish tank would be the first thing that she showed them, pointing to all the different fish that she has and making general comments about the upkeep. the conversation would be intensely boring but she has a love for the tank that knows no bounds. she even has a service come in once a week and check the tank and the fishes health to make sure that there are no problems, because were they suddenly all to become sick she’d probably freak out. it’s undeniably the focal point of her apartment.
3. she really wanted to study english in college, she could already see the long nights reading bronte and austen, arguing with people over tartt and patterson. she even went as far as to apply to columbia as an english major and was accepted. but the moment her father saw the application she was instructed to change her major to something more feasible. with jesse already going to new mexico, they couldn’t take any chances with her and the classes that she took were heavily scrutinized before she started. her sophomore year she was able to sneak in one literature class and loved it, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem like that’s going to be the life for her.
sleeps on white sheets, has a white goose down comforter, her bed is just the softest
likes to dry and press flowers into albums, there are yearly editions
can’t stand the taste of coffee, drinks it anyways and has come to prefer espresso
she likes going to restaurants very late at night and ordering overpriced appetizers
favorite book is the secret garden
donates monthly to the extraterrestrials for equality campaign in her brothers name
will use anything lavender scented, bubble baths are an indulgence
once dyed her hair brown, but didn’t enjoy it at all and has let her hair go back to it’s normal dirty blonde. it was her only visual act of rebellion
wishes on falling stars
cannot speak any other languages, but has been struggling to learn french her entire academic career. she’s genuinely terrible at it.
i think right now poppy’s got it stuck in her head that she’s the all-american sweetheart, and that there’s nothing wrong with her. she’s so overly concerned with her public image and how people see her that she doesn’t want to come off like she’s ever been through a rough time. her home life has been kind of toxic since jesse left, and so she’s definitely recovering from a lot of that the longer she spends time in new mexico. there’s  still the chance to get her off the path that she thinks is so important to follow. she doesn’t really believe in the anti-alien rhetoric that her parents spew, but she feels very much like she doesn’t have a choice  expect to repeat in and smile for the camera. because she sees it as being one facet of the perfect persona that she needs to put on there’s totally potential for her to be redirected and set on the path of neutrality if not advocating peace.
at the same time i don’t think that just because in her head she doesn’t quite believe what she’s saying that makes her somehow unblamable for it. i, personally, totally blame her for every racist thing she’s ever said. there’s clearly a path she can take where she doesn’t generically spew this hate, her brother took it. she’ll put up a hell of a fight but someone calling her on the rhetoric that she’s been propping is definitely a direction that at least one of her connections could go. just because she thinks of the stance in terms of how her relationship with her parents is going, doesn’t suddenly forgive the position that she’s taken.
the main thing i see with poppy is the kind of thing that can only come out through interactions with other people: something’s not quite right. in fact i think the more she interacts with people the more it would become clear that she’s just barely holding back a lot of repressed anger and feelings. she’s had to bury a ton of stuff to create a persona that she thinks her parents are happy with. if there’s nothing done to help her, i see a much colder (is that possible? we’ll see!) and disrespectful version of poppy who’s not able to handle the expectations that are building on her.
i see jesse as an introvert imploding, and poppy as an extrovert exploding. the two of them were so close and are both trying to deal with the same family issues and yet they can’t go to each other. i want to salvage their relationship and allow them to have the same closeness that they had in the past. because of their ages they were raised practically as twins and that’s the kind of bond that can’t be shaken. i think she feels a lot of betrayal from the fact that jesse left her  behind in new york to deal with all the expectations of her parents, but she wouldn’t go so far as to admit that yet.
in terms of other connections, there’s definitely room for people to get in her business about the political ideals that she propagates, especially as more and more council drama kicks off. tell her she’s wrong! yell at her! show her kindness, shake her to her core. there’s so much room in the area of growth for her political beliefs that anyone could take in any direction. she’ll fight back obviously, she hasn’t spent this long to have a sudden change of heart just because someone gives her a hug, and she’ll definitely have a whole cache of statements to say, but in the end she is still a young girl who’s struggling with who she is. kick her down, do something.
a friend!! damn i know she’s the worst but if poppy had a friend that she could start to trust and confide in, someone who she didn’t think was taking advantage of her or out to backstab her, she would probably chill out, like a lot. it seems unlikely considering the level of pretentious rudeness she’s going to start out with, but that’s what character development is for. a slow burn friendship, that’s what she needs.
0 notes
survivedeathvalley · 7 years
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I am so excited to be competing! Everyone seems like such nice people and I can't wait to play in the challenges and do my very best!
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Mattie is such a Basic Bitch(TM) and it's killing me. Like I'm not that great of an actress, I am a superb liar but I am a shitty actress. Why? because humor is the only thing that keeps me from going insane and I made Mattie such a basic bitch that she can't use any of my "quirks" or fun thoughts and theories. And now Mattie just mentioned death by dehydration, motherfucker! I am so going to be first boot it's not even funny. UwU
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I just wanna talk about my feelings about being on the neutral tribe... I do consider myself on the Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Good side of things. The chaos comes from my crazy emotions. I'm a Pisces so I'm sensitive and emotional. Also I'm actually kinda happy about being on a tribe of 6 people. I NATURALLY gravitate towards Bianca. I know who Paul is cause he slipped up in the tribe chat. So I feel good :)
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OK SO i said i was retired but i adore logan and i wanna see what i can do without my baggage of the past that fukt me in ts all stars so phew. the people on my team seem chill, idk why but for some reason i get the feeling that theyre younger than me which doesnt make sense since im only 20 but anyway. I know that i type very specially and use phrases a lot so its gonna be hard to stop doing that bc if any of these people know me at all its gonna be a dead giveaway! 
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So I've spent all day at Disney World today and I finally get back to the hotel and come online to speak to my tribe.  No one has talked to me one on one yet so... yeah,  no idea.  I said in the main chat I just got off work and I checked online to see Chick-fil-a's hours to make sure my story checked out too. :* We'll see what happens, on to figuring out this challenge!
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First off: When I read this... Confess your sins, your dirty-dirty bad bads, your evil twisted thoughts here. It made me think of the dialogue in a bad porno. http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lthhgjZ1xY1qg39ewo1_500.gif Second off: I do quite enjoy the concept of this alias season. I like the idea of going into the game as a fresh face with a fresh personality and playing along with other people that I don't have any idea of. It kind of rekindles the fun that I have when I get to play in seasons with newbies. http://mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/excited-baby.gif Then, of course, I remember that these are not newbies so some of that fire loses a little oxygen. https://media.giphy.com/media/BmMU3LOfNMMeI/giphy.gif But, I'll try to convince myself that we're all playing for the first time. 
So far I've noticed a few things about my tribemates. I don't think anything can be applied specifically to the individual given that I haven't really reached a stage to call people out... but, some of them are hung up on the fact that this a catfish season. When messaging them they tell me that it's awkward and when I tell them that the dog in my profile picture is my dog Donut they ask if it is "for real". I'm trying to play up this characters of Jenny for them because I thought that was the goal and I need these people to get on board. https://media.giphy.com/media/KGHtHISczyhHO/giphy.gif
Wow, that last bit probably makes me come off as quite the rude person. Yikes! I need to get over myself a little. I get that easing ones self into a new situation can be challenging... sooo I'll give them a shot while continuing to respond to any and all questions and comments as Jenny would. http://replygif.net/i/440.gif
So far I think my favorite people are Tanner, Kai, and Adelaide. I'd like to think I'd enjoy Wash as well but they went to bed shortly after starting communication with me. I don't think (so far as I know and god I hope not) that anyone has come up with a plan to ally yet so I'm just going to continue chatting to get my feelers in those waters. http://media1.giphy.com/media/BqHng2hpjOUdW/giphy.gif
Hopefully Jenny will appear charming enough to begin allying with these people. She needs some throats to slit later down the road and can only start to burn the bridges once she's built them - unfortunately!
Alright, so I wanted to show my excitement at this game because I've played a real-life version called Tsuro with my friends where you are dragons and I'm hugely board game obsessed... but that's nowhere in Jenny's character and I don't feel like making any content about her up unless I absolutely have to! https://uberflip.cdntwrk.com/files/aHViPTIxOCZjbWQ9aXRlbWVkaXRvcmltYWdlJmZpbGVuYW1lPWl0ZW1lZGl0b3JpbWFnZV81NmQ4NDkzNzFjM2I0LmdpZiZ2ZXJzaW9uPTAwMDAmc2lnPTIxMTE0OTVlM2I1Y2M2NWVlYjMzOTE3OTcyMDExZmI0 Also, I was being truthful when I said the challenge is hard... like, I guess I'm having some difficulties processing the path or something because I keep crashing absurdly early. I'm hoping that by tomorrow when others have played it they will be able to talk me through getting a decent score so our tribe doesn't have to go and I won't have to face the possibility of being first boot (which is likely).
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Ok! So basically, Kat just asked me for an alliance??? It's legit night one like chill, but obviously I ain't gunna turn down an ally so i'll play along. I was like "OMG YAHHH I NEVER HAVE ALLIES ON SURVIVOR ORGS" hopefully that makes her think im like a 100% on board... in realist im like 40% on board. It's SHADee as FUCK to try and propose an alliance so early... Also, Giruga (or whatever) is legit annoying as fuck. I think ever sentence he has said thus far has the word "bro" in it? Like can you not be annoying as fuck for no reason... I get it is an alias season, but they dont give you no free pass to be as obnoxious as possible. Praying we win this challenge... hopefully get first because I could totally use a reward with possibility of an advantage in the game. GIMME THAT IDOL. If we do happen to lose I cant wait for the ugly bro culture of Giruga to be the first boot this season deserves.
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Honestly I love my tribe and everyone seem so nice  Not knowing who people really are is kinda crazy but I'll get use to it. 
That challenge was crazy and I'm glad it's almost over with. 
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I'm bored so I'm just gonna... make another confessional. What does this alias twist mean to me? I wanna be able to make the most of it and be able to play the game I'm never capable of playing as my real self. As who am actually am I suck at seperating emotion and strategy so I'm gonna try to be as emotionless as possible, which I actually think will be easy considering idk who anyone is....... except 2 people perhaps. Anyway time to flop at this challenge xoxox give me a good edit please
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i'm typing like gabby bc i don't wanna get out of practice. why is it that the only person that talks to me is misty? bianca i c that u're on and you don't respond to me you're the first person im gonna target. i swear i've sent a 'hey' message to every1 on my tribe and the only one that responded was MISTY.  then marco or whatever his name is hasn't even accepted my friend request yet... i see how it is.
I mean I figured we didn't do fantastic but losing by over half.... sucks.  a lot.  Misty and uh.... someone else just called Marco out for not accepting anyones friend request... maybe that means we can vote him out this round to ensure I stay. :) 
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I forgot we were the Titus tribe but then I realized we got 2nd so I am very proud of my tribe! We did it yay!
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So we just got 2nd and are immune this week I'm so happy. Whoever gets voted out will be crazy bc no one wants to be first boot but the weakest should go!
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So, not only does Kat approach me as an alliance, but i just got approached by William and Layla, too? Damn I cant believe im winning this game :))) Anyway, supposedly Kat and William are ORG newbies? Not sure if that is a lie, but that doesnt shrink their targets by any means... Also thank the fucking survivor gods this Bro bitch aint on our tribe for the next 20 hours!!!! I hope he burns in the Devil's butthole along with his meninst culture.
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So UMMMM I'm gonna just spearhead this plan to get Marco out cause he hasn't spoken... at all. I'm not afraid to take control of my tribe at this point cause the inacts gotta go. Mattie/Gabby are both pretty active so I wanna work with them. Bianca's my goddess so I wanna work with her too. It sucks she got removed or else I would've formed a majority with them. Rn I'm telling everyone "If you watch out for me I'll do the same for you blah blah blah" and making deals w/ everyone because that's how I play! Let's hope it works out xoxoxo
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okay, i've been trying to be a super sleuth to figure out these identities...  I really think that Misty is really Nic.  Misty is from Georgia and Nic is from Georgia, and I think they are from around the same area.  Nic knows that I am from Georgia and now he knows that Gabby is from Georgia too so I hope he doesn't put it together, I think that I'm typing differently enough and I lowkey think he believes that whoever is behind Gabby really works at chick fil a because I've been doing my homework. I'm not sure who Mattie is yet, but I'm having a hard time NOT mentioning how much I love Glee because then I think people would obviously know who I am- or they would think that I'm Ashley Sarah, but Mattie was talking about Scream Queens and I desperately wanted to say I LOVE LEA MICHELE but I kept my cool. I lowkey think that Mattie might be Pippa though, they remind me of each other.   Everyone else....?  I still have no idea. 
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Not much has happened so far. I've talked to a few people but nothing has really moved forward. I was happy to go to the devil's hole, although I didn't end up finding anything. I'm glad I got a chance to meet people from the other tribes though. It was interesting to find out that they have people who haven't even spoken in tribe chat yet? That's crazy. Also it's fun to try to guess who's who. I mean, it's possible I don't even already know the people on my tribe, but it's still fun to try to figure out who they could be. I haven't really gotten there yet. Although I wonder if Alex Raine is a bit new to the community because he's a comp beast, yet he's showing it and making it obvious and making himself a target. I don't know, he seems cool and we've talked a bit, but come merge that could be tricky for him. In terms of alliances, there aren't any yet that I'm really aware of, but Jenny and Alex are the only ones I've talked to that much and I'd be happy to work with them, despite being a little nervous that Alex is a target. He's nice and hopefully his social game is as good as his physical.
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aaaaa  i got 378 score   aaaa
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Bye I'm going home today...  I'm shook at how fast this game started and I saw in the tribe chat that people were complaining that I hadn't added anyone yet but I didn't get any contact requests from any of them either hm!! Anyway unless I can pull myself out of the dirt somehow I'm totally screwed right now... im an easy target bc I was not here the first day and easy targets are always just easy to vote out the first week rip...
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Nothing really. I haven't acted on my plans of being an aggressive player this season, so maybe I'll adapt and get a new strategy going later. Good luck to me
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Right now I feel like a mess because I keep forgetting to check skype and missing important stuff. But right now the general consensus according to Misty is to vote out Marco because he literally does not exist and hasn't added any of us. I love a good first round flop. I feel like if I start showing my fabulous personality I could have a good shot at surviving if we go to tribal again, however people might be weary of me now that I've gone to the Devil's Hole, even though I got nothing. Rob wouldn't even let me keep the rock. :'(
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I can't believe I'm pippa 
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these bitches are so bland and boring BYE
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Why did I make Kat so happy and grammatically correct all the time I'm so used to keyboard smashing like jsjsjahajak. I literally cringe every time I add an exclamation point like pls... settle down... I regret this so much nnnn. Anyways- The people I'm closest to rn are Dianna and William because we have an alliance. I'm also good with Giruga, but that's probably because he's such a talkative person-- and so is Dianna. It's really important for me to show my worth to these people so they don't target me because social players run the early premerge. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that so far. I'm also playing it off like this is my first time playing an org, which will make me seem less threatening. I don't really know if that'll play off since we're all catfish, but I figure the more utr I am right now the better. 
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Well, I can't get into my Paul account so I'm probably being voted out. Peace ✌️ 
0 notes
jungnoir · 8 years
the library;
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❥ navigation
❥ last updated ⇢ march 20th, 2020.
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01. destiny | jeon jungkook + min yoongi
02. witch!bts | bts
03. nothing fucks with my baby | lee minhyuk 
04. like the kind of movie we used to hate | wong yukhei
05. when the bones are good | na jaemin + lee jeno
legend ⇣
♥︎ - fluff | ☁︎ - angst | ✕ - smut | ☾ - au | ✓ - request
・- head canons | ▪︎ - moodboard | ⦿ - one shot | … - series | ✎ - drabble
sequels, prequels, spin-offs, etc.
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babysitter!bts | combined ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: bts as babysitters!
cryptid hunter!bts | combined ・,☾,✓.
↳ summary: bts as… you guessed it.
witch!bts | combined ・, ☾.
↳summary: witch, please.
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college boyfriend!namjoon | ・, ♥︎.
↳ summary: namjoon borrows radio dj!yoongi’s studio once in a while and falls for his cute assistant along the way. college!au.
happy birthday, experiment 255 | ⦿, ♥︎, ☁︎, ☾.
↳ summary: namjoon is experiment 255, the latest model in a series of humanoid robot helpers for mankind. you’re the primary caretaker of experiment 255 until he’s deemed fit to be sold on the market, and for the most part, you’re supposed to stay unattached. but throwing him a mini birthday party wouldn’t hurt much, right? (cause i just had to do something weird for his birthday). robot!au.
in between the lines | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “I’m a writer and you’re my character and wtf how the heck did you just literally climb out of my first draft?”
you attack my heart | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “I just got partnered with you in dance class and I can’t dance for shit” ⇢ some people find love in friends and some people find love on a car ride home from dance class; love is funny like that.
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boyfriend!jin | ・, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: falling in love in cooking class has never been so sweet. boyfriend!au.
a dash of wicked | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳summary: “I’m a writer and you’re my character and wtf how the heck did you just literally climb out of my first draft?” ⇢ what exactly is standard protocol when a super villain you create for a children’s book comes to life one day? well, you keep him, of course. villain!au.
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first love | ⦿, ☁︎, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: yoongi’s been in love with you since childhood and he only has the courage to tell you when you’re about to marry someone else. best friend!au.
the married life | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎, implied ✕.
↳ summary: being married is never a bore when your husband is a vampire king + inspired by  “Stop calling me Princess!” “I apologize, my Queen.” vampire!au.
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my neighbor, jung hoseok | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: you’re just trying to get in a nap after a long day at school, but your very sweaty (and very hot) next door neighbor is keeping you up, practicing with his dance crew way too loudly. you hike your way over to give him a piece of your mind (but you’re getting more than you bargained for). neighbor!au.
a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
loud and clear | ✎, ☾, ☁︎, ♥︎.
↳ summary: haven’t you ever been curious about the god you pray to? noragami!au.
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loose ends | ⦿, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “fate will tie up loose ends, always, forever” you and jimin were once high school sweethearts. that was, until he signed on to big hit and you cut off ties. it’s a few years down the line now and you meet once more, and you realize those feelings never quite left in the first place.
take a breath | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: on days like this, jimin thinks he should really thank his mom for putting up with him. dad!au.
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traveling in paris with taehyung | ▪︎.
↳ summary: taehyung in paris aesthetic.
kim’s emporium of the strange | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: you’ve always been curious about that little shop in town that only ever opened during Halloween, and one day, something in you possesses you to check it out. your curiosity lands you in a cauldron of hot water with a cute witch named kim taehyung and a lot more problems than you started out with. witch!au.
my heart’s content with you | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: throughout the struggles of college life, slightly overbearing parents, and a road to finding yourself, you meet your soulmate, the mysterious Kim Taehyung, who despite being the strangest boy you’ve ever met, has also proven to be the best. soulmate!au.
motivation | ✎, …, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: part of a series of weightlifting fairy kim bok joo inspired drabbles. you have a competition soon, and your beloved, annoying boyfriend has to get you ready for it. he might not make it out alive, though. swimmer!au.
cute when you’re jealous | ✎, …, ♥︎, ☾, sequel. ↳ summary: part of a series of weightlifting fairy kim bok joo inspired drabbles. it’s no lie that kim taehyung is attractive. you just have to make sure everyone knows who he belongs to (i.e. you’re jealous and taehyung loves it). swimmer!au.
valentine’s | ✎, …, ♥︎, ☾, threequel. ↳ summary: part of a series of a series of weightlifting fairy kim bok joo inspired drabbles. you ask why taehyung doesn’t bring you flowers like the other girls. you get a surprising response. swimmer!au.
a moment to think | ⦿, ☁︎, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: taehyung, for the first time since he’d awoken to the reality of impending galactic domination, gets to cry. it’s all thanks to you, the human who’d managed to slip their way into his big, altaen heart, despite your useless attempts not to fall for him. vld!au.
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moonlight | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: jungkook and you are spies partnered up to take on a renowned crime boss at a fancy restaurant, so of course you have to play the part. maybe the red dress was too romantic however, because jungkook insists this is a perfect first date for the two of you. and, come on, you’re not really complaining. spy!au.
destiny ⇢ 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 | …, ☾, ♥︎, ☁︎. ao3. 
↳ summary: you’re just about ready to give up on life altogether; your love life is in ruins, you’ve lost your job, and your family couldn’t care less about you… and then you meet your blushing guardian angel, and maybe life isn’t so bad after all. angel!au. [chapters have been rewritten and rearranged as needed]
puppies and a pop star | ⦿, ♥︎.
↳ summary: you’re worried sick when your boyfriend, jungkook, is late coming home from recording, and even more worried when he walks in covered in bruises and holding a puppy that you definitely haven’t seen before.
demon!jungkook | ・, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “Could you do a Jungkook scenario where he transforms into a demon and then you too meet and you understand he’s different? You’re like best friends and then he turns you too and says that he loves you Thank you 💖” - anon. demon!au.
tricky things | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎, sequel.  ↳ summary: you’ve been known as many things: friendly, beautiful, jeon jungkook’s best friend, and now, a half-demon’s half-demon girlfriend. continuation of demon!jungkook. demon!au.
gangster ceo!jungkook | ・, ♥︎, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “Hii!!! I just found your blog and its awesome like im in love with the jungkook scenarios!! Since the requests are open can i request a gangster or ceo scenario with jungkook? you dont need to do both, you can do the one that seems easier i guess if you do decide to take this request and continue writing awesome stuff!!” - anon. gangster!au + ceo!au.
highlight of my life | ⦿, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: you’re bts’ makeup artist, and a certain golden maknae has a crush on you. he expresses this in the only way he knows how: with the help of his hyungs.
a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
amour chassé-croisé | ⦿, ☁︎, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: by day, you’re just a normal teenager in love with a popular model that goes to your school, jeon jungkook. but by night? you protect the city of paris under the alias ladybug, assisted by the ever elusive, ever anonymous, and ever so flirtatious, chat noir. you’ve always wondered who chat noir really is under the mask, but he may just be closer than you think. miraculous ladybug!au + superhero!au.
boyfriend!jungkook | ▪︎.
↳ summary: jungkook as your boyfriend.
isn’t she lovely | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: he didn’t know he could love someone this much, after you. dad!au.
milkshake man | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: 14. “One milkshake down.” ⇢ jungkook’s worst nightmare comes true: his child is lactose intolerant. dad!au.
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a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
three’s company | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾,☁︎.
↳ summary: the basketball team captain and the bookish loner both have crushes on you. this sounds an awful lot like a movie you’ve seen before. high school!au.
call me lover boy | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “I took a bunch of free condoms from health services just because I could and they all fell out of my bag at once and now you’re staring at me weirdly.” college!au.
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boyfriend!jeonghan | ・, ♥︎.
↳ summary: you’re one of seventeen’s stylists and jeonghan makes it his mission to be your man. boyfriend!au.
howl’s moving castle!jeonghan | ▪︎, ☾.
↳ summary: jeonghan as howl from howl’s moving castle.
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college boyfriend!joshua | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: local campus coffee shop barista, film animation major, and heartthrob joshua hong falls in love with the unsuspecting you, more at six. college!au.
cat caught your tongue | ✎, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: every witch needs a familiar. unfortunately for joshua, you might just be the most troublesome one yet. witch!au.
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the great autumnal compromise | ✎, ♥︎.
↳ summary: if you were going to fight a complete stranger (and a very handsome one at that) over the perfect pumpkin, well… go hard or go home, dignity be damned.
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dad!hoshi | ・+ ▪︎, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: soonyoung’s life takes a turn for the tough when he’s left to raise triplets all on his own, but a certain cute elementary teacher makes it all a little easier. dad!au.
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college boyfriend!wonwoo | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: wonwoo is used to sticking to the shadows, but you just might be the only person who can pull him out of his shell… and he won’t stop blushing about it! college!au.
model!wonwoo | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: you’re a photographer and your favorite subject is jeon wonwoo. model!au.
bodyguard!wonwoo | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: he’s a lover, a fighter, and someone you didn’t expect to care about as much as you do. bodyguard!au.
bonnie and clyde | ✎, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: “I’m a thief/hacker/murderer and you’ve found out my identity and have been bugging me for days to take you on as your partner". hacker!au.
three’s company | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾,☁︎.
↳ summary: the basketball team captain and the bookish loner both have crushes on you. this sounds an awful lot like a movie you’ve seen before. high school!au.
morning routine | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “You saw me reading the same book you are and now we are arguing about the motives of the antagonist.”
i never meant to make you bleed | ✎, ☾, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “you can lie to yourself but don’t lie to me” ⇢ he will always be your stardust boy. the good place!au.
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college boyfriend!jihoon | ・, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: nationwide known piano prodigy and secretly known campus dj jihoon falls for you the first time on accident. he falls harder for you the next time on purpose. college!au.
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the barkchelor | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “Hi, I saw on your dating profile that the only criteria you judge potential suitors on is whether they’re a dog or cat person…?” additionally, “You’re pretty cute so I’ll give you a pass if you pick the wrong answer.” 
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boyfriend!mingyu | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: you’re a trainee at pledis, mingyu really wants you to like him. how cute. boyfriend!au.
ice cream for sweetheart | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: as far as you’re concerned, kim mingyu is good for nothing. but on a particularly hot summer day, it’s proven that that’s not totally true. bad boy!au.
winter blues | ✎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: 60. “You are my sunshine.” husband!au.
bodyguard!mingyu | ・, ☾, ♥︎, ✓
↳ summary: he’s clumsy, he’s nervous, and he really piques your interest. bodyguard!au.
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college boyfriend!minghao + animal shelter volunteer!minghao | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: xu minghao can admit he loves two things in life: animals, and of course, you. college!au + animal shelter volunteer!au.
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boyfriend!vernon | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: you work at a café and vernon comes by from time to time to get lyric inspiration (hint: he actually comes to look at you). boyfriend!au.
a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
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babysitter!monsta x | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: monsta x as babysitters!
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college boyfriend!shownu | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: hyunwoo is a dancer and you fall in love in pilates class. college!au.
hercules!shownu | ▪︎, ☾.
↳ summary: shownu as disney!hercules.
zeus’ place | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: “zeus’ place is a café invented for demigods, magical creatures, and humans alike to mingle and drink great coffee under a magical glamour that conceals the identities of anyone not fully human!” ⇢ hyunwoo happens to be the son of zeus on top of being a very popular barista at Zeus’ Place, but between daughters of Aphrodite and blue-skinned nymphs, he finds himself falling for a beautiful (and very flustering) human: you. demigod!au.
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a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
hate me now | ✎, ☁︎.
↳ summary: love is a fleeting feeling. it’d be nice if that thought was mutual.
today, i smile | ✎, ☁︎, slight ♥︎, sequel.
↳ summary: what nobody told him about being in love is that it can’t just go away, and sometimes, it never really leaves in the first place. a continuation of hate me now.
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jack frost!minhyuk | ▪︎, ☾.
↳ summary: minhyuk as jack frost.
college boyfriend!minhyuk | ・, ♥︎, ☾, mentions of ✕, ✓.
↳ summary: minhyuk is your building’s RA, and a really cute one at that. college!au.
nothing fucks with my baby | ⦿, ❨, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: inspired by prompt 6. “Just drive, I don’t care about the destination, just drive.” you remember him. he’s a good person, always has been and always will be. right? zombie apocalypse!au, exes to lovers!au.
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a whisper, a tune | ⦿, ☾, ☁︎, slight ♥︎.
↳ summary: “Music is kinda illegal and my friend just died and apparently he wrote music and wow I want to know what it sounds like and to play it at his funeral but I don’t know how to. You’re a well-known music dealer, do you happen to understand these notes? Can you help me?“ dystopian!au.
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college boyfriend!hyungwon | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: hyungwon is a chemistry major/model on campus who has a problem with you, a budding photographer/eyebrow destroyer. but an impromptu coffee date and an impulsive kiss later says otherwise. college!au.
funny habits | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳summary: “You’re my new neighbour and wow man, you have some really weird habits.”  ⇢ this wasn’t what you were expecting to find out over an exchange of homemade cookies.hybrid!au.
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snowball fights and cold kisses | ⦿, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “we were playing in the snow and you suddenly tackled me to the ground and now…we’re just…staring… at each other…” with a lil twist
a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
tough guy | ✎, ♥︎, ☁︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: to everyone in your city, lee jooheon is a force to be reckoned with. to his gang members, he’s their fearless and strong leader. but to you? he’s the boyfriend who forgot to bring home eggs like you asked four times. biker gang!au.
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truce | ✎, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: “I’m up to the challenge.” rival!au.
eye for an eye | ✎,♥︎,☁︎,☾,✓.
↳ summary: “This has been a shitty week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food from the shelf, do you really want to fight me rn?” rival!au.
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boyfriend!taeyong | ・, ♥︎.
↳ summary: taeyong is really shy and doesn’t know how to tell you he likes you, but when he does, it’s bliss. boyfriend!au.
could be worse | ✎, ♥︎, mentions of ✕, ✓.
↳ summary: “You’re very attractive but that’s still a weird fucking kink.” + “I’m not religious but I’ve never prayed so hard in my life until that moment.”
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college boyfriend!taeil | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: mr. piano man, sing me a dream. or, music major!taeil has big dreams and you are one of the ones that come true.
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college boyfriend!yuta | ・, ♥︎, ☁︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: kiss kiss fall (down in defeat playing soccer with a near professional athlete) in love. college!au.
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of goats and prophecies | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “Oh calm down, it’s just an ancient glowing sword. Nothing to be scared of.” ⇢ gods and immortal warriors and goats falling from the sky… and kun wants to share a few choice words with whatever entity that made him a part of a prophecy to kill a demon king. fantasy!au, kinda medieval!au, reincarnation!au if you squint. 
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gardener!jungwoo | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: kim jungwoo: stealing hearts and planting flowers is all in a day’s work.
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bad boy!yukhei | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: wong yukhei is the bad boy of your school- oh, you’re kidding, right? he really is the bad boy of the school? please, tell me you’re joking.
like the kind of movie we used to hate | ✎, ☁︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: “he’s [great]. I hope he makes you happy.” ex!au.
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a fairy king and an elven warrior walk into a nerd convention | ✎, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: “Friends can kiss each other a little from time to time, right?” cosplay!au.
no choir | ✎, ☾, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “I gathered you here to hide from some vast unnameable fear, but the loneliness never left me, I always took it with me. But I can put it down in the pleasure of your company.” when everything feels a little too overwhelming, the most simple and most important comforts come from his touch. high school!au. 
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elementary | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: all you leave behind is the ghost of your touch on Renjun’s skin and the memory of a person who had finally gained that upper hand. detective!au, criminal!au.
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a little gift | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: for the last couple of months, a certain friendly neighborhood superhero has been leaving you your favorite coffee every morning when you get to school. you don’t know how he knows you (or your favorite coffee order), but you’ve got a funny feeling you’re gonna find out soon. spiderman!au.
language of the flora | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: : jeno’s too shy to confess his crush on you with words, the barista who works next door to his flower shop, so he decides a clever alternative is through the language of flowers. there is only one problem… you’re not that fluent in plant. florist!au.
for real love | ✎, ☾, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “Friends can kiss each other a little from time to time right?” robot!au.
two of a kind | ✎, ☾, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓, sequel. ↳ summary: stubbornness was one of his best traits. robot!au.
lullaby | ✎, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: you share a moment with jeno in the moonlight. boyfriend!au.
when the bones are good | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: ❝when there ain’t a crack in the foundation, I know any storm we’re facing will blow right over while we stay good. the house don’t fall when the bones are good.❞ optional epilogue (to battlecry).
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runaways | ✎, ☁︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: 47. “Who did this to you?” + 54. “Please don’t shut me out.” mafia!au.
tulips | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: “tulips, the beautiful you. tulips, so lovable.” barista!au + college!au.
snowy day with haechan | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: your new boyfriend takes you on a date out on the town during your first winter together.
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friends to lovers!jaemin and jisung | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: as told by the title.
battlecry | ⦿,☾, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: love is cruel, ignorance is bliss, and all good kings must learn this. prince!au, knight!au.
when the bones are good | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ☁︎, ✓. ↳ summary: ❝when there ain’t a crack in the foundation, I know any storm we’re facing will blow right over while we stay good. the house don’t fall when the bones are good.❞ optional epilogue. 
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friends to lovers!jaemin and jisung | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: as told by the title.
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frat boy!got7 | combined ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: got7 as frat boys!
babysitter!got7 | combined ・, ♥︎, ☾.
↳summary: got7 as babysitters!
grocery store worker!got7 | combined ・, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: got7 working at a grocery store!
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ghost!jaebum | ・, ☾, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: you talk to ghosts, and a kid named bambam asks you to help communicate with his dead big brother jaebum. (really sad) cuteness ensues. supernatural!au.
why she stayed | ⦿, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: fan hate pushes you to leave jaebum for good, but it’s only so long before you remember all the reasons why you stayed in the first place.
a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
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imaginary friend!mark | ・, ☾, ♥︎, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: mark died before he could watch his little sister grow up, and you’re the new babysitter. mark’s little sister has a lot of explaining to do. supernatural!au.
college boyfriend!mark | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: mark is the best boyfriend ever. college!au.
the things we do for love | ⦿, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: your boyfriend mark is an art student, and he’s nothing if not one with his art. literally. art student!au.
a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
roommate!mark | ・, ♥︎, ☾. ✓.
↳ summary: mark as your rooommate. roommate!au.
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i’ll always make it back to you (m) | ⦿, ☁︎, ♥︎, ✕.
↳ summary: you and jackson promised to be best friends through anything, be it high school, significant others, or growing up. of course, neither of you had ever anticipated that a little more than two years later, a widespread virus would infest the entire world, and would rip you away from the one person you held close. you were lost, dying, and ready to give up on ever finding him again, but jackson had other plans. zombie hunter!au.
boyfriend!jackson | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: jackson as a boyfriend, because… everyone wants jackson as a boyfriend. boyfriend!au.
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goblin!jinyoung | ・,☾, ♥︎, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: jinyoung is a goblin who lost his first love nearly a thousand years ago. you happen to come into his life as the goblin’s bride, and he can’t help wondering why you seem so familiar. supernatural!au.
one of those days | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: “It’s 2am and I’m drunk and I need some salt for my fries and I know your awake so OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR”. neighbor!au.
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ghost!youngjae | ・, ☾, ☁︎, ♥︎.
↳ summary: you move into a new apartment and you meet your new dead roommate, choi youngjae. supernatural!au.
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ghost!bambam | ・, ☾, ♥︎, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: bambam dies and starts haunting a house. you’re a real estate agent that really needs to sell that house. survival of the fittest. supernatural!au.
not all bad | ✎, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: “You just punched me in the face while gesturing wildly to a friend, your friend can’t stop laughing and im too shocked to respond to your apologies"
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spirit!yugyeom | ・, ☾, ♥︎, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: yugyeom is a spirit trapped in a ouija board and you have too much time on your hands. supernatural!au.
down, boy | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓, epilogue.
↳ summary: yugyeom is insistent that he’s a big, bad demon you should be scared of. you believe him… right up until you realize he’s literally not that at all. supernatural!au.
boyfriend!yugyeom | ・, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: dating yugyeom is about as nice as you think it is. which is really nice. boyfriend!au.
to the rhythm | ✎, ☾, implied ✕.
↳ summary: “I just got partnered with you in dance class and I can’t dance for shit”. dancer!au.
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a very biased christmas | ⦿, ☾, ♥︎.
↳ summary: it’s the biggest christmas party of the season, you’re dared to be blindfolded and kissed under the mistletoe with the mission of finding the culprit, only, you have way too many suspects.
say my name | ✎, ♥︎, ☾, ✓, spin-off. ↳ summary: there’s something really funny about beating out eight guys and stealing the heart of your friend in a game of blindfolded kissing. jennie would know. after all, she just did it. written for if you picked jennie in “a very biased christmas”.
cherry | ✎, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: you’re being kidnapped. well, it’s not really kidnapping if the girl doing the kidnapping is a 5′4 ball of badass who’s also your girlfriend and really bad at putting together romantic surprises but… semantics.
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blue lagoon | ✎, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: your parents always told you to steer clear of the too blue waters, for they might hold more than meets the eye. mermaid!au.
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how to train your sanha | ✎, ♥︎, ☾, ✓.
↳ summary: 11. “You want me to take care of a dragon? Me, the person who can’t take care of a cactus.” fantasy!au.
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all this and heaven too | ✎, ☾, ♥︎, ✓.
↳ summary: 3. “Yes, they’re perfect, but…” fantasy!au, royalty!au, how to train your sanha!au.
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college boyfriend!rocky | ・, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary: you sit next to a cute dancer in the back of a business class. don’t tell him I told you this, but he thinks you’re pretty cute too.
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rough (but just around the edges) | ✎, ♥︎, ☾.
↳ summary:  “Why do you sit with me at lunch everyday? We don’t even know each other and you never talk.” “I overheard some sleazy guys saying they would love to get you in bed and they happen to be terrified of me, so…” ⇢ he’s all dark eyes and scowls… except for you. bad boy!au.
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a confession, of sorts | ⦿, ♥︎, ☁︎.
↳summary: “Why does everyone want to date the drummer? Keyboardists work just as hard, you know!” ⇢ wonpil gets a little drunk after a show and he’s got some choice words for dowoon… and you, his crush.
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disclaimer: author is still learning personalities!
pillow talk | ✎, ♥︎.
↳ summary: he’s got an angelic voice, whether he’s singing his heart out on stage or whispering sweet nothings to you over the phone at three in the morning.
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nothing like us | ✎, ☾, ☁︎, ✓.
↳ summary: 8. “You’re married?” + 12. “How exactly are you going to help me with my problem?” soulmate!au.
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boyfriend!dean | ・, ♥︎, mentions of ✕.
↳ summary: hyuk falls for you on the set of his music video, and he’s a pretty good boyfriend. if only he could stop intruding on your showers. boyfriend!au.
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