#i love reading ebooks because the kindle highlight features are just really fun (you can color coordinate and everything)
sinterblackwell · 2 years
in all my two years in the book community, i never thought about how in my desperation to read a book i’ve been anticipating for months but can’t read until my physical preorder arrives…i simply forgot that you could also just preorder the ebook…and so it’ll drop straight in your kindle library as soon as the book releases at midnight….which means i don’t have to suffer and wait for so long as i’ve usually done
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theonyxpath · 7 years
…It Must Have a Venice.
That was the first line Rose Bailey pitched to me describing her new idea for a game, Cavaliers of Mars.
That was right when I started Onyx Path several years ago, and she’s been working on the project ever since. Swashbuckling adventure inspired by just about everything ever written in the fantasy genre for Mars, tossed roguishly into the game design blender that is Rose’s brain, and mixed with all the other stuff that she has absorbed in her years making games with White Wolf and Onyx Path.
And now, we are currently prepping for the Cavaliers of Mars Kickstarter and looking at next week, hopefully Tuesday the 19th at noon to go live!
It’s been a longer trip than we originally expected, but well worth the time spent. We think you’ll agree once the KS goes live, so please join us.
    Cavaliers of Mars illustration by Nate Pride
    So. Conventions.
He says, swerving the conversation wildly.
I know I highlight them a lot here on the blog, which can be a drag if you aren’t able to get out to any of them. There I am talking how awesome they are and how much fun we’re having, but not all of our community can get to them, so I thought maybe a deeper dive today as to why we think they are important to Onyx Path‘s continued success.
First, let’s throw out the obvious: we sell stuff and that makes us huge bucks!
This is not actually the case. We are happy if we attend a con, sell stuff, and those sales cover both the attendance and the costs associated with printing and shipping the books. Remember, that until Pugmire, any physical books needed to be printed PoD just like how you folks would order them, except we pay the printing and shipping costs and order more than you probably do. Add a few of our Deluxes that were printer overruns, and that’s our booth product mix, as they say.
But, what selling things at the booth does is give everyone something to talk about when they come up to our booth. Which is awesome and gives us the chance to start to have more involved conversations about what our community wants us to be creating, and how they’d like us to do that. And it gives folks a segue into asking us those questions they always wanted to ask of a real live human, face to face.
Then we have those attendees who (gasp) have never heard of Onyx Path. Amazing, yet true, this is a problem we are always trying to surmount. This is why GenCon50 was an excellent match for us in this their golden anniversary year, with the largest attendance yet it was such an opportunity to reach people who don’t shop/browse/game online. Or folks who know (and play!) some of the WW game lines, but would never think to look for them as being published by Onyx Path.
Since we’re also expanding beyond our beloved WW game lines into our own and new ones, conventions are one of the best places to start letting new folks know we are creating these amazing worlds that they might be interested in.
    Half-Damned illustration by Avery Butterworth
      Which then brings us to demoing our games at conventions; either shorter, easy to be assimilated, tastes of the games, or longer multi-hour sessions. Again, we use these as a chance to introduce folks to the worlds we create and the way they play. A game of Pugmire feels very different in play to a game of Scarred Lands, even though they both use variations of the same system, and each of the WoD or CofD game lines reveals their own themes and moods as the story unfurls while being played.
So we are experimenting with a few more cons this year. Trying combinations of booth, booth sales, formal panels, informal meet and greets, demo tables, and online cons. PAX Unplugged is brand new, but is worth checking out to see if the PAX crew can deliver tabletop gaming crowds like they do with their other conventions. GameHole Con is a d20 focused convention, but since we have game worlds that use that system now, worth checking out to talk with that audience.
We’ll also be returning to MidWinter in Milwaukee this coming January with pretty much all of our Onyx Path crew. Like last year, we’re planning on more informal gatherings and playtest peeks of upcoming projects, with many more of us attending to demo games and be available for questions.
Also, with Evil Eddy Webb in Ireland, we’re asking him to check out some of the EU cons next year, just to take a look. Hopefully he’ll be joined by some of our other creators over there. He’s also going to be running a Pugmire game for the online Gauntlet Con. Check out the convention section below for more details and links to sign up for his game – he still has three spots open for Good Dogs!
    V20 Dark Ages RMC Gangrel illustration by Riley
    To wrap up, we see conventions as a great opportunity to continue to spread the word about Onyx Path, and will continue to experiment with our set-up and offerings at different cons to see what works best. As we’re doing that, if you’re at a convention we’re attending, we would always love to see you and enjoy a chance to chat. Because, besides all the stuff we’re trying out, that face to face time is really the point.
Many Worlds. One Path.
Haaawooooo! The W20 Bundle of Holding is raging for ONE MORE WEEK until September 18th! http://ift.tt/2wd0Ron
You can get all sorts of W20 PDFs at great discounts and better still you can help our chosen charity for this bundle: the International Wolf Center.
  We’re delighted to announce the opening of our ebook store on Amazon! You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle. Our initial selection includes these fiction anthologies: Vampire: the Masquerade‘s Endless Ages, Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition‘s Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage 2, Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition‘s Truth Beyond Paradox, Chronicles of Darkness‘ God Machine Chronicle, Mummy: The Curse‘s Curse of the Blue Nile, and Beast: The Primordial‘s The Primordial Feast!
And now you can get these books in the Barnes and Noble Nook store too!
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology
  And here are six more fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology
  Andand six more more:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
    We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there!
    Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://ift.tt/1ZlTT6z
You can now order wave 2 of our Deluxe and Prestige print overrun books, including Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary, and Deluxe V20 Dark Ages! And Screens…so many Screens!
And you can now order Pugmire: the book, the screen, and the dice! http://ift.tt/1pOsnTb
The PDF and PoD versions of C20 are coming this Wednesday on DriveThruRPG.com.
Twenty years ago, White Wolf published Changeling: the Dreaming, the fifth of their promised five game-lines that together comprised the World of Darkness. Seen by some as a lighter, more fantasy-based setting in the modern-day, and by others as the darkest game White Wolf had yet created, players had to face the question of what happens once creativity and magic fades from their world.
This 20th Anniversary Edition of Changeling: the Dreaming returns to that deceptively bright yet terrifying world and both compiles and completes the concepts of the previous two editions. Led by veteran White Wolf and Onyx Path developer “Blackhat” Matt McFarland, our writing team consists of longtime Changeling creators like Ian Lemke, Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea, and Peter Woodworth, as well as familiar names such as John Snead, Maggie Carrol, Matthew Dawkins, and Krister Michl. One and all are dedicated to making Changeling: the Dreaming Twentieth Anniversary Edition the most playable edition yet – while not losing the wonder, awe, and majesty that Changeling is known for.
A revised and up to date look at the World of Darkness through the eyes of the Kithain – what has happened to the Dreaming in the last 20 years, and what is the state of Glamour and dreams?
Rules for all of the kiths including in 2nd ed, plus fan favorites from other books: selkies, piskies, clurichaun, and both Arcadian and Concordian sidhe.
Rules for the Gallain: The inanimae, the hsien, the Nunnehi, and others!
An overhauled and reimagined system for fae magic, including new Arts and the powerful but dangerous practice of Unleashing!
New full-color beautiful artwork as well as classic Changeling illustrations including remastered full page pieces of the kiths by Tony Diterlizzi.
      Now available, this all-new Trinity Continuum: Aeon poster, featuring the art we used for the cover of the StoryPath Booklet at this year’s GenCon! http://ift.tt/2y2MOkm
And this version for art lovers is without the logo: http://ift.tt/2xt4ngk
      From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: After the Fall (Demon: The Descent Constantinople 1453-1458). The Ottoman conquest shatters Constantinople…and also the God-Machine’s grip on it. Unchained flock from all over the world to seek their fortunes in rebuilding the city. But is the Machine really gone, and if it is, can the Unchained face the horrors it drove into the shadows?
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2y1ZoAe
      Calling all Good Dogs! The Pugmire Core Rulebook PDF is now available on DTRPG.com!
And the actual physical book, screen, and dice, are available to order on the IPR and Studio2 websites!
Studio2: http://ift.tt/2w0aaEW
      From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: A Grimm Dark Era (Changeling: The Lost Grimm’s Tales). With the publication of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, the Lost find themselves subject to the strength of stories, to a degree never before seen. As numerous stories reach greater audiences, the power of tales redefine what it means to be a changeling. Here, we explore a shift in the veil between fiction and reality, and find changelings who escaped by embracing the odd rules of the fantastic.
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG!
    From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: Lily, Sabre, and Thorn (Changeling: The Lost Swashbuckling France 1600s – early 1700s). In the Age of Reason under the reign of Louis XIV, enlightenment went hand-in-hand with court intrigues. The Sun King’s court influenced a time when changeling freeholds gained increasing unity and communication. It is a time of adventure, deception, betrayal, and passion — the roar of cannon, the rustle of silk, the ring of steel. The joys and sorrows and outrageous fortunes of the swashbuckler — these are all too well-known to the Lost.
On sale in PDF and PoD versions at DTRPG.com this Weds!
      Satyr Phil Brucato beckons you once more into the Annex of Mage: The Ascension with this 300 page follow-up to M20. The M20 Book of Secrets is NOW on sale in PDF and PoD versions at DTRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2tKyJtb
More Than Magick
For mages who think they have everything, this trove of treasures expands upon the wealth of material presented throughout Mage: The Ascension’s 20th Anniversary Edition. New Traits, new rules, essays, answers, information… the Secrets are revealed within.
Enter the Annex
Building upon the M20 core rulebook, this Book of Secrets features updated rules and setting material, such as…
An M20 FAQ Genres & Resources
Matters of Focus Justice & Influence
New Abilities, Archetypes, Merits & Flaws
Expanded Rules for Combat, Resonance, Wonders, Computer Systems, and More
This Ascension Continues…
            Sailing out of the dark, the V20 Dark Ages Companion PDF and physical book PoD versions are going on sale Wednesday on DriveThruRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2pX42dq
Travel the long roads and deep seas in search of power and experience danger, or tackle the wilderness to hunt monsters and face death. Settlements large and small dot the black expanse with the promise of sanctuary, life, and community. These bastions of civilization present cold comfort, when playing host to vampire warlords and sadistic Cainite faiths. Whether led by a Prince, a coordinated belief, or hounded by monsters from without and within — no domain is truly the same as another.
Dark Ages Companion includes:
• Domains scattered across the world, from small fiefdoms to massive cities. Bath, Bjarkarey, Constantinople, Rome, Mogadishu, and Mangaluru each receive coverage.
• Apocrypha including plot hooks, new Paths, and mysteries to explore in your games.
• A how-to guide on building a domain within your chronicle, including events and servants necessary to make a domain as functional or dysfunctional as you wish.
• A study on warfare in the Dark Ages period, so combat in your chronicles can gain authenticity and lethality.
          What dark secrets do the eldest vampires hold? Find out in Thousand Years of Night for Vampire: The Requiem! Advance PDF version available now on DriveThruRPG.com. http://ift.tt/2sV8lZR
You may think that with a multitude of people coming, going, dying and running away, we’d be tired, done, or ready to give up. Instead, I find myself restless, looking for the next thing.  There’s always a next thing, and I for one am not yet ready to die.
– Elder Kincaid, Daeva Crone
This book includes:
• Detailed instructions on creating elder vampires, including how to base chronicles around them
• A look into the lives of elders, how they spend their nights, who they work with, and why including their roles in both their clans and covenants
• New Devotions, Merits, and Rituals for elder vampires
• The kinds of creatures that pose a threat to elder vampires, including Inamorata, Lamia, Sons of Phobos, a new elder conspiracy, and more!
Fast Eddy Webb will be running Pugmire during the online convention Gauntlet Con: http://ift.tt/2sSctbs which runs from Oct. 20 – 22. Here is the sign-up link for the event which will be live-streamed. Currently three of six seats are still open: http://ift.tt/2xt3HaM
  In November, we’ll be at Game Hole Con in Madison, WI. November 2-5: http://ift.tt/2xsOnuzMonica Valentinelli (Hunter: the Vigil 2e, Dark Eras), Manda Collis (Exalted 3e), Scott Holden (Scarred Lands), Matt M McElroy (Operations Manager) and other folks from the OPP crew will be there!
  Also in November, the Onyx Path crew including Rich, Matt, Lisa, Neall, Dixie, and Meghan will be at the first ever PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, November 17-19. http://ift.tt/2kBzmfv
  Planning ahead for 2018, we’re heading back to Midwinter Game Convention in Milwaukee, January 11-14, where we’re going to be bringing a big crew of many of your favorite Onyx Path designers and we’ll be running demos and making some special announcements at the show!  http://midwintergamingconvention.com
  And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Monarchies of Mau (Monarchies of Mau)
Night Horrors: The Tormented (Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
They Came From Beneath the Sea! Rulebook (TCFBtS!)
Kithbook Boggans (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
  Second Draft
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
SL Ring of Spiragos (Pathfinder – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Ring of Spiragos (5e – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Pugmire Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers (Pugmire)
Scion: Origin (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  WW Manuscript Approval:
C20 Ready Made Characters (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
DtD Night Horrors: Enemy Action (Demon: the Descent)
  Post-Editing Development:
W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
M20 Cookbook (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
In Art Direction
W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook – Sending art to WW for approval.
Cavaliers of Mars – Prepping KS.
W20 Changing Ways – Some of the halfs are in and at WW for approval.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Scion Origins – Art almost all in.
Ring of Spiragos
Beast PG – Art is in and at WW for approvals.
VtR Half Damned – Art coming in.
Book of Freeholds – AD’d.
DtD Enemy Action – AD’d.
C20 RMCs – Should see sketches in the next week or so.
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
Prince’s Gambit – Remaining art is arting.
Beckett’s Jyhad Diary – Layouting.
Wraith 20
Ex 3 Arms of the Chosen – At Josh for layout.
VDA Jumpstart – Working on 2nd proof.
  At Press
Beckett Screen – Shipped to shipper.
Scarred Land PGs & Wise and the Wicked PF & 5e – On a boat to the US. PoD files processing.
Dark Eras: God’s Own Country – PoD proof on the way.
VTR: Thousand Years of Night – Errors discovered at GenCon, getting fixed.
Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition) – PoD and final PDF on sale on DTRPG this Weds (Backer PoD discount coupons earlier than that). LtD Edition cover and Screen in the works.
C20 Jumpstart PDF – PoD proof ordered.
CtL Huntsmen Chronicle Anthology PDF
Art of Mage – Waiting to see if there is any errata.
Pugmire Trick, Condition, and Initiative Cards – PoD files processing.
  TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: We celebrate the heroism and sacrifice of those who died and those who responded 16 years ago.
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sophiarose1816 · 6 years
Happy Release Day for The Flight Path Less Traveled by Leigh Dreyer
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I am tickled to be able to share a special post about this exciting second entry in the Pride of Flight series, a Pride & Prejudice modern continuation story. Blurb:
In this modern Pride and Prejudice continuation and sequel to The Best Laid Flight Plans, 2nd Lieutenant Elizabeth Bennet and Captain William Darcy are facing trials after the events of Elizabeth’s last flight. Darcy’s proposal lingers between them as Elizabeth becomes almost single sighted to her rehabilitation and her return to pilot training. A secret is revealed to Elizabeth about Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s past that throws all she has known to be true into a tail spin. The romance between our hero and heroine begins to blossom through military separations, sisterly pranks, and miscommunications. Can Darcy and Elizabeth come together or will flying in the Air Force keep them apart?
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Let me introduce author, Leigh Dreyer, and her books through a Q&A she is sharing with us.
1.                Tell us a little about yourself and your background?
I work as a speech pathologist, currently in the Las Vegas area. I work both in person at a charter middle/high school and a long term acute care facility and doing teletherapy (which I absolutely love) from my home. Yes. I have three jobs plus writing because I apparently enjoy being crazy.  I write while my kids take naps, during teletherapy breaks, and at night. I have an incredible husband who is a pilot in the Air Force and two amazing kids. My son is four and my daughter is two. Both my husband and I are children of Air Force pilots which makes for fun family get togethers. Needless to say, I very rarely have to do a lot of plane-related research.
 2.                Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
Elizabeth Bennet has just gone through tremendous trauma at the end of The Best Laid Flight Plans and now she has to get back up, brush herself off, and push forward. In the original Pride and Prejudice Elizabeth faces a lot of invisible enemies (marriage or lack thereof, the entailment, etc.), but I wanted to see where she would take me when her enemies were very much physical. Would she be strong and fight?
3.                Which writers inspire you?
Jane Austen is the obvious answer, but I’m also inspired by so many JAFF authors. People like (in no particular order) Linda Wells, Joy King, Diana J Oaks, Maria Grace, Abigail Reynolds, Jenetta James, Karen Cox, Beau North, Jan Hahn, Elizabeth Ann West, Rose Fairbanks, etc. inspire me to fall more deeply in love with characters I already enjoy. I also love Diana Gabaldon, Neil Gaman, Aled Hossein, Tom Wolfe, William Makepeace Thackeray, Agatha Christie, and CS Forester.
 4.                What are you working on at the minute?
Book three, Came a Flight Gently and a short story about how Mr. and Mrs. Bennet meet and get married. I’m also working on outlining a time-travel story.
 5.                What’s it about?
Came a Flight Gently will start where The Flight Path Less Traveled ends and will continue the story in New York and feature the Reno Air Races (National Championship Air Races), the last of the great pylon races.
 6.                Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
When I answered this for The Best Laid Flight Plans, I said maybe David Gandy for Darcy and Katherine McNamara or Lily Collins for Elizabeth. Now, I’m kind of thinking brunette Chris Evans and Gal Gadot or a young Marissa Tomei. I picture a modern Elizabeth as a strong, independent female, but also fun and feisty and never cruel.
 7.                How much research do you do?
It really depends on the scenes I’m writing. My favorite research to do is everything to do with food. I have spent many the hour figuring out what to for a big event catered by Mrs. Bennet. I like to really think through what each character would be eating and making. Obviously, Mr. Collins likes potatoes and, if you read book 1, you know Darcy does not eat bacon, but what about everyone else? For flight scenes, I write a lot of them on my own then send them to my husband, father, and father in law to be checked for accuracy. Normally this results in a long page of notes from my father to make it sound authentic (apparently I am very bad at writing what the characters might say on the radio when speaking to tower).
 8.                What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?
After going through The Best Laid Flight Plans I changed the ending because I just wasn’t ready for it to end. I wanted to see what happened next and leave the door open to really learn more about Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, Colonel Fitzwilliam, etc. I needed another book or two or three for the story to end for me.
 9.                This book is part of a series, tell us a little about it?
The Flight Path Less Traveled is book two in a series of three planned books: The Best Laid Flight Plans, The Flight Path Less Traveled, and Came a Flight Gently. The first book is a P&P variation whose story line closely follows the events of P&P. The next two are original continuations although you will definitely see other favorite Austen characters and events as the story continues. Each book is an altered line from a poem that I find meaningful and that I feel speaks to the tone of book I wanted to write.
 10.             For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?
I prefer paper books, but I do the vast majority of my reading on kindle or on my phone because they are so easy to drag around with me. I work a lot and am frequently running around with my kids so carrying a paperback isn’t always practical. I do all my reading on my Kindle Paperwhite and have for about five years.
 11.             What book/s are you reading at present?
Right now I’m reading Rational Creatures edited by Christina Boyd on Kindle and listening to Ghengis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford, but ask me in a few days and I’ll be on to something else. I’ve averaged at least five books a month for the last six or seven years.
 12.             Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?
I was blessed to work with Christina Boyd of The Quill Ink. Let me tell you, she is amazing to work with and the book is so much better for having had a professional editor. My sister in law is also great about giving me really fantastic feedback as a beta and ARC reader. She is currently working as an editor for some online sources and is amazing.
 13.             Tell us about the cover/s and how it/they came about.
The photoshoot was done in Utah by Monica Cook, a military spouse, who runs Joyous Reflections Photography and Portraiture, at the Air Force museum at Hill Air Force Base. It was important to me to highlight Elizabeth as a female officer. Females are so rare in the pilot world that I wanted to be able to see Elizabeth as I see her, a strong woman who is willing to work harder than anyone else to achieve what she sees for herself. I made the choice to have the little ringlets and her hair up in a kind of braid Mohawk, because I thought it was a fun throwback to the Regency hairstyles. Of course, after the events at the end of The Best Laid Flight Plans, she is pictured out of a flight suit and in her blues, but I wanted to continue to present that strong image as she fights to recover.
 14.             Who designed your book cover/s?
My amazing friend Alishia Mattee. She is a military spouse and my next door neighbor when we were stationed together at Hickam Air Force Base and she is so talented.
 15.             What is your favorite movie and why?
Gone With The Wind. Partly because I am an eighty-five year old woman trapped in a thirty year old’s body (please see my love for all classic film, 1940s jazz and classical music, and other habits like insisting my family eat at the table) I love the costumes, the romance, the huge sets, the language. I love it all. Scarlett is one of my all-time favorite characters. She doesn’t let other people tell her she can’t achieve. She needs to take care of her family, so she does, in whatever way she can. I find her strong, capable head something I would love to emulate, even if she is a little stupid with her heart.
 16.             What advice would you give to your younger self?
Just do it. Jump in. You can figure it out while you’re doing it, but if you wait until you understand every nuance of a task, years will pass and it still won’t be done.
 17.             What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Write. Also, edit. I recently had a friend who decided her NaNoWriMo draft was ready for publication. She had not even re-read it. Yikes.  I tell every aspiring writer I know to write and then let someone read it and critique it. Critique can be hard to accept, but you’ll only get better.
 18.             Can we recognize your adopted hometown of Del Rio, Texas in The Flight Path Less Traveled?
Absolutely. Longbourn City is based on my hometown of Del Rio and Meryton Air Force Base is based on Laughlin Air Force Base which is about fifteen minutes out of town. My parents and siblings still live and work there. You see less of Longbourn in this novel, but the place that Aunt Gardiner takes Elizabeth to eat taquitos rancheros is Julio’s on Highway 90. Julio’s is famous for their chips and salsa. Love those things—seriously, they are amazing.
 19.             What’s the worst job you’ve had?
I worked at a restaurant (which will remain nameless because I signed an “I won’t whine on the internet” clause when I got hired) during grad school in Lubbock and I often refer to it as “the worst job ever.” It was on fourth street in Lubbock, Texas, although that location is now a Chick Fil-A. My manager was crazy and often switched from sickly sweet to horribly insulting. The food was meh at best. I worked there for three months and outlasted eleven employees. That should tell you something about the work environment.
 20.             Where do you get your ideas?
Well, book two is not just a general pilot training book anymore. You read the basics of Air Force life in The Best Laid Flight Plans, but now Elizabeth isn’t a naïve butter-bar Second Lieutenant anymore. She’s learned and grown. Many of her experiences in the novel are based on my friends and family who have had similar things happen to them and gone through the board process. I’m trying to avoid spoilers in these questions, but let’s just say, the events that occur to her are certainly not out of the ordinary. For Darcy, many of his experiences are based on my growing up with a T-38 instructor. Cross-countries were just part of the gig. My husband is in a staff-type job now, but when he was actively flying, he was gone more than he was home.
I do love interviews for all that I learn about the background for author and books.  Thanks so much for sharing with us today, Leigh!
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Where can you find Leigh and her book? Flight Path Less Traveled Links
GoodReads:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44427328-the-flight-path-less-traveled?ac=1&from_search=true
US link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PNFN962/ref=x_gr_w_glide_ku?caller=Goodreads&callerLink=https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44427328-the-flight-path-less-traveled?ac=1&from_search=true&tag=x_gr_w_glide_ku-20
UK link:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Flight-Path-Less-Traveled-Continuation-ebook/dp/B07PNFN962/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+flight+path+less+traveled&qid=1552874830&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spell
The Best Laid Flight Plans Links
US link: https://amzn.to/2IkAWTF
UK link: https://amzn.to/2SfGA9m
Contact Information
Facebook: Leigh Dreyer
Facebook Page: @leighdreyerauthor
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/leighdreyer
Website: http://www.leighdreyer.com/
 Social Media Information
Hashtags: #TheFlightPathLessTraveled #LeighDreyer #JAFF #AustenInspired
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 Before she heads out on tour with The Flight Plath Less Traveled, let me share the blog tour schedule so you can join in with more fabulous posts.
March 19- From Pemberley to Milton
March 21/22- My Jane Austen Book Club
March 23- My Love for Jane Austen
March 23- Interests of a Jane Austen Girl
March 25- Austenesque Reviews
March 26- So Little Time
March 27- Diary of an Eccentric
March 28- More Agreeably Engaged
April 3-Half Agony Half Hope
April 4/5- Margie’s Must Reads
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theboxreviewers · 7 years
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Fresh Fiction Box Not To Miss Review – May 2017 http://ift.tt/2rujiCC
When you sign up for Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss, every month you will receive a box full of new print books, eBooks, and a Fresh Fiction keepsake. Fresh Fiction focuses on genre fiction, romance in particular. There will be the occasional mystery, erotica, and paranormal as well.
Plan Options:
Month to Month ($25.95/month+FREE shipping in the US – Discount worldwide shipping is available)
3 Month Pre-Pay ($74.85/3 Months+FREE shipping the US – Discount worldwide shipping is available)
Use Code “TBR3” To Receive $3 Off Of Your First Box!
I am a huge fan of Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss, so I was so excited when this box landed on my doorstep!
The pink design with the iconic logo on the top makes this box pop!  I love seeing its cheery presence at my door.  The box instantly brightens my mood.
Upon opening the box, you are greeted with the June content card! I love the Romance Blooming in June idea.  You can never go wrong with a good summer romance!
The first item in the box is this pack of Viter Energy Caffeinated Breath Mints.  I had never seen these before receiving them in the box, so I was excited to try them out!  They are very strong and they do give you a great burst of energy.  I like how these breath mints are a comedic pairing with the romance novels in the box!
This month's box features the publisher Forever!
Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss likes to focus on certain publishers or authors each month, so this month's choices from Forever are highlighted on the insert card.  Each box received one of these books with a letter from the author!
In addition to hard copies of novels, Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss brings you ebooks!  This month, the ebooks I received are:
Why the River Runs by JoAnna Grace
Some call this river a taker of souls, a reaper. Sanguine is the Spanish word for blood and God knows plenty has been spilled in its murky depths. As Tina floats on her back, she couldn’t help but feel it's more of an artery, giving life to its limbs. Not everyone would agree. Tough as nails, Tina Foster, doesn’t have time for a relationship. She’s far too busy running her family construction company. Tina’s take charge attitude may intimidate some, but to others, she’s a rock, a woman with a plan. Taming a heart this strong will take a man up for a challenge, and so far, there haven’t been too many contenders worthy of her time. Bo Galloway is returning to Riverview after a rough few years. He’s home to take care of his grandmother and prays for a chance at redemption and a fresh start. Untrusting of most women, he doesn’t know what to think of his new boss. He definitely didn’t expect to admire Tina Foster. Bo’s only shot at getting Tina to notice him is to be as strong as she is. Just like the waters of the Sanguine, Bo and Tina must find their flow. Will the waters sweep away their only chance at true love, or nourish a relationship as steady as the river itself?
Lexie by Kimberly Dean
Desire is a double-edged dance. Lexie Underhill works her tail off in hopes of winning her adoptive father’s approval. It’s never enough. The stinging proof? He’s brought in a reorganization expert. As if the prospect of losing her job in the family business isn’t enough, Cameron Rowe’s sexy, intimidating presence makes her palms sweat.
When Lexie’s face appears on a scandalous freeway billboard, her protestations of innocence go unheard. With orders to save the family name—or else—she marches into the bar the billboard was advertising and comes face-to-face with an identical twin sister. Roxie is wild and free, everything Lexie isn’t. Before the night is out, she welcomes the chance to explore her own sensuality.
As she dances wantonly on the bar, suddenly Cam is there, kissing her as if he has the right. The sizzle between them breaks out in four-alarm desire, but Lexie has recalibrated her life plan. And the equation doesn’t factor in Cam—until she’s sure where his loyalties lie. With her…or her father’s company.
A Suitable Affair by Erica Taylor
  Despite being beautiful and wealthy, Lady Susanna Macalister’s marriage prospects are rather lacking. Unwilling to let an opportunity pass her by, she decides a loveless marriage is better than spinsterhood, as it will allow her to continue her charities.
The life of Ian Carlisle, the Earl of Westcott, has been overshadowed by darkness and guilt for the past decade. Having abandoned his family when he was eighteen, Ian’s position within a secret division of the government has provided him an escape from the guilt he feels over the death of his sister.
When the Earl's horse almost tramples Susanna in the middle of Hyde Park, Ian embraces the chance encounter as a possibility for redemption, for Susanna’s soon-to-be fiancé is the man Ian holds responsible for the death of his sister. Can this damaged lord hope to absolve the guilt he feels for failing his beloved sister by saving this vibrant, and unsuspecting lady from a similar fate? And will this charity-minded well-bred lady, who is not the perfectly bound book as Ian assumes, be willing to take a chance on the unstable earl when something more dignified and permanent is well within reach?
  I always love bringing ebooks with me on my Kindle when I travel, so I can't wait to sink my teeth into these picks!
  The main book that I received is Lethal Lies by Rebecca Zanetti!  The book also came with a letter from the author, which I LOVE!
Here is the synopsis:
A deadly secret can't stay buried forever . . . Revenge. It's the only thing that will help Anya Best sleep at night. The serial killer who murdered her sister is on the loose, and Anya will stop at nothing to put him behind bars, even use herself as bait to lure him out of hiding. But she can't do this alone.
Private investigator Heath Jones's job is to bring bastards to justice. This time it's personal. He knew the Copper Killer's latest victim so when her sister asks for his help, he's all in. But when Anya uses the media to taunt the killer, she exposes Heath's identity, putting them both in jeopardy. Now, secrets buried long ago are coming to light and the forces determined to destroy him are watching Heath's every move, waiting to exact their own revenge. And they'll use anything and anyone to get to Heath.
With twists and turns that will take your breath away, LETHAL LIES is sexy, action-packed suspense at its very best from New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti.
The next book is In the Cowboy's Arms by Vicki Lewis Thompson.  This is a Harlequin Special Edition novel, and I can't wait to read it!   Cowboy romances are always my favorite, so I love that Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss included this novel this month.
Here is the synopsis:
Return to Thunder Mountain 
Matt Forrest was born to be an actor but grew up a cowboy. That's why, when things go haywire after he shoots his first Hollywood movie, he retreats to Thunder Mountain Ranch. Because it's home—where his parents and foster brothers can help Matt find what he really wants out of life. So when someone he wants follows him to Wyoming, things get very interesting! 
PR agent Geena Lysander isn't about to lose one of her best new clients—so she goes after him! And, yes, it's complicated…because she is attracted to Matt, and not just for his movie-star looks. As she gets to know the man behind the cowboy, their professional relationship becomes passionately personal. Could Matt's next big role be as Geena's leading man? 
The next item is an ARC (advanced reading copy) of A Stardance Summer by Emily March!  I am an avid collector of ARC's so I was very excited to read this book.  I think it is cool that Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss is able to send readers books before they are released to everyone else!
Here is the synopsis:
Return to the beloved small town of Eternity Springs in the newest installment of Emily March’s New York Times bestselling series with A Stardance Summer.
Sometimes the end of one road Brick Callahan enjoys every minute of chaos at his campground, Stardance Ranch, especially after the Tornado Alleycats arrive for an extended summer stay. The members of the all-female glamorous camping club are primarily seniors―active and adventurous, friendly and fun. But when he discovers Liliana Howe frolicking with the glamping grannies in a late night skinny-dipping session, he fears he's in for a summer of trouble. Because his best friend's kid sister has grown up to be drop-dead gorgeous. . . .is the start of another
Betrayed by those she trusted, Lili decides she's put her career first for too long. She sells her practical sedan, buys a travel trailer, and heads to Eternity Springs for a summer of rest, relaxation, and reassessment as the newest member of the Alleycats. The last person she expects to find running an RV resort is her high school crush. Their undeniable mutual attraction is a reminder that life is full of surprises. But when the past comes calling, will their summer romance stand the test of time?
Here is the next book in the box.  I am an avid reader of old west novels, so I was so excited to see that Trusting Grace by Maggie Brendan was included in this box!
Here is the synopsis:
All of her life, Grace Bidwell has longed for a loving husband and children, but now the chances of her dreams coming true are looking slim. Widowed and caring for her elderly father, she struggles to maintain her late husband's ranch, until she places an ad for a hired hand.
Robert Frasier arrives in town with three pitiful, bedraggled children who have nothing but the tattered clothes on their backs and a load of hurt, pride, and anger. Believing this is divine intervention in her life, Grace welcomes them with open arms. As feelings grow between her and Robert, Grace will have to convince him that she is a woman who can be trusted with his heart.
Readers will be swept away into 1860s Montana's lush Gallatin Valley, nestled among towering mountains and proud pines, in this emotional conclusion to the Virtues and Vices of the Old West series.
The last book included is The Darkest Corner by Liliana Hart!  I love how different this book is from the others.  All of the books are so diverse, and it gives the reader a variety of choices to read.
Here is the synopsis:
New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Liliana Hart’s first book in her suspenseful Gravediggers series, featuring an elite group of mysterious men who might be dead to the world, but are also tasked with saving it—and no one can ever know.
The Gravediggers aren’t exactly what they seem. They’re the most elite of the world’s fighting forces—and all they have in common is that they’ve been betrayed by the countries they’ve died for. Because they are dead. To their country, their military, and their families.
Sometimes the dead do rise…
Deacon Tucker is a dead man walking. A former black ops agent, he was disavowed and stripped of all honor before being recruited as a Gravedigger. But his honor and good name no longer matter, because no one knows he’s alive, and he’ll never get the recognition he deserves. His mission is simple: save the world or die trying. And for God’s sake, don’t ever fall in love. That’s a rule punishable by death. The kind of death a man can’t be brought back from.
Tess Sherman is the only mortician in Last Stop, Texas. She has no idea how Deacon Tucker ended up in her funeral home, but she’ll eat her hat if he’s only a funeral home assistant. Deacon is dangerous, deadly, and gorgeous. And she knows her attraction to him can only end in heartache.
Deacon is on a mission to stop the most fatal terror attack the world has ever known—what’s known as The Day of Destiny—a terrorist’s dream. But when he discovers Tess has skills he can use to stop them, he has to decide if he can trust her with secrets worth dying for. And, most important, he has to decide if he can trust her with his heart.
Final Thought: Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss is a great box to bring you new romance, mystery and assorted books in various genres.  The book choices are always diverse, and I love how the box brings you enough books to fill up your month!  If you are a fan of new romance, suspense, and mystery novels, then Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss really IS a box that you cannot miss!
Use Code “TBR3” To Receive $3 Off Of Your First Box!
*NOTE: The Box Reviewers received this box to review.
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theonyxpath · 7 years
Yep, this Wednesday we’ll be releasing my old friend Bill Bridges’ Werewolf novel, The Song of Unmaking! As a stretch goal from the W20 Kickstarter it took a long time to get here, but we think you’ll love what Bill has delivered. Nobody knows the Garou like their long-time developer and writer, and Bill’s familiarity with, and attention to, their mythic and epic sagas pays off big time with this novel.
Plus, this is the first time we’re going to try and release a project for sale on both DriveThruRPG and Amazon at the same time, so no doubt hilarity will ensue! (Of course, this ties into our news from last week that we were opening a site on Amazon to sell Kindle versions of our fiction.)
    Beast: Building a Legend illustration by Andrew Trabbold
    We spent a lot of time in the meeting today discussing this year’s upcoming Onyx Path brochure, which promises to be the largest we’ve yet put out. I figure that since this is Gen Con‘s 50th Anniversary this year, and we’ll be sharing our booth with Nocturnal Media and the new White Wolf, that maybe a bigger, more packed brochure might be just the thing to hand out as we should see quite a lot of very different folks come by.
There’s a lot of logistics to working out just what to highlight, even in a bigger brochure, and just how to arrange the sections for all the gamelines we create projects for. Like, if the WoD section has more pages than the Chronicles of Darkness section, we hear that we hate CofD, or that it is dying finally. Or vice versa. And who has time for damage control like that, really?
    M20 Book of Secrets illustration by Jeff Holt
    Speaking of cons, though: here’s a huge shout-out to all our friends and community going the the World of Darkness: Berlin con in Germany this week!
I had really hoped to be able to go, but the amount of things I have to personally monitor and work on right now just kept growing and made it impossible to get away. Never fear, though, as two of our many Matts, Mighty Matt McElroy and Matthew “Gentleman Gamer” Dawkins, will be representing Onyx Path in Berlin.
Both Matts are really looking forward to having a fun time at the con, hanging with White Wolf, Justin Achilli, By Night Studios, Mark Rein Hagen, and our translator friends, and talking to any of you who are attending, so make sure you say hi!
    Beast: Building a Legend art by Luis Sanz
    We actually switched up the order of our meetings today, so after we finished talking about the brochure, other Gen Con planning, and ran through our Production progress lists like every week, I had a second meeting just with Eddy Webb to discuss the Monarchies of Mau Kickstarter.
We keep describing Monarchies of Mau as the companion game to Pugmire, rather than a supplement to it, and I think once you see the Mau Early Access PDF as a Kickstarter backer, you’ll understand why. The Cats have a rich, vibrant, and complex culture that is very different than that of the Pugmire dogs, but is just as compelling to play.
The Monarchies are more of a number of loosely confederated noble houses that were convinced of the idea of working together as a result of the war with Pugmire, so players can explore intrigue and political maneuvering, as well as adventuring, if they want.
And the Cats have Necromancers as one of their playable classes. Because cats like to play with dead things.
If all goes well, we expect to launch the Monarchies of Mau Kickstarter at 12 noon Eastern US time next Tuesday the 16th!
    Finally: here’s a special visual treat that I want to share because it is indicative of the ongoing interest in the World of Pugmire as folks are playing the game and being inspired by the world so much that they are creating articles, fiction, and art. I just happened to catch this excellent piece of character art being created over a stream last week and had to post it here for all of you. In particular, please note that while it is not in the art style we’ve been using in the RPGs, this is totally awesome as it goes a different way:
  (c)2017 H. Kyoht Luterman
Thanks for all your suggestions about the Monarchies of Mau Kickstarter! If everything goes as expected, we plan on going live at 12 noon Eastern US time next Tuesday, the 16th! I’ll confirm this in next week’s blog, or give you the new date!
We’re delighted to announce the opening of our ebook store on Amazon! You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle. Our initial selection includes these fiction anthologies: Vampire: the Masquerade‘s Endless Ages, Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition‘s Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage 2, Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition‘s Truth Beyond Paradox, Chronicles of Darkness‘ God Machine Chronicle, Mummy: The Curse‘s Curse of the Blue Nile, and Beast: The Primordial‘s The Primordial Feast!
The Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition Bundle of Holding has two weeks to go, and what a fantastic deal they have on our V20 line of PDFs! Plus, a percentage of every sale goes to charity! Here’s the link, check it out: http://ift.tt/2poCr8c
      Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://ift.tt/1ZlTT6z
You can now order wave 2 of our Deluxe and Prestige print overrun books, including Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary, and Deluxe V20 Dark Ages!
      Bill Bridge’s new W20 novel, The Song of Unmaking, will go on sale this Wednesday in PDF/ePub/PoD versions on DriveThruRPG.com, and in ebook form on Amazon!
      The Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras Companion has arrived in PDF and PoD physical book versions at DriveThruRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2pygIL7
The Dark Eras Companion presents eleven new Eras for the Chronicles of Darkness. Stretching from Ancient Rome and Egypt through the Black Death, the Thirty Years War, the Reconstruction, and the Russian Revolution, the Companion showcases even more of the secret history of this eldritch world. Included in each era are “snapshots” of the various supernatural creatures, including vampires, changelings, mummies, and demons. Also included are lists of inspirational media to help you put these Eras in context for your troupe.
Open the Dark Eras Companion and take another look back in time.
    V20 Lore of the Bloodlines awaits in PDF and physical book PoD versions on DriveThruRPG.com!
Lore of the Bloodlines is a single volume (created via Kickstarter) that revisits some of the bloodlines in Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition, providing story hooks, character concepts, history, and bloodline-specific rules. The secrets of the Baali, Daughters of Cacophony, Gargoyles, Harbingers of Skulls, Kiasyd, Salubri, Samedi, and True Brujah are now yours.
Lore of the Bloodlines includes:
• The history, lore, and nightly practices of nine bloodlines, told from the perspective of the Kindred themselves.
• New combo Disciplines, powers, Merits, Flaws, and other rules specific to each bloodline.
• Revisions and updates of more classic Vampire: The Masquerade material to V20.
      Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes for Beast: the Primordial, PoD and PDF versions is now on sale on DTRPG.com!
This book includes: 
An in-depth look at how Heroes hunt and what makes a Hero, with eleven new Heroes to drop into any chronicle.
A brief look at why Beasts may antagonize one another, with seven new Beasts to drop into any chronicle.
Rules for Insatiables, ancient creatures born of the Primordial Dream intent on hunting down Beasts to fill a hunger without end, featuring six examples ready to use in any chronicle.
    From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: Beneath the Skin (Demon and Skinchangers 1486-1502 Aztec Empire). Ahuitzotl sits on the throne at the height of the Aztec Empire, overseeing his sorcerer-priests’ sacrifices and the endless flower wars his jaguar and eagle warriors carry out in his name to keep the altars well-supplied with victims. The gears of the Aztec Empire turn smoothly and inexorably, but not everything is what it pretends to be. Skinchangers take the shapes of animals to run the wilds or bring down human prey, the Unchained cobble together identities from stolen lives, and stranger things still lurk in the deserts and jungles beyond the walls of Tenochtitlan.
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2p79i1O
  From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: Into the Cold (Demon: the Descent 1961 Berlin). East Germany erects a wall against its Western counterpart, turning West Berlin into an island within its own country. As the Cold War heats up, demons find themselves the targets of increasing human scrutiny, and begin to realize that the God-Machine’s plans didn’t end with the War.
On sale now in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2p70sBl
      Beasts are added to Hunter: the Vigil with Hunter: Tooth and Nail, coming atcha in PDF and physical book Pod versions on DriveThruRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2nwetoP
Tooth and Nail is a bonus chapter/companion book to the previous released Hunter: Mortal Remains that explores antagonists inspired by the Beast: the Primordial RPG.
Hunter: Tooth and Nail includes:
Fiction and story hooks to bring these beasts of legend to your Hunter: The Vigil chronicle.
New bestial Dread Powers.
New Compacts and Conspiracies which hunt the monsters, but also sometimes hunt the zealous heroes that hunt as well.
      The Secrets of the Covenants for Vampire: the Requiem 2nd REVEALED this Wednesday on DTRPG! Physical copy PoD version coming to DTRPG: http://ift.tt/2gbQjus
Vampires gather under many banners. But five have endured the tumult of Western history better than any other. The Carthian Movement. The Circle of the Crone. The Invictus. The Lancea et Sanctum. The Ordo Dracul. Each has its fierce devotees, its jealous rivals, and its relentless enemies. Now,for the first time, the covenants speak for themselves.
This book includes:
A variety of stories from each of the covenants, all told in their own words.
Never-before revealed secrets, like the fate of the Prince of New Orleans.
New blood sorcery, oaths, and other hidden powers of the covenants.
Discussing GenCon plans. August 17th – 20th, Indianapolis. Every chance the booth will actually be 20? x 30? this year that we’ll be sharing with friends. We’re looking at new displays this year, like a back drop and magazine racks for the brochure(s).
In November, we’ll be at Game Hole Con in Madison, WI. More news as we have it, and here’s their website: http://ift.tt/RIm6qP
Mighty Matt McElroy and Matt “Gentleman” Dawkins are attending the World of Darkness: Berlin convention this week from the 11th to the 14th in, uh, Berlin. They’ll be representing for Onyx Path and wandering the halls dispensing wisdom. If you are there, they’d love to talk with you, hand out a brochure, and talk WoD.
        And now, the new project status updates!
    DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Monarchies of Mau Early Access (Pugmire)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
DtD Night Horrors: Enemy Action (Demon: the Descent)
The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Kithbook Boggans (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
  Second Draft
V20 Dark Ages Jumpstart (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Scion: Origins (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
SL Ring of Spiragos (Pathfinder – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Ring of Spiragos (5e – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
SL Dagger of Spiragos (Pathfinder – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Dagger of Spiragos (5e– Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
Book of Freeholds (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
BtP Beast Player’s Guide (Beast: the Primordial)
M20 Cookbook (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
VtR Half-Damned (Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition)
Pugmire Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers (Pugmire)
Arms of the Chosen (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
  Post-Editing Development:
In Art Direction
Beckett’s Jyhad Diary – Sending all the art over to WW this week.
W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook – AD’d
Cavaliers of Mars – AD’d(ish) and some finals for monsters coming in…
Wraith 20 – AD’d
W20 Changing Ways
Ex3 Monthly Stuff – Sketches and finals incoming…
Storypath Brochure
VDA Jumpstart – Splats AD’d
Scion Origins – AD’d the fulls … working on getting the rest going.
C20 Jumpstart – Figuring out the buy…
Ring of Spiragos – Sending notes out to Leblanc
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
M20 Art Book – In progress…
Monarchies of Mau EA – Working on interior layout and chasing down late art.
CtL Huntsmen Chronicle Anthology
M20 Book of Secrets
BtP Building a Legend – Yeah… that just happened
VTR: Thousand Years of Night – Whaaaa…
  At Press
Beckett Screen – Shipped to shipper.
Dark Eras: To the Strongest – PoD proof on the way.
W20 Song of Unmaking – Goes on sale this Wednesday.
EX3 Tomb of Dreams Jumpstart – PoD proof on the way.
C20 Anthology – Inputting errata and prepping final print files.
C20 – Out to backers, gathering errata.
Pugmire – At Press
Pugmire Screen – At Press
Pugmire Cards & Dice – At Press
Wise and the Wicked PF & 5e – At Press
Dark Eras: The Wolf & Raven– PoD proof on the way.
Dark Eras: Three Kingdoms of Darkness – Uploading files.
Dagger of Spiragos (5e) – Out to backers.
Dagger of Spiragos (PF) – Out to backers.
V20 Dark Ages Companion – Backer PDF out to backers this week.
      TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: 1429 – Joan of Arc lifts the Siege of Orléans, turning the tide of the Hundred Years’ War.
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