#which is what i always do with all my other books
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Pietro Maximoff x stark!fem!reader
Summary: You've always hated Pietro for his player tendencies—turns out he's never hated you at all.
Genre: Fluff, hurt and comfort (enemies to lovers)
Warnings: implied fuck-boy!Pietro, reader is Tony Stark's daughter (no physical description), reader hates Pietro in the beginning, mentions of blood and gun wounds, swearing, because Sokovia isn't real- I used Czech as Pietro and Wanda's language (i don't speak Czech so i used translating sites…if it's wrong, pls tell me)
~ thank you to the anon who requested this! this is my very first time writing for Pietro, please tell me what you think! ~
Your father has always been overprotective of you. 
He usually doesn't involve you with his affairs when you're with him and not at Mom's, choosing to have your room as far from any Avengers as he possibly could. At sixteen, you didn't like this—you felt like you deserved to live normally in your own home—so when he asked you to become friends with his newest members, Twins from Sokovia who also happened to be sixteen, and make them feel welcomed, you were more than happy to do so.
You liked Wanda Maximoff from the first moment you met her. She seemed quiet and shy in the beginning, but she also has this fiery side to her that you admire. She never took shit from anyone, including her brother. 
Pietro Maximoff was very different from his sister. You remember standing in your room, your dad by your side, with an unamused Wanda in front of you as a blue blur sparked across the room, occasionally skidding to a stop and knocking over some books or picking up some trinkets and making unnecessarily judgmental and overly excited comments.  
"Pietro," Wanda hissed, "Přestaň (Stop it)."
His sister's warning had only made his grin widen, his silver hair falling over his strikingly blue eyes as he returned next to her, his arms crossed. "Promiňte (Sorry)." You didn't know what he'd said, but it didn't sound like he meant it. 
"Wanda," he pointed to his sister as he introduced her, and then his grin turned into a smile. "Pietro," he said, pointing to himself, and then he outstretched his hand with no awkwardness or hesitation. You looked down and then up at him again, turning to your dad with an unsure expression but when he nodded, you shook Pietro's hand.
"Y/n," you whispered with a smile, and as you shook his hand, what could have been the start of a wonderful friendship, should have started that day. 
Should have.
In the beginning, it was childish teasing—which involved stealing things from your room and hiding them around the tower because it made Pietro laugh, running past you in the halls so quickly you'd almost fall over, or jokingly ruining any chances with any boys at school because he'd stick his nose in business that never involved him. 
Most of the team and your dad found your banter funny—encouraging the same boys will be boys' bullshit that meant that as the years passed, your dislike for Pietro only worsened. 
It especially didn't help when, by seventeen, he'd found out he was pleasant enough to look at and that girls seemed to adore his boyish charm. So, any chance he had, he'd either heavily flirt with girls at school, or find excuses during missions to pick up any pretty girl he came across. 
Of course, this behavior only increased in his twenties and made him all the more annoying—especially since you began working the coms and the computer for when the team was out on missions. Ever since Ultron, your dad now trusted you more than a robot. 
You're curled up in your chair, your headphones on as you watch the multiple screens in front of you. Some have news outlets playing out the scene while others have the biometrics of Iron Man's suit and the others' suits to make sure all is well. You also have every member in your ear as your fingers glide over the keyboard.
"Dad?" you switch the coms and touch the microphone. 
"Yes, Y/n?" Tony Stark's voice echoes in your headphones and you smile. 
"I can try and hack into the network of that bastard's suit if you want?" 
"Actually, Y/n, can you locate Quicksilver for me? He was supposed to evacuate all the civilians but I can't reach him anymore. Could you try? He always answers you,"
Great, Pietro duty—again.
"Can't I do something more useful?"
Tony chuckles, making you glance at one of your computer screens where you can see him hovering in the air, protecting the civilians on the ground from some shit-bag escaped prisoners who had taken over some secret government-type weaponry and causing all kinds of havoc.
Steve and Natasha seem to be handling the situation with some tact, while Wanda looks like she's having fun crunching the weapons in the men's hands with her mind. All in all, the team seems like they're handling things just fine without Pietro around. 
"Quicksilver is useful to me, darling. I know he's not your favorite person right now, Y/n, but he's a valuable member of my team and I need you to find him for me."
You huff. "He was never my favorite person," you whisper roll your chair over to another keyboard, and disconnect Tony from your headphones. You bite your cheek and hit enter. "Pietro? Hello?"
No answer. 
You change the signal. 
"Hello!" Wanda answers and you hear some commotion in the background. 
"Where's your brother?" you ask, "he isn't answering me."
"I don't know," Wanda says and after a moment she adds, "I can feel him though."
"Thanks," you say, although she'd been completely unhelpful. All you'd learned was that Pietro was definitely alive—which wasn't really a concern of yours since you hadn't assumed something happened to him. You just assumed he was missing.
You hear him in your headphones and you quickly change the channel again, pressing your lips closer to your microphone. "Pietro," you say.
"Yeah?" Pietro sounds like he's running, "What's up, Princezna (Princess)?"
"Don't call me that," you say, knowing damn well he'll call you that anyway. He always has. "Tony wants you. Where have you been?"
Pietro laughs. "I got a little distracted, Moje srdce (My heart)." You hear what sounds like another pet name—he calls you that from time to time you just refuse to ask him what it means.
You want to ask him what he means by distracted, but you assume it has something to do with him getting some girl's number so you don't want to know anymore. "I'm on my way back now so no need to worry your pretty head about me."
"I wasn't worried about you," you say instantly, "I was ordered to find you. Very different."
"Sure, Princezna, sure," Pietro says, his voice husky as he stops and takes a breath. "When are you going to fess up and admit you like me, hm? This cat-and-mouse game has been fun and all, but c'mon, what will it take for you to understand? Tady mě zabíjíš (You are killing me here)."
"Understand what?" 
"Understand that I–" Just as he speaks, you hear more familiar voices and shouting in the background and you look to one of the screens from a news outlet where you can see that Pietro is back with the team, only he's not running anymore. No, he looks like he's swaying. You stand to look closer at the screen. 
"Pietro?" you call into the mic, trying to understand what happened until you see him fall to the ground, clutching his side as his blue suit stains red. He must have stopped running for a moment and one of the fucking assholes dressed in machinery must have shot him. You panic and run to an opposite computer and change the channel one last time. 
"Wanda?" you whisper, your voice hoarse and shaky as you look back at the screen and see that Clint has found Pietro, and Wanda is running up to them too. "W-Wanda?" you try once more, watching her on-screen as she tends to her brother and ignores you.
You feel completely powerless.
* * *
When everyone comes home, you feel stupid as you greet them. Most of the Avengers send you sympathetic smiles as Tony walks up to you. Clint, Wanda, and Pietro aren't with them. You look up at your dad, feeling embarrassed that you're worried for someone you claim to hate.
Tony's expression softens as he hugs you stoically, he's not much for this type of affection but he can see you need this as you bury your nose into his shoulder. 
"He's being checked now but nothing serious," your dad sounds calm, "he's fine, darling."
You pull away, forcing a look of nonchalance as you. "I- I know that I- I didn't care either way," you lie shamelessly.  
Tony shakes his head, sounding exhausted when he says, "You're so stubborn, just like your mom." He ruffles your hair and kisses your forehead. "You can see him in a bit, I'm sure. I'll tell Wanda to come find you when he can have visitors."
You nod and spend the next few hours pacing your room, nibbling at the skin around your nails until you taste blood and finally, someone walks into your room—only it isn't Wanda. It's Pietro himself. He's wearing a slightly wrinkled tank top and a pair of slacks hung loosely around his hips. It's almost sinful. He grins cockily and runs a hand in his hair, his shirt riding up to expose his stomach. You stare at him, wide-eyed and your hand drops from your mouth. 
"What are you doing out of bed?!" you say, sounding more worried than you'd intended.
"What are you? My máma?" Pietro laughs and leans against the edge of your vanity. "I heal quick," he shrugs and looks around your room. He hadn't been in here in a while. He smirks. "Still sleep with Teddy, hm?" he hums. 
You feel warmth in your cheeks and you send your poor beaten-up-with-love Teddy-Bear a glare as if it was his fault you still slept with him in your arms at twenty-four. "Ha ha, funny," you mumble and move to stand in front of Pietro so he can't make fun of any more of your belongings. "No– I don't. Can you leave now?"
Pietro crosses his arms and tilts his head, his blue eyes piercing into yours. "Stark said you wanted to see me." 
Of course, he did. 
You narrow your eyes. "Well, I have seen you and I see you're fine so now I've changed my mind," you say with a shrug and point to your door, waiting for him to make the decision and leave. 
"You don't even wanna ask why I was distracted out there?" Pietro says and a smirk curls his lips.
You feel the wind in your hair and in a blink, he's standing much closer to you with a slight pant—as if he'd just run—and he's holding a small bent bouquet of roses in his hands. He holds them out for you and you stare at them in disbelief. 
"What are those?"
You glare at him. "I know that but why?"
"I saw them and thought of you," he says so nonchalantly you almost don't believe him.
"What? When?"    
"When I was helping the civilians," Pietro shrugs and his eyes are intense. He pauses after a moment and raises his hand, his knuckles skimming your cheek. You freeze, warmth spreading all over your cheeks as you panic internally. "Saw them in the park and I wanted to get them for you."
Your eyes widen. "Isn't that illegal?"
Pietro smirks. "Not if it's done in the name of love, Princezna."
"I don't think that's how that works—" Realization dawns on you and you feel like you're spinning. "Wait, wait, what did you just say?" 
Pietro laughs and his hand moves to tuck some hair behind your ear, smiling. Maybe he's excited but you can feel his skin vibrate on yours. Your heart is pounding so heavily and your mind is screaming at you that this is all a trick and this is what he does with girls. He throws around the l-word and expects women to fall at his feet. He's a player.
"What I was trying to tell you before I was rudely shot, is why haven't you caught on and understood that I'm madly in love with you?"
You blink at him and then take a step away from him, shaking your head as you force a laugh. "Pietro, this isn't funny. It isn't funny to mess with me like this. You know how I feel about you playing with my feelings—"
Pietro frowns. "Playing with you?" 
You roll your eyes. "Please, it's just not funny, okay?"
"You think this is a joke, mé srdce (my heart)? Ach, můj drahý (Oh, my dear)," Pietro says in a whisper and moves closer to you again, his hand reaching for yours as he hands you the roses.
"I'm not messing with you. I tease you sometimes, but my feelings are real. I haven't messed around with any women in years—minus that mistletoe kiss—" he rubs his nape, mentioning the time you'd caught him and an office girl kissing at last Christmas party. He didn't mean for that to happen, and even less for you to see him. 
You're really trying to understand him now but nothing is making sense. "You have feelings for me?" You whisper, your eyes wide. You feel like you've entered some alternative reality. "You can't just say things like that now, Pietro. It's not fair."
His expression turns more serious than you've ever seen him. "I'm not saying this lightly, Y/n. I know I've been a jerk to you, but I was a stupid kid who didn't know how to express his feelings and then it was too late because you hated me. But, I have always cared for you, miláček (darling). I really have."
You move back, your eyes round, processing his words. All those years of childish teasing, all those petty arguments you'd had, and all the jealousy you've felt suddenly hit you like a train and you're left broken and bruised. He had feelings for you? You've been pushing him away because you were scared of how you felt about him.
"Why now? Why did you choose to tell me all this now?" you ask, shaking the roses in your hands as your voice trembles.
Pietro exhales. "Because when Wanda mentioned me how worried you were about me, I realized how much I need you in my life. Need you beside me. I didn't want to hide my feelings anymore— and I picked those flowers wanting to confess anyway. I want to be with you, Y/n. No more games, just us."
You feel a mix of relief and fear. Deep down, you've wanted to hear this for so long, but it's as terrifying as you'd imagined. You look up at him, walking in closer and you can hear your heart in your throat when you run a hand in his silver hair, holding him and pulling him down to meet his lips.
You've convinced yourself this would be confirmation. Confirmation that this was a bad fucking idea. Instead, his kiss is intoxicating and it makes your mind go all fuzzy. Of course, he'd be good at this, he'd been quite the whore—your thought is interrupted by Pietro pulling you in closer and deepening the kiss, his hand finding your hip. 
You gasp, leaning up into him as the world as you'd known it crashes around you. 
"Sakra, Princezna (Damn, Princess)," Pietro murmurs into your lips, holding you close. "This is so much better than I imagined."
"You imagined this?" you say, sounding more teasing than you'd anticipated as you're left breathless from his kisses. 
Pietro hums. "All the damn time," he admits and kisses you again.
After more kisses, he finally pulls away. "So, is that a yes? You want be with me too?" he asks hopefully and you look into his eyes, taking in his excitement. You don't dare even think of breaking his heart as anyway, your swells at the mere thought of being his. 
You nod but then smirk and pull him back in for a kiss, your hand fisting his shirt, "Kiss me some more and then I'll tell you."
And he does just that.
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deaconusdelirium · 2 days
ᰔᩚ Older bf!Simon indulging his kid at heart
Simon never really minded the fact that his childhood was stripped from him, it happened, it’s over, what can he do about it? Nothing. Best move on to more important things. He thinks about it, but it no longer effects him. He’s human, so at some point he’s going to watch a kid play to their hearts content like it was a foreign thing to him
Simon who raises a brow at every little thing you do when he finally starts to love you. Watching you stare at the toy section a little too long before picking out a coloring book and even longer at the crayon section. The basket in the crook of his elbow as he crossed his arms.
“What’s the difference, luvie? They all color the same” he huffed quietly, earning a soft glare in return. “Oh hush, they’re not the same. See? These ones are pastels, these ones have glitter, this one has forty colors-” you go on as he rolls his eyes and stares off down the aisle. His attention immediately being brought back as you all of a sudden stop. Then he seen what you were eyeing. The colored pencils. He looked at them and then at you before sighing and walking over. Grabbing them and show them to you. “What’s the deal with this one?” He asks, trying to find the difference yet again between the crayons and then pencils. You step forward and then smile almost sadly. “I’ve never really had colored pencils, always seen them but my parents told me they’d go in the trash one way or another” you replied. He didn’t even think twice before putting them in the basket
Simon who watches you later on that night color in the first page that stands out to you. Seeing you color outside the lines but never really seeming to mind. “Inside the lines, darlin” he mumbled as he laid in bed. One arm propping him up as you laughed softly, “oh hush, leave me alone. I like it” you smiled, “you like it messy?” He asked, “well… when you put it that way it sounds sloppy. But everyone always got mad that I colored outside the lines. Found being too perfect was always boring and never really fun. But I like this” you leaned back, looking at the paper as he nodded. Picking up a pencil and then gave a small scribble to the paper.
Simon who finds comfort in walking beside you down a sidewalk. At first he was confused, one second you both were walking and the next he was yanked back, “what’s wrong?” He looked around for any sign of trouble, then looked down at you, realizing you were counting your steps in the large rectangles in the concrete. “I stepped four steps in the last block, if I take another step, this one will be five” you muttered. Deciding not to question it, he picked you up, setting you in the next block and started walking along side you again. Now every time you walk together, he counts how many steps you take in each one, stopping and waiting for you if you need to jump a little or if you mess up your numbers, “you’re at three, luv”
Simon who pretty much never questions anything you do anymore, you want something? He’ll get it for you. Even if it’s a little bottle of bubbles, he’ll grab an extra bottle just so that if you ever run out, you’ll have another. He won’t admit it, but likes seeing which bubble will last the longest before popping
Simon who goes shopping with you and helps you pick out a stuffed animal, which turns into stuffed animals. “Oh- look at this one Si, this one’s a seal” you picked up a chunky looking stuffed animal. Giving a squish before holding it out to Simon, who gives a squish and then takes it into his large calloused hands. Scrunching it a few times and lays his head on it, then nods. Looking at the others, “look at this one, babe, it’s a shrimp” he chuckles, picking it up and showing you. A smile blossoming on your face as you grab it. You both going home with stuffed animals of your own, who later get turned into cuddle buddies. Sedrick the Shrimp and Samuel the Seal
Simon who will bring you your favorite lunch with a nice drink on the side to your work. Walking in pass the reception desk and into your office, seeing that you’re on a call, he holds your food so he can personally give it to you as he walks around the place. Mindlessly playing with a few little trinkets you got lying around. He puts the bag of food between his chest and arm, the drink in his hand while his other squeezes the chicken stress ball. Giving a small chuckle as its eyes pop out with every squeeze. Then he finds another little toy. A crane of sort that has a string attached to the tip that’s holding a ring at the end. A small hook on the beam as he tries to get the ring onto the hook. Giving a quiet “yes” as he finally gets it. Then hands your food over with a kiss when you’re done
Simon who stays up with you one night, not having to worry about waking up early for work. So he has you get up, telling you he’s hungry and that he wants to get something to eat. Then when you tell him you have to get ready. He protests, pulling your hand and tells you that he’s not going out to impress anyone and that he’d rather you be comfortable than walking around fully dressed with your clothes you wanted to wear tomorrow, just to get fast food. Tells you that he feels better when you feel good. Both of you don’t have to worry about the burdens of adult life that early morning
Simon who goes to the Lego section with you- well, more like he drags you to the Lego aisle. Telling you that he likes this one he seen a few days ago. Pretends to look for it when he made it up as an excuse so you two could actually look for something to build together. “Look at this one love, it’s a picture frame” he holds up a box, showing you. “I like that one, but I also like this camera one” you also hold up the box, he looks between the two. Eyes darting to the side before something catches his eye. “Baby, look. These are bracelets, you put little legos on them”. He immediately grabs the box, dropping them all into the cart, not even minding the price it’ll come out to. “We should look at the friendship bracelets” he buys you the bracelets anyways, going home and building the legos together, putting a Polaroid of you two beneath the camera one. Putting a picture in the picture frame one, and you both wearing the lego bracelets
Simon who picks out baby clothes, not boring bland pink or blue ones. No, those are too cliche, no, he wants something that will make those beautiful eyes he knows your little baby have, pop out. Even if he has to special order a few clothes and blankets, he’ll do it. Little onesies that have pictures of Sedrick and Samuel that were obviously custom made by the best and most liked shop.
Simon who signs your little one up for whatever their heart desires. They want to try soccer? He’s going to buy them a small goal and a ball so they can practice in the backyard of your home. They see an event coming into town and they want to go? He’s more than willing to take them. They want money for a book fair? He knows the teachers are assholes so he waits until they get home so he can go back with them. Helping them pick out whatever their little heart wants. Erasers, book marks, little toys, it’s all theirs. They want extra cuddles for the heck of it? He’s bringing you down with the two of them.
Simon who ends up healing his childhood through you and his kid. Even if he was a little embarrassed about it all in the beginning, he realized that he’d rather make memories than skip them being shy and hurting you and your kids’ feelings.
(He totally has his own stash of toys and his own coloring books he’s accumulated over the years he’s known you. He even has his own blankets with hero’s and stuffed animals of his own) ᰔᩚ
not really proof read, but you get the idea. Just had this in my head for a bit
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lumi077 · 2 days
He's the type of man to...
A/N: Once again i have changed hyper fixations...drastically. And y'all know what that means lol...Nanami and Yuuta the type to be MY type if you catch my drift. Try to guess my favorite lol
Includes: Kento Nanami, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Yuuta Okkotsu, Masamichi Yaga
Warnings: MDNI; elludes to nsfw but no actual smut, possessive themes, canontypical violence in some (no gore), as always potential ooc, petnames (my love, princess, baby, babydoll, honey), slight spoilers for Geto (oops), Geto is a sorcerer au, slight harassment in yuuta's, specified fem reader in some (ie wife/princess)
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Nanami Kento
is the type of man to settle on his knees by your feet and strap on your heels for you. 
You hum lightly, eyes flickering over what pairs of heels to wear to your husband’s work party before settling on a classy pair of black strapped ones. Before you can even lean down to put them on, Kento is kneeling down. His fingers ghost over your knee and down your calf before resting firmly on your ankle and slotting it into your chosen heel. Thick fingers quickly buckle them around your delicate ankle, and to finish it off he presses a kiss right above the strap. He repeats the action on the other foot, and you two are definitely going to be fashionably late. 
He’s the type of man to let you try out different color combustions of nail polish on his first. 
“Ken.” You cooed to your blonde husband, sat on the chair across from you. As he looks up from his book, you gesture to the colors spread out on the table “which ones do you think would look good?” He looks them over before pointing to a cool lavender and white before offering you his hand. Catching your questioning gaze he shrugs and simply states “try it out on me first.”
He’s the type to drive you around with a hand on your thigh always, and he always lets you play your music. Even going so far as to memorize singers you like.
You and Kento were heading to a newly opened club to hang out with some friends, his hand splayed across your upper thigh. His thumb was rubbing mindless circles as you scrolled through your phone “any requests?” Looking up at him. “Play that one singer you like…Lana del Rey was it?” And you swear you swooned. 
He’s the type of man you want to marry and have kids with, his responsible and nurturing personality luring you in. 
“you know.” You drawl out the words, looking at him through the corner of your eye. “Yuji is kinda like our kid.” 
Kento hums, raising a brow but not looking up from his work laptop “what makes you say that, my love?”
“He’s constantly over here, we feed him, give him an allowance…kinda makes me want another smaller kid.”
That makes him look up “you want a baby?” And when you nod your pretty little head he takes you right there and then. 
Kento Nanami is the type of man to stare down other men at the work party he took you too-not liking how the drunkards were staring at your exposed skin.
You were leaning on the bar, making small talk with Shoko before you felt a large muscular hand wrap around your hip and pull you closer. “Ken?” You mumbled, looking over your shoulder to see him looking somewhere else. Unbothered, you wrap your arms around his neck and press a kiss to his cheek. “Who’re you staring at, my love?”
“Some guy, looking at you like you’re not my wife.” he grumbled, leaning his head down to kiss you properly. 
“Wanna go home?” You asked, hand rubbing his chest before letting out a little giggle when he nods his head.
“Wanna show you just how much of you is mine” Spoiler alert-all of you
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Satoru Gojo
is the type to randomly spoil you with very expensive gifts whenever he can. He rarely sees you some days and he needs to make it up to you somehow. 
Satoru was away again, another mission only he was deemed worthy enough to go one. By himself. You sigh as you unlock your shared apartment, something off. There, on the little table you keep in the entryway is a gift box with your name elegantly scrawled on it, opening it you find something you mentioned wanting- that was very expensive. Along with that was a note
“I’m sorry I’m not there to see your pretty face baby. I’ll make it up to you when I come home. -Your Satoru”
Satoru is the type of man to make you feel like a Greek god reincarnated, never is there a moment without praise. 
you were doing something mundane, scrolling on your phone while sitting on your very comfortable but ridiculously expensive couch when long lithe hands lifted your legs and let them fall onto his lap. “You’re gorgeous, ya know.” He cooed, fingers rubbing your calf as you giggle. “Pretty enough to eat right up.” He sighed affectionately, and you knew how this night would end.
He is the type of man to always gush about you, letting everyone know just who he belongs to
he was sitting in the expansive room, watching his students and those of the Kyoto school duke it out in the annual exchange event. "My poor sweet baby would have loved to be here to see this" he pouted, almost childishly. They had sent you on a mission, leaving him with boring Utahime nagging him.
"Shut up!" Utahime whined, giving him a pointed stare even though she too missed the presence you would bring.
Mei Mei laughed, shaking her head "They're more bareable than you, after all Gojo"
And now he's missing you all over again.
He is the type of man to let you use any and all of his expensive clothing whenever you want.
"Toruuu" You called in a sing song voice, clad in your pajamas while scouring your shared closet.
"Yesss princess?" he hummed from the bed, propping up to look at you.
"Can I wear one of your shirts today." You barely spar him a glance as you take said shirt off the hanger before he even speaks.
"Course baby, looks much better on you." He hummed, letting his head fall back into the pillows at the thought of you in his clothes.
The type that even though he prefers his carefree nature, gets so serious when it comes to you.
He told you, hours after the mission, how nervous he was when you called him. Panting into the phone, sounds of many curses in the background. You only said one word before the phone was crushed "help"
He was there in an instant, and he could see why you needed help. You were very powerful, but even if would have trouble with multiple grade 1 curses and another special grade.
Devoid of his usual humor or playfulness when fighting, he slaughtered them in record time so he could rush you to Shoko.
You had gotten so many kisses, you think the feeling of his lips are imprinted into you.
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a/n: it was so hard to find an of age picture of him from the anime where he wasn't possessed by Kenjaku
Suguru Geto
is the type of man to, like his best friend-spoil you. always unprompted and at the least expected times
You were putting the girls to bed, walking out of their shared room to see your husband standing there. Raising a brow you walked over, hands snaking over your waist and pressing a kiss to temple. "My love" he mumbled against your skin, raising your hand and sliding a pretty little ring on your finger. One you distinctly remember fawning over last time you two had took the girls to the mall.
"Sugu-" you gasp, trying to remember if you had forgotten a date but he sushed you with a sweet kiss.
"Just wanted to spoil my pretty wife."
he's getting it tonight ong
Suguru Geto is the type of man to get baby fever and pester you, whining about how cute a baby that looked like the two of you would be.
"Babe." You groaned, seeing the notification that he had sent you yet another cute baby fever inspiring tiktok.
"What" He hummed all innocent from where he laid next to you in bed, your leg draped over one of his. "Just thought it was cute is all."
"Yeah, uh huh." You grumble, feeling the tug to want to have a baby filling you too as you watched a compilation of cute little baby sneezes.
"maybe a baby wouldn't be so bad...the girls want a baby siblings anywa-" he interrupts you with his mouth hungerly attacking yours, body pressed on top of yours.
He is the type of man to let you sit on his back while he does pushups, only if you ask nicely.
You sat in your home gym, watching you husband stretch his glorious mouthwatering muscles when he inevitably caught you staring. "see something you like, babydoll?" he teased, making your face warm.
"Maybe I do..." you trailed off, remembering something your friend said she did with her boyfriend at the time. "Can I sit on your back when you do push ups?"
he raised a brow, eyeing you before shrugging "If you ask nicely, I'll think about it."
"Please Sugu?" You hummed, batting your eyelashes.
And that's how you found yourself sitting on his back, feeling the same muscles you were drooling over flex and work under you. let's just say you were craving some other kind of workout...
he's the type of man that secretly enjoys domestic moments, it feeds the lighter side of his soul just right.
Nothing is better than walking into the house after a mission with Satoru and his partner to see his favorite girls snuggled up on the couch.
it was late, and the twins were passed out despite boasting they could stay up to see Suguru. You look over the two sleeping bodies of your babies and send your husband a small tired smile as he stalks over.
First he plants a kiss on the girls heads, before pressing one to your lips. "I'll help you get the girls to bed, then we cuddle, hm?"
Is the type of man to make you think he doesn't like physical affection as much as you do, but he goes feral for it.
"You know babe, you never really initiate contact all that much." you had told him one day, completely out of the blue as the two of you made breakfast together.
"You're the clingier one between us two." he teased back, shrugging in mock nonchalance.
You huff, a playful tease slipping past your lips "Fine then, I won't initiate it anymore."
he thinks he can last, that he won't care.
It takes all of two hours for him to be attached at your hips, hands squeezing and kneading your hips and thighs while he lips attack your neck...
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Yuuta Okkotsu (aged up ver)
is the type of man to bend to your every whim; the word "no" is just not in his vocabulary when it comes to you.
"Baaaby" you drawl out, your draped across his chest, arms encircling his neck at about 2 in the morning. It's dark as hell in your shared room, and he only groans.
"Yes princess?" he mumbles, sleepiness evident in the way he was speaking.
" 'm hungry." you pout, tugging on his sleeve to get him awake "wanna get ice cream?"
He groans, the word "no" on the tip of his tongue, but once he cracks open a tired eye and sees you pouting at him, it dies and is instead replaced with an "of course princess, let me get changed." He slowly slides your body off his to get his wallet and pants.
He's the type of man that never lets you pay for a single thing ever, his bank account is yours to use.
You were shopping with a few friends, pulling Yuta around with you as you and your friends squealed to one another about cute clothes and the cute boys they saw. You mostly stayed quiet at that regard, fussing at your boyfriend for carrying your bags.
Your friends were slightly jealous, eyeing your free hands because their own partners couldn't come and hold their bags.
"Maybe some new shoes?" You asked your friends, nodding as you went in, tried some on, and decided on this pretty new sandals.
When you went to pay, Yuuta scoot in and gave them his card instead. You cooed, kissing his cheek "Yuu, you didn't have too!"
Your friends cooed too, making him blush and squirm. "Shhh, just let me pay."
Yuuta is the type of man to carry you because your heels hurt your feet-even after he warned you this would happen.
"Yuu baby." you pouted, shifting your weight to a different foot every other minute, the poor appendages throbbing as you took another step.
"Your heels hurting you baby?" He hummed softly, arms circling around your waist and lifting you up. The relief was almost instant, his other arm going to lift your legs.
"My princess needs carried hm?" he teased lightly, and you giggle while pressing your lips to his cheek.
"My knight in shining armor." You giggled, shaking your head. "What would I do without you?"
"Having to walk in heels I told you not to wear." He huffed back, still walking the path home. He laughed when you lightly hit his shoulder, pouting.
"Didn't have to say told you so!" you huff
The type of man that would absolutely punch someone in the face for bothering you. He may not look the part, but he is your scary dog privileges.
You and Yuuta had decided that going out to the local bar with your shared friends was a good idea, to celebrate a mission well done. You were sat up at the bar with Maki, while Yuuta and Toge sat at the table your group at previously claimed as your own when you all had entered.
There were some other college kids, already drunk off their asses when you had entered. They were a rowdy group, and the boys had their eyes on them the entire time.
As the two boys conversed, they had failed to see the boys make their way over to you and Maki.
"Hey beautifuls." one man slurred, throwing an arm around Maki while his friend stood awfully close to you. Maki was having none of it, shoving the man off her and grabbing your hand.
"Back off creeps." she hissed, clenching your hand in silent reassurance. The other man that had stood next to you put his hand on your thigh, making squeak out "I have a boyfriend!"
maki immediately looked over, ready to punch the guy for you when the sleeve of Yuuta's shirt appeared, his hand grabbing the collar of the guy.
"Hands. Off." he basically growled the words, and the man immediately backed off.
"S-Sorry man, thought she was single!" he yelped, both him and his friend scuttling off afer he let go and wrapped his arms around you.
"Let's head home baby." nodding to maki, he grabbed your hand and started leading you out.
The type of man to absolutely match with you. Whether it's phone cases, profile pictures, clothes, necklaces. He really doesn't care.
"hey Princess." he hummed, brushing against you in his matching shirt. It was cheesy, an "I <3 my girlfriend" t shirt while yours said "i <3 my boyfriend."
"hey bubs." you hum, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "What's up?"
"Just got you a lil something." pushing your hair back, he put a necklace on, clasped it, and let the chain fall against your neck.
Looking down with a furrowed brow, you let out a tiny giggle as the small silver name of "Yuuta" written in cursive shone dimly in the light.
"Have one of your name too. So we match." he almost giggled the words against your neck, and you sighed happily.
"So sweet for me baby, thank you." you really did love the gift.
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Masamichi Yaga
is the type to keep your marriage a secret for your own safety...and conveniently forgetting to tell you about that little tidbit.
"Honey" You called as you entered through the front door of your shared house, giddy and excited to tell him about an encounter you had with a teacher at his school.
"Yeah?" he called back to you, sitting on the couch and fiddling with a new puppet, his eyes flicking up to you instead. Noticing your giddy smile, he tilted his head.
"You'll never believe who I saw when I was shopping!" You placed the bags down on the coffee table, putting off the task of putting them away for a moment. "Gojo! He was so sweet, i don't think he knew we were married."
"Oh, how silly of him." He had neglected to tell you that well...you were his well-kept little secret. No one knew about you but Panda, who was like a child to you despite his unique appearance.
"Mhm, but he invited me to see Panda train with the other second years, how nice!"
he nodded, a light scowl. "That's wonderful honey, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you."
Gojo was going to be one hell of a headache.
Masamichi is the type of man to do all the chores you hate around the house, even if he doesn't like doing them either.
You had just gotten back from the school where your husband worked at, watching your son train with his other classmates when you hear the dishes clinking and Masa humming.
Walking into the kitchen, you had tilted your head as you saw your tall, muscular, rather intimidating husband putting away the now clean dishes.
"Masa baby?" You called out, a small smile on your face as you leaned on the wall. He let out a small hum of acknowledgement, waiting till he placed the last dish where it should be before turning to you and opening his arms for you.
You walked into them without a second thought, his thick arms wrapping around your waist. "Thought you didn't like unloading the dishwasher?" You hummed, looking up at him.
he simply shrugged his shoulders, lifting you up to place a kiss on your lips "Know you don't like doing it either, thought I might as well."
You coo at the thoughtful action, and placed a kiss on his cheek. "thank you my love."
He's the type to introduce you to every puppet, making sure they're nice and gentle with you every time.
"C'mere my love." he waved you over, you had just stepped out of the shower, hair wet against your back. You were dressed up in his shirt as you sat down on the bed next to him, curious.
Pleasantly, he showed you his newest creation. The puppet was small, the body of the puppet was your favorite color as it stared up at you from his hands.
"Awe, what a cutie." you cooed to the little thing, and it seemed to purr at your words, tumbling off his hand and into your lap to cuddle up.
He pouted, muttering a "traitor" before shaking his head "I think they like you more than me."
"Must have good taste then." you laughed lightly, scooping up the puppet and pressing a kiss to the top of it's head.
"Do I get a kiss?" he hummed, snuggling up to you just like his creation had.
"I suppose." You hummed, pressing a kiss to his lips only for the little puppet to punch the creation, almost pouting in your hands.
"Hey!" He huffed as your laughter broke the kiss, looking down at the small puppet like it stabbed him in the back.
He's the type to look so mean, but is so soft with you.
You were sat in the rocking chair stationed in your living room, some meaningless show playing on the flatscreen for ambience. You were knitting a scarf for Panda, the cold season approaching quickly. Which led you wanting to make some for his friends too, knowing Maki and Yuta couldn't have home knitted scarves to keep them warm when your husband burst in.
His head swiveled, trying to find you. You could hear the sigh he let out when he found you, sitting on the ground next to your legs. Placing a gentle kiss to your knee, he let out another sigh.
"Hello my darling." you spoke softly, placing down your knitting materials to rub his head. he hummed tiredly at the action, leaning into your touch. "Rough mission?"
he nodded, "But I'm home now."
"You're home." You assented sweetly as he laid his head against your leg.
"Now help me knit these scarves for Panda's friends."
He's the type of man to put a lot of importance on birthdays and anniversaries, always making sure he has a clear schedule for them.
You woke up to an empty bed, something that wasn't entirely unusual when it came to your husband. Though you felt a twinge of hurt, normally he was here.
Pulling yourself from the warmed sheets, you slipped on your house shoes and through on a robe, walking to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast when hands went around your waist and spun.
"Happy birthday baby!" Masamichi cooed down to you, pressing a lasting kiss to you cheek because your mouth was too preoccupied giggling up a storm.
"Thought you went to work?" You spoke in-between your giggles, arms wrapping around his thick neck and pressing your own kiss to his cheek.
"And have you spend your birthday with just Panda? I could never my love." he peppered kisses against all the skin he could, shaking his head. "My pretty spouse deserves much better than that. Now c'mon, we're going out to breakfast."
All in all, these men are the type to love you so completely no matter what you look like <3
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hockeygossipunhinged · 21 hours
This is me btw, I have a lot of tea to spill so I'm gonna answer common topics on this blog. If there's any I missed, I'll answer later.
For context I mentioned this before, but I knew the boys before I dated my ex, but I wasn't close until 4 years ago when we started dating.
Is Sammy going to Vegas?
No, she has work that week so she'll be in NYC. Unless something changes, she won't be going.
Is Jack going to the NHL Awards?
Maybe? If you asked me a month ago, I would've said no, because they want to keep Jack out of the spotlight for his recovery. But no one seems that upset over his recent outings so there's a chance. I'm pretty sure he is going to Vegas, but the awards is up in the air.
Do the Hughes like Sammy?
Jim and Ellen tolerate her for Jack's sake, but I know they don't like her. They're trying to make their family "America's Hockey Family" and Sammy truly doesn't fit the image they have in mind for their sons' spouses. They want a Lauren Kyle type: pretty, fashionable, promotes the hell out of the team. Just someone who has a good image overall. Besides the fact that Sammy is a sloppy drunk and big partier, which was already a "no" in the book, the zionist stuff doesn't help.
Quinn tolerates her as well, but he's still a little upset over his breakup with Olivia, so he wants to be away from the couple. He, like Luke, doesn't like drama so he's over the constant fighting between the two. He's not a fan, but he's not actively ignoring her.
Luke can't stand her and doesn't make it a secret. I already posted about the Luke/Sammy tea earlier, but she makes him uncomfortable.
What is Sammy and Jack's relationship like?
Super healthy and positive!! Totally not full of fighting and hooking up lol. The one time I interacted with them as a couple, they were fine, but I've seen the over the phone arguments and they're not pretty. It's not healthy at all, they constantly do things to piss the other one off. She'll ignore his calls/texts and go party with guys (she's a known cheater) and he'll like Instagram posts and follow girls on Instagram. When he was in New Jersey, he tried to make plans with her beforehand and she blew him off. When he was there he totally ignored her and it pissed her off. They had a huge argument then hooked up after so its all good.
Are they serious?
No, I cannot see Jack wanting to be serious with anyone any time soon, especially with Sammy. I think Jack currently likes the attention he gets from Sammy so he keeps her around. He can't do any of his favorite activities bc of his recovery (no golfing, tennis, wake boarding, training with his bros), so she keeps him occupied. When hockey season starts, he'll want to be fully focused so he can have a great season (he's getting FOMO from his brothers' seasons) and dump her. Plus his parents and brothers (more specifically Luke) aren't fans, so I can't see him being serious with someone his fam isn't fond of . But I could be wrong, I thought he was gonna be serious with Sienna and they broke up so.
What are the Hughes like?
They're actually really nice and a lot of fun to be around. They have a really good energy and vibe around them.
Jim and Ellen - I don't know them well, but they've always been nice to me. My ex told me that they're super nice and chill, but are hard on the boys to play well and maintain a certain image. They're very controlling when it comes to PR.
Quinn- probably the nicest brother, super accommodating and thoughtful. He's a little bit shy, but not super like Luke. He's a lot of fun, but has had some moments of losing his temper a bit, but does apologize.
Luke- super shy, but really funny. I feel like he has the most personality out of the boys, but he's so shy so he hides it. He's terrified of women (lol) but I feel like if he were to get a gf he'd be a really good bf.
Jack- he's really flirty and charming. He can be a bit of a dick sometimes but is wayyyy better than when he was younger. He really doesn't think before he speaks and has to quickly clarify what he means. He's a lot nicer than this blog gives him credit for. He was a really good bf to Chelsea and Sienna.
What's Sammy like?
I already answered this, but she's a spoiled rich sorority girl who drinks and parties too much.
No, they aren't PR. Jim and Ellen don't do PR relationships, but if they did they wouldn't chose Sammy. The whole NHL hard launch happened bc they wanted more positive press for Jack who was injured twice and the star player of a sinking Devils team. It had nothing to do with his "people watch me play comment" bc it was planned beforehand, but that didn't help anything.
Did Quinn and Olivia break up?
Yes, unfortunately. Quinn wanted to be more serious and Olivia wasn't ready. They ended on good terms, although both of them were really sad about it.
Is there tension between the boys?
No, they're fine. Jim and Ellen don't want Jack all over social media, so that's probably why Luke and Quinn didn't post him. Quinn and Jack are perfectly fine. Quinn never sees Luke and he's felt a little left out with Luke and Jack being on the same team, so he's really trying to spend time with him especially with him being newly single. As for Luke and Jack there's tension, but it's nothing significant. They spend a lot of time together, and they need a little breather from each other. Also as mentioned before Luke is uncomfortable around Sammy, so of course he doesn't want to be around her at a concert. The boys are still close and I doubt Jack loves anything enough to allow it to ruin his and Luke's relationship.
Favorite Child?
*ranking based on what I've heard/seen*
Jim- Jack, Luke, Quinn
Ellen- Quinn, Luke, Jack
The Zionist scandal
I want to be a fly on the wall when this happened. Jim and Ellen were not happy bc it made Jack look bad. The only reason they didn't force Jack to break up with her was because they knew it would piss him off and he didn't need that at the time (still in recovery). They're keeping him and Sammy out of the public eye until it dies down. As for their own personal views, I don't exactly know Jim and Ellen's but they've always been pretty liberal so idk. The boys- and this will sound bad- truly aren't fully paying attention to the conflict. They kind of see headlines on Apple News think it's sad and move on. I doubt they really have any real opinion on the matter. The boys aren't political at all, so I highly doubt they've ever talked about it. Sammy and her friends always bragged about being Jewish so I'm not surprised she is zionist. The boys really don't really brag about being Jewish, but I think its because they were raised Catholic as well (i know Judaism doesn't equal religion).
Has Sammy visited Jack earlier in the summer?
Not from what I can tell, my ex is over there more than I was so he would've told me, because he always compares her to an owl.
Anon on Jack, Sammy and the family
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Bikini Body 👙 (Poly!KiriBakuMina x Fem!Chubby!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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"So much for not coming out of that bikini."
Pairing: Kirishima Ejirou x Mina Ashido x Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Chubby!Reader
Synopsis: In which your boyfriends and girlfriend decide to show you just how good you look in your new bathing suit one hot summer day on the beach.
Warnings: Fluffy Smutty Smut; 18+; AgedUp!KiriMinaBaku; Poly Love; Oil Massages in Inappropriate Places; Tongue Kissing; Strip Tease; Ice Play; Fingering; Clit Stimulation; Masturbation; Daisy Chain; Double Blowjob; Mutual Oral; Doggystyle; Kissing While Fucking; Public Sex; Creampies; Aftercare Cuddling
Writer's Note: This is based off a request I did for someone last summer, but it was unfortunately flagged. I decided to revise it & add Bakugou’s fine ass because I can’t get enough of them poly relationships. Enjoy! -Jazz
“Kiri, honey, playing with my bikini isn’t gonna make me come out of it any quicker…or at all.”
“Why noooot?” Kirishima pouts as he lays on his back beside you, his abs deliciously coated in sun tan oil. His fingers toy with the ties on your bikini bottoms, his hand brushing against your thigh here and there.
“You too, Katsuki,” you critically say, giving the blonde a glare from behind you.
He glares despite his hand blantally laying on your ass while he sips his water bottle. “Tch! You’re hallucinating, you crazy girl.” His body, toned by years of training, is also shining with oil.
You’re currently reading and sitting on your stomach on the cushioned bed provided by the private cabana he, Kiri, and Mina rented for this particular beach trip. It’s big enough to house six people and comes with a bed, furniture, and silk curtains that provide privacy from the rest of the beach-goers and relief from the hot, blinding sun beyond.
“Because I’m not in the water,” you reply matter-of-factly. “And I’m not gettin’ a tan, so what’s the use of takin’ it off?”
You flip to the next page in your book, doing your best to ignore Kiri’s pouting and Bakugou’s childish glare. “You’re lucky I even decided to come out in this. You know I don’t exactly have a bikini body like Mina.”
“Who said what about me?” Mina asks, entering the cabana. She’s holding a plate of juicy-looking fruit in one hand and sun tan oil in the other. “Went back to the hotel to get some stuff. And I bought snacks!”
When she saunters into the cabana, you can't help but admire the body of your girlfriend–she’s all lean muscle with perky tits and an ass you could bounce a quarter off of; not an inch of fat anywhere that could disrupt the aesthetic of her gold string bikini that brings out the pink of her skin and curly hair.
Her body is the total opposite of yours and you are now hyper aware of it after Mina forced you to pick out a bikini while shopping for your couples’ beach trip. You are much bigger with extra fat layering your body. You come with thick thighs, large breasts that require a bikini top with bigger cups, jiggly arms, back rolls, and a soft, pudgy stomach that jiggles when you make even one move.
You’re chubby–that’s just a fact. Though you know that realistically it isn’t a big deal…but when the summertime hits, it’s a different story.
You’re nervous to wear certain clothes that would show off your body, like tight-hugging dresses that would show off your rolls and shorts due to your thighs constantly rubbing together. You’re so afraid of the looks and the words that you’d see in people’s mouths, criticizing your size. You barely have any bathing suits in your closet because of this.
But when you met Kiri, Bakugou, and Mina a couple months ago and started dating, they had no problem with your shape or size. In fact, they adored it. They always made a point to boost your confidence by giving you compliments on your outfits or touching you on a whim–Mina might wrap her arms around your waist; Kiri will pick you up and squeeze you tight; Bakugou might slap your ass just to hear you squeal.
And though you appreciate your efforts, they don’t quite meet the goal of making you feel more comfortable in your body. Especially out in public.
“Oh, look, baby!” Kiri cheerfully announces, smiling smugly at you. “Mina got sun tan oil! Now you have to take it off.” You peer down at him in his shark-printed swim trunks that don’t do much to hide what he’s packing. Toss in the washboard abs, big biceps, and tree trunk thighs, and Kiri is a walking, talking wet dream.
Bakugou is just as bad. He is as tall as his and your boyfriend Kiri with a body that fills out his orange swim trunks. You can’t help but ogle at his thick, muscular thighs and big pecs you’d like to motorboat.
You already know people often wonder how someone like you managed to bag someone like him, Kiri, and Mina–three rich, famous, sexy individuals.
“I’m not taking it off,” you sternly reply. “And that’s final. I don’t need any sun tan oil anyway.”
Bakugou scowls at you. “What, you tryin’ to burn?”
Mina scoffs, climbing up onto the bed after lowering the fruit on the table next to you with a pitcher of ice sit. “What?! Then you’ll be all sunburned! You need some color on this skin, babe, and the sun is the perfect way to do that.” She moves toward you, nuzzling her face into your neck. “C’mon; don’t you want our friends to know that you took a nice trip to the beach when we get back home?”
“They’ll know from the pictures,” you passively say, flushing at the scent of mangos in Mina’s hair and Kiri’s soft nibbles on your jiggly thigh. “You three go ahead and enjoy the sun though. I’m good here.”
“Nonsense!” Kiri scoffs, sitting up next to you now. “There will be plenty of time for the sun and water once we prepare for the sun rays.” He takes the sun tan oil from Mina, smirking at both of you girls. “And once I get my hands on you two. I can’t tell you how good you girls look in those bikinis.”
Bakugou shoots him a sharp look under his sunglasses. “Greedy bitch,” he growls. “I’m here too, y’know. I’ve already gotta share what’s mine, so why leave me out?”
Kiri pokes his pierced bottom lip out at the platinum blonde. “Aw, ‘Suki, I’m sorry,” he coos. “You look good in your bottoms too.” He moves in to give him a kiss, but Bakugou pegs a piece of watermelon at him, earning a laugh.
You flush at Kiri’s suggestive comment while Mina giggles. “Why, thank you, babe,” she coos, leaning over you to give Kiri a peck on the lips. “We wore ‘em just for two.” She pecks Bakugou on the lips too, much to his enjoyment.
“Didn’t we, Y/N?” She runs her fingers over the string holding up your bikini top behind your back, her glossy lips at your ear. “You sure you don’t want a rub down?” she purrs. “I could do it instead of the boys. You know I’m good with my hands.”
‘You all are,’ you think, her suggestive tone pouring warmth into your core that distracts you from your book.
With the three of them so close and in such a semi-private place, it’s making it hard to not do what they want. But the idea of flaunting your body in or out of your bikini, even to them, still scares you. “I’m good,” you say, giving her a reassured smile. "You three enjoy yourselves.”
Though your partners don’t look happy with that, they leave you be regardless and instead indulge themselves in the oil. “Want me to rub you down, baby?” Kiri asks Mina, the pet name making your stomach flip even though it isn’t even directed at you.
“Yes, please,” Mina giggles.
“Uh-uh,” Bakugou demands, snatching the oil away from Kiri. “We’ll both do it. You take the top, I take the bottom.” Mina giggles, poking at his stomach. “Nasty man,” she tuts.
At the corner of your eye, you watch as she lays down on her stomach between Bakugou’s legs with her head resting on her arms while Kiri kneels above her. He squirts some oil into his big hands and rubs them together before starting on her back. He unties her bikini top, revealing her toned back, before firmly rubbing the oil into her skin. He takes his time kneading the oil into her back muscles and spine, his fingers expertly working over her skin.
Bakugou does the same, warming the oil up between his calloused hands. He then begins to work on her waist, kneading the oil into her pink skin, before gliding down to her legs toned from her pro hero work. His hands then begin to trail up and down her sides, pushing into her side muscles, until they finally move to her glutes.
Her gorgeous, firm glutes that you can’t help but stare at.
As he does, he gives Mina’s taut ass a firm spank, making her squeal. “It’s your fault, Pinkie,” he chuckles. “How the fuck can I focus on oilin’ you up when that thing is in my face?”
He then unties Mina’s bottoms, leaving her completely naked. Suddenly, you’re not paying any attention to your book anymore, instead watching your men massage your girlfriend’s ass. Her moans of enjoyment are soft yet arousing. Kiri and Bakugou seem to be enjoying themselves too judging by the little smirk that plays on their lips.
After a few minutes, Bakugou flips her over, revealing her toned stomach and naked, perky breasts to you and them. You can’t quite see what lies below her belly button where a diamond stud lies, but knowing that she is totally nude is doing things to you.
Kiri begins to massage her feet and ankles first before moving up to her calves and thighs, his fingers pressing and pushing into her muscles. Bakugou does her neck and shoulders. After a few agonizing minutes of working less androgynous zones, he moves up to her stomach and chest. You watch the oil dribble down her skin and over her hardened, dark pink nipples. The sounds that drip from her lips are beautiful and they make you clench your thighs together.
Bakgou suddenly turns his head to look at you, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Like whatcha see, mama?” He teasingly asks. “Y’know, we could do this for you too. Just need to take this off.” His fingers toy with the ties to your bottoms.
You press your tight together, uncertain. “I-I don’t know…”
“Are you scared someone might see?” Kiri curiously asks, pausing his massage. “We rented a cabana with curtains for a reason! Plus, we’re just massaging you. Nothing nasty…yet.” You and Mina slap his chest, earning a hysterical laugh. “I kid, I kid!” he cackles, raising his hands in defense.
“I don’t,” Bakugou bluntly says. But he never does.
“I’m just afraid someone might see me,” you timidly explain. “I had a cover-up on when we arrived, but now…” You look through the cabana curtains billowing in the summer breeze, the scent of sea salt and sand in it. Your cover-up is somewhere in the beach bag you lugged here but you know it wouldn’t make sense to put it on now.
Mina lays a comforting hand on your knee, smiling reassuringly at you. “No one’s gonna see you, cutie. And even if they do, they should be lucky to get an eyeful of all of this.” Her other hand runs over your thigh, caressing it. You whimper slightly at her touch as well as the looks Kiri and Bakgou give you.
“Okay,” you acquiesced with a defeated sigh, “but only the top.” Bakgou looks pleased, Kiri sighs in relief, and Mina squeals happily. “Now, put that damn book down and get that fuckin’ top off!” Bakugou growls.
“Yes, sir!” Mina giggles, sitting up to help you despite her very-nude body. Anyone could walk by now and peek in to see her and that ass.
You flush embarrassingly as she helps you untie your bikini top. Once it loosens, the cups fall off your chest, letting your breasts hang freely. Though they’re not as perky as Mina’s and don’t sit up on your chest, your partners still stare at them as if they are the most gorgeous things in the world. You even start to believe that they are.
You and Mina switch spots so you’re lying on your back now, as rigid as a board even as Kiri begins to massage you.
You have to admit that his hands feel good as he massages your legs and stomach. Though you flush and squirm slightly at his hands caressing your body, you start to relax and melt into his touch. Combined with the tropical scent of the oil and the sound of the beach outside the cabana, you’re in heaven. Your eyes flutter closed and suddenly, you don’t even care that your tits are out in a public place. “Mmm…”
“Just relax, mama,” Kiri encourages, a proud smile in his voice. “Let me know if you want me to stop or if a certain spot hurts.”
You slowly nod, melting further into the bed as he continues to press his fingers into the muscles beneath the soft, pudgy skin of your lower body. You’re so relaxed that you barely feel Mina’s hands begin to massage your breasts. Your eyes open to find her smiling down at you. “W-What are you–“
“Just massaging you, cutie. Don’t want your chest lookin’ like a raisin by the end of today.” She gives you a cheeky wink as her hands work along your breasts; teasing them; molding them; massaging the oil into the tender skin surrounding your areolas.
You can’t hold back the pleasurable moans and sighs at the sensations you’re feeling from both of your partners’ hands. But when Mina begins to pinch and tweak your nipples, you know that things are going too far. “M-Mina,” you stammer. “You shouldn’t…we shouldn’t–“
“Time to flip over,” Kiri announces. “Lemme see dat ass.”
Mina tuts, rolling her eyes at your boyfriend’s ridiculousness. “So childish.” You do as he orders and flip over, revealing your naked back and ass still in your bikini bottoms.
“My turn,” Bakugou growls, shoving Kiri out the way. “You’re takin’ too long, shark boy.”
Though you’re burning with embarrassment, you can’t help but love the way your hotheaded boyfriend’s firm but careful hands massage up and down your back. You relax further into the bed as all of your cares melt away.
When his hands trail down to your ass cheeks and he begins to massage there, you just about jump out of your skin. He knows that’s your weak spot! You want to protest, tell him to move his hands up, but it just feels too good! You didn’t realize how relaxing an ass massage truly is until now. “Ah,” you softly moan.
Bakugou chuckles at your verbal expression of pleasure. “You like that, baby?” he asks. You nod into the mattress, your eyes fluttering closed. “Good. I’m glad your feelin’ good. Shark boy and Pinky ain't the only ones who are good with their hands.”
Above you, Mina giggles. “Oh, we would know.”
You then suddenly feel her lips at your ear as her hands begin to caress your back, massaging your shoulders and neck. “You look so cute like this,” she murmurs. "So relaxed and comfortable. You and your body deserve to feel like this every single day.” Her words are oh-so sweet and they make you feel hotter than the sun under her and Bakugou’s hands.
You’re gone, drifting off into a realm of euphoria. You’re so relaxed that you barely feel Bakugou’s hands begin to wedge between your thighs. When you do, you’re too relaxed to stop him, your body like jell-O. All you can do is give a whine of protest as you feel his fingers brush your bikini-covered pussy.
“You feel tense here too, baby,” he coos. "Don’t worry; I know just the trick.”
He then begins to rub you through your bottoms, slowly stroking his fingers over your pussy. He takes his time, never going under your bottoms until he has your permission. “Fuck, ‘Suki,” you moan. “P-Please…keep going.” You lift your hips to give him more access, flushing when he, Kiri, and Mina begin to laugh at your neediness.
He slowly unties the strings holding your bikini bottoms up and when the summer breeze hits your skin, you softly sigh. You hate to admit how nice it feels to be naked.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” Kiri groans from behind you. “And so wet. I bet that massage did the trick, didn’t it?”
Without receiving an answer, he begins to kiss your asscheeks while Bakugou begins to stroke your pussy, his fingers gliding across your slit and the underside of your sensitive little clit that has seemed to become more sensitive from the constant physical stimulation your body feels.
Your eyes flutter closed and your mouth forms the shape of an O as sparks of pleasure shoot from your clit into every part of your body. You know that you should stop. You know that anyone could look in and clearly find Bakugou playing with your pussy right now.
‘But this counts as a massage, right?’ You deliriously think. ‘He’s rubbing oil onto me.’ And he is. The oil staining his fingers makes your pussy nice and slick, making his ministrations that easier to do to you.
A soft moan makes you open your eyes, finding Mina above you with her legs spread. She’s leaning back against the pillows, running an ice cube up and down her stomach and chest. Your eyes catch each droplet that cascades down her soft, pink skin and across her hard nipples.
“Don’t worry about me, cutie,” she giggles. "Just felt kinda hot seein’ you and our boyfriends like that.” She then brings the ice cube to her mouth and sucks on it, causing water to dribble down her mouth and chin.
Your mouth becomes dry, suddenly parched for her. “You want a taste?” she teasingly asks, popping the cube in her mouth. You wordlessly rise onto your hands and knees to reach her and lean forward to press your lips to yours. Her lips are cold and wet but soft; intoxicatingly so.
Small moans leave your mouths as you kiss, tongues beginning to swirl with one another. The ice cube melts between your lips at the heat of your mouths and tongues, causing more water to dribble down your chins.
From behind you, Kiri groans in arousal. “Oh, now this is a sight,” he sighs.
Bakugou hums in agreement. “And a perfect angle.” As you continue to kiss Mina, you suddenly feel Bakugou’s face in your pussy where his tongue begins to caress every sensitive bit of it. “Bakugou!” you whine as his hands begin to massage your ass.
Kiri laughs, watching your boyfriend slurp at your cunt. “Y-You did that on purpose!” you whimper to Mina who deviously smiles at you.
“Maybe, maybe not,” she snickers. “But doesn’t his mouth feel so good on that pussy?”
As if to prove her point, Bakugou suckles gently on your clit, emitting a strangled moan from your lips. Mina giggles as she leans back, watching the show before her as her hand sneaks down between her thighs. “So much for not coming out of that bikini.”
You can concur. You were so adamant about not coming out of your bathing suit before. Now you’re completely nude with your man’s face in your pussy and your woman playing with herself in front of you as she indulges in your naked body.
Kiri shimmies up to Mina, standing up on his knees. “Your other partner needs some attention too, darlin’,” he says, suggestively jutting his hips towards Mina’s mouth.
She giggles sexily, using one hand to pull Kiri’s trunks down. His hard cock, pierced at the tip, springs to life, much to the delight of you and Mina. “Wanna get it wet for me?” He asks, smirking playfully at her. Wordlessly, she licks up, down, and around his shaft like it’s a big, juicy lollipop and begins sucking.
Kiri’s tilts his head back, his long, red locks cascading down his back and shoulders while Mina sucks him off, her fingers rubbing her pussy. Bakugou hums into your cunt, giving your ass a smack. You’re receiving both types of stimulation right now: visual and physical. It’s almost too much for you to bear.
Before you know it, minutes later, you’ve got your face planted in Mina’s pussy while Bakugou continues to mouth yours, your tongue stroking her inner walls. Meanwhile, she’s still sucking off Kiri, earning delicious, rasped moans and whines out of him.
Mina clenches her thighs around you and grinds her hips up into your mouth, her mellifluous moans filling the space of the cabana among the sound of the crashing waves and cawing seagulls.
She pulls away from Kiri, letting his cock slip out of her mouth. “God, yes!” she whines, her head thrown back against the pillows. “Such a good girl for me. You look so pretty like that.” Her one hand moves through your hair while the other lazily toys with Kiri’s cock, pumping it up and down.
Kiri hums, hands watching you and Bakugou at the same time. “She definitely does,” he agrees. “Toss your ass into his face, baby. You know he can take it.” He leans forward to smack your ass, making your pussy throb in Bakugou’s mouth.
As if agreeing, the blonde growls against your clit, sending vibrations throughout your body. And you do, unable to hold back anymore as his tongue strokes every sensitive bit of your pussy from the inside, his fingers still toying with your clit while you play with Mina’s.
Probably for anyone else, oral would be a simple way to get off in such a public place where you could possibly get caught. But not for you. As you get closer to cumming around Bakugou’s tongue, you beg him to stop and to fuck you instead. “I need you inside me,” you whine, shamelessly pushing yourself back into him. “Please! I’m begging you!”
It doesn't take long for you to turn into a needy, helpless slut in need of attention, and your partners know that.
So Bakugou wastes no time untying his trunks to free his throbbing, hard cock to you and finally sinking into the wet, velvet walls of your pussy that instantly clench around him. Kiri does the same to Mina, bending her over on all fours and sliding himself inside of her. You watch her reaction as Kiri finally slides home inside her just as Bakugou does to you, her pink lips falling open as a gasp exits her mouth.
Both of your boyfriends rock their hips into you and Mina almost immediately, their balls swinging against your clits. It’s making you see the entire galaxy behind your eyelids, feeling Bakugou’s heavy balls gently slap your rosebud. You can’t keep quiet, moans and gasps escaping you.
“God, you’re tight!” Bakugou grunts, gripping your hips for dear life. “Bet you needed this, hm? You wanted us to show you just how pretty you are in and out of that damn bikini, huh?”
He lifts one leg up and proceeds to beat your pussy all the way up, his dick stroking your inner walls until your tits are jiggling and the bed is rocking with every single thrust.
“You know you’re a pretty girl,” Kiri groans, reaching forward to stroke your lips while he continues to fuck Mina’s pretty, pink pussy. “You know that, right, mama?”
You whine in response as Bakugou rocks his hips back and forth, propelling you into that state of euphoria until you can hardly breathe.
“So cute!” Mina whines, her brows furrowed and her jaw dropped in pleasure. Her tits and ass are bouncing as Kiri pistons himself into her from behind. “Need you,” she whimpers. “Kiss me, baby.”
You lean in, connecting your lips in a sloppy, tongue-filled kiss that makes Kiri and Bakugou groan in pleasure watching their two girls sloppily kiss each other while getting fucked. “Goddamn, you two are so slutty,” Bakugou growls. “Only we can see you like this.” With one hand, he grips one of your heavy tits, massaging it. “You hear that, baby girl? You understand me?”
“I don’t think this is enough, Bakugou,” Kiri teasingly says. “I think she may need more after this.”
From behind you, Bakugou laughs but it sounds more like an evil cackle. “Like I was gonna stop here,” he huffs. “I still need to make you cum, and we’re not leavin’ here until you two are seein’ fuckin’ stars.”
“Same here,” Kiri replies, mirth and a challenge twinkling in his crimson eyes. “Let’s see who can make these cuties cum the quickest.” Bakugou smirks, up for the challenge.
Both of them are men of their words. After fucking your and Mina’s brains out to the point where you’re cumming all over Bakugou’s dick and screaming into a pillow to avoid gaining unwanted attention from beach-goers, you switch with her. You spread your thick thighs open and let Kiri fuck you on your back while she toots her ass up for Bakugou who fucks her into oblivion, his abs and body glinting in sweat and sun tan oil.
The sight of it is too much and you find yourself cumming again all over Kiri’s cock as Mina coaxes you to orgasm with her words. “You’re so pretty,” she babbles, her face hovering over yours while Bakugou fucks her from behind. “So pretty when you cum on that dick, babe.”
And that isn’t even the best part.
Even after Kiri maes you explode all over his cock and you greedily swallow every ounce of his cum when he fucks your pretty face, making your cheeks look full.
Even after you watch Bakugou cum deep inside of Mina and makes her clean it up, her tongue greedily licking up and down his dripping cock.
Even when Kiri strokes your hair and whispers compliments to you, telling you, “God, you’re so pretty. So hot when you take our cocks. You deserve all of this…all of our cum…”
Even after both he and Bakugou make you kneel before them and feed you their cocks again, bringing them to orgasm again while Mina eats your pussy from behind, giggling as you quiver and let out a third orgasm.
The best part to end the day is when you’re finally snuggled between your three partners as you lie spent and exhausted from the activities, nearly passing out on the bed as the mid-afternoon sun glints along the water.
You lay your head on Kiri’s hard chest, breathing in his scent of sunscreen, mangos, and sea salt as he strokes your hair. Mina lies between you and Bakugou, her front pressed against your back, and her fingers caressing your thighs and sides while Bakugou spoons her.
“Rest now, baby,” he coos to you. “And do it now because when we get back to the hotel, you ain’t sleepin’ at all.”
The devious giggles Mina and Kiri let out are enough to make you sleep with one eye open.
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gigireece16 · 3 days
coming into the hannibal fandom a decade later was baffling to me.
i have never seen a fandom so full of life despite the cancellation that was ten years ago. before hannibal, i was in the killing eve fandom. i experienced the day that fandom died. which truly sucked, there is no other word for it. i mean that’s what you get when the final season was just horrendous & ending with the bury your gays trope. but still, it truly shocked me. how the fandom of an eleven-year-old show is still alive. and how ke’s fandom is basically six feet under after two years.
i joined the fandom on instagram with my meme page, bonesfolk. unfortunately i deleted the account in april. nevertheless, i enjoyed my time and was constantly surprised. i sometimes believe that hugh or mads are still in disbelief of how strong the community is after all this time. there are times when i do kick myself in the ass for not watching sooner. especially when all i want is a will graham funko pop and i can’t afford $300.
regardless, i truly do wish the killing eve fandom would come back. i hope when i do publish my novel, it’ll come back from the dead. i know this may sound like shameless self-promotion but i mean it. the main reason why i began writing my novel was because of how i loathed the direction killing eve was heading. i have this faith that my book will give killing eve fans a better chance to have a lesbian romance with the cat-and-mouse gleam of it. (and was actually written by a lesbian)
so yeah, hannibal fandom i love you.
once again like always, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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crowleysgirl56 · 3 days
Something that I’ve been thinking about for a good 6 months now, ever since Good Omens season 3 was green lit, and that was the three sentence description of the plot that Neil gave in his official announcement interview:
The plans for Armageddon are going wrong. Only Crowley and Aziraphale working together can hope to put it right. And they aren’t talking.
It really makes me think about the book sequel he and Terry had discussed and what was going to be included in that story.
Season 2 was thought to be that story. But then Neil confirmed after the season aired that it was in fact a bridging season that he wrote deliberately in order to get us to season 3, which would be based on the story that he and Terry plotted together in the 90’s and early 2000’s.
Neil also famously never gives anything about his stories away, always excited to tell us to ‘wait and see’. The fact we get this much of a description is quite exciting.
At first glance it doesn’t seem like anything we didn’t already know:
The plot involves Armageddon: Metatron told us as much when he mentioned the second coming at the end of season 2.
Crowley and Aziraphale need to work together: they have always done so before, so this time shouldn’t be any different.
Crowley and Aziraphale aren’t talking: very evident from where we left off.
But did you notice something else? Something hiding in plain sight? The plans are going wrong. And they hope to put it right. So what are these plans? Why are they going wrong? Who made them go wrong? What exactly does going wrong mean? What does putting them right mean? Also, notice how Neil doesn’t say Crowley and Aziraphale need to work together to stop it. Interesting choice of words right?
Now let’s think about the book sequel for a second. For a moment, let’s pretend that the TV series doesn’t exist (*shakes everyone by the shoulders* HEY, STOP SCREAMING! CALM DOWN! The show STILL exists! Just go with me for a second here, and you can go back to remembering the show in a moment! It’s OKAY! *pats everyone until the screaming subsides*). The Good Omens novel is structured with flashback sequences of Aziraphale and Crowley together over time as the story of the Anti-Christ and the Non-Ageddon unfolds. What if the three sentence description of season 3 that Neil gave was the actual tagline of the book sequel? Like, this is literally what he and Terry came up with? Something happened between Aziraphale and Crowley between the end of book 1 and the beginning of book 2, and the second book is telling us the story of the second coming, whilst at the same time providing us flashback scenes of exactly what happened between A&C? That part of the book is the mystery of why these ineffable husbands who spent the last 6000 years together were suddenly no longer talking.
Can you imagine reading that blurb and thinking “WWWHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT?”
Whether the intended sequel involved the story of a memory wiped Gabriel is up for debate. But I understand why Neil devoted an entire season to telling this story, because I don’t think there would have been room to do the second coming storyline and devote enough time to exploring the relationship breakdown at the same time in just 6 episodes.
And if my theories are correct, this is why I don’t think we will get any further flashback sequences in season 3. If we’re really lucky, maybe we’ll get a 1941 part 3 flashback, and a “what happened when they went back to Crowley’s apartment and body swapped” flashback (I’ve drafted some wildest dream posts on these, so look out for them coming in the near future). But unless they’re relevant for the plot, I think we’re out of flashbacks. This next season is likely going to be focusing specifically on the second coming, the consequences, and answering the question what does putting it right mean?!
This is obviously all opinion and conjecture and I could be completely wrong. I just like putting my thoughts down and sharing with others. So if you want to discuss comment or reblog! Let me know your theories! (And as always, please don’t tag Neil)
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joanvisitsrome · 2 days
stars between us - ch.3 - h.c
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Here's chapter 3! I'm looking to do a one-shot or two before continuing this further. I'm always taking requests for anyone in my Masterlist. Comment on this post if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this fic!
Summary: The first day of the two-day camping trip with Hazel. I'd recommend the song "how soon is now?" by the Smiths, for at least the beginning of this chapter.
Contains: overwhelming amount of fluff, sad hazel, mean!pj, slight angst, a wee bit of flirting, mention of weed/drugs
To say that you were scared awake is an understatement. PJ quite literally BLASTED a horn into you and Hazel’s ear the next morning. You jolt awake, not realizing you were still holding Hazel’s hand. However, in your jolt, you squeeze it. You then realize that Hazel got very close to you in her sleep last night. You let go of her hand under the covers and rub your eyes.
“Morning Haze.” you said sleepily.
“Morning,” she replied in a raspy voice.
“Gee, aren’t you guys tired! What, were you guys finger-fucking each other all night?” PJ interrupts. All you and Hazel do is give her an annoyed look, as you had barely woken up and were already done with her shit.
“PJ, just because two people slept in the same bed and are tired waking up, does not mean they fucked each other,” Brittany points out.
“Okay, okay. Jesus.”
You and Hazel begrudgingly get out of bed, knowing that staff would be knocking at the cabin’s door to wake everyone up soon. You both got changed into comfortable outfits for the day. Today on the trip, everyone would be picking up trash, planting flowers, and hiking.
“Your shirt is very pretty,” Hazel says as you’re fixing your hair.
“Oh, thanks!” you smile at the unexpected compliment.
“What flowers are those?” Hazel motions to the flowers on your shirt.
“Oh these? They’re irises.”
“Are those your favorite flowers?”
“No, they’re tulips. Do you have a favorite flower?”
“Actually, yeah. They’re daisies.” Hazel smiles, looking at you with her gorgeous blue eyes. You nod, internally reminding yourself to keep that in mind.
“Alright, are you ready to go to breakfast?” you ask Hazel. She nods, and stands up. She looks at you for a second, contemplating something. She shakes out of it though.
“Yeah! Let’s go!”
“Wait, Hazel, I need to talk to you.” you hear from PJ from the corner of the room.
“You can go without me. I’ll meet you there.”
“Are you sure? I can wait, I don’t mind.”
“No, no. Just save a plate of breakfast for me, okay?” You give her a thumbs up and leave the cabin, closing the door behind you. Mid-walk to the tables, you remember that you forgot your book. You make your way back, but hear your name being said in the voices you hear when you’re at the door.
“She probably doesn’t like you Hazel. Look at her, she’s friends with the cheerleaders.” you hear from PJ.
“How is that different from Josie and Isabel?” you hear from Hazel.
“Well Isabel was gay. Your new little friend is not.”
“Well we don’t exactly know that yet. Plus, I want to get to know her. Not stick my tongue down her throat.”
“I’m just saying, don’t get disappointed if she doesn’t hang out with you after this weekend.” after that you hear silence. You hear footsteps, which cause you to scramble away from the door. However, you still need your book. You approach the door again, opening it, and seeing Hazel waiting there, her eyes swimming with tears.
“Hey.” she says quietly, a small break in her voice.
“Hazel. Are you okay?” you put your hand on her shoulder. She nods her head, although you know damn well that that’s a lie.
“Let’s go somewhere else.” You lead Hazel outside, and go about fifteen feet away from the cabin, near some trees.
“Can you explain to me what’s wrong?” Hazel tries to calm down, but keeps on crying. You put your arm around her shoulder and rub her arm soothingly. “Talk to me. Let me know what’s going on.”
Hazel’s breathing becomes less erratic and she’s able to catch a breath. She leans her back against the tree.
“I guess, uh, PJ doesn’t really think that you and I are really friends. She told me that you’re just being nice to me because I’m really clingy, and that like I haven’t stopped being around you since the bus ride.”
“Well, you’ve told me once, and I’m seeing once again, PJ is an asshole. Why are you even listening to her in the first place?”
“I, um, don’t know. She’s known me for a really long time, and I feel like I have to trust her.”
“You can know someone for all your life and not trust them. Haze, I can tell you right now that that’s not true. I’m really excited to spend the day with you today. I mean it. I could’ve just tagged along with Brittany and Isabel today, but I chose to hang out with you. Because you’re cool. And I like you.” Hazel immediately hugs you after you say that. You hug her back. When you two pull away, you teach her a trick to make her eyes less red after crying. The two of you go to the breakfast table and grab two bagels. You sit at a table and make plans for the day.
“What do you want to do today, Hazel?”
“I definitely want to go hiking. Some people were saying there was a waterfall somewhere.”
“I bet we could go while picking up trash.”
“We also need to find a time to look at the stars. I’m not letting myself forget today.”
“I’m hoping the skies are clear tonight.” 
The two of you finish up your breakfast and grab gloves and bags to pick up trash. The morning is quite tiring, but you and Hazel’s chatter and jokes help brighten it. Hazel ends up being very funny, leaving you laughing hysterically. For lunch, you eat with everyone in the cabin.
“I’m glad to see that you and Hazel have become friends,” Isabel admitted.
“Me too. I’m really glad you told me a bit about her. I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to talk to her. But I’m glad I did.” Just then, PJ bounds up to the table, her hands pounding on it, causing the five of you sitting to go quiet.
“I have weed for tonight.”
“PJ, none of us like smoking.” Josie points out.
“THAT is why I thought ahead. I got us edibles.”
“And how did you get them?” Brittany asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I gave some old man I came across while planting some flowers like ten dollars.” All of you, being young, dumb teenagers, shrugged it off. The rest of the day was declared free time by the staff, as you all had fulfilled your requirements for the trip.
“Do you want to go on that hike?” you asked Hazel. She nodded, and the two of you left the table to begin your hike. You somehow both still had things to talk about while trying to find the waterfall Hazel had been talking about earlier.
“Oh my god, Hazel! There’s daisies!” you grab her hand to pull her over to the field of daisies nearby. She happily runs with you, picking a few. You do as well, and the two of you stick a few handfuls into your backpack. Eventually, the two of you to get to the waterfall. You both sit down.
“Can I see the daisies we picked?” Hazel asks. You nod, and watch her begin to make a daisy crown with them. She puts one on your head, before you ask her to teach you how to make one. She teaches you, and you put one on her head as well.
“We look absolutely stunning in these.” you say dramatically, putting your wrist up to your forehead.
“You definitely do. You look like the fairy flower princess.” Hazel says, without contemplation.
“And who said there couldn’t be two fairy flower princesses?” you smile and look at Hazel, who looks at you too. Your eye contact with her stays for a few (very long) seconds before the two of you resume talking.
“Are you going to do the edibles PJ brought later?” Hazel asks.
“Maybe. I don’t really know if I’m being honest. I don’t exactly trust PJ’s source.”
“I’ll do them if you do them.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll let you know if I plan on doing any.” The two of you decide to head back, as you were both quite tired from the day, and really just wanted to take it easy for the rest of it. You were looking forward to reading your astronomy book for a bit before stargazing with Hazel, but you were greeted by all the girls in the cabin in a circle, and PJ waving at the two of you.
“Who’s ready for some truth or dare? Huh?”
taglist: @at1nyzen @slaughtercarrie @sophia2414
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Ok. I have an opinion. It is a very unpopular opinion. I am afraid of getting hate for this opinion. If you disagree with this opinion, please just scroll by or block me.
Here goes.
I think that it is impossible to compare the House of the Dragon characters to the Fire and Blood characters, because we can never really know the Fire and Blood characters. Let me explain.
Thanks to the nature of the Dance, the telling of it in Fire and Blood relies on two sources: Mushroom and Septon Eustace. Both are heavily biased and oftentimes tell wildly different versions of the same event. We know the basics of what happened, but thanks to their narration there’s so much we’ll never know. While Show!Lucerys’ death was definitely an accident, we can never truly know if Book!Lucerys’ was as well. What exactly started the rift between Alicent and Rhaenyra? We’ll never know. This, of course, leads to wildly different interpretations among fans.
This is why I say that we can never know the true Fire and Blood characters, because the book itself won’t let us know if our interpretations are correct or not. Here’s an example: in the book, Alicent may or may not have said “mayhaps the whore will die in childbirth” about Rhaenyra. Now imagine you have Person A and Person B. Person A wholeheartedly believes that Alicent said that, while Person B believes that she never would. Because of these perspectives, Person A thinks that Alicent became cold to Rhaenyra once Aegon was born, and that she is to blame for that relationship falling apart. Person B, on the other hand, thinks that Daemon turned Rhaenyra against Alicent, or that Rhaenyra herself grew cold once Alicent kept having sons. Person A thinks that Alicent said “bastard blood shed at war” out of pure spite; Person B thinks she said it after being devastated by the loss of her children and granchildren. Needless to say, Person A and Person B have very different takes about who Book!Alicent is. So when they turn on House of the Dragon, Person A thinks that Alicent’s character has been completely bastardized, that the writers are terrible at their job because they took someone who was clearly a stone-cold villain and tried to make her sympathetic. Person B disagrees; they think Alicent was done well. Where Person B thinks the writers are terrible, however, is that they’ve made Rhaenyra, an entitled monster in the book, into a sympathetic character.
The question is, of course, who is right? Have the writers bastardized Alicent or Rhaenyra?
The answer is that there’s no answer. The question of who has been ruined depends entirely on what parts of Fire and Blood you take as canon and which parts you take as being made up. Who do you think is more reliable, Mushroom or Septon Eustace? In fact, is any of this true? Is anything that has been written down in The Princess and The Queen remotely close to how any of this happened, or is it just bullshit propaganda meant to convince the people of Westeros that the Targaryens are the Best and Most Powerful™️ people ever? There’s only one person who knows what really went down, and somehow I don’t think he’s itching to release Fire and Blood: How it really went down.
This is not me saying that the show writers are perfect or infallible or that I agree with every choice they’ve ever made: I’ve disagreed with and side-eyed a couple. But I do think they get way too much hate for trying to adapt a novel that seems pretty difficult to adapt to me. Because their job is to create an objective version of a deeply subjective story, they’re going to piss someone off no matter what they do. Alicent, Daemon, Rhaenyra and Aegon are always going to be seen as white-washed or villainized to some corner of the fandom, because no one agrees on who these characters actually are.
So anyways that was my rant, I hope you all enjoyed it.
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Hey! I have written a story inspired by fairytales, I'm currently writing a story set in a fantasy world, and have also been developing another fantasy story, which I will write when I am ready to. But now I'm afraid that I'm being too repetetive. The plots are different, but some themes and elements are the same or similar (example: the world of the living and dead intercrossing, and parent issues). I get that some things will inevitably repeat themselves, but when is it too much?
When What You Write Feels Repetitive
The only thing the really matters is that the main characters and the plots are all different. Other than that, if you prefer to write in the same genre, similar setting, similar themes, that's ultimately fine. Lots of writers do it and that's part of what their readers love about them.
Something else to consider is your intention with these stories. If you're going to self-publish all of them, it obviously matters more that there are some solid differences so they're not the same story repackaged in different ways. But if you're not planning to publish them, the odds of you getting a book deal for all of them are probably pretty slim. So at that point you're just honing your skills in the areas that appeal to you most, and whichever one turns out the best is the one you'll probably query. In that case, its not as important if they feel really similar since the others will be practice.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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Giggly Quizzes
Request: hello! I’m currently in my exam finals and I’m really stressed about it. So I was wondering if you could do a fic where the reader is florence pugh’s younger sister (like age 17 aprox) and she notices that the reader is way to stressed about her final exams so she distracts reader with their studying giving them tons of tickles to relax them. Reading your fics really have been a distraction during this stressful weeks!
Note: Thank you so much for this awesome request!! I had so much fun writing this one, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to get it out earlier. I hope you did well on your finals and I hope you enjoy this fic!
Summary: Florence is your older sister and she helps you study and relax for your finals by tickling you for every question you get wrong. (ler!florence x lee!reader)
Word Count: 1641
You were currently studying for finals, also known as the most stressful week of the year. You were holed up in your room once again, hunkered down over your books. The sun had started to set, so you turned on your room light and lamp to help you see better. 
Just then, you heard your sister calling you down for dinner. You hastily closed your books and went downstairs. Tonight you were having your favorite meal: chicken tenders and mashed potatoes. You eyed the food eagerly, scooping some broccoli onto your plate.
“How has studying been?” Florence asked, pouring you a glass of juice. 
“I’m really stressed if I’m being honest,” you admitted, eating a spoonful of mashed potatoes.
“I understand. Studying is hard, but you’re doing an amazing job,” Florence reassured you. 
“I just wish I could somehow be more efficient in my studying. I always feel like I’m reading the same word over and over again,” you said, taking a bite of a chicken tender.
“Maybe I could help you?” Florence offered.
“Oh I don’t know, I don’t want to stress you out too,” you said solemnly. 
“But I’ll be more stressed if you continue to stress and not let me help with the stress,” Florence said, now making you giggle from her ridiculous statement. 
“I guess you already helped by making me laugh,” you commented.
“Is that what I need to do? Make you laugh so you won’t stress as much?” Florence asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“You can try,” you said, challenging her.
After dinner, Florence came upstairs with you to help you study. 
“How about I quiz you on some flashcards or vocabulary or stuff like that?” Florence suggested.
“That’s a good idea. I’ll be able to see what I know and what I need to work on,” you agreed.
Florence started quizzing you on vocab and other facts for your Anatomy and Physiology finals. You found yourself getting frustrated, as the facts and definitions seemed to blur and confused you even more.
“Ughhh, I am never gonna get the hang of this,” you complained, putting your face into your hands.
Florence came over and patted your back comfortingly, knowing that you just needed to vent.
“It’s ridiculous that they make us memorize all these facts when we have access to the internet which can tell us in less than a second,” you stated with a huff, throwing your flashcards onto the table. 
“Here, why don’t we take a break and come back to this later. You need to take some time and rest those eyes. Let the material sink in,” Florence said.
“Alright,” you agreed, flopping onto your bed.
“Want a massage?” Florence asked. You nodded.
Florence began to massage your lower back and shoulders, as you tried to relax under her touch. She began to massage the muscles just next to your spine, which happened to be really tender. You jerked when she used her thumbs to massage that area.
“Oh I’m so sorry Y/N! I’ll be gentle,” Florence said. 
“Is this okay?” Florence asked after a bit.
“Hmm, you could be better,” you joked, and Florence knew you were beginning to relax into your goofy self again.
“What was that?” Florence asked, giving your sides a squeeze.
Ah! Florence nohohoho don’t do that!” You giggled out, unable to escape, as your sister was on top of you.
“Don’t do what? This?” Florence asked, as she gave your sides another squeeze, making you jump and yelp. You were glad that she couldn’t see your growing smile, as you were still face down.
“Don’t tell me you’re ticklish?” Florence asked, now poking your ribs.
“Ihihihm nohohot!” You declared, bringing your arms down to wrap over your torso.
“17 years and I just found out now?!? How dare you hide this from me!” Florence playfully scolded, as she reached under your shirt to spider over your sides.
“STAHAHAP,” you belly laughed, twisting and turning as much as you could.
“What? You said I could be better, right? What’s better than making you laugh and relax?” Florence teased, now moving her hands up to tickle your armpits. You let out a squeal, clamping your arms down and wheezing with laughter.
“You’re ticklish here too?” Florence said with a laugh, continuing her attack for a bit before giving you a break. 
“You’re so mean,” you said, turning to glare at her.
“Hey, it’s your fault for being ticklish,” Florence said with a shrug.
Before you could retort, you felt ten nails wiggling over the back of your thighs and knees.
You gasped and bucked against her, kicking around as you were once again broken down into hysterical giggles. 
“FLOREHEHENCE THIHIHIS IHIHSN’T FUHUHUNNY,” you shouted, reaching around to smack her to get her to stop. However, this left your armpits open, which Florence made sure to make you pay for.
You yelped and convulsed, shouting at her to stop. Florence obliged, laughing at your state of panic. 
“Here, I’ll give you a break and go back to massaging you,” Florence said, but instead of resuming on your back, she moved down towards your feet.
“W-what are you doing?” You asked fearfully.
“Helping you relax,” Florence said with an evil grin.
She began to lightly massage your feet, as you fought to not giggle.
“Is this relaxing?” Florence asked, as you shook your head while giggling. 
“Yohohou knohohow ihihit’s nohohohot,” you giggled, trying to kick her. 
“Actually, you just gave me a new idea,” Florence said, now going to your desk to pick up your stack of flashcards.
“I’m going to quiz you on these, and if you get it correct, I’ll put it in this pile. If you get it wrong, I’ll put it in another pile,” Florence explained, as you nodded.
“But, in addition, if you get it wrong, you will get tickled for 15 seconds,” Florence said, smirking at your wide eyes.
“That’s not fair!” You shouted.
“Do you want to ace your finals or not?” Florence said, giving you a look of warning. You huffed in annoyance, knowing that you were trapped. 
You were face up now, and Florence asked you the first question.
“What is the name of the test for your foot reflex, and what is the difference between infants and adults with this test?” 
“The Babinski reflex, and for adults the toes should curl while infants their toes fan out,” you stated confidently.
“That’s correct,” Florence said, putting it in the first pile.
You yelped, as you felt Florence run a nail down your foot. 
“Just testing to see if it works,” Florence said with a grin, as you rolled your eyes.
“What is corpus albicans?” Florence asked.
You thought for a bit, knowing it was on the tip of your tongue.
“Ugh, I just can’t think of it,” you said sadly.
“It’s the scarring that happens when the corpus luteum sheds every month. This is why women have a harder time getting pregnant when they are older. The scarring makes it harder,” Florence explained, as you nodded and made a mental note in your head. 
“You know what that means,” Florence said, wiggling her nails over your feet.
“HAHAHAHAAHA STAHAHAAHAP PLEHEHEASE,” you screamed, unable to kick as she sat on your shins. You continued to laugh and scream for the next 15 seconds until she finally stopped.
“Next question. What does ACL stand for and where is it located?” Your sister asked.
“Anterior cruciate ligament. It’s located in the knee,” you responded.
“Good job,” Florence said, patting you.
“Which muscle has more slow twitch muscle fibers, the soleus or gastrocnemius?” 
You debated for a bit, before choosing gastrocnemius.
“Get ready to get tickled,” Florence said.
“Which spot shall I pick?” Florence asked.
She eyed you for a bit before sticking her finger in your belly button, as you screamed and tried to push her away.
“Shouldn’t have gotten it wrong!” Florence teased. After she tormented your belly button, she explained the answer.
“The soleus has more slow twitch fibers because those muscles are used for endurance. For example, when you are standing for long periods of time, you are using your soleus muscle much more than the gastrocnemius. The gastrocnemius is used for when you sprint or run quickly for a short amount of time,” Florence said.
She quizzed you a bit more, finding more tickle spots on you as she went along. However, the tickling helped you remember the answers better.
“You know what? Now that you’ve mastered all of your cards, I think you deserve a reward,” Florence said.
“Really?” You said excitedly. 
“A full body wrecking,” Florence said, knowing that you had gotten some wrong on purpose just to get tickled.
“What!?! No!” You shouted, as Florence pinned your arms above your head and began scribbling over your stomach.
“FLOHOHO STAHAHAHAP,” you shouted, sucking your stomach in to avoid her hands.
She made sure to lean down and give you several raspberries to get you screaming with laughter. 
Her fingers ventured onto your sides, ribs, and armpits once again, before spidering around your neck and chin, making you snort and giggle hysterically. She then reached down to squeeze your hips and thighs, making you squeal with glee. She flipped you over once more and began to spider over your back, making you shriek and pound the bed desperately. 
“OHOHOKAHAHAY PLEHEHEASE IHIIVE HAD ENOHOUGH,” you screamed, as she finally let you up.
“That was awful,” you said breathlessly.
“Don’t lie, you loved it,” Florence said, poking you in the ribs.
“Ow!” You yelped. 
It was safe to say that you aced your anatomy and physiology finals that week thanks to the immense amount of tickling you faced from your sister. However, you held off on telling your sister because you knew your reward would be another wrecking ;)
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4theitgirls · 1 day
el’s book reviews & recommendations (pt. 1)
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I. Ward D by Freida McFadden
my most recent read and a new favorite! i heard that this one was pretty creepy so of course i had to get it. i’m so glad i did! this book is about a medical student on her psychiatry rotation who has to spend a night on a locked psychiatric floor, but there’s a deeper reason that she’s dreading it. if you like psychological thrillers where you don’t know who you can trust, this one is for you!
II. Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell
another psychological thriller that i absolutely loved. this book follows the story of a young girl that goes missing. this one can be a little confusing because you’re going back and forth between timelines and narrators, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly. everyone is interconnected in such an interesting way. i’m not sure what i thought the ending would be, but it wasn’t that.
III. The Girl on The Train by Paula Hawkins
this is another one that goes back and forth between two main narrators, one of whom has gone missing. like ward d, you really don’t know who you can trust in this book. i prefer the previous books listed to this one overall, but i really do love this book and i LOVED the ending.
IV. Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter
this is one of those books that you either love or hate. i’ve heard that it’s boring while also hearing that people couldn’t get through it because of how graphic it was. it definitely is graphic when it comes to SA, torture, and murder, so please be mindful of that if you would like to read. this book is about a woman who finds snuff films on her newly deceased husband’s computer. whether you love or hate this book, this book is a ROLLERCOASTER.
V. Confessions by Kanae Minato
a shorter book in comparison to the other books on this list, but is just as good and just as thrilling. this book is about a teacher and her students, two of which have murdered her daughter. this is another book that goes back and forth between narrators and timelines, but it wasn’t confusing to me at all. an all time favorite of mine and i’ll always recommend this one!
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casualbystander98 · 6 hours
Kink Education Time - Consent
So, everyone knows that consent is incredibly important in kink. It's incredibly important everywhere, but especially when one wrong move means a consent violation. But kink often involves pretending to violate consent (CNC). So, how do you navigate consent in kink in the safest and most knowledgeable way possible? The answer lies in two things. First, safewords and other safety items. You probably know about safewords, but what about drop items, or other ways of communicating consent? The second category is less commonly-known: consent acronyms.
Safewords & Safety Items
Safewords are basically flags that you can raise that inform your partner(s) about your current state in the scene. The most obvious benefit to using safewords is that, plainly, a play partner can scream, "no, please, stop, leave me alone", without ending the scene. Meanwhile, they can just say, for example, "Pineapple!" to end the scene at any time. Usually, there are three categories: Green, Yellow, and Red.
Green safewords are meant to mean "everything is all good; please continue". This category isn't really used unless one partner wants to check in on the other partner. An example would be that, during a spanking scene, the giving partner notices that the receiving partner is crying. They may ask, "Are you okay?" They may also use a pre-negotiated term to check in, such as a code word. At which point, the receiving partner may respond with their green safeword if they're doing fine and want to proceed.
Yellow safewords are used to caution the other participant(s) in the scene. Their basic meaning is, "Hey, I'm doing mostly okay right now, but we're close to my limit. Please be careful." To some people, yellow means "do not do anything more than what you're doing right now". To others, yellow means "keep going, do what you wanted to, but I may need to use red soon". It can even mean "I'd like to talk to you about this, can we pause for a minute?" It is absolutely vital for both partners to know what yellow safewords mean before play begins.
Red safewords are the ultimate safeguard. Red means "stop". No questions, no exceptions. If you are doing a kind of play that can't be stopped right away (such as rope suspension), you must begin the process of stopping play. In some cases, that means taking drastic measures. In the case of rope suspension, that can even mean cutting the rope away from them immediately. Red safewords must be obeyed at all costs. Refusing to honor a red safeword is sexual assault. Always be mindful of your partner's red safewords in particular.
It should also be noted that safewords are not just for the receiving partner. Everyone gets safewords, and everyone can use them at any time, for any reason. It's important to know what someone's safewords are before play begins, so you can recognize them when you hear them. However, a commonly-used set of safewords is the stoplight system ("red" for red, "yellow" for yellow, "green" for green). Usually, in most cases, using those safewords is absolutely fine, and no other words are needed.
Safety Items/Nonverbal Safewords
Safewords are all well and good. But what if the person is gagged? How do you safeword with a dildo gag shoved down your throat? These are important considerations for any play. You can have many different nonverbal safewords,as long as they're discussed with your partner beforehand. It could be a hand signal, or three claps, or a little red card in their hand. Another commonly-used solution is what's called a "drop item". The person is given something heavy to hold, like a book, that they can drop if they need a check-in. If you're doing a form of play that prevents someone from talking, ALWAYS have nonverbal safewords in place.
Consent Acronyms
This section is more about what consent can actually mean in kink. Typically, people subscribe to one of four "ideologies" when it comes to consent: SSC, PRICK, FRIES, or RACK. Other acronyms exist, but these are the most common. The basic idea behind any consent acronym is to get you to think about what actually goes into consent, and how someone can say "yes" to something WITHOUT actually consenting. Understanding these acronyms is a great way to prevent your own consent from being violated, as well as to prevent violating others' consent, even without your awareness. I'll be explaining each of those four acronyms below in brief detail, but I highly recommend that you research consent acronyms yourself.
SSC - Safe, Sane, and Consensual
SSC is the most common, and "basic" acronym. The guiding principle of this acronym is that, in order for something to be consensual, the act must be safe, sane, and consented to by both parties. This means that you must take all necessary precautions (such as safewords, safety shears, etc.), you must both be of sound minds, and you must both give express consent before play begins. Some complaints about this acronym are about the "safe" and "sane" portions, because kink inherently has risks (making it unsafe from the start), and some kinks could be considered "insane" (like flesh hooks or branding).
PRICK - Personal Responsibility In Consensual Kink
Some people prefer PRICK for its acknowledgement that kink can be dangerous. The basic idea of PRICK is that everyone has a responsibility to learn how to go about their kink lives as safely as possible. This also includes educating yourself on consent, in all its aspects, and how to respect it at all times.
RACK - Risk-Aware Consensual Kink
RACK is similar to PRICK in that it emphasizes knowing the risks to all parties inherent in your play. This includes all mental, social, physical, psychological, and/or sexual risks. The idea behind this acronym is that, unless you're aware of all of the risks, no play is truly consensual.
FRIES - Freely-given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, and Specific
FRIES refers to the act of giving consent itself. This ideology argues that nothing is consensual unless it matches those 5 criteria. This acronym was pioneered by Planned Parenthood, and is a favorite amongst kinksters. The idea is that unless consent is 1) given freely (under no coercion or force), 2) reversible (able to be rescinded at any time for any reason), 3) informed (such as with RACK or PRICK), 4) enthusiastic (basically just not reluctant; you can also just do kink because you're fine with it, not because you're absolutely thrilled to do it), and 5) specific (as in you are made aware of all acts that could happen beforehand for you to specifically consent to).
You may notice that these ideologies can coexist. They should. A truly responsible and safe kinkster will consider all of these when playing. They all have very valuable messages that you should internalize and keep in mind during your play. If anyone has any other consent acronyms they'd like to share, please do so in the reblogs/replies!
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tiredfox64 · 21 hours
Hello! How are you? I hope you are well and getting better ^^
Seeing your blog makes me assume you like Tinkerbell. I love tinkerbell! She and Roceta were my favorite fairies. What were yours?
While watching the movies again I came up with an idea for a request, feel free to ignore it if you don't like it :3
So how about Tomas with a reader and a daughter who are super Tinker Bell fans? You can also add another character of your choice if you wish.
Thanks in advance and have a good day! 🩷
To The Faeries They Draw Near
Yip notes: oh my goodness yes I freaking love tinkerbell for as long as I can remember. I love Tinkerbell, Fairy Mary, Vidia, and Terence. I love this idea
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: Do you think I want Disney to kill me?
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Tomas has seen many strange creatures that come from mythology and other realms. But he didn’t expect to be overwhelmed by the knowledge of fairies. Specifically the Disney fairies.
Throughout the whole relationship you never once mentioned how you love Tinkerbell. You never mentioned Disney even when he asked what movies you wanted to watch with him. You always left it up to him. When you had your first child that’s when that love started to show.
Your daughter was about five years old when she watched her first Tinkerbell movie. You and Tomas visited Johnny after he suggested using his home theater to watch a movie. Since he knew your daughter never watched a movie before he thought this would be a nice experience for her. And what movie did you picked to show your wonderful daughter?
Do I have to say it another time?
Your daughter’s eyes lit up the moment she saw that dandelion puff turn into a fairy. She held her breath as she watched Tink find her talent and so did you. That scene was always intense even though you knew Tink would become a tinker.
“She’s watching it so intensely.” Tomas whispered to Johnny.
“Well, of course she is, she’s a child.”
“I meant my wife.”
Tomas stared at you, not with judgement but curiosity. Two of his favorite girls in the world having a wonderful time together, what more could he ask. The roller coaster of emotions you both portrayed was unfamiliar to him. From the annoyance of Vidia’s bullying to the sadness at Tinkerbell’s failure and almost ruining Spring to the joy of her getting the chance to see the Mainland. Tomas would chuckle under his breath to prevent you or your daughter thinking he was making fun of you both. He was just happy to see childlike innocence and joy in both of you. He also found it funny that Johnny was over Vidia’s attitude. Johnny was so ticked off.
After that day, all that Tomas would hear from his daughter involved fairies. She was hooked on that blonde tinker. You encourage this behavior by buying all the Tinkerbell movies and Disney Fairies books. Don’t forget the Peter Pan movies which resulted in your daughter acting more dramatic than usual. She sure became sassy for a five year old. Tomas hopes that she doesn’t grow a jealousy problem that would result in murder.
Tomas’ heart would melt when he watched the Shirai Ryu make promises to his daughter about how they will believe in fairies so that they can live. They might have been doing that out of the kindness of their hearts or they were afraid to upset the daughter of a man who they know could kill them in their sleep. Tomas is a silent killer, they would never see it coming.
Tomas required your assistance a lot to remember every little detail about fairies. It resulted in a lot of questions and confusion.
“Why is it called Pixie Hollow if they were fairies?” He would asked, sometimes annoyed that the answer was always the same.
“I don’t know, ask Disney.” Was always your response.
But the greatest outcome of this whole situation was your daughter’s new interest at being a tinker. She wanted to be just like Tinkerbell and would draw her ideas for hours. These ideas consisted of traps for the clan to use. Not the typical five year old hobby but this is not the usual living space for a child. She would take her ideas to Tomas or her uncle Kuai Liang since he was the grandmaster. She did have a couple of great ideas in that mind of hers. Her best was the bell system as she called it. It was basically a tripwire that would ring many bells to alert the clan of a possible assassination attempt. It might even ward off the assassins out of fear that they were caught early.
Though the traps were interesting, Tomas preferred if his daughter work on more kid-friendly stuff such as building a fairy house. Of course, she wouldn’t want to capture a fairy, she just wants to give them a nice home. She wanted to make something similar to the one that was made in Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue. She wanted her father to help her collect the items she needed like wood and rocks. Tomas was more than happy to venture out into the woods with her for a little scavenger hunt. A father and daughter day together.
Once that wonderful house made of cardboard, twigs, fern leaves, and childlike wonder was finished they decided the best place to put it was near the vegetable garden. His daughter made a nice path of pebbles leading to the house for the fairies to enjoy. The day after your daughter was running around telling everyone in the clan how her and daddy worked on the house for the fairies. She was dragging Hanzo with all her might, trying to get him to see the house. He could not keep up with her ramblings as she was speaking a thousand words per minute. He looked to Tomas for help but he was busy training the new initiates. The teenage mind could only do so much to comprehend a toddler’s words.
In short, Tomas understood that this love for Tinkerbell may never go away. This love stayed with you the whole time, it wouldn’t be a surprise if your daughter had gained a forever love for Tinkerbell as well. She is a child after all so she will really be hooked for a long time. With that being said he thinks it’s time to surprise you both. He knows just the guy to help him out.
“Can I look now?” Your daughter asked.
“Not yet, my Tinker. Just a few more seconds,” You watched as Tomas opened her bedroom door and turned on the light, “Okay, now.”
Your daughter pulled her hands away from her eyes and she let out an excited gasp. She squealed as her eyes traveled over her new room decor.
“It is…flitterific!”
Her bed was covered with blankets that had Tinkerbell’s face on it and a plush toy of Tinkerbell sat in the middle. Her walls had posters from the movies and wall decals with all the Disney fairies. What really caught her eyes was on a chair in the corner of her room. A green dress with a pair of wings and shoes with a puff ball on them. Your daughter would have leaped out of your husband’s arms if he didn’t put her down on the ground in time. She bolted to the dress and picked it up while jumping. You smiled warmly as your daughter constantly called for you to look at the pretty dress that daddy got her. You felt Tomas hug you from behind before placing a kiss on your cheek.
“How’d you manage to get all that for her?” You asked him.
“I got Johnny to order everything for me.” He answered back.
Ah yes, the wonders of the internet. Johnny knew to trust the Disney store and Hot Topic to get Tomas everything Tinkerbell related.
Then you felt something small but cold touch your neck. You looked down and realize what Tomas was doing. He was slipping on a necklace that had a Tinkerbell charm on it. The silver shined brightly with the gold dress on Tink shining even brighter. You smiled wide before turning around and giving Tomas a kiss.
“You’re very sneaky, you know that?”
“It’s a talent of mine.” He responded smugly.
“So tell me, how are you going to pay Johnny back for all of this?” You asked.
“I’ll figure something out. All I know that it was all worth it to see you and her happy.”
What a charmer.
Tomas gave you kiss before you bother turned your attention back onto your daughter. He will find a way to pay Johnny back one way or another. Or he could never pay him back. The man has money he could risk losing a few hundred.
Yap notes: Apologies if this seems a little messy or unorganized I did do this on my phone and I’m still recovering a little. But I did really enjoy doing this and revisiting the Tinkerbell movies. My favorite was the Great Fairy Rescue btw. I still have Tinkerbell blankets from my childhood which one of them my cowriter likes to rest on. The only other merch I have that I can remember is my Stitch one.
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Now I might make my fiancé watch the movies with me. If he can handle Godzilla screaming for two hours he can handle some fairies. Adiós!
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azureflight · 2 days
HotD is not a prequel to GoT. It's a soft reboot for the tv franchise.
WARNING: The author is overdosing on copium and hopium, smoked directly from a colossal tin foil hat. Beware.
We have all groaned at the mention of the prophesy in the very first episode of the first season of HotD. "Why even bring that up?" was the common, understandable response. After all, that whole TPTWP/Azor Ahai thing went absolutely nowhere in GoT. There was no need for anything from any of them, they stupidly gave WW a dragon which allowed them to pass the Wall in the first place and then it turned out WW were not a big deal as Arya solo-killing one dude with a dagger they had since season 1 episode 2 was all it took.
The complete meaninglessness and worthlessness of the whole prophesy and the sheer weakness of an anti-climax that was the Others (White Walkers) threat is one of the main complaints people had with the entire S8 of GoT, especially the book fandom. And it always felt like a stupid twisting of the knife to keep talking about it in HotD, since we know it goes nowhere and means nothing.
Now, we know that's not how it's gonna go in the books. Not only is GRRM on the record talking about it, but 2D are also on record bragging about making it all up on their own. But this is the show and it's already not following the books, so talking about it in show canon is moot.
Unless of course, HotD is the start of a second, separate show canon, distinct from GoT.
Now, when I first heard it in season 1, I assumed, like many others, it was a misguided attempt at making references to the OG show in order to hype up the audience and create connective tissue to get us into this new story. And indeed, as HotD repeatedly brought it up again and again, I too have rolled my eyes so far back I almost went blind.
But with the first episode of season 2, now HotD did something else. It didn't just allude to a prophesy that went nowhere, to a threat that was a big fat nothing. Instead, it straight up contradicted GoT.
The infamous "Beyond the Wall" episode was first broadcasted in 2017. Fire & Blood got published in 2018 and came with a specific passage, a letter from Alysanne to Jaehaerys, about how her dragon refused to cross the Wall. This info was not available before in any books, thought it was speculated by the fandom as a possibility. The book directly went against GoT, it felt like GRRM saying "no, wtf, no."
GRRM also gave HotD the info about Aegon I being a dreamer and the whole conquest being motivated by a prophesy about the Long Night, and TPTWP.
HotD did not have to include any of this. Targaryens and their dragons and Dany was good enough hooks for GoT/asoiaf audience. No one knew about Aegon I being a dreamer or having a prophesy, so no one would be upset by such an "omission" either. Indeed, including this bit of info earned them only derision and rebuke, continues to do so.
So why persist? They talked about it again and again in season 1, but by the time they sat down to write the scripts for season 2, the feedback was out there, not only from online fandom but also from professional critics in the industry. This prophesy is not crucial or fundamental to Dance's story neither, they could skip, tone down, ignore. But they don't. They changed so much from the books, a borderline fanfic at this point, yet they insist upon talking about this and hyping it up against the collective negativity of the fandom. Why?
HotD is the first spin off from Got/asoiaf IP that HBO purchased. S8 was such a massive let down, what had been an iconic cultural cornerstone for a decade, almost instantly dropped from discussions, unless it was to talk about "shows with shit endings." There was talk of "remaking" it, almost as soon as the last episode aired, which was of course nonsense, but it explains the mood.
HBO sat down and commissioned bunch of spin offs, not only to milk a popular franchise, but also to keep it alive after a massive blow. And GRRM was particularly backing HotD, talking about how Dance was a story he always wanted to tell.
Now, with HotD's success, we have Dunk&Egg coming, as soon as 2025 if all the news is to be believed. A script is being developed for the Conquest, there is talk of reviving Nymeria's show. HotD did its job of salvaging the IP after what could have been a franchise killer of a garbage ending to GoT.
Thinking on it in very general terms, everyone agrees that asoiaf books will eventually get another shot at adaptation. Of course they will, everything does. Reboots and remakes never die. But when, where, how, is the question, and I think we have the answer.
HotD is where it starts. This show is not a mere prequel to "Game of Thrones". It is the starting point of a new show universe for asoiaf franchise. And the first thing they did to set it all up and signal that commitment, is to talk about the prophesy, the Long Night, and how that's not gonna go like it did in the GoT.
HotD brought up Aegon I's prophesy upon hearing it from GRRM, keeps talking about TPTWP, keeps alluding to the super important threat of WW and now went out of its way to inject that "dragons cannot cross the wall" lore bit, not because they have a bizarre compulsion to make references to a failed plot line that pisses everyone off, but because they are specifically developing towards another shot at that plot line, one that promises to be better.
HotD is not a GoT prequel. It is the first installment of the new asoiaf-show universe. D&E, the Conquest, and maybe even Nymeria when it arrives, will follow this new canon, and all of them will eventually lead to another adaptation of asoiaf novels.
When? No idea. Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows Part 2 was released in 2011. A remake of the novels, now in tv series format, is currently being developed and projected to release at 2026. Apparently 15 years is seen as enough. Will it be longer for asoiaf? Maybe. Shorter? I do not think so.
But it is coming. We always knew it would eventually, some how, come, but I think we now know how and where it's coming from.
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gemsofgreece · 2 days
Αρχίσανε επιτέλους να μιλάνε για αυτά; Καιρός ήτανε.
Adding commentary in English because the tweet in the link is also in English. So, I searched a bit about the author, it turns out the study is not even as new as the tweeter account states (yeah I will probably never start calling it x, old habits die hard, let alone that it was a horrible name change to begin with, anyway!). The link refers to a book actually written in 2004 by historian Robert C. Davis,  “Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500–1800″. The book is legit and was well received  amongst readers and peer review alike. I had to search all that up in order to be sure what I am posting here, obviously.
Of course, when you’re from any place in the North Mediterranean and have the most basic knowledge of history, you don’t need this book to tell you first that there were massive practices of slavery commited by Asian and African muslims against Southern and Eastern Europeans, ever since the Late Middle Ages, especially and usually through piracy, but not only. It’s a well known fact. I was dumbfounded when I read in the tweet that the previous estimations in the American academic circles were on the tens of thousands. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. By studying the Modern Greek history alone, literally just early 19th century Greek history - a span of 30 years tops - there were hundreds of thousands of Greeks sold as slaves by the Ottomans. Now calculate this happening in all the north Mediterranean coast - spanning from Greece to Spain - for over 4 centuries. Obviously the reasons or the perpetrators weren’t always the same - it could be Ottomans, Arabs, Barbery pirates, mixed, it could be a market, it could be a war tactic, it could be retaliation, it could be a lot of things. Byzantine and Ottoman Greece was regularly mauled by pirates. In fact, there were also Ottoman Greek pirates, i.e in Mani. My point anyway is that estimating that number to the tens of thousands is ridiculous when that was even too little for a span of 30 years in Greece alone. Then again, I see that this book didn’t examine at all slavery in Greece and the Ottoman Empire. It is more about southwestern Europe. But still the old American estimations seemed - uhm - “diplomatically discreet”. The new book raises the number close to a million in the southwest alone.
I did well to look it up because I read that this book got almost exploited by far right groups who tried to create the rhetoric of an “eye for an eye”, suggesting the West Europeans and Americans were responding with slavery to the Barbery and Ottoman and other muslim slave traders (no, West Europeans and Americans would not go to such lengths for the sake of South Europeans, let’s put it like that, so the whole “white vengeance” argument is beyond stupid, let alone that it remains problematic). I must thus add that: the writer rejected such arguments openly, saying  "Two such enormous wrongs don’t make anything right.“
This is what I hate the most. People end up behaving the exact same way. Abusing history and the objectivity with which it must always be studied in order to serve their political rhetorics and ideologies. We will never learn from past mistakes, it seems as if we are incapable of doing it. You will NEVER see the topics of European / White / Christian people getting sold in multiple hundreds of thousands as slaves by non-Christian - POC (as Americans like to call them) being big in America. Or at least ackowledged and examined beyond academic circles. But this is exactly also what the far right groups attempted; to minimize the horrific, well studied Atlantic slave trade or “excuse” it! The level of bias and all these groups accusing each other of the very things they themselves commit…!
At some point, in one of my posts about Ottoman Greek history where I added some of the living conditions for a Christian far from the cosmopolitan areas of the Ottoman Empire (AKA lowkey almost any place besides Constantinople) - historically fact checked - at some point I got an impressively vile reply from a self-identifying “activist” who cursed at me and long story short they said I was a despicable liar. Of course, by “activist” we mean a muslim person who said their family history was affected by the western colonization, which I respect, but they could not equally respect that people of the same faith as them (not even the same nation!) could be capable of vile acts as well and their activism was limited only to people who had the exact same experience as they did. Everyone else was a despicable liar.  Anyway, needless to say, I wasn’t lying.
And before someone says “oH YoU taLK abOUt BIas buT ALExandER-”. Of course. We have said this a thousand times over. Ancient Greece practiced slavery, not even just to foreigners or POC but also Greeks enslaving other Greeks, like, top THAT. But so did the Sumerians, the Hebrews, the Hittites, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Romans and the Persians at least after the Achaemenid dynasty. You know?
But this is exactly the point and this is ultimately the reason I am personally publishing and commenting to this submission; to make a point that who is an oppressor, a slave trader, a wrongdoer of any sort has NOTHING to do with skin, religion, geography and I can’t believe there are people living in 2024 in advanced societies truly believing this. It is not some genetical trait of white people to be slave traders. The only thing it takes is power imbalance and a little touch of convenient propaganda for any human to commit and normalize the most horrendous deed. If they are morally weak, of course, which is also not a genetical trait and unfortunately it is not rare at all, anywhere in the world.
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