#i love seeing kp play and tease and be goofy lil guys!!! less plot and more of this pls thanks :)
travelingneuritis · 1 year
kinnporsche ep. 10: Collateral
-vegas doesn’t try very hard to convince porsche that they are “running away together” in the usual, romantic sense: his pitch largely hinges on their shared responsibility to protect the theerapanyakul family from tawan’s machinations. his one feeble “no matter how bad i am, i would never hurt someone i love” doesn’t seem to make much of an impression on porsche; vegas barely seems to expect it to.
-costume note: vegas in his porsche cosplay is a delight, if rather obvious: he (temporarily) swaps his trademark slutty silk shirt for a white crew-neck tee and plain gold chain, some version of which is what we see porsche in any time he’s not in his work uniform. this was presumably done in an attempt to come off more approachable and trustworthy. though i honestly doubt the costume change made much of a difference to porsche, maybe it helped vegas get into the right headspace?
-porsche saying “you have to trust me” and running off leaves this gutted look on kinn’s face and i think it’s because kinn just realized that he’s being asked for a level of trust that porsche can’t match-- that is, porsche doesn’t trust kinn to trust him. kinn wants porsche to look at him and just know, but they are so far from being on the same page that all he can do is let porsche go and hope that conveys some measure of his faith in porsche’s loyalty and integrity. and this is after kinn came here already knowing porsche’s innocence & planning to free him anyway. this scene just held a mirror up to kinn’s face and he is not liking what he sees in it.
-i know i gloss over a lot of the kimchay stuff but chay’s “i’ve always thought i was an unlucky person but it turns out i was saving all my luck for you” is like. god. porsche loved and protected and sacrificed everything for his brother all so he could have a shot at this; absorbed so many of the shocks of life so that chay could grow up to be this free and open and fearless with his heart. KIM YOU MUST GUARD THIS BOY’S HAPPINESS WITH YOUR LIFE I’M NOT FUCKING PLAYING (narrator voice: He Will Not)
-i wish chay had been conscious to at least note kim’s intervention. the “person b fights hard for person a but due to circumstances person a never finds out” trope stresses me out too much to actually enjoy any of the drama it generates. 
-pete’s vote of confidence is especially touching (and clear-sighted!) coming right after porsche beat him in hand-to-hand & escaped with a traitorous miasma trailing visibly after him
-pete casts spell of “no one notice me” (aka: dress as a laborer) and what a surprise, it works perfectly-- all the guards at the compound are too concerned with the contents of pete’s suspicious-looking crate to pay any attention to where he goes once they take their eyes off him
-tawan’s “the thumb drive full of evidence is really a virus that will knock out the main family’s systems!” play makes me, just. SO embarrassed for our guys. like my computer is riddled with disease but that’s because i’m watching thai bl mafia dating sims on dodgy websites; arm has NO excuse. WHY DIDn”T ANYONE LISTEN TO SEXY, DISTRUSTFUL BIG WHEN HE TOLD THEM THE “EVIDENCE” WAS A TRAP??? (porsche running around this echoing warehouse shouting and giving away his position also embarrasses me, but at least he has the excuse of He’s New Here and also that’s his baby brother tied up on the floor)
-very interested in vegas’s behavior in this episode but not sure i have the critical thinking skills to parse it all. he’s been manipulating both porsche and tawan this whole time; if his plan had worked, would he have picked one of them to like, keep around? i sense that at different points he’s had some genuine liking for both of them (or at least that he’s such a method actor that he has a tendency to catch feelings for whoever he’s manipulating at the time).
-there was a brief sour look on vegas’s face when porsche demanded they check on chay before making any other moves; later, in the warehouse, vegas gives it a voice by explaining that he quite actively despises his cousin and doesn’t understand why porsche thinks “but family???” counts as a compelling argument. i feel sorry for porsche in this moment, but i don’t blame him for having been manipulated by vegas. he’s willing to look for the good in even the scummiest characters (see: the uncle he supported for years despite a gambling addiction that threatened the entire household; kinn’s whole... everything), and vegas exploited that weakness handily.
-BIG!! NO!!!! (he looks so offended when tawan fatally shoots him. rest in peace my bitchy king) (seriously though: his split second choice to bodyguard porsche as if porsche were a theerapanyakul... not because he cares abt porsche [he Fuckin Doesn’t] but because porsche’s survival benefits the family.........it hurts me so much)
-pete, earlier in the episode: “if i get caught wiretapping vegas, the minor family will torture information out of me and then kill me.” pete now that he’s been caught wiretapping: >:D
there’s a look of like, breathless anticipation on his face as he’s naked & tied up & waiting for vegas to decide what to do with his spark plugs of torture, but i’m not 100% sure it’s. totally a sexual anticpation? i think at this point pete is just in a bit of a daze & waiting to see what’s going to happen to him-- and to learn how much of it he can handle. tbc, the sexual nature of his response to all the torture must be embedded in there somewhere, but i think it’s still far below the surface. all he knows is that he is feeling everything, so much right now, his body filling up with sensations too big for him to process.
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