#pov: you are ken getting gutted like the fish
rahmakapala · 7 years
RK Round Robin Fic
Rurouni Kenshin Week, Round Robin Fic Characters: Kenshin Himura, Kaoru Kamiya, Megumi Takani, Tsubame Sanjo  Rating: T  Word count: 953 Notes: I felt like writing Kenshin POV, so here we go! Sorry in advance for the probable grammar mistakes and typos - this hasn't been proofread and my English is not the best!
You can find @tact-and-impulse ‘s part 1 here, @awritingpen ‘s part 2 here, @kenkaya-fanworks 's part 3 here and Mr.Fujita's part 4 here.
This was was a really fun fic to write! Thank you for arranging this!
The clock was ticking on the wall.
Its sound was not loud, not really – but it was distinct against the constant patter of rain beating down the roof and howling of the wind. At the sidelines, the ladies were talking with soft voices, too muffled for Kenshin to make out what they were saying. However, if the intent look in Miss Kaoru’s eyes was anything to go by, she was already coming up with contingency plans for all their well-being if the hurricane wouldn’t let go soon.
Practical and kind, hard-working, tenacious…
Oh, how Kenshin admired her – even if he would never dare to say it out loud.
However, given the looks Megumi-san was shooting at him, he should join their discussion, instead of sitting by himself.
Well, compared to the options: Sano had grown bored hours ago and had conned Yahiko into going patrolling in the office building. Master had locked himself to his office and hadn’t been seen since. Even Saito had retreated from the other’s company, and currently, he was dozing in his cubicle, muttering in his sleep something about nuclear disasters, Zanza and how useless he found Kenshin.
To be honest, Kenshin wouldn’t even consider waking him up. Who knew if he was having a nightmare or positive dream? At least, by Saito’s (somewhat skewed) standards. The look on his face could have indicated either way…
No, better to leave him alone.
Wincing slightly, Kenshin pulled himself to his feet. Then he drew a neutral smile on his lips and headed towards the ladies group – no matter what Master always claimed, he did NOT enjoy brooding alone, thank you very much. He just had a healthy respect of the sheer amount of mayhem his office colleagues could come up when the situation allowed it.
“Sir Ken! How nice of you to join us,” Megumi-san called out to him, startling Miss Kaoru from the elaborate plan she was drawing in front of them.
“...Kenshin!” She breathed out, her pretty blue eyes zeroing on him.
Kenshin’s throat went dry, and he swallowed weakly. “Miss Kaoru,” he finally managed. “What are you drawing there, that is?”
“Oh, this?” Miss Kaoru reddened slightly. “Ah, well – um, you know while the electricity is still working, it seems that the storm is larger than anyone anticipated, so it might be that we will be stuck here until tomorrow. And for that, it wouldn’t hurt to plan out how to handle the necessities if something else goes wrong. Like, if the water supply cut out, how are we going to handle bathroom visits or washing, or–“
“Basically, we are amusing ourselves with coming up worst case survival scenarios,” Megumi-san interrupted, giving him a pointed glance, “At least it’s better than counting seconds to pass the time.”
“It’s not just an amusement, but reasonable precautions!” Miss Kaoru protested. “We already lost the internet, cell phones, and most phone lines. If the storm gets worse, water, electricity, and warmth might get cut just as easily, you know!”
“Yes, yes.” Megumi-san sighed dramatically. “And the pigs will fly, the rooster will grow up, and a certain unnamed person will stop pining and finally confess their feelings to the office sweetheart.”
“….what.” Miss Kaoru bristled. “You, you–“
“I’m sure Megumi-san didn’t mean it badly!” Young miss Tsubame cut between their bickering. “Please, let’s get back to the planning. Himura-san, maybe you would have some ideas how we could improve? After all, you know Director Seijuuro and his strategies the best.”
A shiver raced down his spine as the memory of Hiko Seijuurou’s strategies and viewpoint for crisis management flashed through his eyes. He had been just eleven when he had been stuck with Hiko in a summer cottage with no supplies (if the Sake bottle the older man carried with him wasn’t counted, and Kenshin certainly didn’t). Hiko had solved the issue by ordering the teenage Kenshin to forage mushrooms and berries from the woods, while he went fishing. With minimal instructions and hunger in his belly, it was no wonder Kenshin had eaten a few mushrooms on the way… and spend the rest of the day laughing himself sick, hallucinating and puking his guts out. The joy.
“Kenshin? What’s wrong?”
“Oro!” Kenshin forced himself to focus on the present. “Ah, nothing is wrong that it isn’t! This one would be glad to offer whatever help he can – even if this one is sure Miss Kaoru’s plan is very good already.”
Miss Kaoru reddened slightly at the praise and glanced aside. “Thank you.”
Megumi just huffed, “you two…”
“Oro?” Kenshin blinked, pretending he didn’t understand what Megumi was insinuating. “What have we done, that is?”
“Never mind her, she is just bored with no soap opera to watch!” Miss Kaoru squeaked in hurry, tapping the place next to her very purposefully. “Please, sit – and then, let’s get back to the planning, shall we?”
Warmth spreading in his chest, Kenshin stifled the foolish smile tugging at his lips and sat down gingerly, a calculated, neutral distance from her. The last thing he needed was her to realize how much he adored every single second spend within her proximity. They were working in the same company. It simply wasn’t appropriate. Even if they belonged to different units, the rumors of such a thing could affect her career and he couldn’t risk that.
No, it was better for him to yearn in silence.
“Miss Kaoru – could you walk this one through what you have planned out so far?” Kenshin asked.
“Oh, yes! Definitely!”” Miss Kaoru said. “Well, firstly…”
Kenshin nodded along with the explanation and purposefully ignored Megumi-san’s muttered words:  “No soap opera she says? I am watching one right now.”
29 notes · View notes