#i love skinny fashion queen serqet but i'm just sad........
i think my main problem with the announcement of the new gods is that i really don’t feel like new gods are really gonna get me hyped about smite. it’s good to finally get requests like horus and set (side note: i can’t believe we got king arthur and merlin before these super important egyptian gods like...) but they don’t interest me like they should, it just feels more like hi-rez just putting out gods bc they have to? or something like that
hi-rez should really be putting more focus on polishing what makes smite great instead of trying to churn out more content bc there’s such a disappointing disparity between the old gods who need texture updates/remodels/rekits and the new gods that are visually stunning and have p interesting kits. isis still looks repulsive and her abilities are so basic looking while merlin is out here outdoing the goddess of magic with a single stance lmao.
#i seriously want most of the egyptian pantheon to get remodels........#my girl neith............ why have they done you like this..........#anhur's stupid stubby legs / bastet's shitty half done cat woman look / sobek's gross hunchback deal / ra... just ra...#seeing set and horus... their concepts are so goddamn nicer looking than everyone in the egyptian pantheon combined#serqet's stupid metal tail!! why isn't it a real tail goddamit#what's with her personality as well??? her lore sets her up to be more serious by hi-rez has just hacked away any aspect of that#i love skinny fashion queen serqet but i'm just sad........#and don't get me started on isis!!#iggy azalea looking ass motherfucker#overgrown chicken with proportions that look like she was stretched with a medieval torture device#maybe that would explain why she looks like a goddamn plague victim!#hi-rez did the egyptian pantheon dirty...................#of course khepri and thoth and perfect#geb is fine and so is osiris#and anubis is my unofficial husband#but the rest of them hoes........#ugly! boring! gross! old! smelly!#and god would this be an opportunity to fix some really fucking questionable goddess designs#please god fix nemesis and athena's outfits PLEASE#MAKE ARTIO A WHOLE ASS BEAR WOMAN#GIVE HER THE THICKNESS SHE DESERVES#pass the morrigan a few more purple scarves#give nu wa the stunning and regal robes she deserves#she can still have the really pretty floating outfit idea#but make her look really really really regal i'm begging y'all#give kali a more interesting outfit! i want the severed heads back!#MAKE IZANAMI FUCKING SCARY YOU FUCKERS#awilix i love you but please invest in a sports bra#GIVE FREYA THE ARMOUR SHE NEEDS....#JUST CHANGE HEL ENTIRELY SO THAT WE ACTUALLY GET A SCARY DARK SIDE PLEASE!!!!
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