#and anubis is my unofficial husband
i think my main problem with the announcement of the new gods is that i really don’t feel like new gods are really gonna get me hyped about smite. it’s good to finally get requests like horus and set (side note: i can’t believe we got king arthur and merlin before these super important egyptian gods like...) but they don’t interest me like they should, it just feels more like hi-rez just putting out gods bc they have to? or something like that
hi-rez should really be putting more focus on polishing what makes smite great instead of trying to churn out more content bc there’s such a disappointing disparity between the old gods who need texture updates/remodels/rekits and the new gods that are visually stunning and have p interesting kits. isis still looks repulsive and her abilities are so basic looking while merlin is out here outdoing the goddess of magic with a single stance lmao.
#i seriously want most of the egyptian pantheon to get remodels........#my girl neith............ why have they done you like this..........#anhur's stupid stubby legs / bastet's shitty half done cat woman look / sobek's gross hunchback deal / ra... just ra...#seeing set and horus... their concepts are so goddamn nicer looking than everyone in the egyptian pantheon combined#serqet's stupid metal tail!! why isn't it a real tail goddamit#what's with her personality as well??? her lore sets her up to be more serious by hi-rez has just hacked away any aspect of that#i love skinny fashion queen serqet but i'm just sad........#and don't get me started on isis!!#iggy azalea looking ass motherfucker#overgrown chicken with proportions that look like she was stretched with a medieval torture device#maybe that would explain why she looks like a goddamn plague victim!#hi-rez did the egyptian pantheon dirty...................#of course khepri and thoth and perfect#geb is fine and so is osiris#and anubis is my unofficial husband#but the rest of them hoes........#ugly! boring! gross! old! smelly!#and god would this be an opportunity to fix some really fucking questionable goddess designs#please god fix nemesis and athena's outfits PLEASE#MAKE ARTIO A WHOLE ASS BEAR WOMAN#GIVE HER THE THICKNESS SHE DESERVES#pass the morrigan a few more purple scarves#give nu wa the stunning and regal robes she deserves#she can still have the really pretty floating outfit idea#but make her look really really really regal i'm begging y'all#give kali a more interesting outfit! i want the severed heads back!#MAKE IZANAMI FUCKING SCARY YOU FUCKERS#awilix i love you but please invest in a sports bra#GIVE FREYA THE ARMOUR SHE NEEDS....#JUST CHANGE HEL ENTIRELY SO THAT WE ACTUALLY GET A SCARY DARK SIDE PLEASE!!!!
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tyrantdk · 7 years
Would I lie to you ch 2
This chapter is def NSFW. You have all been warned. This is an entire flowing scene and the first time I pulled this off! Also warnings for fluffy draggo tails and draggo cuddles.
I forgot last chapter to explain Yugi’s god name. Slifer/Yugi is referred to as Usire, which is another name for the god Osiris. Slifer’s called Osiris in the Manga.
The Pharaoh raised an eyebrow as his court looked at him, and more particularly the being in his lap. Yugi straddled his lap, his tail curled around one of his arms. The minute the appendage had tangled about his right arm, he melted bonelessly onto his lap. Atem cared not what his court thought. He was becoming rather fond of the purr vibrating the other’s chest pleasantly against his own.
Yugi cuddled closer, pushing his face into the crook of the other’s neck. Atem smiled as he rubbed his tail softly. His gentle gesture was rewarded with a lazy nuzzle. He wished he could openly wonder at the soft downy feathers covering the appendage. As it stood, he couldn’t. Here, he had to act every bit the Pharaoh his father had raised him to be. Before them stood his six main advisors, and old Siamun, who was his unofficial seventh. With them he could take a moment to collect his thoughts, which was a wonderful cover for stroking Yugi’s tail.
“I have an announcement to make. Our great god-dragon, Usire, has heard my plea, and answered by bringing forth the rains. He asked for only one thing in return; my hand in marriage. The being in my lap is our beloved sky dragon, and we have already been wed. Please prepare for the official announcement to the people.” Atem spoke stoically. Yugi was sure he hated this tone of voice. There was no life in it! How could this be the same man who had trembled so nervously in his arms mere hours before?
“It shall be done, Per’a’ah.” Came the equally stoic reply from a bald priest. He smelled like the incense used in the rituals to Osiris, and natron. The priest next to him had short black hair, and smelled of natron, but also the scent of death. He had to be one of Anubis’. The priest in blue and gold carried himself so similarly to Atem, and he smelled a little like him, but there was a scent of cleanliness. A devotee of Ma’at with some royal blood in him Yugi surmised.
The oldest of the official advisors also smelled like Atem, but had the scent of blood and Nile mud on him. Sobek’s claim to this one could be seen and smelled. Then there was the magician from earlier. A devoted follower of Thoth, as Yugi could now smell the scent of old musty papyrus scrolls. The oldest smelled familiar to Yugi, and he realized why. The small old human was the physical vassal of Exodia.
Finally, there was the woman. She stood the closest to the throne, barely outside what would get her killed by the god-dragon. Yugi did not like her as much as the others. He could tell from their scents that they were not rivals. He could smell the affection the others had for Atem, but could tell it was not romantic. How he could was beyond him, but he supposed he could not care about any other being as long as Atem was stroking his tail.
“He is my mate! Stay away from him, Woman!” Yugi had hissed lowly. Atem turned to glance at Isis, to warn her away, but it was too late. The dragon’s angered scream turned into a thunderous roar as he leapt from Atem’s lap. The human form shifted, and the divine’s true form filled the courtroom. His massive scarlet coils seemed endless in the enclosed space. It was Usire who now made his displeasure known.
Atem leapt from his throne. Isis was stone before Usire’s fury. The massive head swung around wildly. Seto grabbed her first. He tossed her behind a pillar. The tail almost threw him into the nearby wall. Kareem pulled Isis from her spot. He pushed her closer to an exit. Mahado summoned his monster companion. The magician kept Usire distracted. Atem ordered his advisors out of the room immediately. All seven made for the nearest exit.
“Yugi, come to me.” Atem called as calmly as he could when his advisors had safely escaped. The massive scarlet head turned to him as a rumbling purr filled the room. He smiled as he knelt slowly down. He patted his folded knees, and held his arms open to the other. The dragon lowered his head, the larger of his mouths opening. A long pink tongue licked the ruler’s cheek. Usire laid down on the floor, head propped on Atem’s knees. The massive coils slowly shrank until he could fit in the courtroom comfortably.
There was something mystical about the ease Atem had in calming the raging god-dragon. He smoothed his hand over the scarlet scales reverently. Bright yellow eyes watched his every move. Atem leaned forward, draping his upper body over Usire’s snout. He hummed in response to the dragon’s purr. His eyes slid shut, as something awoke inside him.
His father once spoke of an inner divinity in each Pharaoh. He had explained to an enthralled Atem that each Pharaoh were divine in their own ways. This couldn’t be that, but what was it? It seemed so similar, almost like the thrum of magic that had surrounded him as he spoke his vow to Usire. It stemmed from an aching loneliness he had never noticed, or really felt before. Usire mewled at him softly as his hands wondered over his scaled face. Atem threw his head back and moaned.
This was spiritual, but it felt as intimate as going to the marshlands with the great dragon. Usire pushed into him gently. He fell back onto the cool stone floor. He moaned softly as the chill seeped into his body. Yugi was above him, seemingly just as dazed as he was. “What is this?” The Pharaoh asked breathlessly. He moaned loudly as some power crested within him, back arching up into the other’s form.
“Ma’at’s blessing on our union.” He answered just as breathless. “I need you.”
“Take me back to our room. I need you too.” Atem panted out between more moans and soft little mewls of pleasure. Yugi swept him into his arms, cradling him close. Boldly, he trailed kisses over Yugi’s neck and shoulder. Large wings burst from his back. Atem was amazed as he took in the scarlet and black appendages. With a flap of the strong wings, the pair were air borne. Yugi flew out into the hall and exited through a high window. The flight to their room was quick.
Yugi eagerly tossed Atem on their bed. He crawled onto the mattress, capturing merlot eyes with heated violet. He unclasped his belt, dropping it, then his bracers and anklets to the floor. The collar of topaz and ruby was removed with the utmost care, and laid on a nearby daybed. The cloak fluttered to the floor, followed by the rest of the divine’s clothing. He said nothing about Atem’s wondering gaze, or the darkening of his face. He merely smiled as he felt the shy, heated gaze on his cock.
He came over to him. He tugged gently at Atem’s own clothing. When the other made no move to stop him, Yugi began undressing his mate. His crown was tangled in his bangs, and Yugi untangled it with care. It ended up on the same daybed as the other’s collar. Atem’s jewelry landed on the floor, along with his cloak. Slowly, he slid his tunic up. Atem lifted his arms, helping remove the cloth. Violet eyes glanced at him as they searched his face. He relaxed his body as the other unwrapped his shenti.
A satisfied growl left Yugi as he took in his mate. He was perfect. His hands slid soothingly over the other’s sides before moving to stroke his strong thighs. He barely kept his instincts to spread his mate open and claim him at bay. He needed to fill Atem with his seed, his claim, and bind them forever more with his magic. Barely visible wisps of scarlet smoke bled from under Yugi’s skin. They caressed Atem, curling around him, and searching for a way into him.
Atem was flustered where he lay, submissive to the other above him. He wasn’t nervous about consummating their union any more, but was he pleasing to Yugi’s eyes? Whatever Ma’at’s blessing had awoken inside him called to the other. He needed to feel Yugi within him. His body ached in need at the thought of the other’s cock inside him. Violet eyes found his again, pinning them as warm palms cupped the back of his knees. Yugi spread them slowly before positioning his lower half carefully in his lap.
“Atem, may I?” He nodded, not trusting himself with words. “Say it. I cannot go to the marshlands with you unless you say it aloud. May I become one with you, my beautiful husband?”
“Yes.” Came the barely audible reply. Yugi captured his lips in a kiss. Atem sighed blissfully into it. He slid his hands up the other’s arms, over his shoulders, and tangled his fingers into Yugi’s hair. It flowed like silk from the Far East through his slender fingers. Yugi pulled away slowly, and moved to trail kisses down his mate’s throat. Atem shifted. A gasp of unexpected pleasure left him as his erection brushed against the god-dragon’s.
“Easy, treasure. One wrong move and I could hurt you. I never want to hurt you. Let me prepare your body for me?” Warm loving palms rubbed across his belly in small circles. Atem smiled. Yugi returned his gesture, dipping down to place a soft kiss on his lips.
“Please be gentle with me. My tutors made sure I knew all the ways one could…hunt in the marshlands, but I have never gone to them with someone else before.”
“I shall be as gentle as I can be.” Yugi returned to pressing kisses into the other’s skin. With a wave of his hand, a little clay bowl appeared by the left side of Atem’s hip. He lazily swirled a finger in the clear watery like fluid. “Try not to tense your body as I prepare you, Atem. Just trust me not to harm you and relax in my arms.” The finger disappeared from his view.
He gasped softly as the digit, now wet and slightly chilled, pressed into him. Atem wanted to tense, wanted to fight the intruding force, but he willed himself to relax. His husband would not harm him. Yugi pressed a little harder; his finger slid into his mate. He murmured soft nothings to him as he moved in and out, rubbing lubricant on his inner walls. He watched with wonder as Atem shivered when he added another lubed finger and finally a third. He built the pleasure for his husband as he prepared him in a relaxed, loving pace.
“Atem, are you ready for me? Can I claim you as mine and mine alone?” Atem looked up into Yugi’s eyes. His heart melted a little. He was giving him a chance to change his mind, to back out if he felt uncomfortable in any way. He wanted this marriage, Atem realized. He wanted the god-dragon. He wanted to belong with Yugi. Atem lifted his arms, shyly mumbling his answer. “Mine!”
Yugi slid into his mortal husband with little resistance. He intertwined their bodies flawlessly as he completely filled the other. Atem groaned softly below him. He froze as he was completely enveloped by the other’s body. Atem reached up, entangling his fingers in the silky hair. Yugi relaxed as he lowered himself. His mate kissed him gently, lips sliding wetly against his.
“Are you alright, Treasure?” He asked. Yugi stroked the side of his mate’s face.
“It feels so strange to have you inside me, but I am fine. Am I …Am I too tight?” Atem asked as the flush darkened across his dusky skin. Yugi rolled his hips, pressing his cock deeper without thrusting. A throaty moan was ripped from Atem as he tossed his head back into the pillows. He writhed beneath Yugi and the other absolutely loved it.
“No, my beautiful mate. You are perfect. I’m going to move.” He replied as he withdrew from the other’s body slightly. He started with a shallow, slow pace. He made sure the tip of his cock never left Atem’s opening. A purr left him as Atem started to fall into the rhythm with him. It was wonderful to become synchronized with another in their intimacy. The dragon’s magic caressed his mate as incoherent sounds left the other. Atem tired of their pace after some time. He tried to move a little faster.
“F-F-Faster, Yugi!” Atem managed to get out. Yugi did as bid, building the pace slowly. Atem’s hands wondered over the other, gentle fingers finding the wing slits in his skin. He softly ran his hands over the slits, making Yugi shiver and growl above him. The growl was the only warning Atem received as he sat up, bringing Atem with him. His cock slid deeper into his mate as the other moaned wantonly. Atem’s own erection was weeping pre-cum between them; the simulation making more fluid flow from the tip.
“Arms around my neck.” Yugi commanded as he watched his mate’s body. Atem complied quickly. Steel like hands clamped around his hips, lifting his body effortlessly. He moaned loudly as the sweet friction seemed to ease some of the tension in his groin. He screamed in pleasure as those hands slammed him down on his husband’s cock. His back bowed, throwing his head back. Yugi had lost it. He gave into his instincts. His mate could make no noise other than the constant string of moans as he was forced into total submission via intense pleasure. Yugi winced as the other let out an ear piercing scream. “Found it.”
“Yu-Yugi!” His poor mortal husband moaned out as he tried to keep pace. Yugi growled as one hand slipped from around his neck. He snatched it away from its mission to stroke Atem’s cock. He whimpered pitifully, not caring if it was unbecoming of Pharaoh.
“I know, Treasure, I know. Help me get us to the peak of our pleasure.” Unsure, but willing lips met Yugi’s. Atem rode the constant barrage on his body until white hot euphoria stole his sight. He felt more than saw his seed escape his erection to cover and brand Yugi’s skin. Yugi clutched him closer as he orgasmed, coating his core with his claim. His husband’s essence was warm inside one of the most intimate parts of his body. His lungs were on fire as if he had raced across the desert sands at the highest peak of Ra’s journey.
Atem’s body quivered as the other stroked his back gently. Purrs of contentment made Yugi’s chest vibrate pleasantly against his. He hummed in reply. Atem felt wonderful as he nuzzled into his neck. Pale fingers danced soothingly over his skin as Yugi held him in his lap. Atem shifted minutely. He gasped softly as he felt the other’s cock still rock hard within him. It felt as if there was also something anchored into his body, connecting them physically. He made to move, but hands tightened around his hips.
“Sh. You are the greatest treasure any dragon could ask for, Atem. Our coupling has caused me to knot with you!” Adoring butterfly kisses were placed on his face and neck. Atem sighed, resigning to having his divine husband inside him a little longer. The ‘anchor’ inside his body must have been Yugi’s knot. He had never known a dragon to have a hooked extension like this before. “I have taken lovers in the past, but not a single one were ever worthy of knotting. It seems only fitting that I knot with you, my beloved husband.”
“I am honored.” Atem mumbled sleepily. He felt pride well up inside him. He had done what no other being ever had. He was the only one to have the great god-dragon’s knot attached to him and his seed within his body. Atem hummed again, beginning to fight the heaviness of his eyes. The sated, happy sound was music to Yugi’s ears.
“Rest, Mate.” He spoke softly as he pressed a kiss into Atem’s hair. “Rest, Meri-I.”
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deitiesofduat · 7 years
Hey TeniCola let me say first that your blog is so flipping awsome!! Now I have a question that I would like you to answer if its not any trouble. So if Set has Sobek as a close friend who is Nephthys close friend out of the family?
Hello~ And ahhh thank you, I’m glad to know you’re enjoying the blog! And sure thing, this question’s an interesting one to chew on, that I realize I haven’t given as much thought >>;;;
In all honestly, I do think Nephthys is closest to her family; she’s strikes me as that type of character, and her family is very important to her. I’ve mentioned how she has a close relationship to Isis; explained bit about her relationship with Osiris; and also have various responses regarding her relationship with Set… and a little bit on Anubis too (Horus I haven’t mentioned much yet, but just 2 confirm she’s on close terms with her nephew and vice versa).
Having said that, I’d like to think she’s very sociable and familiar with other deities outside her family too, at least in DEITIES verse. She’s a very approachable goddess, so several deities do know her, or at least know of her due to her royalty and high ranking. She also ends up getting to know of others herself due to her duties as a Goddess of Service, as she takes it upon her self to assist others where needed, if she’s not busy with her own divine duties.
Of the other deities that come to mind though… hm… I was trying to explain it in brief to avoid a text wall, but there’s still quite a bit, so I’ll place it all under the cut for anyone curious~
Neith – Part-mentor, part-aunt?? Taught Nephthys a lot of skills and helped her shape her sense of moral. I like to think Nephthys admires her and visits her a lot during and after The Contendings… so Neith may be closest, outside her family. 
Taweret – Mentor, colleague – the unofficial motherly-figure and advice-giver to many of the goddesses, Nephthys included. Admires her greatly, and fairly close with her.
Sobek – Fellow river god! Knows him mostly thru Neith and Set. They don’t mingle all that often, but she trusts him, and they’re on friendly and respectful terms with each other.
Anuket – Fellow river goddess, knows her thru Sobek and Neith. She’s junior to Nephthys so I amuse myself with the idea of her being Neph’s mentee at one point, but haven’t developed it past there
Hapi – Fellow river god; Hapi was said to be friends with her father, Geb, so he’s like a unofficial uncle?? To her?? They get along well anyway.
Bes – Colleague, but mostly knows thru Taweret… I imagine kinda like another uncle to her?? They assist each other at times and get along well.
Hathor – Fellow collegue, esp with funerary services. I don’t know if they’re super close, but they are fond of and friendly towards each other.
Seshat – Knows her mainly through Thoth, respects her a lot. They probably see each other in passing when they do work within the Halls of Ma'at.
Sokar – Fellow funerary god, taught her a lot regarding funerary tasks and services. So they are colleagues more so than friends, but respectful toward each other.
Nekhbet – Fellow funerary goddess + vulture! Sorta… Also more colleagues than friends, but respect and assist each other as needed
Anat and Astarte – Set’s other partners, she knows them through her husband. Actually on comfortable terms with them, they respect each other – more explanation can be found here and here.
AND YEAH that’s all I can think of at the moment >> For anyone unclear on some of the relationship, check out the Characters page or Genealogy Chart for a refresher.
But yeah, no one is coming to me as a super close friend outside her family tho, but these are the other notable deities that Nephthys has good relations with – at least, as far as my headcanons for DEITIES verse are concerned.
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