#i love that rhett's phone image was in the shot
link-sans-specs · 8 months
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Can I do it with your iris?
Can We Find the Name Brand?
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delopsias · 2 years
Rhett details I noticed after watching Outer Range eight times
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...don't ask how or why I've watched it so many times 😭
His hat is sitting on the steering wheel when Royal wakes him up, and there's a crack in his mirror:
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Everyone has probably noticed this one by now, but he's got a small scar on his chest! I have a whole post about it here.
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He drives a blue GMC Sierra:
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He fidgets. Sometimes tapping his fingers or messing with his own hands and, in this instance, toying with this bottle cap:
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Now I'm starting to suspect that this is just a Lewis thing because he also does this in Top Gun Maverick during the bar scene, but it's cute, so I'm including it.
Fluttery eyelashes! I've got a compilation of them doing this here.
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He has a tattoo of a bull skull on his left forearm:
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And he holds onto the rope with his left hand:
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Fun fact: bull-riders will typically grip underhanded using their dominant hand. So this indicates that Rhett is either left-handed or Lewis's stunt double is left-handed.
His hat has a little tear in the front:
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He sometimes does this thing where he pushes his tongue against his cheek.
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And does...this...
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He kisses Amy on the top of her head during breakfast:
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When Royal tells the family not to interact with Autumn, Rhett quietly nods his head:
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His eyes get a little watery when Maria tells him she doesn't want to be with him because she doesn't want to be a part of whatever mess his family is in *cough* covering up a murder *cough*.
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He wears a Rough Stock Jacket from a 2018(2016? it's hard to tell if that's a 6 or an 8) rodeo in White Sulphur Springs, Montana. Presumably this specific event.
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His birthday is June 12th, 1996, and he is 24 in Season 1.
This information comes from the image of his driver's license and the date on the paper Royal receives regarding the land dispute.
His driver's license also lists his eye color as brown; however, his actor has blue eyes.
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His phone appears to be a black Google Pixel 3!
It shares a similar incoming call screen to the Pixel series. The phone's appearance is consistent with the Pixel 3's, featuring a circular rear-fingerprint censor and a horizontal camera on the top right.
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There are some funny little continuity errors too. Here are my favorites.
#1: Rhett takes his gloves off twice in this scene
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#2: When Rhett falls off the bull and hurts his left shoulder in episode 8, his hat stays on. But then the camera cuts to a faraway shot, and the hat is ✨gone✨. Hello, stunt double!
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All gifs and images were taken and made by me, and you're welcome to use them! Credit is appreciated; I love seeing where these wind up 💕
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Strawberry Wine
This was prompted by my lovely, mythical friend Ross ( @mythical-ross ). 
Rhett shifted in his seat as the interviewer and his small crew were setting up around them. Rhett’s back was aching from sitting too long on the uncomfortable couch, and the hunger that has been gnawing at his insides for a while now had just audibly announced itself to the room. Jenna seemed to notice Rhett’s discomfort because she got up and walked to him. She leaned down to brush off invisible lint from his shoulder and whispered, “This is the last one.”
Rhett gave her a small grateful smile and trained his attention to the interviewer. He was a young guy, probably in his early twenties. Rhett had already forgotten where the guy had said he was from but by his appearance, Rhett could guess it was some kind of a website – something young and hip and trendy. Exactly the type of site they wanted writing about Bleak Creek.
“Okay, you guys ready to start?” the interviewer asked. Rhett glanced at Link, whose smile was wide but tight around the edges – he was tired too. 
“Let’s go,” Rhett said jovially as Link nodded in agreement.
The interviewer launched into his intro with way too much energy for Rhett’s liking. The questions were all boilerplate – stuff they’d already answered dozens if not hundreds of times during the press tour of Bleak Creek. In a way Rhett is thankful. The answers flowed out of him without much effort, and the carefully rehearsed give and take with Link shone brightly despite their weariness.
“Okay. Great! One more thing I wanted to talk to you about. Actually, it’s something I wanted to show you. Our researchers found an interesting video. Here, let me…” the guy said, setting up a laptop in front of them. He looked almost giddy, and Rhett frowned wondering which of their videos could garner that strong of a reaction.
A blurry image of a guy with a guitar filled the screen. Rhett stared at it for a beat, confused. It was clearly him, but it wasn’t any of their usual sets. He looked so young with his cropped hair and barely bearded face.
“What’s this?” Link asked, curiously leaning towards the laptop.
“Our researchers found a deleted Myspace page saved up on one of those vault sites. It appears to be Rhett’s, yes?” he asked looking at Rhett expectantly. Rhett nodded slowly as the image started to move. Young Rhett was strumming the guitar. There was a chill creeping inside Rhett now, making him weak and a bit nauseous. This couldn’t be…
“Really?” Link asked with a crooked smile, glancing at Rhett. “I didn’t know you had a Myspace page.”
Young Rhett was singing but no sound came from the laptop. The interviewer cursed and his hand shot to turn up the volume.
No! Oh, no. No, no, no.
Rhett was trying to make his limbs move. He waited for his fight or flight response to kick in, but he was stuck inside his immobile body, staring at the screen. He needed to shut this down before –
“…of his eyes. Lips red and moon kissed…” young Rhett sang from the laptop speakers. His voice was shaky but deep and full of emotion. Present Rhett was still frozen in place. His heart was thrumming in his ears and he wondered if you could faint from panic.
“…made me so weak, but it was the blue that got me, and threw me into the deep. And I wished he was mine, that night we –“
The video stopped. Rhett felt numb as he stared at Link’s long, slender fingers on the space bar.
“Oh, this one!” Link said as if he knew what he was talking about. “God, Rhett, you really didn’t know how to use your voice back then,” Link said with an affable laughter, playfully nudging Rhett’s side. Even as confused and panicked as Rhett felt, he realized that Link was trying to save him. He forced out a laugh that sounded more like a hoarse cackle.
The interviewer was watching them like a hawk and Rhett saw his hand move towards the laptop. Finally, Rhett’s self-preservation instincts kicked in, and he slammed the laptop closed. The interviewer almost got his hand caught inside it and jerked back. Rhett smiled at him, trying to look playful, but feared that his expression was probably more on the manic side. He coughed and let out a measured chuckle.
“Well, that was a blast from the past. Yeah, a friend of ours wanted to surprise her boyfriend with a song. But she wasn’t much of a composer, so Link and I helped her with that. She wrote the lyrics.”
“Oh,” the interviewer said, his face falling. “So, this was not about–?”
“You know what?” Link interrupted him. “I think Sarah is still with the guy.”
“Really? That’s nice. Good for her. They were a lovely couple,” Rhett mused.
“Okay. Well, I guess, that’s all…” the interviewer barely got out before Rhett was already getting up and with a hasty goodbye rushed to the door. Link followed close behind him as they left the conference room the hotel had provided for them. Jenna could barely keep up with them as they strode to the elevators.
Rhett was stealing glances at Link all the way up to their floor, wondering if he’d heard enough to know. If he’d made the connection. If he finally knew. But Link was closed off, no emotion showing on his face. A slight twitch at the corner of his lips was the only thing Rhett could see, but it told him nothing.   
When the elevator doors opened, Link walked past Rhett, colliding with Rhett’s side with surprising force. Rhett was pushed aside by him and had to rub his arm that had gotten a sharp jab from Link’s elbow. There was no apology and the panic Rhett had felt when the video started playing gripped him again.
“Do you want me to order you guys some dinner?” Jenna asked as she followed Link out of the elevator. She’d been looking at her phone and missed Link’s strangely violent departure.
“Ummm. I think we’ll just order some room service and head to bed. Long day,” Rhett mumbled, distracted by his pounding heart and Link’s receding back.
“Okay. See you tomorrow,” Jenna chirped and turned the other way to head to her room. 
Link was already inside their room when Rhett reached the open door. He followed in gingerly. Link was standing at the far end of the room, trying to get his jean jacket off with angry tugs. His whole body was strung tight – muscles tense and posture abnormally straight. He was about to go off. Rhett could see it clear as day. 
Link knew. 
Rhett’s knees almost bucked and with shaky legs, he sat on the edge of his bad. There was no other explanation. Link had realized who the song was about. Rhett pushed his hands against his thighs, trying to rid the sticky sweat that was gathering on his palms.
“Link, I – I’m sorry. I should’ve told you. I…” he started. Link whipped around. His mouth was a tight line and his eyes blazed with anger.
“I can’t – I just can’t believe it! How long have you…? All these years… And to find out like that!“ Link’s voice was rising and there was a shrill edge to it.
“I should’ve told you. I know that. But you gotta understand… The way we were raised – You know how it was back then. And you… You were so – I thought if I told you…”
“You’re my best friend! You have been that for the past thirty-five years! You honestly thought you couldn’t confide in me?! I – Fuck, Rhett. I don’t even know… Who are you?” Link whispered, voice cracking. Rhett got up and stepped towards him.
Link threw his jacket on the floor with a thud, covered his mouth with his hand and rushed past Rhett, pushing him out of the way.
“I’m sorry! I am. But I thought – Link, please wait. Let me explain!” Rhett called after him. Link stopped with his hand on the doorknob. His posture was hunched and his whole body trembled as a sob ripped its way out of him.
“Who was it?” His voice was barely a whisper, and Rhett was sure he’d heard him wrong.
“Who was it?” Link repeated, louder, turning around and staring at Rhett with a pained expression. “Who was the guy with the moon kissed lips? Did you – ?” Link’s voice cracked and his eyes slipped closed. “Did you just kiss him or was there more?”
Rhett stared at Link, mouth hanging open. Link thought…
“No. Wait, Link, no! I wasn’t – there wasn’t…”
“Just tell me. Was it someone I know? I need to know.”
“Please sit down.”
Link still stood at the door, eyes closed, trembling. “Tell me,” he repeated.
“I will,” Rhett promised. “Just sit down”
Link moved slowly, dragging his feet, avoiding Rhett’s gaze and sat on his bed. Rhett took a deep breath and grabbed his guitar.
“What are you –?” Link tried to ask but Rhett silenced him with a hand gesture.
“Just listen.” He strummed the guitar, trying to remember the chords. The lyrics were etched into his mind. He would have no trouble remembering those. That stupid song. Why had he ever uploaded it into the internet was still beyond him. Link shifted on the bed, opening his mouth, about to say something but when Rhett began to sing he fell silent and listened.
“It was like ice burning
In the dead of the night
It was the blue that made me fall
The blue of his eyes
Lips red and moon kissed
Made me so weak
But it was the blue that got me
And threw me into the deep
And I wished – oh how I wished
He was mine
That night we drank
Our strawberry wine
You said it had a bite
That it burned oh, so bright
I laughed and agreed
But, baby, I lied
Because no amount of wine
Could match the burn
Of my wish, oh how I yearn
That one day
You could be mine
After that night
All I wished from my life
Was that one day
You would be mine
The blue of his eyes still burns
Oh so bright.
Years have gone by
And I’m still by his side
Even though he’s not mine
The torch that I carry
Still has a flame as bright
As it was that night
And baby,
I still wish you were mine
Just like that night
When we drank
The bottle of sweet
Strawberry wine”
Rhett settled his palm over the strings of the guitar to silence it and slowly lifted his gaze to Link.
“Oh,” Link whispered, lips parted and eyes round.
Link got up and walked to the huge picture window showcasing a view of the city lights. Rhett put away the guitar and sat back down on his bed. He tried to find words. Something to say, to explain. But what else was there to say? Nothing. Now Link knew, and Rhett just had to deal with whatever the consequences would be.
The silence stretched and Rhett got lost in his memories. When Link finally spoke, it jarred Rhett into the present, making him jump and kick-starting his heart into an anxious flutter. 
“The wine was horrible,” Link said. Rhett chuckled.
“It was.”
“I almost kissed you that night.”
Rhett’s heart missed a beat. 
“What?” He’d gotten up without realizing it. Link’s back was still turned. Rhett walked up to him and with trembling hand pulled on his arm to make him turn.
“Please, say that again,” Rhett whispered. Link still refused to look at him, his gaze firmly trained on the burgundy carpet of the hotel room.
“I’d wanted to, for years. And I almost did. But…” He finally lifted his gaze and looked Rhett in the eyes.
“But?” Rhett coaxed him on.
“I was a coward. I was afraid of rejection… Of losing you. I –” Link’s voice broke and he turned his face away again. Rhett gently grabbed his chin and lifted it up. Link’s eyes were glistening with a film of tears and he gave Rhett a small, apologetic smile. One lone tear spilled over and rolled down his cheek. Rhett brushed it away and with a trembling voice said:
“We were both cowards.” 
Rhett cupped Link’s cheek and his thumb slowly brushed along Link’s lower lip. Link’s lips parted and he let out a stuttering gasp. Rhett wondered if the beating of Link’s heart was as wild as his was. They stood close, bodies almost touching. Link closed his eyes for a beat and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, their icy flare almost burned a hole into Rhett’s stomach.  
“I’m not a coward anymore,” Link whispered before grabbing Rhett’s collar and rising on his tiptoes. 
And as their lips met for the first time, Rhett could have sworn that there was a faint taste of strawberry wine.
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lovelyrhink · 4 years
more R/J/L inspired by convos with @secondhand-watermelon ❤︎
rhett sends link a text message late at night and link responds immediately asking what's up rhett sends back a single photo of jessie stark naked and tied to the master bed, all spread open with a thick toy plugging her up and post-it on her tit that says "missing link"
link sits up in bed and flees downstairs to the living room. christy remains sleeping
Oh baby don't stop
he and jessie and rhett have been having their own thing going on for a while now, independent of christy. she doesn't know that they hang out, sit up drinking wine together that jessie sits wedged between them. that she flirts like a maniac at both of them. they tease each other about being hot, and frisky, and sneaky. they like having their own throuple
That is just the epitome of my favorite rhink family dynamic
weeks ago, before quarantine, rhett and link went to rhett's house after work to hang out with jessie. it's so natural for them, and link loves being there. he loves having the mclaughlins over of course, but when he and rhett meet up with jessie... they sit too close. flirt too much. say things they shouldn't. and on the friday before california called shelter in place, jessie took things a little too far
I bet it feels so exciting like they're young and flirting with each other and not 40 and married
they'd been talking about the rhink fans thinking rhett and link are fucking. jessie jokes that they should be, that they'd like it. "everyone knows it," she says. "y'all should fuck." they laughed, but then jessie sipped her wine and her eyes went dark. "or kiss. right now." she leaned into them. "kiss each other, right now." link's sitting downstairs now, alone in the dark living room. it's past midnight and he's remembering the night, the kiss. and the other kiss.
OMG she's so confident and commanding I'm in love
link kissed rhett that night. and jessie. and he got hard, and breathed on her mouth that he wanted to fuck her. and he kissed her at midnight but went home at 12:03, leaving questions unanswered between the three of them link wants to fuck jessie. his whole body screams for her whether she's beside him and rhett or not. he thinks about her, thinks about rhett with her. so when he gets this text, link knows rhett's taken the first step. it's really happening. link's staring at the image. he hasn't responded. rhett's text bubble appears typing, then he sends: she wants you real bad, brother link's body shrieks with heat and his dick throbs where it pokes his pajamas
Oh God the breathing against her mouth. And then the use of the name brother I'm dead
I miss her, Link writes back he knows it's a game. they've acutely avoided not talking about their kiss. leaning into wanting jessie is a stepping stone towards wanting each other, and link wants it. but he can only sin in one way at a time and fucking his best friend's wife without the consent of his own is bad enough
DAMN they can only sin in one way at a time OOF
rhett texts back: she misses you. link writes: if we weren't separated right now, i'd be there with both of you rhett sends another photo. jessie's on her knees, ankles bound, wrists tied to the headboard. she's looking over her shoulder, and link can see everything. his mouth waters stop teasin' me, link texts. he can't breathe how much you wanna bet you're not touching yourself yet, rhett writes
What a Rhett thing to say I love it
link groans. he plants his feet on the carpet and shoves his hand down his pants he squeezes hard with his right hand and angles his camera phone with the other, snapping a photo of his tented pajamas and hand down his pants, groping somewhere rhett can't see it's fucking huge. lengthy she wants to grab your dick, says rhett link waits, can feel his heartbeat in his throat and his meat
It's the first dick pic that link has ever sent in his life
YEAH IT'S THE FIRST ONE and not even his bare dick
Jessie's attraction to him is so validating
link doesn't jerk, just holds it. waits and so do i, rhett adds
Rhett’s attraction to him is like nothing else in the world
link almost chokes on his body's reaction to that before he does something he regrets, he abandons the living room and runs outside, around the back of the house it's cold outside but his whole body is hot he kneels in the wet grass behind his house and fumbles with trembling fingers he calls rhett
Link goes around the side of the house under the open night sky after Rhett texts him that pic of Jessie because he’d rather be caught by the neighbors jerking off than have his wife overhear what he says through the phone He goes as far from his bedroom as he can, calls rhett and waits with shaky breaths. Squatted in the grass “Hey.” “Put your mouth on her.” Link hears a surprised soft whimpering and a fumbling. He hears Jessie call sweetly, “Hey baby, what’d he say- oh....” and Link goes hot as coals
omg more yay
He shoves one hand into his pants and grips the phone with the other, straining to hear the soft noises of Rhett’s tongue flicking her
He starts tugging himself in quick strokes as Rhett makes soft moaning sounds, and jessie joins him, and then link’s moaning, and he’s burning, and he needs to see it “Take a picture, Rhett,” he commands. “Then give the phone to J - Jessie.” Waves of arousal overcome him as he says their names with his hand in his PJ’s He waits, then looks to see the photo rhett sends Held out like a selfie but he’s not looking, beardy jaw and handsome profile, mouth buried in his wife Jessie’s so hot, the part of her body that shows. Her dark pubic hair and smooth olive skin. Link wants to touch her taut belly, her hips. Wants to shove rhett outta the way and get his tongue on her pinkness instead He puts it back to his ear and grunts through the phone, “fuck, looks so good. Jess, Jess, lemme- needa see him...” Another few photos. Some blurry, with Jessie’s finger in the shot Then a  “Sorry” and another one Crystal clear, Rhett’s mouth ‘tween her thighs, hands on her waist, green gray eyes looking right at Link Link makes a weird horny house and cries into the night, nearly dropping the phone It’s so fucking hot. He’s so fucking hot. Wants to be there, with both of them. Nobody knowing but them what Jessie tastes like, feels like Link trains his eyes on Rhett in the photo, blush stained cheeks. He jerks himself for a while, more sensitive, tingly and shameful than he’s ever been He gives them a moment, hearing Jessie’s hips grinding her pussy on Rhett’s mouth. Can hear the slick sounds, and Rhett’s muffled moans “I’m so close...” he whispers And it’s jessie who replies, phone now on her chest somewhere. Link can hear her hard breaths and her heartbeat if he imagines he can She groans, “gonna finish ya,” And a few seconds later Link gets a video Jessie’s thighs spread, one hand fisted in Rhett’s curls Rocking her hips up to meet Rhett’s mouth - and Rhett, moving. Flicking his tongue. Swiveling his head. Grunting, sucking. Seeing rhett like this - what he’s really like when licking Jessie deep - is more incredible than Link had ever imagined it, and she’s right - it finishes him He squeezes vicelike on his cock and trains his eyes on Rhett’s face, his quick pink mouth and handsome eyes - those eyes - Link sobs through the phone, “Rhett.....” and spills all over the wet grass  He slumps back against the house and breathes, listening to the remaining muffling moans through the phone “Yes, oh yesssss,” he hisses, hot stinging cock cooling in the night air. He hadn’t even remembered taking it out of his pants, he was so into it
F U C K. My car is reading this like an erotic audiobook
Link listens as Rhett finishes Jessie with his mouth, idly swirling a fingertip On his bellybutton as if he’s rubbing Jessie’s swollen, mouth-fucked clit All three of them make noises when Jessie comes, and Link burns so fiercely for the couple not 10 doors down
Oh what a beautiful image that is, Link in the moonlight fucked out and pretending like he's still a part of it He wants to be in their bed sad emoji
When the heat settles, Link aches for not having them there. The night air is cold around him, unforgiving truth, and the chill of alone sets into his bones. He whispers to the lovers on the line his thanks, and that he’ll talk to them soon, and hangs up quick as the guilt sets in He tucks his cock back into his Pajamas and stands on bare feet, trembling legs. He escapes his hideaway as if he’s not damp, muddy, and sweaty with lust, and returns to the house  Link turns off his phone and takes a late night shower. In the morning, when he turns his phone back on, the slutty photos remind him with the proof that it wasn’t merely a dream  The end
Fucking incredible You should post that
Yes ma’am
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
Counsel Me (week’s end - Day 7)
Author: afangirlsplaylist
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Emotions and angst, infidelity, emotional infidelity.
Chapter: 9/?
Word Count: 3,577
Summary: When Rhett and Link’s friendship hits a breaking point they turn to a therapist, who proposes a difficult idea. Very loosely prompted by THIS.
Read it on archiveofourown
Just being in Rhett’s presence had the crew jittery and on edge. The tension was practically pouring off him as he auto-piloted his way through meetings and downed two plates of pasta for lunch. He watched the clock all day like the hands were about to grow limbs and walk off the face of it, focused on nothing but the passing hours. He’d groan occasionally at how slow it seemed to be passing, craning his head to look so often he appeared to have a tick. Between his beard and his growls of disappointment, he looked even more wild than usual.
"Hey, Chase," Rhett called over his shoulder when he got particularly frustrated. "Are there  batteries in this thing?"
Chase smiled in amusement as he looked up at the perfectly working clock. "There are definitely batteries in there."
Rhett mouthed something that might've been a curse before getting up, hoping that moving would give him the illusion of keeping busy.
Stevie dealt with his impatience for a solid four hours before she finally got sick of listening to it, and Rhett was impressed she’d even lasted that long. If it had been him, he thought, he probably would’ve told himself to shut up hours ago. In fact, if his head had been on earth at the time he might’ve laughed at such a small person practically shoving his 6 ft 7 body out the door of his own studio. He managed to grab his guitar on his way out when she suggested it, not wanting to be a total monster.
"Go work on some songs or something."
It wasn’t until he’d slipped into his car that Rhett realized he didn’t know where to go. The thought of going home made him want to turn around and walk right back into the studio, but hiding out from Stevie in his office all day wasn’t inviting either. Tapping on his wheel thoughtfully, his mind wandered of its own accord to the calming image of crashing waves and soft sand. He was reminded strongly of the all night long shoot, and of them standing by the water and waiting for the sun to go down. As exhausting as the rest of the night was he couldn’t remember ever feeling so peaceful.
Without consciously planning on it, he drove off - letting his internal GPS guide him to Santa Monica. It was a strange choice since it wasn’t a beach he spent a lot of time at, but he was never one to go against fate. 
Most of the locals were still at work but that didn't stop the steady throng of tourists coming to the beach in droves. Not wanting to be noticed, Rhett wore his hat low and made himself look as small as possible, on the off chance that he'd be recognized. His guitar didn't help, since people had come to expect street performers out by the beach, and there was only so much he could do when his height was so distinctive. But it seemed to work until he found a secluded section of beach and settled onto the sand.
The air and the ocean went right through his nose, ears and mouth and then straight up to his head - blissfully clearing it. All he could see, even in a place as beautiful and busy as this, were the two brunettes of his life right at the front of his mind.
He told himself this headspace outing - as Carole liked to call it, wasn’t about choosing. Yet he couldn’t help imagining both of their laughs in his head, or the idea of wrapping his fingers around locks of her hair versus running them through Links. Her lips and his sharp jaw. Her curves and his broad shoulders. His marriage and their history… because that’s what it came down to. Two oaths, two histories, two loves, and two different kinds of family.
Link had been with him forever, and their bond was arguably deeper and definitely longer than his with Jessie. There were parts of himself that he’d shared with Link that Jessie could never be part of, and then now… there was more.
Yet she was his family in a way Link had never been, and it was her that he saw whenever he looked into Locke and Shepherd’s eyes. She had the same wit, humour and rebellious spirit that Link did - like two flaming fireballs. Except they both burned far apart and if he got too close to one he’d be scalded.
Grabbing his guitar from beside him, he let his fingers strum on autopilot. At first the chords weren't from any particular song at all - but, after a while, it began to sound like the melody of an old, abandoned song of theirs. Surprised he could remember it so clearly, a new verse fell into his head before he could stop it.
He didn’t dare sing what was in his head aloud - but he hummed, mouthed and imagined it as clearly as if he was singing it out loud anyway.
Let me tell you about a dream I had last night
where you were mine and I was yours.
He could practically see and hear Link sitting on the sand, backing him up as easily as ever. “What else happened?”
You became a lover
“and I became yours”. He heard Link sing again in his head.
I held and had you like before
and then, oh baby, so much more.
He was now so lost in the music that his fingers seemed to move across his guitar on their own, as if they’d sung this song together just yesterday.
Then choices were undone
“How many?” Link piped up in his head.
“Just one.” Rhett imagined himself singing back.
It was simple and easy,
not dysfunctionally unpretty.
Except it wasn’t simple, functional or pretty, Rhett reminded himself. In actuality, it was a tangled mess of a love affair, bound to only get messier at the end of this day. His mind disrupted again - his fingers stopped moving and he put the music in his head aside along with that image of him and Link on the beach.
It was Link that had decided on midnight, making it clear he wasn’t about to sleep on this again. They’d thrown the whole thing out the window two days ago, but no one else was to know that if they could help it. Having Link back was something no phone call or heated near quickie could imitate, and if he had anything to say about it, they were damn well not going to wait a minute more than they had to after the end of this experiment.
The appeal of the beach gone, Rhett gave up on the day and slipped away through the crowd, finally heading home to wait out the day.
Link wasn’t faring any better. He fought against his own will for the better part of twenty-four hours, but he only lasted until 10:00 pm before he left the house. Partly because he was impatient, but mostly because Christy grew sick of watching him sit around fidgeting and sipping back coffee after coffee.
The face of his watch read 10:20 by the time he pulled up to the studio, putting his car in park and tipping his seat back a fraction. The night was bright and breezy so he wrapped his cardigan more snugly around himself as he looked up at the full moon and stars. The cliche romanticism of it all wasn’t lost on him as he lay there, but he couldn’t deny the excitement. He tried seeking out his own star to pass the time, locking onto one of the brightest he could see.
He remembered sitting on the hood of his car in this same parking spot, just before one of his birthdays. They’d dunk and sunk a couple of beers in the moonlight, enjoying a private celebration before Link was overwhelmed by other family and friends on his actual birthday.
“That’s your one right there,” Rhett said, sounding certain as he pointed out the brightest star in sight.
“You know there are specific coordinates that come with those things right?” Link teased,
“Humour me,” Rhett protested, and there was a tinge of seriousness in his voice that made Link follow his finger, admiring the star as his own.
“We need to get you one.” Link commented, frowning up at the sky.
Rhett laughed. “You got me the redwoods, that’s enough ain’t it?”
“Yeah but you can’t have mine up there without yours.” Link argued. “That’s like… going against the universe or something.”
Rhett took his eyes off the stars and looked at his friend instead, pondering him long enough for Link to feel the stare.
“What?” Link demanded.
“You just admitted your star needs me.” Rhett teased.
Link rolled his eyes and lay back on his car’s hood “You’re a dork.”
“Weak sap.” Rhett shot back, though he smiled warmly as he said it.
Neither of them were in a hurry to end the private celebration that night. No matter when they moved from their spots on Link’s car, there was only stress and hustle waiting. So they dragged out the last sips of beer and enjoyed it for as long as they could.
Link figured he must have dozed off watching the stars because it seemed like no time at all before he was jerked awake by the headlights of Rhett’s car. Rhett seemed in a hurry too, because he tore into the nearest car park and was out before Link had the chance to rip his seat belt off himself with trembling fingers. It was stupid considering he saw his friend almost every day for the past couple of decades, but he couldn’t help his heart thumping at the sound of Rhett’s footsteps getting closer.
He leaned over and shoved the door open for him when Rhett got close, waiting impatiently for his friend to clamber his giant body inside.
“Hey.” Rhett said awkwardly,
Link offered him a small smile, gulping for air as his eyes stayed glued to what he could see of Rhett’s face. “Hey.”
There was silence while Link set about memorizing every inch of his friend. From the specific way his hair curled to the scent of that familiar cologne.
"Nice night, huh?” Rhett asked awkwardly.
Link laughed so hard his eyes started to water, clutching the dashboard of his car for support. “You serious?”
“It's gotta better than the four lanes line.” Rhett mocked.
Link groaned. “I was young, shut up.”
They grinned at each other in the darkness until the spell wore off and they were hit by reality again. They were sitting in a car in their studio carpark - with plans to do and say god knows what. It only took a moment for Link to notice that Rhett wasn’t smiling anymore, but was instead biting his lip nervously.
“Wow, Rhett.” Link breathed.“I haven’t seen you this nervous since you started dating…”
The expression on Rhett’s face made him cut off his sentence, swallowing the end of it hard. In apology he leaned across his seat and rested his head on Rhett’s shoulder, settling it there comfortingly like he had in Buddy System.  
“Sorry, man.” Link said sincerely, clasping Rhett’s hand that had moved to his shoulder.
“It’s fine, you aren’t wrong,” Rhett admitted.
He allowed them a few minutes of bliss in the quiet of the car, much like Link’s birthday, before he had to pull away.
“So do you know what we’re doing here tonight?” Rhett questioned, blinking rapidly at the intensity with which Link was now staring at him. “Because -”
Link cut him off by pulling him in abruptly by the fabric of his jacket, kissing him deeply. Rhett’s hands hung in the air like he didn’t know what to do with them before they eventually fell to the sides of Link’s neck, holding him close. Rhett braced himself with one hand on the dash to stop himself from falling into Link, even as he wanted nothing more than to melt into him.
“Come inside,” Rhett pleaded, his voice low and quiet with desire.
Link nodded against his forehead and pressed a final kiss to his lips before breaking away, allowing himself to be lead out of their parking lot.
After all this time there was no need to tell each other where they were going. As one, their tall frames seemed to glide towards the studio’s back entrance, meeting under the security light by the door.
Not willing to lose contact, Rhett kept a hand on the small of Link’s back as he punched their security code into the keypad. When it was open he led Link inside, catching his lips again.
Their lips and bodies stayed connected as they moved through their building like they were christening the place all over again. Link dropped his cardigan near the seats in the lobby; Rhett lost his shirt somewhere near the crew’s lockers, and his jacket was hanging off a banister on the stairs. Somehow Rhett had the presence of mind to remind himself they’d have to pick those up later, even as he felt Link sucking at his lips.
They found a hundred new ways to say each other’s names that night - something they used to think was near impossible. Growing up they’d screamed each other’s names from the stands of basketball and soccer games. They’d used them to scold each other for loose lips around their children. Then this past month they’d screamed them in anger enough times to leave their voices hoarse.
But never had they moaned them as their lips found each other’s necks and bodies. Never had they whimpered them in tearful need as Link’s tongue ran teasing circles along Rhett’s stomach, or as Rhett slowly massaged Link’s lower back and pressed it gently into the mattress of the loft bed. They couldn’t say they’d ever yelled them in intense pleasure as they clasped hands, holding tight to the newly regained contact as Rhett fucked up into Link’s body.
It was inevitable that the sex was impatient and needy. The repressed emotions of decades made them want nothing more than to take each other with no reservations, experienced or not. But they couldn’t help the feeling that it would cheapen the moment. So against their own urges, it was slow and lingering, taking the time to explore this new dimension to their relationship. They didn’t say each other's names at all as they came, seeing no need now that they had found each other again.
The music of the night came to a slow fading halt ending on their office couch. The usual hustle and bustle of crew members passing by their office asking for things was gone, as was the hum of business they could typically hear right outside their door.
“Did we really just do that?” Link asked in shock.
Rhett grinned and leaned over to briefly press his lips to a spot of skin just under his goozle that he now knew drove Link crazy. “I’d say so.”
Link just stared off into the distance and lay back in his seat on the couch, attempting to collect himself. Both of them could feel the pull of exhaustion attempting to claim them but neither of them had any plan on ending the night here.
“I’m going to go get us some coffee.” Rhett offered, rising from the couch slowly.
“You don’t drink coffee now.” Link reminded him.
Rhett’s widened his eyes and rubbed at his temples tiredly. “I do tonight.”
In his current state Link couldn’t argue, so he made no move to stop him.
“You know what I want?” He asked weakly.
Rhett didn’t bother to answer and just waved his hand dismissively, already heading out the door. The truth was he’d memorized things as trivial as Link’s coffee order at least a decade ago. It was simply knowledge you had to know about a person - just like their birthday or their phone number.
Drawing on the last bits of energy he had Rhett gathered the pieces of clothing they’d left behind on their way in, throwing them over his shoulder on his way to the empty breakroom.
He’d never been afraid of the dark but he still didn’t like the dark emptiness of the place at this hour - so he threw the two coffees together as quickly as he could and brought them carefully up the stairs to their office.
Link sat up straighter when Rhett walked in and eyed his cup like he was lusting after it, almost failing to notice when Rhett went to throw their clothes in a corner. It wasn’t until Rhett caught Link’s raised eyebrow that he folded them haphazardly and laid them on a chair.
“Oh, sweet caffeinated heaven.” Link groaned, gratefully taking his cup when Rhett held it out.
A smile played across Rhett’s face as he watched Link take a long lingering gulp of the hot beverage, catching Link doing the same when he took a sip of his coffee.
“You look different.” Link said thoughtfully.
“Good different or bad different?” Rhett asked. “You can’t tell me you don’t like this now.“
Link rolled his eyes, grabbing one of the small cushions beside him and throwing it at him. He sighed as he sat back and took several more sips of his coffee, hoping he’d imagined the next words out of Rhett’s mouth.
“You know we’ll have to tell ‘em right?”
The smile dropped from Link’s face as Rhett’s words brought him crashing back down to reality. “Do we have to have that conversation tonight?”
“We don’t have to but we’re going to anyway so....” Rhett trailed off, placing his mug on a side table and tugging Link into his chest.
"What do you think we should expect?” Link asked.
“Well.” Rhett pressed his chin into Link’s hair as he thought about it. “In a way, I don’t think they’ll be surprised. Furious, but not surprised.”
“You make it sound so simple.” Link complained.
Rhett snorted, reaching over to brush his hands gently through Link’s hair. “Nothing about this is simple.”
Link chuckled dryly. “You got that right.”
It was a moment before he could say what he was really worried about, as Christy’s face entered his mind.“What if they hate us?”
Rhett’s mood plummeted as he imagined the very real possibility. Images of Jessie throwing the door in his face floating around in his mind. They were quickly followed by a horrible image of Link, red and teary eyed - throwing a door in his face and yelling at him about ruining everything.
“Do you think she could ever hate you?” Rhett asked.
Now it was Link’s turn to picture the worst, remembering a phone flying at his face on their worst fight. Ironically, it wasn’t too far from how this week had started with that shattered mug. “For a while, yeah." Link admitted.
“A while isn’t forever,” Rhett assured him. “And it’s definitely not tonight.”
“That’s true.” Link said quietly.
Yet neither of them seemed to talk about it any longer, lying awake in comfortable companionship until the sun started to rise.
They’d seen many a sunrise together but something about this one was different. Link thought maybe it was because he’d never had the chance to see what Rhett looked like in the morning - with the happy glow of sex illuminated by dusty sunlight.
Or maybe it was because he was in territory that was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. The memories made that night had added a whole new dimension to their space and the light of dawn peeking through the blinds on their office window made it feel weirdly homely. Even Rhett’s arms, which had held and clasped him plenty of times before, felt more intimate wrapped around him now.
It felt right, and Link was suddenly overcome by a desire to know if it did to Rhett too.
"Would you go back?"
Rhett's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Back to what?"
"To before we happened." Link elaborated. "Would you go back?"
It depends on which ‘we’ you're talking about, Rhett thought. The we that met in Ms. Locklear's class, the we that had kissed in their hallway a couple of days ago - or the we of tonight. No matter which it was, the answer was the same.
"If you wanted me to I could."
Link looked him down sternly. “That's not what I asked. That’s what you’d do for me."
Rhett shrugged.  "It’s what I said in the email isn’t it?"
Link frowned and got up off the couch, turning his back to give himself some space. Rhett stared after him but didn’t get up to follow.
"You want the honest answer?" He asked.
"Of course I want the honest freaking answer!" Link exclaimed without looking at him.
Rhett thought about everything he'd gone through that week and how he felt about Link now. Link, the 6ft - male exception to his usually girl crazy heart.
"I don't think I could." He said quietly.
Link turned back to him, his arms still folded tightly around his chest. Sighing deeply, he nodded. “Thank you.”
It was several seconds, or maybe several lifetimes before Link asked his next question.
"So what do we do?"
Notes: Let Me Tell You About A Dream I Had Last Night is an unreleased Rhett and Link song. They played on the Ear Biscuit Our Song Writing Process I wrote some extra lyrics for this chapter.
Special thanks to @withasideofcrazy for serving as a beta and supporting me while I finished this monster of a chapter.
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Incognito - part 2
By popular demand, here’s part 2 of the dating app ficlet turned into chaptered fic. If you missed it, you can read the first part here. ---
BlueEyes78: Sorry! My battery died, took me a while to find my charger.
Link lied. He wasn’t about to write that he’d spent the last five minutes trying to figure out whether he’d just made his best friend cum.
PaddleBoardMe: Oh! Okay. I thought maybe you didn’t like my pic ;)
BlueEyes78: No! It was definitely hot.
PaddleBoardMe: Good. And since you’re new to this, a pointer. It’s advisable to keep your phone either charged or near a charger while sexting. It’s not nice getting cockblocked by technology. :D
BlueEyes78: Goop point! Thanks for the tip. :) I need to get to sleep though, sorry.
PaddleBoardMe: Oh yeah, me too. This was fun. Maybe we could do this again sometime?
Link’s stomach flipped. What was he supposed to say to that? Yes please, but first I have to make sure you’re not the most important person in my life? Link had never thought about Rhett in that way. Well, never was a strong word. There might have been an errant thought once in a while. Rhett was so goddamn leggy; those thighs of his could make anyone salivate. But Link had always been quick to chase those thoughts away. Their friendship was purely that: a friendship. Link didn’t want any sexual tension materializing and messing it all up. But just in case Mr. Paddleboard wasn’t Rhett.
BlueEyes78: Sounds good.
PaddleBoardMe: Nice : ) Good night. Sweet dreams.
BlueEyes78: You too.
Link kept staring at the photo. He had to be wrong. He had to be imagining things. Why would Rhett be in a dating app hooking up with men? Link slipped off the bed, quickly cleaned himself up in the bathroom and returned to the bedroom with his laptop. They were constantly shirtless in GMM. Link was wracking his brain trying to remember when was the last time Rhett had been unclothed. The swimsuits through the decades episode! Rhett had lost and had to wear that old swimsuit, the blue bottoms. Link opened Twitter and scrolled to the picture. He held up his phone next to it and tried to compare, but the angle was all wrong and the bottoms actually came up pretty high on his stomach.
Link scrolled down hoping to find something else and finally came to the video of them washing the flooring. It was a few years old but at least, in it Rhett’s belly was in full display. He squinted and turned his phone trying to make a definitive decision. His heart was beating out of his chest. 
It was Rhett. It had to be Rhett. 
It wasn’t Rhett. There was no way it was Rhett. 
Link groaned and threw his phone on the bed. He slammed the laptop closed and pushed it away. His head hit the pillow and he closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing.
“Okay, let’s think about this logically,” he said out loud and immediately felt stupid. This whole thing was making him lose his mind. There had never been anything hinting at Rhett being gay. Link would know, right? It just had to be someone who looked a lot like Rhett – a tummy-double. And if it was Rhett… Well, they’d just talk it over. Neither of them had known. It was not like Link had purposefully sought Rhett out and tricked him into it!
Link scrambled for his phone and opened the app again. He went back to Mr. Paddleboard’s profile and read it with a new set of eyes. There was nothing exactly condemning but there were lots of little things that could be considered hints. Mr. Paddleboard liked camping. He liked to eat. He was taller than average. He dreamt of going on a sailing trip. All of these were things that applied to Rhett. But all were also things that probably thousands of men had in common. Link bit his lip. Maybe he could prod a bit. He tapped back to their messages.
BlueEyes78: Hey, did you go to sleep already?
The reply came almost instantly.
PaddleBoardMe: Not yet. You miss me already? ;)
BlueEyes78: Haha! Kinda. Can I ask you something?
PaddleBoardMe: Sure.
BlueEyes78: Do you do this kind of thing a lot
PaddleBoardMe: I mean... What’s a lot?
Link realized he sounded a bit judgmental. He didn’t want to insult Mr. Paddleboard, regardless of whether he was Rhett or not.
BlueEyes78: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that as it might have sounded. Just meant that I gather you’ve done this before?
PaddleBoardMe: Yeah. Not in this app. You’re my first here. ;) But other ones, sure.
BlueEyes78: Do you meet up with guys too? In person?
Link waited. He was sitting on the edge of the bed now, leg bouncing against the floor. If this was Rhett, what kind of answer was Link expecting? He’d never spent that much time thinking about Rhett’s love life, let alone his sex life. Rhett’s occasional girlfriends were just kind of there, somewhere in the background. Sometimes they were nice and Link liked to spend time with them, sometimes he’d rather not. 
Link had definitely never thought about Rhett having sex with them. But now his mind filled with images of Rhett in compromising positions. Mr. Paddleboard seemed to be a bottom. Images of Rhett getting fucked by faceless men hit Link like a baseball bat in the chest and made him slightly nauseous. He mentally shook himself. Why was he reacting to the thought so viscerally? His phone lit up.
PaddleBoardMe: Sometimes. You vying for a date, baby?
Link blushed. That was not what he’d meant but he couldn’t deny that it was a fair deduction by Mr. Paddleboard. Maybe he should ask for a date. That would settle this once and for all. But the idea of setting up a date and going there and seeing Rhett… Link’s stomach lurched, and he had to close his eyes for a moment.
BlueEyes78: Just curious.
PaddleBoardMe: Nothing wrong with that. : ) I do meet up with folks sometimes. Not very often though. I don’t exactly want the word getting around…
Link perked up.
BlueEyes78: You don’t want people to find out you’re gay?
PaddleBoardMe: Bi actually, but yeah. I have kind of a public job.
Link’s heart shot into his throat. This had to be Rhett!
BlueEyes78: Really? What kind of job?
PaddleBoardMe: Maybe if we’ll meet up I’ll tell you. ; )
Link rubbed his neck and tried to think. He’d gotten so wrapped up in the thought that this was Rhett that he’d almost forgotten the possibility this was just a cool guy who possibly wanted to meet him. He didn’t want to miss a chance to get to know him if it turned out this wasn’t Rhett.
But it had to be Rhett, right? Link groaned and slammed his fist into the bed covers. His body was buzzing with nervous energy and he just needed to release it somehow.
BlueEyes78: I’m intrigued.
It had taken him a long time to answer and Mr. Paddleboard seemed to read into it.
PaddleBoardMe: But you’re not ready for a face-to-face? Or any other position for that matter? ;)
BlueEyes78: Yeah.
PaddleBoardMe: Don’t worry about it. There is no rush. And we can talk about normal stuff, we don’t have to just sext. I know we both chose the hook-up option but honestly, I’d really like to get to know you better. Your profile really piqued my interest.
A simmering heat pooled into Link’s belly and Link felt warm and almost like he was floating a few inches above the bed. It had been a long time since he’d felt like this; since he’d had a proper crush. God, please, don’t be Rhett... Be some other guy who happens to have Rhett’s stomach and similar interests and a similar job. I just wanted to explore a bit. I just wanted to dip my toe in the water. I just wanted something exciting and new. I didn’t want this mess.  
BlueEyes78: Yours too.
Link told the truth. He’d been instantly interested. But now he wondered if it was because he’d subconsciously seen the similarities to Rhett and that was the reason he’d felt a connection. Rhett was his partner, in more than one sense. Link loved him. They’d basically built a life together. They went to school together, they moved to L.A. together, they started a business together. They even lived in the same neighborhood. There was an implicit trust between them built by years of memories and a life shared. Rhett was honestly the best person Link knew. Even his flaws were endearing. Of course, he’d gravitate towards someone similar.
PaddleBoardMe: Really?
BlueEyes78: Yeah. I was really glad when I got matched with you. You were my first choice.
PaddleBoardMe: Making me blush hard here, baby blue.
Link smiled. A heat rose to his cheeks too. He had to stop this though. If this was Rhett…things were about to be real awkward between them.
BlueEyes78: Thanks for answering my stupid questions. I really got to go to sleep now.
PaddleBoardMe: Okay. Talk to you tomorrow?
BlueEyes78: Sure. Sleep tight.
PaddleBoardMe: I think I’ll dream of you.
Link bit his lip and closed his eyes. The butterflies in his stomach went crazy. Don’t be Rhett. Don’t be Rhett.
BlueEyes78: I’d like that.
PaddleBoardMe: Good night, baby blue.
BlueEyes78: Good night.
Link closed the app. He didn’t want to be tempted to stare at the photo anymore. He’d just ask Rhett tomorrow. He was probably imagining things. How ridiculous of a coincidence would that be if they’d actually met each other in a dating app? Unthinkable. It couldn’t happen. Mr. Paddleboard had to be someone else.
Link crawled between the sheets and closed his eyes. But he was too anxious to fall asleep. As sleep circled Link like a vulture waiting for a parched man to die, Link thought of Mr. Paddleboard. He thought of being with him. How he would stroke that undeniably gorgeous cock. How Mr. Paddleboard would be naked, slicked-up and opened for Link to play with as he pleased. How he would whimper and beg as Link pushed in. How his hips would rise in need to take Link deeper. How he would be moaning Link’s name as he came while his whole body shook and writhed. But what Link definitely didn’t admit to himself was the fact that in his fantasy Mr. Paddleboard was Rhett.
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