#i love these things. the coop. the wuh
juicezone · 7 months
hi!! can i ask 4, 12, and 13 for the agere character ask game for cooper and ward? :D
4: is their regression more voluntary or involuntary? do they ever regress without realizing it? ward's pretty much always voluntary! sometimes it's involuntary in a pos way (especially if cooper's regressed and he isn't, bc half the time if he sees someone regressed n he isn't, ward's brain gets punted into kid move |D)
cooper's more of a 70% voluntary, 30% involuntary (usually if he's regressing involuntarily, it's bc he's wicked overwhelmed, stressed, or like on the edge of barely being able to function) he's not always the most upfront abt being regressed tho, so 90% if the time if he's visibly regressed/looking small, its invol. they are a very private person
12: do they have any specific nicknames for when they regress? how about nicknames they've given to their caregiver(s) or friends? ward (his nicknames): -problem child, sweetheart, buddy boy, terror, pain in my rear {affectionate}, Raincloud, "Should call you Taz, you little devil tornado" (Bones) -any variation of kid/buddy/gneral nicknames are fine -(see cooper's list) -Weatherboy (Kirk) -Tester of Patience (Spock) ward (nicknames for others): -Len, (Bones) -Coop, Super Duper Cooper, Chomper, [STOP BITING ME} (Cooper) -Jimmy, Jim-Jam, (Kirk) - MR. SPOOOOOOOOOCK (loud and drawn out on purpose <3) (spock)
cooper (hisnicknames): -(see wards list) -Coop, sweetpea [10000% flusters Cooper. won't admit it, does love when McCoy calls him sweetpea. feels safe] , Baby boy, Puppy-love, (Bones) -Doesnt really like nicknames from others -secretly tolerant of any nickname Bones comes up with, refuses to admit it. cooper (nicknames for others): -Mickey [10000% only ever on accident. absolutely mortified if brought up when not major baby brain], Puppa [puppy-re cooper mode] (Bones) -annoying, {GROANS}, wuh (Ward) -not often one to use nicknames, he just feels akward and isnt sure if he's really close enough to give ppl nicknames even when small
13: what do they like to do when they're regressed? do they like to play pretend, watch tv/movies, color, etc.? ward likes to get even more up in Bones' personal space honestly thats his fav thing to do. otherwise he's down to watch (weather) documentaries/science cartoons, likes doing (kid safe) science stuff, sometimes Bones just takes him out into the holodecks and tells him to run himself silly because "you got the zoomies, kiddo. go on, go zoomie" if he's with Cooper, it's more relaxed a bit, but Ward does his best to bring them outta their shell and get cooper engaged in mischief. Also, he and jim are a force to be reckoned with when they're both regressed, and Bones and Spock (kirks CG) gotta keep a close eye on em. silence is not good for those two >:)
Cooper almost always intends to do low energy activities, or things he doesnt need help with. laying on a blanket watching a dinosaur cartoon or listening to a read aloud, dozing, just generally keeping to himself. sometimes lets himself be coaxed into ward's silly momence
PUPPY cooper however. 10000% energy. everything goes in their mouth. wants to be held or with someone 24/7. will whine and look so sad and puppy-dog eyes if having to be alone (even if its just getting up to go to the kitchen). Both Bones and Ward take advantage of this and play as much as possible bc non-puppy cooper is much more reserved about it and wont admit even when he does want something its the best when ward has zoomies and cooper's a puppy because they wear each other out so well and Bones gets a nice peaceful afternoon watching them <3
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eirian · 4 years
(body slams you) tell me some trunks or fu or funks headcanons
thank you so much
this got long so under the cut it goes
surprisingly i cant think of any trunks headcanons :( i need some... the only one i can think of is that his hair color comes from bulma’s blue + vegeta’s dark red and thats why its purple
i always jump at the opportunity to spill some fu headcanons tho so here’s some off the top of my head:
more specifically transmasc nonbinary but thats just me so
he’s also gay like you cannot hear him speak and tell me he doesnt like men
he was close with towa but god he had a rough relationship with mira. like, mira was probably hardly ever around and when he was he would just pressure him to train or something. never hugged him.  that kinda shit
although his main focus is energy science and the many uses of energy, he also likes to see how things work in general!  he doesnt believe in vivisection though so he generally just looks for already-dead things if he wants to dissect something
he also loves video games and junk food like any true gamer
this is also just me but i like to think he’s kinda pudgy. thats a super biased headcanon tho
he’s VERY friendly and seems super outgoing but in reality he coops himself up in his lab p much all the time unless he’s doing field work.  he doesnt rly have friends but he thinks its ok b/c he has his work to keep him occupied
he CAN disguise himself as a human but he like..never uses it lmao
thats all i can think of For Now but im sure i have more
funks headcanons...............
trunks obviously didnt trust fu at first but fu like...had no bad feelings about trunks at all LMAO.  sure he liked to prank him and stuff (he hacked into his transceiver and rick rolled him all the goddamn time) but he never took it to a dangerous or mean place
eventually trunks realized that fu was just some weirdo who spoke in memes and he decided to try being a little nicer to him and they became friends because of this
they met in secret a lot.  like..chronoa probably wouldnt have approved, they figured, so thats why
eventually trunks invited him to go to an amusement park on earth b/c fu had never been to one before and That is where they kind of realized “oh i really like this person”
fu eventually invites him to his lab and they hang out but thats where they have their first kiss and theyre just like wuh oh b/c that complicated things since trunks was in the time patrol and fu was technically on their wanted list
ok i kind of just described how they got together instead of headcanons so i apologize for that JSFDLK
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