#tysm friend :D!!!!!!
juicezone · 7 months
hi!! can i ask 4, 12, and 13 for the agere character ask game for cooper and ward? :D
4: is their regression more voluntary or involuntary? do they ever regress without realizing it? ward's pretty much always voluntary! sometimes it's involuntary in a pos way (especially if cooper's regressed and he isn't, bc half the time if he sees someone regressed n he isn't, ward's brain gets punted into kid move |D)
cooper's more of a 70% voluntary, 30% involuntary (usually if he's regressing involuntarily, it's bc he's wicked overwhelmed, stressed, or like on the edge of barely being able to function) he's not always the most upfront abt being regressed tho, so 90% if the time if he's visibly regressed/looking small, its invol. they are a very private person
12: do they have any specific nicknames for when they regress? how about nicknames they've given to their caregiver(s) or friends? ward (his nicknames): -problem child, sweetheart, buddy boy, terror, pain in my rear {affectionate}, Raincloud, "Should call you Taz, you little devil tornado" (Bones) -any variation of kid/buddy/gneral nicknames are fine -(see cooper's list) -Weatherboy (Kirk) -Tester of Patience (Spock) ward (nicknames for others): -Len, (Bones) -Coop, Super Duper Cooper, Chomper, [STOP BITING ME} (Cooper) -Jimmy, Jim-Jam, (Kirk) - MR. SPOOOOOOOOOCK (loud and drawn out on purpose <3) (spock)
cooper (hisnicknames): -(see wards list) -Coop, sweetpea [10000% flusters Cooper. won't admit it, does love when McCoy calls him sweetpea. feels safe] , Baby boy, Puppy-love, (Bones) -Doesnt really like nicknames from others -secretly tolerant of any nickname Bones comes up with, refuses to admit it. cooper (nicknames for others): -Mickey [10000% only ever on accident. absolutely mortified if brought up when not major baby brain], Puppa [puppy-re cooper mode] (Bones) -annoying, {GROANS}, wuh (Ward) -not often one to use nicknames, he just feels akward and isnt sure if he's really close enough to give ppl nicknames even when small
13: what do they like to do when they're regressed? do they like to play pretend, watch tv/movies, color, etc.? ward likes to get even more up in Bones' personal space honestly thats his fav thing to do. otherwise he's down to watch (weather) documentaries/science cartoons, likes doing (kid safe) science stuff, sometimes Bones just takes him out into the holodecks and tells him to run himself silly because "you got the zoomies, kiddo. go on, go zoomie" if he's with Cooper, it's more relaxed a bit, but Ward does his best to bring them outta their shell and get cooper engaged in mischief. Also, he and jim are a force to be reckoned with when they're both regressed, and Bones and Spock (kirks CG) gotta keep a close eye on em. silence is not good for those two >:)
Cooper almost always intends to do low energy activities, or things he doesnt need help with. laying on a blanket watching a dinosaur cartoon or listening to a read aloud, dozing, just generally keeping to himself. sometimes lets himself be coaxed into ward's silly momence
PUPPY cooper however. 10000% energy. everything goes in their mouth. wants to be held or with someone 24/7. will whine and look so sad and puppy-dog eyes if having to be alone (even if its just getting up to go to the kitchen). Both Bones and Ward take advantage of this and play as much as possible bc non-puppy cooper is much more reserved about it and wont admit even when he does want something its the best when ward has zoomies and cooper's a puppy because they wear each other out so well and Bones gets a nice peaceful afternoon watching them <3
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makaalpaca · 4 months
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Finished commission for @valkavavaart 💕
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skizabaa · 1 year
Every time I’m under the weather I always suddenly think ‘I wonder how this person is doing’. Your art is such a delight to see and I can never get enough of it, it’s as good as those buffets that cost my left kidney to eat in.
Here’s an actual question: Do you have a oc/character/design you’d favor to be drawn the most out of anything else? If so, which one?
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ANON THIS IS SO SWEET, THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS... you have now activated my trap card (asking about my ocs)
I don't share much about them outside of a few discords but here are a few I can think of first! From left to right there's: Draven Vesper - (He/They), Jay - (She/They), and Bruce - (He/They).
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I have tons more, with full cast of monster inspired & themed characters that were initially designed for either a comic and or potential game which has since been forever cast to the w.i.p pit. (might revisit it one day who knows)
BUT! To answer your question it would have to be Jay!
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Here's Her Artfight Page ref!
Short Description of Jay: A small bluejay aarakocra and life domain cleric! She worships a lunar goddess. They're kind soul with a interest in games, especially anything involving flying! They've journeyed through the material plane in search of a way back home. With friends met, a blood pact made, and secrets unraveled; she's finding her way through an unfamiliar world.
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cor-lapis · 2 years
Idk if you're still taking requests but!! Hu Tao finally getting to meet Beidou!! Fellow death kids 🤝
Or Adeptus Hu Tao, I fell in love with the concept and it's so funny omg
Also thank you for your hard work I always get a good near-maniacal laugh with your genshin comics 💕
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I'd need a bit more time to come up w a design for adeptus Hu Tao, but I really like the idea! I did Beidou's hangout recently too, and that's a really good prompt T_T I feel like they'd have a good amount to talk about and Beidou would see the less pranksterish side of Hu Tao pretty quickly
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nebulouscoffee · 9 months
I can't do the little emoji but for the ask game, what do you do when you get stuck writing?
Thanks so much! :)
Depends on why I'm stuck, I think - usually if a chapter just isn't inspiring me enough to write it, I assume it's probably going to be boring to read, too (I don't actually know whether this is true, but it's definitely a feeling I can't shake!) So what I usually do is mess with the format and/or framing a little lol. For example, I knew the climax of 'Pretenders' was going to be the secret agent holoprogram but with Garak playing Agent Bashir and Julian playing the villain, and all those messy emotions coming out the more and more they got into the roles- but apart from the entertainment value of some of the "lol look how cheesy this program is" jokes, I remember feeling like my outline for this chapter's events just wasn't interesting enough. I also wanted to convey that outside of the "play", Garak was trying to slip back into his old familiar role as an interrogator to escape feeling vulnerable, to try and regain control over this massive dissociation of the self while slowly heading for a mental breakdown- but I didn't want to use words like "dissociation" or "breakdown", I just thought that felt too basic for him! Given his weird, twisted brand of self-awareness from canon. He's too good at lying to himself! It's too normal, Garak would find some way to spin this whole situation into a safely "unreal" story instead! - But once I decided to convey this stuff by alternating between a script format whenever he was in Interrogator Mode and regular prose whenever he's the one to crack and/or accidentally lose himself in the experience- which flips around by the end when he's caged himself in his own narrative (and more and more thoughts in brackets as he dissociates), the chapter just suddenly became sooo much fun to write. Like I had such a blast it turned out maybe six thousand words too long haha!
Conversely, if I get stuck while writing because I suddenly discovered a plot hole, well... 'The Trill with the Golden Gun' hasn't updated since last September, so what do I know really😂
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c00kietin · 3 months
there is clearly marie antoinette here to wish you a bon anniversaire
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why thank you Marie Antoinette 😌
I will have a very bon anniversaire >:D
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vattghcrn · 7 months
“So much death... What can men do against such reckless hate?“ (— Ingvar)
@riiese || an old meme – thanks for sending this in! (´◡`)
“Answer in kind, I reckon,” Geralt muttered without missing a beat, a piercing gaze even now not lifting to the giant's face as he instead carefully stepped around the mangled bodies strewn across the path. The bridge of his nose crinkled for more than one reason, and what sounded like an aggrieved whinny from Roach might as well have summed up his feelings entirely.
Who had started the slaughter, he'd not determined. It hardly mattered. The instant any troops rolled in, saw their comrades horribly maimed... the instant a wandering group of Scoia'tael caught whiff of the scene... both sides would all too hastily blame each other.
Same old shit.
But, then again—
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“Shouldn't be here, if you can help it.” Eventually, Geralt skirted around the devastation, and his chin lifted to find the despairing light in his tall companion's eyes. “Anyone catches you around these parts, they're gonna find a way to blame you. Rather not be on the receiving end of that.” Even if he was fairly positive the giant was practiced in dealing with such indecencies.
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cheriboms · 11 months
tag six (6) people you'd like to know better! (tagged by @britishchick09 - thanks so much!)
last song: "Ava" by Famy, just can't get that one melody out of my head ^^;
currently reading: Nothing atm, just finished The Housemaid by Frieda McFadden. Pretty eh, not too bad but nothing I've never seen before. also, certain elements were NOT foreshadowed very well imo :P
currently watching: uhhh nothing really, i dont really watch stuff that regularly. but i was present/in the room when my sister was watching "In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal" on Netflix, its a docuseries about 4 different korean cults so uh. yeah
current obsession: none currently, coming off of a star wars high as per usual. (in complete honesty, I can feel the dredges of harry potter wanting to sneak up on me so :/ ...pray for me.)
@greyselkie @redhatmeg @stabby-apologist @brieafraid @dollopheadsandclotpoles @sunkissedclones
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nordicbananas · 10 months
Hello Shroom!!<33
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
(i love seeing people in my inbox i love you vi <3)
📷 - my phone lets me pick up to 15 rotating lockscreens, and the ones i have rn are: baizhu (aka ur beloved) and qiqi, tiny scaramouche, hanako and nene from tbhk, tanjiro and nezuko from (my beloved) kny, dys and tangent from iwatex, rui from kny, a rubber duck with a gun(?) from a meme that said "splish splash your opinion is trash", friends <3, mitsuba and kou from tbhk, venti, my boyfriend <3, OBANAI AND MITSURI FROM KNY, my axolotl and dog, that one time I went to the zoo with friends, and dys and nomi-nomi from iwatex :)
✨ - yes! i only go by shroom on here, but my irl friends barely call me by my name anymore lol. when i changed my name, we were trying to come up with nicknames, and the first one i proposed was temi. from there, it became tim, timifer, timethius (pronounced tim-ee-thee-us), tim-tam and timmers :) (@twigsalot silly twiggles <3)
🦉- so i like the night-night time more, but that's also when i have the most anxiety (aha hi there fear of someone breaking in). but that's a lie, when i get up i do not like it and i have even more anxiety because then i have to shower and then talk to people and do things. but overall, I'd say a night owl.
🧡 - a really weird pale but dark green and the color of damp sponges. you know the color.
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juicezone · 11 months
For your outfit art thingy (can’t remember the name as I am writing this) . How about Rory in outfit J. Just a nice cozy sweater for the sheep baby :3
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Top ten babies of all time!! That's him!! The most cozy baby too mhm!
DNI if nsfw/K!NK/ur blog isnt safe for a kid
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allexiaah · 1 year
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It’s game time babey!!!
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ascelhire · 2 years
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[ID: Bust drawing of Screm's sona, whose design is an interpretation of Shapeshifter from A Hat in Time, on a patchwork like background overlayed with light textured specks. In the top right corner is the artist's signature which reads "ascelhire" in all caps. Shapeshifter is a dark shadow creature with many multicolored eyes, a magenta fanged smile, nubs for ears and clawed bat wing appendages for arms. Their normal attire is that of a large singular piece hoodie, put together by multiple sewn together patches of various colors. Tufted, light purple fur can be seen peeking out from the inside of their hood. On top of their usual clothing, they are also wearing a dark indigo witch hat and cape- and holding up a glowing jack o lantern with a face resembling Snatcher's from A Hat in Time. They are smiling brightly with all their eyes upturned in a joyful expression as they don their halloween themed assets. /End ID]
<3 !!! halloween themed bust commission for my amazing epic friend @scremcoolname WOOO !!!!!
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bread--quest · 2 years
friendship ask: 1/3/4, for sunny and your choice of vault dweller
HMMMMM fuck it. sunny and glover time :) thats right baby im bringing clover to tumblr!!!!!
(the glover i'm talking about here is my human wyatt glover attempt. they/them, bug enthusiast, Scrungled several times over, usually goes by clover or glove (rhymes with clove))
1: When I think they became friends (if canon already hasn’t showed how they became friends)
ummm pretty early into glover's time in the vault i think!! they were the first person to enter the Vault after sunny was created, so they were sunny's first experience with giving somebody the Introductory Spiel. sunny was also probably the first person glover actually saw in the Vault, because they kept meaning to leave their room and go explore and then they just kind of...didn't. and then sunny showed up to give them a tour!
3: A random headcanon I have of them
there's something about sunny that feels really familiar to glove, but they can't quite put their finger on what. their memory's been scrungled so many times as it is, and sunny doesn't look that much like.....
shoot. who were they just thinking of?
4: My favorite thing about them
ummm i just think theyre neat :) i like getting to feel somewhat justified in making two of my favorite characters friends!! also i think sunny becomes a bug fan because of clover which i also like. sunny needs interests that are Outdoors!!!! let this kid touch grass!!!!
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captainshyguy · 2 years
for the ask meme, how about 12, 18, and 23?
ooo, tysm! >:3
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
LAZARUS, BELOVED KNIFE ROBOT. @spmcomic writes it fantastically >:]
18. Any OC crackships?
The closest i can think is like....Wizard and Avery gdkjdnkjgds, though crackships can so often turn serious so we'll pack that under the bed for now.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
oooo this one is interesting...so many of my ocs have started out as something else, the setting and circumstances around them changing, but the core personality traits don't usually change much (just....more nuanced)
i think...the more i've thought about and written elyon, the more he's shaken off the anxiety kinda quiet/shy/anxious part of his character and his traits have sort of sharpened. there's still a sort of awkwardness and inexperience in there, but its more...restless barely contained energy that makes him impulsive, rather than shy and hesitant.
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
Troisha and kiradax for the shipping ask game?
YESSS thank you for these picks!!
Tasha Yar/Deanna Troi- ship it
What made you ship it?
I always thought they were neat- they have incredible chemistry, and they really did come off as very immediately and obviously into each other lol. A lot of their scenes together are just Very Flirty! They also play off each other in ways that are quite fascinating, both in terms of personality and aesthetics.
But!! I am being completely serious when I say I only became insane about this ship after reading your 'Skin Of Evil' fic (link for anyone who wants to read it- it's very good) and all of our wonderful discussions and increasingly specific troisha AUs. So, thank you!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The contrasts between them- and then, the unexpected similarities. The way neither of them have ever felt like they truly belonged anywhere (not even in their own bodies). The way they both see themselves as "broken" in certain ways (but not each other). The way they both fear loss. The way one of them basically grew up in poverty and has always been invisible to society at large, while the other is from an "aristocratic" family and has always felt overanalysed and dissected... In a sense, one of them joined Starfleet for a more comfortable life with better opportunities, while the other did so to escape a lavish life & suffocating "opportunities"- but fundamentally, they are both empathetic (in vastly different ways) and driven by the desire to help people. They both seek privacy; crave agency & space. Tasha was only around for one season, so I appreciate that they gave her relationship with Deanna importance- they stand up for each other, they admire each other's (very different) qualities and strengths- they even share a few giggles! Which is so wholesome when you think about how Deanna spent most of her youth feeling odd and out of place (being a mixed kid) in Betazoid high society, and Tasha had a violent childhood on a failed colony. I think the space they can give each other as two adults who never really got to be themselves as kids, to like- figure themselves out, and experiment with what all they can and want to do, is really lovely
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
... Is it unpopular to ship Troi/Riker/Tasha? I don't actually know enough about troisha fandom to answer this, sorry😂
Jadzia Dax/Kira Nerys- ship it
Yayyy one of my favourite DS9 ships! I got kiradax twice, so I'm going to do Kira/Jadzia here, and Kira/Ezri for the other ask.
What made you ship it?
Once again, the fascinating dynamic re the way they get along despite very apparent contrasts and differences (some of which may even seem irreconcilable- but they aren't, not to them!) Boosted of course by the insane chemistry. I mean, who was normal about that one drink scene from 'Dramatis Personae'? Not me🕺🏾
What are your favorite things about the ship?
*car dealer slaps hood meme* This bad boy can fit so many identity crises in it
Seriously, this pairing is so rich for explorations of both their inner worlds, and their fascinating relationships to their outer worlds! Kira, so fiercely protective of and devoted to Bajor- Jadzia, a joined Trill who never wants to go back home. Kira, aged beyond her years through a harrowing life as a child soldier- Jadzia, aged beyond her years via a 300 year old slug. Kira, the devoutly religious- Jadzia, the Starfleet science officer. Kira, the secret romantic who plays it safe- Jadzia, the unhinged xenophile who leads with her heart. Kira, the "traditionalist" who actually has a history of breaking the law- Jadzia, the "rebel" who actually constructs her sense of self so much around social structures and popular opinion. Kira, who deflects with anger- Jadzia, who deflects with humour. Gosh I could keep listing more and more and more but I don't want this to get too long so I'll just say their fire/water aesthetic thooo and move on hehe
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I understand (and appreciate) the desire to de-centre male characters in fic; especially given that canon was, on the whole, inarguably more invested in male characters & relationships- and it's also very true that once Jadzia/Worf and Kira/Odo got together, both women's screentime started to revolve around Worf and Odo more and more. I also firmly believe Kira & Dax deserved more screentime together in general, so I totally get the restorative value in doing this! That being said, some (not all- but still an appreciable amount of) kiradax content just doesn't feel quite them to me- and what I've realised is, this happens when fic just de-centers the men in their lives so much that now, they seem downright unimportant to Kira and Dax? At which point they start to feel ooc (to me). Like I understand not liking Kira/Odo- but a Kira Nerys that doesn't even think about Odo, like at all, not even in a platonic way, just doesn't read like Kira Nerys to me, you know? She cares about him so much! He's one of the most important and influential people in her life- and he was long before they got together. Same with Bareil, and Shakaar- I get that a lot of people find these characters and/or relationships boring, but they are hugely significant to Kira's arc- & those episodes reveal so much about her beliefs, her faith, her politics, the way she engages with the world, what makes her tick as a person. I feel the same way about Dax- the Klingon stuff is an important part of who she is. Idk, this isn't even something that really bothers me- I still happily read all the kiradax fic I'm vibing with even if it does this! But I have noticed kiradax fandom is not very fond of (or at the very least, indifferent to) Worf and Odo, and I just don't personally relate
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dev-fiction · 4 days
Hi! I love your fanfic Echoes and would be more than willing to be a beta reader if you ever need! I recently saw on your feed that Victoria is not your only OC-insert, do you mind sharing who your others are?
I'll definitely keep that in mind if I ever desire a beta reader <3 Thank you so much for the offer!
Of course I don't mind sharing the others - the more I get to talk about my oc's and my complete obsession with them, the happier I'll be ♥ I've actually been slowly putting together little character templates that I might post later, if anyone is interested :)
This is going to get a bit long-winded, so apologies in advance!
Of course, you know Victoria so we'll just skip right on by her starting with characters that currently have public fics, starting with-
Shippo Inuzuka, from Bare my Fangs Fandom: Naruto Current Word-Count: 34k Rewrite Word-Count: 20k Twin sister of Kiba Inuzuka, Shippo is currently an Academy Student in training within Konohagakure. Alongside her ninja pups Aomaru and Momomaru, Shippo dedicates her days to studious training and play as she gets to know her fellow classmates. I have a lot of feelings about this fic. I started it before Naruto came to an end which always made it a little more difficult for me to write. I love the Inuzuka Clan a LOT and was very disappointed at the lack of oc-inserts more focused around them - so, I decided to write my own! It's been a very long time since I've updated this fic or even really thought about it and a large part of that is now that Naruto has come to an end, I'd really like to re-write it.
It's an old story with a lot of themes I no longer like, going in a direction I'm no longer sure about. However, because of this I'm excited to work on the project again! I have a lot more writing experience compared to when I first started it and I'd like to apply that to this story the proper way it deserves ♥
As it is, for any BMF readers here you can consider the current iteration of the story abandoned as I undergo this. Some major themes will stay the same, but a lot won't.
Shippo as a character is someone I've thought about a lot and have really come to love - the Shippo I envision now is someone a little unhinged; feral, in a sense, someone who plays off the wild nature of Kiba Inuzuka and the clan as a whole effortlessly. I don't really want to spoil too much about her and what I currently have written of the rewrite, so I'll leave it at that.
Her pups will absolutely be staying the same - I love Aomaru and Momomaru so so so much. I have very big plans for them.
Monkey D. Lucy, from Abyssal Fandom: One Piece Current Word-Count: 32k Rewrite Word-Count: 0k, Under Plot and Character-Building Twin sister of Monkey D. Luffy, Lucy is a young girl residing with the mountain bandits - and her brothers - on Dawn Island. She spends her days training in preparation for her eventual departure to sea with her twin and her overall terror of the ocean.
Abyssal has always been one of my backburner fics; One Piece was nowhere near its final arc when I first started it and I had been desperately hoping for more information on Luffy's background as a whole before delving in too deep into the story - it's a fic I didn't focus on too much and worked on when the mood struck.
One Piece is still my favorite anime/manga, so of course I plan on continuing with it eventually - most likely after the series has reached its conclusion.
Monkey D. Lucy will retain her terror of the ocean, only she now comes with a brand spanking new personality.
I have a general idea of where I want to go with her - someone who's passionate, reckless, violent, and beautiful. I have a character outline page written and a lot of rough sketches :)
Yuta Amelia Heartfilia, from Soulbound Fandom: Fairy Tail Current Word-Count: 10k Rewrite Word-Count: 45k This fic as it is has been completely abandoned. I've been working on a rewrite from the ground up for a while now - starting with the awful name, which is now Amelia.
I haven't talked about this fic anywhere or approached Soulbound in a long time - but I have been working on a rewrite for a few months now.
I adore Fairy Tail a lot - and now that it's come to a close I feel like I have a lot of freedom with this fic. There really isn't a lot of world-building and the general makeup of magic is very fluid to work with. I think Fairy Tail's strongest asset is its characters, which are honestly so so much fun to write.
As a result of this, I think Amelia is one of my more rounded-out characters.
Amelia is the younger sister of Lucy Heartfilia - and by younger, that is to say at the start of her story she is 11 years old, which makes her 6 years younger than Lucy.
Amelia is a quiet kid with no filter when she does speak - which makes her, rather unintentionally, a bit of an asshole. She's not good at reading people and has no real desire to engage with them - she leaves all of that charisma bullshit to her sister. Growing up on the streets after running away from home at a young age has made her street savvy; she's small, but lithe and very agile when she expends the effort towards it.
She spent most of her young life in cheap rooms in dodgey areas situated above taverns or whore houses while Lucy picked up odd jobs and magic requests to keep them afloat. This has encouraged a crass nature and a proclivity towards swearing that exasperates her sister greatly.
She's incredibly co-dependent on Lucy, who has acted as both parental roles for the majority of her life. She can't imagine life without her and is willing to do anything to keep her safe.
She holds no memories of any previous lives she may or may not have lived.
She was blessed with a rather simple form of Celestial Spacial Magic; the ability to teleport herself and objects a short distance around her. She adores her ability and often uses it for the purpose of being lazy.
I've been having a lot of fun writing this fic. Unlike my other fics this one alternates between the main siblings frequently, to the point that I'd say that they're both the main protagonists.
As a general result of leaving home so much earlier than canon, Lucy has changed a lot as well, but well - I'll leave that for the readers to find out when I do finally start posting chapters.
As for the fics I've kept almost completely on the down-low; these are fics I don't plan on posting for a very long time, but have been working on.
Anna Weasley, from Untitled Project Fandom: Harry Potter Current Word-Count: 60k Anna Weasley is a starry-eyed child - she sees the world through dream-hued glasses tainted at the edges by nightmares brought on by her rather bad habit of dying. Sometimes she sees things that others can't and that's okay - she has her twin, Ron, to help her sort out the muddled mess that is her mind.
She's bright in a simple kind of way, and a bit odd, but eternally optimistic and loyal to those she loves.
As much as I would love love love to talk endlessly about Anna, this is where I'm going to leave it. I have a lot planned for this fic and writing it between Echoes has been fun. I love the Weasley's, if you couldn't tell, and I feel like passing up the chance to jump into a story with a Weasley-centric OC would be a travesty.
Also Anna is like, in my top 3 OC's to doodle when I feel up to it ♥
Umeko Haruno, from Untitled Project Fandom: Naruto Current Word-Count: 70k Umeko Haruno has had her nose stuck to the grindstone studying and training for her future career as a shinobi for as long as she can remember. Growing up with a training companion in the form of her brilliant twin has pushed her into a diligent pursuit to surpass her own limits.
This mentality was largely influenced by the passing of her shinobi mother when she was still very young. A casualty of a mission gone wrong, her loss was felt deeply by the family with ripples that never quite ceased. Umeko's desire to live up to her mothers legacy, become strong enough to protect those she has left, and push herself to the extreme has resulted in her being a workaholic with an obsession to become a more efficient shinobi.
She's very book-smart and clinical, but she doesn't let that overshadow her kindness. She has a low tolerance for incompetence and values training above all else - there is almost no form of training she isn't willing to try, no matter the blow it might deal to her dignity or the respect others have for her.
I'm really really excited for this fic. It's a lot more fast paced than my other ones and writing it has been a lot of fun - Umeko is just a lot of fun. I've kept this fic completely hushed up simply because of Bare my Fangs, but as you can see I've got quite a bit written already.
I have a very strong idea of her story progression and how it will ultimately affect those around her, as well as the plot as a whole. I've got a few twists and turns planned that I can't wait to unveil ♥
What's this? It's A - Bonus Round!
Ↄ̶̵̸̢̰̩̪̠̗̟̪͉̮͈̯͉̹ͤ̈̑ͨͤ͌͊ͪ͛́̈͑̽͘̚͟͞ͅ ḻ̢̛̩͇̥͚̲͉͉̤̆̓̏̀ͮͥͨ͒ͪ̽̀ͤ͑͛̋͒̔̽̎ͭ̀̒̓̚͟͟͠ ἀ̴̡̩̗̫̩̮͕̼̋ͨ́̌ͣͬͨ̈́͛̆ͧ̈́͐ͣ͗̓ͭ̃͊͘̚͜͢͝ я̛̱̘̦̺͍͓̉͡я̛̱̘̦̺̉͡я̛̱̘̦̺̉͡ α̸̴̙͖̯̖̩͈̿́̏̾ͫ̓̀́ͧ͘͟α̸̴̙͖̯̖̩͈̿́̏̾ͫ̓̀́ͧ͘͟_̵̶̵̡̘̯̗̣͓̻̳̼̦̭̅ͣ̇̔̎ͬ͆̃̂ͥ͡ Fandom: ⸮⸮⸮ Current Word-Count: ⸮̷̩͓̙͔̰͎̰̘̲̤́̋̒ͥͦ͌̌͗̉̐͊ͭ̉̋ͨ̋ͬͩ̈ͨ̐ͣ͟⸮̱͈̩̜͎͖̳͚͉̤̰͎̯̞̭̖̂̊̋̀̿͐̀ͮ͘⸮̧̢̼̭͎̦͍̫͉͖̀̏̀̏ͥͦ́ Objective: ⸮⸮⸮ She'd built her life, from the ground up. Through the muck of slurried-trash heaps and the grime of sick rot tearing away at her clothes and her food and her dignity she'd persevered.
And then-
Afterward, nothing much mattered, anymore.
There was a peace in that.
More, than peace, it's like she ascended-
And then, she found, she wasn't alone.
Thank you for asking about my OC's and sorry if it was a lot more than you bargained for! I really do love them and have been quietly sitting on them for a while now :)
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