#i love this conversation gon and kurapika have when they cross paths so it was hard for me to pick where to stop hahahahaha
thehuntyhunties · 4 years
AWTWIB expanded bits redux and 1am isn't a place for WIP game please! :D
eheh thank you for indulging me 😂 “AWTWIB” – short for Anywhere the Wind is Blowing – is technically what I call fantasy pirates AU, although I don’t use it officially as of yet. “expanded bits redux” is where I’m trying to put the snippets and notes I come up with while I’m reworking the plot of it. It’s all over the place and mostly unedited but here’s a good snippet:
The water was– wrong somehow, it seared into his skin like a fire jelly’s sting, knocking the breath from his body with its strangeness. Gon thrashed against the shock of it but the sailors were already gone, door slammed and locked behind them. They wouldn’t take any chances with him now, and – he hissed in frustration – that would make getting out that much harder.
He whirled around. The human stared back at him, no trace of fear in his stunned expression despite being shackled in the hold with a pissed off siren for a new companion. 
Gon blinked. “Wait. Kurapika?”
They gaped at each other. And then they both burst out laughing.
“Of all the places...” Kurapika shook his head. “What will it take for us to meet in normal circumstances?”
“I think I’d worry if we did,” Gon said, grinning though the water stung him still. “What happened to you?”
Kurapika raised his manacled wrists. “Got stupid, got caught. It doesn’t matter. What happened to you?”
“Oh, the blood’s not mine.” 
“I figured as much,” Kurapika said. “It’s all over your mouth. I meant, how did you end up here?”
“False contract.” Gon shifted, trying to hold his gills out of the water. He didn’t want it burning him inside out, not until he figured out what they’d done to make it hurt. “The captain had the right flag up and everything, claimed they needed a new guide to navigate near Gorteau.”
Kurapika frowned. “And... you didn’t realize he was lying?” 
“Ah, no, I heard the lie,” Gon explained. “But... See, I wanted to know why he was lying to me.”
“Congratulations,” Kurapika said dryly. “It looks like you’ve found out.”
“1am isn’t a place, it’s an emotion” was my working title for a GaloLio fic I started last year in the haze of Promare hype. It’s based on something my junior year roommate claims I said to her one late night XD It got way out of control and it’s been hard for me to work on it (I pretty much haven’t touched it since December) so I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it... But here’s a bit I'm still fond of:
“I didn’t think you ever left the station. You have an apartment?”
“Only when the Captain forces me to, and only because he made me get one,” Galo complained, and Lio nodded, satisfied that the world still made sense. “Remi has one too for his days off. Well, and Aina too I guess, but I think it’s technically her sister’s? I don’t know the details. And it was only a half-day off, I was down in C sector this morning helping with the rebuild.” He very carefully avoided mentioning the spilled I-beams. “Do you want to come in?”
Lio hesitated. “Are you sure? Don’t you need to sleep?”
“Nah.” Lio threw him a confused look, and Galo shrugged. “I’m still too wired. It’s the same every time the Captain forces me to take a break. So, I’m glad you showed up – I think I’d go crazy if I was just tossing and turning alone.”
“You seem like that type,” Lio agreed. The atmosphere around him seemed to soften just a bit, or maybe Galo just thought that because he had smiled. “Alright.”
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