#i love to be myself and have fhn
i love to wear my big headphones outside it literally gives me free reign to talk to myself in public. it is my littlle gray fox cowl.
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
 Discord Text Thread || Khoman  ♥  
Discord thread featuring: Khai and Roman @romanbeckett
When:  December 24th (day & night)
Mentions: Landon Davies @davieslandon
Description: Roman texts Khai to forgive him after his voicemail. They start texting again later in the day and Khai is beyond fucked up and Roman once again expresses his concerns for him.
Trigger Warnings: HARD drug use, drug mentions, light sexting and dirty talk.(sorry this one is kinda looooong)
Roman. babe. You’re forgiven. Shit happens. I just worry...which is one of my issues. I worry constantly about everything. Always afraid something will happen to you.
Khai. I know, and I’ve been real careless. I didn’t mean to be a shit I was just... being stupid and fucked up I hope you know I really don’t have a problem with you staying with Landon. Idek what my deal was
Roman. are you sure it doesn’t bother you?
Khai. I’m sure baby. I just want you two to have fun
Roman. I’ll still see you there tomorrow right?
Khai. of course you will. Fancy pjs and all lol
Roman. oh my god I can’t wait lol
Khai. me either. It’s gonna be an amazing day for sure
Roman. I’ll be off work soon and I’ll bring us dinner
Khai. I look forward to it! I’m starving plus I really wanna kiss you
Roman. I reallllly wanna kiss you too. Maybe we can sneak in a quickie
Khai. maybe huh?
Roman. okay definitely, because I want lol
hahaha well I’m always down baby. You know I can’t keep my hands off of you.
- Later that same day -
Roman. I miss you already
Khai. Miss you too
Roman. dinner and messing around was fun though. Best Christmas gift ever.
Khai. it was fun indeed! I couldn’t agree more
Roman. are you okay?
Khai. yeah I’m okay why?
Roman. idk just checking. I feel guilty now that I’m not there
Khai. don’t feel guilty. I have my drugs and hot chocolate to keep me warm haha
Roman. ooo what drugs lolll
Khai. Just the usual. I also have my tequila so I’m set lol
Roman. damn. I do wish I was there
Khai. I always wish you were here. But it’s okay. We will make out all day tomorrow
Roman. yesss. Can we cook a late night breakfast for dinner together and watch Christmas movies
Khai. absolutely! We can do whatever you want baby
Roman. I'm having wiiiine
Khai. mmm what kind?
Roman. it's a good ass Pinot
Khai. oooo im jelly I’m half way through my tequila advent calendar haha I got behind
Roman. Lmao omg babe!!! How much have you has?? lol
Khai. like 6 so farv ? Lol
Roman. FARV 😂
Khai. oops haha
Roman. I am laughing. I love you lol if I was there, I’d be in your lap right now.
Khai. I love you mooooore yeah you would
Roman. thighs on either side of you, straddling you with my forehead against yours, running my fingers through your hair...
Khai. damn baby... don’t make me come there and crash your party
Roman. SHSUSJEJEJEJENEJDJJE why is my boyfriend so HOT
Khai. because you were a good boy this year? haha
Roman. well we both know THAT isn’t true lol
Khai. hahahaha well then idk. But my boyfriend is pretty fucking sexy too though and lord knows I’ve been baaaaad
Roman. we got lucky  now if we could just keep our damn apartment
Khai. I know... that would be nice wouldn’t it? can’t have it all though I guess lol
Roman. I still haven’t found a place and I’m stressed
Khai. yeah, idk where I’m going either. Maybe we can go look together after Christmas
Roman. yeah, let’s do that. Bleh. Anyway, don’t wanna bring down the mood!! How ya feelin?
Khai. I’m feeling goodz how you feeling?
Roman. goodz too  I feel all warm and buzzy
Khai. hahaha dammit I’m glad baby. I want you to have fun just not to mush fun haha
Roman. I won’t have too much fun. Not without youuuu
Khai. good. Cause J like the sound o g that
Roman. babe you’re wasted aren’t you
Khai. yes I am ll I misssh you
Roman. omg mish. That’s so cute omg. I wanna hear you say it
Khai. nooo hahaha
Roman. mish mish mishhhh
Khai. you’re so mean lol but I love youuu
Roman. noooo I just think it’s adorable lol I love your typos. They make my life better.
Khai. Mhm you mage my life begetter. I should prolly stip drinking now hahaha
Roman. You probably should babe
Khai. that tot out of hand fasty lol oops
Roman. fasty omg you’re SO cute
Khai. lmao wow I gives up
Roman. I’m just imagining you saying all of this outloud, and it’s like making my night
Khai. hahaha I’m glad. I’m imagning you laughing and it’s making my nifht too
Roman. my squawking laugh  god
Khai. nooooo it’s the bstes laugh wver and beast smile too
Roman. I would argue that YOU have the best smile my love.
Khai. Nope nope
Roman. UM *picture of Khai’s smile*
Khai. I look liek a weirro
Roman. WHAT you’re crazy lol
Khai. I’m crazy anout youuuuuu I wanna snugs you
Roman. me too. I love snuggling with you every night and it’s so weird when we don’t like !!! I’m so used to going to bed with you.
Khai. it is weird. Indint like it but Im gonna sleept in y it bed
Roman. sleep in my bed any time you want love. You’ll like the new book I have
Khai. ooooo I wish you erre here
Roman. I know. I do too. I miss those eyes. I also miss your scruff. That sounds so dumb, but I love the way it feelssss
Khai. I love yyou I’m gonna scrufff you up when I se you
Roman. scruff up the inside of my thighs PLEASE AND THANKS
Khai. you know j will
Roman. god I love when you give me beard burn
Khai. I thinks that the hottest thing yku ever said to me I want you sinebws
Roman. what can I say? I just love your head between my legs
Khai. I love it too baby. I luv makings you deel good
Roman. ugh I’m starting to get buzzed now lol
Khai. hahaha dinally this whol room is so pinky spiking lol yup nvm haha
Roman. it’s so what?? Hahaha spinning? Lol
Khai. yessum Jm good
Roman. bleh I worry about you.
Khai. I’m oka I promisee I hust miss you
Roman. I miss you too. So much baby. Keep talking to me so I don’t have to miss you even more.
Khai. what ya wanna talks about? Tell me ykyr favorite chrismas present
Roman. you won’t believe me if I tell you lol
Khai. yesss I whll
Roman. everything you got me. You know me so well. I’m obsessed with all of it. Ugh. The jacket, the shoes?! The freaking clock. You really did so good.
Khai. really? I’m so hapy you love it. I just wanted you to gave the best. You lok so good in those shows too
Roman. you know exactly what I like and feel good in.
Khai. cause I lover you
Roman. I love you too. How are you feeling?
Khai. sleepyyy but good gaga
Roman. baby I’m worried about you.
Khai. why? I’m fdine im jus laying in bed
Roman. i don’t like that you’re doing heroin
Khai. romsn it’s ojay
Roman. but you’re not even making sense
Khai. I ehould jus got to bed
Roman. maybe but bleh idk I’m worried and I should be there
Khai. no no, eont worry. I wsnt you to have fun.
Roman. I know but ugh. I love you.
Khai. I lowe you too idknt wanna hpset you
Roman. will you promise me you’ll try to stop?
Khai. fan we talked about tbis latr?
Roman. yeah of course
Khai. I jus imn so tucked up byt I wanba talk
Roman. I know
Khai. I love yky so mhch
Roman. I love you too.
Khai. I relly sm sorry. Ilm do better. Pleas have fhn tonight okay
Roman. I’m worried to death about you
Khai. I orimse Jm ok. I just nee to skep it off
Roman. okay
Khai. Smile is chrismaaaas
Roman. lol okay, I smiled
Khai. good boyyy
Roman. lol hate you!!
Khai. I knoooow but you lve me
Roman. I definitely love you
Khai. you’re my everything
Roman. Khaiiiii. You’re making me smile so much it fucking hurts lol
Khai. I mean itttt you’re all I ever need
Roman. god I think my heart is gonna explode lol you constantly wanna kill me
Khai. nooo baby. I just want you tk know how mych I love you and I am feelig better so thahs good well jot better but less high lol
Roman. lol!! Well. Bleh. Scared me there, not gonna lie.
Khai. I’m sorry baby I know I newd to stop it’s jus hard
Roman. i know.
We can talk about this after the holiday tho. I don’t wanna ruin it for anyone
Roman. you’re not ruining anything for me. I promise.
Khai. I hope not cause I’d never forgive myself
Roman. babe. Don’t be silly. Everything’s okay *heart emoji*
Khai. you’re the best do you know that?
Roman. I’m not. But I’m glad you think so
Khai. I know so.
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