#gay fox cowl or something
i love to wear my big headphones outside it literally gives me free reign to talk to myself in public. it is my littlle gray fox cowl.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Will Kate Kane Be Back in Batwoman Season 2?
This Batwoman article contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 3.
After weeks of wondering what happened to the missing heiress-turned-superhero when her plane was shot down (and her body was not found), the third episode of Batwoman Season 2, “Bat Girl Magic,” seemingly ended with confirmation that Kate’s okay—and from an unlikely source. Safiyah (Shivani Ghai), ruler of Mediterranean nation Coryana and a criminal so powerful she makes Alice quake in her pastel Doc Martens, told the leader of the Wonderland Gang that Kate is not only alive, Safiyah is holding her somewhere off-island. Once Alice is safely headed back to Gotham, Kate will be back on Coryana with Safiyah.
Kate Kane is alive
This is huge news for Kate’s loved ones back in Gotham, especially Mary (Nicole Kang), who finally admitted out loud to Luke (Camrus Johnson) that she believes Kate is dead. Luke has been holding out hope for his partner but it’s clearly taking a toll. Jake Kane, likewise, has been relentless in his search for his daughter, afraid to make the same mistake as with Alice, when he came so close to finding her but stopped searching while she was still alive out there.
In a way, this shouldn’t surprise viewers – showrunner Caroline Dries promised she wouldn’t kill off Kate Kane. A member of the LGBTQ community herself, Dries wanted to be sure not to be guilty of perpetuating the “Bury Your Gays” trope, which The CW has run afoul of in the past, most notably when The 100 killed off Lexa right after she consummated her relationship with the show’s lead, Clarke. Still, it has been a few episodes, the show feels like it has moved on, and it’s hard to conceive of an in-character way for Kate to permanently leave the show without dying, so it’s understandable if viewers felt similar to Mary.
Will Ruby Rose be back on Batwoman?
Safiyah didn’t just tell Alice that Kate was alive: she said that if Alice held up her end of a bargain they made off-screen, Kate would be returned to her. Alice is nothing if not dedicated, and now she may find herself with unusual allies in Sophie, Jake, Luke, Mary, and Julia. They may not all help her, especially if the fourth episode description is anything to go off of, but it’s hard to imagine that Alice, working in conjunction with even a few of Kate’s allies, would fail. What happens then?
We still don’t know for sure whether Ruby Rose will come back to Batwoman. As of now, no announcements have been made, so we’re left speculating. However, Caroline Dries has been adamant that they will not recast Kate Kane, so if the character returns in a meaningful way, that means Ruby Rose will be back. 
Could Batwoman Fake Kate Kane?
Batwoman has found some creative ways to include Kate Kane’s presence without having actor Ruby Rose back on the show. Ryan has read her journal entries, Kate’s photo is in Gotham newspapers, and someone else (presumably a stunt performer) has worn the Kate Kane-era batsuit to portray Kate as Batwoman in a brief flashback. 
All of that being said, it’s hard to imagine a way the creative team behind Batwoman could conjure up Kate Kane without Ruby Rose in order to fulfil what Safiyah has promised. It’s one thing to have a stunt double in a suit in a brief, dark scene from afar; it’s another to have Kate Kane walking and talking unmasked in daylight. It’s possible that Safiyah will completely double-cross Alice and this whole thing was a lie, but that could feel like a significant deception on the part of the writers as well unless it’s done carefully.
The case For Ruby Rose’s return
If Ruby Rose does return and this has all been a long con after all, then it’s been an impressive deception. Rose’s departure just days after the season 1 finale aired was incredibly abrupt, which would lend credence to the idea that it was less than permanent, though given her injury and the physical demands of the role, it still seems understandable. There’s been a lot of speculation and secrecy about the whole thing, which only makes it feel more likely that something is up. 
Within the narrative itself, most of the reasons viewers thought Rose’s departure was insurmountable revolved around all the ways the story is predicated on her family relationships, like how Jake Kane was set up at the end of season 1 to lead the Crows in a hunt to kill Batwoman, not realizing she was his own daughter. The Alice-Kate/Batwoman dynamic has clearly been central to the show, and Kate’s relationships with Mary and Luke progressed significantly over the first season. 
Much of this was quickly addressed by Ryan’s introduction and backstory, which showed how Alice’s gang killed her mother, giving her a kinship with Mary. Luke’s reluctance to let go of his friend and partner set up a similar (winning) dynamic as last season, where Batwoman needs to work to earn his trust. Kate’s disappearance also resulted in Sophie learning that Kate loved her and is Batwoman, helping Sophie recognize her own feelings which led her to end things with Julia Pennyworth. If Kate were to return, she and Sophie could have a real chance at their relationship, although that would throw a wrench in things for folks who ‘ship WildMoore, AKA Ryan Wilder and Sophie Moore.  
There are still a few threads left, however. Tech genius teen Parker Torres, who was introduced in season 1’s “How Queer Everything is Today,” is a character many were hoping to see recur. While she has a relationship with Kate Kane’s Batwoman, the new Batwoman is a stranger to her. It’s possible she might relate more to another queer woman of color, but then again, in addition to being a stranger to Parker, Gotham doesn’t know the new Batwoman is queer. Is Batwoman going to come out again? If Ruby Rose’s Kate Kane were back, it’s easy to see Parker putting her tech skills to work for the greater good to become the next Luke Fox.
What Would Kate Kane’s Return Look Like?
While Kate Kane is an amazing character (beloved by many, including this writer!), there’s no denying that Javicia Leslie (season 2’s new lead, Ryan Wilder) has gelled with the cast and made the role her own. She stepped into what many saw as an impossible situation and brought a brand new character to life right from the jump. Watching Leslie’s Ryan as Batwoman is especially thrilling – she takes on the cowl with an infectious joy. With all respect to season one and Ruby Rose, season 2 feels like it’s firing on all cylinders, so it would be unwise to ask Ryan and Javicia to take a step back.
Given that, if Ruby Rose does return as Kate Kane, it would be best to see her having found an important mission that largely takes her away from Gotham, making her an occasional guest star, or to reflect her injury on the show and bring her back to offer expertise from HQ. While Luke Fox currently provides Bat cave support with some backup from Mary, there’s reason to believe he could be heading out into the field himself soon. Mary is plenty busy and most of what she provides is medical, connections, clothing, and intel from elsewhere. She excels at support outside of the Bat cave, leaving room for someone with more expertise in combat, strategy, and tactical training to help Ryan and possibly Luke.  
Rose might be looking for the Calista Flockhart special – that is, the ability to film most or all of her scenes from somewhere other than Vancouver, like Ally McBeal did when Supergirl moved their shooting from LA to Vancouver when it switched from CBS to the CW. 
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Whatever happens next, the Batwoman writers clearly have more than just a few tricks up their collective sleeve. 
The post Will Kate Kane Be Back in Batwoman Season 2? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3albVmf
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itsthebats · 7 years
It's Valentine's Day, and Jason and Tim are doing a questionnaire to see who knows more about the other.
Jason’s kissing Tim when he suddenly stops.
            They are in Jason’s house, and they are making out and it’s almost three in the morning when Tim sputters, “Wait!”
            Jason jumps like three feet away, startled, and looks at Tim as he sits straight and closes his eyes for a second and then opens them in this creepy way that says he’s got a bad idea Jason’s not going to like. Tim says, “Today I was with Steph, and we were talking about Valentine’s Day, you know.”
            “Ugh,” Jason mutters, because they tried. Tim sneaked out in Jason’s house—Jason thought he was a robber and almost shot him—to make Jason cookies, though Tim burnt them and instead of adding sugar he added salt, so they couldn’t eat them. Jason bought him flowers, but walking home someone tried to rob him and the flowers ended up kind of dead. And when they were seeing a movie on the TV and were about to kiss—at least they had that—they turned their heads at the same time and Tim somehow hit Jason in the nose, and Jason’s nose started bleeding. So after the bleeding stopped, they went to the bed and tried to sleep until Tim kissed Jason’s neck and they started making out again, this time successfully. Until now, at least.
            “But it’s not anything difficult,” Tim says, smiling. Jason rolls his eyes, and Tim punches him lightly on the shoulder. “We were talking about what we were going to do, and I told her that I was going to come and make you cookies and—”
            “Yeah, yeah, go on.”
            “Okay, so she told me that a magazine she likes to read—”
            “Oh no.”
            Tim’s smile gets bigger, and Jason prepares himself for the worst. “There was this questionnaire to see how much you know about your girlfriend or boyfriend. So, she told me that we should totally try to do it.”
            Jason looks at him in the eye, tries to think of all the ways this could go wrong—technically, it’s not the 14th anymore so their bad luck has passed, but it could still go wrong: maybe one of them don’t know one really important thing about the other and that messes up their relationship, or maybe they know something the other’s not supposed to know and their relationship ends up messed up anyway.
            But it can be fun too, and Jason’s not one to back away from a challenge—this is some kind of challenge, right?—so, what the hell.
            “All right, let’s do it,” he says, and Tim gets his phone.
            “She texted me the questions,” he mumbles, scrolling down his screen. He sticks his tongue out, and Jason cant’s help but think that he would have preferred to keep kissing him, but whatever. “Okay, I got them. There’re twenty questions. This says that if you answer at least ten correctly, you know a fairly amount of things about your partner, but if you answer more than fifteen, you’re soulmates.”
            “You know that’s bullshit, right?”
            “Yeah,” Tim says, putting a strand of his hair behind his ear, “but it’s fun. Do you want to start?”
            “Okay, but know that I’m going to know everything about you.”
            Tim snorts. “You don’t even know everything about yourself.”
            “Hey!” he complains, kicking him. Tim laughs. “Stop talking and let’s see who knows more.”
            “All right. So.” He reads the question and laughs to himself. “How many boyfriends or girlfriends have I had before?”
            “That’s easy,” Jason says, counting in his head. Okay, so, there’s Stephanie, obviously, and… that’s it, right? Or maybe… there was this girl, Lucius Fox’s daughter, but Jason doesn’t think they were together-together. No, wait, wait, Zoanne something, Tim was with her for a while. Two, then?
            “I’m waiting,” Tim says, smirking, and Jason kinda wants to punch the smirk off his face.
            “Shut up,” Jason says, still thinking. Okay, two then, three counting Jason. Tim doesn’t look like the guy who’s had many partners. That’s it, three. “Three.”
            Tim laughs, and Jason curses. “No! I can’t believe you failed the first one. And I’ve told you about them!”
            “How many, then?”
            “Four! Steph, Zoanne, Ariana, and you.”
            Ariana? “Who’s Ariana?”
            “Ariana Dzerchenko,” Tim says, as if Jason had a clue. He rolls his eyes and adds, “We were together for a bit. But it didn’t work out. You still have nineteen left, don’t worry. My turn. How many girlfriends or boyfriends have you had? Um… okay, that’s difficult. You’re always bragging about how many people you’ve been with, so it’s kind of impossible to guess. Ten?”
            Now it’s Jason’s turn to laugh, because oh boy does he have it wrong. “You think you’re so fucking clever,” he says, smirking, and Tim’s smile goes away immediately. “One, genius. I’ve only been with you.”
            Tim opens his mouth, and he only says, “No.”
            Jason rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling. “I’ve messed around with a boy or two,” he says, shrugging, “but I’ve never had a boyfriend. That’s 0-0.”
            “Whatever,” Tim says, pouting. Jason leans on and presses a kiss to his lips, and Tim’s smiling again. “Next one: what’s something I do that I wish I didn’t?”
            That’s really easy. “You bite your nails.”
            “True. Okay, you pull your hair when you’re nervous.”
            “Riiight,” Jason mutters, because he doesn’t like to be reminded of that. “1-1.”
            “What are the last two books I’ve read?”
            “Pfft. Try harder, you always leave your books around when you’re reading them. Confessions, from Rousseau, and Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus, from Alexander Pope, you nerd.”
            “That was easy. And don’t call me a nerd, because the last two books you’ve read are Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and How to kill a Mockingbird. Neeerd.”
            “Shut up, next question.”
            Tim sticks out his tongue at him, and Jason cannot help thinking that he looks like a kid with the blue shorts and sleeveless, white shirt he’s wearing. He looks like someone who has just come back from the gym.
            “Who’s someone I like but don’t want anyone to know I like them?”
            “You love Kim Kardashian.”
            Tim groans loudly, and Jason smirks. “That’s not something you’re supposed to know,” he moans, dragging a hand down his face.
            Jason shrugs. “Told ya, I know everything.”
            “Anyway, you like Bruce.” Jason shakes his head, but it’s kinda true, even though he won’t admit it out loud, not now, not ever. “We’re 3-3. Next question is: what’s the weirdest thing I’ve done while I was drunk?”
            “You ate dog food because Conner said you wouldn’t dare.”
            “Oh my god,” he moans, and Jason has to hug his stomach because of how hard he’s laughing. “Don’t remind me of that. Ugh. I was sick for an entire week.”
            “I still have the video,” Jason says proudly. “Now, what’s the weirdest thing I’ve done?”
            “You put on your Red Hood helmet, got to the GCPD rooftop and shouted ‘Fuck Batman’ and then shot the bat-signal.”
            “Oh boy, I didn’t remember that. But nope. That’s not the weirdest thing.”
            Tim’s jaw hangs open. “What.”
            “I put on the Batman cowl—I was wearing my pajamas—went to the GCPD and shouted that Batman was gay. Then I walked to Gordon and told him, ‘I’d be careful if I were you’ and laughed really hard. Someone ordered to arrest me, so I started shooting at the ceiling until I got out and then I don’t even remember. I think I passed out somewhere and Dick picked me up because I woke up in his apartment.”
            “Oh my god.”
            “I gave up drinking for a while after that.”
            “Oh my god,” Tim repeats, looking at him in awe.
            Jason smiles and points at the phone. “Go on, go on. I’m winning.”
            “You’re so weird,” Tim mutters, but then he asks, “If I started a cult, what kind of cult would I start—what the hell, what kind of question’s this?”
            “What kind of magazines does Stephanie read?” Jason thinks of something Tim loves, and less than two seconds after that he answers, “A coffee cult. You’d make drinking coffee instead of water a rule.”
            Tim giggles, and says, “Fair point. And you, you’d start a cult against clowns. An anti-clowns cult.”
            “Yeah, probably. 4-5, and I’m still winning. How many are left?”
            “A lot. Okay—oh my god, all right. Um. What’s my favorite superhero?”
            “Sheesh. That’s a hard one. I’ll say… Batman.”
            “That was an easy one.” Tim lets the phone away and lies down, his head on Jason’s lap. He yawns and then says, “Yours is Wonder Woman.”
            “She’s my girl crush.”
            “You don’t even like girls,” Tim says, looking up at him, and Jason pinches his cheek.
            “Next one.”
            “Who’s the nicest person I’ve ever met in my life?”
            And after a beat, they both answer at the same time: “Dick.”
            They laugh, and Jason says, “He’s just a sweetheart.”
            “He’s good,” Tim agrees, closing his eyes. “But this has nothing to do with us. I mean, what kind of questionnaire is this?”
            “A shitty one,” Jason answers, running his fingers through Tim’s hair. “I’m still winning. Heh.”
            “Shut up.” Tim opens his eyes, looks at the screen and smirks. “This one’s easy. When’s my birthday?”
            “Fuck, Tim,” Jason says, and Tim starts laughing because he knows damn well that Jason cannot remember dates. The only dates he has never forgotten are his birthday and the day he died, and apart from that he can’t remember anything—not birthdays or anniversaries or anything that has to do with dates, he’s so bad at it. “You know—”
            “Yeah, yeah, you don’t remember my birthday. I should be sad, but I’m happy because now we’re even.”
            “Oh, yeah? Then when’s my birthday?”
            Tim rolls his eyes, waits a second and says, “August 16th.”
            “Damn it.”
            Tim whoops. “Yes! 7-7.”
            “Okay, listen, I’m tired,” Jason mutters, and Tim looks at him with a smug look; Jason punches him in the shoulder, and Tim laughs. “One more question. The question to end all questions. The one who answers it correctly wins.”
            “What if we both answer it correctly?”
            “Then we are really soulmates. Now, read the question.”
            “The question to end all questions,” Tim repeats, grinning. “What’s the most awkward situation I’ve ever been on? No, no, wait. Let me answer this one first.”
            “Go on then, you little shit.”
            “You were at the manor because you’d been intoxicated with the Scarecrow’s gas, and you were in the kitchen, sat on the island, eating chocolate cookies Alfred made. Bruce walked in and saw you and you were so, so drugged and you told him, ‘You’re the most fucked up dad ever,’ and then you went to him, put a cookie into his mouth, hugged him and said, ‘But you’re the only one I’ve ever had, so I don’t hate you too much.’ That’s your awkward moment.”
            Jason cringes, because remembering that moment is painful. Bruce told Dick what happened, and then Dick told Jason, and Jason wanted to die again just because he knew Dick wasn’t going to let him forget that ever. Every time they meet, Dick somehow finds a way to bring that up. Every. Time. It’s awful.
            “Well. My turn. The most awkward situation you’ve ever been on was when you were at this meeting with Bruce and you burped really loudly and everyone just shut up and looked at you and Bruce didn’t talk to you for a week.”
            Tim winces, then smiles, and he painfully shakes his head. And when he opens his eyes is when Jason knows he’s fucked up. “That was awkward, but it’s not the most awkward situation I’ve been in.”
            “Come on!”
            “Sorry, Jay. You lose. I win. Boom, baby. I’m the best boyfriend ever.”
            “Yeah, whatever, cowboy. But what’s the awkward situation?”
            Tim flushes, and Jason now knows that he must know what the awkward situation is. Tim sits and mumbles, “But it’s very awkward.”
            “Spit it out, Timmy.”
            Tim sighs. “Okay. So. I’d been with Bruce for almost six months, and we were working in this really difficult case, and I discovered something relevant, so I went looking for Bruce. I heard something in his room, and my twelve-year-old-self thought, ‘He’s working out for sure!’ and I, um. I opened the door without knocking, and he—”
            “Oh my god.”
            “Selina was there, and they—”
            “I don’t believe you.”
            “I couldn’t even move, I just stared at them from the door, and they didn’t even notice I was there—”
            “Tim,” Jason says, and he’s too shocked to even laugh.
            “I heard Selina purr and I was so—it was so weird and I didn’t even know what to do. And then Alfred passed by and saw me and screamed, and then Selina and Bruce realized that I was there and screamed too, and it was super awkward—”
            “Are you traumatized?”
            “As a matter of fact, yes,” Tim says, and that’s when Jason laughs. It’s an honest to god laugh, and Tim smiles and keeps telling, “They made me sit with them in the living room and asked me if I was okay and if I needed to talk and I was like. No. Leave me alone. But they didn’t leave me alone and I could tell Bruce was dying of embarrassment, and Selina was trying her best not to jump from the window. I swear to god, I will never forget that moment.”
            Jason barks another laugh, and Tim tries to put his hands in Jason’s mouth to make him shut up, but it’s pointless because there’s nothing that can make Jason stop laughing after this. He can’t believe that Tim has never told him that, but he also understands him, and oh god, he’s never going to forget this.
            “I won, though,” Tim says, and even though Jason is a bit disappointed that he didn’t win, he’s fine because he discovered something new about Tim.
            He looks at the clock, and it’s almost five in the morning. He yawns, and Tim yawns too, and this time when Jason leans on to kiss him, the kiss lasts longer and it’s deeper and Jason thinks that he really likes being alive. He smiles, and he feels Tim smile too, and when Tim cups his face with his hands, Jason remembers the flowers and salty cookies and he feels like the luckiest person alive.
            “Happy Valentine’s day,” he whispers, and then he pulls Tim closer.
            And closer and closer and closer.
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kartiavelino · 5 years
$43.Four Billion Generated Thanks To Extra Numerous Avid gamers
Written by Sasha Horne Because the introduction of the Atari within the 1970s, the world of video video games has grown right into a billion greenback {industry}.  Nonetheless the teenage boy or 30-something Caucasian male living in his parent’s basement has prevailed because the picture of the standard American gamer. That is in direct distinction with studies which discover African Individuals, Latinx (the gender-neutral time period for Latinos and Latinas), and Asians are extra energetic within the gaming neighborhood than their white counterparts.  In 2018, the U.S. online game {industry} generated a record $43.4 billion in revenue.  The driving drive behind the spike based on analysts is the rise in girls avid gamers. Whereas girls and other people of coloration overtly embrace gaming tradition, there are areas throughout the online game world that proceed to marginalize this demographic like poisonous on-line environments, characters which might be designed as a cultural streotype, and discrimination in the workplace.  In August, the gaming {industry} confronted its “Me Too” motion with a number of high-profile males within the {industry} being accused of sexual assault.  In line with a BBC report, some girls builders described being groped at {industry} occasions whereas different claimed males had tried to lure them to lodge rooms with the promise of labor alternatives. The Times Up marketing campaign, a gaggle which fights sexual harassment, referred to as the actions described within the posts as “disturbing” and “unconscionable.” Altering The Recreation “My very own private experiences gaming bought me into this work,” stated Kishonna Gray, professor of Women and Gender Studies at the University of Illinois Chicago. Grey is the writer of Intersectional Tech: The Transmediated Experiences of Black Customers in Digital Gaming, coming to press in 2020.  “Each time I logged on I used to be referred to as all the pieces however a toddler of God,” Grey instructed BET.  “It was isolating.” Tech journalist Emmanuel Ocbazghi recollects being met with an onslaught of racial slurs on-line.  “Think about how 12-year-old me felt after I logged onto Xbox Reside for the primary time and was virtually instantly referred to as the n-word,” he stated in an interview.  Microsoft, Sony (who makes the PlayStation) and Twitch every have mechanisms in place to discourage harassment permitting customers to flag others who’ve made offensive feedback, however gamers say these tips fall wanting offering an actual resolution.  Even with this reporting device, many, significantly black males, have adopted a “no snitching” rule, Grey explains.  “The toxicity remains to be there. What avid gamers have discovered is that social media, particularly Twitter has been the best house to precise the racism that happens. They don’t interact Microsoft or Xbox in any respect. They simply share their tales and join with each other in that method.” Lifelong gamer and technical recruiter Erich Pflum took his ardour for video games and made it right into a profession having recruited various candidates for main {industry} gamers together with Amazon and Microsoft.  Pflum says corporations have gotten extra conscious of the advantages of getting a culturally various workforce.  “Too many instances variety candidates are being instructed why firm X values and wishes variety candidates like them, and never sufficient time spent on listening to variety candidates and their experiences within the company world, each optimistic and destructive in a method that values their opinion.” Insiders like Pflum and his colleague technical recruiting guide Charles Creamer say there’s a new discovered sense of urgency in huge tech and amongst gaming corporations.  “Racial and gender distinctions are constantly the most important focuses of the biggest firms from a recruiting perspective for all disciplines technical or purposeful,” Creamer defined. “There was no higher time to be a various candidate of whichever distinction.” Successful greater than $600,000 in earnings so far, skilled gamer Dominique “SonicFox” McLean, a gamer of coloration who not too long ago got here out as gay and who identifies as a non binary man, has seen nice success within the esports area.  SonicFox represents one of many extra dominant names within the booming world of eSports, which is roofed and televised by giants like ESPN and Turner Sports activities. The workforce he performs for, Echo Fox, is among the extra profitable squads in all the {industry}, touting different stalwart avid gamers as nicely. Nonetheless Grey, whose literary contributions embrace Woke Gaming and Feminism in Play, factors out what she views as a disparity within the promotion of SonicFox in comparison with his white counterparts.  “SonicFox is probably the most dominant participant in esports, however it was a white gamer,who will get featured.. on the ESPN cowl, situating white masculinity because the ‘norm’ in esports,” stated Grey. In a step in the direction of making the gaming {industry} extra inclusive and consultant of the broader inhabitants the Entertainment Software Associate (ESA) Foundation awarded minority and girls college students with scholarships to help them in pursuing levels that result in careers within the online game {industry}.  Tré Lannon a Junior on the College of Southern California was among the many 35 scholarship recipients.  “It’s vital to have individuals of various backgrounds sharing their views. I believe that provides to the video games being created,” Lannon stated. With the scholarships, the ESA Basis hopes to  empower the following era of online game creators to concentrate on various storylines and characters in video video games. Sasha Horne is an award-winning journalist, creator of SashaTalksTech.com and host of #Tech2020 a brand new collection streaming this September on Fb Watch that examines how know-how impacts our well-being. Ship your story concepts to @SashaReports_ on Twitter. Picture: Joao Ferreira/ESPAT Media/Getty Pictures Get the most recent from BET in your inbox! Join now for the most recent in celeb, sports activities, information and elegance from BET. By clicking submit, I consent to receiving BET Newsletters and different advertising and marketing emails. BET Newsletters are topic to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Customers can unsubscribe at anytime. BET Newsletters are despatched by BET Networks, 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036. www.bet.com OR JOIN US ON http://feeds.guess.com/~r/AllBetcom/~3/OltqZTBgOHA/op-ed–the-u-s–video-game-industry-just-generated-43-4-billion-.html The post $43.Four Billion Generated Thanks To Extra Numerous Avid gamers appeared first on Kartia Velino. https://kartiavelino.com/43-4-billion-generated-thanks-to-more-diverse-gamers/
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