#i love wen kexing not a small amount
incandescentflower · 4 years
Ok, ok, I just watched the 17th episode of Word of Honor and OMG, I am INTO THIS. I am currently held hostage by Youku and their release schedule and I woke up this morning to see episode 18 is released with English subs but I gotta ADULT, whhhyy?
I am impressed by anyone who figured out how to make the Youku app thing work to get all the episodes. I’ve looked into this and it seems to me to be a confusing mess and the Youku app isn’t even available on any of my devices. 😭
I want so much to dive into content but I don’t want to be spoiled. This is a really difficult choice to have to make. I will try to continue to be patient. But at this rate it is gonna be another few weeks before this whole thing is released. *sigh
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leavingtianchuang · 2 years
I've said I love the ending of WOH, and I do and I wanted that to be its own post because it's such a good thing we've gotten, but I also love how fandom chooses to grapple with the ending and transform it, because while it's happy--
I live in the rural US and that's the framework I'm coming from, and even here and now, in 2022, there's a widespread feeling in some places that to be queer is… how do I say this? How do I explain? I didn't get a degree in literature, so I often feel like I'm framing things inelegantly, but I'll try:
Many queer people leave the countryside for liberal cities. Even now, even today, you become an outcast from a still-staggeringly large number of rural communities when you make the choice to visibly love as a queer person. You can have a life and find community, but in order to do so, for many of us, you must give up your old life.
Zhou Zishu, who cries tears of bewildered, overwhelmed joy when he realizes Four Seasons Manor won't end with him -- who wants community, and tradition, and the good life that was taken from him once he founded Tianchuang -- is relegated by the narrative to a frozen mountain. He has a home, but he cannot stay there; he can only visit (can he, even?). He has become an outsider to the only life he ever truly wanted.
He has Wen Kexing, and Wen Kexing has him. We're given that much! And to be very clear, it's a tremendous amount. Over and over again, in the history of global queer cinema, we've received movies and shows that seemed impossible, or at least highly unlikely, for the time in which they were made. It is a lot to have a danmei-based show come out of China where two men exist together happily as immortals (with all the subtext that implies) during an era where the lives of certain danmei authors are being ruined: where they are still being harassed, cancelled, and ultimately jailed.
That final ending scene is tremendous, and I'm grateful -- my cheeks hurt from smiling when I watched it. But I also want to say... in terms of what we can imagine and create... let them come down off the mountain! Let them finish raising their child. Let Zhou Zishu come home and take up his place in society as a sect leader. Let Wen Kexing learn what it's like to be in supportive and loving community with others.
I can't help wondering if this would be what we'd be given in a happy-ending wuxia show that's perhaps a lot more heterosexual (ie, where Zhou Zishu's 'wife' is actually a woman). In other words, we've been given a story where they've been miraculously spared death, but it is still their queerness that shapes the narrative to require a larger sacrifice than what otherwise might be required of them. Ultimately, the framing of the story says: queer people can live and be happy, but it must be at a remove from the rest of society.
Queer people deserve to remain in society. Queer people deserve to love without being outcasts on the mountain. Queer people do not deserve to be refugees from the homes that raised them; they deserve to safely stay in the small towns they came from, and be part of the traditions they grew up with.
I've already expressed appreciation for a production that gave us as much as they could get away with. Thank you to all the fans who go further -- who write fic and meta, and make art, that allows Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing to go home.
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Hello! Thank you for all the beautiful Wenzhou fics! Loved the mpreg!WKX one in particular - can I request a continuation of it please? Thanks!
A/N: this is the little ficlet the anon is referring to 🌼 thank you for the prompt, Nonnie! I appreciate having the chance to revisit preggers WKX 😆
Anger, to Wen Kexing, was a familiar lake he swam in. There are days where he has one foot in its waters and then another when he drowns himself in the bitter sorrows of it all. Then there are the slowly commonplace moments where he finds himself bewilderingly on its shores and nowhere even remotely close to even breathing in its breeze.
Today, he drains the lake dry.
Ah Xu tries to cajole him into a light conversation but all he receives is a cold silence. Lao Wen remains diligent in tending to his superficial wounds, rubbing poultices and unguents with tenderness, and being nothing but loving with his hands. Yet, as the evening wears on, he still doesn’t speak.
The unnatural silence is something of a punishment and they both know it. A part of Wen Kexing aches with a bone deep need to comfort his Ah Xu; to hold him close and beg him not to do something as stupid as that again, to demand with hiccuping tears that he needs to stay alive until their child was born.
As if knowing that they were being thought of, their child gives his bladder a kick and Lao Wen can barely school his features in time to hide the discomfort.
“Is it the baby? Are you alright?” Ah Xu asks, voice rising with increasing concern and no small amount of terror. “Were you injured just now? Did you overexert yourself? Let me get Chengling to—“
“Stop it, stop it,” Lao Wen bats away his hands, rising gingerly and with as much grace as his pregnant body would allow, off their bed to put away the medicines.
“Lao Wen...”
“You didn’t even think of me,” He blurts out, the words stinging as they linger in the air. “You didn’t even think of us, you just went.”
Ah Xu, perhaps trying for contrite and landing somewhere near pleading instead, moves to curl a touch to his wrist. Upon finding himself not rebuffed, he tugs him closer and back into their marital bed.
With a quick smile, he leans down, pressing his lips the swell of Lao Wen’s belly, fingers trailing down its side. Lao Wen exhales slowly, hands moving to the soft downy hairs on Ah Xu’s nape. When their dark eyes meet again, the smile on his lips is the first genuine happy thing he’s felt all night.
“I could have lost you,” Lao Wen says softly, lips downturn, trembling a little, sight blurring with the prickle of hot sudden tears. He allows the anger and worry over his husband’s absolute stupidity to come forth to breathe the same air as his eternal happiness that Ah Xu was here with him still. “I could have been late and I—“
The presses of his Ah Xu’s lips to his own are pressures he knows as intimately as his own skin. His Ah Xu is not a man who wastes his words on pretty frivolities to appease a wounded heart, this he knows too. So, Lao Wen accepts the apology as it is given; in the soft wonder of their breathes intermingling with the taste of salt and relief, woven into the gratefulness of being able to be there for each other.
A careful hand cups at his belly and Lao Wen goes when he is pulled into an embrace. He has a few centimetres on Ah Xu, so is only able to press his cheek to his, gentle thumb moving arcing under his eyes to wipe away his tears.
“I knew you would come,” Ah Xu says with a thread of unshakeable confidence. “You’ll always come for me. And I told you before, I wasn’t going anywhere without you.”
Lao Wen turns his lips to his ear and bites down sweetly on his earlobe in reply. You’re mine, the gesture says, no one else gets to have you.
In his belly, their child shifts in agreement.
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
Episode 31 of Word of Honor, and in many ways OH MY GOD YES, but also, no, show, wtf?
As in, wt actual f is going on? Literally, what is happening?
(Spoilers, so scroll away and come back later, if you need to.)
So, first thing’s first: I feel like this one may end up a bit short, because a lot of it is likely to be just a bunch of keysmash flailing? (EDIT: No, I just came back up here to the top from the bottom, because this is NOT AT ALL any shorter than usual.) I’ll attempt a bit more than exclamation points and worry over whether my poor heart is able to take this, but we’ll see how it goes, because the first thing I’m going to do is say I knew it! and I told you so! I knew you weren’t planning to die, Zhou Zishu. I did call you a liar after Ep 30, and I was right. I mean, what’s the point of having the terrifying master of the Ghost Valley as your boyfriend husband if he’s not going to rescue you after you’ve been kidnapped for attempted ravishment by the evil prince? And get you the best wedding present ever, i.e., a bunch of new disciples? Omg, Zhou Zishu’s face when Wen Kexing finally calls himself a disciple of Four Seasons Manor! (I think he’s so overwhelmed, he doesn’t even realize when WKX calls him “shixiong” a minute before that!) Wen Kexing’s tiny pained smile that he just can’t seem to help when ZZS lays his hand on WKX’s head! That long shuddering breath ZZS lets out, and the way his shoulders just drop, like he’s finally let go of a huge weight! (The worry this brings me, because there are five and a half episodes left, my dude, and your husband is a troublemaker, and I would not be getting complacent, if I was you.) The fact that WKX has knelt to ZZS and called him zongzhu in front of the Ghost Valley contingent – there’s gotta be some political implications to that. Horseback riding! The way WKX keeps holding (up) ZZS! Lol at WKX being all, you all can leave now, we can take our honeymoon alone from here! ZZS knew he would come (I told you so)! Their smiles! Their soft little faces! (Merciless killers! How so fucking adorable?) The hairpin! MARRIED, Y’ALL. Censorship? I don’t know her. ANYWAY, that’s all just a bunch of flailing reaction to the first almost 20 minutes of emoporn. Also, Zhang Zhehan, you should not do suffering so pretty. It makes me feel like a bad person for still enjoying your face so much when your character is in so much physical and emotional distress.
Secondly, show. We need to talk. You should not be this opaque. I’m trying to piece together everything that’s happened in (vaguely) chronological order:
Sometime before dying (before breaking his heart meridians?), Han Ying tells Wen Kexing about the Four Seasons Remnants back with Prince Jin. All of Ep 30 happens, with Zhou Zishu and Xie Wang both making a mess of Awful Prince’s/Yifu’s plans. Xie Wang, the rest of the Scorpions, and the Ghost Valley team retreat back to a lair. Which lair? Who knows, at this point. Cao Weining talks to Fan Shishu. (He explicitly tells this to A-Xiang.) But does he also confront Mo Huaiyang? Because I feel like it must be significant that we get the same turn of phrase to describe Zhao Jing’s relationship with Xie Wang – asking a tiger for its skin – from Mo Huaiyang to Fan Shishu, and then attributed to Cao Weining when A-Xiang quotes it to WKX in the same ep. The show even emphasizes this for us to catch by drawing attention to A-Xiang’s use of it via her struggle to remember the idiom properly. (A. This episode’s convo between Mo Huaiyang and Fan Shishu, which is when we see Mo Huaiyang actually use the idiom, happens AFTER Cao Weining and Gu Xiang leave Gentle Wind Sword Sect. I went back and checked, and it is Mo Huaiyang who uses it, not Fan Shishu. B. In this same convo, Fan Shishu says he still needs to explain all this to the disciples somehow, so C. Was there a prior, unseen convo between just Cao Weining and Mo Huaiyang in which Mo Huaiyang practiced his excuses on poor, hapless Cao Weining first?)
Anyway, Cao Weining then goes to A-Xiang, who’s lit. and fig. in the dark at this point, in her rustic cabin outside the gated community. I notice Cinnamon Roll already has his bag packed. He is done. He lays out the current political web, and A-Xiang seems pretty sure of Liu Qianqiao’s ultimate loyalty to WKX. This is probably important in what happens next. Gu Xiang and Cao Weining decide to run away and elope but then … get captured and taken to the lair. On purpose? A-Xiang did see Liu Qianqiao with Xie Wang in the Secret Cave, standing shoulder to shoulder with Du Pusa as an apparent top-tier henchwoman, and she probably expects to be protected, but this seems like a pretty big gamble. I suppose you don’t survive the Ghost Valley without learning to take some risks. A-Xiang then leads Xie Wang and the Ghost Valley contingent to WKX (at burned-down Four Seasons Manor?) to, she says, let WKX take down Xie Wang. She notes Xie Wang’s use of some potion to control everyone – I assume the Drug Man potion, and I assume the monthly antidote is what’s keeping everyone in the Ghost Valley from going full Drug Man?
WKX and Xie Wang confer in secret. Probably about how much they both hate Awful Yifu. I mean, I assume Xie’er still hates Awful Yifu at this point, but who knows what tomorrow will bring? Probably a key point here: WKX is hiding whatever this was about from his husband. My dude, why are you still like this? I guess that explains the pained cast to that tiny little smile earlier. WKX then takes some of the Ghost Valley contingent and coordinates with the Four Seasons Remnants back in Prince Jin’s territory to rescue ZZS. Husband safely rescued, WKX now heads back to Ghost Valley, to … abdicate? He promises A-Xiang he’s going to come back safely, and my dude, I’m trying to believe you. I really am. I’m trying to have as much faith in you planning to be back all along as I had in ZZS not planning to die in Jin Palace all along, but here’s a key difference: HE LET YOU IN ON HIS PLAN. Which you were a key part of. I find your secrecy, by contrast, concerning.
Other things:
Love the little moment between Gu Xiang and Liu Qianqiao and Luo Fumeng when Beauty Ghost and Tragicomic Ghost turn to Xie Wang in righteous indignation and want to know what the fuck he thinks he’s doing to their little girl. Compare the reaction of these two moms to Happy Ghost being all, “Nope, this is a complete and total in with Wen Kexing right here in a pretty pink dress.” The show continues to draw a fairly bright line between the characterization of the women in the Department of the Unfaithful - who are terrorizing certain people, true, but also watching out for each other after ending up down on their luck – and the general run of men in Ghost Valley, who are basically rotten sociopaths straight out of Batman’s rogues gallery and will sell you out in a minute for their own gain. Yes, this has been made fairly explicit in Wen Kexing’s and A-Xiang’s commentary in past eps and later in this ep about trying to get the Department of the Unfaithful out of the line of fire while not caring if the jianghu burns down the rest of Ghost Valley, but this isn’t just favoritism or a whim, just some fond memories of Luo Fumeng being kind to them a couple of times in the past. I think there’s some commentary here on the kind of men who are so far gone they find themselves outside the bounds of “civilized” society and the kind of women who do – how much easier and quicker it is for a woman, that it could be any woman in the wrong circumstances, and how much further gone a man has to be than a woman to be considered a “devil.” We’ve seen these supportive interpersonal relationships among the women since Gu Xiang “adopted” her two girls in the first handful of episodes and told off Lovelace with the threat of Tragicomic Ghost – and the show is continuing to show it, not just tell it. It’s one of the things I’ve found frustrating about Wen Kexing a couple of times in past eps, when he’s trying to get A-Xiang’s two girls, or other women from the Department, to just leave and go do something else – I feel like even though WKX realizes their circumstances and their personalities are different from the rest of his Top Ten Devils, he’s not fully comprehending that they literally have nowhere else to go, that if they had any other options, they wouldn’t have ended up there in the first place. He called the two girls “puppies” when he talked about A-Xiang having to take care of them, but as Ghost Valley master, who’s enforced the independence of and protections for the Department of the Unfaithful, he’s walking away from his own basketful of puppies. Not to mention, this is one of the vanishingly small places in this particular version of the jianghu that we’ve seen women have any autonomy and power. I … think there may have been a few young female cultivators in Yueyang Sect, but while I’d have to go back and watch to be sure, I remember the Hero’s Conference being a whole bunch of men throwing their … weight around. Anyway, I also love that it looks like A-Xiang tries to kick Happy Ghost in the shin, because of course she does.
Visually, they had a cool thing going on there with the Tian Chuang behind WKX falling in concert with WKX lowering his fan, but they didn’t quite coordinate it enough, and then they cut away too soon. Bah. It was set up to be a very cool visual, if only they had committed to it. Meanwhile Duan Pengju, this asshole, omg. He’s trying to pull off the Collar of Evil and is not succeeding. Srsly, his Collar of Evil is droopy. It doesn’t stop him from monologuing like he’s the actual villain and not some sad-sack lackey. You showed the correct amount of amused disdain during your interaction, but I can’t believe you left him alive at the end of it, Wen Kexing.
I wasn’t really feeling Jing Beiyuan and Wu Xi up until this ep when Jing Beiyuan was teasing A-Xiang about her lack of shame over running away with her lover. OK, fine, you can stay, Qi Ye. Also, wow. Speaking of lack of shame, I can’t believe you just accused your husband of bride kidnapping right in front of everyone’s salads, because that is totally what just happened there.
So the band is (almost all) back together, minus Chengling, who has definitely found out in the worst possible way that one of his dads is the terrifying master of the Ghost Valley that massacred his family and sect. So, this should go well.
Lol at Xie’er lounging in Wen Kexing’s Ghost Valley master seat like some kind of consort. He’s already got a husband, Xie’er. One that would not be happy with a concubine running around, I think. I do wonder what the full scope of their plan/understanding is, bubbling away under this stare-down.
A note – WKX’s hair is styled differently in this ep in the Ghost Valley master scenes than it has been before. Previously, those side bangs were further forward and a little bit chunkier, which, I think, narrowed his face and also helped emphasize the wild-eyed look. They’re wispier and back further, now, which I think softens his face, even when he’s trying to look imposing. Makes him look more, dare I say, human.
And now, I’m going to go have a few Han Ying/Bi Xingming thoughts, actually. God, those months after ZZS left, can you imagine what that was like for them? Han Ying having watched those nails placed in Bi Xingming’s shifu in the first ep, and then having to turn around and go to Bi Xingming and tell him that ZZS was gone, with the seven nails in him? Both of them trying to hold the Four Seasons Remnants together – and then Ying-ge comes back one day and says he’s found ZZS? Mutual aid and comfort, my dudes. Also some projection. I’m just sayin’. Meet me, I guess - this kind of sideline action and extremely rare pair thing is how I tend to roll.
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cosmoglaut · 3 years
Alright then. I’m done. I’m happy and disappointed both? I have...emotions. Under cut. Spoiler like whoa.
(I wanted to watch the series as it unfolded instead of waiting to binge for two reasons: it was based on BL novel, and I wanted to be part of the build up of the phenomenon which I entirely missed for The Untamed. No idea whether it would become next TU, but nonetheless, I wanted to be part of the growing insanity <3. And I am absolutely happy with that journey! The sheer amount of romance this series succeeded in getting on screen has been a treat to watch as it went on. Anyway, onto the *ahem* emotions.)
Knowing that novel had a happy ending and that series writer had said series would also have happy ending, I was ready to be happy. Well.. it was... a happy ending for sure. Happy-ish for me I guess?
Had I not read the novel, I probably would have loved it. I think it’s the same with MDZS for me. Fortunately, there I saw the show first and read the novel later. I might have been disappointed at Phoenix mountain scene in the show where a kiss became a verbal ‘zhiji’. Knowing how much sex wangxian have, “Wei Ying” ending might have felt dull. But it didn’t.
If I remove myself from the novel, I can very well see myself enjoying the fact the two idiots are going to literally live together FOREVER!! Why it needed the special episode to do that? It’s like The Untamed ending at the last parting of wangxian without the last “Wei Ying” + gorgeous blooming smile! Still. Since they’re together, still bickering, still flirting, still softly smirking at each other with gorgeous flowy hair, it’s good! It should be enough.
I did read the novel. It will be a bit of a tussle to separate myself from it. In the novel, both of them are hale and hearty in the end. They are free to roam jianghu, enjoy its pleasures, teach their child if they so wish (and I bet they do, if only just to one up each other).
In the show though.... These free-spirited murderbois are not only confined to the cold mountain, they cannot enjoy food ever. Knowing how Zhou Zishu had been losing his senses, getting them back was the relief + escape fantasy. Here he may have got all his senses back, but is kinda cursed by the immortality never to use it.
(I hope he is overcompensating it by using his tactile sense more, hint hint)
In the novel, after the last battle at Ghost Valley, Wen Kexing is severely injured. A-Xu asks him, “Do you want to live?” He could have eased Wen Kexing’s passing. WKS replies, “Will you stay with me?” Zhou Zishu gives a slight nod with a small smile. So not anymore Valley Master decides to live. This is a promise given by both of them. They literally decide to live because the other will be with them.
So A-Xu in my head still bickers and fights with Lao Wen, but he spoils him occasionally too. In my head, they are the faraway wanderers. (Come on their theme song is called so too!) Sticking them on the top of a ice cold mountain under a vast sky feels claustrophobic to me.
They are happy. Against all odds, they are there. As beautiful as ever <3 Even if it is an ‘ish’, it’s still a happy ending. So it’s alright!
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zzztomato · 3 years
Lol, I’m back. 
I was really, desperately, in need of a place for me to write just about anything without getting judged or ridiculed by others. The thing is, the worst judge is me. Anytime I tweet or retweet anything, it just feels wrong.
The fact that I tend to talk about multiple topic in one time is something that I’m very much aware of. However, this is how my brain works these days. I do want to focus on one thing, and talk only about that. Then only I move to other topic. This is NOT what happens in my twitter.
Look. I’m a fan of various animes, c-dramas, danmeis, manhua, manhwas, mangas, you name it. SO following multiple accounts that specializes in the topic that they chose is very useful for me; I get to enjoy various updates at once, rather than hanging in just one topic and tiring myself while waiting for an update. Does this make sense? If it doesn’t, then be it. I myself will not be able to decipher the whole post later, you’ll see.
Anyways, I’m a HUGE fan of #shanheling these days. The world of c-dramas is kinda unexpected for me. I start by watching donghua (TGCF <3) and I was intrigued to read the danmei. Lo and behold, I fell in the danmei rabbit hole. Starting with TGCF, I start reading SVSSS and MDZS [because when you start with MXTX, the flow is for you to read her novels first then you venture out by yourself]. 
For MDZS, I started with the donghua first and I was not impressed at first but the story hooked me in. I start reading the manhua. Then I found out that it has a c-drama, The Untamed, or Chen Qing Ling, CQL for short. At this moment, I was thoroughly impressed by the way the story progresses so I said, why not? Boy, I was not ready for it.
You see, CQL set up is in xianxia world. Imagine my surprise when characters started to hurl their incantations from out of nowhere. Dammit, that caught me by surprise. I was not impressed and I stopped watching after 2 episodes  (=.=‘). I did say that I watched the donghua first, right? As always, the world of animation never seems out of place whenever something weird came up. I can just pass it all as, ‘well, it’s cartoon. it’s not real,’ kinda crap. But when real-life Wei Wuxian start using his spells or when Lan Wangji attacks using his guqin, my brain still hasn’t caught up with the story.
So I stopped watching although it was a widely famous and successful c-drama. Time passed and I found myself exploring more and more danmei. And I am slowly adding my knowledge on xianxia, wuxia world. Learning fun trivia and stuffs. Those really help on my understanding of chinese culture (although it is not comprehesive) but still, I am now enjoying those things that I found ‘weird’ before. I found my former self as weird now.
As I said before, I followed some accounts that specifically post on danmei updates. They start updating on a new drama, Shan He Ling, and adaptation of Tian Ya Ke by priest. I haven’t read the novel so I was not inclined to watch. After a course of few weeks, I saw a user tweeting a short cut of SHL from episode 2, if I’m not mistaken. Oh boy, I was instantly hooked. Wen Kexing in white hanfu, fanning himself from the top, watching Zhou Zishu... (rather, he’s watching how his schemes are going)
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Me, watching this cut for the first time,’It was this moment that I knew, I f**ked up. I am now down the SHL hole!!’
It was a very short clip but it has convinced me to start watching. I LOVE every second of it. I’m not a huge fan of drama, most likely because it needs a huge amount of concentration and I have none of that. But episode 1 was intriguing. Then the iconic episode 2 just swept me off my feet. I binge watched the whole 12 episodes that was uploaded by Youku at the time. I am still watching, currently waiting for episode 31. I can say that I was very proud of myself that I discovered this gem.
Time and time again, the trivia regarding SHL just make me love the show even more. The fact that both Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan were not the first choice to act as Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu, respectively, blew my mind. They did a great job portraying the characters. When the characters are sad, I wept. and when they’re happy, I grinned so hard, lollll. Oh, and this drama have relatively low budget compared to other historical drama, a fact that I read from Chinese diaspora users on twitter. The team did their best with what they had. Tbh, the whole show was very beautiful; the scenery, the hinting, the way it was shoot. I should write another post on this.
SHL is depicted in wuxia world; a genre that I can adept to easily. There must be qi, kungfu, immortal masters but it is easier to digest in my opinion. Then again, I have learnt some very basic knowledge bout this by now, which is why this is such an enjoyable show. Although it is also because both wkx and zzs are very good looking, I can’t peel my eyes from them.
Now that I enjoy watching SHL, I decided to continue watching CQL. There are still some details that just make me itch watching it. From the woozy cut to very orchestrated movement of a group of people, I have learnt to actually prioritise the story, rather than these small things. So now I’m watching both CQL and SHL. I think it is not that I can’t watch c-drama, it is only that I was not a fan of the xianxia genre. Though if you throw me a xianxia danmei, I will gobble it all up as long as it has enough angst and BL.
Rambling on this topic is just very relieving for my poor heart. I do want to fangirl on my twitter but my knowledge is very shallow and I don’t have anyone that I know from the fandom. They seem really fun but also close-knit..? I’m aware that I can RT and maybe reply to their tweets but the second option makes me feel self-conscious; I have very very limited knowledge on the subject matter and what’s more, I didn’t really know the hidden context. What’s more, I haven’t even read TYK. My understanding come from SHL alone. I heard that SHL is a good adaptation and ofc it is vastly different from TYK.
That’s it for now. Maybe I will write a second part on my thoughts later.
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