#i love you mute comics i love you soft touches i love you bittersweet feelings i—
zu-is-here · 9 months
Hi :) Hi Hi Hi! Helloooo Sooooo I don't know if you do requests or not but JUST STAY WITH ME ON THIS- XD So.... what about... some Monarch Shattered Dream and Knight!Cross content ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) Just a suggestion XD
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set them free
Monarch by @wishingstarinajar || Shattered Dream by galacii-gallery / galacii
Knight by stankychee || Cross from xtaleunderverse by jakei95
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noonmutter · 6 years
I’ve Got a Confession To Make
(Below is the conclusion to the as yet unnamed secret admirer series, where the Courier received a trio of curious, anonymous notes professing love for her and eventually inviting her to meet the writer at the Ledgerdemain. Imagine her shock when she found the fizzy chef waiting for her, dressed up all pretty and bearing cheesecake and wine! Enjoy!)
“Well, Leon,” she started with a wry smile, focusing on the sliced cake, “I think more words are needed tonight. Maybe the cake will help us through, yes…?” Already, the sight and smell of it put Safrona in mind of thoughts she was not sure she was ready to share, especially with the Chef. Yet, the three letters aforementioned were gently placed on the tableside. He had requested her own confessions, and they would be given.
…it simply might take a good portion of cake and wine to get through it all tonight.
"Last...we talked," she started gradually in soft, careful tones, eyes still on the slice he seemed to be eternally slicing through. "You were...quite different. And less than inclined to talk. And ...now in your letter, you confess that you love me." She shifted slightly in her seat. "It is easier to think of the letters as...gratitude for business, but clearly this is deeper. I am...confused, as to when this happened."
He was quiet while she spoke and for a time after, occupying himself with serving them both and sitting down while he mulled over his response. His smile had faded into a more pensive line, not pressed thin, simply flat as his mind wandered away from the task at hand.
"I was... I've had some revelations over the past year or so." His accent was practically muted, a trick he'd hung onto if only to make it easier to understand him in the din of a busy shop.
"Repressed memories. Ugly times I'd tried so hard to forget that I'd succeeded in forgetting most of myself alongside."
Picking up his fork and tapping it absently on the tabletop, he sighed. "I never did anything about it, once I'd been reminded of all I'd lost or thrown out. It came back to bite me, hard. And now I'm..." Leon looked distinctly uncomfortable, like the next words tasted foul on his tongue. "I'm getting proper help. Talking to someone. ...Admitting things to myself. And others."
As Leon set the slice of cake to her plate, Safrona decided it would be best to do what she did best and uncork the bottle of wine. An ear flexed faintly at the way the man minced his wording by the time he finished his explanation, but she did not give her wry words until his glass was filled with the light gold of the white wine. “Sounds as if it would have been easier to forget. Or...keep forgetting.”
Again, she poured the Riesling, now into the glass that was meant to be her own, watching the sparkling bubble of the sweet white until it began to settle in its embrace of delicate glass. “Living in the now becomes easier when the past is empty in your mind, yes?” She chuckled witheringly just under her breath after considering her own words in a silence, eyes having closed. “But ‘easier’ is not always right, is it?"
Once his glass was full and gently bubbling, Leon raised it with an appreciative nod, but didn't drink, simply watching the liquid settle. "Easier and harder. Quieter, but lonelier. I used to talk about how I never saw the same set of faces twice in a row. Used to think that was funny. Problem with that is that you eventually...come up with your own company. I wasn't very good company for me."
"The past…” She exhaled her words softly. “The past for me are lifetimes of lessons to draw from, lived by someone else. Or maybe I am a shadow, unrecognizable from the shape it originated from, trying to eternally begin again through the breath of life others give me…”
His eye rose from the surface of the wine to find her face again at the mention of shadows, and he set the glass back down, then reached up to delicately remove his eyepatch. She'd seen the scarring and the pale, slightly flickering iris before, but he was still careful not to just whip it out. "Shadows always carry a little hint of what cast them. Sometimes other shadows simply fall across and make it harder to tell one from another."
Her eyes flicked back open on Leon, “...do you feel more whole in the confessing, lovely boy?”
Dragging his hand through his hair, he smiled wryly and gave a short, soft laugh. "No, not at all. Whole? I feel ...deflated. I--I've laid myself at your mercy, red lady. I don't think I've ever been as afraid as I am when I tell someone that I love them."
The unveiling of Leon's eye did not seem to faze her, a certain interest glinting in her own gaze as it travelled the man's face like a map. His last words did end in chasing those absinthe sights away, though not without the weakening of the elf's smile. "Well, I don't often recommend throwing yourself at anyone's mercy or loving shadows too deeply, Leon. But it's sweet, all the same. I know well that some love so easily, and you've that sweet sort of soul. Dangerously sweet. Like that Riesling...Or..."
Safrona guided the fork through her cut of cheesecake, welcoming it to her lips. Lips pursing on the fork, she chuckled almost painfully. "It's so good," she'd admitted as she worked on swallowing, a little comical in the way she suddenly seemed close to tears. Either the cake was some sort of deliverance to the pearly gates of euphoric goodness, or it...was bad and the elf was near tears for the awfulness. A third insightful eye might have caught there was something else going on in her mind, to make her reach for the wine as she did.
He was watching her, always studying her. The worst mistake he could've made was to take her at face value, in speech or expression. Virtually nothing she said or did was the whole of the thing; he'd worked out that much by now. Still, he hasn't quite gotten to the point of being able to pinpoint what she held back, at least not every time.
For a second, he wanted to touch her hand, but thought better of it and let her take her glass unimpeded. When he opened his mouth again, his voice had dropped to a nearly inaudible volume, and he was allowing his accent to seep back in. Or possibly it was breaking in. Such things took concentration. "Safrona, no matter what you do, what you say, what y'call yourself, I see you an' think about you. Not th' Courier, not a shadow, not a target, not an idea. Somebody I've bared m'self to without fear, an' somebody I 'ope can do th'same with me."
Mid-drink of the wine, the Fizzy Chef's quiet words had brought her to a stillness, a meaningfulness that came as unexpected as his letters. Slowly she returned to draining that glass, a single line of wetness rolling from the corner of an eye as she did.
When she finally put the glass down, Safrona was shaking her head, her words watery and weak. "And what do you see, Leon? I have been so many things...even the name you know me by is in part a lie. You're baring your soul, and I'm...honestly, most nights I'm still trying to figure out if I ought to be in a grave. I wonder if I've lived too many lives...lived too long. Watching others drift in and out of this life like the tide..."
She scooped up a strawberry with a dollop of cream, chewing with a smile that had grown bittersweet and apologetic at once. "Like...Vandy. Did...did you know she used to save little cheesecake snacks for me every time I'd visit? She knew I loved them. And...and then here you are with this, and she is gone. As is my Watchman, my Renwyck." Her little chuckle was mirthless, sad, but soft. "You humans are beautiful, passionate souls and I'm always drawn. But sweet shadows when I hear the word love I feel it’s some prelude in you checking out of my life too..."
The utterance of that name brought a stillness to the chef, and his expression became briefly wooden. His mouth didn't move, brow didn't furrow; it simply became apparent that he was either deliberately holding his face where it was, or unable to change it himself. A few seconds and it was past with a careful, deliberate breath, and he was rising from his chair to settle into a kneel by hers. He knew she would try to avoid him now, and he wanted to make it easier to see him than not.
"Soldiers say th' same thin', Safrona. 'Should I 'ave died then?' I've said it. ...I still say it. Especially if I think of 'er." If she didn't mention the wet shine to his eyes or the slight break in his voice, he wouldn't. "She..." He had to force himself to breathe again, recalling far too fresh a loss and working not to let it drag him under entirely. "She worried about th' same thin'. It took so long t'convince 'er that--that I wouldn't leave. That I'd do ev'rythin' in my power t'make sure she wasn't alone."
His hand slid over his mouth and then up across his eyes before he convinced himself to put it back down. "Vember--a woman I met barely two years ago now--she's close enough t'my sister that we don't see th'point in callin' each other anythin' else. She's lost, too. She worries, too. So 'ard for 'er t'let 'erself be attached, an' she lost 'er lover in th'invasions last year. A lot o' people did. I never even knew about Deathwing at th' time, but I was--my fam'ly was--we were in Dusk'aven when it, it fell an' I wasn't there, an' my mum--"
Voice breaking again, he trailed off, just breathing hard for a minute while he tried to collect himself. He was only able to try again after clearing his throat twice. "Ev'ryone staggers up t' that threshold sooner or later. Steppin' across it or turnin' away from it, that's- that's up t'chance. Not choice. Eventually, it won't be in yer control anymore; it never was."
"You're not alone."
Watching Leon crumble out of his chair and next to her on the floor, she stiffened, her regret deepening in those that had been lost, and touching on that grief in him. But there was a connection that was established, and one made physical as she moved her idling hand from the table to the top of his head, gently moving each digit within his hair.
"No, not alone," she whispered quite softly, "though I think most times I am used to convincing myself that I'm better off to be. I lost loved ones...but most of all I lost myself. I subsist on the sacrifice of others, lovely boy, and whether that is out of need or want, attachment has never been...so good for me."
Still, her hand stayed, a gentle petition there to offer comfort with a touch, appreciation for his trying to open up and comfort her in turn, even while she opened his wounds. "You're a brave thing, Leon. That's all I know. To be here. With me. And I don't know if I can...love you in a way that is wanted, or needed, right now. But I am...I'm glad you are here. You remind me of better days in my existence..."
To try and claim he wasn't disappointed would be an impossible lie, so he chose not to acknowledge it just then. Instead, he lifted his head to lean into her hand and, finally, closed his eyes. "I've waded through th' Nightmare, seen th' death o' gods an' dragon aspects up close. I met you alongside some of th'most fright'nin' times o' my life. You? Are not one o' those times. Comfort follows in yer wake, whether you b'lieve it or not.
"For what it's worth, I think you're stronger than you do. Otherwise, I don't think you'd 'ave come 'ere t'night."
"Yes, bringing you what you need as your Courier must help, hm?" She chuckled lightly, trying to breathe an air of wry amusement into somber talk.
"No, th' courier doesn't. My friend talkin' with me about anythin' that might pass our fancy, sharin' a drink, just bein' t'gether? Yeah... that 'elps."
"I don't know what I was expecting when I followed your letters to this room, but I'm glad at what I found." Her fingers slipped from his hair, and went to the seat, patting a place next to her. "Now you come and sit, tell me more about you, and help me finish this cake and wine. They're not going to be finishing themselves."
He took the invitation gladly, pulling his chair around the table and settling down beside her with a tiny, but genuine, smile.
Chancing a soft smile, Safrona picked up the bottle and topped off Leon's glass, allowing her eyes to meet his with a thread of trust. "...I'll confide a few truths in you in return, if you wish. Definitely will need the whiskey for that though." She snickered softly. "Both of us will need it."
Forgoing manners for the moment, he plucked a piece of strawberry off the top of his untouched slice of cheesecake and set it on his tongue, chewing slowly. "Th' more I tell, th' more wine we're gonna need. Just t'be fair."
"...Sounds like the night calls for whiskey rather than wine. Your Riesling goes well with most things, but it may be too sweet for this cake. Should be saved for spicier fare."
Leon nodded toward the glasses as his smile became a touch sheepish. "I'll defer t'wiser minds in tha' regard. I 'ad t'ask in th'shop, t'be honest, an' I don't yet know enough about it t'know if they were givin' an honest try at pairin' or just sellin' me somethin' they wanted t'get rid of, y'know?"
With an abrupt sigh, he lifted his glass and finally took a sip. "Confession one: I'll still 'old out 'ope that I'll 'ear you sing for me one day." He gave her a wink and a wicked smile that held the kind of promises that could make a generation of mothers thankful he was an honorable man. "I will, 'owever, try my 'ardest not t'go full Gilnean on you an' keep th' pinin' to a minimum."
Wine advice came easy from her, too naturally, "Quite alright, I'll throw in a little chart for you I have to show you what drinks pair best with what and..."
But as she registered the rest of Leon's confession, her habitual helpful business talk seemed to flounder, for the moment unsure how to reply to that wicked smile that it came with. His promise to not pine after her too deeply left her finally with a little chuckle, looking away to moisten her lips for the right words to reply with.
His smile twitched for a moment before growing into a grin and splitting for a soft laugh at the rare sight of the Courier being driven off-track.
"Mmn, well. I'm...not the singer most will want in their arms. I...tune to a different melody in the body when I find I want it. A song past the sea of flesh, sourced at the cradle of the soul." Her eyes slid back to Leon, lingering at his chest, then slowly travelling back up to his face with a restrained sensuality. "I want more than most are willing to give. When you are such a greedy soul, you know it is best not to get too lost in the sound of desire."
Leaning back in his chair, he set his glass down and finally chanced a touch, since she had been the first to do so already, and brushed his thumb under her chin as his eyes found hers. She'd called those eyes piercing before, and just then, it seemed he knew exactly what they were capable of. "Lovely lady, in an ideal world, I find myself most comfortable in th' role of th'servant. To give is my purpose and pleasure, mm?"
If the eyes were the windows to the soul, then Safrona was for the moment pulled to gaze on his as he turned her chin toward hers. Those were the eyes of a sweet soul that were set to worship too freely, along with the rest of him.
His smile suddenly faded to give way to thoughtfulness once again. "I... Safrona, b'fore we move on t'easier thin's, I need t'ask, an' be clear... You said 'right now.' Does that mean not now, or not ever?" It was not a question that held desperation or even hope, asked with the sort of tone one might carry for clarification on the time of a meeting.
Her gaze left the lovely mismatch of his eyes to drift irrevocably to watch his mouth move with his question, and as it ended, she inched closer just to bask in the warmth of breath.
Yet her lips softly pressed against each other with lingering uncertainties, and she closed her eyes within them, exhaling slowly, steadily. "That is...a question set for future minds, I think, and I do not live in the future. I only understand what is here, and now." Another weak, but sincere smile, and then she coiled her fingers gently around his, guiding them from her chin. "And I know that you have crept in to become a deep friend tonight, deeper than most know how to be. That in itself is precious to me."
Like her, Leon found himself leaning in just a touch closer, all but transfixed while she spoke. While it was very possible he gave too freely of things best kept closely guarded, there were notes here and there in him that spoke of darker things and deeper hurts, to him and by him, than perhaps she thought him capable of committing or enduring.
Still, he smiled and hid nothing in that smile at her answer, and gave her fingers a gentle squeeze when she took his. "My apologies, red lady, but I can't find it within me t'be upset at bein' that kind of creep. It's a precious thin' t'be allowed, an' I thank you for bein' brave with me, an'avin' just a little bit of 'ope." For a fraction of a second, his eyes flicked just slightly downward before returning to hers, and he sighed. "I only 'ope you'll forgive me my distraction just now; yours are th' kind o' lips it feels shameful leavin' un-kissed."
With that, he forced himself to settle back into his chair, picked up his glass, and drained it in one long pull.
"I think overall we have cake that deserves our attention," Safrona chuckled almost evasively, trying to dispel the small wind of wine-drenched thoughts in the room tonight.
It would prove to be an evening of shared stories, tentative offerings of the past rather than baser things, almost in spite of the nearly tangible frustration of the succubus watching Safrona from the shadows. They parted ways a few hours before dawn with nothing more risqué passing between them than a kiss on the cheek that lasted perhaps a second longer than it ought.
Before the chef found his way home to Stormwind, he made certain to pick up a new quill and a set of nicer stationery.
Letters suddenly had more appeal than they used to.
( @safrona-shadowsun )
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eliasbsyal · 7 years
Beyond Saving
Beyond Saving Yet Able To Love
Elias walked over to his blade and pulled it out of the column. He stared at all the blood he had shed to get there. Blankly. Moments passed as he sheathed it, accepting his murderous ways, his sinister motif behind all of this. All this time he'd been going deeper, darker. He wasn't sure he wanted this for anybody. He's not sure anybody would want that. He walked up the stairs of the floating temple and stared at the gate. There she was. Waiting for the day someone would come. He let off a faint smile, the one person he'd gone through all this for, bittersweet given all that it took. As he approached the gate more, visions of his past played before him. He knew that it was all worth the damage done. The pain began to subside, fear was a fleeting memory not known to him for the first time in his many years of living. It was all over, he could bring her home.
This is a tale long told before the wars that split this fantasy realm. The tale that one who is different may change just for the one he may truly love. This man, not human or alien, sacrificing it all just for a person he couldn't see himself living without. The tale of not just one, but many people. It could even be you, or the person right next to you. For one to find out truly, they must invest their deepest amnesties to the flaws that one would find in another. It all began in a small rural area, known as Beleria. A man with a rather childish look was hard at work tending to the crops with his comrade in arms.
"So, you heard anything from Melisa today, Mark?" Elias asked of his long time ally Mark curiously. "No, not much. She hasn't really been that big a talker. Did something go down between you two?" Mark replied with equal curiosity. Elias glared as if that subtle implication of their relationship was the worst thing he'd heard since sliced bread being compatible with water. Mark grinned smugly and continued farming. Elias was a peculiar fellow. Quite short in stature, yet a lot older than he appeared. The folks of the city would always call him a leprechaun due to his size yet immense wealth. One never questioned why Elias lived in a rural area with all the money life could give him. It was obvious, it was a publicity stunt to get closer to Melisa.
Mark, his companion had always been an oddball. Walking around in this "golden" suit of armor. It wasn't really gold, he just painted it to look that way. He added glitter for effect but nobody was really sure if he knew that gold didn't blind someone every time the sun would shine directly on it. Personality wise, he was even more of an oddball. As Melisa would state, if it was in her jurisdiction she would've had him jailed for being a womanizer. Stating that he'd break every heart just as soon as he'd touch it with the tale of his "army". Mark truly was a sight to behold. One time back in Fort Schumann, he scared off a whole battalion of soldiers just by dropping his pants and doing the helicopter. Why do I know this? I was one of them. But let me make this clear. We didn't become friends because he swung his stuff in a circle, no. We became friends because literally after that he got jumped by a whole squad of my men and we just took pity on him.
Elias and Mark hit it off immediately through comical satire. He would always poke fun at Mark's brash yet bold attitude. No matter who it was, it always came down to "I'll swing when you do!" or "COME AT ME BRAH!". Oh the humanity when it comes to that guy, am I right? Well. it's not all bad. He recently quit womanizing and decided to settle down with a nice village girl. She was nice, but she was also a bit of a mute as Elias would say. When it came to Elias, being in a battalion of some of the hardest rocks Beleria had to offer, he knew soft, and that's exactly what she was. Elias wasn't as big of a womanizer, but that doesn't mean he wasn't one. That, and a troublemaker. The hands on that boy would leave you as broke as Java written by someone with a 1st Grade reading level. That's a kick in the head if I ever knew one. Womanizing, he wasn't too bad. He'd occasionally hit it off with a few village girls by showing his "Impeccable upper body strength" as if he wasn't failing to mention he's partly demon. Yeah, you heard it first here, black eyed and cold-hearted. But something is a bit more off about him than what comes to mind.
Then there's Melisa. The soft-hearted princess of Beleria. Sweetheart of our hero, Elias. But also a pretty demanding woman when it comes down to it. Whenever there's an issue, she'll ask Elias to handle it. Being the insatiable womanizer Elias is, he couldn't help but accept the task. Even if it should kill him. Nothing really threatened Beleria for the last few years. A few bandits here, a few marauders there. Sometimes whenever there was nothing to do, she'd subtly ask Elias to be the trouble for once. Just to have a laugh at watching the townsfolk try to lynch him. They never really did as she intervened before it became too big of an issue.
Though a day as solemn as this one would forever change what Elias would define as innocent fun. It was September 21st. The sun was beaming in the fields whilst Elias, and Mark farm. They continued their ambient chit-chat as they rambled on and on about random topics. From teasing one another to making small talk about the maiden that may pass by every now and then. The day would go along as usual. Though the typical call in for rest was never received from Melisa. The winds of the fields gusting the time away as they waited in the sun for her to call them in after a productive days work. But unlike every day that passed them by, this one would forever change the fates of these men. Shaping their lives, their motives. Forever an unwavering tale once told. Truly defining what is beyond saving yet somehow. You're able to still love them.
Chapter 1: Hell's Martyr
Elias had set down his hoe. He had finished his tasks for the day as a helper around in Beleria. He started towards Melisa's castle. The sun was setting on the shining bright orange horizon. The forest teeming with life. The ambient sounds of creatures reminding him of why he loved this land the way he did. As he roam the passage to Melisa's castle he was awestruck to find that he was on the very path he had met Melisa. His former blade still cast in the side of a tree. An outsider to their world, cold from the rains that had fallen upon the beautiful realm. Her words of kindness touching the disheveled boy. Only a cloak and dagger to his name, he would come to find that the very quote she uttered upon him would come to define his ideals in the life he had to now call his own. "You poor soul, all this violence as the only thing to define you. Yet you still have the soul to hold a smile on your face." She would speak calmly into his eyes. As shy as Elias was, he knew nothing but fight. He would draw his blade only to be enclosed by her embrace. He withdrew his hand from the sheath shocked by such a calm and gentle antic. Taken aback past all the death and gore that had befallen him, all he could do was stand in his idle position. Without assurance of what to do, he would reciprocate the gesture. That was the day an eternal bond between those two was born. On that very path was the day Elias could call this land home.
The dusk had fallen past Elias as he became enthralled in his thoughts. He walked slowly, reinvigorated by remembrances of his eternal bond. It was a typical Belerian night. Though something was amiss. The castle wasn't gleaming as it usually would. Elias ignored it to his naive enchanted feelings getting down on him for his absentminded ignorance. Elias approached the castle when two foreigners exited the main entrance. They were both covered in blood and clad suits of black covered their bodies. They resembled those cliche movie agents, though their tipped edge fedoras said otherwise. They did not belong here, and that was one of the few things anybody could discern. Elias noticed this swiftly and drew his sword. "Oh look, isn't that nice- Yeah the welcoming committee on the inside was a bit sucky, if you think you've got what it takes then have at you" one of the foreign intruders proclaimed to his companion and then to Elias.
A chilling elegy of silence overtook the entrance to the castle. Within the next few seconds, the sounds of swords colliding filled the air. Elias knew not what they'd done, but he known they had harmed those he held dear to him. It wouldn't take a genius to notice the dried blood upon the blades the two wielded. Elias parried their attacks with little effort as they swung erratically. "Unpredictable, strong, yet generalized on one foe." Elias muttered. They intersected between his eyes only to miss by mere millimeters. Elias nimbly hopped onto their artificial line of swords and landed a heavy blow on one of them. The intruder tumbled back a bit and started profusely emanating an ominous purple glow. Elias saddled back as the other intruder vanished into a singularity hole. "Hey, if you're going to explode could you like..shout or something" Elias mockingly asked. The intruder flashed a sinister grin. Moments later a shockwave of pure dark energy enveloped the surrounding area. Elias was knocked through two trees, unconscious and unable to flee the scene. Though in his moment of darkness, there was a glimpse of something more. A voided realm and a woman. Shackled in armor, she moved erratically as if she were striking at Elias. This was nothing but an ill omen for something more Elias was sure. But what, he could not discern.
Chapter 2: Bait O' True The Leviathan
While unconscious, the visions Elias suffered became more and more vivid. More controlled, as if he were dreaming. The woman from the void seemed to take shape even more, Ouroboros tattoos emblazoned her garment. She was a skilled fighter in the vision, yet something was off, this was no ordinary match. Even as it was a vision, Elias was able to sense the power she emitted. Her blows heavier than anything he's ever seen, and for a woman no less. Elias fought valiantly but in the darkness of the arena that was his mind, he was shown more and more of these unsettling visions. Fields of blooming peony's. All flowing in the wind with a man in a suit standing amidst them. His eyes glowing blue as if they were that of an angel. There was more to the visions than Elias would come to know, but before he could call out to the man, he was awoken to find himself in a hospital. He was wounded severely by the Newtonian Singularity blast from the intruders. The dark energy ate away at his mind and body whilst he lay unconscious amongst the affected area. Being what he was, the damage to his body was very minor, though the main concern was his mind. Elias had been out for 3 days, and nobody could wake him no matter what they tried.
The nurse had tried everything from subtle coaxing, to physical stimuli. Elias would stay in his unconscious state and not event flinch. As he awoke from his dark coma, there was a purple gleam of bringing everything to view. The effects of exposure to the pure dark energy hadn't forgone him. The visions had subsided, yet there was still a sense of weakness shrouding him. He reached for his sword from its usual location on his back satchel sheath, but to no avail. His sword, Lostvayne; was missing. Elias darted out of the hospital in angst and frustration. All he could think was retrieving his sword, it was his means of defense and sacred sanctification of his life. He cleared his mind and was reminded of the two intruders. He had completely forgotten to scour the tower to see if Melisa was inside. He fury was insatiable unto which it shook the very grounds of Beleria. He darted about the trees, reaching the castle within mere minutes. He busted down the door in one foul swoop only to find to his horror, guards laying spread across the residence. Some impaled, some killed in more gruesome ways, but the message was clear. A war was coming and Elias was caught in the middle of it.
Elias rushed to the top of the castle and as the cinder covering the hall cleared, he was found in shock to see that the room Melisa resided in had been broken into. There were slight bloodstains but nothing to indicate killing. Elias took three steps back not knowing how to react. His power was surging, and it wasn't helping that the ashes burned his scarred face. He clenched his fist tightly holding back the tears of rage. He felt he was responsible for not being able to protect Melisa, now this was the price he had to pay. The room was failing to maintain its shape. Elias was out of control when it came the power surge. He wept solemnly. He punched the walls sending energy all around. He let out a volatile scream and within half a second the entire castle was disintegrated. In the small crater, Elias was found punching. He wouldn't stop till his knuckles were bloodied and his spirits have been crushed. Mark rushed down to his side after seeing the surge only to find his ally and friend laying defeated. Already damaged after losing to the intruders of the castle, his body was covered in fissures with burns from his outburst. He wouldn't say a word, but the damage done around him said more than anything else. Mark dropped to his knees to console his friend. "You don't have to be like that man, we'll get her back. Then we'll show'em who runs Beleria. I know" he spoke calmly.
He too, holding back tears dragged his friend out of the crater and back to the infirmary. Emergency medical care was applied, and there was no time for anesthesia. The screams of agony shook the entire country. Elias, both inside and out had died that day. The operation room struggling to maintain composure and manifestation at the hectic natures of his injuries. After a long 12 hours, the dust had finally settled. Elias was covered head to toe in bandages. Both to seal the energy that had left his body, as well as to keep his injuries in check. He wasn't fit to fight but inside he battled non-stop. The fight between him and the intruders played out in his mind time and time again. He knew if he were a little bit stronger he could've gotten up and saved her. He could've prevented the onslaught of the guards or at the very least been there for them in their final hours. Elias was induced into a coma, his injuries too severe to make him functional. Mark stood at his bedside day by day praying his friend would awaken. The fates aren't as merciful as they thought unfortunately. Elias was out of play for years. What seemed like mere minutes went by like hours. Beleria shaped itself into a new war-torn kingdom as so much changed without him there. In the final duel inside his mind, Elias drew Lostvayne to block the explosion and executed both the intruders.
He proceeded to rush into Melisa's room only to find to his horror, a woman in an Ouroboros robe struggling with Melisa. Elias drew his sword to defend her. The woman stopped in her tracks and held Melisa to the wall. She stared clearly towards Elias. Her eyes were a cold dark shade of blue, almost fringing purple. She stared coldly and her chilling voice spoke these words. "You're not able to control the inevitable, she's not like you and I" her grin stretched psychotically from one end of her face and back to the base. She raised her hair to reveal a signature marking of being partly or wholly demon. Elias was in awe, yet he still tried to strike her. She didn't flinch as the sword pierced her chest. "Oh you, atleast BUY ME DINNER FIRST" she calmly, then erratically yelled. She reached into her back and pulled the sword entirely through. She held Elias in a headlock to her chest. She impaled both of her and him. With Elias' life draining away from him she whispered to him "Aeuyrial" and Elias awoke from his coma with a sharp pain in his chest.
That was no ordinary dream, that was a premonition, and he wasn't going to let that happen. But before he could react to what had just befallen him in his mind, he stopped himself in complete silence to comprehend what the world around him had come to. The hospital looked like it had been ransacked, it was old and tattered. Elias looked outside to find the grand shard of the inner Belerian city cracked. He was gone for far too long, and the world didn't wait for him. His own city, his people, had fallen before him. Yet another failure for him to mark down where he wasn't able to properly defend those he cared for. Elias slammed his fist into the wall and a feeling of pure anger filled his mind. He remembered the name whispered to him from the strange woman in the Ouroboros robe. In synchronization with the thoughts he muttered angrily, gritting his teeth in angst. "Aeuyrial...YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS" he grinned psychotically just as she did in his mind. This was the anger of a man not to be provoked. This Aeuyrial had unleashed a monster onto the world, and she surely was going to take responsibility for it.
Chapter 3: Strike The Blood
Elias walked slowly out of the hospital, his head swimming in thoughts of vengeance, the terror that had befallen his people was fueling his rage, it was palpable to him. As he walked the halls of the abandoned hospital he could hear the cries of them as they were slain one by one. His bandages became disheveled and slowly left his skin. The sound of energy seeping from his scars was eerily calming for him. He groaned heavily as he struggled to control himself. The luminescent scars became more and more defined as the energy stretched them erratically. They emitted a light shade of purple and became wisps of light in the darkness of the hospital halls. "This is a message to all those who'd dare question the voided realms" a voice echoed in Elias' mind. He kept walking and clenched his fists, not daring to even look out of the shattered windows. As he reached the exit door he stopped. He reached to his bloodied bandage covering his head. He tied it around an IV drip and left it next to the entry desk, a somber reminder that this is his home. These are the people who fell so that he could live beyond the darkness that shrouded the realm of Beleria. These were his allies and they were all diamonds even in the dark.
He pushed open the doors, and he walked out into the light. The world before him was shattered. The environment was charred from the brutality of the worlds that had fallen and cracked before him. The winds blew before him and adhered dust to the scars, covering them in a tone of ash. As the ashy dust appointed itself to his scars, they stuck. The grayed tattoo like patterns appeased Elias, he knew it would make him look a bit more humane. The glowing had subsided and he was now able to have one priority; Find Melisa. Though in the town, there was sound of conflict and a survivor was anything he could hope for. He stumbled his way towards the city praying that he would find a survivor of the massacre. He noticed a peculiar padded ground to the floor and being as curious as he was, he stepped on it. A purple light enveloped him and he was transported directly to the city. The warp pad has dispelled into a wispy particle. Elias noticed the particles would bind to his scars, though he'd only ignore it and consider it coincidence for now.
He shuffled himself over to the conflict zone to find an odd creature fighting a migrant. The creature was emitting an eerie purple glow similar to that of Elias' scars. He yelled to the migrant "Hey! If you're going to have even a shot at living, I'd suggest you get behind me and run". The migrant woman turned her head quickly and ran towards him. She ran directly into him and pleaded for her life as she stared intently at Elias' scars. Elias was highly confused but before he had a chance to protest he wasn't the one she should be afraid of; the creature let out a piercing screech and projected a slow moving large mass of dark energy. Elias knew that look from anywhere and put the migrant woman down. He raised his head revealing his scar, now glowing eerie purple. He put his hands out and shaped his fingers into a gun. He turned his hand sideways and mumbled "Counter Vanish". The projectile dispersed completely. Elias then felt a surge going through his body. The creature fell violently to the ground. Elias clenched his fist and started emanating a dark aura. The creature screeched as if it was in pain. Elias put his hand on the creature and the aura emanating from him grew more intense. He felt the spirit within him growing blacker. He lost himself to the demon within and when he had come to, the migrant woman had carried him to their home. He was bound and shackled to the walls and he had no idea why.
"I'm not into S&M, if this is your idea of repaying me at the very least give me some nude magazines and let me be on my way" Elias joked as the migrants stared blankly into his eyes. They poked and prodded him with steel rods. He looked just as confused as they were. "You, you're one of those THINGS. I saw it with my own eyes. You killed it and then tried to absorb its energy but you failed. You passed out and I brought you back here because you saved me. But then I saw your scars on your head. You're a demon, and you're not welcome here. We are going to execute you." the migrant woman stated coldly. "Well in that case, could I at the very least catch your name? I mean, I'm gonna die to a bunch of travelers with pitchforks and axes" Elias sarcastically groaned with a tone of defeat in his voice. "Dailene" the woman replied with a hiss in her tone. Elias mockingly shook his head at her tone only to be struck in the face with a blunt plank of wood. Elias' lip split but almost instantly it sewed itself back as if nothing happened. "Still hopped up on that energy from the Xero, eh? This only further proves my case that if we want to have any hope in being safe for the rest of the night, we should execute you now" Dailene coldly proclaimed. "Lady, I have never hit a woman in my life, and trust me those Danafall knights don't count because their chests were flatter than driftwood on a good day, and they definitely sounded like men. But that's besides the point, and if I get out of these shackles you and me are gonna have it." Elias taunted as the dark aura seeped out of his body. "KILL HIM!" One of the other migrants shouted violently. Dailene turned back around for a second blow but a breeze had washed over the entire hideout. Elias was out of his shackles and his body was violently quivering after forcing his energy to rise after being injured by the Xero. Elias stared at her and muttered "Would you like to have another swing at me now that I'm actually able to show you what I'm capable of?". Dailene took another swing, but Elias swiftly intervened and dissipated the plank. Dailene was in fear and tried to punch him with her fist, yet he didn't budge even an inch.
Elias grabbed her arm and lifted her up with ease. He looked into her eyes and shifted into demonized form just to scare her a little bit. She passed out cold, and all the other migrants dared not to make a move. Elias hoisted her into his arms and walked onto the execution stage. He tapped the improvised microphone twice, and joking mocked in a comedic fashion "H-Hello? Is this thing on? I remember back in the old days when I'd wake up shackled to the wall, buck naked. Only difference was, that was consensual and it usually was followed by some kick-ass sex, but I guess beggars can't be choosers." Elias poked and prodded Dailene looking for a response. "Hey, HEY. I need some gum kid, my breath smells like ass. You got any?" Elias asked to the unconscious Dailene as he shifted in her pockets. One of the migrants interrupted with "Get your damn filthy hands off of her you demon scum!". Elias wasn't phased by the ever so calm gesture and simply retorted with "Hey kid, you got any gum?. "I've got TRIDENT" he shouted intensely. Elias stepped back as the lance pierced his heart. "I prefer the ever refreshing taste of juicy fruit. Y'know 'TASTE IS GONNA MOVE YA' and all that?" he said jokingly as blood poured from his mouth. Elias grabbed the lance with his hands and broke it. The man stood back in horror. As Elias prepared to take the life of the man that dared to intervene in his charade, a gleam stood out among the migrants. Elias pulled the shards of the trident out of his chest and used the last of the energy he absorbed to close the wounds upon himself. He dropped Dailene, as she came to consciousness and flailed violently at him, and he stood awestruck as a man in a tattered golden suit of armor stood in the crowd. "-...Mark? Is that you?". His old friend from way beyond when was standing before him, soulless eyes speaking thousands of words as to what he'd been through the past few years he was without the optimistic hopes of those he cared about.
Mark stared back blankly, refusing to believe his eyes. His old friend he had watched 'die' was standing before him in the flesh, still kicking ass. He didn't utter a word yet the smile that stretched widely across his face spoke better than any action. Elias tackled Mark and the two began their 276th sparring match. The ground shook as the two collided. "If I recall correctly I've one 138 times!" Elias boldly stated as they traded playful blows. "No way, I've won the 138! You've just been out so long you can't remember!" Mark stated cheerily as the punches glanced off of his tattered suit. They fought for hours on end to rekindle the flames of the time they had lost with one another. They stopped and stumbled to the ground in joy as they both traded glance. They laughed and sighed as the reminisced in the gleaming horizon. Mark stared cheekily and spoke intently. "You should meet my wife man, she'd love to meet the big ol' scary monster that offhand tried to defend the whole kingdom". Elias laughed a bit and agreed to the proposition. As they approached the survivor hideout, a familiar face was awaiting Mark at the door. A face Elias would know even he were blinded the day of meeting them, Dailene. Elias was baffled Mark managed to get married in the first chick, but to find that this was the little village girl who always casually giggled along with him would turn into such a diva. Elias was reminded of Mark's current appearance and confided in him about it, the scars were surprisingly not from her much to Elias's roaming imagination.
Dailene grinned in a sinister fashion towards Elias as he walked through the door as if she planned to poison his food. Mark simply gave her his trademark shmuck grin and a smack on the bottom. Elias tried to play it off with a forced grin, but internally he was vomiting all over his little mind space. Elias extended his hand towards the now blushing Dailene as they both conveniently muttered "No hard feelings for trying to kill you earlier, right?" Dailene poked Elias' scars as she narrowed her eyes. She wandered off to talk to Mark in private about a matter concerning Elias. "So you mean to tell me you've never once thought he was a demon?" she inquired angrily. "The guy was crazy strong, yet he didn't decide to murder us all, I was just happy with that. I'm pretty sure it was probably the most suspect thing that he was able to take one hell of a punch..er- stabbing. But I always chalked it up to good armor and fighting prowess" Mark shrugged in disarray. They both shared glances with one another as if the very fibers of their lives with one another had come crashing down all because of a simple revelation. The couple stared at Elias as if he were the same monster responsible for bringing this world to its knees. Elias stared back in confusion, albeit he heard everything. He knew Mark wouldn't ever betray him.
The happy few shared dinner with one another, and the ambient silence of the wastes Beleria had become kept them to their own vices and provided a rather somber tune to the whole audible aspect of their meal. Elias was enjoying the irradiated cow which was now dubbed the "Yakkow" by the locals. Mark and Dailene stared in disbelief that the radiation wasn't killing him slowly and surely, yet that was to be expected of a true demon. "Nothing better than years' worth of a catnap to be treated to some fresh steaks, right Mark" Elias flamboyantly shouted. Dailene gripped the steak knife with every fiber of her being. She wasn't planning to let the man who bested her once get away with it. She moved closer and offered Elias more steak. Mark was giving all the cues of the typical get the hell out of the way signals, yet Elias was so enthralled in eating to notice. Dailene slid the knife from under her sleeve and slid it into Elias' shoulder. Elias stood paralyzed momentarily and stared Dailene in the eyes as a gaseous purple fluid emitted from his shoulder wound. "Dailene, I thought we were playing nice tonight! You're hysterical! Next time you wanna spar, at the very least use a brimstone blade!" Elias jokingly remarked as he dissipated the blade from within his shoulder, while simultaneously sealing the wound. He stood up from the table and patted Dailene with extreme force causing her to pass out yet again. Mark played dead for fear of being discovered doing nothing during the events that transpired.
Elias walked up to the guest room and sat on the bed. The first real comfort that wasn't a steel slab covered in his own blood. He got into a lotus position and proceeded to meditate. His breathing slowed as he entered a transient state, and the scars embroidered upon him began to shine brightly. This was the first time Elias found himself at peace, but unbeknownst to him; Mark and Dailene were watching him the entire time. Elias' eyes began to glow and he played back the visions he was suffering. The woman with the Ouroboros robe materialized into the home. Mark and Dailene ducked in fear as they were all too familiar with that woman. She was the one responsible for plunging Beleria into darkness. Elias cleared the room to make it a mental sparring room. A blank slate to redeem himself if not physically, then mentally. Elias drew his sword to the woman. She stayed silent and drew an unfamiliar weapon. The small house shook as Elias ascended with the hologram into the air. Dailene angrily shouted, "Elias! You're gonna pay for all that shit you damaged!". Elias snap vanished and looked her in the eye. He poked her and childishly smiled, "Boop." as he put her to sleep. He vanished back to face the holographic woman. Though something had changed from last, her movements seemed a lot more humane. Little to Elias' knowledge, this was no longer the same entity he had summoned.
Chapter 4: A House Divided
Elias was shaking visibly. Word and hope had spread around the shattered Beleria that he was still alive and kicking from his antics in the hideout. Now this woman, 'Aeuyrial' was here to crush what little hopes they had. Elias' wounds hadn't healed fully and he was on doctors orders from Dailene to take it easy, even if she didn't feel like he was supposed to be one of them. The bandages came off and descended to the house below, his scars were glowing brightly into the night sky. "You, I've seen you before.." Aeuyrial confided in Elias solemnly. Elias stayed silent with his fists clenched. Aeuyrial opened a dimensional rift to show Melisa as she was being tortured in the voided realm "You want her? Come get her. It's just a little hop into a territory you're not made for. Oh, before I forget; I've also got your nifty little toy here." the woman said as she lifted her robe to reveal she was brandishing Lostvayne. When Elias caught a glimpse of his sword he snap vanished out of reaction to it. The fight had begun and Aeuyrial had awoken the true nature of Elias. "C'mon, it's no fun if you play hide and seek. You don't think it's one of those kosher anime's where I can sense energy, do you? We're demons. Fight like one" she mocked as she stood waving the sword around. A black and purple cloud appeared above her and struck her through a plateau. It was Elias in the dimensional vanish form. Elias holstered his sword and his scars began to secede into the crest on his head. "Now we're talking. MARK, If you leave now maybe you'll make it before I leave nothing left of this...this cold cold woman."
What came next shook the nation. Aeuyrial rose back to her former position and by her looks, she was a wee bit mad. "You know, Lucifer was right about you. You really are a lost cause." she scoffed when she looked at the boy and his blade. Elias was smiling for the first time in years. "Do you wanna know why I got cast out of Hell?" Elias asked with his signature shit-eating grin. Aeuyrial was visibly curious, her grin growing more and more sadistic. "It's because I was too powerful. The kingdom was worried I'd grow to rival Lucifer and his pansy ass legion. Now are you going to fight me or are you going to try to steal my sword again?" Elias joked with a snarky disposition and took a fighting stance. The real fight was just beginning. "Well, we'll just have to see where you stand in comparison to me. But I'm going to warn you, by the end of the day you might end up being more woman than man when I'm done wi-." she rambled only to be interrupted by a kick to the gut. She flew backward and caught her breath only to be sledgehammered into the ground.
"You were wide open..." Elias said with a slight sneer. Aeuyrial reciprocated with a dark pulse blast that landed squarely on Elias' face. He stepped back to anticipate the next move, only to be kicked to the ground and thrown through a tree. She snap vanished over to him and held him up to finish him. Elias wrapped his legs around her arm and took out his sword. He spun as he cut off her arm and tail-spun back. He used it to clap with his other hand. She looked dazed as if that was defiling to her. She then smirked and let out a yell that brought the arm back. She sealed it using her demonic aura. "Dude, that's nasty. Why did I have to see that?" Elias said while still catching his breath. He held up his hand as a pause sign but was blasted into a caved lake. They both stood on the water whilst anticipating the next move, Elias was visibly straining his body since he wasn't fully recovered. His scars were leaking back onto his body and his energy was starting to come unhinged. "So how's it feel to fight a fully fledged demon? I bet you've been cheating these humans out of a true fight from square one because you're afraid of hurting them" she jokingly remarked. "I've been pulling my punches because they don't deserve to know what I am. They fear demons because of people like you. Guess the cat's out of the bag now, huh?" Elias retorted with a stern face. He clenched his fist in anger- no, in pride of being who he was. A demon capable of loving humans. They both charged one another and collided to create a large wave. The crystalline lake reflecting the lesser of two evils facing pure darkness. Their fists colliding blow after blow creating a shockwave a dark energy, it was soothing to both of them. Elias was fighting for himself, and those who believed in him; he was not allowed to falter here.
The battle would come to ensue for hours. They became bloodied but only to have their healing factors regenerate the damages almost instantly. Their feelings becoming more and more clear by the strength of their blows. Elias dive kicked Aeuyrial into a small island. She coughed up ichor, a telltale sign of a high ranking demon. No typically jester demon would have ichor for blood. She began to understand why she was so intrigued by Elias. Why she had plunged the only thing he loved into total darkness. It wasn't for chaos, or anarchy. It wasn't to see people suffer. She became enraged at this newfound revelation; because it stood against everything she would fight for. Elias approached, his sword in hand. His scars emanating an eerie purple glow, effects of his awoken Demonic powers. He stood as the victor of the duel. He prepared to cut her down and put and end to all of it; but she grabbed him and kissed him, deeply. A passion fueled by her hatred for him that turned into respect, yet lust for being against her. Her passion turning into a loathing of everything he stood for, yet feeling obligated and drawn to him at every waking moment for the things she has done to ensure he would seek her.
An Ouroboros scar formed within his demonic crest as she released him from her grasp, and he stood shocked by the drastic change in tone. Seizing the opportunity, she called it a draw and warped to the voided realms. A mindset of provincialism caused Elias to forget entirely why he was fighting. He left the cave and ran to Mark's home. Both Mark and Dailene were shocked to see Elias back in one piece. His face was blank, but his mind was in a flurry of unbridled confusion yet anger. He failed to rescue Melisa and he knew somewhere in his mind, she was holding back. He lifted his head and revealed the marking that replaced his signature crest. A black aura embodied him it began to have wisps of white embody it. His eyes lost their pupils. His wounds bled yet they sealed as quickly as they began. He fell to the floor after muttering "It's not over yet." Mark and Dailene rushed to his side and carried him to their medical center. He was breathing, he has pushed himself too far though. His wounds would heal, but the fatigue from them would only fade with rest, which he didn't get much of.
Elias awoke in the medical center, Mark had put special arrangements in for him; everyone knew he was a demon, but for saving their realm and returning the victor, accepting him was a small part of the price to pay. He had a well endowed nurse who for one, was actually a nurse. It cost him a months worth of ration cards, but he was the co-founder of the Belerian resistance. He left him a note on the bed that read "Take it easy, on yourself and on her. -Mark" Elias slapped the note down in a bashful manner. He had pulled another muscle after devolving from his powered up state. He let out a powerful yell that startled the nurse, yet she went back to a state of calmness after seeing the child-like man nearly come to tears over a basic injury. "C'mon, if these boys out here in the fields killing jester demons get these everyday and come in and out with no problem, of all people; you should be able to handle a little pulled muscle" the nurse mocked with a sarcastic tone. Elias' face turned a bright shade of red as he ceased yelling and tried to play it off. "Uh..just checking to see if I've still got my vocals." He tried to sit up, yet that made things worse as his torso hadn't completely healed. He let out a single tear and slowly descended back into his bed. He asked the nurse "Do you fear me, now that you know I'm a demon?" his voice noticeable eager yet dark. "I've been in Beleria ever since I was a little girl, I don't know if you remember or not; but you saved me when those Danafall knights came and tried to pillage us. I know you're not evil like all these things you're facing, it's just everyone else who needs a little bit of convincing." she spoke calmly as she reminisced. She laughed at the thought of how a demon could be so childish, yet caring. "Oh by the way..." she spoke in a manner similar to that of a seductress, she unzipped her top a bit. "Here's the thank you for that very day, I'll leave it like this until you're done recovering." Elias became shrouded in a purple aura. He fell back in his bed as he thought of how much Mark hadn't changed, still pulling through for his friends. He wanted to imagine how he got Dailene to be on board with the idea of leaving a nice girl like this alone with him.
In the coming days, albeit the whole nation knew of Elias' ties to the Demon Realm, they still accepted him as their savior. Mark preached of him seeing the entire fight, but Elias knew that just wasn't the case. He couldn't have saw EVERYTHING. Elias was in shambles internally, knowing he wasn't even remotely a match for Aeuyrial. She was holding back by how she easily bled. She would take every hit and shrug it off as if nothing happened. The whole event ended up eventually sealed his energy away. He wasn't a threat to anybody but that was only on the energy side. Physically, he maintained his superhuman strength. He couldn't awaken his potential anymore. Every attempt would either cause the scar to glow and knock him unconscious, or just exert him to the point it wasn't worth trying. It became a bit more of a parlor trick, so in the time before the seal was lifted; he sought sparring to keep himself able to fight. His wounds were severe, but that didn't deter him. He looked for his old friend, Lamar. Lamar was something straight out of a midnight-horror feature. He wasn't ugly or anything, he was just ever so subtly..strong! His power seemed to be demonic, yet whenever you fought him and he decided to so much as try, he didn't even seem to break a sweat. Either he was really good at hiding his aura, or there's something more to him. He befriended Elias simply on the premises of him being a worthy adversary.
Lamar had also been one of the grand founders to Beleria, yet everyone treated him like just another dude. The whole battle between Elias and Aeuyrial had left the whole nation in a bit of a mess. Lamar was tasked to clear it all out. Though instead, him and Elias saw it as a key opportunity to get some sparring done. "You really went all out in this cave? I imagined it'd be a bit more like Danafall." Lamar mocked as he took his fighting stance. That guy always did have a knack for some of the oddest poses. He put his hands out as if he was waving, one behind the other. He also wasn't too fond of sugarcoating things. He was there when Elias' wrath consumed him, causing him to obliterate Danafall as a whole. He watched in horror as his power was exceeded by Elias for a split second. That was his true capability. "They killed my men in front of me, and they butchered them mercilessly as I watched them gouge out my allies in arms." Elias said as his voice quivered from recollection of the gruesome day. His scars were sealing up, yet the emblem on his head was slowing it down a whole lot more. "Easy now, I was just there when you marked it off of the map. Now that's the kind of power you're gonna want if you have any hopes of even getting near Aeuyrial. She's a whole new ball game than you. I've seen what she can do first hand before I found Beleria; you don't wanna trifle with her in the state that you're in. Let me let you in on a little secret."
"That Ouroboros robe is hiding a sinister secret. Just like the seal on your head that's making you bitch-made, she's got power that's being sealed away behind all that. Her true form and power is just like you in Danafall, except instead of it being a momentary thing, she can sustain that and use it to the fullest." Lamar explained as his tone rose to a level of sincerity never seen by Elias before. "If you're going to destroy Beleria like this, at least do it in style. I'm going to train you not only because I want to see her get knocked into next week, but because Melisa means a lot to all of us. She is our heir to becoming the queen after all." Lamar said as his tone raised to a somber tone. He walked over to Elias and raised his hair. He saw the mark and decided he'd trust Elias to not cause as much damage this time around. He put his hands over the seal and changed it back to the signature crest Elias bore beforehand. Elias' power shot through the roof them moment the seal was lifted. Lamar took a step back in awe. "All that training really did pay off even if you couldn't use it eh?" Lamar said. "Hell, you might not even need me. You could possibly take her with that aura alone." he jokingly mocked. Elias' eyes narrowed into a chuckle and he struck Lamar square in the jaw, sending him flying into a rock. "No fair, that was a sucker-punch! I'll get you back for that one, Walker!" Lamar joked as he wiped the blood from his brow. Elias took to his fighting pose and rushed him with a flurry of blows, each one being deflected with the flick of his wrist. "Too slow!" Lamar yelled. He snap vanished behind him and knocked him into the hard soot. Elias went tumbling before he caught his balance on his legs. Elias imitated a show he watched while he was hospitalized and cupped his arms. "Hope you like my new move Lamar! I've been working on it ever since I got out of the nurses care!" Elias yelled cheerily. "You're not gonna try to fuck me, are you? Because I know you uhh, you definitely fucked the nurse." Lamar sneered quietly. Elias' eyes narrowed as his energy formed between his cupped hands. "Kaa...Meeee...HAAAA....MEEE...." Elias yelled with anger in his eyes. "Seriously? Are you seriously going to try that?" Lamar sarcastically said as his face turned into a frown. He took a 'hit me with your best shot' pose as Elias charged the wave. Before he could mock him even more, Elias snap vanished right in front of him and the energy had absorbed into his fist. He smiled and snickered a bit before yelling the name of his new attack "SIKE, Havoc Strike! (Demon Wave)".
Before his strike, Lamar's expression turned to utter shock as he expected a waved attack like out of that show that Elias mentioned. Elias struck him squarely in the chin as a wave of energy surrounded the contact point, completely obliterating whatever was caught in its path..erm- most of it anyway. A large shockwave formed around Lamar and Elias as Lamar stood barely scratched. He stared at Elias and grinned slightly as he let his arm go and stepped out of the way; letting Elias go flying into the walls of the cavern. Elias punched a direct hole through the walls of the cavern and he stepped back to marvel at his increased power. Lamar darted into the cavern and kicked him into a boulder. He began mercilessly pounding away. Elias was in a corner, and Lamar knew it. He knew that he would have to turn to the demon form to survive his attacks. The only problem was, he wasn't stupid enough to do it with the shape he was in. Elias felt the force of every hit, yet he knew this was only a fraction of his true power. Elias' hands clenched tighter and tighter. He had devised a plan to get himself out of it, but at the rate he was being beaten, it would either make or break the situation. Those were the risks he would have to be willing to take if it meant saving Melisa. Elias let his fists out of a ball and waited for Lamar to land his finishing blow. Before Lamar could land the fatal blow, Elias unholstered Lostvayne and held it to his chest. Lamar landed the blow but Elias had one last trump card. He grinned sinisterly in the gleam of light that occurred on contact. "Full Counter." the partially dead man muttered. Lamar was just as much proud as he was surprised. The force of his own blow was reflected back at him with twice the power, sending him rolling out of the cavern for miles. Elias gagged on his blood a bit and sprawled out to the floor. He planned to call that one a draw for now.
Elias stumbled out of the cavern and stared into the suns gleaming rays. His blood stained his tattered robes and his wounds that had been stitched prior had been reawoken. Elias fell to the ground after the adrenaline from his fight wore off. His crest wasn't healing him anymore and his aura was faded. This was too familiar of a scenario for him. He cursed himself for wearing out his demonic energy in one all out attack. In a foolish attempt to stress his new technique, he had temporarily rendered himself human. Mark had noticed the commotion and decided to check it out to find Elias in agony against a tree. He scoffed a bit and carried him to the Med Bay. "Sometimes I wonder if you're trying to kill yourself...as if you don't want anything to do with us, so you go fighting the most damned shit we can find. We've told you time and time again to take it easy, and each time you've failed to follow through on it. This is why at the rate we're in we'll never find Melisa." Mark melancholically sat in his chair as he berated his friend with the cold perspective of what he couldn't come to understand. What the boundaries of mortality tethered him to see when he would find his friend bleeding his life away recklessly.
Mark was torn up inside as he knew he would never be able to fully comprehend Elias' perspective. After all, what could a human know about his friend or what he felt, or if he even felt AT ALL. Mark thought to himself that if he felt, he wouldn't risk it all and Melisa would be there all the same in the morning. Elias groaned to find himself yet again wrapped in bandages. Though his friend jumped at the sight of him being awake. Elias reached for his satchel so he could immediately leave the place but Mark stopped him. He glared and that was them most powerful thing. Elias was hell bent on actually getting up to leave, yet he knew he'd only find himself here again. The vision of his Belerian IV Drip with his blood-soaked bandanna forced him to lay back in his bed. "...Elias, we can't go on like this. We want to get Mel back as fast as we can, and you think you might be able to just because you're a demon on the outside. But right now, from where we are from that little scuffle between you and that weirdo Lamar..you're still a-" "Human." Mark stated as he was briefly interrupted by Lamar visiting in his most glorious suit and tie. His face was still bruised from the full counter strike. "H-hey there Lamar, sorry about the whole thing with your face." Elias groaned as he lifted his head in pain. "Ah this old thing? That's nothing. I was just psyching you out. She isn't anywhere near my level of power, but she is strong." Lamar cheekily put his hands to his face and healed it back to the state it was before the fight, dimples and all.
"Sometimes I wonder just what I'd need to kill you, you know? Even YOU aren't capable of killing you." Elias cheekily squalled. "You'd need me to be fighting at full power for one. I'll let you in on a little secret, not to hurt your spirits or anything, but I've only used about 7% of my true power. Your full counter reflected 14% back at me. That hurt, it just didn't manage to kill me." Lamar smirked as he snapped and watched one of the nurses pass out. "She's all yours by the way, enjoy your free Pill Cosby for the good fight..oh wait, you're all- yeah. Nevermind" Lamar spoke nervously as he woke the nurse up, she kicked him in the groin and watched as he vanished out of the building in pain. Never a dull moment in this old town. Elias reached for his compress and placed it on his dislocated shoulder. "I could really use some demonic power-ups right now, too bad I'm drained bone dry" Elias groaned as he choked on a laugh a bit. "You need a break from all these demons and shit. What do you say I get you some good ol' fashion brew, and we have a day in town, eh?" Mark said as he looked to his friend who was clearly not buying into it. "Well, I'd love to do all of that but I'm all wrapped in these bandages and I don't believe there's much you guys can do for what I'm pretty sure is beyond a 3rd degree burn. High pressure lacerations, and shattered ribs." Elias said as he coughed up dried blood. "Mmm...Ribs." he said as he smiled.
"Well, we may not have demonic powers, but Lamar agreed you did well enough to be healed. Though he isn't sure how effective his healing is on wounds he inflicted on someone. Not to mention it'll probably hurt like hell." Mark said whilst he stared Lamar wearily. Lamar approached Elias and put out his hand slowly, it was emanating a bright light. "So what, do I get like a countdown or som..-OH MY SHIT" Elias yelled. "Grit your teeth" Lamar sneered. Elias could feel the surge in energy as his ribs slowly made their way back together. He could feel the bones mending and the flow of his energy stabilizing. "Next time warn me, that hurt like a bitch." Elias said as he hopped out of bed as good as new. He felt powerful. Yet this power wasn't like before, it was new. His Dalmalian Crest shined briefly and a powerful gust filled the room. Mark stood back a bit before breaking into an almost uneasy grin and ran up to start their signature handshake. Before either of them had the chance to thank Lamar, he had already left the hospital and began his trail home. Though nobody knew exactly where he lived, the two men could only imagine it was something filled with books and the finest Belerian women. Mark passed a jug to Elias and he pulled out a map. "I hope all that time comatose or fighting hasn't made you forget what the city is like, old boy. You still know how to get around there don't you?" Mark said as he nudged his friend to take a sip of the signature Beleria Ale.
Chapter 5: New Beginnings
Elias felt like it was time to give the newfound power he possessed a try, except this time he wasn't going to get himself half beaten to death. Elias remembered when he had awoken from his coma that users of demonic energy were capable of warping. He grinned at the opportunity he possessed and decided to try it out. He put his hand on Mark's helmet and got a feel for the land around him. There was a small purple flame, it was neutral however; though it burned brightly. It enveloped the two and their figures only to become a spherical formation. "Elias, what the hell are you doing?! I thought you said we weren't going to be doing this demon shit until you were one-hundred percent again!" Mark whined. "I promise this won't end up being totally demonic, just hold on tight you old sissy!" Elias cheerily said. The two were engulfed in a neutral purple aura and before they knew it, they became unified as a wisp of dark energy. They soared out of the hospital window and headed directly into the Belerian City.
The wisp soared extravagantly across the sky, brightening the horizon with all of its shining glory. All the while, the nurse that was in the hospital room was treated to her number one freaky experience. She walked out of Elias' operation room and picked up her phone. "Hey Mom, I think I can stop taking those pills now." she said. It was quite obvious she didn't believe anything that she just saw, but that was the charm she lived for. She would come to take the next few days off on a paid leave. When the wisp neared entrance of the city it came to a halt at the grand road. Mark had forcefully exited the form and destabilized the both of them. "Could you at least give me a heads up on that? I'd like a warning the next time I'm gonna be sharing ANYTHING with you." Mark said with a slight angst in his voice. Elias couldn't help but laugh at his newfound ability. It wasn't anything like smoke form, it was faster and it was even more fun. He grabbed Mark and the two strolled into the streets. A grand night had just begun for the lifelong friends. The citizens cheered and took photos as the two walked by. Elias was amazed they could accept him as one of their own given his significant damages caused.
The two shared their typical bad jokes and had stopped by a vendor on the streets to grab hotdogs. They were approached by a group of men who were clad in black suits. They resembled your cliche 80's mafioso. Their leader, a man wearing a sharp tipped fedora approached and took out a cigar. He lit it and blew the smoke in Elias' direction. Elias dispelled the cigar and gave a face of repulsion. "So, you must be Elias, huh? The big, tough guy? Y'know, it's people like you that make my life a living hell. I can't go one night without thinking my house will be up in shambles the next day." the man spoke sarcastically. Elias put his hotdog down on the stand of the vendor, and left his owed $5.50. "If it wasn't the smokes that killed you, it would probably be me. Funny, huh?" Elias said as he broke into a small laugh. "You think this is FUNNY? You think you're some kind of wiseass? Lemme tell you something Jack, you ain't shit. You're some asshole who damn well didn't come from here. You done did nothing but fuck up my day, and make me wish I could wipe that smug grin off your lips. So that's what I came to do" The man ranted on as he pulled out a .45 Pistol. He pointed it directly at Elias' head and the civilians around all shouted in protest and fear. Elias put his hands in his pockets and leaned onto the hotdog stand. He grabbed his hotdog and took a brief bite. The gunshot rang out and within a millisecond of the noise, Elias had put his hand out and caught the bullet between his thumb and index finger. He flipped it in the air like a coin and pointed at the mans lower leg. The bullet went instantaneously through the man's ankle immediately and he went flat to the floor in pain.
"Kill this motherfucker..." The man yelled as he lay in both panic, and pain. The whole posse he had accompanying him had ran toward Elias. Mark had stepped in and slam dunked both of them to the ground. The remaining man had gotten squarely in front of Elias and threw a punch. It landed directly on his forehead and sent Elias' head back as he stared the vendor in the eye. "Can I get some ketchup with this, please? Ooh, and some relish! Wait a sec- I'll get back to you" Elias cheerily said as he leaned forward and caught the second punch thrown by the man. He stared the man down blankly and smirked. "So do you want a hotdog too or...?" Elias asked sarcastically as he put his finger to the mans skull, knocking him unconscious. Elias smirked at the street vendor salesman and urged Mark to continue walking with him. The civilians put their phones away after watching the entire event go down. They couldn't believe a Belerian guard had just taken down a notorious street gang with nothing but his bare hands. Elias and Mark hit the casinos of Beleria to get wasted for a coin or two. The bartenders were more than willing to offer them a few rounds on the house as is, as they felt their life and business as a whole was indebted to them.
Elias was shooting pool when a few groupies came up to him, they urged him to sign their shirts and then some, and he was more than willing to oblige. Mark came over and wanted to do the same, but they jumped him and told him he was a dirty old womanizer. He smirked and gave Elias a small punch in the arm and handed him a flask of booze. Elias chugged it like a champ and sooner or later the two were back in business as the dynamic duo. They were singing smash-hits on the stage in a fashion similar to karaoke. "Now your life's no longer empty!" Mark sang and nudged Elias who was still sober enough to understand what was going on. "SURELY HEAVEN WAITS FOR YOU!" Elias called out back. The whole casino broke out into song as the night went on. This was the peace Elias vowed to protect with his life, and they regarded it higher than any price they would have to pay. "Carry on my wayward son! There'll be peace when you are done! Lay your weary head to rest!" The whole casino sang in unison. They stared to Elias and Mark to finish off the set. "Don't you cry no more!" the brothers replied. Lamar was standing in the crowd with a suited man who seemed to be enjoying the karaoke a bit more than everyone else. "Damn, they should've invited us, don't you think?" Lamar asked to the curious man in the suit who shot back a cup of whiskey. He smirked and looked back at Lamar, "Those boys know how to throw a party, it's just too bad that bitch is trying to ruin it. Maybe once all this is over and I don't have to handle the daddy and mommy issues downstairs, I'll actually have some time to enjoy some nights out like this." the man gruffly said. He stood up and vanished from the casino, not soon after to have Lamar follow suit. The night was still young, though Elias and Mark returned home dead drunk to Dailene. She was less than happy, yet managed to drag both the lugs to the couches for the night. They reeked of booze and sweat. Elias had another scent on him but she wasn't too particularly curious to find out what it was. She sighed and walked up the steps to her bed. "Those men are like inseparable children. Oh, boys. They never cease to amaze me." she said as she slowly walked up.
Dailene walked up to her room and sat on her bed, she thought about how times had changed so quickly for her. One day she was a quiet girl living an optimal life. The next, she was a militaristic rebellion leader. She married the head guard, yet she was the one wearing the pants in the relationship, sometimes in a literal sense. She polished her rifle and picked up her phone. She called her parents to check on them and had began talking with them to put herself to sleep. "How's that boy Mark treatin' ya? Is he still alive what with all the womanizing he does?" Dailene's father asked sarcastically. "Dad! He's a good guy, he just sometimes has problems keeping his eyes on the prize. Even with that, he told me the day we chose to make things official that I was his one and only." Dailene said in a loving contradiction to her fathers jokes. "Probably the only one that'd actually let him get in their pants, no offense." Her father and mother said in unison. "Oh, ha ha." She said mockingly as she shifted the conversation to Elias. "Right after that tall bitch came, we scuffled the hospital after she destroyed the coast. We scuffled the hospital and somehow it was still standing and the IV drip was functional long enough to keep him alive in his coma." Dailene said in a darker, serious tone. "That boy ain't right. He's got a bit of darkness in him, and I know you've seen it. Be careful around him, if he can lift a freight train with a bit of elbow grease, he ain't one of us." Dailene's father said cautiously. "I know dad, I know. He got out of the demon cuffs, and he even managed to knock out the resistances guards within a few seconds. Yet, he didn't mean no harm. He just wasn't up to date and I may or may not have tee'd him off." Dailene said curiously with a hint of narration. "What? You call him a black eyed pea?" Her father sneered.
"I'm just concerned because we don't know what he's capable of. He knocked that tall bitch through a plateau. I saw him disappear and then reappear out of smoke. One, if he can so much as touch her, he 's definitely got something going on. Two, he's just in-general too powerful. Mark told me he woke up and caused a mini-tornado in the operation room." Dailene said shifting into a rather worried tone. "Mhmm..Well, you remember what we did with Omaime. He fed into the dark that was in him, and then he forced us to have to put him down. That boy might mean more than diamonds to Mark, but if he so much as lays a hand on you, you're gonna have to put him down." her father said with no remorse in his voice. He never spoke of Omaime, unless the situation called for it. His son to a woman he never knew was partly demon. Dailene's brother. Omaime was outside one night and he was acting a bit out of order. He tried to bring him back inside but the boy struck him and he had to shoot him square in the heart. He didn't go down immediately, but he died in his father's arms, Akrabel Groban. His lifeless breaths spoke more to his soul than anything, and all he could do is cry because there's nothing he could do for him. Omaime recanted of all the times he loved playing with Akrabel and his wife, Ariel. The times they'd be superheroes and fly around together. Now he was laying there with his blood on his father's hands. They both died with tears in their eyes, but only one left Beleria that day.
Dailene kept silent, and the call between her and her parents eventually ended. Dailene was 2 years younger than Omaime. All she could remember was asking again and again where her big brother Omaime was. She never got an answer, but then when she was 14, her father let Omaime's name slip out of his mouth, sparking the burning question once more. Her father had no choice but to tell her everything, and she cried non-stop in her room, no matter who held her that day. She wanted to run away and forget anything like this existed in Beleria, but for people like Dailene Groban, that wasn't an option. Dailene lay teary eyed in her bed, and she was awoken by Elias turning on the lights to her room. He was still groggy, yet he was sober enough to discern what he was doing. He stood in the doorway and groggily asked "Hey Dailene, do we have any leftovers for din-din? That hotdog went right through me and now I'm hungry again" Elias said in a whiny tone. He was oblivious to the tears in her eyes, yet he caught on as she stood and one of them rolled down her face. He jokingly said to her, "What's up your butt? I'm gorgeous but I'm nothing to cry over. Who hurt you" he put on a shit-eating grin and then it turned to a curious squint as he gained his awareness. She pulled him closer and pulled him down to level height. She put him to her chest and the tears ran down her eyes faster. "I may have misjudged you but I don't want to totally trust you with my life. I know you'd never do anything to hurt Mark, and in extension even me. But I want to know that you won't do it." She said shakily. Her grip was turning tighter and tighter. "Where's this coming from muffin top?" Elias said curiously, his breathing steepened. "Promise me, you won't do anything to hurt us. PROMISE ME." She said with a violent increased shake to her voice. "...I won't hurt you or Mark, I'm sworn to protect you both, and everyone who calls this place home. I promise. I promise." He said. He was reminded that he swore the same oath to Melisa when he came to their world. His eyes watered, and a single tear ran down his face. That night was a showcase of humanity, the bond someone human and non-human can share.
Chapter 6: Beyond Voids And Shadows
While the antics and hysteria feats overtook Beleria, Aeuyrial had escaped to her realm through an inter-dimensional rift. She was able to instantly recover from her wounds based upon the atmosphere of the world. She made her way back to the her throne room from which Melisa was bound to the wall. She sat on her throne in a lazy, demented position. She stared psychotically at Melisa, filled with contempt and hatred for her after realizing she had feelings for the same man. She floated over to Melisa and punched her in the stomach to wake her up. "Rise and shine, lovely. I just wanted to tell you I took a little itty bitty trip to your home. Guess who I saw" she said energetically. Releasing an almost sadistic vibe. Melisa groaned and looked her down to see the post-healing scars. She recognized the signature wounds that no mere mortal could inflict. "Elias..." She said weakly. She coughed a bit and then looked Aeuyrial in the eyes, she was ecstatic. "You're so right! Ugh, I could almost wipe that bit of determination off your face! It's making you clever, and from here on you're supposed to be a mindless wench." Aeuyrial said demonically. She slapped and scratched at Melisa's face. She healed the wounds only to inflict them again. The cries bellowed outward and reached the emptiness of the void. Tears ran Melisa's face dry and she held on to a false hope that Elias would eventually save her from the living hell she was in. "So, what do you think he likes? He seems like a fighter which is sexy but annoying at the same time. He's so obsessed with these humans that he forgets we're one in the same, and he wants to be with something like YOU!" Aeuyrial said with a tinge of envy to her tone. "I mean, you're a princess and I'm a QUEEN, what could you possibly have that I don't?! I'm his own species and he doesn't want to get with me?" She said in the most whiny tone imaginable. She inspected Melisa up and down, tearing at her garments and apparel. "You're several cup sizes smaller than me, and you've really not got anything going for you in the looks department if you really wanna know, bitch." Melisa weakly retorted with a subtle metaphorical snap to her attitude. She let out a weak chuckle followed by coughing up bits of blood from her torture.
Aeuyrial stared at Melisa coldly and held her by the chest. She pulled out a small adamantium knife and put it to the side of Melisa's breast. "That can be changed just as easily, bitch. Now watch who you're talking to or so help me by the time he finds this place there'll be nothing left for him to enjoy of you. Hell, you might even pass as a man." Aeuyrial said eerily. Melisa shivered, yet she still maintained an ice cold grin of optimism. She could feel Elias coming, in her heart. Aeuyrial returned to her throne and lecherously destroyed and created subjects, as a bored deity of a voided realm, she had very little duties. The realm was prone to nothing but chaos, and whatever lives occupied it, would eventually find their way to death by the hands of its unlivable conditions. The grand temple was above the toxic voided bottoms, thus Melisa was safe for now. Flash to flash, and ash to ash; more and more lifeforms were created and scrapped. Aeuyrial came up with a grand idea to get back at Melisa. She spent hours constructing an entity that resembled Elias, once completed; she warped Melisa to watch the grand scheme. The dummy was tied to a chair and stripped. Aeuyrial drew out her knife from before and slowly began to carve her name into the dummy, not missing even a letter.
Melisa was sick to her stomach, but before she could protest she was sent back to her prior position. Aeuyrial had found herself enthralled in torturing and healing the dummy that she almost forgot about Melisa. For hours she would poke, prod, and experiment on it; testing new ways to impress Elias once he found his way to her domain. By dusk she had realized that she had completely dematerialized the dummy, and was losing what was left of her mind, just by a replica of Elias. She put a barrier to the throne and sat there to contain herself. She knew not how to approach the feelings she held, as she felt they could bring the entire deletion of a universe about.
Chapter 7: A Plea That Couldn't Be Refused
Elias continued to train in Beleria, though without Lamar since he made him a bit too strong..by force. He would bring Mark to the old peaks of the mountains and they'd use the standard issue training sword. It was only slightly unfair considering Elias made the training sword feel pretty much like a real one with the power backing his swings. "Try and keep up, huh?!" Elias said as he swung ferociously. Mark was evading his blows a bit better than usual. It may seem he has finally become used to the power of a demon. Elias felt proud he could actually take Mark even a tiny bit more seriously than he usually does, he prepped a Cero (Demon Blast) and watched Mark expertly deflect it using his fleece. Mark swung back and shattered his training sword. He immediately drew his real sword and began fighting again. His eyes were teeming with passion, yet something had been bothering him a bit. Elias could see the discomfort and angst in his eyes. He ignored it and continued to evade and block Mark's attacks. Mark went in for a killing attack and that was when Elias had noticed it. Mark was in a rage of anger. Elias grabbed his sword by the tip of it promptly, stopping Mark in his tracks. Mark proceeded to let go of the sword and draw forth his latent potential. He punched Elias and watched him step back a little bit in awe.
"What's wrong?! You had all of this power to throw at Lamar but suddenly you can't hit me! I need this if I'm ever going to get stronger! So COME ON, HIT ME!! I'm tired of being on the sidelines watching you kick ass while I'm a powerless little sheep. I can't compete with you demons but that sure as hell won't stop me from trying. If I'm going down I'd expect them to hit me with their best shot and that's what I'm here for so...COME ON AND HIT ME AGAIN, AS HARD AS YOU CAN, ELIAS. YOU CAN DISH IT OUT, AND I CAN TAKE IT! I AM THE HEAD GUARDIAN OF BELERIA, I'M WILLING TO DIE FOR YOU, Dailene, MELISA, AND ANYBODY ELSE! Mark said. He was visibly serious and he was even beginning to unlock the power he already had. His fist was scalding hot and his armor was glowing from the heat that was coming from him. He punched Elias once more and sent him flying backwards. He landed on his back and sat there mumbling. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Mark said, still visibly enraged. Elias sat upward and looked him with a sinister grin. "Well buddy, if that's what you really meant. If you think you can handle the power I have. If you want to become stronger just for the sake of Beleria, then be my guest. I've been waiting for you to wake up and smell the reality of the power gap, and now you might just make it. I promised Dailene I wouldn't do anything to ever hurt you, but if that's truly what you want; if you want me to take you seriously, then say no more.." Elias said grimly as a psychotic smile carved its way across his face. He began to laugh erratically as he took his fighting stance. The swords were abandoned and they were going to fight using nothing but their bare hands.
The ground began to shake as the two began to raise their power. High speed winds shook the surrounding mountain region. Mark had shed his tattered suit and wore nothing more than his signature combat pants. The heat that emanated from him was enough to burn the soils beneath him. Elias found that the area they were in was unfit, thus they had Lamar transport to the snow regions of Beleria. Emibrius Heights was the specific place. It was the very place that Lamar trained night and day to defend a young Beleria from the onslaught of demons. Mark was still burning through the snow and ice, though the cold stone end was enough to sustain him. Elias rushed Mark with a chest kick only to have it be cancelled out by having Mark throw him against a stone pillar. He rushed through the pillar and slammed him through the pillar. Elias wrapped his legs around his arm and broke it temporarily, followed by spiral kicking him out of the hold. Mark tumbled backwards to catch his footing and fix his arm only to have Elias knock it back into place by force. Elias attempted to punch mark with a Dalmally Cross-punch but he grabbed his hand and countered with a roundhouse kick. Elias clung to a wall and bounced back at a high speed for a piercing strike, yet it only did half as much damage as he intended. The two were bloodied and excited as the chose to decide the sparring match with one final clash. Elias prepped his arm with all the energy he could muster, as Mark did the same. "For Melisa?" Mark muttered curiously. "For Melisa." Elias said in a grinning response. They dashed toward one another and were about to make contact before a man came up to both of them yelling in a panic. Elias and Mark snapped out of their empowered forms and stared curiously at the furious man.
"Could you two like..I dunno, FUCKING NOT?" the man asked quickly. He struck both of them on the head with the sheath to his blade. They fell over exhausted as that killed their adrenaline, and it hurt nonetheless. The man dragged them inside his caved home. It was luxurious and played perfectly on the warm, crystalline interior of his sparkling, marble tile home. "Andy, we have guests. Get your fabulous ass down here and help me wake them up." The man said in a sassy tone. "You're really cramping my style here M, I was about to do some bong shots on the stuff I found in the mine earlier. I should just start calling you Mom instead of Miha, you're a little bit of both in my book." Andrew said lazily. Andrew was a tall lanky boy, fond of the penguins that inhabited the Emibrian Mountains. He was roommate and potential son to the man who owned the mountain home, Miha. Though Miha insists he tries to raise him right, there's very little that can be said for someone who does bong shots on something unidentifiable he found in a mine. Miha was a tall guy who left Beleria because of a man by the name of Fergus McLeod. A popular topic on Fergus' little runabout of Beleria was he didn't support homosexuality albeit he was a bit more inclined to than Miha knew. He found Andrew frozen nearly to death and decided he wasn't going to let nature claim the small boy. He took him in and taught him everything he knew. Which technically wasn't everything, and was based around his ideals.
"I mean I'm a guy, and I know I taught you that. You could call me father if that'd make your life any bit more easier than it already is albeit I already doubt it." Miha said boldly. Andrew scoffed and returned to work on his project, P.Robo. Miha left warm towels on Elias and Mark for them to wake up, and he left them in the lodge to settle down. Miha watched the news with Andrew and they were interrupted by Elias waking up with a loud yell. He was surprised to find out he was dragged all the way inside. He kept poking Mark and ignoring Miha and Andrew. He awoke Mark and they were enlightened of their situation and settled to talk with tea and explain the situation they're in. They dragged on until dusk came over the Emibrian Heights.
"So you're both Belerian Knights? What're you doing all the way up here in the Emibrian?" Miha asked inquisitively. "Well I'm a Knight. Currently I hold the position of Paladin. This dude is the Head Guard, just shy of the Knight ranks." Elias explained in-depth. Mark scoffed in regard to him being lower ranked than Elias despite in his own words, 'beating him like a rug'. Elias countered that he wasn't even giving his fullest. The two bickered like children until Miha laid down his mug. "Enough. I don't know why you guys had decided to train all the way out here, because it's cold as balls and none of it can handle the power you're dishing out, but you're more than welcome around here if you're friends with Melisa. A friend of hers is a friend of mine; speaking of which, how is she?" Miha rambled onward. "Shes..she's been taken by Aeuyrial. I'm training out here because we both want to get strong enough to take her back. She came to the Belerian capital, but I wasn't even doing a scratch on her." Elias stated firmly. Mark nodded in confirmation as Miha and Andrew looked in disbelief. Andrew became a bit more distant and walked up to Elias.
"This old man has been teaching me more than how to be a bum at the expense of someone else, the least I could do is give you a shot at getting her back. Hey Miha, do you think it's time we tried it?" Andrew stated as he became serious. "Do you think that's what your mother would want?" Miha asked curiously. "She wanted me to help people and that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna open the portal and give them 20 minutes to get in and get out." Andrew yelled back with his face becoming a bit more red. "Whoa, what? You can open the portal to her realm?" Elias and Mark asked in unison. "I'm not just some stoner kid, my father is a descendant of the founder of Beleria. He's the one who put Aeuyrial in there, and it's a trait everyone of his blood has. It's something I've been practicing, but nothing serious has came of it. Take it as something I like to call Andrew Ex Machina" Andrew explained. The group nodded in agreement and headed outside to the Stonehenge-like training ground. Miha wiped away the snow simply by unsheathing his blade. The portal hieroglyph was glowing a dark grey. The four stood around it and Andrew asked Elias and Mark who were geared with the best Emibrian Heights had to offer, which was a step up from Belerian gear intensively in a curious tone. "There's no guarantee what'll lie beyond this gate, and this is the only time I can do it. This rune will probably shatter itself or something. Are you sure this is what you want? There won't be time for a full fledged fight, all you can do is get in and grab her, leave, and come back. You've got twenty minutes" Andrew went on. "That's all we need" Elias and Mark said once more in unison. They stared at one another knowing this would be the test of their training.
Andrew placed his palm on the centerpiece of the Hieroglyph and a dark gray, and black beam shot into the sky. It ripped apart the reality that was occupying the Stonehenge structure whilst strong winds and chills emerged from it. This was it, this was The Void. Elias wasted no time being amazed at the sheer power the realm was emitting, he tapped Mark on the shoulder lightly and jumped through it. "Hold on Melisa, I'm coming" Elias mumbled as he was shifted through his own reality. The realm heightened his demonic energy, and his Dalmally Crest glowed to signify a member of the Demon Clan entered the realm. All the unknown creatures lined up at Aeuyrial's gate to guard it. Mark rushed in after to end up beating them all down brutally. "OUTTA MY WAY" He shouted in anger. He knew he was so close but so far from demons but that was still not a reason he couldn't help. Elias powered up a Havoc Strike and broke through the gate, the realms boost made it so it took practically no energy to do. He barely broke a sweat as he disintegrated the barrier. Beyond the gate was a small throne, and in it was a disgruntled, sloppy woman. Her Ouroboros Robe shone as the barrier containing her shattered when she spotted Elias. She stood and raised an arm to the ceiling. A blood red bolt of lightning filled the room and struck her, setting her robe ablaze yet it didn't burn off of her. The snake on the robe was now glowing a bright red, and as were her tattoos. Elias shifted into his guarding stance and spotted Melisa. He ignored the woman and proceeded to try to run off and grab her as fast as he could. He smoke vanished over to her but was interrupted by a small bolt of energy from Aeuyrial. He caught his balance as he flew backwards and stared her down. "You bastard...I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS" Elias roared as he saw the scars and blood on Melisa. She smiled psychotically and giggled before egging him on to attack her. Elias shifted into his empowered form causing the windows of the temple to shatter. Tears rolled down his eyes and Mark was on the floor. "Mark...get her. This bitch is mine..." Elias asked shakily.
"No way man, you can't be serio-.." "SHE'LL KILL YOU." Elias interrupted as Mark refused. His aura was roaring and his face was blank. He then gritted his teeth and pointed to Melisa. "Get her, NOW" Elias said whilst his aura blaze on the last word. Mark immediately snap vanished to Melisa and untied her. She was alive, but she was hurt. Mark cried as he tried to heal her by cauterizing the wound. He was reconciling in his pit of fury. Once Melisa looked stable enough, he sealed her into a barrier that consisted of his own life force. If he died, it would go down; if not, heavens above. He ran over to Elias who was slowly walking in a crazed trance to Aeuyrial. He had mentally checked out and had given in to his inner demon for the time being. Mark was broken inside to lose both of his friends, but all he could do was watch the fight unwind. He used a whispering wisp to communicate with Andrew. They had 15 minutes left. Aeuyrial tried to blast him with another bolt but he walked right through it unscathed. His eyes narrowed as he vanished from the dimension mysteriously and reappeared right in front of her. He bellowed mysteriously and struck Aeuyrial through the throne, sending her tumbling. He let out a maniacal laughter which turned to a forced cry mixed with laughter as he let out all his energy due to the realms boost. A silhouette of a mysterious entity was out behind him, and it vanished as he contained himself once more.
Mark watched in horror and hurried back to Melisa, she was conscious, but barely. She was happy to see him, albeit he's the least favorite of the two. She associated Mark with Elias, and knew he'd been there with him. She glared at him curiously and urged him to explain the situation. "Princess, I've got you! We gotta get outta here!" Mark said regally. "What? What're you on about! Where's Elias!" She said as she was lost by the sudden change. "I..I don't know where Elias is, but that thing fighting out there, that ain't him. He hadn't been right ever since he saw you earlier. We've only got a few minutes in here, and we've got to get you out." Mark explained quickly. "I-I..I can't walk. You're gonna have to carry m-" "Way ahead of you" Mark interrupted as he hoisted her up and headed back towards the gate. He was making pace before the silhouette that had embodied Elias had taken an ulterior form and shifted into a 'Dark' version of Mark. It tried to strike him down but he drew his blade and collided with him. Melisa screamed in horror, "What the fuck is that?!" Melisa said in horror. Wow, a bit of time captive and you forget how to be ladylike, Mark thought to himself to make the situation better. He put Melisa on a reinforced pillar which both of them were incapable of breaking and Mark stared down the Doppelganger. He wanted to make things quick so he shifted to his potential unlocked state. The Copy did just as it would, and powered up with him, which infuriated Mark of how easily someone could mimic his greatest of feats. He snap-vanished and went in for a high kick, sending the copy flying back. It caught its balance and countered with a heated strike attack Mark had never seen before. He was astonished at the abilities he never knew he had, and attempted to mimic them, position and all. A red energy blade covered his hand and he began a sequence of diagonal, horizontal, and vertical flipping strikes. He put his hand to the ground and watched as flames generated in the style and direction of the swipes. "GET A LOAD OF THIS ONE, THE POWER OF A HUMAN!" Mark shouted as the Doppelganger went up in flames. He rushed to Melisa and noticed there was a marking preventing her from leaving the realm while Aeuyrial was still alive. They had no choice but to leave without her, Mark left a seal on her to prevent her from dying, but he also transported her to the outskirts of the land, she was able to tolerate the void so long as the seal wasn't erased. She found refuge in an abandoned home, it was in mint condition ever since this realm was taken by force. She locked herself in the bedroom and decided it was time to heal herself, Mark returned to Elias' raging battle and made peace with saying goodbye to Melisa for now. He felt he could now that he knew she was safe.
"We've got 5 minutes, I hope he's snapped out of it." Mark mumbled. He wandered back into the temple and saw Elias holding Aeuyrial by the neck. He had temporarily overpowered her but she was charging a smite the entire time. Mark raced as fast as he could to stop them both. Aeuyrial stared Elias psychotically, she didn't feel anything he was doing. Not while he was this disorganized. The look in his eyes spoke of nothing but death. She held the bolt of energy in her hand and put it to his back. She pulled him in and let out a psychotic grin. Elias didn't feel the pain of the energy, but he found himself being shocked second by second. She held him tightly as she felt his life draining. She kissed him passionately, and let go of him. Elias fell to the ground to Mark's horror. His eyes had gone blank and his aura dissipated. Mark had seen more than enough as he grabbed Elias as quickly as he could and darted for the exit. Aeuyrial tried to smite him, but Mark put Lostvayne in Elias' hands and shouted "FULL COUNTER" causing the bolt to dissipate and give them enough time to hop back through the portal. Aeuyrial tried to follow suit but Elias had awoken from his death. Nothing dies in the Voided Realm, not for long. Elias hopped back at Aeuyrial and impaled her with Lostvayne, still storing the energy from the smite. She held the blade closely and went in for another kiss. Elias flipped the sword and roundhouse kicked her into the throne before hopping back through the portal. "That's for last time, bite me." Elias said as he flipped her off and collapsed the portal in behind him.
Chapter 8: Not In Kansas Anymore
Elias and Mark tumbled back through the portal, they adjusted to the weaker energy fields of Beleria. They caught their breath after the portal shut with a powerful gust, sending them flying directly over Emibrian Heights. They broke their fall as they fell through the glass ceiling of Miha's auditorium. They fell over and interrupted the meeting that was being held inside and were met with the yells of those inside. "Damn hippies!" one of the councilmen yelled. Elias pulled shards of glass out of him and was laying on the grand table as he turned and smirked sluggishly. He mustered the energy after being drained of his excess power to mutter "Who you callin' a hippie?" as he fell off the table and Miha walked into the room. Miha rolled Elias onto his stomach whilst he was in the process of going unconscious and asked him inquisitively, "So, based off how there's no princess with you, I take it that you got beaten half to death. Not to mention you've got a hickey so I assume she's a bit more of a freak than I took her to be." Miha jokingly asked. He broke down into angst and dragged both of them out into the Stonehenge training ground and asked Andrew to heal them both. They were both barely awake, and Mark was getting frostbitten from the snowfall. Once they were fully awoken, Miha was standing over where the portal was.
Elias and Mark stared back at one another curiously, Miha hadn't spoken a word since they got back. But they got the feeling they were in for more than they bargained for upon their return from the Voided Realm. Miha tugged on his sword, and almost unsheathed it which made the snowfall intensify as winds raged from his immense power. Mark was in awe that a human could be this strong, just by the powers confided within one blade. He stood up, his injuries from exertion healed fully. Even then, there was a mass pressure coming from Miha, and the two knew he wasn't showing off for nothing. Miha turned to face them as he took his blade out and swiped it in the air diagonally. The weak swipe sent a shockwave of cold winds and snow their way and even caused a small combustion explosion on the moment of impact. The two were sent flying back and by instinct they powered up as much as they could. Elias felt weaker due to the power containment in Beleria, but he still managed to muster enough energy to make himself powerful enough to take a hit. "You two, you barely escaped the realms with your lives. I know it's not much of a greeting but I feel like I owe you something since you were serious about saving Melisa. I probably should've considered Aeuyrial was going to seal her in the realm, one can only be so optimistic. But I also thought you two were basket cases who just wanted to get themselves killed in the voided realm." Miha explained solemnly. "I'll take you seriously from here on, if you're wondering who I am. I'll gratify your need to know, but I want you to never forget this name." he said squarely. He hopped down from the portal pillar and landed in the air as if there was solidified ground below him. He took off his scarf and revealed the crest that was on his neck, Mark immediately turned away as he assumed it was a demon crest. No, this one was different. It wasn't Dalmalian or even an Ouroboros Crest, this was a Belerian Guardian crest. He was human, but he was one of the people who stood among Crash as he initiated the first fully fledged fight with Aeuyrial. "Elias, why do you always attract the most strong of nutcases?" Mark asked in a whiny voice. "What can I say, I just keep aspiring to get stronger and stronger. They just come to me instead." Elias said cheekily.
"That you do. But if you're going to get strong enough to take her out in a full-on fight for Melisa and for our world, you're going to need to get stronger. I want you to come at me, and you don't get to stop until you hit me" Miha said coldly. Elias willingly obliged as he charged his Havoc Strike as he drew Lostvayne from the sheath. He shot himself into the air and collided swords with Miha, it instantly deteriorated the clouds within the surrounding radius. Elias swiped at Miha furiously as he countered the blows flawlessly. He drop kicked Miha and watched as he did a total 360 in the air, it was his cue to use the Havoc Strike. He cupped his hands and absorbed the energy into his right arm. He charged and watched as Miha put out his katana out horizontally and dissipated the dark energy behind the blow. The sky lit up with a purple and black flame as Elias fell to the ground in one foul sweep kick from Miha. Mark caught Elias and had Andrew heal him as he took the more brutal approach. Miha hovered to the ground and watched Mark charge his energy. He rushed Miha with a flurry of punches and kicks, all to have them countered with his finger. Mark tried the technique he did in the Voided Realm as red streaks lit up from all the flipped strikes he did that were countered. He flipped backwards and put his hand to the ground. Miha looked confused and gasped in surprise as the flames from the slashes came at him. Miha extended his two fingers in a similar fashion to a gun and pointed it directly at the combined ball of fire, "Counter Vanish" he whispered silently. The fire dissipated as soon as it touched the tip of his fingers. Once the smoke cleared, Mark began to rush him once more, but he was getting visibly tired. Miha swung his katana through the wind and it emanated a deep blue swipe similar to Mark's flame attack. Mark was horrified as the swipe split open into a brutal wind force of ice shards and snow projectiles. The odd attack sent Mark flying backwards into Elias, causing Elias to have to catch his balance with Mark at his chest.
Elias got the idea to spiral throw him back at Miha, and once he gained motion Miha was dumbfounded to their next tactic. Elias threw Mark back and watched the air split as he spiraled back to Miha at an insane speed. Miha was surprised yet the idea wasn't good enough, as it seemed anyway. Miha split into ground-standing stance and caught Mark with both arms. Elias smoke warped over on top of Mark and low kicked towards Miha's face, the attempt was futile. Miha generated a forceful shockwave from his hands and sent Mark flying back, and Elias impaled Lostvayne into the ground and spun around it to have his kick blocked by Miha. Once he touched the ground, Miha tossed him to the ground and generated a blue energy blast from his hands. Elias grabbed Lostvayne slowly before the wave touched him and quickly swept it over his hand. "Full Counter!" Elias yelled violently. The blast imploded in his hands, yet Miha was only fazed for a mere moment. Elias took the opportunity to punch him as hard as he could in the gut, then put him into a full nelson. Mark charged his energy and rushed him for a full on punch to the face.
The two rejoiced as Miha congratulated them on the success, yet immediately reverse suplexed Elias into Mark and watched them both fall over. Andrew laughed as he healed them both after their successful attempt and they all went to the Emibrian Warp Pad. Emibrian Heights had always been a cove of demons, they just knew a bit more about how to domesticate them and make multi-use warps. Miha had gifted the two a set of Emibrian Armor and a sword to compliment Lostvayne for Elias, and Mark got his own bladed gauntlet. The two stepped onto the warp pad and waved cheerily at their ancestor turned trainer. They gave a signature departure fist-bump to Andrew, and watched as they dematerialized into particles. The two were on their way to check in on Dailene, assuming she'd be worried sick. They'd left one day to train and now they hadn't been back ever since, anybody in the right mind would find themselves even a tiny bit scared. Once they reached the Belerian countryside they saw her home from the warp pad. She was in hysterics, yet her facial expressions and body language said nothing. She was standing right outside of her house glaring as Elias and Mark in their shining suits of armor, and their slightly scratched and bruised faces. They both marched down the evening horizon of the countryside as the sun shone on their armor, and the sweat from their intense training. Dailene ran down the path to hug them both, teary eyed. She didn't know if she wanted to be mad at them or to be happy that they weren't gone for good, she embraced them tightly.
Night fell upon Beleria, though it was not as eerie as usual. Everyone was at ease, as they knew Melisa would be safe so long as Aeuyrial never finds her. Though the question of who actually resided within the abandoned void mansion was bothering Mark. The whole placed seemed to be ancient, yet the technology in there was modernistic. The warp pad wasn't functional, but that means warping used to be a part of the realm. Mark was perplexed and decided to let it go up in his mental flames so as not to worry Elias and the others. He was happy to know he could stand his own once more. He was back to being the spry young man he was before, along with all the bells and whistles. The knight that managed to disgust a group of invaders with a single trick was now holding his own against demonic forces. This was the life for Mark, not the one he imagined, but at least Elias was back and his family was happy. He was finally able to lay in his bed and sing himself to sleep like he used to every night after his duties ended.
"Once I rose above the noise and confusion. Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion-" "I was soaring ever higher-" "But I flew too high" The three sang in their small home. "Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man." "Though my mind could think I still was a madman" "I hear the voices when I'm dreaming...I can hear them say" They conjoined into a symphonic unison and came out boldly laying beside one another. "Carry on my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more." The three caroled until the night fell fully upon them and they were fast asleep. They awoke in the morning that was so foreign, but welcome to them. There were no problems, and the sun was gleaming brilliantly. They knew they would have to find and kill Aeuyrial eventually. They knew Melisa would be waiting for them, the seal was airtight and she wouldn't be dying. Though one could only wonder what truly awaited her in the near future. In the realm, she lay baffled by the display that had taken place. Aeuyrial was looking for her, but she was sealed from both voided creatures, and the toxic atmosphere. She was free to roam, and survive. Melisa wasn't the typical princess, she wasn't totally regal and a pantywaist. She was strong-willed and she knew how to fight if it came to it. She walked out into the darkness of the void, An old rusted machete was bore by her hand. She ripped the gown she once brandished and shaped it into clothes she could run in. Her wounds were closed by Mark, so walking was always optional. She took a deep breath and stared back at the curious mansion. She closed the door and went to take one last look inside, she knew something was inside that would help her, she just didn't know where to look.
She came upon the bones of a man, his robe complimented the Ouroboros robe Aeuyrial wore. She picked up the holotape that was beside him and she played it on the lowest volume possible. "Come now, Uriel. Leave the dogs alone!" A young man said as a child ran happily outside the mansion. She was wearing a familiar robe, but she was so happy it just seemed uncanny, she was also apparently known as Uriel. She cheered as she hugged the man and then everything took a sudden turn. She began to experience a mood swing. Instead of being the previous happy little girl, she started seeping out a sinister energy. "Uriel...just focus on me honey. Look at the snake." The young man coached her through her agonizing yells. She grew slowly, yet she was now an adolescent. She stared with grim intent as she walked over to the man. "It's okay Cochin, I'm all better...I've just come to realize something" She said calmly, almost in a darker tone. The young man began to sweat bullets, yet he embraced her out of his fear. "What would that be dear?" he said in a spooked tone. "You've been keeping me here, raising me like a human child. I...I hate humans. You're human, and thus I must hate you too. I'll give you a head start out of the love I feel for you." She said with a stern, cold tone. Cochin tried to satiate her unbridled rage, yet she pushed him away. He ran into the mansion and dropped the holotape on his robe. All that followed was a series of screams and loud booms. Melisa was shocked at how quickly she became the way she was. The bones she found were that of Cochin. She read the insignia on his tattered, aged robe. It was a Precursor, a being similar to Miha but with sealing properties. Instead of using combative dimensional warps for combat, they are used to seal dark energy and fight with whatever they obtain. Melisa was sick to her stomach of how she knew he died and rotted there.
Melisa saw Cochin's blade, and grabbed it off of the desk. When she unsheathed it, a mysterious dark energy emitted. She remembered that she felt that energy when Elias and Aeuyrial fought. She recognized it as Aeuyrial's energy, though it didn't seem driven by as much hatred. It seemed driven by fear. She holstered the blade to her back and ripped the gown skirt into pant legs. She ran out of the mansion and into the void to combat the animals surrounding the mansion. As she drew the blade they all backed away. There was a path lit with purple wisps. She ran, as they dissipated on contact with them. Deeper, and deeper into the abyss she went, as she saw civilization after civilization torn by Aeuyrial devastating them without prejudice. Something was amiss however. The bodies of these lands had not yet rotted. She drew her blade, as the bodies actually looked rather fresh. The bodies of the dead were anointed with the same seal as Melisa. These were the people of the void, the ones who could handle the toxicity of the lands. They were slaughtered like animals and strewn throughout the streets like ragdolls. Some hung from their power lines, and others impaled through flagpoles. A deep pressure enveloped the surrounding area, and suddenly the bodies skipped to life. The screams of agony pierced Melisa's ears, and she covered them in reflex; but to no avail. Once the bodies had died once more, she was met with a sinister wisp formation. A woman in casual attire strolled down the street, whispering an omen in homage to Death. "O' Death. Won't you spare me over another year.' the creepy woman mumbled. The pressure increased as she neared Melisa. The woman stared at her and tilted her neck as blood ran down her eye. She lifted her arm into the sky and dematerialized all of the bodies, almost as if they were nothing but souls of the void. The woman started to glow a sinister blue as she instantly warped over to Melisa. "When god is gone, and the devil takes hold...who'll have mercy on your soul?" She asked in tune to her lore driven song. Melisa shuddered as her cold hands touched her, and she was driven instantly from the sight, instantaneously to a temple that was glowing in hieroglyphs. "No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold. Nothing satisfies me but your soul" "O' I am Death, none can excel. I'll open the doors to Heaven or Hell. My name is Death, and the end is near." She said as she vanished, leaving Melisa stunned out in front of the Mansion once more. She felt like she'd just had the worst acid trip ever since the water contamination.
She stood up quickly and reached for the sword she holstered to her back. "Still there.." She mumbled. She assumed the energy wasn't felt by just her and attracted one of the few creatures who doesn't exactly bow to Aeuyrial. As she reached to unsheathe the blade, visions of the hieroglyphs flashed before her. They were Enochian sigils. She was the princess because she knew how to read Enochian. She was a little rusty, but the rough translation was 'A blade meant only for those who held it before you'. Poetic and annoying. She'd just have to bat the hell out of anything that came her way. She took the little warping back to mansion as a sign she'd be better off holding it down. She went in and noticed that the power had been restored to it. It was a brilliant little family home, yet there's not exactly a lot that can be said for old dust'n bones over there. She shuddered a bit as she looked over at the skeleton. She headed up to the room she was in when Mark left, and saw that it was not half as shabby as she thought it to be. She went to go wash her face off from the dust that collected over the weeks she was in the temple, she looked into the slightly cracked mirror at a face she thought to once be a delicate young woman, turned into a cold lone wolf. She shed a single tear for the life she'd have to leave behind. The seals from earlier had dispelled from the blade, and she drew it. The warm, yet abrasive energy embodied her. It almost spoke to her in a way, as if it tried to tell her there was nothing wrong with the path she was going to be taking. It almost felt ominous, as it endorsed the one thing she couldn't ever bring herself to do. "Kill." a voice too familiar spoke out. Melisa turned as quickly as she could and pointed the blade. Nothing. She was sweating profusely, and then caught her breath. She sheathed the sword once more, causing the aura that embodied her to disappear.
As she walked out of the washroom, she started having hallucinations, the energy from earlier was too much for a body that had been tortured for years. It didn't help that Aeuyrial isn't human either. It's a common knowledge that a human is incapable of wielding demonic power. There's not much that can be said for Melisa other than she had nothing more to go for. She walked around the mansion and was greeted to an ominous presence, she knew it was only a hallucination of Aeuyrial, because she was a child. She taunted rigorously and encouraged Melisa to unsheathe the blade and let her in. Being drained and tired, Melisa was foolish enough to drop the sword and tried to swing at the child out of anger. She quickly sheathed the blade once more to avoid any further damage, but she was given an even more grim reality once she made contact with the child. She found that she wasn't ever inside the mansion, she had been out in the void the entire time. She was still locked in place with the odd woman, and she finally came to her senses and escaped the illusion she was cast into. The woman was trying to take her soul, just like any creature of darkness would. She slid the sword out of its sheathe and tried to impale the woman, yet she vanished when she came in contact with it. Melisa felt differently than in the illusion, she had embraced the death messages and was shrouded in the dark energy. She knew the burst of power would only be momentary, but she knew if she wanted to get out of that neighborhood alive, she'd have to make the most of it.
She ran at the woman who reappeared on top of a destroyed car, blade held into the sheathe. She drew it as she leaped into the air, propelled by the dark energy stored into the blade. She drew it and flipped forwards. Swiping in a T-Shape. The blade shot out a dense projectile of energy, shattering the landscape around the woman. She evaded it instead of trying to take it head on, knowing it would surely be more than enough to kill her. Melisa landed and was met with a slew of dead guardians. She cut them all down and focused on the woman, She pointed the sword at the woman and a flaming spire shot out of it at lightning speed. It exploded into 7 different cluster energy explosions. Melisa covered herself to shield from the unyielding horror. The woman yelled as the energy seared her into disintegration. Melisa sheathed the blade and began to violently vomit blood. She'd kept it out too long and now the effects were taking a toll on her body. She could only afford one more fight like that, but now all she could do was rest. She took refuge in one of the abandoned homes and swore off of the fighting nonsense. She rested, and took a kneel with the sword in her hand. She wasn't cut out for a life like this, but this was all she had left to go to when the going became rougher than what rough is defined as. She rested on the torn sofa, and shut her eyes knowing everything around her was dead. She was safe for now, and the voided version of dusk had set upon them. The outside land was pitch black, but the soot and sky glowed eerily. She prayed time and time again Elias would come and end this madness. She never imagined she'd be tossed into the fray.
Chapter 9: Gods Don't Bleed.
Elias was back at training, adjusting to the shift in power between realms. His Havoc Strike had unlimited use in the voided realm, which could only mean that Aeuyrial would be able to generate an unquantifiable amount of energy in a small amount of time. Using just one Havoc Strike in Beleria would leave him with almost no energy left. He was working on his energy control by constantly adjusting the amount of power in each attack. Lamar watched in curiosity of how he'd try to salvage an untameable power; that of a demon nonetheless. Miha volunteered to leave the Emibrian Mountains to come and help, considering he could take such a hit. Elias charged his attack and rushed Miha. A single punch was thrown, but blocked instantly. It sent dust and leaves spiraling violently around the training ground. Elias grinned as his hands were covered in a purple flame-like particle. He started a flurry of blow that began to emanate flames as they touched. Miha was surprised, but once he unsheathed his sword the real fight began. Elias thought of a new technique to counteract such a power. He slammed his hands together and put them to the ground; creating a sigil around Miha. The sigil extracted every ounce of energy from Miha and he fell to the ground in shock. Elias stood up invigorated by the rush of the energy of a Precursor. He clenched his hands, fully capable of executing a plethora of strikes, but Miha wasn't done. He unsheathed his blade and smirked, his energy began overflowing and Elias didn't care. He rushed Miha once more with Lostvayne, Miha swiped and created a vortex of singularity, sending Elias flying backwards. He propelled off of a boulder and cut through the dark mass and destroyed the dimensional rift. He drop-kicked Miha and yelled "Absolute Zero!" as he extended his hand while a cluster of red and purple energy balls surrounded Miha. Lamar yelled "That's enough!" as he dispelled both of their Aura's. They called off the training for the day, and Elias went home to Dailene and Mark who had been anticipating him all day
They couldn't financially support him being a guest, what with his eating habits. Technically Beleria was indebted to him, and the short and narrow of their convoluted escapade was that they thought it'd be best if he had his own home. Elias typically slept in the Queen's quarters, for whatever reasons. He never had any interest in Lady Marie, yet she was nice enough to let him use the guest bed in times of peril or when he simple didn't have anywhere to sleep once he wasn't up all night on duty. Elias shrugged the idea off as he realized in his fit of rage over Melisa, he had completely decimated the castle. That was years ago, but they never told him what'd become of the Ground Zero of the strikes. It had been toxic to anybody who wasn't a demon, but the land eventually cleared up and it was a crater along with the bodies of anybody on site at the time of the attack. Lady Marie was still alive, well into her early 30's. King Du' Rial was killed in the act of defending his kingdom. It was a gruesome tale to tell, but it was one Elias needed to hear if he was ever going to come to cope with the feelings bore by those of Beleria, and of himself. Du' Rial had tried to reason with Aeuyrial, he pleaded with her to spare the people and take his life instead. She wasn't planning on accepting his gesture in full. She complimented his nobility, but they found it to be quite annoying how he would consistently stand in her way. She gave him a grave period of 2 minutes to prepare the best shot they've got. Lamar was under orders from those beyond him not to intervene, it could cause a Time Paradox. She was already sent to another dimension that she enslaved as a whole while being but only a child. She couldn't be shoved away anymore, there wasn't an opportunity to strike anyway, she hadn't an intent of keeping the dimension whole. If Lamar tried to fight her, she would definitely destroy the world. He wouldn't be able to guarantee that use of his power wouldn't do the same either.
The Belerian Knights all congregated under the orders of Mark, they would stand until the day they died. Which was unfortunately their end today. Aeuyrial grabbed Du' Rial by the neck and threw him through the wall that surrounded Beleria. The Knights took it as an act of war, and as a sit-in Paladin; Mark was under orders to tell them to fight. Tears would fill his eyes as he would send his men to their tombs. Every point contact sign would be another blast that would incinerate them as a whole, ending their existence. Their numbers went down as they were forced to do all they could to defend. Aeuyrial stood face-to-face with Mark and against her better judgement, she let him live as a token of awaiting Elias' return. She beat him down, but she didn't kill him. He had to report to Lady Marie that her husband was inevitably dead along with his multiple platoons. Marie wept somberly as she was left with no daughter, and no husband. A large explosion shook the foundations of the Belerian wall, and a bright purple light emanated from the edge, the very spot Elias was at the day Melisa was taken. A dark energy hemisphere was surrounding the zone, and dissipated into nothing. The forces of Beleria were completely gone. All but Mark remained, that and his wife. She was under his orders, against her better judgement to stay away from the fight. Mark knew what he was getting into, and he couldn't risk losing her too. Mark fell to his knees in the throne room before Lady Marie. She consoled him albeit she was in the same state of mind as he was. It was a miracle that years after this incident, they could look back on the very days explosions plagued the land, and offer the man who they thought sold the world away for them a spot of what they would've been calling an absolute hell. Mark and Dailene only mentioned Lady Marie as they wanted to make it known that she forgave Elias. She looked forward to seeing him inside of The Shard, the reformed Belerian capital Elias briefly visited with Mark.
Elias was okay with departing from their home, and he was offered a small apartment in The Shard. It overlooked the entire Belerian capital and he moved into it in an instant. It was a white steel tile room, with tinted glass windows overlooking the entirety of the city. It was rather small, as a chiseled steel tile, with a red bed sat in the corner. A small computer sat next to it, with the kitchen being a direct left from the door entrance. Elias was amazed at the progress they would make without him. He had been fighting to preserve their lives, but he always imagined they'd never reach such a level of luxury. He stared out over the city and saw visions of the events as they were told. He could see the hemispheric explosion, and the tears streaming down Lady Marie's eyes. He knew he didn't have to call her Lady, so he stuck to Marie. He sat on his bed and thought about his life, how he could become a better Knight. He was already a Paladin, but he didn't feel like he was worthy of the title. He may be the only one capable of saving them, but that doesn't mean he will. He knew the weight on his shoulders would eventually come to strike him. He'd just have to wait for the day it does, and hopefully he'll do whatever it takes to strike back. A Knight of Beleria never gives up. Even in the face of death. Those men went into battle KNOWING FULL WELL WHAT WOULD HAPPEN! They were fearing for their lives as Aeuyrial would stare down at them like insects, waving her hand and ending thousands of lives without a single regret. Elias knew now what it meant to be a Knight. It's living past the consequences that will come for recklessness in the cost of selflessness. He unholstered Lostvayne and practiced his 32-Strike combo again and again in the center of his room, until it would look like a blur for him to do it to the naked eye. He was training rigorously and heard a knock on the door. It slid open and in walked Marie. She was surprised to see Elias covered in sweat, and for once not wearing a suit of armor. He was in The Shard's signature white attire, white T-Shirt, and white sweatpants. He stopped flipping around his room in surprise. He sheathed Lostvayne and put it on its rack and stared curiously at Marie. She embraced him tightly, and after what he knew; it was the first time she'd show such a gesture into the future of a wartorn world.
Elias smiled and said, "It's good to see you too, Marie. I just wouldn't say I'd hug you this tight, could you lighten up a bit. I kinda can't breath, heh." as she clenched his chest tightly. She didn't seem like herself, and she reeked of this strange smell. "Hey M, you wouldn't happen to be drunk right now, would you?" Elias asked curiously. "What?! No, why would I be? Everything is peachy right now and the boys in the rec center were giving out mojitos. I had just one, but when they began toasting to all the events, I had to have just another...okay maybe I am a little bit tipsy, but I can still visit you, Soldier." she drunkenly rambled on. Elias was cracking up despite being out of breath from his training. "Y'know, I appreciate everything you're doing for us Elias. You may be a demon, a damn sexy one at that, but you're not evil and you've sworn your life to protecting these people. My people. My daughter." Marie said somberly as she lightened her grip on him by his bedside. "Everytime I look out one of these windows, all I can see is those days. The day Du' Rial gave his life for Melisa and I. The day you were put out of commission. You've come a long way, and I think you deserve a reward." she said in a flirtatious manner. "Ma'am, you know I could nev-" Elias said before being interrupted by Marie pulling him in for a kiss. He was taken aback, but he didn't protest. After all, it's the first time he was actually okay with it. It may've been a few years but aging has been merciful to her. You couldn't tell with other than the long salt and pepper hair on her head that she was over 30. With just one child, she still managed to maintain a curvaceous figure, with bucksome features. Elias snapped out of his brief moment of heat, and realized that this was the mother of the woman he loved. Elias pulled her away and protested, sending Marie out of the room smiling in disbelief. "A few mojitos and she's able to kiss her daughters boyfriend, some things never change, huh?" Elias said to himself. Elias put on a Shard Brand hoodie and walked out to the atrium.
Elias roamed around while all the tourists stared on at the odd man dressed in all white. A little boy recognized him from all the posters in the shops, and ran up to him nonchalantly. "You're Elias! Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod" The young boy spazzed out as he ran around him imitating his full counter. "C'mon, please do the Full Counter for me, just once! Pleeeeeease!" he asked lovingly with his beady eyes. Elias was too charmed to protest. He handed the little boy a pebble from the fountain and asked him to throw it as hard as he could at him. The young boys mother was having a riot over by herself. The young boy was having his moments of fangirling over his hero when Elias reached over and grabbed a plastic version of Lostvayne the boy had given him. The boy chucked the pebble as hard as he could and Elias arced his entire body then swept it diagonally. The pebble disintegrated which sent a strong gust of powerful winds toward the boy. He jumped up and down at a lightning pace, clapping his hands in excitement. Elias grinned, but his mother wasn't amused anymore. She assumed all of the stuff she heard was just fiction, but when she say Elias disintegrate a pebble with a plastic toy, that was enough. She ran over to her sun and gave a false smile of acceptance to Elias. She sped off as fast as she could afterwards, leaving a plastic Lostvayne behind in her wake.
Elias noticed Marie had left behind an odd device in his pocket, he felt around on it to get a feel for the shape. It was a jagged torous object, with a glass center. He took a wild guess and was correct when he checked, a holo-device. He took it out and activated it only to be greeted to a Shard ID login. It scanned his face and brought up his profile. He was labeled as a Paladin as well as front linemen for Belerian Knights. He saw a small phone icon, and tried to call Lamar. He was greeted to Lamar who was also drunk, just like Marie. It seemed everyone was just throwing a few back because they know Aeuyrial won't come here unless she's going to kill everyone. "Heyo Elias, HIC...I got-eh..er-someone I want'chu to meet." He said sloppily as he passed his cellphone over to a bearded man who wore a black trenchcoat. He looked gruff, yet a cheeky smile was across his face. He recognized that face from the Dalmalian meetings. It was one of the councilmen from the higher tiers of demons, the ones that could fight Aeuyrial, but are told never to intervene in mortal folly. It was Crowley, King of Hell...in his timeline anyway. He waved his fingers and asked boldly, "You seem to be in a good mood, got any action up there in that shiny tower of yours?" Elias scoffed and turned his head. "You and your friend are some pretty good singers, you ever thought about going pro if all this knight nonsense doesn't pan out for you boys?" Crowley asked in a nonchalant tone as he shot a glass of whiskey. "Fucks sake, is there ever a time you guys aren't tailing me?" Elias questioned angrily. "Nah man! We see err-thin'! When you take a wee, when you drop a _Deuce_-" Lamar said drunkenly before being interrupted by Crowley. "We're only making sure you stay in control, and if push come to shove..we don't have to kill you" he said cheerily. Elias was dying internally at how much of a lightweight Lamar was. He watched in hilarious horror as he summoned muffins and mozzarella sticks for people at the bar. Crowley had to drag him out of the bar and into the street to hail a cab.
Elias hung up on them and left them to their own vices before the P.A system started up with a brief announcement. "All Shard employee's, there's a party in the main lobby and atrium! All tourists, and guests, however. The curfew is now in effect for rooms 501 and above." Damn. That meant Elias' moment of tranquility was over. He jumped up onto the atrium tree column and sat there as all the drained employees came in with their rave music. The once clear hall turned into a social gathering for the most simple jobs for the most convoluted of people. There were employees hitting on each other, and tossing back drinks with no regard to how drunk they could possibly get. Elias wanted part of it, but knowing him..he'd end up punching the soul out of one of those poor guys just because they didn't watch which way they were going. He saw a peculiar sight as one of the employees walked out, his pupils a gleaming red. Elias put his hand to his sheath but remembered he left his sword in his room. Out of fear that the employee was a disguised demon, Elias risked everything by demonizing and standing vertically on the upward facing pillar. All the employees cheered in a drunken surprise, thinking nothing of his demonic showcase. He darted up the column and backflipped onto the floor his room was on. The maid paid enough attention to see him do the backflip, and stood in horror as he asked her for the room key. "Who the fuck're you?!" she asked out of fear. "Geez lady, I'm Elias..flesh and bone? Just gimme my key, I gotta grab something" he said quickly. She handed him a key and he darted into the room.
He grabbed the sword from the rack and darted back out with his hands on it the entire time. He side flipped onto the pillar and began speeding down the column at top speed. He tackled the unsuspecting worker and by instinct he tried to stab him. The worker snap vanished and punched Elias in the back, sending him through a floor. Concrete tile and bricks slathered all over him, leaving Elias bruised barely. He stood up and the worker fixed the floor with his access pass thinking it'd trap him down there. Elias backflipped on the pillar back to the floor which was now clear, all but that mysterious worker. He sealed off all the exits and rushed Elias once more. He swung at an afterimage that was left behind, and Elias smoke warped behind him and kicked him into a demon barrier. The worker caught his balance on the barrier and tried to blade spin himself back at Elias. He was caught in Elias' hand and dragged along the ground, eventually to be thrown into a statuette. Elias impaled him with Lostvayne, but to his surprise..there was no blood. The worker smiled as his eyes glowed and he slid right off of Lostvayne. Elias sheathed his blade and went to relying on a brute-force beatdown to put him out of commission. The worker kicked him in the stomach and made him tumble backwards into his powered up form. He remembered what Lamar said about rationing his energy so that he doesn't pass out mid-fight. He took a pose with one hand extended into a 2 finger grab, and one hand lowered into a balled joined fist. His body emanated a purple aura and he rushed the worker once more, he punched relentlessly, but the man just fell over and got right back up. Elias had finally had enough and decided to go all out. He clapped his hands and tried to sigil energy drain the odd man, but the power that flowed into him was foreign, and odd. It made him strong enough for a Double Havoc Strike. Elias punched him in the face full force, and the man wouldn't budge. Elias rotated mid-air and kicked him in the jaw which sent him flying out the building and beyond the glass.
Elias grabbed his nametag and read it, "Vikman." it read. He crumbled it in his hand and ran back to his room to completely forget the whole ordeal, once he returned he was greeted to the maid cleaning his room. She avoided saying even a word to him, but when he stared up at the TV, the whole fight was on camera broadcast. It looked like he was just beating on an innocent worker, but it took a turn when the worker fought back. The whole police force was at Elias' door and he only had one way out. He opened the door slowly and smoke vanished to the bottom of the Shard. The maid was left and cavity searched for her non-compliance, insisting there was a demon amongst them. Elias had snuck back out of the front and escaped into the Belerian city. He knew he wasn't alone, and that there was no remote way that man he fought was Human. He knew a human when he saw one, the way he moved and matched almost all of his abilities didn't exactly do him any parting favors. Elias returned later that night and the whole place looked like nothing had happened. He went to his room and found out he was locked out, he pulled out the holodevice to dial Marie. She unlocked it but warned that he should be more careful in his escapades around The Shard. She could only vouch for him for so long before people had had enough of him and decided to take matters into their own hands and kick him out. Elias sat in his bed and firmly apologized for his actions, but once he mentioned Vikman things started to take a change. She checked her logs of employees and found that there wasn't anybody registered under the name of Vikman in The Shard. She told Elias to stay weary and figure out who he was for himself. Elias swapped out of his torn and tattered hoodie into his casual armored clothing. He headed to the roof of The Shard to where he sensed Vikman. It was an oddity for sure, Elias was positive he had knocked the poor guy out of the building. Once the elevator opened, he was treated to a brand new sight.
Vikman was standing psychotically at the top, emanating a villainous aura. His body was shredded from the immense power he was exerting yet barely able to control. Elias drew out Lostvayne immediately as he approached him. He questioned firmly, "Who are you?!". Vikman stared cheerily and let out a hysterical laugh. He spoke back in a demonic tone similar to that of Lucifer. Too similar. "I am the BEGINNING! I am the END! I am what this world was truly made for, none of these petty humans. Come now Brother, we are the superior race. Hell has been lonely without you and I've heard you and Aeuyrial are having a bit of a lovers quarrel. This man, this poor poor man from a long little village just so happened to possess a hatred powerful enough to contain me. It seems like he's not doing too well right now though. I might just have to skip town and come back later." Lucifer rambled on from the man named 'Vikman'"s body. Elias scoffed. "Possession? Now that's a new low for you Lucy." he remarked sarcastically. Vikman as he was now known under Lucifer's control lunged forward at him to attack. Elias swiftly countered the blow and sent the hollow vessel flying backwards. "You will speak to your TRUE King with respect you insolent brat!" Lucifer exclaimed proudly as he sealed his power back into Vikmans body. The vessel glowed eerily as all that demonic power tore at the body and healed it simultaneously. Elias retched a bit at the sight of the blood that left Vikmans body turning a deep black, and then into a mist. Lucifer was planning to make that his transferrable vessel. The only body he would be in while in this realm. "This poor sap was known as Joel before. A family man who was tending to his crops, cursing the demons that harmed Beleria when I simply told him the truth, which oddly enough was what he wanted to hear." Lucifer rambled. "You know, I wasn't always the big man with the horns and pitchforks. I used to be but a humble Angel. It's why I can do this" Lucifer explained as he snapped and caused a bright yellow Smiting bolt to come from the sky and strike Elias square in the face. Elias winced in agony and sealed the wound quickly before he had time to do anything else. Lucifer burst into hysterical laughter as Elias writhed in pain at the smiting.
Elias ran up onto him and kneed the man in the face. No effect. He tried punching away at Vikman but the power he possessed outweighed him by far. The only ones who could help him now is himself. Lamar was warded from The Shard for particular reasons, but Elias had no time to be concerned with that, his opponent was outmatching him at every turn and even the power he possessed after vigorously training wasn't enough. Elias tailspun back as Lucifer baited him playfully. Elias dashed forward and let loose blow after blow, but to no avail. Lucifer swept his hand across the boys face and watched him go flying into the elevator. Elias gasped in pain as he attempted to catch his breath. He punched the ground in fury and let out a yell as the top floors of The Shard grew enveloped in a sinister aura. Elias' power began to leak from him, he was losing control in a rather peculiar fashion. Lucifer is the whole reason he was here, and he couldn't help but think that he could repay him and thank him for giving him this opportunity to be the savior of this world in the only way he knew how. Elias staggered and finally caught a stable stance and for the first time in centuries he'd lifted his power inhibition. Elias stared at the ground blankly, his hair waving and covering his face. Lucifer grinned excitedly and taunted, "Come now Brother, that's surely not all you've got! Have another shot at me and this immensely powerful vessel!" he said psychotically. Elias lifted his head and his crest was in a small purple flame. Elias' power was lifted to unsafe levels, even to himself. He stared blankly and waved Lostvayne nonchalantly with a blank gaze upon his face only to have a piercing shockwave impact Lucifer and send him soaring into the Belerian coastline. Elias vanished into wisp form and instantaneously darted over to him, shifting back to his normal form. Lucifer was giddy with power, he inspected the gaping scar the shockwave left on him and wiped away the blood effortlessly.
"Still playing around with those old toys your daddy gave you, huh?" Lucifer exclaimed mockingly. Elias wasn't phased and created an energy barrier between him and Lucifer so he could go all out. "Oh please, which one of those morons is gonna come watch two demons duke it out. You care way too much for a species that isn't worth the souls they're carved in-" Lucifer said as he was interrupted by Elias striking him in the chin once more, this time it actually did damage like he intended. Lucifer went flying into the barrier and fell back down. Elias flipped forward in place and stomped Lucifer into the ground. Blood went flying everywhere as Lucifer whined in agony. He began to take the fight a bit more seriously as he noticed Elias was no longer amused by his horseplay. Elias wasn't the only high-ranking demon to have his own special blade. Lucifer's hand became enveloped in an ominous aura as he swiped vertically through the air, splitting a dimensional rift. He put his hand through the rift and pulled out a misshapen pole of energy which took form on a hilt that materialized of dark energy created by him. This was his personal blade, Merzial. He waved it around to test how easily it swept through the air. Once he was satisfied he dashed toward Elias and the two blades collided. The power emitted from the collision shook the foundation of the barrier. The two blocked and countered their attacks nonstop. Elias saw an opening when Lucifer had failed to recover from his Full Counter on a strike that landed a cut on his face. Lucifer was shocked, yet amazed that his little brother was capable of such amazing feats, yet he wasn't done. He shattered the barrier Elias had put up in one sweep.
Lucifer was aware to the danger this world would face if Elias would run rampant with his power restraints off. All he wanted was a bit of a family reunion, but there's not much for him and Elias to speak of considering he cast him out. He wasn't going to do what he did to become a good guy, but he did it because he'd become attached to the beauty of this world. Lucifer took on his pure form for a brief moment and sealed Elias' power immediately, knocking him unconscious. He escaped into Hell by reverse exorcising himself. The fight was finally over, but the war was not yet won. Lucifer was now apart of Beleria, and his intents weren't known. Obviously, and thankfully; they had nothing to do with coinciding with Aeuyrial. She wasn't his concern and the same could be said for him. With all the commotion and small damages, the coast guard of Beleria was alerted to the scene of the grand scuffle. There they would find Elias unconscious with Lostvayne in his hand. They knew not what it was, but they were wary when it came to approaching him for fear that he would be hostile. Elias awoke to find himself in a blanket being transported to the ER in The Shard. He looked around for Lucifer, but there was nothing to be found. The medics were unsure of his liability in being completely awake so they put him under once more. His power surge had left him vulnerable to the most minor of things and he awoke in an operating room surrounded by Mark and Marie. He snickered a little bit and stared weakly at Mark. They pounded their fists together and Elias whispered "...I got'em." as he rested for the remainder of the day.
Chapter 10: A World Best Left Forgotten
When Elias was finally in good enough shape to be deployed on reconnaissance, he and Mark decided to take Dailene along. Lucifer had escaped and he'd manage to infiltrate The Shard. Elias spared them the details that he himself didn't truly know. He told them how things went down in a short and narrow version. They found hilarity in how every fight Elias initiates, he always seems to wind up the one who ends up injured. Elias disregarded their jokes and they stood guard on the edge of Beleria. Every now and then there'd be Cambions trying to infiltrate, but Elias wiped them out effortlessly. While the night dragged on, Mark and Dailene were actually curious to Elias' newfound power. His resolve also seemed to change. He held back less and seemed to be okay with killing these demons. Sometimes, he seemed to be finding joy in it. Mark and Dailene worried at these shocking displays, and as they found the time they finally decided to confront Elias on his odd actions and boost in power.
"Elias, you know we're always there for you buddy, but you gotta meet us halfway. You've been pretty chill towards us and all, but that fight with Lucifer knocked a few screws loose upstairs. You're normally this loving, caring guy. You wouldn't hurt a fly unless that fly had a nuke strapped to its abdomen and was Godzilla on roids." Mark ranted carefully so as not to upset Elias and unsettle the demon that'd awoken in him. "Mark, there's nothi-" Elias said before being interrupted quickly by Mark. "Don't you tell me there's nothing wrong! I saw you kill those Cambions. You wiped them out and you SMILED." Mark said firmly. Elias' face sunk slightly as he clenched his fist. "Oh what, you're gonna wipe me out too? I don't know what that guy did to you, but you're not the guy who grew up protecting Beleria and you know it. WAKE UP!" Mark asserted. "He showed me that people are so willing to open themselves up to total darkness. It's sad. A man not too far from here is now his vessel, and he ain't fightin' back!" Elias retorted shakily at first and his tone rose a bit setting fire to a nearby shrub. "Look at you man, you're not even in control of your power. I wasn't watching that fight, but did he really undo all of that training you did with a little bit of rocking?!" Mark said angrily as he slammed his fist into the wall. "She wouldn't want it this way! You're losing yourself!" "DON'T YOU TRY TO LECTURE ME ABOUT WHAT SHE WOULD WANT, MARK!" The two roared at one another. Elias charged at him and Dailene pulled out her Devil's Trap Five-Seven. She shot one bullet into his leg and sent him tumbling to the ground instantly. Elias groaned out in pain. Mark stared at Elias in disbelief, and then to Dailene in surprise. She had her gun trained on his skull and she had very little intent of lowering it. "Babe, you don't have t-" Mark said before she shushed him with her cold declaration. "He broke his promise. I intend to keep mine." Dailene said breathing heavily. Her vision clouded with tears and she gritted her teeth as she approached Elias. He stared back at her and kept panting heavily as the bullet held him to his position. He started laughing erratically and gripped his face tightly. He began to scream loudly and pounded the ground, his screaming was ear-piercing and it eventually turned to grieving. He cried loudly as he struggled to control his heightened powers, his increased connection to the demon within him. He began to struggle between both crying and laughter as his power shook the foundations of his body. His scar lines began to glow as he gripped the wound the bullet resided in. He tugged tightly and pulled it out and along with it he released a howl of pain and laughter.
Dailene shot three more rounds at him but to no avail. His demonic energy created a pressurized field that rendered their force inert. They bounced away as if they hit a wall. Elias staggered to a sloppy upright position. His power was now fully unleashed with the Devils Trap round out of his body. "You know what, you're right. Lucifer made me realize something." Elias said followed by an eerie giggle. "I'm no savior, the people fear me. They only fake their personas of loving me to suit their own agenda and egotistical BULLSHIT" Elias yelled. A tree snapped in two right before them. Dailene was fearing for her life, and Mark had already stepped in front of her. "I was born to KILL" Elias said as his giggling subsided. He drew Lostvayne slowly and waved it about sloppily. "So I must say again, you're right. But you're also wrong about me. This IS my nature, my normal..." He said slowly as he wiped the dried blood from his sword. His aura grew more and more violent. He slowly approached the couple and he held Lostvayne confidently. He gripped Mark by the throat and punched him in the side once, rendering him unconscious. "The least I could do for you *'friend'* is not let you see what I'm going to do to your 'dearly beloved'" Elias said cheekily. "You wanna know how many times he's cheated on you? I'd have to say lots." Elias taunted as he threw Mark aside into a tree. The wind picked up violently and Elias swung Lostvayne diagonally to Dailene's hair. A shockwave of compressed winds cut off a portion of her bangs. She attempted to fire off more rounds at him but in almost a flash he had cut them in half. "Ma-Mark would never do that to me...He loves me." She said shakily trying to imagine all of this wasn't happening. "Oh, but love is so complicated. I love Melisa, but I hate her species. The conniving, ignorant, self-righteous pricks called humans. OH BOY, DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED" Elias rambled psychotically. Elias darted towards her and she shrieked as he lifted her up by her shirt. "You know, I just don't see eye-to-eye with him. You know, a fine woman like you could do so much better than someone like him" Elias grinned eerily. "He's the only guy who has somewhat unique friends like you. Then again, you seemed too close to be one of his friends, so I guess it's assholes like you that just could never find someone like me" Dailene retorted wittingly. "Oh, don't flatter yourself. Gehenna's women of the brothel make you look like childsplay. _"I bet, but then again they're all whores now, aren't they" Dailene said condescendingly. "Oh, but then again that's not much of a far fall from you now, is it? At least, not until I'm through with you" Elias said darkly. Dailene shrieked as Elias amassed a dark energy blast in his hand, she couldn't tell if it was a Havoc Strike, but took this opportunity to shoot Elias point blank in the chest cavity. He stuttered for a little bit and lowered his head. Stunned.
Dailene assumed she was safe, but she was still in his iron-clad grip. Elias lifted his head and smiled creepily. "Did you really think something so primitive could stop me?" He tightened his grip even more, almost to the point of choking her. He placed his hand to her lower abdomen and the blast disintegrated the armor and clothing she bore. She shrieked as Elias ran his hand down her chest. He stopped midway when going lower only to be interrupted by a piercing sound in his head. "I knew you were an animal brother, but this isn't what we demons do! Kill her!" the disembodied voice screeched. Elias dropped Dailene and placed his hands on his head and shook to and fro. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Elias yelled. He reached for Dailene's gun but was stopped dead in her tracks by her. She covered herself and ran to the gun, pointing it at Elias with intent to kill him. Elias reached out to her, begging for her to shoot him. "Oh, now you're turning to her after you attempted to assault her. I doubt she'll be all that lenient. You did try to subtly rape her." the disembodied voice taunted. Elias howled in agony before Dailene as he was attempting to amass enough energy to destroy himself with his own power. She was baffled, and in shock. She fired off but the bullets disintegrated before even coming close to being able to make contact. She threw aside her gun and ran over to Mark who was coming to. "Ugh, fucks sake. Eh- What the fuck?! Babe, what happened?! Why're yo-" Mark stammered. Dailene shushed him quickly and reassured him that Elias wasn't in control anymore. "I see. He's planning to take himself out, huh? I've known that bastard for years and this is the most selfish thing he's done." Mark said angrily, grinning smugly. He knew that Elias had a reason for wanting to out himself. Something beyond fighting whatever was eating away at his mind. "All we can do now is watch, there's no stopping him with this amount of energy on him" Mark declared.
The two cautiously walked in front of Elias who was still amassing a tremendous amount of dark energy. He was roaring with the power surging through his very being. This was his recourse for all the sins he had committed. His final goodbye. Mark planted his sword in the ground, something for him to come back to should he ever revisit this realm in the near future. He was sure Elias would be gone this time, but not for good. It's not his way to up and leave his friends behind forever. If there's one thing Elias is good at, it's fighting. He wouldn't dare fight his way, but he will fight the darkness. Mark raised his fist in front of Elias. "We've got you old friend, I knew you were in there. I know this is something you've gotta do, and I want you to know...no hard feelings. I'll see you on the other side you crazy old bastard." Mark said cheekily. Elias teared up a bit as he finally reached enough power to take himself and whatever it was with him. It was time Elias returned to the Earth. To home. To Gehenna. Elias began to glow an ominous shade of purple. He walked towards Mark and they pounded their fists together. He glared at Dailene and he put his hand to his chest and walked back to the edge of Beleria. Mark stood in front of Dailene so that he could protect her from what was about to happen. Elias jumped into the air and hung there for a minute. The night sky was shining brilliantly and the moon was illuminating the forest with an utmost beauty. The wind blew strongly and Elias crossed his hands together and released. An immense power washed over the forests of Outer Beleria as Elias let out all of the power to end his suffering and send him home to Gehenna on unfinished business. The shockwave flared towards Mark and a single tear rolled down his eye. The supernova of energy Elias had created shined extravagantly through the moonlight sky and was able to be seen even from the top of Beleria's Shard. Elias vanished from their view and all when the supernova of dark energy vanished with him, his sword tumbled down to the ground and planted itself into a fallen tree-stump.
"He's really gone? Mark?" Dailene said shakily. "Yeah, but he'll be back. He's still got a job to do." Mark replied reassuringly. "You weren't lying all those years ago when you married me. He really is a selfless yet selfish guy, huh?" Dailene said inquisitively. "That's Elias, always risking his skin or getting dibs on first fight because if he doesn't-" Mark stopped to sigh and turned around to walk Dailene home. "Who will." He finished. "Oh, and I guess we need to get you some clothes, huh?" Mark chuckled under his breath. Dailene smacked him roughly and laughed alongside him. Lostvayne shone a deep purple aura, and a silhouette of Elias stood before it. The silhouette walked over to Mark's sword and dissolved into smoke. All the while, Elias fell into the pits of Purgatory. He was greeted to the darkness he'd fought to escape when it came to Gehenna, the capital to Hell. Purgatory was a dark, dank place where everything primordial and probably with more than one set of teeth dwelled. Elias found himself greeted by the welcoming commitee and reached for Lostvayne. He found it wasn't there, but that wasn't going to stop him. He grabbed a branch from one of the thorned trees and utilizing what was left of his energy he carved the branch into a makeshift sword. Sheating it, the darkness of Purgatory began to set in on him. "Leviathan, huh? Oh well. Daddy's home. COME AND GET IT ASSHOLES!" He chuckled and then turned into a grim, stern face. Drawing his blade he could hear the beasts approaching him slowly. "Damn, I miss Beleria" Elias groaned as they all attacked him at once. Waving his blade at speeds unforseeable by the human eye, he cut them all down in a mere second. "Looks like Gehenna will just have to wait." he mumbled.
End Arc 1 - Lives Worth Protecting
Begin Arc 2 - Promises Worth Keeping
Chapter 11: Burning Low
Elias had slain countless Leviathan in his time in Purgatory, the hell rip-off it was and it still lacked even a minutely interesting populace. Every now and then, another demon would get thrown in here because this is where all the dogs go when they die. Elias had finally found the stream that led to Gehenna and he ripped through the dimensional rift into it to enter. The guards to Gehenna were alerted immediately to his entrance and moved to intercept him. Elias grinned slightly as he waved to his most favorite guard, the "DUFF or Disgusting Ugly Fat Friend" of the troupe. "Aw, you guys shouldn't have. I know I've been away from home for so long but if you're here to wish me a happy birthday, it's all the same!" Elias rambled on. The guards assembled into a defensive formation and each of them was visibly trembling. Elias was renowned in Gehenna for his prowess in combat. He was given many names ranging from Jack The Ripper to Black Devil. Elias raised his branch blade to show them he was essentially unarmed in comparison to them, but they still watched cautiously as he strolled out of the grand temple. Gehenna was a beautiful world, built for those known as 'sinners'. Known as the place where you're encouraged to do your worse, it is how you would get in there anyway. Gehenna was the capital of hell where lost, yet defiant souls would fight until they either dematerialize into something between the lines of a ghoul and a chained sinner, or they would evolve with their hatred and loathing of their sins and become a demon. Those who became ghouls, or chained sinners were the workmen of Gehenna. People like Elias were demons. They were given free rein to traverse hell as they wished. Those who weren't seen as strong enough were left to burn in the torturous outer regions of hell. The streets of Gehenna were quiet as Elias strolled down them. Word had spread ever since he was cast out of hell by Lucifer. Elias' attempts to expel Lucifer's telepathic connection to him were good, but they only satiated the control he had over him.
"What brings you back to town, devil boy" one of the civilians walking by asked. "Your mother said she was ready for round two, I told her I had to be punctual." Elias retorted wittingly. The civilian flashed his demonic eyes, and Elias flashed back. The civilian could sense the power radiating from Elias, but he was naive to it and took it as a cheap trick. He swung at Elias who still had his back turned. Elias detected the incoming blow and without moving so much as a muscle he had struck the civilian in the stomach and cheek, sending him rolling into a street pole. He reached for a dagger but Elias had already locked onto him. The authorities took out their serrated baton blades. Elias looked around him and squared his chances at surviving a violent encounter with them. He snap vanished over to one of the officers and grabbed the baton out of their hands, they swung violently only to have his hand caught by Elias. He grinned morbidly as he broke the mans hand. The sounds of his bones cracking was audible and gut-wrenching. The civilian from before managed to get his bearings and attempted to stab Elias when he wasn't looking. The blade narrowly missed Elias' ear and he threw the officer directly into him. The two tumbled to the ground in pain. The situation escalated when lethal force was authorized now that an officer had been assaulted. The two remaining officers pulled out bull-pup rifles. Elias smirked as he ran directly towards the first one, cutting each individual bullet coming towards him in a glorious fashion. He cut the rifle in half and watched as the officer lost all will to fight as he casually backed away.
The final officer managed to shoot Elias in the arm, making him stumble slightly. Elias wiped the blood from his mouth and let out a yell that almost instantly healed the wound. The officer got too confident in his marksmanship as Elias snap vanished directly on top of him. Elias impaled the man with Lostvayne and walked away from the crime scene immediately after, brandishing his coat in the blood of his foes. After about twenty minutes of walking, Elias had finally reached The Cage. Lucifer's holding ground, and his known re-spawn point for dying on the surface world. Even if in material form, the damage he would've received from the blast would've been substantial enough to take him with Elias in person. As Elias approached the cage, he could be found whistling and rattling the bones of an unknown person along the bars of his cell. Elias threw Lostvayne at the cell bar and stuck it midway through. Lucifer stopped cold in his tracks as he recognized the signature blade. He walked over and looked down at Elias coldly. "Enjoy being bunk buddies for a little bit?" He asked sarcastically. "That was a dirty trick, but I'm the king of trickery. You know this, Lucifer." Elias retorted. "I mean, you did go out of your way to repulse me with that THING you'd call a human. I know you saw it. She isn't human." Lucifer inquired. Elias lowered his head in shame. "It was the only way you'd let go. I had no intentions of doing anything brash with her" Elias said boldly. "Nah, I'm pretty sure you were about to get some for the first time in a millennia" Lucifer joked. He tossed the blade back at Elias, to have him catch it between the tips of his fingers. "Is that why you came to me? Or did you come to gloat that we both lost our vessels?" Lucifer asked wearily. "I still have this body as a vessel. It's the only body I can materially keep. I'm not like you, y'know. Everyone knows you're an Angel gone baddie." Elias said.
"So what DOES bring you here, I'm stuck here for another hundred years so I couldn't possibly be your target of interest." Lucifer said boringly. Elias held up his holo-device and revealed the crest on the underside of Dailene's breast. She herself probably didn't know why Elias' blast didn't destroy her. It's common knowledge that only weapons forged specifically for killing demons have the power to completely destroy them. Even the most powerful of energy sources can't dematerialize a Demon. "She hasn't unlocked her latent potential, it appears." Lucifer said curiously. "Yeah, but the only problem here is her crest isn't Dalmalian or even Ouroboros. She's a Nephilim" Elias said deeply. "You sure she ISN'T yours?" Lucifer said as he broke out into a fit of laughter. "I haven't fucked anybody in the Over-world, Lucifer. This is serious. If she finds out her purpose, and she EMBRACES what her purpose is..she could rival the both of us two times over." Elias explained. "Well I don't have anything to be worried about, I didn't try to rape her." Lucifer said selfishly. "That means her mother is an Angel and her father is a demon." He went on to explain. "You told me there were no more Angels." Elias said angrily. "I did, I did. I should've been more specific. She's an Archangel" Lucifer said, trying to cool Elias off. "So you're telling me they knowingly settled down with one another and had a kid? You sure they didn't have any sort of ulterior motive. The two dots are still bright blue and red. That means they're both alive!" Elias stated. "Hell if I know, maybe they just wanted to fuck and they didn't know how humans reproduce via vessel." Lucifer said clueless. Elias stormed out of Lucifer's Cage Room and headed out into the streets of Gehenna. He warped over the ascension point and knocked out the guards as he went towards the portal back to the over-world. He rang Lucifer before he left "Oh, and before I forget" Elias said. He swung his arm in a forward motion and Lostvayne tore right out of his cage and came flying towards Elias. He turned around and caught it by the handle as it boomeranged towards him at a sonic speed. "Can't leave you in charge of my toys, especially not when you're in time-out" Elias said cheekily as he hung up the holodevice. He ascended back into the world of the living, right at the very spot he killed himself. The forest was burnt to a crisp, but there was a beacon of light shot into the sky when Elias entered the realm.
Chapter 12: Coming Home
Within mere minutes, Belerian troops had stormed the suspicious light and found Elias on the border of Beleria. He sat upon a burnt stump, sword in hand and deer leg in the other. They surrounded him with all of their affectionate welcomes as they had thought to have lost them forever. Gehenna had taught Elias that no being would truly sympathize with what he had done, but these people weren't demons. They had learned to accept that he was, and had come to truly love him. He led them back into the inner city, and dismissed them after thanking them for the swift response and recovery. Elias headed towards The Shard to work on the data he had gathered. As he checked into his room, he saw a brilliant streak of light soar across the sky. A light he knew all too well from his former days in Gehenna. When an Archangel chooses to warp around, their vessel is transported instantly, but their grace is still slower than the vessel. Thus resulting in milliseconds of light being shot from point A to point B. Humans are typically oblivious to the streaks, some are even incapable of seeing them. But demons see their every move in real-time. Elias sat down and reviewed the photos of Dailene before banging on his door ensued. "You better be the damn pizza guy if you're knocking that hard, I'm not hard to find y'know" Elias shouted as he unlocked his door.
"Hate to disturb you and all that good stuff, but we gotta talk man." Lamar said as he barged into his room, Crowley behind him. "Is it about the Nephilim?" Elias said. "How the hell'd you know?" Lamar said curiously. "We're supernatural entities, we can all feel it." Elias said smugly as he walked over to his window. He stared at his reflection intently, seeing his eyes glow in the darkness of the Belerian night. Crowley stood beside him, resting his arm on his shoulder. "Now I know you may have some strong feelings towards this Nephili-" He said as Elias interrupted him, "Strong? That's my best friends wife. She isn't going to hurt anybody. She's harmless" Elias retorted. "We can never be too sure, Nephilim are a Demon and Angel crossbreed anyway. They harbor the properties of both of us and that makes them a double threat should they awaken. She'll be stronger than you if we don't put her down now. I know you can't stand being inferior to anybody, and to think that you thought her to be a human woman! Doesn't that...IRK you?" Crowley said as he attempted to manipulate Elias. Elias turned and swung at Crowley but he teleported behind him. "Woah now, you're not really planning to go toe to toe with me now are you?" Crowley said nervously. Lamar stepped forward, planning to interfere. "I don't need this!" Elias said as he punched his punching bag, causing a huge dent in it. "Your emotions are controlling your power, Elias. You go out of control and as do they." Lamar said as he approached him. "I can't be some fucking deity like you guys and just go around killing people because they have the potential to be strong. The fuck is wrong with her being a Nephilim?! She doesn't even know it!" Elias said angrily. "I can't just kill her...".
Crowley took out an angel blade and held it up voluntarily. "If you can't then I'll be more than happy to oblige. Always wanted a Nephilim head for my mantle." he taunted. "Crowley.." Lamar pleaded. "You will do no such thing" Elias said as his energy branched out in a violent shockwave. He snap vanished in front of Crowley and stole the Angel blade. Improvising his best, he put two fingers to his head and smoke vanished through the window, taking the blade with him. Crowley tried to give chase, but he banged his head on the glass. "Bollocks, that boy and his feelings, they'll be the death of me." Crowley said furiously. A beam of dark light chased after the trail of the Archangel, spacing from Inner Beleria out into the countryside. Crowley smoked out of Elias' room furiously, giving chase as he knew a situation he wanted no part of was about to unravel. Lamar wafted his hand to clear the smoke as he walked out of Elias' room. He stood against the outer wall and took a breather. If there really was a Nephilim, Elias would be expected to kill it. If he couldn't come through with it, it'd be time for him to step in. He walked down the halls of The Shard slowly with his hands in his pockets. Life would never be simple with monsters like them around.
As the chase for the Archangel came to an end, Elias stood outside of Dailene's home. Her mother was standing outside her door, expecting Elias. Elias jogged towards her in anticipating as her eyes glowed a shade of light blue. She extended her hand and sent him tumbling backwards violently. The middle-aged woman strutted towards him slowly, frowning. "I know what you are, Demon." She said blankly. "It's Elias, but I'll give you credit for trying" Elias said as he stood up and shook off the dust. "I sensed your power that night, what's it like to be back in the land of the living, Lucifer" the woman said angrily. "Woah, woah. I'm not Lucifer, girly. I'm a demon, sure. But that was a one-stop shop, okay?" Elias tried to explain anxiously before the woman pulled out her Archangel blade and swung at him. Elias side-stepped quickly and held onto the edge of the blade as it burned the tips of his fingers. "Whew, that's a bit toasty." Elias said jokingly. "Don't toy with me!" the woman yelled as she increased the force between her and Elias. She gained leverage over him and was clashing with him, blade to hand. He knelt under the pressure, as the ground began to give way. Elias parried the blades inevitable strike and struck the woman square in the jaw. "Now, I believe in gender equality. But if you're not gonna listen to reasoning, we gotta get a little bit more violent" Elias said shakily. He stood up and dusted himself off as the woman grinned and withdrew her blade. "I'd be happy to oblige." she said eerily as she wiped the blood from her mouth. "We know what Dailene is, and I'm not like every other demon and their mother who's trying to kill her, I swear." Elias pleaded. "You wouldn't have brought a blade if that were the case." The woman said with a snarky disposition. Elias held up Lostvayne and stared at it, he glanced over at the woman and shrugged as he threw the blade at her quickly. She caught it between the tips of her two fingers. "Good boy." the woman said as she put the blade into her back satchel. She walked towards the house with Elias following closely behind.
As they approached the house the woman revealed herself to be Ariel. The rumors of Archangels dying was false. They lived on, but they were living on their own terms away from heaven. Elias joked as they approached Dailene's doorstep, "So I guess you made old Akrabel see heaven, huh?" Elias said as provokingly to Ariel. She elbowed him in his ribs causing him to stagger back a little bit. The two knocked on the door once, then twice. Dailene opened the door in shock, she hugged her mother tightly and hid the Archangel blade behind her. She invited the two in but glared at Elias without saying a word. They sat at their table and had coffee. The room was drowned in a sense of tension. Ariel and Dailene staring intently at Elias. Elias struggled to hold his mug but he put it down and decided he could use all the help he could get. Dailene had always considered herself to be a normal girl. She grew up with no supernatural situations occurring. Elias interrupted to finally let her know. "I know you've always seen yourself as human, that's probably why you're so...weak. You don't know what you are, and you don't know the power that dwells within you. Your mother is..well, you're a Nephilim. Your mother here, she's an Archangel." Elias explained. Dailene nearly choked on her coffee as she stared at her mother and Elias. She lowered her head and stared at her hands in disbelief. "That's not funny, I'm not like all those things you're out here killing!" Dailene said with a tone of denial. Elias put a bible on the table and forced Dailene to touch it. The handprint was embodied in a blue flame and the book had burst into flames. Tears fell slowly from her eyes as she removed her hand from the bible. The burns slowly regenerated while Dailene held her other hand over her mouth.
Chapter 13: Unholy Incarnate
Ariel walked over to Dailene and asked her to stand up. She stood up slowly, fearfully. Ariel tried to raise her shirt, but Dailene protested insistently with Elias watching. Elias covered his eyes to provoke her to do it, but he was still peeking through the slits. Elias giggled internally as Dailene made a habit of never sleeping with a bra. Ariel lifted her shirt and ran her hand in a circle over her stomach, revealing a spiral symbol with two sigils. They were both bright, but the blue sigil was a bright blue with Ariel near it. This was the telltale sign of a Nephilim and those who created it. When both of their creators or parents died, they would be unleashed upon the world, free to choose whichever race they pleased. Angel or Demon. They could even remain a Nephilim if they so chose. The only complication would be that they would find themselves having a harder time controlling the power that swelled within them. Dailene tugged at her shirt in confusion and threw coffee on Elias, he yelled as it spilled in his eyes and he regenerated them. Ariel stepped back and consoled her daughter who was at a complete loss for words. "You never told me what I was. Why?" Dailene confided within her mother. "We didn't want you to grow up feeling like you had to live a life that wasn't yours. Killing monsters, hunting things, it's the family business but you were such a late bloomer we just accepted that you could very well be human." Ariel said quietly. "But, I could've saved Omai-" "There was nothing we could've done for him." "Mom, you were an Angel, we could've gotten what we needed, we could've cured him" the two bickered. "Curing demons is just a pipe dream. It's who we are, it's carved into our nature. You might weaken them, you might even stop them from using their demonic abilities. You could even get rid of their eyes, but that's who we are on the inside. You can't cure this sickness, it's what we are." Elias said coldly. Dailene went over there and slapped him hard. "How can you say that! You're a prime example of what a demon could be." Dailene said emotionally. "I was exiled for Gehenna because I went against everything Lucifer wanted for this world. They deemed me broken" he retorted angrily. "Well you managed to hold your own against me, your damn well not broken." Ariel said reassuringly.
Dailene was in shock at this grim revelation. Mark had just awoken out of his sleep and had been eavesdropping when he heard Elias. He stumbled into the room with Dailene shirtless, he took three steps back and shook his head in confusion. "Eh..You guys gonna have a threesome without me? I'm hurt." Mark said as he began to undress. "It's not that kind of party Mark" Dailene and Ariel said in unison. Mark pulled his shirt back down quickly as he feared both of the women. "So, this some kind of late-night tattoo party?" he asked curiously. "Babe, I-" Dailene said before her mother stepped in front of her. Her eyes started glowing a bright blue and a shadow of wings embodied her, a holy white light gathered around her body and she placed her hand on Mark's head. "Mom no!" Dailene yelled in protest. She feared for the worst that her mother was going to kill Mark for finding out, but once the glowing subsided it was clear that she had but merely informed him without overwhelming his mind with all of the delicate details. She stepped back and watched as Mark embraced his wife tightly. "Y'know, I might be the only damn human left on this Earth as far as I know, but I wouldn't rather have it any other way." Mark said as he gripped onto her shoulder. "I know you think I'm some sort of freak, Mark." Dailene said shakily. Ariel patted her on the back to reassure her that Mark didn't feel that way. "Now you listen here, I didn't marry you just because you looked the way you did. Hell, even with this new Nephilim shit going down, you don't look a day over 20. But I married you because what we have is special. I care about you more than anything, and I jumped in that portal with Elias not only because I want to get Melisa back, but I want to make sure you're safe for the future. You and I, I'm not even sure if we can reproduce. If we can, I promise you that when this is all over, we'll be a family." Mark said calmly, holding his wife who was breaking down into tears. Even Ariel, the all-mighty Archangel shed a tear and wiped it away immediately as to avoid detection.
Ariel turned to Elias who was headed for the door and she yelled his name to catch his attention. Elias stood in place and put two fingers into the air, he pointed them forward and returned his hand to his side. Ariel laughed as she threw Lostvayne at his shoulder and watched as he caught it before it made contact with him. He placed it into its scabbard and was still standing motionless at the door. "You, you're not like other demons. You're capable of showing compassion for these beings who're so much more different than you." Ariel said quietly. Elias shrugged in place and let out a deep sigh. "Sometimes, when you've seen just how low you can get in the world, what it truly means to be tossed out and disregarded, you'll be able to empathize with even the worst of things." Elias said calmly as he cracked the doorway slightly. "So you see humans as lesser? A lost cause?" Ariel said curiously. "I'm beyond saving, they still have a chance to get their lives together. If I can't do anything to help myself, the least I could do is see them out on this ride that they're calling human life." Elias said coldly. He stepped out into the night that was cast over Beleria. In the field of the countryside stood Crowley, Lamar in suit. They quickly approached Elias and pressed him for answers. "She won't be bothering anybody anymore." Elias said calmly. "So you did kill her?" Crowley said with a grin on his face. "No, I let her know what she was. She came to terms with it and her family will love her for it irregardless." Elias said sternly. Crowley's face quickly turned to a cold glare and he attempted to push past Elias into the house. Elias stood stationary at the doorway and quickly interjected. Crowley flicked his hand and sent Elias through the door. He writhed around on the ground pulling foreign rods of wood out of himself. Crowley strutted in and immediately drew out his Angel blade. Ariel stood in front of Dailene and tasked Mark with tending to Elias' wounds.
"So, I take it you must be the bitch." Crowley said cruelly. "Oh Fergus, you know damn well who I am. I know why you're here" Ariel retorted. Crowley waved his hand and sent out a pulse of dark energy. Ariel dispelled it all by Counter Vanishing it through the roof. Crowley stared intently and gave a smug grin as he took his hands out of his pockets and baited her to attack him. Ariel charged inward, blade in hand and struck ferociously at him. Crowley effortlessly dodged every attack and grabbed a hold of the Archangel blade, he shucked it into the air sending Ariel flying with it. He wiped a little bit of dust and debris off of his coat and continued strutting towards Dailene. "You're literally the one thing that I never guessed would happen. If it wasn't for tall, dark, and gruesome over there going haywire; I'd probably not have found you. You even knew people were coming for you yet you still stayed. You truly are a pitiful case, and I'll be sure to end your life slowly." Crowley said as he began twiddling with his Angel blade. Dailene backed away slowly, eventually colliding with a wall. She pleaded for her life but more, and more she could feel her fate resonating on the end of that blade. Her abdomen sigil became more and more illuminated and mere seconds before Crowley impaled her he was caught by his face and thrown through the wall. Ariel stood there, bloodied and worn out. "That's what you get for trying to perv on my daughter, you sick fuck." she said as she collapsed to the ground in a pool of her own blood. Elias returned once all the rods of wood were removed from him. There he was greeted by the sight of Ariel laying face down in her blood and Crowley in the backyard with splinters for eyebrows.
Mark urged Dailene to run away with him, but she knew that for once she'd have to stop running. She's no longer human and she'd have to get used to seeing these things through now. This would be her life, whether she liked it or not. She turned to Crowley and grabbed her mothers Archangel blade. The blue sigil overpowered the red sigil on her stomach and a gleaming gray field of energy shrouded around her. Her eyes began to glow a mystic silver. She marched out past the hole in the wall towards Crowley, still fumbling to his feet from being thrown around. As he gaze into the eyes of Dailene, he saw her form a pair of silhouetted wings. Though unlike an angel, these wings were broken, losing feathers. In the place of all the feathers were spines. "What in the name of hell are you doing" Crowley asked mockingly. "Something that should've been done a long time ago." Dailene said in a deepened, merged voice. She grinned as she swipe the Archangel blade in Crowley's direction. The power behind the sweep was enough to destabilize him, sending him to his knees. Crowley's eyes turned a deep shade of blood red. He stood up effortlessly and marched towards the girl. "You may be a monster, but I've been in this game longer than anybody and I am not a monster. You might look around and call Elias a demon, Lucifer a demon. No. They are monsters. Me? No, I am a whole new ballgame, I am the King of Hell" Crowley said as he plunged the Archangel blade into Dailene.
She let out a groan of pain that subsided quickly. The aura that embodied her had faded away. Crowley held her propped on his shoulder, laying her down in the grass. He pulled out a gun that resembled the ancient colt, but it was darker and had a pentagram carved into the grip. Crowley planted his foot firmly on her stab wound on her abdomen and watched as she stared into her last few minutes of life. "If you're really what they say you are, which is evident enough. Then I'll finally be doing this world a favor by being rid of you." Crowley said coldly as he put his finger to the hammer of the gun. In a blazing inferno came Mark, rushing to his wives side. Crowley waved his hand and sent him flying backwards into the house which rendered him incapacitated. Dailene was furious, but the blood loss was slowly creeping in on her. "Humans, such pathetic creatures. Your dolt of a husband coming to save something he doesn't even have a chance of comprehending." Crowley said condescendingly. "You don't know him! You're nothing but some shit-stain who soul his soul to make it on the map of average." Dailene retorted back smugly as she coughed up blood. Crowley increased the pressure on the wound, making her cry out in pain. Crowley leaned down to whisper to her. "You weren't born for family. You weren't meant to be born at all. Everything you love in this world will vanish, I will see to that. Nobody will remember your existence" he said quietly.
Dailene burst into tears, furious and devastated. She grabbed Crowley by the collar and pulled him down face-to-face. "You. BASTARD." Dailene said as she pounded her fist into the ground weakly. Again, and again. The pounding became more and more intense, her knuckles began to bleed yet she wouldn't stop. She gave the ground one more smash, sending a grand shockwave throughout the backyard. "I...I can't give up here. I'm going to have a family." she said before abruptly bursting into tears. The crying ensued until it turned into laughter. Psychotic laughter. She grinned more and more while still maintaining a grip on Crowley. Her eyes began to glow once more and her aura crept back around her body. Crowley attempted to pin her hand with the Angel blade, but it broke upon contact. "You hurt my husband." Dailene said furiously. She grabbed Crowley's arm and sent a pulse of power through it causing him to roar out in agony. "Bollocks." Crowley mumbled. "You hurt Elias." She said as punched him square in the face followed by a downward strike to the ground. She kicked him violently in the stomach causing him to cough up Ichor. He rolled over onto his back sorely. Dailene straddled him and began punching him in the face non-stop until she pulled out the Archangel blade. "Most importantly. You hurt my mother." Dailene said with murderous intent in her eye. She reached into the sky and brought the blade down with intent to finally kill Crowley. In a blinding flash, Lamar appeared interjecting between the two. "That's enough!" he yelled. He briefly threw Dailene off of Crowley and placed his hand on his chest, vanishing with him immediately afterwards. Dailene staggered to get her footing correct, still emanating an ominous grey glow. She fell backwards onto the ground where she sat unconscious for the rest of the night. She awoke to the sun gleaming in her eyes, and Elias and Mark sitting side-by-side on the porch.
Chapter 14: Recollection
"Rise and shine sleepyhead." Elias said cheekily. Mark sat there wordless, simply glaring in awe. Dailene rose to her feet and looked at herself in the sliding door window. Her aura and energy faded away into a cloudy wisp, dissipating quickly. Her hair lowered into a shaggy mess unto her shoulders, returning her to her human-like appearance. Her eyes turned back to a deep shade of blue, now tinted with a blue and a red dot on the opposing side of her pupils. "So...I'm one of those things now?" Dailene said shakily with a hint of curiosity to her voice. "You're you. You just happen to have a little bit of extra go-go juice in you. Don't let anybody make you think otherwise." Mark said reassuringly. Dailene stared at him and grinned slightly. She walked over to him and held him in her embrace. The first time in years they shared a tender hug like that. "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to protec-" Mark said before Dailene interjected. "No..no. Don't be sorry. That man managed to make short work of even Elias. You did what you could and that shows more than anything you could possibly do to him. I know you tried. Think of it as woman's intuition." she said cheekily. "You know, I used to look down on humans." a voice from inside the house said. Out walked Ariel from the hole in the wall. "But every now and then I realize just how much better they are than having to deal with things like these. They might not be a perfect creation like god made them out to be, but they don't have powers which is good enough for me." she said with a gruff laugh. She spat out dried blood onto the ground and proceeded to heal her wounds.
"You, Demon-er..I mean Elias. You just stood up to the King of Hell. What're you going to do?" Ariel said inquisitively. Elias hopped up quickly. "Like I said, I got exiled from Hell. He isn't my king." he said grimly. He took out Lostvayne and threw it up into the air. He took three steps forward and caught it before it hit the ground. He let out a sly grin and said confidently "If he shows up again, I'll just have to kill him. I might not be able to take him as is, but that just means I have to train more.". "You're truly a specimen to behold. If I ever disobeyed God, I'd have my wings taken from me and he'd end me in an instant" Ariel said enviously. Elias shuttered really quickly, "There's a god?" he said curiously. "Yeah, about 5'8", beard, curly hair, don't call him Shurley?" Ariel said with high praise in the pitch of her voice. "But I'm right here." Elias said narcissistically. Ariel quickly poked him in the sides. "Okay, okay." Elias said as he groaned in pain. Dailene approached her mother curiously. "So, if you came alone to get me, where's dad?" she said in a low tone. "No sense in hiding it from you anymore. You're already aware that you're not human. But me and your father, we're inter-species. I'm an Archangel, and he's a human. In lore, typically one would need to have the blessing of an Archangel to conceive a child of inter-species. But when I'm the one bearing it, I immediately accepted the repercussions. They couldn't take me, but they came for your father. They took him..." Ariel said solemnly. "Now that I'm all juiced up we can just go and get him right?" Dailene said energetically. "Honey, no. I don't want to risk losing you too. This is something I needed to do on my own. I just came to say goodbye. I know that the forces of Heaven are going to give all they've got in killing me. I just thought I'd come say goodbye to you. Let you know what you are, what you're capable of." Ariel said in an earnest tone.
"But we wouldn't be alone! We have friends, my husband, we have the power we need to take the fight to them." Dailene said in an optimistic tone. "Yeah, if it means getting ol' crabby Akrabel back, I'm in." Mark stood up and said boldly. The group congregated outside in the fields. The sun was beaming as the four of them stood gallantly together. "If we get him back, I promise you I'll give you whatever support I can in getting your friend back." Ariel said. "It'd mean a lot to me, I'll be sure we get him back." Elias said in calm resolve. A glowing blue pentagram was cast on the ground, almost instantaneously beaming the four out of existence. The brilliant beam of bluish white light scattered as it descended onto the sky lands of Heaven, sending the four of them into multiple sectors of the island. Elias was sent flying into an unaware Angel, sending them both rolling around on the concrete. The Angel brushed himself off as he stood up slowly to assess the situation. "Intruder, what business do you have here!" the Angel said angrily. Elias stood up and wiped off excess dirt. He stared at the Angel and started emanating an ominous aura. "A demon..what in the-" The Angel said as Elias rushed him quickly with a blow to the chest. He staggered back and unsheathed his Angel blade to parry the next attempted shoulder blow. Elias spun backwards and drop-kicked the Angel to the ground, stealing his Angel blade and impaling him as his rib-cage hit the floor, causing a shockwave of holy light. Elias stood up and began walking towards the grand castle. He'd never been in Heaven, at least not literally.
Angels guarded the bridge entryway to the castle and began shooting bolts of holy light at Elias, he simply raised his hand to negate them using his massive dark energy supply. "Scuffle the bridge!" one of the Angels yelled. They bridge was struck by a Karmatic Smite and shattered sending Elias into a descent. He calmly jumped from one piece of rubble to another, quicker than the naked eye could conceive. He stood directly in front of one of the guarding Angels. "You unholy swine!" the Angel yelled. He swung at Elias who dodged it simply by moving his neck. He grabbed the Angel blade with his bare hand and shattered it. The Angel began to try to blast Elias at point-blank range. Elias stood unscathed and grabbed the shoulder of the attacking Angel. The fear in his eyes was all Elias needed to see to know he hadn't seen a day of real combat. Elias leaned in and whispered, "Hakai (Destruction)" and watched as the Angel dissipated into a shroud of dark energy. Elias absorbed all of it and walked right past the rest of the guards who were too afraid to fight. Elias lifted his hand and snapped once, all of the Angels in the surrounding region imploded. By the time the other three had reached the center, they found Elias making a tower out of Angel blades. "You've been busy, huh?" Mark said cheekily. "These guys haven't really been trained to deal with real demons, no?" Elias asked to Ariel. "Well, that's not exactly true. They can handle basic demons, but you're up against a Nephilim, a human with the powers of a precursor, an Archangel which frankly made my job all the more easier, and a high ranking demon." Ariel said while trying her hardest not to break out into laughter.
"Well whadd'ya say we go get Akrabel, I'm getting a little bit tired of waiting around." Elias asked. Ariel nodded and the 4 approached the sealed warp and entered the chapel where Akrabel was being held. Ariel charged in and saw the unthinkable. Akrabel was nailed to a cross and put on display above a pedestal, barely breathing. "Akrabel!" Ariel cried out. He slowly lifted his head and gave off a slight grin. He stared deeply at Ariel and Dailene and lowered his head to conserve what little energy he had left. His body was covered in contusions and deep cuts, sealed repeatedly using Enochian energy. A dark silhouetted figure emerged from below Akrabel. It walked over to a book stand and revealed its true form. Elias immediately unholstered Lostvayne by reflex. "Oh, welcome back Elias. I'm so pleased that you could finally join us. Even though you probably won't make it to see the reception." the mysterious man said energetically. He was robed in an Ouroboros robe, similar to Aeuyrial. Though he was old, and his hair had grayed significantly. The man resembled the older fellow Melisa found on the holotape, but something was different.
"You've caused quite the stir in our little Angelic community." the man explained. "Who are you..?" Elias said as he approached carefully with Lostvayne in hand. "We've never met, little demon. I am Cochin. Elder of the voids." the man carried on. "That robe, you're not human, are you?" Elias pressed. "My my. You are quite the observant one. I am not a demon, but I am also not an Angel. You must be thinking of the little girl I raised, or attempted to anyway." Cochin rambled. "Little girl?" Elias said, shocked by the revelation. "Yes, she couldn't have been more than eight years old. Her name was Uriel and she was precious to me ever since she came to that world. Sometimes people cast away the most odd of things." Cochin said, taken aback by the thought of the young girl. "You're some kind of special, y'know that?" Mark said, insinuating he was a pedophile. "I assure you, I'm not an unsavory character. How do you think I ended up here, in Heaven" Cochin assured Mark's thoughts. Mark backed away slowly. "Elias, he's reading minds." Mark yelled. "That's preposterous Mark." "So, she's going by Aeuyrial now? I'm glad she hasn't left the roots of what I originally named her." Cochin said, interrupting Elias. Elias turned on his heels and assumed a fighting position. "This is going nowhere, give me back my husband, Cochin!" Ariel yelled out to the old man. "This...piece of work. He's something, he truly is. Isn't that your vile offspring with you?" Cochin asked, disgusted by Dailene. "Yeah, fuck you too pal." Dailene said, angered by the mans rambling. Cochin fiddled with his hands and waved his palm weakly, sending Akrabel flying off of his cross. His screams filled the room as he tumbled to the ground in front of Ariel. She scurried to his side and immediately began trying to tend to his wounds.
"Now, I only let you off easy because I saw your past, present, and I can see a fragment of your future. I want something from you." Cochin rambled. He vanished and appeared instantly in front of Elias. "I need my blade. It's the only thing keeping me in this accursed world." Cochin explained. He put his hand firmly upon Elias' head and showed him visions of the events that occurred in the realm. The vast expanse of power contained in that blade. He also showed him Melisa, fighting with the blade. Elias staggered backwards and held onto his chest. The knowledge of her still being alive, it made him realize the depths he was getting himself into. "What the hell are you, old man!" Elias said sternly. "Something even you will never come to understand." Cochin said as pushed his hand out and formed a fist. Mike yelled as he rolled across the floor. Cochin put his hand into a fist, compacting all five of them tightly. "If you don't bring me my blade, I'll know. Consider this the only freebie you'll get from me. Also, Demon, bring her back to me..." Cochin continued to ramble. He slammed his hand down and a familiar blue pentagram warped them out of Heaven, sending them all flying into Emibrian Heights. The group smashed into the Stonehenge Warp and out came Miha and Andrew. They hurried over to tend to their new, unwelcome guests. Albeit, against their better judgement.
Chapter 15: Bleed Me Dry
"H-hey there Miha. How're things hanging up here?" Elias said in a low tone, almost unconscious from the impact of the landing. Miha stared down angrily, not uttering a single word. He reached for his sheathed Masamune blade, immediately sending Elias to his feet. The other three scurried inside with Andrew. "You, you've got a lot of nerve to come back here empty-handed." Miha said furiously. "Aww, c'mon. This wasn't my choice! This old guy named Cochin warped us back here, and we didn't really have anywhere else to land." Elias pleaded. "Cochin, you say..?" Miha asked as he re-sheathed his blade slowly. "Yeah, he claimed he was neither Demon, nor Angel. I knew the guy wasn't a Nephilim either." Elias explained, trying to catch his breath. "Cochin, Red Death of The East." Miha said absentmindedly. He started to gaze into the sky, as if he was lost in his thoughts. Miha thought of the days he and Cochin defended Emibrian Heights from the invasion of the non-domesticated demons. They were a dynamic duo of the Red (Flame) Death of The East, and the Cold (Blue) Death of The West, the deadliest force to grace the realm of Beleria beyond Lamar himself. Together, they would come to purge the world of evils not made for simple people of their time. Hunting monsters, killing things. It brought them closer and closer, almost becoming family, and establishing family business. The day came when Cochin was taken from him, a mysterious shockwave grazed the easternmost coast of Beleria, and within mere seconds, he was shot out of existence bit by bit. His body sucked away into an ominous aura. Miha was powerless to save him, but he dedicated the following years researching the events of that day. Hoping he would eventually find a way to bring him back, if he managed to live that long. "So you're still alive and kicking you old bastard? After all these years, you still haven't visited me. What's your game?" Miha rambled on. He regained his consciousness and stared back at Elias, still gazing directly at him.
"Seems like something's got you taken aback, you know the old geezer?" Elias asked curiously. Miha turned to Elias and nodded lightly. He urged him to walk into the cave-home, it was time he learned a little more following the events that transpired that fateful day when his world was changed for good. He spoke quietly, almost in an eerie tone "See, it wasn't just the explosion of the demonic minions occurring at the time. Once your little skirmish had ended just as quickly as it had started, Aeuyrial was spotted trying to exit Beleria, but that was additionally the day she struck back. No one is entirely sure why she lashed out at the city, but the blasts that annihilated the squadrons sent to face her shook the nation. Her presence was running thin as she had already done and said too much for what she had in store in the years to come. How in the coming years would be trying times. The voided realm would come to wreak havoc upon the normal world. Cochin was one of the few entities that was marked both K.I.A and M.I.A. They suddenly were disintegrated without any pretext to why. Their ties to the world they originally inhabited were suddenly dropped and their presence was erased. Null and void. In villages outside of Emibrian Heights, people suffered as demons slowly lost their domestication. They went back to being ruthless, violent creatures. I was left on the verge of what seemed like the worlds end to clean the colossal mess that someone had to leave uncleaned."
"Well that's all good and well, but when I was out..why did everything go straight to hell?" Elias asked as he slammed his fist down on the cold marble table. "Things weren't the same after she attacked. The Queen fell into a downward spiral of depression, and there was grief for the day that wiped out millions of soldiers, you included." Miha spoke, tears slowly filling his eyes. "But, I thought the kingdom didn't put up with demons, that you'd all be better off without me." Elias retorted boldly. "We- they didn't come to terms with you being a demon immediately. Some were more shocked than others, and for good reason. You were known to get in some pants, yet never left a single soul pregnant. That friend of yours, Mark. Even when the Belerian troops decided it was the end for you, and scuffled the hospital, that boy visited every day almost religiously to see if you had finally woken up. Now, I know pain. I've seen it, felt it, tasted it, pissed it out because of that one time I went in the city and made some mistakes. That boys face when he had to see you there all wrapped up and out like a light, that was the embodiment of pain. Omissions of guilt for not being able to be there with you. " Miha said as he smiled through the tears. "You didn't seem to know who I was. How do you suddenly know all this about me?" Elias asked, embarrassed. "Well, I knew all of what transpired. But it was only when you managed to actually come back from the voided realm that I knew I was truly facing the genuine article. It's why I trained you. I knew, and know that you're the only hope we'll have at living to see the light of day for the next few years to come." Miha replied, breaking into a full smile, he quickly sat up and leaned back in his chair. "Now if that isn't enough to put some weight on those shoulders of yours and not half-ass it so we don't all end up killed, I don't know what is. How's dinner sound?" he said jokingly. Elias got up and walked to go find Mark. He wandered the house looking for him to tell him they were staying for dinner.
Elias roamed the halls, lit by dim lights, he saw blades impaled upon the walls, ancient blades. Names inscribed on them in Enochian, the language of the Angels. But on the opposing wall were blades of reinforced obsidian. All inscribed with unknown names of many demons. Elias disregarded all of the blades and he saw Mark standing in a room speaking to a figure. Elias approached at a brisk pace, yet the door slammed shut as he approached it. He banged on it and yelled Mark's name, but there was no response. The hall became almost pitch black as Enochian sigils lit the walls. A dark silhouette strolled down the hall in Elias' direction, sending him into an immediate defensive stance. The Silhouette grabbed a hold of one of the blades and absorbed it, using it as its own hand. "What the hell?" Elias mumbled. He was quickly cut off by the dark figure dashing towards him at a lightning quick pace, swinging its bladed hand erratically. Elias parried the blows fiercely, sending the figure flying backwards. It slid across the floor, quickly getting its bearings. To Elias' surprise, the figure swiped open a dimensional rift and leaped through it. The hall was silent for a whole minute. Elias lowered Lostvayne slowly, trying to sense and guess where the figure would attack from next. He put his upward pointing finger to his nose, getting a feel for the entity's energy. A breeze flew by Elias' left cheek as the rift split open and out came the silhouette trying to pierce-stab him. Elias barely dodged it, and again the silhouette went into the dimensional rift. Elias took to an offensive stance, getting a feel for the room. A split second before the silhouette would come spiraling out of the rift, Elias yelled "I've got you!". He deflected the incoming blow with Full Counter, sending it spiraling out of the rift and into a door. It slithered back to an upright position and stuck its opposing hand onto a wall, absorbing an Angel blade. Elias' heart began beating a bit quicker as the Silhouette began glowing a dark shade of blue. It began to multiply itself, slowly. First just two, then three. Elias sheathed Lostvayne so things could get serious. He took off his The Shard hoodie and darted into the group of shadows. They all swung quickly, and with seemingly the same amount of force. This was no petty illusion.
One of them managed to scratch Elias on the shoulder only to be hit by Elias' Havoc Strike. It dissipated as the energy tore it apart, and all that was left was the blade it absorbed. The others backed away slowly, slowly circling Elias. He grinned slightly as he grabbed the hands of another one of the silhouettes and began absorbing their energy. It faded away slowly, leaving all but the original. It staggered about erratically, waving its blade in fear of Elias. He approached slowly and held the figure by its neck against the dimly lit hall walls. With a hoarse breath it spoke, "But only a reflection of what you are to become..". Elias was shocked and snapped its neck quickly, causing it to dissipate and absolve onto his hand. Elias lowered his hand slowly, breathing heavily. He slammed his fist against the locked door, sending it flying open to his surprise. Mark jumped at the noise, and stared closely at Elias. "Woa-oh shit. Hey Elias, how's it going dude?" His eyes had gone black, with slight tints of red in them. "We're staying for dinner." Elias said in a ghastly tone. Elias collapsed to the ground, sending Mark immediately over to his side. "Damnit. Elias!....Miha?!" Mark yelled, he hoisted Elias up onto his shoulders and began darting back down the hall. The lights slowly came back on, as he sprinted quickly. He was making good pace, for time was of the essence. He found Miha in the kitchen, preparing the meal for later tonight. He turned to find Mark gasping for air with Elias hoisted on his shoulder. He laid him out on the kitchen floor, leaving Miha in awe. He shoved Mark out of the way and immediately placed his hand on Elias' neck, feeling for a pulse. He removed it once he found one and immediately pulled out a small knife from his boot, running it across his hand to draw blood. He let his blood drip into Elias' mouth, and lifted him up to have him swallow it. Stabilizing his blank eyes, yet he still wasn't conscious. Mark was dumbfounded at the sight, he leaned in and asked, "What the hell is going on?!". "You guys made a dumb move to make enemies with Crowley. Didn't anybody ever tell you the only reason he's the King is because he can utilize demonic power and magic?" Miha replied quickly, trying to jump-start Elias' heart. "That shit's real?!" Mark said in a naive tone. "He IS the King, no? This is a Hex, he probably had time to cast it whenever he beat your asses" Miha replied totally nonchalant about the situation. He clenched his open hand with his other hand and sent a slight shockwave through Elias. He jumped back into consciousness and sat up immediately. "We've gotta move." He said quickly. "Are you out of your mind? You said we were staying for dinner!" Miha replied angrily. "You know it yourself, Crowley has our number. Where's Dailene and Ariel?!" Elias said boldly. Mark stepped forward, "What the fuck do you mean he has our number?!" he said as he knelt down. "I fought some silhouettes and there's only deity level people who can cast that kind of shit. Sentient beings? Even Miha doesn't have that much power." Elias said, shifting to a mocking tone. "I'll have you know that I'm more than capable of learning it, I just haven't." Miha said, embarrassed at the revelation.
"I think Ariel and Dailene went back to their home, they said something about cleaning up?" Andrew intervened. The sound of glass shattering came from the den of the home. Elias and Miha rushed down to assess the noise, and were greeted by more silhouettes. They were wielding dual Angel blades. A foreign site to someone like Elias, yet all too familiar for Miha. He stepped forward and said confidently. "Step back.." as he unsheathed his Masamune Blade. A gentle breeze washed over the room, and Miha swept his blade through the air. A shining blue highlight followed behind the blade as he waved it in a circle, then slowly into a foreign symbol. Miha whispered "Boriama, Seal....", pinning the Silhouettes to the wall. They squirmed while trying to strike at Miha, who promptly cut off their heads. A slight grin came across his face as more leaped in through the shattered windows. Elias pulled out Lostvayne but Miha yelled. "NO!...They're mine...". causing Elias to instantly sheathe his blade in obedience. The silhouettes screeched as they rushed Miha who promptly swept around, putting his blade through one of their skulls. He slid the body across the floor and pulled the head right off the dissipating body. He flicked it into the other Silhouette, stunning it. He followed up by pinning it with Boriama, then pulling out a dagger. He ran it down the side of the Silhouettes body, causing it to hiss out an unknown dust. He licked the dust from his blade and plunged it into where the heart of the body would be. Elias looked on in horror. Miha narrowly missed the kill spot, leaving the silhouette bleeding out. He abstained from killing it because he could feel himself returning to his old ways. The moment he turned away, he unpinned the silhouette. It attempted to attack him from behind, but Miha stabbed it in the jugular, instantly dissipating it. He clenched the dagger tightly and tossed it over to Elias. He mumbled under his breath, "You forget you saw that,,", as he pointed over to Elias. Elias turned over to the front door and to his horror stood a whole horde of them. "I'd rather see that than our entrails everywhere, so I'm gonna pass on forgetting it." he said sheepishly. The sight was peculiar, the more of them gathered in one area, the more uncivil they became. The Silhouettes began to fight with one another lazily, as if they were drunken men fighting over something absolutely trivial, yet the moment Elias opened the door they all gathered and looked directly at them.
A red mist filled the skies, and atop a platform of energy stood Crowley. He looked down at Elias with hatred filling his eyes. "Long time no see, you ignorant FUCK!" Crowley yelled. Thunder split the skies and it began to rain. This wasn't normal rain, it was tinted darker. Almost like blood. Elias wiped the blood-like rain from his brow and began to walk towards Crowley. Crowley waved his hand in objection, signaling all the silhouettes to go after him, but Dailene walked ahead of him and immediately smote whatever came his way. Mark covered his back while Ariel watched in awe at their impeccable coordination. The two lovers cleared as the Stonehenge portal was cleared of all the monstrosities. Elias stood in the middle, seething in fury. Crowley descended to him, and strutted towards him with anger filling his eyes. "You've made a disgrace of the King of Hell! You, a worthless demon who's so bloody broken he's convinced these things are worth saving" Crowley yelled. Elias shrugged with a sly grin and walked backwards with his hands branching out. "You know, Lucifer told me the same thing. You saw how that ended. You gonna try to have a swing at me too?" Elias retorted with a grin splitting his face.
He reached for Lostvayne, but Crowley immediately warped over to him and grabbed his hand. "Not this time.". Elias amassed a Havoc Strike in his left hand and tried to punch Crowley in the side, but he dissipated the blow and sent Elias flying backwards. Mark and Dailene stepped forward but Crowley interjected, raising his hand in a snapping position. "One move and you're both dead. This doesn't work on Demons but it'll make quick work of you." Crowley shouted. Elias struggled to gain his footing. Crowley turned him over onto his back and put his foot on his stomach. He began to apply more and more force until Elias was coughing up blood. Elias couldn't access his demonic power, or any of his abilities for that matter. Except for one. "That all you've got?" Elias said as blood amassed in his mouth. Mark stared on in confidence when he figured out what Elias had planned. Dailene was still dumbfounded at the site and tried to get Mark to stop his odd smiling. "Do you not see this Mark, he's gonna kill him!" Dailene yelled. Mark reached his palm into the sky and a golden sigil appeared above his hand. Thunder struck the sigil and his reinforced golden blade came crashing into his hand. "Looks like you could use a hand, friend" Mark whispered as he began to walk towards the two at battle. Crowley was too distracted to notice. Crowley lifted Elias to his feet and began punching him repeatedly with brute force. "Elias!, catch!" Mark yelled as he threw his sword as a spear, directly into the center of Elias' body. Crowley was confused, but he applauded Mark briefly. "Is that enough?" Mark questioned from afar. "Yeah..." Elias said menacingly, with a wide smile. He pulled the sword out of his stomach and healed himself, putting it into his left hand, pulling Lostvayne out and wielding it with the right.
"Revenge Counter..." Elias said with an evil giddy tone. A whirlwind of pure energy amassed around him. Glowing red wisps and droplets of blood began emanating from him. His hair floated in a stasis of ominous energy. This was the true power of a demon. He strutted towards Crowley who was still confused. "So you can teach an old dog new tricks." Crowley mumbled with slight concern in his voice. He backed away slowly, almost with fear, yet visibly with caution. He watched Elias' every move and waited for him to become distracted. He lifted his hand and shot out red bolts of energy, all of which dissipated before making contact with Elias. "What in the hell?!" Crowley asked, shocked at the power, his own power. A cloaked man stood atop Miha's house, watching the duel. He grinned through his cloak and teleported away in a flash of light. "This is Elias' trump card really. Revenge Counter. All the damage done to him is stored in his strength, and when the ability is released, he can reflect it all back at the person in one dashing blow. The only drawback is he can't store the damage while using his powers." Mark explained smugly. "Remind me to never attack him for any reason ever again, you're telling me he's always storing damage?!" Dailene asked curiously. "You're half-right. Elias always has his powers on hand, there's only key moments when there's no reason for him to be using them that he'll turn them off. This technically renders him out to be a really strong human. Like that time he couldn't enter his demonic state." He answered. "Is that even possible, a demon learning these incomprehensible abilities I mean." Ariel asked surprised. "Elias is no ordinary demon. He was originally a member of the highest ranking demons of Gehenna. A Knight of Hell." Mark said proudly. "Then the only thing that could kill him for good is-" "The First Blade" the three said in unison. They all stared on at Elias' Revenge Counter form. His eyes had gone completely black, with hints of red emanating from them. His demon crest was now a bright neon shade of glowing purple. First, Crowley rushed him with his bare hands, hoping to get off a few free hits. Elias deflected every blow with Mark's blade, followed by a barrage of swipes from his blade. He then pulled out a demon blade and swung it at Elias, who with just raising two fingers utilizing his demonic telekinesis, grabbed Crowley's arm. He waved his hand towards a boulder and sent Crowley flying into it. He brought his arm in towards him, bringing Crowley directly in front of him. He powered up a Havoc Strike and put his hand directly in Crowley's face. "You wouldn't." Crowley baited. "Try me." Elias said as he placed his energy infused palm on Crowley's head. Golden Ichor went flying like bullets as every pore of Crowley's body was ripped apart, sending him and his destroyed vessel back to Hell for regeneration.
The wisps of energy and blood droplets receded back into Elias' body and his hair fell down over his eyes. He stood over the golden mess of ethereal blood. He dropped both of the blades he wielded and amassed a small trace of the blood in his hands. He marked the Dalmally sign over the right side of his chest. Mark ran towards him and retrieved his sword, sealing it back in his sigil. He glanced at Elias and gave a light smirk, Elias reciprocated. They gave one another a strong embrace of arms, and closed it with their signature handshake. Ariel and her mother shared a warm hug as well. They could finally be at rest, no matter their species. Now the looming threat was Crowley's retaliation now that he'd been sent back to Gehenna. Along with Lucifer's pending plan, albeit he is imprisoned within the cage. Aeuyrial, still on the search for Melisa. Melisa, still wandering the realms of the void with the Blade of Cochin, Saynir. Truly there is no rest, irregardless of the sacrifice you're willing to make. Elias intended to keep Cochin's promise, and now was the time to get Melisa back. While there was nothing else keeping him stalled. Elias walked out of Emibrian Heights, bloodied with his clothes tattered and torn. He felt his head, the impression of his crest. He hadn't needed to use that much of his power, and it truly made him realize that he'll never be human. He'll never be normal to those around him. But that was what made him unique. It was way of being normal. It was all he'd ever known, from the day he was cast away from Hell. No road to redemption, and a future bleak for one who couldn't cope with the differences between him and a feeble, inferior race. He'd come to feel like he was human, even if he knew that it was nothing more than a pipe dream for him to become one. Not at a cost anyway.
Chapter 16: Behind The Shadows
Melisa had been out in the Voided Realm for weeks. The cold winds that blew through kept her on her feet, but she's faced worse and knew she could face worse. Cochin's Blade began wearing less and less on her. She'd come to terms that she'd go insane either way. Her body had become used to the pressure and could draw out the latent power longer. She wasn't aware of the side-effects of the blade were beginning to set in. Small bits of demonic power were beginning to seep through her. She couldn't control them, but they became something more of a nuisance than a convenience in a world like that. She'd become familiar with the demons she encountered in the realm, knowing which ones she was to avoid, and which ones could be killed with ease. There were many demons who flat out avoided her, the power in Cochin's blade was evidence enough to stay away from Melisa. She had become accustomed to taking refuge in Cochin's old mansion, but Aeuyrial hadn't stopped looking for her. The blade and the biological makeup of being a Belerian Heir as well as a human temporarily wielding the powers Cochin possessed acted as warding against her. Aeuyrial would decimate small former settlements with a mere blast, and the shockwave would zoom through the voided lands as a harsh wind, a loud omen of the world lost to ones selfish desire. Melisa was scavenging an old camp when she was approached by a humanoid figure from behind. "Cochin..is that you lad?" the figure spoke. Melisa turned around on her heels and drew the sword instinctively. The humanoid quickly grabbed the blade by the tip with its two fingers. "Who the hell are you!" Melisa said shakily. clenching the blade tightly. "I could ask you the very same thing little girl. You're not of this realm, and you're not a sage. Yet you wield Cochin's blade and haven't been consumed by the darkness that lies within it. I sense it pulsing in your veins. You wouldn't happen to be Uriel? I haven't seen that child in years, how is old Cochin" the curious man rambled on.
Melisa took this as an opportunity to see if she could find a way out of this realm. But she knew she looked nothing like Aeuyrial. "Cochin's dead. Uriel killed him. I'm Melisa, I'm a noble from the parallel world to this.." Melisa explained. "Ah, where're my manners dear. I am simply what you may call Zero. I know my appearance is rather unsettling but I assure you I have very good reasoning for this." the man explained as he released the blade from his hands. Melisa calmly sheathed the blade to her back and lowered her guard as the man continued to explain. "I am from a time more prosperous for this world. Before it was toxic dusts and this creature so ill-willed." Zero said sadly. "We used to all visit Cochin and this girl he claimed to be his young daughter. It was such a foreign sight to us, as we all know that Cochin had no wife." Zero continued. He let out a brief chuckle, followed by destabilizing coughs. Melisa rushed to his side and sat him down. "You alright? You don't look too well." Melisa inquired. "I'm an old soul, love. I've been alive longer than half of these fools out here. The toxins from all those years over might just be setting in is all." Zero said hardily. "Woah, no no no no. We can get you fixed up. See this? Enochian. I know it. Just stay put and I can get you a seal like this." Melisa said as she revealed her toxin seal. "You don't have to-" "I have to." Melisa said, interrupting Zero's polite decline. She pulled Zero into a tent, lit a fire hole and left out to gather the ingredients she'd need for the seal. As Melisa ran, she encountered the formally dressed woman again. More blood was splattered across her suit. Melisa instinctively drew the blade, but this time the dark energy had other plans. It down and shrouded over her body instead of resonating within the blade. The woman chuckled as she began mumbling. "You can't even tell what's happening to you, can you? The blood you carry is going to turn as dark as the aura that embodies you" the woman said cheekily. "That's enough out of you!" Melisa yelled, she rushed the woman with a foreign speed, nearly falling over as she finished swiping the blade. The woman went flying backwards and tumbling on the ground. She stood right back up as if nothing happened. "You know, if you could control that power, that would've hurt a hell of a lot more than it already did. It wasn't anything too major though, dislocated this, broken that. You know, the basic stuff I can fix." She said as she walked off all of her injuries, just tapping them and causing them to disappear. Melisa clenched the blade tightly and small amounts of dark energy began to collect in it. "Now THAT'S more like it." the woman said creepily. "You're a real prodigy" she continued. Melisa charged once again, but this time the woman blocked the blow with her palm. Melisa began swinging precisely, aiming for vital kill spots. She steadily put more power behind the blade until the woman grabbed her by the throat.
"Get it over with or leave me alone, I'm trying to help out Zero!" Melisa yelled violently. The woman was taken aback by the name and briefly dropped Melisa, she took it as an opportunity to strike while the iron was hot. She managed to land a direct cut on the woman's face. She howled in pain and instantly dissipated into dust. Melisa sheathed the blade instinctively to cut off the flow of power to her body before it overtook her as foretold. She hurried back to Zero with the ingredients she needed to detoxify his body. She returned to find him slumped over, staring into the fire. "Ah, you're back dear. Not without a fight it would seem though." Zero said weakly, coughing slightly. "Hey, don't even worry about it. It's always nice to have allies in a world like this. If I have to get my little prissy hands dirty, so be it. I'm a tough girl, I can handle myself in a fight." Melisa said as she began drawing the seal on Zero's face. Zero grinned dimly as he began to breathe clearly, the toxins that had been plaguing his body had been expelled. When Melisa finished, she helped stand him up and told him of the woman she encountered. "Oh dear, that's not good. Okay...how do I put this? There's beings in this world that sort of oversee any unwanted guests on the lower parts. They don't work for Aeuyrial, but anything down here should be dead. Me being the exception, especially as of now." Zero said nervously. Melisa stared curiously at him. "What do you mean 'beings'? " she asked curiously. Zero clapped his hands together, bringing forth an electromagnetic pulse that generated a staff from his hands. Melisa gazed on in awe, questioning the identity of Zero. He brought the staff to the ground and placed his hand on Melisa, sending them both back to Cochin's mansion. "She's a reaper, and if she hadn't killed you yet, it's probably because of that blade you're carrying around with you." Zero said quietly. A storm began to brew outside the mansion. An ominous power began to fill the surrounding area. Both Zero and Melisa brandished their weapons.
"That thing doubles as a weapon?" Melisa asked Zero in disbelief. "All precursor relics double as weapons. It also allows us to teleport to other precursor locations." Zero said confidently. He spun the staff around and the light green crystal in the center turned into a jagged dagger. Zero released the staff and sent it into a controlled stasis. He could control the staff without having to physically hold it, but only up to a certain range it would seem. This was the precursor relic named Dialis. The front door of the mansion swung open with a violent wind following it, in walked the Reaper. "Casey, how wonderful of you to join us. What're you up to?" Zero asked to the woman. "You know this bitch?" Melisa said with a pitch of sass. Casey waved her hand, sending Melisa into the staircase. She fell over, still grasping Cochin's blade, still in its sheathe. "C'mon now Cas, you didn't have to do that to her." Zero said remorsefully. "She's not welcome here, and you know it Zero. That seal on her neck is keeping her from dying like she should." Casey said grimly. Melisa staggered to her feet and unsheathed the blade immediately. The energy soared from the blade and directly end to her, sending her to the ground quickly. "How many times have you used that thing, human? Since you're a friend of Zero's I'm going to give you a quick explanation before I'm obligated to kill you. That thing right there? That's all of Aeuyrial's sealed energy. You might think momentarily, or in short bursts you'd be able to handle it, but you're wrong. Her energy is corrosive to anything that ain't human. Your body in the state that it's in is a miracle of its own." Casey explained condescendingly. She waved her hand and the blade flew out of Melisa's hand. Casey sheathed it, releasing the pressure from Melisa. She threw it back to her and Melisa inspected the seal on it. "That should keep you from killing yourself using that thing, that is only if you've got a pretty damn good reason for why you're here. If not, I'll just have to kill you myself." Casey said coldly. "Oh, now you give me a chance to explain myself. Last time you were trying to outright kill me." Melisa joked. "Likewise. Difference is that it's my job to keep the things that should be dead, well..dead." Casey retorted. Zero stared at Melisa curiously. "I'm Melisa, I'm a Princess from the parallel dimension to this one, Beleria. That thing that from what I can tell, used to be a sane little girl, she kidnapped me and I'm hiding from her down here." Melisa quickly explained, she flashed the earring on her right ear to show she was of royalty. Casey clenched her hand and brought Melisa to her. "Why didn't you just do that before, it'd make catching her a whole lot more easy" Zero said cheekily. "If what you said is true Melisa, then where you're looking is right in the hornets nest. The only way out of here is through portals, and the only one out has to be activated by either that blade maxing itself out, or the Seal of Elysium being passed from Aeuyrial to whoever manages to kill her." Casey said as she released her.
"Seal of Elysium? What the hell do you mean?" Melisa inquired. "Aeuyrial is a Demon, but she also possesses the power of a Precursor. This is why she's overpowered as fuck, alright? That seal is just tons of go-go juice for her to be able to pump out nuclear blasts with the flick of a wrist. You need that much power to be traveling through dimensions, especially carrying people with you. Some of her power is invested in that blade, meaning we'd have to sacrifice it while inside the temple, and possibly the user along with it, because it doesn't draw power on its own. You'd tear yourself apart trying to use that blade to get out of here in essence." Casey theorized. "I don't suppose you're planning on any cavalry coming for you, huh?" Zero asked jokingly. "Well, I don't know if you felt it, but two energies came into this world not too long ago. One demon, one demi-human." Zero said. "A demi-human, what do you mean?" Melisa asked. "When you're a human, and you're either in your case tainted by a foreign energy, or given a Precursor relic at birth, you're not human anymore. That item has supernatural aspects to it that at the least increase your life expectancy." the two beings explained. A large explosion was heard in the distance, sending the three of them into an alert. "Well, it seems that our little get-together is over. I bit you ladies adieu." Zero said as he tapped his staff on the ground, warping away. "Isn't he just a gentlemen. Well now, if you want to have a chance at living to see the next day princess, I highly advise you come with me. I have a place I can keep you, but there's almost a guarantee she'll find you here if you're planning to stick around any longer." Casey offered.
Chapter 17: The Looming Threat
Elias sat in the hills of the countryside, dreaming. He hadn't fully gotten over the nightmares. Every time he shuts his eyes, he knew that he'd see that faithful day once more. Every day it'd be something different he'd have to try. It was always the same result. Blood spilled, and Melisa would be taken from him. He awoke from his daydream and was sweating vigorously. He checked his hand to see if Lostvayne was still there, as always, it was. The grass was blowing from the soft winds on the hills. He stood up and stared over the countryside. He knew that this world wasn't always something he knew could be safe, but he never knew he'd be the one eventually fighting for all of it. A breeze went by his face, and an arrow was at the end of it. Elias dodged the arrow, and almost instantly a volley of arrows came his way. He did multiple backflips to avoid the barrage, but one of them managed to graze his arm. It was coated in holy water. Elias winced a bit and looked around for the shooter, still brandishing Lostvayne. A fireball came his way and he knew he had angered a magic user, a powerful magic user. Elias caught the ball and was trying to hold it back, he knew the damage in countering it and flat out destroying it. The grass around him became shriveled and scorched as Elias, now demonized, was holding back the projectile. Elias yelled, "Counter Vanish!" and dissipated the ball in his hand. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath, not before he was hit in the leg by one of the arrows. He yelled a bit as he pulled it out and stared at the cauterized wound. There was a cloaked figure sitting atop a tree, focused intently on Elias. Elias rushed them by reflex and tackled them to the ground. He began punching repeatedly, but all he could hear through his strikes was laughter, it seemed the person wasn't feeling the blows. Eventually Elias looked down and saw that it was a decoy. A second, larger fireball came his way. Elias was hit directly by it, sending him into an emergency demonized state. When the smoke cleared, all that was left was Elias and the burned countryside. He stood there, his body was emanating a violent heat and was badly scorched. "Alright, I don't know who you are but I was considering sparing you. Now, I'm just gonna kill you because that hurt like a motherfucker" he said boldly to the figure who remained where it was before. It emanated a white light and a bolt of pure energy shot from the persons hand, sending the hood of the cloak flying off. "Lamar..shit." Elias mumbled under his breath. He swept Lostvayne at the bolt and yelled, "Full Counter!" but to no avail. The bolt pierced him and Elias was sent flying into a boulder. He was held in place, with pure energy coursing through his body. He couldn't heal the wound, and he was losing way too much blood to attempt a Revenge Counter.
Lamar walked over to him and checked to see if he was still alive. "You had a job" he said professionally. "You have a mole, what's new?" Elias retorted with a bit of snark. He began to practically vomit blood. "You always did have a thing for joking in the face of death. Don't attempt to fight back and I'll make your death painless, I've already won." Lamar said as he drew out his long-sword. "One, you're a bit too late on the painful bit, this hurts like hell. Two, you might be a little punch drunk because I'm the one who's winning." Elias said with a slight grin on his face. He gave into his last resort, his emergency demonized state was still up, and the critical form hadn't activated. He let himself pass out from the pain. Lamar turned around and raised the blade to Elias' neck. He pulled the sword back and swung at his neck, mere moments before the blade made contact, a powerful aura rose from Elias. He awoke, with his eyes fully black. An odd fluid seemed to be leaking from them. Devils very well may cry. "You made me do this" Elias said coldly. He grasped the bolt of energy and broke it using his bare hands. Lamar backed away and let out a slight laugh. "No matter how much you power up, you already know you're never going to be a match for m-" He said, before being interrupted by a blow to the gut from Elias. He clenched his abdomen in agony and looked up at Elias. Milliseconds from him scissor kicking him across a field. Lamar jumped up and healed himself immediately. It seemed Elias was capable of doing damage after all. He snapped once and what appeared to be a dark sinkhole appeared between both of them. It filled with blue energy and shot them into another dimension, Elysium.
Elias looked around and felt that it was significantly harder to move. He clenched his fists, no response from his body. There he saw Lamar. Moving about freely. He'd taken them from the countryside to an unknown place. Elias sensed it was something...heavenly. No matter how much power Elias put behind his movements, he wasn't able to keep up. "Has my training taught you nothing at all, or is it that your demonic instincts have finally taken over. I'd hope not, that'd mean you're now more of a threat to everyone else then you are yourself." Lamar said as he appeared before Elias, putting his blade to his throat. "Meaning, I'd have to kill you where you stand" he said darkly. Elias gritted his teeth angrily, he mustered an unknown power, emanating as a blue flame. He was able to move for just a moment, long enough to strike Lamar in the face, sending him shooting backwards. Elias went from gritting his teeth to grinning sinisterly. Slowly, his inhibition came undone. His aura turned from an ominous purple to a shining blue. He pulled out Lostvayne from behind him and twirled the blade around. Lamar for the first time in awhile, let out a sincere smile. A fight worth having, here in Elysium. Star-of-Bethlehem shone brilliantly amongst the snow white field. Petals flourishing around in the sky from the raging powers. Elias and Lamar stood in silence, eyeing one another. Elias' premonition had come to light. Lamar ripped the cloak from his body, revealing a clean white suit. Typical of him. He staggered towards Elias slowly, keeping him wary. He began to rant. "Life's end, isn't it beautiful? It's almost tragic. When life ends, it gives off a final lingering aroma. Light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die. I've been waiting, Elias, for a long time. Waiting for your birth, your growth, and the finality of today." he said with almost a tinge of excitement to his voice. "You don't expect me to kill you Lamar. You can walk away from this, and we don't have to fight." Elias pleaded. "It's already set in stone. I've been given my orders from people you wouldn't even begin to comprehend. Either I die here, or you die here. One of us isn't leaving Elysium Fields." Lamar retorted solemnly. "So it has to be like that, huh? Well, you know I can't die here. I still have a job to do." Elias said shadily. "I'm not moving." Lamar said boldly. "Then in that case, you're standing in the way of something that I love." Elias said, growing in intensity. "So I am." Lamar said coldly. Elias rushed him in the blink of an eye. Petals flew in a whirlwind shockwave, as the powers of nearly unfathomable proportions collided. Lamar blocked the blow with his wrist, but the landscape took the full force. He looked up at Elias, still demonized and seemingly with no plan to stop. His power was fluctuating at an alarming rate as they exchanged blow. Lamar kicked Elias through the field, yet it didn't seem to phase him. "It seems you've grown, what gives? Did you finally grow some balls and learn to take a hit?" Lamar said before being promptly interrupted by a kick to the gut from Elias
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